History of the development and formation of the Russian armed forces. History of the creation of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

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Lesson objectives:

  • Introduce students to the history of the Russian armed forces.
  • Introduce students to the biography of outstanding representatives of the Russian military class.

Slide 1. S. Trofimov “Aty-Bati” (song)

First presenter: The Armed Forces, an armed organization of the state designed to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state in case of war, is one of the most important weapons of political power.

Second presenter: From ancient times to the XIII century (IX-XIII centuries)

The main part of the princely army was the squad. The exact number of squads is unknown, but it was small. One prince hardly has more than 2000 people. But, in addition to the professional squad, free community members from the common people and urban population. They are mentioned in the chronicles as howls. The number of such a militia could be several thousand people. People who lived on the border combined crafts and agriculture with functions border troops. Since the 12th century, cavalry has been actively developing, which is divided into heavy and light. The Russians were not inferior to anyone European peoples in military affairs.

The bulk of the army was infantry. There was also a good fleet consisting of rooks.

First presenter: Moscow Rus' of the XIV-XVI centuries

For various reasons, the main one of which is the influence of Asian peoples (especially the Mongols), the importance of cavalry increases sharply. The entire squad becomes mounted and by this time is gradually transformed into a noble militia. The Mongols also had a great influence on military tactics - the mobility of cavalry and its use of deceptive techniques increased. That is, the basis of the army is quite numerous noble cavalry, and the infantry fades into the background.

Firearms in Rus' began to be used at the end of the 14th century. With the development of field firearms, heavy cavalry lost its importance, but light cavalry could effectively resist it. At the end of the 15th century, they moved from the feudal militia to a standing all-Russian army. Its basis was the noble estate cavalry - sovereign servants, united into regiments under the command of the grand ducal commanders. At the same time, the Cossacks were formed.

Second presenter: XVI-XVII centuries

Under Ivan the Third, a system of military recruitment for temporary service was introduced. Squads of squeakers were formed from the urban population. From the rural - auxiliary infantry detachments - marching army. A clear system for collecting military personnel was developed. The military command was the grand ducal governors. Appears under Ivan the Fourth Streltsy army. Streltsy are a fairly numerous (several thousand) infantry armed with arquebuses. Recruited from among urban and rural residents. Total number of troops in mid-16th century century could be increased to 300 thousand people.

Slides 4-11

First presenter: Imperial period. The end of the 17th - first half of the 19th century

In the 30s years XVII century, soldier, reiter and dragoon regiments appeared, formed according to Western European models. By the end of the century, their number was over 180 thousand people (not counting more than 60 thousand Cossacks). The army reform was carried out under Peter the Great. In 1698-1699, the rifle regiments were disbanded, and regular soldiers were formed instead. In preparation for the war with Sweden, Peter ordered in 1699 to carry out a general recruitment and begin training of recruits according to the model established by the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovtsy. This first recruitment gave Peter 25 infantry regiments and 2 cavalry - dragoons. At first, he formed an officer corps from his friends, former members of the “amusing regiments,” and later from the nobility. The army was divided into field (infantry, cavalry, artillery, engineering troops), local (garrison troops and land militia) and irregular (Cossacks and steppe peoples) troops. In total, its number exceeded 200 thousand people. In the infantry it was approximately double more people than in the cavalry. In 1722, a system of ranks was introduced - the Table of Ranks.

On October 20, 1696, the Boyar Duma decided to found Navy, and by 1722 Russia had a good fleet of 130 sailing and 396 rowing ships.

Slides 12-14

After this, up to mid-19th century, there were no particularly serious changes in the structure of the army. In the second half of the 18th century, huntsmen appeared in the infantry, and cuirassiers and hussars appeared in the cavalry. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov made a significant contribution to the troop training system. In 1810, on the initiative of A.A. Arakcheev began to use military settlements. By 1853, the size of the army was about 31 thousand command personnel, 911 thousand regular soldiers, 250 thousand irregular troops.

First Reader: The Russian Officer's Code of Honor

No reward leads people to goodness like the love of honor; in the same way, no execution is more frightening than deprivation of it.

Peter the Great

Soul to God
Life is for the Fatherland,
Honor to no one.

Honor is the main internal moral dignity of a Russian officer, his valor, nobility of soul and clear conscience. The army, driven by a sense of Officer's Honor, is an invincible force, a real guarantor of state existence and the peaceful prosperity of Russia.

A Russian Officer is a noble defender of the Fatherland, an honest name, the highest rank. Honor is the main treasure for the Russian Officer, whose sacred duty is to keep it pure and impeccable.<…>

The high rank of Russian Officer is not attached to officer shoulder straps. It is deserved throughout one's life and worn with one's head held high.<…>

Russian Officer is a warrior in Spirit.<…>

The Fatherland is the highest value of a Russian Officer. The main thing is Russia, everything else is transitory: “I, a Russian Officer, have the honor, but I live for the sake of serving the Fatherland... I agree to live and die without a name, always remembering the main thing: if only the name of the Motherland remains sacred.”

I, Russian Officer. I have the honor!

Slides 15-20

Second presenter: The most characteristic specific feature of Russian military art was precisely that special role, which the moral factor played in him. In the second half of the 18th century, as the national school of military art developed, this feature emerged more and more clearly. It was expressed in the fact that at the time in question, an integral part of troop training was not only training, but also military education. The development of its principles, forms and goals is one of Suvorov’s most important achievements.

The National School of Military Art with honor passed the difficult test that befell it when Napoleon marched an unprecedentedly huge and well-armed army against Russia. There is no doubt that the national-patriotic aspiration of the army and its traditional attention to the moral side of battle facilitated the transition from traditional war to domestic war. Russian military doctrine, Russian soldiers and officers turned out to be stronger than the military machine abandoned by the French emperor against Russia. The massive heroism of the army during the War of 1812 was already inseparable from the heroism and fortitude of the entire people.

First presenter:Patriotic War 1812 showed examples of mass heroism and self-sacrifice of the peoples of Russia. Everyone stood up to defend the Motherland - the rich, the poor, the elderly, the young, men and women - everyone in whom conscience and pain for Russia were alive.

The heroic-patriotic tradition of the national school of military art of modern times, originating from Poltava, strengthened by victories at Kunersdorf and Rymnik, Ochakov and Izmail, repeatedly confirmed on the Borodino field and Berezina, finds its continuation in the 19th - early 20th centuries. in the heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855, in the unprecedented feat at Shipka, in the battles of Port Arthur. Weapons were improved, uniforms changed, regulations were redrawn, strategy and tactics developed. But the heroism of the Russian soldier, his steadfastness in battle, endurance on the campaign, his loyalty to patriotic duty, the warriors remained unchanged Russian army and the fleet worthily continued the work of their grandfathers and fathers. They courageously repelled the attacks of numerous enemies, came to the aid of the fraternal South Slavic peoples, and strengthened the borders of the Fatherland. This page of our history is connected with the names of P.S. Nakhimova, M.D. Skobeleva, A.A. Brusilov, numerous famous and unknown heroes of battles and battles of this era.

(Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich) slides 21-26 doc. film “General Skobelev”

Second presenter: Second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries

The Crimean War of 1853-1856 showed the shortcomings of domestic weapons. Namely, with the spread of steam engines, steamships were invented, which included Russian fleet there were only 16; and mass production of rifled weapons became possible, but in Russia it was also insignificant. Therefore, military reforms were carried out in 1860-1870. In 1855, by decree of the Tsar, the “Commission for the Improvement of the Military Unit” was created. In 1861, General D. A. Milyutin was appointed Minister of War. In 1864, a military district reform was carried out. 15 military districts were created on Russian territory. As a rule, the governor general was appointed commander of the district troops. This made it possible to quickly command troops and quickly mobilize them. With the creation of districts, the War Ministry got rid of a wide range of responsibilities that were now performed by commanders; only those management issues that were important for the entire army remained under its jurisdiction. The General Staff was created. The conscription system was replaced by universal conscription. In 1874, the “Charter on all-class military service” was adopted. In accordance with it, the entire male population, regardless of condition, was subject to military service from the age of 21. The period of active service was 6 years in the ground forces and 9 years in the reserve, in the navy, respectively, 7 years and 3 years. Rearmament took place. Transition to rifled breech-loading weapons. Since 1861, the production of armored steam ships began, and in 1866 - submarines. By 1898, the Russian navy, consisting of the Baltic, Black Sea fleets, Caspian and Siberian flotillas, had 14 battleships, 23 coastal defense battleships, 6 armored cruisers, 17 cruisers, 9 mine cruisers, 77 destroyers, 96 torpedo boats, 27 gunboats boats.

At the beginning of the 20th century, active development continued military equipment. In 1902, armored vehicles appeared in the Russian army, in 1911 - military aviation, in 1915 - tanks. But still, the equipment was extremely lacking, although in terms of combat training the Russian army was not inferior to the armies of Western European countries. By the First World War, the size of the army reached 1,423,000 people, and after mobilization it amounted to 5,338,000 people; it was armed with 6,848 light and 240 heavy guns, 4,157 machine guns, 263 aircraft, and over 4 thousand cars. By October 1917, the size of the army reached 10 million people, although only about 20% of its total number was at the front. During the war, 19 million people were mobilized - almost half of the men of military age.

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(Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich) slides 30-31 song “An hour after death...”

First presenter: Soviet period, 1917-1991.

The Armed Forces of RUSSIA of the Soviet period began to form in 1917. Officers of the Russian Imperial Army made a significant contribution to their formation. After the formation of the USSR, there was further development of firearms, armored vehicles, aviation and navy. In 1937, rockets were adopted for service, and a little later - multiple launch rocket systems. The Great Patriotic War led to significant development of military technology. After it, Marshal G.K. Zhukov began to form special forces sabotage detachments, and also developed nuclear weapon. The armed forces of the USSR consisted of the following types: strategic missile forces, air defense forces, ground forces, air force, navy, logistics forces, border and internal troops.

(Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich) slides 32-35 “Get up, huge country...”

The offensive of 1944 allowed the Red Army to move on to the liberation of a number of European countries from the German occupiers. Soviet troops led fighting in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, occupied Bulgaria, occupied East Germany.

There is a deepest moral meaning in the continuity of generations, in the internal unity of their historical destinies, comprehended through the incorruptibility of our shrines. And it is no coincidence that an exciting tradition, a kind of civil rite, was born among the people - to celebrate the birth of a new young family by worshiping the ashes of the Unknown Soldier, the sacred land of hero cities, memorials and obelisks dedicated to the memory of the fallen.

From the heroic past of our Motherland we draw strength for new achievements, to emulate the exploits of our fathers and grandfathers. At one time they did everything they could to protect and prosper Russia. And now it’s your turn to fulfill your duty to the Fatherland - to join the ranks of its defenders. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have a heroic history. They are rightfully the heirs to the glory of the princely squads of Ancient Rus', military formations and people's militias of the Moscow State, the military power of the Russian Empire, successors and continuers of selfless patriotism, valor and invincibility of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

(Afghans) slides 36-37 A. Rosenbaum “Caravan”

Russian soldier! Today, serving Russia, you are writing your page in the biography of its glorious Armed Forces. Try to ensure that your service always evokes in you, your family and friends a sense of pride and satisfaction for a well-performed duty to the Fatherland!

Slide 37 song “We will rise again and again...”

The great history of the Russian state, as a powerful military power, over the past 500 years has been closely connected with local conflicts and bloody battles, participation in which made it possible to bring the Russian armed forces to the forefront on the political world stage. Paradoxical as it may seem, constant “skirmishes” with border neighbors were only beneficial - they strengthened the country’s combat power and raised the morale of soldiers, and also created fertile ground for comprehensive development military system. The formation of the modern Russian Armed Forces is unthinkable without the experience of past years and is directly related to the centuries-old history of the Russian state.

For several centuries, brave Russian warriors “not in word, but in deed” proved their superiority over their enemies. Moreover, they were not the first to show aggression, but merely defended their native lands from foreign “raiders.” And it was for this good purpose that the soldiers were forced to wage armed struggle against the enemies. During the period 14-17 centuries. An extremely tense and restless situation remained on the borders of the Russian state. The soldiers defended their native lands selflessly, but did not rush into the embrasure, but honed the tactics of military art, leveling out any errors in the calculations. Thanks to the unshakable inner spirit and courage of Russian soldiers under the command of talented commanders, the Russian army was always ready to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy.

In 1500, Russian troops entered into a three-year war with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. After grueling and bloody battles, the confrontation between the two great powers ended with the uncompromising victory of the Russian state and the signing of the Blagoveshchensk Truce by Ivan III Vasilyevich. Chernigov-Seversky lands were annexed to Russia. In 1514, the Smolensk region replenished the “collection” of new lands. In 1552, Russian soldiers were able to capture the lands of the Kazan Khanate. Successful military campaigns instilled confidence in Russian soldiers, thanks to which the morale of the entire army grew rapidly.

A great power that controlled vast territories had no room for error, and therefore was always in a state of full combat readiness. The very structure of the country contributed to the rapid development of the armed forces. Conventionally, Russian society was divided into two groups of classes. The first included warriors who stood at the defense of borders and went on military campaigns, and the basis of the second social group consisted of people supporting soldiers financially or spiritually. Over the years, the Russian character “tempered”, and Russia’s military power confidently gained momentum, which made it possible not only to win battles, but also to determine the course of history.

The competent organization of military formations of the Russian army became possible only in the centralized Moscow state, which was formed in the second half of the 15th century. Representatives of the noble class acted as the key “driving force” of the Russian army. According to unofficial data, the number of military units exceeded 200 thousand professional soldiers. The princely squads faded into the background, giving way to the noble cavalry. The people's militia, consisting of volunteers, served as a “support group” in important military campaigns. At the same time, sometimes the number of militias exceeded tens of thousands of people.

At that time, the army of the Moscow State was armed only with edged weapons - swords, clubs, axes and bows. In siege mode, throwing weapons were often used. At the beginning of the 15th century, they began to use arquebuses, which were long-barreled firearms. A little later, the first guns appeared in the arsenal of Russian soldiers. The Russian army became stronger and more powerful. And military reforms played an important role in this. One of the first in the Russian army was the military reform of Ivan IV Vasilyevich (popularly known as Ivan the Terrible), which made it possible to streamline the system of recruiting soldiers and organize the order of carrying military service.

Under Ivan IV the Terrible, centralized control of troops was adopted, and new types of units appeared - streltsy regiments, while artillery, which originated in 1389, was allocated to separate genus Russian troops. In 1571, by order of the great Tsar of All Rus', special units of guard Cossacks were created, which became the prototype of modern Russian special forces. Their responsibilities included conducting military operations for foreign intelligence and sabotage activities. The guard Cossacks were supposed to promptly detect enemy detachments and neutralize enemy patrols located near enemy fortresses.

The formation of the Russian army in the protracted Russian-Polish war

In the period 1605 - 1618. Russian troops were involved in a long war with the Poles. This is the most difficult and large-scale confrontation of the 17th century, given that at that time the country was ruled by the impostor False Dmitry I, who led the Russian state into decline and provoked Tsarist Russia troubled times. The Poles took advantage of this and occupied the capital in 1610, and a year later captured the city of Smolensk. On the initiative of Minin and Pozharsky in urgently A people's militia was assembled, whose forces managed to drive the Polish army out of Moscow.

In 1654 it began new wave violent confrontation between the Russian and Polish armies - the second war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth also lasted 13 years. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich decided to support the uprising of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, which was led by Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky. The fight turned out to be very difficult - until last moment the outcome of the war was unpredictable. But still, the Russian soldiers managed to gather their strength and deliver the final crushing blow to the Polish invaders. In addition to Smolensk, lost during the first war, part of the Left Bank Ukraine along with the capital passed to Muscovite Rus'.

Stages of development of the Russian army during the reign of Peter I Alekseevich

In the first half of the 18th century, the All-Russian Emperor Peter I carried out military reforms in the Russian army, which had a positive impact on strengthening the combat power of the entire state. By order of Peter I, a regular army appeared, and “different types” of military formations were abolished - they were replaced by similar ones military organizations. After the successful Azov campaign against Turkish lands in 1696, the Boyar Duma of Moscow considered the report of the Russian sovereign and supported the idea of ​​mass construction of warships.

October 30, 1696 begins official history development of the Russian military navy. Six years later, in 1702, full-scale construction of the Russian Baltic Fleet began at Russian shipyards, just at the height of the Northern War with Sweden, which began two years earlier and lasted until 1721. The main naval base was in St. Petersburg. In November 1705, by decree of the Russian sovereign, the first naval regiment of the “smooth army” was formed, which became the prototype of the Russian Marine Corps. After the victory over the Swedes Russian state annexed part of Finland to its territories and gained access to the waters Baltic Sea. The military reforms carried out by Emperor Peter I made it possible to make the ground forces and navy the most developed in the “Old World” in terms of weapons and combat training.

Armed conflicts and military reforms in Russia during the 18th–19th centuries.

The largest conflict of the 18th century was the Seven Years' War, in which, in addition to Austria, Prussia and Russia, almost all European states recognized as the great powers of the modern era took part. The mass “slaughter” began in 1756. Russian troops were able to achieve enormous success in this confrontation and strengthened their own authority, but during the fighting they lost more than 130 thousand soldiers. In 1796, Russian troops defeated the Persians, recapturing the territories of Derbent and Baku.

In September 1802, on personal initiative Russian Emperor Alexander I Pavlovich created a system of ministries in the country. In order to ensure order among the civilian population, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was established, and he was appointed to the post of manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs statesman- Count Kochubey Viktor Pavlovich. After reforms were carried out within the country in 1804, Russia found itself embroiled in new war with the Persians, which lasted for 9 years. Victory was for the Russian troops, and Russian borders expanded, as the soldiers managed to capture the territories of Transcaucasia.

In 1812, the Patriotic War between Russian troops and the French army led by the experienced commander Napoleon Bonaparte began. The great confrontation between the two military powers, despite the audacity of the French, ended quite predictably - with the complete defeat of Napoleonic troops. As a result, Russia not only once again demonstrated its combat power, but also captured part of the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw. The following years were not calm, as Russian soldiers again became involved in military battles with Iran, Turkey and the North Caucasus Imamate.

In August 1851, by order of the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I Pavlovich, special military labor companies were created, which subsequently laid the foundation for the development of Russian railway troops. During the period 1860–70 New reforms were planned in the Russian army, which were personally “supervised” by the Russian Minister of the Armed Forces Dmitry Alekseevich Milyutin. The main goal of the radical changes was to eliminate the military decline in the country caused by participation in protracted conflicts with the states of Europe and Asia, and in particular after the events of the Crimean War of 1853–56, during which Russia found itself in a losing situation, and therefore was forced to abandon rights to the Black Sea.

In 1891, in the area of ​​the city of Krasnoe Selo, located near the “Northern Capital” (St. Petersburg), experimental firing was carried out for the first time at targets in the air - horse-drawn balloons. At the same time, the future air defense troops began to “emerge.” After some time, a 76-mm anti-aircraft gun was adopted for service. From that moment on, Russian troops began to increase their combat power with a vengeance. In its turn, European countries Such a “by leaps and bounds” pace of development of military infrastructure was met with hostility. This is understandable - the chances of defeating such a powerful opponent were zero.

Reforms of the 20th century: intensive development of the military industry in the Soviet Union

After Russian troops lost the war with Japan in 1904–05, dramatic changes were made in the army. First of all, they strengthened the centralized control apparatus, approved new military regulations, created large-caliber field artillery and improved logistics.

The reforms carried out made it possible to significantly increase the combat effectiveness of the infantry troops and navy. In this “updated” form, the Russian side began to take its first steps in the First World War. In August 1914, the first units of tank troops appeared in the armed forces. Motorized rifle troops were also formed almost simultaneously. After the Bolshevik regime came to power during October revolution In 1917, Russia officially withdrew from the Entente, announcing the cessation of hostilities, and also signing the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty.

In 1918, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was formed, which at first consisted mainly of volunteers. After the outbreak of the Civil War in Russia, men of all ages began to be called up for mandatory military service. In November 1918, on the initiative of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the RKhBZ special forces were created for the first time, whose duties included countering chemical threats. In the same year, divisions appeared military intelligence(although the history of this type of troops dates back to the 16th century, when the Order of Secret Affairs was formed in Tsarist Russia). In 1919 they were created special troops communications that have greatly increased the speed and efficiency of offensive and defensive operations. In August 1930, airborne troops appeared in the armed forces of the Soviet Union.

The Second World War became the largest scale in the history of mankind - in addition to the coalition of aggressors (Germany, Italy and militaristic Japan) and the USSR, 57 more countries took part in this confrontation. The total number of victims exceeded 1.7 billion people. Despite the fact that the attack of the fascist occupiers in June 1941 caught Soviet Union By surprise, the mobilization of all groups of troops took place quite quickly. Victory in this war went to Russia at a high price, but the experience gained made it possible to continue the intensive development of the military industry. So, in post-war years, in 1959, strategic missile forces were formed, which served as the starting point for building up the country's nuclear potential.

The last local conflict of the 20th century in which they were involved Soviet troops, became the Afghan war of 1979, which dragged on for ten years. In 1989, military units of the USSR were withdrawn from Afghanistan. In total, more than 1 million military personnel visited the lands of the Mujahideen during the war. Losses amounted to more than 14 thousand ordinary soldiers and officers. In December 1990, a new branch of internal troops appeared in the Soviet army - the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The tasks of the ministry included measures to ensure civil defense, as well as prompt liquidation of the consequences emergency situations and natural disasters.

The collapse of the USSR: military conflicts of the Russian armed forces in the 90s

In May 1992, by decree of President Boris Yeltsin, the armed forces of the Russian Federation were officially approved, which at that time numbered more than 2.8 million military personnel. Over the past 25 years, the “independent” troops of the Russian army have undergone many military reforms and structural changes. The next test of “strength” was the Chechen conflict of 1994–96. Russian soldiers and special forces soldiers took part in the assault on Grozny, in the battle for the village of Bamut, and the pilots of Su-25 attack aircraft carried out the operation to eliminate Dzhokhar Dudayev. In the period from 1999–2000. Russian army units carried out a counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. After the planned “cleansing” of militants, control over the territory Chechen Republic was handed over to representatives of the people's self-defense.

And Catherine II. Text uniqueness is 80%. You can purchase the entire essay for 150 rubles. on the website Author 24 (https://a24.biz/readyworks/referat/istoriya/482306/). Paragraphs 3 – 5 and Conclusion will be posted separately.

The history of Russia is replete with a huge number of large and small wars, various types of military conflicts. The geopolitical position of the country, located in the center of Eurasia, was the reason for repeated invasions by foreigners. Almost the entire history of the country is the history of the struggle for independence against external invaders. Emperor Alexander III said that Russia has only two reliable allies - its army and navy.

Currently, the threat of military invasions remains; it is no coincidence that the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 59, paragraph 1.

Work on the history of the Russian armed forces is now more relevant than ever, in connection with the latest events in Ukraine, where a fire was started with the participation of Western countries civil war. The purpose of the essay is to describe the history of the creation and development of the Russian armed forces. To do this, it is necessary to solve the following problems: to trace the history of the creation of military formations among the ancient Slavs, the development of the army in the era of the formation of a centralized state; find out the significance of the military reforms of Peter I and Catherine II; identify the main stages and reasons for the transformation of the army in the 19th century, characterize the Soviet (Red) army, evaluate current state and trace the continuity of development of the Russian armed forces.

Armed forces of the ancient Slavs

Already in the 6th century. The works of Byzantine historians describe the military organizations of the ancient Slavs. In the pre-state period, the Slavic troops were militias consisting of adult men of the tribe and princely squads. The squads united professional warriors whose duty was to protect their fellow tribesmen.

Often the princes themselves attacked neighboring tribes for the purpose of robbery or obtaining tribute. For example, the Tale of Bygone Years describes in detail the aggressive campaigns of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav (he defeated the Volga Bulgaria, the Khazar Kaganate, and waged wars with Byzantium). The militia was created in the event of an attack by an external enemy, when the prince’s squad was not able to repel the enemy alone.

The warriors, as a rule, were cavalrymen, the militias fought on foot. The Slavs also made sea voyages. The armament of the Slavic troops was varied. They used a shield covered with leather, a sword, a mace, a bow with an archer, a quiver with arrows, a flail, spears, and chain mail (“shirts” made of metal rings).

In the 14th century, battering rams, crossbows, etc. began to be used in the defense and siege of cities. The chronicle first mentions the use of firearms in 1382 during the defense of Moscow from the troops of Tokhtamysh.

Armed forces of the Moscow Principality

During the period of formation of a centralized state and the struggle for independence with the Golden Horde, changes occurred in the armed forces of Rus'. In addition to the princely squad, the so-called noble militia was created.

Nobles are service people who, for their service, received land holdings with dependent peasants (they were allocated land, hence the landowners). The nobleman owned the estate as long as he served; at the end of his service, the estate was transferred to another person, for example, a son, but under the same conditions.

The nobleman, at the first call of the prince, was obliged to come to his army “horsed and armed” with squires. The number of squires depended on the size of the estate. The function of the peasants was reduced to maintaining and providing for the landowner.

The people's militia was formed only in emergency cases (in 1380, in the Battle of Kulikovo, under the banner of Dmitry Donskoy, not only princely squads, but also militias of almost all Russian principalities fought against the troops of Khan Mamai). Such military system finally consolidated during the reign of Ivan III, during which, during the standing on the Ugra River in 1480. The final liberation of Rus' from the rule of the Golden Horde took place.

Grand Duchy of Moscow in the 16th century. could field an army of 150-200 thousand soldiers. In particularly difficult moments for the country, the noble militia was joined by militia detachments that consisted of peasants and townspeople; they were poorly armed, but their high fighting spirit was a huge plus.

The militia was also used to perform engineering work during sieges of enemy fortresses, guard convoys, and build roads. In such times, the total number of troops could reach 300 thousand people.

The basis of the armed forces of the Moscow kingdom at this time were the nobles. There was a practice of military reviews at which the readiness of the noble militia was checked.

If a nobleman did not appear at the review, he could be deprived of his estate; if he was late or arrived at the review poorly armed or without the required number of armed servants, the size of the estate was reduced. The service of the nobility was for life and was inherited along with the estate.

Russian army in the 16th century

In the 16th century enough most The army consisted of hired servicemen (“by appointment”), they served for a monetary salary. The most numerous branch of troops of this type were archers, these are infantrymen armed with matchlock guns (squeakers).

The archers were dressed in uniform uniforms and had uniform weapons. The salary they received was small. The main incentive for service was the benefits provided to them for trade and crafts, so they were tied to permanent places of residence.

The Streltsy army was created by order of Ivan the Terrible in 1550. Over time, the number of archers grew steadily, at the end of the 16th century. - about 25 thousand, by mid. 17th century more than 50 thousand people. A garrison of Streltsy troops was necessarily located in the capital and border towns.

Back in the 14th century. The Russian army begins to divide into regiments: “large regiment”, “advanced regiment”, “left hand regiment”, “right hand regiment” and “guard regiment”. Depending on the importance of the campaign, the number of regiments varied from several hundred to several thousand soldiers. The management, support and organization of the army was carried out by the Rank Order; it also provided the serving people with land.

Russian army in the 17th century

In the 17th century The development of the Russian armed forces continues, the country's leadership quickly responded to changes in the military art of advanced European countries and carried out appropriate reforms. During the next Russian-Polish war of 1632-1634. New regiments appear in Russia. The soldiers in them were Russians, and the officer positions were occupied by foreigners who switched to Russian service. Such a regiment consisted of up to 1,750 people, of which 1,600 were Russians and 150 foreigners. The regiment consisted of eight companies.

A Reitar regiment appeared, numbering up to 2 thousand. (Reitars are a type of heavy cavalry.) The Reitar regiment consisted of 14 companies, 125-130 people in each. By 1657, 11 Reiter and soldier regiments were formed in Russia. The regiments of the new system gradually replaced the old noble militia.

By 1680, the regiments of the new system accounted for up to 67% of the total army, they numbered up to 90 thousand people. These regiments bore the features of a regular army; they were divided into companies, and drill and tactical training was organized with the personnel.

However, after the campaign, the rank and file and some of the officers were sent home, their weapons were surrendered, i.e. these were not yet regular troops in the full sense of the word.

Objectives of the event: to acquaint schoolchildren with the formation of the Russian and Russian armies, with major victories of Russian weapons.


    Development of patriotism among schoolchildren.

    Development of creative abilities in schoolchildren.

    Expanding students' horizons.

Introductory words from the teacher:

Every year on February 23 we celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. However, few of us know the history of the emergence and formation of our army. Today we will try to fill this gap.

Presenter 1: The formation of a state and its development is associated with its close interaction with neighboring peoples. And this interaction is not always peaceful. This is due to the protection of one’s borders or campaigns in neighboring territories, which in turn requires the presence of an army and navy. So it was with Russia. (Slide 2). Kievan Rus had to constantly repel the raids of the Varangians and nomads.

The first military campaigns of the Russians are associated with the names of Russian princes, who solved the problem of protecting their lands from raids by their neighbors and conquering new territories. And the first campaigns were carried out by squads of princes, and a people's militia was formed. (Slides 3-4).

Like any state, Kievan Rus experienced a period of feudal fragmentation, which led to a weakening of the military power of the state. For Kievan Rus, this was reflected in the fact that it was unable to repel the Tatar-Mongol hordes and was under their rule for three long centuries, although the Russian people tried to resist. (Slide 5).

At the same time, the Novgorod princes had to repel the invasion of German-Swedish aggression from the north-west, and the military talent of Alexander Nevsky manifested itself. (Slide 6)

A century and a half after the start of the Mongol invasion, the Russian lands, united under the rule of Moscow in 1380, were able to inflict a crushing defeat on the Tatar-Mongol troops. Russian troops in this battle were led by Dmitry Donskoy. (Slide 7).

Final overthrow Mongol yoke happened under Ivan III (Slide 8) in 1480. Moreover, Ivan III makes a number of changes to military affairs, in particular, the troops are now led by the chief governor, and not the head of state.

As a result, Rus' became one of the strongest states in the world, although until about the 16th century there was no regular army in Russia.

Presenter 2: The regular army begins to take shape under Ivan IV. (Slides 9-10). This is manifested in the military reforms of Ivan IV, which was reflected in the abolition of localism during campaigns, a uniform procedure for military service was determined, regiments of a new system (streltsy) appeared.

Until the 17th century, Russia faced 3 main tasks: finding access to the Baltic Sea, protecting its southern borders from the raids of the Crimean Khan, and returning previously lost territories. These tasks were also solved with the help of military weapons. In these wars, Russia partially managed to solve these problems, although there were significant defeats (during the oprichnina, the Time of Troubles).

Presenter 1: Until the end of the 17th century, there was no regular army in Russia, although there were regular regiments. The creation of a regular army is associated with the name of Peter I. (Slide 11). All his reforms are related to the transformation of Russia into a great power, and as a result were aimed at a radical reorganization of the country's armed forces. His “amusing” regiments became the prototype of combat training for new formations. Streltsy regiments were disbanded in 1698 and regular regiments were created. When recruiting them, the practice of recruiting soldiers and dragoons was used, which developed end of XVII century. (Slide 12). A recruitment system was established, according to which the soldiers were recruited from peasants and other classes, the officer corps from the nobles.

To train soldiers and officers, various manuals and regulations, schools are created, and young nobles undergo internships abroad to learn military affairs. Along with the creation of a regular army, a navy is being built. The main efforts were aimed at creating the Baltic Fleet, which began to form in 1708 (slide 13), and 20 years later it became the Baltic fleet. Instructions were created for the training of naval officers; in 1715, the Naval Academy was created, and since 1716, training has been conducted through the midshipman school.

The main events of the reign of Peter I can be considered the Northern War (slide 14), which Russia is waging with Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea. The start of the war was unsuccessful for Russia, as a large amount of army and artillery were lost. Since 1703, Russian troops have been winning victories. The most significant victories were the Battle of Poltava (June 27, 1709) and the naval battle at Cape Gangut (Hanko, July 27, 1714). (Excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Poltava”). These victories placed Russia among the strongest states of the 18th century, which did not satisfy the countries of Europe. This manifested itself in a number of military clashes in the second half of the 18th century (the Seven Years' War of 1755–1762, the Russian-Turkish War of 1768–1774, in clashes with Sweden and France). In these wars, the military talent of Potemkin, Rumyantsev, Ushakov, and Suvorov manifests itself. (Slide 15)

Presenter 2: The 19th century also included a number of bright and bitter pages in military history countries. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian army took part in the wars against France. The bright pages of the military history of this period are the Patriotic War of 1812 (slide 16) and the Crimean War of 1853–1856. If the first proved the strength of Russian weapons, then the second ended unsuccessfully for Russia, since it was lost, despite the efforts of the officers and people. The bright pages of these wars were the Battle of Borodino, Sinop battle and defense of Sevastopol.(M.Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”).

In the second half of the 19th century, a military reform was carried out in the Russian army, as a result of which military settlements were abolished, the period of military service for university graduates was shortened, railway troops appeared, and military ministries and headquarters were reorganized. This made it possible to create a combat-ready army, small in peacetime, but with a well-trained reserve in case of war. What affected the Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878 (slide 17), when Russian troops supported the uprising of the Balkan peoples against Turkey, which was forced to admit a number of territorial losses.

Presenter 1: (The waltz “Manchurian Waves” plays in the background).At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Russia tried to pursue a peaceful policy in Europe, which resulted in the convening of international conferences on disarmament. This gave some freedom to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy Far East, where Russia and Japan clash over Manchuria. This, in turn, resulted in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905 (slide 18), which was unsuccessful for Russia, since almost the entire Pacific Fleet was lost, and the ground forces suffered defeats due to the passivity of the command. And the consequence of this war was Russia’s territorial losses in the Far East (Southern Kuril Islands and Southern Sakhalin, which went to Japan). (Song “Varyag”, lyrics by R. Greits, translation by E. Studeniskaya, folk music).

(The “March of the Slav” sounds in the background).

During the First World War, a number of changes occurred in Russia. First of all, this concerned the structure of the army (the officer corps includes representatives of other classes, and not just nobles). The First World War leads to the collapse of the Russian Empire, which resulted in two revolutions in 1917 and to the civil war, which led to the formation Soviet power and the creation of the Soviet army (February 23, 1918). (Slide 19).

The Civil War split Russian society into two large camps: the white and red movements. (Song “There, in the distance beyond the river”, arrangement by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by N. Kool). The emergence of Soviet power and the totalitarian regime also affected the army, which was expressed in the repressions of the 20-50s of the 20th century, when almost the entire command staff of the army was destroyed, this was reflected in the failures of the Soviet army at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 2: The turn of the 30–40s of the 20th century was marked by a number of military conflicts between the USSR and neighboring states (with Japan in 1938–1939, with Finland in 1939–1940). But the largest war of this period was World War 2 (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) and the Great Patriotic War (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945). (Slides 20-21).

(Song “Holy War”, music by A.V. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach).

During the Second World War Soviet people showed courage and heroism. Despite the tragic beginning in 1941, by the end of the year, Soviet troops were able to stop the Nazi troops near Moscow. In addition, at the beginning of the Second World War, the border guards who met the invaders showed heroism and helped thwart the idea of ​​a “blitzkrieg”. The main events of the Second World War were: the battles near Moscow and for the Caucasus, the blockade of Leningrad, the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the battles for the liberation of the western territories of the USSR. In 1944–1945, Soviet troops liberated Eastern Europe.

(“Dugout”, music by K. Listov, words by A. Surkov, poem by K. Simonov “Wait for me”) .

The partisan movement played a major role in the Second World War, carrying out subversive operations in the rear of the fascist troops. On the night of May 8-9, 1945, the absolute surrender of Germany was signed, ending the Great Patriotic War. World War 2 continues with the war with Japan, which ended on September 2, 1945, with the signing of the Japanese surrender on board the American battleship Missouri. (Slide 22). The USSR is also involved in this war.

Presenter 1: This war brought great losses both for the USSR and for the whole world. Thus, in the USSR, more than 29 million people went through the war, and about 27 million people died. During the war, about 1 million died. officers, 4 million partisans; More than 1,700 cities, 70 thousand villages and villages, a large number of enterprises, collective farms and state farms were destroyed. Direct material damage in 1941 prices amounted to 679 million rubles.

(The song “Buchenwald Alarm” sounds, words by A. Sobolev, music by V. Muradeli).

Subsequently, Soviet troops participated in regional conflicts that were caused by the Cold War. The largest such conflicts were the Korean War of 1950–1953, Caribbean crisis 1961, Afghan War 1979–1989. Currently, Russian troops are part of the UN peacekeeping forces in the former Yugoslavia, Georgia, and Central Asia.

The teacher’s final word: “This concludes our story about the history of the Russian army. Let me thank everyone who took part in it.”

The Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation form the basis of the country's defense. They are intended to repel possible aggressions directed against the Russian Federation, for the armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of our country, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.

The concept of “armed forces,” combining the army and navy, was first introduced by F. Engels. He also wrote that the economic condition of the country has a decisive influence on the development of the armed forces: “Nothing depends more on economic conditions than the army and navy. Armament, composition, organization, tactics and strategy depend primarily on the stage of production currently achieved...”

At all stages of the existence of the Russian state, the population constantly had to wage an armed struggle aimed at protecting their land from foreign invaders. In ancient times, the armed struggle for independence was sung only on land, so the main type of armed forces were ground troops. According to domestic historians, the Moscow state in the 16th century. could have an army of 150 - 200 thousand soldiers.

The basis of the armed forces during this period was noble formations. The nobles were a military service stratum, opposed to the boyars, who until the 14th century. also actively participated in the military campaigns of the princes. For military service, the nobles received estates from the Moscow sovereigns - land holdings with peasants. Throughout their lives, nobles were obliged to perform military service; this honorable duty was passed down from generation to generation - from grandfather to father, from father to son. Over many years of service, the nobles acquired the skills of professional warriors.

In addition to the military servicemen from the nobility, a considerable part of the troops were hired servants, who received not estates, but cash salaries. Among them the most numerous were cmpepeople- infantry armed with arquebuses (matchlock guns) and berdyshes (battle axes with crescent-shaped curved blades). Subsequently, the service of the archers also became lifelong and hereditary. The first permanent streltsy units were formed under Ivan the Terrible (around 1550).

In the period 1631 -1634. appeared in the Moscow state new shelves according to the image; Western European armies. They were divided into soldier, dragoon and reitar. The officers in the regiments of the new system were foreigners who were in military service.

At the end of the XV - XVII centuries. the army was replenished by date people, which were exhibited by peasants and the guilty urban population. The datochny people, like subsequently the recruits, served for life.

Basics regular Russian army were founded under Peter I in the period from 1701 to 1711. The impetus for accelerating its creation was the defeat of poorly trained Russian troops in 1700 in the battle with the Swedish army near Narva. The noble cavalry, infantry and dragoons showed complete helplessness on the battlefield. The Russian army near Narva lost more than 8 thousand people and all its artillery.

In 1705, Peter I finally approved a new system of recruiting troops. They began to recruit into the army according to the principle recruitment, when 10-20 peasant households, by lot, nominated one person for lifelong military service. The introduction of conscription made it possible to increase the number of troops; the officer corps of the Russian army consisted of nobles, and service was also compulsory and lifelong. To receive an officer rank, a nobleman had to serve as a soldier in the Preobrazhensky or Semenovsky guards regiments.

Initially, the affairs of the army were in charge of the Preobrazhensky Order, created in 1686. Then, management began to be carried out by the Governing Senate and the Military Collegium subordinate to it (the prototype of the Ministry of Defense).

The improvement of the Russian armed forces continued during the reign of Catherine II. At this time, the Military Collegium ceased to depend on the Senate and gradually began to turn into a military ministry. As such, the Ministry of War was formed in 1802 by decree of Emperor Alexander I (it existed until 1918).

Reforms in the field of military development brought Russia many victories both in individual battles and in entire campaigns, but there were also defeats, among which the most significant was in the Crimean War (1853-1856), which revealed Russia’s military backwardness from European states. In 1860 - 1870 Military reforms were carried out in Russia under the leadership of D.A. Milyutin. Military command and control bodies underwent significant reorganization.

In 1874 a new Charter on universal military service. From that time on, army recruitment was abolished. Universal conscription extended to the male population aged 21 to 40 years.

Enrollment into the service was carried out by lot. The total service life in the ground forces was set at 15 years: 6 years of which were in active military service, and 9 years in the reserves (in the navy - 10 years, of which 7 years in service and 3 years in reserve).

Particular attention was paid to improving the professional training of officers. Literacy among soldiers was recognized as essential, and teaching them to read and write became mandatory. The network of special military educational institutions has expanded.

An important part of the reforms in the army was its rearmament. Steel guns with a rifled barrel, which had a greater firing range, began to enter service with the artillery. In the second half of the 19th century. In Russia, a transition was made from a sailing to a steam armored fleet. As a result of the measures taken, massive armed forces were created and their combat effectiveness increased significantly.

In 1911, pre-conscription military training was introduced. Law on conscription 1912 expanded educational benefits for military personnel; terms of service in the infantry and artillery were reduced to three years.

The October Revolution of 1917 destroyed the existing state structure of Russia and eliminated its armed forces. The government of the Soviet republic had to create an army taking into account the new social structure of the country, the international situation and material capabilities.

In the first months of Soviet power, its armed support was Red Guard(armed groups of workers). It was created on a voluntary basis in March 1917 under the leadership of the Bolsheviks and by the beginning of 1918 it numbered 460 thousand people.

The small, poorly trained Red Guard could not withstand the invasion of German troops, the threat of which (the First World War was ongoing) forced the Soviet government to begin recruiting a standing army. On January 15 (28), 1918, decrees were adopted on the creation Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army(Red Army), and on January 29 (February 11), 1918 - about the organization Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet. The army and navy were created on a voluntary basis.

The main core of the new Armed Forces was the Red Army, and its main branch of service was the infantry. Cavalry was the main mobile branch of the army. The country's naval forces included Baltic Fleet and 30 different flotillas.

Over time, the experience of the Russian army was used in the construction of the new Armed Forces. After a series of reorganizations, unity of command and mandatory character were restored military service. In September 1925 it was adopted Compulsory Military Service Law, and in 1939 - Law on universal conscription. Young men who had reached the age of 19 were subject to conscription, and those who graduated from secondary school were conscripted earlier - from the age of 18. They served in the ground forces for 3 years, in the Navy - 5 years. The army was introduced military ranks, military awards, strict discipline was established.

The international situation required the constant strengthening and improvement of the country's Armed Forces. The size of the USSR Armed Forces grew steadily: in 1935 - 930 thousand, in 1938 - 1.5 million and by the beginning of 1941 - 5.7 million people.

Great Patriotic War 1941 -1945 showed the ability of the USSR Armed Forces to defend the country's independence. In this period

The domestic military school put forward a number of talented military leaders - G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Rokossovsky, N.F. Vatutin, A.M. Vasilevsky, I.S. Konev and others, who skillfully carried out military operations that led to the defeat of armed and organized enemy.

After the war, the improvement and strengthening of the country's Armed Forces continued in accordance with the international situation and the policies pursued by the Soviet government. The period that lasted from the late 1940s to the early 1990s was characterized by a global geopolitical, economic and ideological confrontation between the United States and its allies, on the one hand, and the Soviet Union and its allies, on the other, which is defined as “ Cold War." The Cold War policy was proclaimed on March 5, 1946 by W. Churchill in the so-called “Fulton Speech,” which called for the fight against “world communism.” Although the United States and the USSR never entered into direct military confrontation, their rivalry often led to the outbreak of local armed conflicts around the world. To consolidate spheres of influence, the military-political blocs NATO (1949) and the Warsaw Pact Organization (1955) were created.

In the mid-1950s. a radical transformation of the Armed Forces began, equipping them with nuclear missile weapons and other modern types of weapons and military equipment. In particular, in 1960, strategic missile forces were created.

In 1967 a new Law on universal conscription. The length of service in the ground forces was reduced to two years, in the navy to three. Persons with higher education served for one year. This law was amended in 1980, 1985 and 1989.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began. The starting point is the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 1992 No. 466 (RG 92-106). According to the decree, the Armed Forces included all military command bodies, all associations, formations, military units, all institutions, organizations, military educational institutions of the former USSR located on the territory of Russia, as well as groupings of troops and naval forces outside the Russian Federation located to the moment of signing this document under its jurisdiction.

The most acute problem was the division of the Black Sea Navy between Russia and Ukraine. The status of the former Black Sea Fleet of the USSR Navy was determined only in 1997 with a division into the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy and the Ukrainian Navy. The territories of naval bases in Crimea (Sevastopol) were leased by Russia from Ukraine until 2017. After the “Orange Revolution” in December 2004, the position of the Black Sea Fleet was greatly complicated by a number of conflicts, in particular accusations of illegal sublease in commercial targets and the capture of lighthouses. Almost the entire time of its existence, the Armed Forces of the new Russia were in the stage of reform. The most important laws include: “On military duty and military service"(1998), "About status of military personnel"(1998), Regulations on the procedure for military service(1999). Changes were made to each of these documents. The next stage of military reform ended on November 16, 2004. In October 2008, the beginning of a new stage was announced, which, according to the authors, should lead to a radical change in the appearance of the Russian army.

Questions for self-control

1. What is the purpose of the Armed Forces?

2. What formed the basis of the armed forces in the XIV-XVII centuries?

3. When was the regular Russian army created?

4. Get to the bottom of things new system recruitment of troops introduced by Peter I.

5. When was universal military service introduced in Russia?

6. Tell us about the modernization of the army in the 19th - early 20th centuries.

7. When were the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet created?

8. How was the construction of the Armed Forces carried out before World War II?

9. How did the Cold War policy affect military development?

10. How did the construction of the Russian Armed Forces begin in the post-perestroika period?