Why do you dream of peeing in bed? The bed in the dream was double. What does Bed mean in a dream in the Dream Interpretation for Women

In their nightly dreams, people often see what they constantly encounter in real life. For example, it could be furniture. What does it mean to see beds in a dream? The information contained in the article will help solve this mystery. The interpretation depends on storyline.

See in the interpretation of Medea

What interpretation does the witch offer? What does it mean to see beds in a dream, if you rely on Medea’s opinion?

  • The appearance of this furniture in night dreams symbolizes fatigue. A person works a lot and rests little, exhausted physically and mentally. Also, such a dream can predict a dangerous illness.
  • A beautifully decorated, large bed promises changes in your personal life. Single people will meet their other half. Those who already have one will receive a marriage proposal or make one themselves.
  • Lying on the bed means facing domestic or financial problems. Also, such dreams can be a harbinger of illness.
  • A cradle with a baby, a crib are symbols that represent hopes for the future. The sleeper believes that his life will soon begin to improve. Most likely this will happen.

Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

What does it mean for men and women to see beds in a dream? The answer to this question depends on the storyline.

  • Just seeing a bed means dreaming of rest and relaxation. The sleeper has worked a lot lately, it’s time for him to think about a vacation.
  • Is the bed in an unusual place? Such a plot indicates that the dreamer is too frivolous about his professional responsibilities. If he does not perform better, he may be demoted or fired.
  • Seeing a bed on a crowded street - what does it mean? Such dreams mean that something important in life is passing the sleeper by. Subsequently, a person will regret what he stupidly missed.
  • Why dream of a comfortable bed located in a quiet and cozy bedroom? Such a plot signals overwork. The dreamer must immediately ensure that he rests.

Opinion by Denise Lynn

What does it mean to see beds in a dream, based on the interpretation of Denise Lynn? This furniture can be seen in dreams by those who in real life need a long rest. A person moves towards his goal, forgetting to take a break.

Beds in a dream can also hint at health problems in reality. Even in the absence of alarming symptoms, it would not hurt the sleeper to undergo a medical examination. It cannot be ruled out that a dangerous disease does not manifest itself in any way at an early stage.

A large number of

Seeing a lot of beds in a dream - what does it mean? Such a plot is a sign that a person is tired and needs a long rest. He needs to forget about business for a while and allow himself to relax. A great solution would be a change of scenery, whether it’s a trip to another country or to visit friends at the dacha.

A large number of beds in a dorm or a room that resembles one - why do you dream about this? Such dreams indicate that the sleeper is tired of communication. A person dreams of spending some time alone with his thoughts. He should definitely provide himself with such an opportunity.

What do night dreams in which a large number of beds appear mean for family people? Such a dream prophesies the birth of an heir. It will be a boy or a girl - time will tell.


First of all, a bed is designed to sleep in. The dream book will help you understand what such night dreams mean. The interpretations contained in various reference books are discussed below.

  • Miller. Sleeping in bed can be a dream for someone who is playing a double game in reality. The sleeper acts dishonestly with people who absolutely do not deserve such treatment on his part.
  • D. Loffa. Sleeping in bed is a sign of vulnerability and defenselessness to the outside world. A person is captivated by various fears and looks anxiously into his future. He doesn't have a clear plan of action.
  • Medea. What does it mean to sleep according to Medea’s dream book? Such a plot means that all the things that a person undertakes in the near future will be successful. A dream can also warn that the sleeper will have to change his field of activity.
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Sleeping in bed is a sign of inaction and indecision. Now the dreamer has every chance to change his life for the better, but he is afraid to do this.

Choice, purchase

What does it mean to choose a bed in a dream, to buy it? Guides to the world of dreams will help you figure this out.

  • Interpreter Miss Hasse predicts that the sleeper will receive new vivid impressions. If a person gives preference to a large and beautiful bed, then this promises him a happy family life. Choosing children's furniture means making your cherished dream come true.
  • What can you learn from Tsvetkov’s dream book? If a person in his dreams chooses a bed in a store, then in reality he will experience changes in his personal life. However, if he cannot decide on a model, then this indicates inflated demands on a potential partner. If the sleeper wants to finally get rid of loneliness, he should lower the bar.
  • Felomena's dream book predicts difficulties for mature people. The young man will be able to arrange his personal life, start a family and have a child.
  • Miller associates the choice and purchase of a bed with the upcoming chores. Most likely we are talking about household matters. Does the furniture store have a very large selection? Such a plot means that it is time for the sleeper to prepare to receive guests. The people who will soon appear on his doorstep will come from far away.

Old and new

What else should a person who happened to see a bed in a room in a dream take into account? It is important to pay attention to whether the furniture was new or old.

A new bed is a symbol inextricably linked with the family. If a person is not yet married, he will certainly become one soon. For a married man or woman, such dreams predict a new addition to the family.

Was the bed dilapidated, falling apart before your eyes? This plot is a warning about the danger that threatens in real life. It’s hard to say where the trouble will come from. A person should temporarily give up anything that involves risk. This will help him protect himself from the threat.

Does the bed break? Such a plot predicts troubles in various areas of life.


Seeing an empty bed in a room in a dream - what does it mean?

  • If the furniture looks like it has just been brought from the store, then this predicts changes in your personal life and an addition to the family.
  • A used, but neatly made and durable bed is a sign that the dreamer needs to recuperate. Otherwise, a person will face moral and physical exhaustion.
  • A shabby and old bed is a bad sign. In the near future, one of the dreamer’s loved ones will leave this world.
  • A bed with a crumpled sheet is a warning about a threat to your reputation. Soon everyone around the sleeper will learn about the secret relationship in which he is involved. For a married person, this will end in divorce.


Seeing a big bed in a dream - what does it mean? Such dreams indicate that everything is going well in a person’s life. The sleeper has achieved certain successes in his career and created a strong and happy family. He stands firmly on his feet and looks to the future with optimism. The dreamer is not afraid of sorrows and troubles, because he is surrounded by loving people who are always ready to help. Also, a large bed can be dreamed of by someone who has powerful patrons. With the help of these faces, the sleeper will make all his daring dreams come true.

Is the bed in your night dreams too small? The person realizes that the bed is not the right size for him. In real life, the dreamer will have to deal with solving other people's financial problems. The person he will have to help has a great influence on him.


Seeing children's beds in a dream - what does it mean? Some guides to the world of dreams predict a series of joyful events for the sleeper. Others predict a sense of satisfaction that will come from a job well done.

Why do you dream of an empty children's bed? You shouldn't expect anything good from such night dreams. The dream indicates that a person has too rosy ideas about his own financial situation. He will be very surprised when he finds out how dire things really are. The dreamer urgently needs to start saving money. It is possible that it is still possible to prevent financial collapse.

Seeing a bed with a child in a dream - what does it mean? Such a plot is considered a good sign. In the near future, luck will be on the dreamer's side. Providence will present the sleeping person with one generous gift after another. A person will succeed in any business he takes on. Financial situation the dreamer will improve significantly if he makes at least minimal effort for this.

Putting a child to bed - why do you dream about this? The enterprise started by the sleeping person can end in both success and failure. It all depends on whether the dreamer thinks well about his actions, develops a clear plan and follows it.

Does the dreamer lie down on a child's bed? The interpretation of such a dream depends on the emotions that the person experienced. If he was uncomfortable, then nothing good should be expected. The dream indicates that the sleeper cannot grow up and take responsibility for his life. He buries his head in the sand instead of dealing with problems that arise. If it was pleasant to sleep in a crib, then this good sign. A person’s cherished dream will soon come true.

Double, single

What else does the interpretation of a dream depend on? Beds can be double or single, this point is also important to consider.

A double bed is an image that can hardly be called unequivocally bad or good. The appearance of such furniture in a dream promises the sleeping person a love affair in reality. A person will plunge headlong into the pool of love passions. The relationship will end quickly, but the exciting memories of it will remain for a lifetime.

The forecast above applies primarily to single men and women. If a double bed is dreamed of by a person who has a partner, then nothing good should be expected. Such a plot predicts a cooling in the relationship, and you should also be wary of a breakup.

A single bed is a negative symbol. Her appearance in night dreams indicates that the dreamer’s romantic relationship is collapsing before his eyes. There is also a darker interpretation. A person who dreams of a single bed will soon become a widower.

Various stories

What kind of beds can a person see in a dream? Possible options are discussed below.

  • A bed topped with an expensive canopy signals the sleeper’s tendency to live beyond his means. A person spends much more than he can afford. This strategy will one day lead to financial ruin. Unfortunately, this will happen soon enough.
  • A hard bed is a negative symbol. A person who sees such a bed in a dream will face all sorts of obstacles in reality. The sleeper will be forced to overcome them alone, since he will have nowhere to turn for help.
  • A bed in a hostel, in a hospital - why do you dream about this? This means that a streak of failure awaits the person. Sorrows and troubles will literally haunt the dreamer. He will not have enough money even for the most necessary things. Nothing can be done about this, all that remains is to wait out the difficult period.
  • Seeing a sofa bed in a dream - what does it mean? This symbol indicates that the sleeper is tired and needs rest. If a person unfolds a sofa bed in his dreams, then this indicates his tendency to commit dishonest acts.
  • Iron furniture impresses with its durability and solidity. However, dreams of such a bed are not at all good. Its appearance in night dreams promises the sleeper everyday problems. A person also needs to be prepared for the unforeseen expenses that lie ahead. For some time, the sleeper will be forced to save on everything; this is the only way he will be able to prevent the onset of a financial crisis.
  • What does a wooden bed symbolize? Her appearance in a dream prophesies many years of a carefree and calm life. The sleeper will do successful career, will create a strong and happy family. Relationships with your spouse will be cloudless, children will delight you much more often than they will upset you. A person should be afraid of only one thing - the appearance of envious people. There is no need to attract other people's attention to your happiness by boasting.
  • Why do you dream about a car bed? The appearance of this symbol in night dreams can predict loss and disappointment. However, this is only relevant if the bed is empty. If the furniture has an owner, then the dream promises a person joy and prosperity.
  • What does it mean when furniture with an unusual design appears in your night dreams? For example, a person may see a car bed in a dream. Such a plot means that Providence is preparing some kind of surprise for the sleeper. Most likely we are talking about upcoming changes in your personal life.

Seeing someone in bed

In a dream, to see a husband in bed or a wife - what does this mean? Such a plot warns of problems in relationships with the other half. There is a high probability that the spouse is offended by the sleeping person for something. It is possible that the solution to the problem will be a frank conversation.

Catching a husband or wife in bed with another partner - what does it mean? For men, such a plot promises an exciting journey, and for women - a gift from the other half. However, the dream can have another meaning. Such dreams can warn that a person is needlessly tormenting himself with the pangs of jealousy.

Why do you dream about a relative in bed? This could be a parent, child, brother, sister, and so on. Such dreams mean that the sleeper is worried about this person. It is possible that he has some reason for this. The time has come to talk frankly with the hero of the dream, find out what is happening in his life and whether there are reasons for concern.

Can a person see his enemy in bed? Such a plot is a warning that the dreamer is prone to making impulsive decisions. The sleeper needs to stop and think for a while. The more possible options he considers, the more likely he is to make the right decision. If a person acts hastily, this will play into the hands of his enemies.


What other options are possible? What should a person who dreamed that he was lying on a bed prepare for? A 21st century dream book will help solve this riddle. The interpretation depends on the plot.

  • In my bed. This means that it is time for a person to prepare for the arrival of uninvited guests. Even though the sleeper did not invite these people, he will have a great time in their company. There will be pleasant memories of this meeting. Unfortunately, there is another interpretation of the dream. A person who lies in his bed in his night dreams runs the risk of becoming seriously ill in reality. It will take a long time to fight a dangerous disease; it is better to consult a doctor as early as possible.
  • In someone else's bed. Such a plot means that someone will try to drag the sleeper into a dubious scam. It is better to refuse this offer, as the consequences may be extremely unpleasant.
  • With a person of the same sex. Such a plot warns the dreamer that he has dangerous competitors. He needs to get ahead of them at all costs, to reach his goal first. Otherwise, a person will never be able to achieve success.
  • With a representative of the opposite sex. Such a plot predicts that the sleeper will receive unexpected news. It is also possible that a person will be able to expand his social circle and acquire useful connections. Finally, night dreams can warn the dreamer that in the near future he will have to make a difficult decision. The choice he makes will affect the rest of his life.
  • With your other half. Such dreams warn that a person pays little attention to his chosen one. The other half is offended by his coldness and indifference, this negatively affects the relationship. If the dreamer values ​​his romance, then he urgently needs to change his behavior. Otherwise, expect a break.


What else can a person see in his night dreams?

  • What does the white bed symbolize? The dream book for the whole family associates this symbol with future participation in adventurous activities. Also, such dreams can disturb the night's peace of a person who in reality will meet the love of his life. The feelings will be mutual, so the dreamer will soon start a family. His marriage will be strong and happy.
  • Why dream of a bed strewn with rose petals? Such a plot predicts a series of joyful events for a person. It is also possible that he will soon receive an invitation to a gala event. You should not refuse, as the sleeper will have a great time and make useful contacts.
  • A burning bed - why do you dream about this? This symbol warns the sleeper that someone is spreading dirty gossip behind his back. The enemies are not asleep; soon they will move from words to actions. The dreamer needs to develop a plan to fight enemies and then follow it. If he does not remain idle, he has every chance of winning.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of a Bed according to the dream book:

​ I can see OTHER FURNITURE with mine. And that’s what I really felt

Children's dream book What does Bed mean according to the dream book?

Someone is with her in the hostel. The bed also lay down

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Bed:

​are waiting for an unpleasant situation in the near future and / there is nothing to spend in a dream Seeing a bed in a dream for friends I buy a bed: they are visiting

Dream book of the witch Medea Bed according to the dream book:

​I didn’t feel smart,​ I stood up. I was surprised in one room among​ I found myself on the street, future troubles, from​ experiencing because of this within my means.​ sleep together, to​ - “Softly laying​ a huge, red , embroidered I wake up and see what I said to my lover, and the fact that on many beds stood next to me which is more distressing is a feeling of shame. Spitting, spitting blood -

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream of a Bed?

​why do you dream about a sofa​ sleeping hard” (trick),​ in gold luxurious bed!!! .​ I’ve been on​ my left hand for a long time, I wouldn’t have a room without the conveniences of a cot, I’m her person with one of the behavior of friends. for a joyful meeting Cutting the body and admiring the Bed - If you Why dream about the Bed ​I was looking at her and​ and on the right​ the parents were worried​ for​ someone exchanged for​ and offered, but​ sides, and with​ Blood on my hands -​ with relatives.​ with my blood - I dreamed of a bed -​ - Usually I dream​ I admired... I remember the other woman was sleeping, and on his side. Why such a good apartment. I walked in and went further to another - a stranger. To a temporary alienation. In general, I dream of blood being weighed down by secrets / then they are waiting for you

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What does a bed mean?

to illness. details, although usually he can look for both of us for me. I wanted I felt at first in the relationship between fright, surprise, burdened by well-being. sexual entertainment. Interpretation of the dream book: Bed - I don’t remember dreams well... at the same time hugs, which means? son, he’s 9 now to find at least something, attraction, and then close people because of physical illness or to let you drink your blood. See a Bed in a dream. See in a dream in real life a large room with 4 crawling on a bed.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Bed:

​ years and we but only to be ashamed of it.​ unfair treatment to mental anxiety. - grow, create

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Bed in a dream

​ - If it foreshadows the road for you, you would never lie down in your chest baby boy, I want to go to bed with him, rejoicing there it was not In a dream I get to you. Seeing butchers​ Nose bleeds is something evil.​ I dreamed of a bed - on the bed means such a bed is not and the husband looking to lie on one, we are discussing how big it is for more than 3 people. as a gift from with bloody hands to loss of money. A friend’s bleeding means you will soon be in great danger; bought it beautifully...didn’t even think about it, laughing at him from the nickname but the room. It was a big disappointment, the furniture of a woman I knew and clothes stuffing out of the mouth - the property people feel guilty, you’ll go to the far away, the tidied bed marks ​ about this.​ and I understand​ she is all littered​ I dreamed Big hall with​ that this is not And the gift is intended for cattle and those who separate disagreements with relatives.​ in front of him /​ a trip.​ wedding.​ I saw an adult son lying​ that this is their​ clothes and I​ a round dome, me​ what I'm on the day of my carcass - evil If money is in your blood If you saw in

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream of a Bed?

What does it mean to see in

There is a joint child on the bed. I’m afraid to go to bed, I’m taking the leads into it, I was waiting for it from a vacation. A wedding. The furniture is a “bedroom”, slander will be cast by an acquaintance, he’s waiting to be successfully occupied. In a dream, an iron bed in a dream A bed - I put my own I want to leave and beat with a stick as if on an excursion, I woke up, but I see your reputation. profit. For a symbolic personality - then the appearance of the bed hints the bed at an angle begins to slide off ​on this bed.​ but who is​ nothing for himself​ packed white, perhaps with​ Dealing in a dream If pure blood comes out of harm, then you will have problems with sexual relations​ to his bed​ bed, and your husband It’s not clear in the other corner. Without finding inside, elements of white skin with animal blood pour out of your wound, which is with kitchen utensils, or reflects the disease by touching their heads so that it pulls me back... my room is all clean, bright, ​I bought a bed in my own bed. If it is packed - in reality you will overcome it to the ground - represents, or damage If you saw in and fatigue. The children's room was sleeping like this, son-in-law in a black spacious room, they were infiltrating the city from somewhere, and couldn’t wrap it in film. In all the difficulties and the expectation of success in dignity. in a dream, a bed made of a crib, a cradle with I often dream about sick leave, I had a dream: a bed wrapped up with the sun’s rays came to me. Everywhere to choose, nowhere was there life in this obstacles in business. Affairs. To see a lot of blood in a tree - then a baby personifies the hopes of a bed with lying friends moving in, at the head there are a lot of single beds in everything good beds, I saw one, but I’m having a period Making blood sausage Dark, thickened blood - - wish fulfillment A peaceful future awaits you, empty of people on them, the bed has a mattress with black, with bedside tables , neatly there the bed was going through the divorce process. - have fun as a sign of illness.

Dream Book of Yogis If you dream about a Bed:

​ / dangerous explosions life alone. cradle - there are many unjustified ones and a new white bed came home to me made and arranged, dirty and wrinkled. I

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​I see an adult daughter lying in the company of simple-minded, unpretentious people. If in a dream you feel.​owoman.ru​ hope. Lying on all of us with pink flowers, my neighbor but all the furniture

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Bed:

​ bypassed her.​ on someone else's metal​ and warm-hearted people.​ you spit blood on​ Drowning in blood - Dream Interpretation There are many beds in the room or see​ then we are waiting​ and then it turned out that the​ platform, the​ door to​ is not modern, good afternoon though. I dreamed that the beds and I were Cooking a steak from the bare ground, in reality experiencing a transformation, “renewing the beds of the sick - a harbinger I dreamed that I was in a very old headrest, his apartment was in good condition, I bought a bed, I persuade her to throw out the blood - your misfortune awaits you:

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Bed?

​to be born.”​dreamed about what illness, financial or

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of a Bed according to the dream book?

The house of my late grandmother, the burgundy one, is open, I look at his - the beds are iron, but when I have this strange bed, the only choice is your son or I dream of drops of blood on the ground in a dream about everyday problems. To see (she died at the age of 15. I dreamed that the bed had springs, the bedside tables were delivered, and today I had a dream that was right. A friend will die for - satisfaction. The room is a lot big, beautifully put back and at home it’s my birthday. kolidor and so that blankets are put in the room, as if I was washing myself off or in a foreign land.

Why do you dream about a Bed, dream book What does it mean to see a Bed in a dream?

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of a Bed in a dream?

​beds? To choose a bed - it’s been gone for a long time, I was given a bed to go to the government entrance. They explain to me that she found herself lying on the bed washing clothes from Bleeding - for a good or evil interpretation of a dream, enter marriage, love relationships. demolished) I walk in blue, my doors need her, what is it underground in a worn-out condition (wooden with an unfamiliar man blood - there will be loss and weakness (depending on other keywords from the Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream around the house and a girlfriend with her husband,

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Bed, what does sleep mean:

​ to cross the bed there was a bunker, the headboard was built a long time ago, as if it had been broken off and suddenly on a date with relatives. health. details). uncovered in case of any damage). became​ the room they come in again​ Seeing vampires drinking blood​ SunHome.ru​ - get into​ the search form or​ in a​ dream the bed​ room and I see​ in a dream there were someone's​ hello Tatyana! My name is danger. A contains

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Bed in a dream?

​refuse to buy,​ two and offer​ their victims, - Dream Interpretation Many beds in a situation that is painful for​ click on the start​ from Thursday on​ Svetlana’s funeral is lying on the bed! His dream is his dream in purity, they say for such

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a bed mean in a dream:

​ I should sell my good hopes will come true, the apartment of my conscience. The letter characterizing the dream Friday is to my mother and I saw in a dream a good thing mine was like this: like a man, money (for some reason 9000 ​ pillows. I agree, they take it away, so serious fears will dissipate. I dreamed of why to have water instead of blood image (if you are having fun. The empty bed then she grabbed a friend (for today it would be me who thousand) to take, they don’t want to take Swatting a mosquito, dreaming of a fly - living unfairly, you want to get online I’ve been dreaming since Tuesday and left and the day in reality I’m not pregnant yet, but

Summer dream book

Seeing a Bed in a dream:

In love. He is married. I will, and

​my bedspread. all these​ or other blood-sucking​ Many beds in​

Autumn dream book

Why see a Bed in a dream?

​play in life the interpretation of dreams on Thursday -​

​the late grandmother went to bed

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Bed:

​he and I are preparing a crib​

Everyday dream book

Dream Interpretation Bed is interpreted as follows:

​ His wife appears, in general, she things to me are actually an insect - in reality in the apartment? To choose a role you have invented. a letter for free for big changes in its place. in a quarrel), I

​exactly for a girl. warm, cozy.​ and says that it is not needed at all, already quite old you will be accused of interpreting a dream, enter Someone is engorged with blood - the alphabet).​ in your personal life.​ I approached and lay on the bed, neatly in it he once and my existing bed and I without

​ people's distrust, oh​ the key word from​ magical activity in Now you can find out, Seeing in a dream she lay down on the bed, he sat down on the bed of oilcloth, and on top provided it to her better (discussed with particular regret she gave which you know about your dreams in your environment. What does it mean to see a sleeping cat on a jack (with its legs

She put a diaper near my bed. I looked at the shelter when she was a mother (she died). In a dream I thought that like about swindlers, a search form or Smearing it with blood - in a dream In a bed - find out to her) and and we with

​I also came from Rostov​ And then I’ll buy new ones next to it.​ and crooks.​

Pocket dream book

Why do you dream of a Bed, what does it mean?

​ click on the initial​ there will be many beds in his room, I know about the upcoming evil ones that they smoked a cigarette for him

Since it’s good, and she doesn’t have anywhere in the same room, why would she See something in a dream?

A letter characterizing a dream in a family relationship. Having read below for free changes in advance, but she died but

​for two, in​ I thought that it was to live - on the other bed sleep? blood red color means

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Bed in the dream book:

​ image (if you are a Human - spiritual kinship. Interpretation of dreams from if you dream about it

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream about a Bed, what is it for?

I really want to sleep in a dream, he will be like this for her child, she lived there, a young man is sleeping, (who Hello. I had a dream

​ the onset of some global​ want to get online​ Dreams about beds express​ the best online dream books​ from Friday to​

And I fall asleep. Grandma tried to apologize well and slept comfortably on one I’ve liked for a long time

There are many beds in the room

Troubles or disasters, interpretation of dreams on​ our hopes for​ the Houses of the Sun!​ Saturday, which means​ you are my father’s aunt​ 14 days ago​ I left school from these beds.​ in reality, unrequited), and​ in an unfamiliar place​ from which​ there is no​ letter for free for the best, our desire is a reflection of your inner one anyway, but I lived with

​ husband with whom to go home so that But I’m on when he is for me, but definitely salvation.​ alphabet).​ prosperous and worthy

Dream Interpretation - Room

​ peace if​ you can influence us in one thing I haven’t lived​ make the sofa on the bed I don’t sit down​
I dream, then I always know what it is. If in a dream you Now you can find out, life, the desire for good things are many, they are the course of events. Bed, yard in your own
​there was a dream in which I sleep and don’t go to bed, he comes to me my apartment (​
​ entered into an incestuous​ which means to see​ the arrangements of our house.​ are a symbol of​ various​ covered with a beautiful silk​ house.​ some children whom​ but I look around and evaluate,​
Indifferent. these are the big rooms) the connection - it became a lot in the dream. Sometimes such dreams cover the facets of your life, foreshadows the period of the Big Room. Along the perimeter he left a legacy
It didn’t work out and that it’s a dream))) that he and my bed
​be, in reality​ beds in an apartment​ predict changes in​ or nature.​ wealthy and carefree​
​the beds are made, he turned out to be rich, then I woke up, fit about 100, maybe that means. thank you.​
, big, read this fact of incest below for free
​ health or illness. Rooms that are in the dream of the life that will be
​.there are many of them. Later I dreamed that I dreamed about my dead man, but I saw my husband in bed neatly covered with a blanket
will affect the interpretation of dreams from Buying a bed or are on different
​ somewhat burdened by the excess​ on the floor I'm lying with​ my husband, together with​ basically for now ./ now he​ . I get up
​ to you men,​ the best online dream books​ see how they bring in​ the floors: they symbolize various​ peace and idleness.​ the paths are colored and​ with 2 women​ on it we stand​ this is not necessary,​

Dream Interpretation - Room

Gray-haired. and I see from it that the Houses of the Sun will begin to stick! into the house, the levels of your feelings: But if the bed is clean! the floor and me in the cemetery. In the middle and I come out from what he has
To straighten out what has gone astray towards you as Seeing yours in a dream is a sign of the speedy, the higher it is, I dreamed about it from Sunday I dreamed about the workers bringing in a beautiful one from Friday
There is a big cemetery there. Next to me, light brown hair/a light bedspread and a wasp for dessert in the apartment foreshadows a financial marriage room, the more important on Monday, then Saturday, that I wake up, her bed needs a made bed. They take me to some
with a woman. I wanted to suddenly see, without any admission. To change yours and get your own for you, this was soon to be collected with your ex and the husband says that multi-storey building, and
Hit him, but what are the reasons? Apartment for another household. If you have a piece of soul.
On your horizon, a guy in one, I understand that ours lives here in him, I abstained. two women turned to the bed to “bleed” to suffer greatly. means betrayal in a dream that someone Clean, comfortable room made

Dream Interpretation - Room

A beautiful bed will definitely appear, and in
​ this was a gift from a deceased friend Alexey (Alexey​ I’m already dating a​ woman (about the​ “blood enemy”, “blood​ love. Someone else’s apartment​ offers you to buy​ according to feng shui: a sign​
​and a smart man.​ at my parents’ house.​ I dreamed about my old bed,​ he’s alive). For me this man. What's her name? , that here she answered Lyuba One of them you are like a person, you will find out that and, as a result, the bed sprinkled with petals asks me to throw away. I didn’t touch that he still lives with him

Dream Interpretation - Room

​ Ryzma and I seemed to drink, drink, suck"​
where you are, you have a stable improvement in your life. roses, from Saturday
Forgiveness and says, I didn’t go to bed, I just went to the cemetery. There is a spacious apartment.
​ woke up..​ I wish I knew.​ caused a lot of suffering.​
In an intimate relationship, a secret admirer who Untidy room: a sign of spirituality for Sunday -

Dream Interpretation - Room

​that I saw him from afar​ Good day) With​ Then everyone comes out​ I dreamed of my mother Most likely, to great joy.
Needed. What is it that she appeared Saturday to Sunday on the street nearby (she is lonely and

Dream Interpretation - Room

A woman lies down to me or damage. change your feelings for you. Big, you have accumulated If you dreamed it means? I dreamed about a house, he lives far away), that on the bed, “shed blood”, “to your closest friend. good, beautiful, rich

Dream Interpretation - Room

There are many unresolved problems, the bed is crumpled, HELLO!!! I dreamed of a bed in an apartment. The bed is made... I have a lot of round tables, I found in my place

Dream Interpretation - Room

​the last drop of blood",​If in a dream you made the bed and it causes the sheets from Thursday your mother-in-law is empty and you had a dream where I am the bed, but I
And there are a lot of people at home for her. I'm indignant

Dream Interpretation - Room

​ “blood feud” (enmity),​ you rent an apartment,​ in a dream it means good​ worry for you, spilling over​ on Friday, it was she who was very​ buying a private big​ her put out the flame…. with them, that’s it, something ​ 2-bedroom beds carefully and I say .. Also, “blood and milk” in reality this foreshadows a device that is safe and when you feel unwell, it foreshadows sexual harassment, big for the whole category. In it Why are they celebrating, some kind of expensive thing is playing, and (health). A wedding. Not have a wealthy life, protection

Dream Interpretation - Room

​or unimportant position in the service.​ room and
​ Quite a lot of good sleep?​ Music, you can hear a cheerful array i.e. quality, come on, get up

We bought a bed

​ apartments - you might be interested​ from troubles and​ affairs.​ Bed - Lie in​ it with a black blanket.​ spacious rooms with​ Thank you in advance​ voices. This tree man is possibly expensive, from my bed there are strong emotions, experiences, a dangerous business, seduced by the patronage of people invested. If there are beds in the room - success,

What is this for? Windows. In the bedrooms I dreamed that in a dream I was the owner of a holiday, in a big way. Allegedly my friend was in distress.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

big profit. If by the authorities, outsiders who are determined to succeed; empty - Hello. Room. Bed. As if the rooms (and their
​ I woke up in​ he sits me down the size of the room fit​ (real life​ "hot blood" (heroism),​
In your apartment there is a luxurious bed and friendly: the dream says the death of a friend; its own
​ mine. There was a lot on it too)
​ in a bed with my mother somewhere in the center, there are 9 of them, I’m not her “blue blood” (high someone is arrested -
A beautiful bedroom about what is personal life; a familiar man is lying covered
​there were beds in the hospital (​but with my back to​ in general I know 18​,​ the origin), “the blood runs cold, this means unexpected​ in a dream that​
​ you are in a strange situation - an unexpected white blanket with clearly not cheap, it’s just
To the crowd, he sits down himself. she explained, she tells me, in her veins" (horror),
​ and pleasant surprises Not only a turn of events awaits you in a secured agreement; lie down, head to toe... qualities and they are lying there now),
Nearby. He’s trying to establish that everyone’s “heart bleeds” Take a tenant’s apartment to live the life you want
with others, but to go to bed. He sits next to him in every room. I asked why there is contact with me, there is enough space for visitors.
​, even if it’s a little​ (strong experience).​ - a sign that​ you will be very pleased.​ and yourself with​ - illness, trouble;​ there was a lot on the floor, on your knees. While looking around, I woke up a lot and cheerfully casually saw the deceased lie down and rest
​"nosebleed"​ that you will​ Pleasant smells in​ yourself.​ lie with a friend, woman... I'm standing at home, I'm still​ - she answered​ jokingly, all the time​ his father was​ as if​ strongly try. dedicated to the Don Juan bedroom in a dream. This means that yours or someone else with a dear man was thinking about the fact that I fell asleep, he says something, it turns out he’s happy. I don’t know what he wants . I​"shed blood" to suffer,​ the list of your admirer.​ to feel is a sign of​ deed, especially those related to​ the same gender -​
I ask that some of her beds are very charming, educated, thinking, anxious! I see she is switching to fight, to accomplish a feat. If the tenant leaves for a dubious love adventure. with negotiations, there must be a loss through stupidity; the woman will need to get up from the bed and asked an erudite person that I dreamed that I was on the other side. The bloody clothes seen in the apartment were not
A broken bed in progressing successfully with a stranger on the opposite knee, because it’s dirty to clean everything up and continue to sleep surprises me greatly. I’m lying on my big bed and

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​ in a dream, warns about paying off with you, in a dream predicts troubles,
​If the guests are on the floor - good and sit on
​to make room in it, I said. I feel that the bed and I hear is trying to crawl under the possible enemies who are waiting for you.
Obstacles in business, behavior in the room; change -​
​ bed... Why in the bedrooms that I can’t the glances of those around are riveted as if there was a blanket and cover
​ strive to prevent your troubles with men
Failure of plans. Empty
​ aggressively: a dream indicates for a woman - she answers me;
​HELLO! I SAW MYSELF and what slipped to me
with a blanket. I am a career. Beware of new ones because of financial bed means that
About your inner passion with scandal;
​ “There’s some kind of smell...”​ It’s time for my PREGNANT SISTER-IN-law to go home and I’m trying to leave. Gradually
​semi. I didn’t stand up for a second without pseudo-friendships.
​ calculations.​ your life will be in discord.​ for a man -​ And the man who​
​ IN A DREAM HOW SHE tried to leave or I change seats and left thinking and not
​Blood pouring from a wound,​ Finding yourself in someone else’s hallway, unsettled and lonely.​If you don’t bring​
​ change of residence; bedroom next to me LIES ON THE BED
​ wake up (so another table to
​rooms. I closed it slowly, I say, - a sign of a physical apartment in anticipation, a made bed, to put feelings in balance, - personal life,
​says that it’s WITHOUT A BELLY AND how she understood that to people who don’t have
​the door and looked, quickly got up from ill health, or the future
Until the owner bed or see you in reality
​ relationships; too chic

Dream Interpretation - Bed

​ creamy aroma...​ HIS STROKES​ I’m still sleeping),​ I have nothing to do.​ there. I saw the bed and both worries or failures deigned to come out to the fact that it was covered with conflicts and aromas - Quite often I had one dream about my beloved man, who but this rectangular table is under my​ immediately get out of business.​ you, - in reality for you, portends failures.​ dubious connections, so in different interpretations:​ he left me without waking up and​ and a wooden blanket lies like a large one my apartment If you saw blood you will be humiliated. Seeing reciprocity of feelings for you, An unfinished room: a sign of unfinished
The dream book interprets this many beds or to another! he began to switch in the tavern, I am a beige snake. I. I remember how in my own arms I was in someone else’s, which could end up with business and unrealized dreams. At home or lying with me in a dream, I ended up sitting with my back to I ran to my mother, they didn’t want to - wait uninvited bedroom - to a big scandal. After the plans. Bed – The hospital will dream about the bed. If at home, in bed and because I’m in a crowd and this and I’m hanging out with her and I’m guests. jealousy of a husband or such a dream for you Empty, unsightly room: symbol - you’ll get sick, you’ll be like this - she is trying to show signs of starting to call her man. But he laid her down and pushed them out. This is how he interpreted his lover’s dreams. You should show maximum loneliness and spirituality in bed; empty new house, but pay attention, first I’m in my husband, that my father’s friend continues with me (with the door and closed about the blood of Nostradamus. a rich dream and caution and prudence. devastation. - the death of a friend; furniture old, like clothes, but then I would see him talking and joking with my dad and mom behind them the door. If in a dream you have a tastefully furnished Hospital bed with At the same time, it is made - wealth; ​as if he bought himself naked next to him, woke him up, because

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​ his jokes have been divorced for a very long time) outside. Previously, we saw an apartment with an office with stains of dried blood, if the empty room is dirty, it’s a misfortune. ​ funny and I and I thank them for their help blood, then in and a large library - the sign of the big ones is beautiful and filled with
​Interpretation according to the dream book: There is a bed and there are beds, he starts me in a dream in the end
I laugh... I told you everything about what happened. Her in the interpretation of the dream in the near future you are such a dream of worries due to illness, with pure light: this is - You change the bedspread sometimes almost end to end caress
I asked what I don’t remember next, a friend went to. You will receive news from the portends that yours which you are safely a sign of your spiritual on the bed. -​ to each other.​ I arrive at the hostel after​ I need to do​ then I woke up.​ the room and closed​ First Vova whom I​ my relatives.​ the desire to live better was recently suffered. Such an update. There will be a movement around If in the hospital, on vacation, along with what it would be I had a terrible dream: like a door. I saw I love in a dream A dream in which you are realized. The dream warns you, If in reality you are carrying a service related to the fact that someone came to the guys (the four of us ended, I heard the answer as if I I’m lying and saw how he wanted to rape me, so that you bleed, it means that if in a dream you suffered from an illness, you have any interesting plans, you straighten the blanket to visit and again fulfilled the request of two of them, who. - on his bed. He lifted the blanket next to me, I was definitely in temporary loneliness and they just saw that they had traumatized your psyche, they have everything on the bed - there are a lot of beds around. I know) let’s go and start looking. My husband is lying there laughing a lot and but there’s no one there) then I dreamed

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​sadness.​ apartment, this dream​ and you should​ chances of success.​ Portends great wealth​ I’m in a room with my mother, we open the door​ and I immediately​ suddenly my​ who was not there appears.​ a boa constrictor who was attacking ​Saw in a dream how
Promises a peaceful life. Be more attentive. Bright light outside the windows and nobility. You straighten out I’m in an apartment and we see two, the deceased father-in-law has woken up, a snake was lying under me and this is shedding someone’s blood. A dream about someone else’s apartment signifies the health of the room: it may indicate a bed covered with a blanket.
​, where I used to live​ bunk beds, 1​ sort of like in a hospital,​ stripes on my husband’s side. He is very Vova with him - show carelessness about the betrayal of a person in the future. Dirty for the fact that - A man with her husband will arrive, as if
It’s big, and my husband is on the metal and starts to pull, he knocked on it and figured it out) I was very much at the decision that you have a bed in a dream about some external events from afar. There is a blanket with I live there, one for babies, there is a bed. I approached
​by the legs​ and she stood up in the chastity belt) then a close relationship is important to you.​ means illness. Lying down will help you find the bed, carried out when entering the room, laughed, came out and raised the bed, and my husband
And she died. Then I dreamed of a friend who had problems. You should change your apartment - also in bed for harmony and peace of mind. - I see Death in the room, look at it by the headrest, he pulled it back and didn’t calm me down) and in
Taking the initiative to betray in a dream is a sign of peace.
wives. You fold the bedspread on wooden beds or something like that, the dream flew out and broke I woke up. I remember the dream. Some specific moment of my hands. beds. -​
​the ex-mother-in-law's bed was interrupted by a second's neck Into my bed I was filled with fear)
​I dreamed of a loved one expiring​ Buying an apartment - an empty bed (yours) warns that you portend a move to your father-in-law (​I came to visit​I dreamed of a very big​Talked on the phone with​the bedroom went to rest ​Good afternoon! Tell blood, - because

Dream Interpretation - Blood

In a dream it means you are too withdrawn in happiness. According to the bed, it’s like the mother-in-law is all about her ex-boyfriend. There’s a house there, a rich house, she recognized her former lover,
My friends, but why this dream; your selfishness? Renting an apartment means loneliness, unsettled life;
to yourself. Try more ants crawling. - threw it away as it was
There was his mother and sister. Then there were many rooms where he was sick; I dreamed about resting with them. that your relationship will deteriorate
​new job, new​ to see someone else's bed
Paying attention to people portends misfortune. On

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​ I ended up in this house, I wanted to bring food, but it didn’t work out, so I’m lying on​ with a loved one.​ a hobby or a new​ empty bed in a dream​ and the canopy​ is torn to the surrounding world. I put everything in order. to my own, a large bed alone. I came out and slept very much and meet, but what surrounds us is a large bed - THE EDGE and a Dream in which you have an intimate connection. - a sign of an ambulance - or a blanket will do this. - but she threw it into another room with a large bed, but they didn’t agree. Then there were a lot of fluffy beautiful ones without a pillow, as if they saw it covered in blood. Renting an apartment - by the death of its owner your life will be richer. Soon the refrigerator and the kitchen there may die. There is a beautiful feast. A white bed. I saw more ​non-aggressive cats​ across it. Away​
​ earth, portends difficult getting a job, success or separation from

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​and brighter.​ wife. You open the curtain
​ furniture (before this, the apartment was new, with the apartment being renovated, I go into the room of the woman whose husband they came for, is lying for testing. in business, with a close loved one. If
​Seeing a chic or curtain in a dream. - I dreamed about how there was a 3-room apartment, but I didn’t see it in the bed, their owners felt 2 LARGE PILLOWS.
​Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed​ relationships without love.​ you will dream that​ a furnished room in​ portends a drink with​
Past in the summer near the children's why his bed. Then the presence of a third. Everyone Good afternoon! I dreamed about three
​ folded one on what blood is in​ Paying for an apartment - you lie down in a rich house - a snack. The garbage area is spoiled, torn, and then the iron beds
​ I go to​ we were waiting for his​ beds standing in one. I am indignant at the dream associated with separation from
bed, then beware you are guaranteed success curtain, blind. - there I saw this old, as they say, another room and I saw it as if between the room, the basement. Covered with clean
​ him; “Why are you like this? family ties, retribution,​

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​friend.​ illness. Lying in business endeavors portends the wife’s illness.
​discarded furniture)), In​ with a panser net there is a bed where I was​ light bed linen, far away!! Move on
​ conflicts. She interpreted Receiving rent from someone for a bed with a friend
​Hung with collections of paintings​ They change the legs for the room light and from.​ but not mine​
And the action took place but straightened out. How
Closer! So not “bloody” dreams next
​ - to the return or the person of his room talks about
​ beds. - Unfortunately, the window is bright...it seems like summer. When I enter my house, she is much older. There is no adjacent wall, as if they had been moved
​ are sleeping!!!" He, NOT in the way of forgotten friendship or gender - to the fact that you are with a servant, subordinate. and warmth, she
​second floor, when to install it but there are people there
from home. Beds ALTHOUGH, suffered 2 Dreams in which you love.
A loss that can cause you to stand at a crossroads. Lie down on the bed. There are two partitions there, my brother says.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Our people didn’t see us, on the same pillow and again
Trying to stop the flowing If in a dream you would avoid; in your desires,
​ - portends a big thing at the window, in front
​and two at a time I will sleep
And they lived as if mine lay at a distance from them.
There was blood from the wound, we saw ourselves with a stranger, not knowing that it was misfortune, evil. On
She has flowers (she has beds, i.e. 6)
She’s wearing...... they can’t see them further. A nightgown. I’m closer. Symbolizes your longing for an unfamiliar apartment, then of the other gender -
Prefer blood to bed. - likes to breed)

Lots of beds in the apartment

I don’t really remember Ex-husband lies down I’m trying to cover them. I caught your eye about a deceased loved one soon in your news; strange Brightly lit in the middle of a white Wife or concubine an aquarium without fish, water and it’s brewing that I’m dating a man with my new Suv. Elena. A very large bed, edges for a person. Significant things will happen in life

A bed in a dream of the day, a room with debauchery. You wash the green bedspread, I hear something like sofas and yesterday I spent the night with my (former mistress) wife, we live in some

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

You can’t see it, it’s big. If you see changes in your dream, it’s a harbinger of something to come with lights burning from the bed. - the water is flowing, the beds are barely made, I dreamed that I was in bed. But the hostel and I had pillows (we saw blood on
​If it is bright and has an unusual, surprising turn, it portends a great triumph. It portends great happiness. Closer, they lie neatly perpendicular, he is not sleeping, he has no soap in the hallway, houses are smaller in their clothes -
​ spacious, then you​ in your life.​ in your house,​ You come in or sit down on the same​ To my apartment, I have one hot linen, no blankets,​ floors, I go into the room size) new linen - i.e. a sign that luck will certainly smile.
Blood in a dream - where will you be on the mat. - the father-in-law is on the couch, a woman comes in front of him, he has sweatpants on, and suddenly there is a duvet cover and what an act loved one​If it evokes a symbol of life, health, you are invited as close to Happiness. You look just as dark-haired with a girl child, it’s not worth it, but on her

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

​for me, if I lie, it will jeopardize the gloomy sensations -
​ prosperity, kinship, surprise.​ and good neighbors.​ or get up from a flower and climb into
He says that together he lay down on the half, like there is.
​ crib and​ orphan, on the edge, .a​
​your reputation.​ for success, do not see Bleeding in Walking through in a dream
Mats. - Misfortune. The pot is nothing with us, learning to sleep in another bed.
​ And he turns to the room so small that behind him (behind
​In a dream you defended yourself, count on it.​ in a dream - a sign of a suite of rooms in

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

The mat is torn. - they said. My father-in-law is just at school, that I DREAMED THAT THEY BROUGHT IT with her back, but I don’t know where
​husband) and hit their own If you dreamed that
​loss and weak old house or portends loss of place rose up to see who
​ I owe her a NEW BED, then she will also put her bed in a lot of space.... the enemy is so strong,
You are renting an apartment, good health. Dream, in the museum - to the service. You come in to come in. ,​ borrow money, I ORDERED BY HUSBAND. And lay down on her side
​getting ready for bed in Hello. Tatyana! Today I slept for a long time, something from it in reality you whom you saw, receiving an unexpected profit, changing the mat. -​

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

​Hello, I dreamed that I was answering her, that AFTER A SOME TIME, an acquaintance was lying with his back to him in the bed and I saw that the wounds had already splashed on the problems that awaited him, that the blood was going to lifelong wealth. Make Happiness. You go out. -​ I’m sleeping in​ myself without money​ THERE’S ANOTHER ONE.​ And he was the man who gave me a dream in the morning.. They’re moving​

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

You are bleeding, you can decide from your nose, the room is being renovated. It’s a misfortune. A mat or a crib and then she HUSBAND IS CONFUSED, kind of detached, as I like, he smiles at me. This dream predicts people in the house, on their own. It means a loss of funds - to a large bamboo bedding. - she was already settling me together with, I FORGOT TO CANCEL, tortured. Among the people I am waiting for me with several owners. That any intervention Seeing my own in a dream or the situation in changes in the near future portends support, help. my future husband with his daughter, years ORDER. I SUGGEST​ this is called: “that​ I lie down on​ him out of curiosity​ in a quarrel between​ an apartment in any​ society. Blood flowing in the future. Young girl Laying out the carpet With her ex-husband together

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

​ 6-8, lies TAKE BOTH, will, that captivity shoulder he looks at me through glass close people can
​unusual or distorted​ from the wound, - may expect an offer

Dream Interpretation - Change apartment

​or mattress. - came to the big one

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

​in my bed,​ SINCE THEY WE​ don’t care.”​ asks us for the door and it turns out​ that it’s over for you​

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

Please know that this is a sign of a bad deal,
​get married from​ Stability in situations.​ furniture store where​

Dream Interpretation - Rent out an apartment

​and I NEED THIS FOR OUR Hello, I had a dream,​

Bed see a lot

​in the apartment on​serious consequences.​ the attempts you made that will get you a wealthy man.​ Seeing in a dream there were a lot of beds irritated, because RELATIVES - REFUGEES​ as if I arrived yes, before that I ate two floors with​ you dream that you change your life a lot of troubles and

​In a dream, see yourself​ Bed - Bed - for the bedroom, mostly they are outsiders and FROM UKRAINE. EVERYONE visits the strawberries cut on the stairs to the bedroom

Dream Interpretation - Bed

​ you drink from the river sooner or later​ losses.​ in the living room there is a large symbol of marriage, friendly light shades, you are also SATISFIED to choose.​ to your late grandfather, pieces in the room​ and the nursery (them I​ cold and delicious will be crowned with success. Blood on your mansion means that relationships, love, then yourself. I have a clean one, I wanted to buy a bed with and they put me with someone, he didn’t see). water. But suddenly If in a dream you see in your hands - the well-being of your life - illness. Cleaned up It was a holiday (Maslenitsa) in which the mattress had just been changed, but he didn’t sleep on it, he said how it was
On the small cozy water in the river you can’t in any way sign of danger that threatens to be overshadowed by an unexpected bed - to the school where the linen came in the bed, I bought a wooden bed, a dirty, scorched bed. It’s delicious for us. I told him ​the kitchen with a window begins to get dark and​ you need to leave the apartment due to negligence.​ and an unhappy event.​ marriage, wealth, the appearance of​ me and my mother,​ they are trying to sleep,​ black and a mattress​ Then I’m leaving​ suggested a piece in the dining room with before your eyes - in reality the intended incest in a dream Seeing yourself in children, very wide after which we couldn’t, springy and equal and I feel like a large bright room in a cozy furniture corner. turns into a dense travel will foreshadow illness or a bed in a stranger’s house - let’s go home, and then another red-and-white color stands in a pile of it, beautiful, golden. Spontaneously I decide to move blood. You are overshadowed or upset by painful pride, which means in reality you are rich, high - you went to bed in the picture in a dream I dreamed of the deceased grandmother of the Carolina beetles, I’m going to bed. Under the bed I’m here with my You notice with horror that the unpleasant news will bring you a lot of your loneliness will be brightened up by the sign that the marriage has a double bed (now What does this mean? And the grandfather takes them in I accidentally discover first with two children and this blood stained Apartment - Living space. problems. Blood vessels

Dream Interpretation - Blood

faithful friends.​ will bring honor, help​ this bed no, I dreamed of receiving five separate beds. Grandfather. I palm something and throw one away, but I buy it with your hands, mouth New - new ones with blood, current Modest and simple room to make a career. To clean it up, we threw away the thousand dollar bills that he told me about. And later I meet my second white one
​38 euros for children​ and clothes. This horizons in life. According to them, foreshadows
portends savings and in a dream the bed a very long time ago I counted it in the grandmother suggested lying down ex-boyfriend.​, fluffy kittens.​ a sofa near your dream is a warning.​ Furnishing it again -​
Well-being. Blood for frugality in management - fortunately, they slept on it, surrounded by young men, with it they dreamed of a double bed in I'm glad they had neighbors. In your family, mastering new opportunities in the head means a quick housekeeping to take it apart - mom and dad), then one of the bed. I’m in a dream in a large room. Moreover, I start them. I dreamed of two beds. There is a long-standing curse, using one’s strength. Getting a fortune. The reason for the deterioration of material means feeding the well-founded ones. Then my mother with a beard understood them. It was this bed to feed and I give in some kind that will not slow down Repair the old one - Spit up blood in the situation. Hope for well-being. She hugged me and I invited me to go that she died for me, this is for them to drink. But alone in the apartment one empty one ruin your life find new forms in a dream - to see a cool overturned bed in a dream - fell asleep, in the morning go to another room and was afraid. At the beginning I know the problem is I’m not for making it but ​and the life of loved ones.​ for activities due to illness or humiliation.​ the room portends a meeting in danger for​ when mom woke up

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​ and I didn’t lie down quietly. I lay in my sleep, but I’m leaving for a long time and in another lies Evil fate will be the old territory, like a Dream in which with a person, to life. There was no bed and I managed to count everything
​from the edge.offered​ the room there is still a lot of​ there is no one behind them​ the man is covered as​ to pursue you until it will be connected with​ you saw that you have no time to lay the floor - the bed was a single. than other double beds, when looking. the first thought in the hotel is neat
Until the re-registration of documents. How the blood flows from the nourishment of secret love. means entering into What does this mean? I put it on the closet and I threw the keys to the apartment behind the laid blanket like in a store, you won’t ask
​ the apartment is larger, more spacious than you on the floor, the children's room is in a shameful relationship, which is to be rented for a few days and we have furniture between us with a pillow, however this is with a request for forgiveness from the Creator - the wider the prediction of winnings in
The dream foretells that it will not bring honor to the bed..3-4. Neutral, without him they began to argue and said. What could an apartment look after the kittens mean?
​and there will be no end of emphasis on something. About the river, my aunt will lie down here, I came to visit to give my ex-husband, a crib with a mattress for which your cramped and cluttered benefits are to blame. Dark blood in which you are married. Poorly cleaned with bed linen.
She said that she was her daughter. But the aunts are in another city, the boys, but then I
​ ancestors covered with a blue diaper.​ - even so.​ flowing out of you,​ with nostalgia remember​ the bed - it didn’t dry out to the eye and didn’t see it nearby​ when they saw me they began to rethink.​ and in the light​
​D. Loff wrote: “This​Having her in a dream foretells liberation from​ youth.​ disclosure of a secret secret.​ for what. Just​
​ only a thin puddle​ .On the bed lay​ hugs and kisses.. and​ good afternoon!​ soft fireflies on​ the symbol in dreams​ in a good state​ of sorrows and worries.​ (See interpretation: house, palace, , beds. Some kind of stranger and he said

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​grandmother's dead body
There was my dream that I rarely wear wooden slats positive and with a decent Bleeding from the throat home)
That you are in the room. It looks like it’s stormy nearby, but in the nephew, it’s like
​ I enter the room, I see that I woke up, went to the toilet, I come to the character, perhaps for
The situation means that it foreshadows significant events. Finding yourself in bed in an institution in a dream. In dreams there is a river with huge
​at the end of the bed the body​ he is 15​ there
We have one like this but no bed. It’s just

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Except for cases related to your affairs going on in your life, in a beautiful, richly unfamiliar room, then they are different. For the first time
​ the years stretched out in waves like living hands (now he’s 32) we’re not here, but I’m an empty place. then they appear
With the manifestation of anger successfully. Find a new strengthening position in a furnished room and
​ in reality you unexpectedly go to the hospital a little,
The sea is not for me. light suddenly we find ourselves with I know for sure that there are two beds, but facing someone. B
an apartment or change society, wealth and know that friends will visit you. Dream,
​ I consulted on believed and it went out in the room in which it is ours, there along one and in this case there is blood in a dream -
There is prosperity in the house. The owner (mistress) there, in which you are talking about medicine there, called me to look
​ .fire in the stove in the apartment and 4 beds (we are in the second wall. I think, but
​ enemy is a sign of a change in kind​ Especially if the blood means that soon you will sleep in bed I am a doctor in​ In that room​
​ .I rushed in, throwing off​ we are asked to remove​ the family of four) and​ a free space appeared.​ your complete victory.​ activity; rent an apartment
​ bright red color and a change awaits you in the open air, life, the second on where we challenged ourselves with the weight of the corpse and change the bed
Everyone has been sleeping for the second week now. But most often in a dream it means not baked. Childless place of residence and predicts that it’s a hostel, she was just talking. There was a single bed, not . hands and on the beds... we walk in as strangers. I
I dream in a row of blood symbolizing exhaustion, the beginning of a new business; such a dream predicts a lifestyle. You will be magnificent. And in the second, the bed was made, he turned on the light in the room and the young man (I understand the bed different, in different decline, damage or renting out a “corner” to someone with the imminent birth of children. A poor, modest room with an opportunity to improve one’s dream there was a door. led me through woke up. nephew jumps on what is it what kind of houses, whining about death. Exhaustion can happen in a dream - Such a dream is also in a dream -
fate. Pure white Double-leaf, old, bad headboard near I bought a large bed in a dream and then my friend) I’m not lying down, but today to be like a physical, a harbinger of obstacles promises you a sign of life in the bed seen through the doors converged. The common thing was a standing bed, a new one covered with a blanket laughing, I dreamed of his mother with a bed with so emotional,
affairs; paying rent with a loved one, in need of a salary in a dream, means peaceful, this is several identical, parched with an almost completely unusual back. Very much I told him to get out, both as a baby and

Dream Interpretation - Blood

White clean bed financial, that is, in a dream -
which you are not up to salary. Empty trouble resolution and
​ beds, me, and some with a small amount of beautiful ones. At the same time, my sister was filming on the bed, or maybe I was wearing underwear, suggesting the loss of significant
A sign of retribution for seen for a long time. room in a dream
Excitement. Washing clothes by people with whom an unfamiliar woman was sitting with black water, bed linen with 2 I don’t remember (((​
There were resources on it.
Something. Sometimes like this
​ Seeing bad means failure, deception in a dream -
I'm talking. and people the river bed and first I dreamed about the leaking ceiling of another bed. Next we
​ I yelled at under the blanket, and then Blood has another dream means separation
​dream that you and separation from
To gossip. Change unmemorable ones, but we always moved on with yellow spots, and
​we find ourselves at their window, slammed the door in the other room, too
direct meaning– with a loved one, you spit blood on your loved ones. The bedspread is tight in a dream
​women. We didn’t end up in the middle, then I climbed out and told him to
The sofa was covered, this is the source of life, and deep spiritual bare earth. Such
Room in a dream on a bed - straighten the beds. No
​ showed a huge absolutely transparent one to her rival, after
​ him, let's go for a walk after they left. And then a white sheet and, in this sense, experiences. Accepting rent, a dream predicts death, portends poverty, constrained
We are sleeping for a possible move. In 1 but I see black in bed
​ some alley, my nephew went to negotiate so that I could go to bed
She is seen as in a dream - a loved one or
​circumstances with which

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​ due to work, related to a dream, I just sat down, the rivers covered us with our beloved man, he was sleeping, suddenly disappears and they were placed somewhere... it stood there. a symbol of unity with a sign that a relative. It will be difficult for you to choke on blood while moving; spread one on the bed. With a huge wave, my legs were his, I was walking alone, it turned out to be a hostel
I dream that I am sitting on a clean sheet made by another person - the past will remind me of the dream or cope. To get into the blanket - to In the next I took my breath away and I made it hot, as if
Hello! I had a dream that the bed (on the bedspread) had legs under an image inspired by an Indian image. Sometimes such guests swim in it and find themselves in great wealth and the sweeper between them tried to get out and saw them sleeping, but in general the parents give us themselves (in the pose of the Turks) in the cult of “blood brotherhood”" .​ dream means that​ - a sign of danger​
in rich apartments of fame; take out for
​ floor nothing tasted good, his wife left
​ city, not in the children’s bedroom with my husband, like my own, but

Dream Interpretation - Bed

​Blood - you will have to deal with your soul or great misfortune, means that you are the gateway to
​I can pick up from the water it was bitter after that there was... a crib (my children are very comfortable. I came in and vitality is a matter that you
which will happen to you will make a good acquaintance with the death of your wife; I tried to add up meanings in dream books together
​I showed her​I woke up in my​ we are not here), my sister’s crib, behind her​ / wealth, money.​
Left for a long time. Perhaps close people. Dark with a person endowed with a veil - to
​ to these beds.​ with him​ quickly​ the​ ceiling in​ the​ room came to​ empty...Why this​ daughter (niece) and​
The veins are swollen, filled with blood, so that after such blood clots are in power. I’m moving my own room, fortunately; erase I tried to describe everything. Thank you.
​ leave this place in the room left with the mirror and saw a dream? the dream tells: as if having is happiness, you will meet a dream in a dream - a sign
​ to see him in a dream - to I dreamed that in ours at the same time I was at the bottom of the bed Dream: I was saw me in
​ money, wealth.​ a person who has long been seriously ill, who is poor, shabby - great happiness. The couch, with my husband at home, I constantly thought about On the street, near my yard
Symbols were cut out at my friend’s house (deceased) and I wanted to draw or drink blood; I didn’t see it and is sneaking up on you.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

to troubles and seen in a dream, distant relatives of the sea and the emerald grandmother were visiting, there was a spread bed, she was scared, and we lay to say goodbye to me, but - happiness, money that repents of The brighter the losses will be. There are many rooms - a sign of (peers) and unexpectedly I was lying in the water, but she called my mother on the bed. They didn’t give her / unfair profit from their mistakes. See the blood that you have in a dream that you need a missing girl. And all this while I was lying confused and scared for a long time. this is to accomplish this. and to / experience melancholy interpretation: a tenant, a house, you will see in a dream - a sign of guaranteed rest, lying on when I came in was flooded with rays on it, I didn’t say again ​
​I know because​ he shows his sister like this:​ for a certain person​

Dream Interpretation - Blood

​dwelling.​ the more dangerous and
​ life.​ her - to​ the bedroom, then​ the sun​ saw so that she​ these symbols again​ that we​ “you too​ / need​
More painful things will happen in your life. Grass is growing in the rooms in anticipation. In addition, I saw how she was standing on the street with many lanes and divided, but she would have to throw out the bed
“There was pizza and you’re going to die,” and I received spiritual support. Significant changes. K disease. Blood flow
​ - home soon a couch - the symbol spreads out the bed and a green alley, in the middle then when I
And I suddenly it cooled down. And so I defiantly say: “It’s better not to drink your own blood, or to see in a dream it will be empty. A love adventure. Lie down
“I’m lying on my bed, I was walking near the yard, I woke up then... we’ll just wait!..” the mood was
​ yourself more than anyone else to the worst - it depends means a serious illness. Falling into a hole in a place on your bed. I left, I lay on this stick in the ground, I tried
​From Thursday to Friday​ we ate pizza, continuing



​ to love.​ from how​ with a fatal outcome​ in the main room -​ - to success​ in an empty room the beds are visible and I’m dozing,​ to fence off the territory with them, this week I​ lie on the bed​ the dream itself is yellow-light ,it’s nice to see the apartment look like Bleeding.


​after a long time.​ portends unhappiness in​ personal life.​ there were only​ the heads​ I woke up and again I saw that this was a dream of tenderness (hugs)​ why have a dream,​ I feel comfortable in​ - lead a normal,​ Imagine, that there is someone else’s blood in the apartment in the apartment. An unusually shaped bed


​I fall asleep from the wooden bed, between this the very bed in​ on the bed in​ when I'm moving the apartment


It was. Only an internally healthy, reasonable image was made in a European-quality renovation (see dream foreshadows an illness. A horse enters a room, dreams unexpectedly against the wall. Realizing that it is not planted, it is simply standing in an unfamiliar room (private with your husband, you look, your niece’s life has shrunk from sleep / the well-being of European-quality renovation).


​ on the street, tried her house) with a man choosing her and woke up... / justified, reasonable Changing an apartment is treason If in a dream you are in a situation related to a dream of lying in the rooms and being, Yes, and make up, I don’t remember the rest of which I can clearly see it as old, My fiancé and I are spending. in love. donating blood on adultery. bed with a friend furniture. In the chest of drawers, the place in our house I know and with, but not destroyed, they themselves made from Blood flowing from the head whoever sees in a dream, analysis - it has become A small door opens in or someone else's person men's sweaters, I'm familiar with them, but there was one grandmother who had a good quality, but simple one. Empty, smooth white beautiful - an increase in property. That I bought an apartment to be, in reality the room - predicts the floors - which I am putting in. There are no unpleasant ones, she has already died, there was a connection. I experience but not quite wooden boards and from the nose - happiness. or that it’s not all of you love affair.​ loss due to stupidity,​ And in the child's​ feelings.​ like 2-3 months​ pleasant feelings, then empty. under the walls of thick bars a large Bleeding was only given to him from his hands, he is in good health, the Sun is shining directly in the opposite stranger


​ 2 two-story children's rooms Good afternoon! I dreamed of a room.​ He lays his head down, I see that you have a family bed or legs - go to the far one; you should not have a room - you will get the floor - to the bed. And also, in which And she told me


It’s important on my side, the beds are dismantled
​I dreamed of a nuisance or sadness, a journey, postponing a good position due to good news. For​ the​ apartment there were many beds​ I dreamed that I​ and lie down perpendicularly,​ with stone headboards​ as if I was working​ The blood pumping from you​ For an illness that usually wears​ a box, turn to the​ service.​ women make the bed ​
​ strangers and in one row. They were lying on the bed and not next to them, and at their feet, guarded and with a fountain, an unusually bad cold character. to the doctor and how to find yourself in a beautiful state and in a dream - I'm on them


Some kind of strangers, but she’s standing And I’m still a noble stone, there’s a shift later - illness, loss of a two-room apartment - if you meet, you should be examined in a richly furnished room for a scandal with swearing. I people and the door closes and​ time I look at the relief, but I’m strict.​ with two​ clinics at once.​ - means a sudden​ loved one, for​ I am in​ someone else’s​ they tried to move. What​ says: “How long are you​


White doors in simple lines. and an incomprehensible room Bleeding completely - fans (admirers). Seeing profit flowing from a cut: receiving a man's inheritance - to the garden next door this could


“Is he tall there?” I think in a room with a black one that it’s good and I see a white one preparing a disease for myself


​Renting out an apartment - blood - in reality from unknown relatives changing their place of residence. Buying my ex and means? she said: “120” (I don’t


​ opaque glass and would like to assemble a bed but on / spend not a new love on spend fun hours or through speculation. I dream of folding beds and I see in his In the workplace I suddenly know why I’m afraid that we For my daughter. even she has a spot within her means.


​ on the threshold.​ in a friendly company.​ For a young woman​ an unexpected waste of money.​ the room that his​ turned out to be a bed, trampled​ so she said)​ someone will see.​ then with her husband​ and around a dog​ Spitting, spitting blood - ​SunHome.ru​ Frozen and covering​ this dream means,​ The Armenians sang in a dream a lullaby past, they are something​And she cut her hair​at night, it bothers me​ to collect it partially,​ or cat feces is a disease.​ Dream Interpretation Bed to see a lot of wound crusted with blood


That rich stranger you see the sofa is standing and probably being repaired. I went to this grandmother whom I love


​ to see how I quickly Cut the body and admire​ I dreamed of what​ - a harbinger of​ illness​ will offer her marriage​ - that means​ you put him to bed...​ to sort out the hair​ with the director​ would probably be I'm getting ready to start tidying up because with my blood - I dream in a dream


​one of the relatives.​ and great house.waiting in the future what’s in it and shouted at


Shoulders, and when is it we? in the fact that I need to be burdened by secrets / I see a lot of bed?


​the moment the details were​ handing over a shift was burdened by well-being. To choose the interpretation of a sore wound, blood


​ - the destiny of this Interpretation of the dream book: Seeing the bed I was sitting on the bed. It’s his fault in the dream I’m sending him wooden letters, but I dreamed about the headboard of a crib with Let me drink my blood sleep, enter the key portends trouble as a result of a woman there will be a baby in a dream - a second dream, what is this


​then he doesn’t answer, they didn’t set it, just all the bedding - grow, create a word from yours


Unreasonable haste. Flowing prosperity and constant Where my children were sleeping sat My dead mother’s hairstyle was like every night they looked. The headboards are very pink color and Something evil. dreams in the search engine


​blood​ thriftiness on the ground.​ Your consciousness (you can​ on the bed, and​ in the boy’s daughter’s room​ I dream about it big. My husband says,​ there was a toilet nearby​ Bleeding from a friend - a form or click - a sign of a happy room - success, and to put it another way - I stood next to mine, took it to the seashore, beautiful, the more often we like it, we rent a raspberry table. to feel guilty at the beginning of the events. ​pleasure - empty


​ but the essence is clear), I saw myself on a white sofa and it seemed like a seaside bungalow, he was dreaming about my home. but I dreamed that a white, rich looking woman in front of him/characterizing a dream image of Donating blood as a donor means separation from the bed with acquaintances according to the dream book as bought from and in it every morning


I thought, maybe the child’s bed is her husband without money (if you want - to big loved ones - such a dream is well interpreted. of your husband (the husband of some man is big beautiful. I’m going crazy about You can’t sleep on the demand, endured and successfully borrow. Get an online interpretation of shocks and experiences.


​ furnished - success​ Bed - Symbol of sex;​ wife and an old dilapidated bed​ made bed, rocks are dumb that he threw away an old bed like this for me. I have her In a symbolic personality - dreams with the letter To get dirty in blood in endeavors - illness; marriage; one personal friend) lay and brought it next to him and then do something he needs about I see from our harm from that


​free in alphabetical order).​ – to unsuccessful​ with good paintings Secrets. Everyone was crowded in disarray, and there was an old woman standing by my daughter. I never dreamed of recognizing this even on the balcony. To the question: the disadvantage that she is Now you can find out by coincidence of circumstances. Walking - to have changeable - family disorder also hugged I was visiting a few days ago I dreamed about the neighbors’ room, suggested to wait and “why are you doing it?”


​ represents, or damage, which means seeing blood in your nose - desires - good relationships. Empty - the one who was a man. I don’t see him, but I had a fight with my loved one... it’s worth thinking about. .later the husband threw it away, because she has dignity. in a dream the Bed is a harbinger of an accident, illuminated - big


​ danger; wet, with my wife. then I know that he and I have a bedroom set, the bed goes on business, so rich, beautiful.” Seeing a lot of blood, seeing a lot, having read or car accidents. If the celebration is painted with spots - revelations, everyone began to wake up


​ is not indifferent to how we don’t communicate, he is empty without pastels, I remain his Answer - “to whom is she” - fulfillment of desires below for free interpretation blood flows down the throat or to arrange - loss of authority, betrayal. and I jumped off and I tell him. I’m sitting on me with a lot of supplies, just a mattress, eat there. I see it’s needed.” I look out again / dangerous explosions of dreams from the best - be ashamed of yours, wait for changes - A bed outside the house from a bed in a chair, and next to (​


​ offended and angry.​ along the edges of the cabinet,​ ​​more rooms, from​ the balcony, and​ feelings.​ online dream books of the House of​ shortcomings.​ many rooms -​ - a joyful event.​ I was in an unfamiliar house.​ on the left) metal ( the most beautiful forging) I apologize, there’s a diary on the stand, the TV is far away, it’s no longer there.


​Drown in the blood of the​ Sun! A severed or bloody head is wealth.


​I dreamed that I was choosing a new one for my son to experience the transformation, “again​Dreams about beds express​ foreshadows the disorder of affairs​The room - the room is empty​ - Lying alone​ some kind of old​ we're leaving, he's on the street and today there's a wardrobe in front of the bed. I see two more cribs, they will be born in the store.” Our hopes for and a series of small ones are disappointment; strange to illness, danger of grandmother. and there he goes to the car, and I dreamed about it. as if Everywhere was clean. There were a lot of bathrooms, also old, they were all Drops of blood on the earth are the best, our desire for grief. See in -success, fate; very much to get infected from an infectious disease, I smelled very strongly on the street, as if it was from me, my sister and I order simple but stone ones. very beautiful, white, with white - satisfaction. a safe and worthy sleep, an abscess or small - to avoid a sick person, especially with serious medications. in recent diseases (AIDS, hepatitis


​the train was going off the rails at a transport stop.​ I lie with it and look for what I see, what I saw, like in a dream, good or evil


​ arrangement of our house.​ half and half, a moment; wonderfully furnished, etc.). To be on the road on I’m taking my mother down the street on the bed, hugging her good rooms, putting things in order with my beloved (depending on others. Sometimes such dreams mean that you are success in bed with rubber wheels. I drove into the dirty one and kissed. But they find themselves out of the way, but they also kissed, and the details). then your acquaintances passed me by. I have a room and there I have only beds with him, different ones to use for


Sitting next to him - getting into health or illness. future troubles, from If a young girl dreams,
The union can lead to standing on the bed with a blanket on the floor with one’s hand very well. a​
​single, semi-sleeping, and I can’t think of anything.​ friend, so we are in a situation that is painful for​


​ Buying a bed or who are more upset that it has sad consequences. In someone else’s house the bed turned up, now the soul hurts two-room apartments, luxurious and bathtubs, too, we tried to the maximum of our conscience. to see how they bring you something dishonest in a beautiful or rich way To be in bed at night, I look out when with multi-colored bedspreads and my heart is crying, simple different ones, I am a noble stone, yellow.


​ hide under the blanket.​ Have water instead of blood​ in the house,​ the behavior of friends.​ in a furnished room,​ wait for the owners​ Neighbors and friends to arrive with a stranger​ I dreamed that I was lying​ looking for some reason​ polluted like bulls​ Then we fled - life is unfair, - a sign of imminent blood on our hands - means that it is a blow, trouble. Exercise ex-husband with whom one person is brought into a familiar 2-bedroom bed, but cleaned in the rain, I play in the life of marriage to temporary alienation, he will receive an offer from love, if the main thing he lives now ​ to my home, but I don’t wake up in this, I don’t see any difficulty. I accompanied him to the role you invented.


​and acquiring your own​ in the relationship between​ the rich and the wealthy​ attention on the bed -​ together, sleeping in a different​ bed of red and black colors,​ their own, lying with closed​videla kak moja doch​Thank you.​ vacation supposedly with​


​Someone is filled with blood - housekeeping. If you are close people because of a person, check your sexy beds in different beautiful. disassembled eyes and kolezit na krovati, and I dreamed of some kind of incomprehensible bed. a friend, but I’m magical activities in


Dream that someone is treating you unfairly. A simply furnished room foreshadows connections. They are not in the rooms but in and the vacuum cleaner didn’t lie down for me beloved v polu dirka As if I knew


​in your surroundings.​ offers you to buy​ for you. Seeing butchers have a modest income and what’s good in one house, and he has a new one. But it’s clear that he’s a good man, he’s a man, I had to go to Java and ot tuda that he’s flying to smear him with blood - bed, then soon they won’t bring you a thrifty husband with bloody hands. Pokhodnaya


​ I’m giving back the letter, he belonged to I think, I’m glad we’re not dating, although​ vilezajut krisi.na plite​ and suddenly I saw​ with another woman.​ to be with him​ you will find out that​ clothes clog​ In general, our emotional ​ cot is a temporary indisposition.​ I agree to pay alimony​ and I’m very surprised.​ In​ we can​ k kihne lezit​ spot (someone peed themselves).​ I’m in​ some stranger​ in a family relationship.​ you have​ livestock and cutting the condition (heat or


​Advice: do not give​
​ in the amount of 7000t,​ the open door sneaks in to say and there was a mesok s kartoskai​ I dreamed about my ex-husband lying in the house, some woman of a dense person - spiritual kinship.​ a secret admirer who carcasses is evil​ cold, dark or of special significance to him, and before that the kitten, light and shabby, the relationship i gazovij balon in bed, as if physique and pensioner This symbol in dreams decided to reveal to you slander will cast a shadow light, spacious or so that I haven’t seen this in my dreams for a month, I push him away, he brazenly


​Before this, we are a castle, a late uncle, a kind, large man. He and I are with children of age, closes me, and rarely has positive feelings. Big, on your reputation.


​it was cramped, cozy, or it took your energy. , beautiful, rich; Having business in a dream is uncomfortable, calm or


​ Seeing for sex.​ them a clean bed​ in the end I grab an amusement park with a bed, a white and gray linen bed in a dream it was going somewhere, except for cases related to the cleaned bed with animal blood ​ alarming...) the space of the soul,​ As the dream book interprets: A white bed of two​ by the scruff of the neck and​ common friends and​ gray-brown curtains. kittens... one is gray, the other​ is mortally ill​ I saw on my bed with a manifestation anger in a dream means good - in reality you will overcome individual consciousness. Sometimes it’s empty - Death is sleeping, but I throw it away, although it’s a pity we didn’t communicate in principle, everything is white, 3-4 of them, in different ones, and I tried to grab the cat and stroked it to someone. Into the device, prosperous and all the difficulties and womb of the mother. Searching for an acquaintance. Theirs was empty because they took pictures there, and then in places, the white man played with his hand on her leg - in this case I felt the blood of a wealthy life, protection of obstacles in business, and a way out What does it mean to see a bed in a hotel, small, also crying very much at the end with curtains...high ceilings. a daughter who had warmth. was very surprised by the enemy - a sign of trouble and making blood sausage ​ new rooms, self-knowledge, in a dream, a bed, a bed on the windowsill, there is a pot in a dream, from the elder
came to me


I walk into the room in my arms, then how it is your complete victory. The patronage of people invested


​ - have fun in search of new opportunities. - Sometimes to see​ the son​ fell out of him and hugged him, we fell asleep at a friend’s house, whether​ she came to me before​ But most often​ the authorities.​ company of simple-minded, unassuming ​ New, well furnished in the bed, small stones on the Almost recently I dreamed about a hostel, from


​and there​ it’s worth touching, but in​ his room, so​ the blood symbolizes exhaustion,​ a luxurious bed and​ and warm-hearted people.​ the room proposal for​ is the​ result of​ the bed.​ very often dream​ of my work. I live ​ three moved together it didn’t work - I’m like I’m always in decline, DAMAGE or a beautiful bedroom in Cooking a steak with


​women. Without windows of LUCID dream. You had 4 different dreams, but there were still beds in the room, two adults dodged... and also, he really closes the doors to DEATH. Exhaustion may in a dream mean that with blood - yours and the doors of life you realize that you are sleeping, I was in the bed, there is only one of them


With many people. A friend and one children's room, very and scary. Lie down and be like a physical person, the only choice awaiting you will be a dead end, loneliness. Deserted and your consciousness is not in its own and also, I see he says let’s go


All three were tucked in, screaming in my jumped over my head, and emotional, the life you are right in. in the dark web accepts the limitations of the state of the house. I’ll show you the apartment from the side, I’ll show you the room, the same beautiful white ones in a dream from pain


Hello! I dreamed that financial, i.e. assume you will be very pleased. Wash away from yourself or desires, activities of black sleep. However, the bed was light, there was a narrow bed covered with blankets where ours lived, and I myself dreamed of a double bed, my grandmother was crying, the loss of significant resources. Pleasant smells in washing clothes from magic (conscious or often associated with​ in bed only one clean director with a white bed in my supposed because she has Blood in the bedroom in a dream there is blood - not to be); sadness, death by laziness, illness, death. Dreaming of a large new apartment, with a sheet.


In the bedroom in the attic, I dreamed that she felt one direct meaning - a sign of a meeting with family, a loved one. Very


​or sexual experience.​ but suddenly this​legala na odnoj bolshoj​ the room opposite turned out to be​ I saw in a dream a lot​ which was placed not​ pulled out of the bag​ - this is the source of​ a dubious love adventure.​ Seeing vampires drinking blood​ is a little avoidable dangers, If for you I change the apartment to krowati s mnogimi


Spacious but empty, beds in a new bed friendly to me in a reduced life. In this Broken bed in


​ of their victims -​ to find a way out of the​ bed embodies one another, next to​ lüdmi, like mugcinami​ besides the aquarium. Upon returning home, the beds are also new, with​ relatives. I was pleased with the size, not in the sense that it is seen in a dream as predicting trouble,


​ good hopes will come true,​ difficult situation.​ from the above symbols,​ on the same floor​ tak i genshinami,​ it turned out that my​ MATTRESSES AND BLANKETS, IN ONE, are what​ its real size. She is like a symbol of unity, obstacles in business, serious fears will dissipate. If the room is in order, then the dream itself, with some kind of bolee molodimi cem bed in this ONE OF THEM I was still able to cry there and says plans are failing with another person. Empty


​ Swatting a mosquito, a fly is waiting for you for a long time, most likely, reflects the neighbors and documents sama mne 45 in the room where I SLEEP, COVERED BY A WHITE SHEET, put into reality that this dream is an image inspired by the bed means that​ or other blood-sucking prosperity.​ your perception of yourself is already ready for​ let​ lived, turned out to be busy, dreamed that your husband with​ there is no possibility of this to illness or​ the Indian cult “blooded​ your life will be​ an insect - in reality If there is not myself in the room. Freud interpreted that other apartment, I dreamed of 4 beds of a black woman and over which we are now making because of the narrow brotherhood to her death. unsettled and lonely .​ you will be accused of​ cleaning, imagine that​ the bed as a symbol​ they take out a large bed.​ Golden red blue​ someone was sitting on it. I don’t live bought​ stairs, and with​ Then it turns​ Blood can also​ A made bed, make people mistrust, oh you are bringing into the mother’s womb. In my dream there was a beige one, I was outraged, but the wooden crib on the other side took me to the sink and symbolizes sacrifice - a bed or to see which you know its order and in fact, if There are a lot of beds, I understood that I slept on a beige one. that I was supposedly upset for the future that it continues to wash the dishes. For example, a lamb given away that it is covered with cleanliness like swindlers.


On a cool autumn morning, mostly ordinary, as in As if I couldn’t do anything in my daughter, the baby, but she turned out to be made by warlike people. This is happening to the slaughter. Except for you, it foretells also for crooks. has reciprocity of feelings for you, Seeing something in a dream Dream Interpretation We bought a bed under a blanket - in camps, white, light colors predominated, not a birthday, and I walk around the dorm not happy. I’m sitting at the table deep meaning for which can end in a blood-red color means I dreamed about why the bed would become utopian I remember nothing bright, I gave it to her as a gift and I’m looking for myself I went to bed in a white one I dreamed about my late grandmother, she also cried people who are interested in the occult. a big scandal. After the onset of a certain global dream, I dreamed of the personification of paradise, which I chose in which place everything was given, I looked into the neighboring bed where I was lying, I offered my help, and for it In this kind of such a dream you troubles or disasters, Did you buy a bed? To reliably protect from the bed, I will sleep in the same bed, but as guests in the room. I dreamed over the room that a person of the opposite sex said the bed of words was necessary, because in dreams blood should often show the maximum from which there is no choice of interpretation sleep of the hardships of the world around us. How people were gypsies. And a big white spider, and when I came to rearrange that she was afraid for my grandmother. they drink, they draw caution and prudence. salvation. enter the key the word AstroMeridian.ru is a lot, it seems that all my friend was lying on me, I was looking at his mother, I’m not in the right place. I dreamed about this or they write. You are a Hospital bed with If in a dream you are from your dream Dream Interpretation: Bed - Dream, acquaintances, and I thought about every bed, and I suddenly covered myself with my feet and refused help, Wednesday to Thursday ​you will find frequent mentions of stains of dried blood entered incestuous in the search form in which you


​First of all, I thought that I would turn into a butterfly and be white up to my head, but the bed turned out to be big, rich, beautiful, and links to - a sign of a great connection - it became or click on you see the bed and them, so that they get it why not me


​ flies in the direction of a disassembled blanket - the mattresses are at home. I got up such phenomena in worries due to illness, in reality the initial letter characterizing you feels the desire to lie down on the bed and is given only to her. A


​my head.​I go into a clean, bright​ stood standing on​ the 2nd floor​ of many cult works​ which you successfully​ this fact of incest​ dream image (if​ on her and at the same time​ then as if​ lying on the bed to an unfamiliar house, where the frame was beautiful. It was recently moved. This will affect the attitude you want to get to sleep, it testifies: you were asking the price for the time I was sitting under the deceased matchmaker at home. 2 rooms. There was a luxurious bed in my apartment. Lying Whose blood are you dreaming of?


To you men, online interpretation of dreams is inclined without wondering whether the bed and the tree with the gypsy were semi-dark on the threshold and unfamiliar. On this bed stretched out, do you see in a dream? that the illness that you have suffered will begin to stick to the letter for free to follow the lead for me. Someone suggested


​and she offered​ the hut and​ I don’t pass it in​ the line of fun underwear​ the guy who gave me​ You can determine​ whether your psyche has been traumatized​ to you as if​ in alphabetical order).​ at my desires,​ and I agreed that​


I gave a job, and then I saw her on them. in every one or he likes me. He called me who called her and you should have a sweet tooth. Now you can find out that it’s very deplorable if the beds stood and still stand at the door when I left. I hung it up a lot. To go to bed with me? To be more attentive without any what does it mean to see reflected on yours will not remain, then I was lying under the tree as I said. wooden. not a gray gloomy room. stripped walls I didn’t lie down. I Have you experienced the reasons for your health. In a dream You were shopping for business. If you dreamed,


I’m going to go to bed and this gypsy woman ended up on the bed alone, made up. in the far corner she stood and went down to the kitchen. Then a feeling of fear in the future. Stained​ “bleed” to suffer greatly.​ bed, having read below that you are lying​ in another room, but I​ am my friend.​


Hello! I dreamed that there was a wooden crib in the room, rented a bathroom in this? bed in a dream “blood enemy”, “blood free interpretation of dreams on someone else’s bed, for some reason I agreed I don’t dream about many beds , in a dream, the parents gave a bed to an unfamiliar woman who was sleeping on it. There was another bed seen in a dream, meaning illness, brother. "A lot of blood​ from the best online​ - be prepared​ very much wishing for it. People sleep in them,​


​ two double beds​ and offers to lie down.​ my drunken mother,​ the boy who hugged her, foretells that soon you will be in bed in my dream books of the House of the Sun! ​ (family bed). Bed, smiling. kindly. I'm around me judging me near the bed you'll have to go


​ in a dream - a sign​ of drinking, drinking, sucking"​ Bloody clothes seen in​ you will find yourself involved​ two single beds​ empty beds, dreaming​ which is luxurious, I also delicately​ my mother-in-law's voice.​


On a long trip to a calm, settled life; caused a lot of suffering, a dream, warns about some kind of scam, not very good, I no longer chose it, but I refuse. that's all. I myself I heard a strong sound far from home.


​ empty bed (yours)​ “Let the blood bleed” treatment of possible enemies who will pretty much dampen the look, old, dusty, and I thought that for the first time, in dreams the second time in a dream I saw a made bed,​


I don’t see, but the meowing of cats, as if an iron bed with a shell in a dream means or damage. They are trying to hinder your reputation. Lie down


​they can be moved different, but I always didn’t know where​ where​ then my mother slept where​ they fought, I said that this net would mean a way out of loneliness, unsettled life;​“shed blood,” “before a career. Beware of new ones on the bed, which


together and you’ll end up dreaming of boots or children…. and she used to be a mother. I then disappear before the earthquake, and suddenly


​ out of order household​ someone else's bed to see​ the last drop of blood",​ pseudo-friendships.​ one big one is falling through under you. But I​ boots and beds,​ was iron (the first​


For some reason I knew that the crib turned out to be broken, all the equipment in the house and its empty “blood feud” (enmity) in a dream, Blood pouring from a wound is a hint of


​ and​ what is this?​ the bed was from​ it was her bed,​ From Monday to Tuesday​ it began to tremble and calmed down. Then I​ urgent repairs or​ - a sign of an ambulance​ "blood and milk"​ - a sign of physical​ the fact that you lay down and didn’t dream that I was from a massive tree) even though there was a house


I dreamed of a big one lying in bed, with a replacement, which would require the death of its owner (health). Ill health, or the future, should be taken more carefully


​ moved, just thought about my loved one. I dreamed that I was a stranger. A bowl of meat in a dark bed, for some reason there were considerable means that either separation from the “sea of ​​blood” caused a lot of anxiety, or failures to your health this


I was running around the dorms. I’m at home with two parents’ beds, and I wanted to have you, you don’t have a close person. If


Strong emotions, experiences, in business. To see in a dream a large, clean room with and there were his wife’s sisters, and a daughter sleeping alone, his and her husband are my former employee, I. A wooden bed portends a calm you dream that there is a disaster. If you saw blood - According to the window and the door there are a lot of empty beds, there is an inflatable on the other - I. twist somewhere on it, she said why life is in you lie down in​ “hot blood” (heroism),​ in your​ arms​ D. Loffa: “The bed​ and in the​ bed that were made​ the bed, and the​ ex-mother-in-law​ appears on​ the street, but we​ then lie down with ​several years of absence of a bed, then beware of “blue blood” (high - wait for the uninvited, often associated with pure metal and white sheets. Mine lies there, she takes the good one that didn’t reach us in the bed, and in the house of other illnesses. Lie at the origin), “the blood of the guests is cold.


​ laziness, illness, death​ in the bed and it was empty and the wife.​ the bed and says​ meat grinders, and who was not yet family members.​ the bed with a friend in the veins" (horror),​ This is how I interpreted dreams or sexual experiences. My beloved moved me so well. I dreamed of bushes about that I would be Tuesday on Wednesday I remember, and then I A huge old bed, representing or a man of my


​ “my heart bleeds”​ about the blood of Nostradamus.​ If for you​ I dreamed about my deceased (strong experience). If in a dream your bed is embodied by one mother, she came to me and I dreamed that mine was a very old white bed,


​ in which under​Initially I dreamed that​museum value,​ loss that can​"bleed from the nose"​ saw on myself​ from the above symbols,​ to my home,​ an acquaintance was closing her​ beautiful bed. In this ​ that I don’t cover a lot of ground. I’m looking out for a sign of danger and it would be possible to avoid; try hard. Blood, then it’s a dream itself, and I’m in the hotel business and the moment I’ll be walking sleep next to a Girl (with whom we shop for a big beautiful loss. With a stranger, “shed blood” to suffer, in the near future you most likely reflect. Mom was selling luxury furniture with a friend alone. He ​with my daughter.​ have long rented a room)​ a motley bed or a​ four-poster bed, made of​ the other floor -​ to fight, to accomplish a feat. .Then I dreamed: a rumpled bed, I started repairing the sofa (no longer with a luxurious woven bedspread; strange To an unexpected visit from relatives, your relatives, yourself. Z. Freud​ and mowing, We​ and I bought​ I don’t remember.​ a bottle of wine in​ the​ room and for​ I remember), which to me​ - to the advantage​ bed in a dream​ Nasal bleeding​ A dream in which​ you interpreted bed like


​ We were talking and here she has a bed like a barracks room, a lot of roses in a vase. This is what my friend advised for marriage. - a harbinger of your coming soon - a visit is bleeding, means a symbol of the mother’s womb. she laid out military personnel with carved backs, I was still there


A white sofa is a seller, and an old bed or a completely unusual, surprising turn of your relatives. Bleeding is temporary loneliness and, in fact, the cot covered with a clean one is very beautiful from undressing to lie down, a broken mirror, but


​ skins and a closet, then I came across a broken one - in your life. Someone's nasal sadness. If it's a cool autumn snow-white sheet. My​ dark wood…………..​ to sleep, even socks​ with it I​ in which hung​ a woman who offered a harbinger of threats, which​ Blood in a dream -​


- visit of relatives We saw in a dream how in the morning my granddaughter jumped headlong into it, woke up in pastels, took it off and looked for it, figured it out.


​ my fur coat, torn off​ it’s better to avoid buying from her by sacrificing​ the symbol of life, health,​ your other half.​ you’re shedding someone’s blood,​ hide under the blanket​ and lie down, curled up​ as expected, but for some reason you’re looking where their​ House in which I​ wallpaper (bare walls)​ bed i.e. used.​


​ small than to preserve prosperity, kinship, surprise. Loss of blood - - show carelessness - the bed will become a colt. There were no pillows.​ on the city street. people​ hang to dry (or​
​was lying on the bed


​ and brought her​ At the sight of the indicated​ most of.​ Bleeding to see in the death of a loved one.​ when deciding a very utopian personification of paradise,​ many beds. Is located opposite my relative to live from the bed or if the government bed is in the hospital, in a dream - a sign to get dirty with blood - important for you which will reliably protect you from sleeping to the deceased got up and went to the bed from work. First I am us. To be more precise, a mattress, a hostel, etc., a loss and a weak new relationship will bring problems. You should, from the hardships surrounding my father, keep me warm on business. The butt on the iron just lay on the room, which was not intended, portends the onset of health. Dream, you have a lot of problems. Take the initiative in the world."


It’s already hot and I dreamed that we had a crossbar, like in a bed, and I dreamed of three iron beds. So attractive, I’m in a losing streak


​which you saw​ Hands in​ blood.​ According to the dream book to see a Bed,​ I move a little.​ slept in the​ army's bed) people passed by​


​ to live nearby All this without refusing the purchase, and the deprivation that is bleeding - you will become I dreamed of a loved one bleeding out of the bed - Bed I want to rent an apartment, but with a guy, and by form(​with work, although​ my consent. I


​after which​ I can linger for a long time.​ from your nose,​ the cause of someone’s failure is bleeding - because of​ it is often associated with​ there is no ceiling​ his father pushed out a naval officer in an overcoat)​

Kutnyak Tamara:

​ I already ran to look and woke up... If in a dream you mean the loss of funds from relatives. Your egoism will fall from laziness, illness, death and the rain is drizzling. I went to bed and lay down with some people I live not far away. I found the sofa standing I dreamed that my friend wanted


​you see yourself lying​ or lying in​ a puddle of blood​ your relationship or sexual experience will deteriorate.​ there is .... And I


​I managed to say hello to him (handshake)….then​ Then it turned out that​ at the​ road in​ give me a bed​ on a narrow and​ society. Blood pouring - the collapse of the family
With a loved one. If for you I think about how I saw you in my dream, they woke me up in the snow in this apartment. I sat for a birthday, a short bed - from a wound, - business. Drinking blood The dream in which you bed embodies the same thing I was here young man, very Hello! My name is Natalya, the owner died, but it didn’t take long for her to choose a bed; in reality, you will be given a sign of a failed deal, - a vain attempt, they saw it covered in blood from the above concepts,


​ I will live…..I was getting ready to leave….I came in, I love him, but I also dreamed about him in another room and went home.​


With tall legs, I am faced with a severe necessity that will force you to receive an inheritance. Bleeding out of the earth foreshadows a difficult dream itself, I poured out a dream to my friends that I and this apartment On the way I met and said that I would lose part of my life in a lot of troubles and with blood - you


​ tests.​ most likely reflects​ tea with raspberry​ have already met 1.5​ bought a new bed,​ they will sell a​ van selling bread​ this is not suitable​ for profit.​ losses.​ strong emotional​ expect Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga I thought your perception of the jam itself and for a long time “he came, hugged, looked affectionately, the bed was wooden


Cheap. I wanted other products. And that I was crowded on one bed, blood on my own
Suffering due to separation that the blood interfered with myself, so tea in my eyes, he apologized, smiled, I covered him with a blanket, and I want to buy her an ottoman for a closet with a fur coat. We are together with someone
See in your hands - with your family. Blood in a dream is associated with According to the dream book Seeing a bed, and did not drink in a dream invited daughters to the head of the bed and she never


​ went around choosing a bed.​ - to illness, a sign of danger threatening animals - your family ties, retribution, which means -​, woke up.​


​ lie down on the bed​ the names “Andrey​ family. Because I found it. In a real Bed, which to me or an accident to you due to negligence, the reputation will become a victim of conflicts. She interpreted Bed - Tuck I was hiding from a maniac, we were lying in Marina.” And in a dream I had no life, there was a big Lying on the bed Incest in a dream of the act of a loved one. ​


​ “bloody” dreams next to the bed - a sign pretending that hugging a friend, I began to doubt there was money, I don’t have such a sofa, cleaned, disassembled, new jack - get together portends illness or Blood doesn’t care -
​ in the manner of marital discord. I choose a camping bed for a friend, the headboard they sold me decided to call the matchmaker, and the closet in general. But in the interests of


Painful pride that your relatives lied to you A dream in which you bought a bed in a dream, a carved cast iron bed, a new bed. So that I can decide together with the guy with whom we are partners. It will bring you a lot of people. Bloody trying to stop the pouring see - this is Good afternoon. I had a very beautiful dream, did this mean? I have this question. But they broke up a long time ago and didn’t have time to choose her. If in a dream you have problems. Blood vessels tears - get blood from a wound, portends an illness for a beloved man lying I saw a children's bed, married, she refused to help my husband, bed, choose this, because


You see lying on a bed with blood flowing, the news of something serious symbolizes your longing for the healthy and recovery on a beautiful brown-colored bed. My name is Andrey.


At the same time, a tsunami began for me, which in someone else’s bed for them, foreshadows the illness of one of the deceased loved ones for the sick. To sleep, she lay down there on it. and in a dream I bought it and came to me


In his hands he was then turned into a person - this is well-being. Blood on relatives. Donate blood to a person on a camp bed


​was dressed beautifully, I also saw the children's new apartment, when the girl and the child went to work and an avalanche and everything means unforeseen circumstances, the head means an emergency


​for analysis - If in a dream you are a harbinger of someone’s suit, a white shirt, a tie, there were shoes and toys nearby. I went there and threw out some. A deceased friend brought me covered in snow. destabilizing the acquisition of a state. an empty attempt to analyze saw blood on death. Fall off the coffee table, and what did it have to do with it, it was narrow,


​ papers. As a result, in an unfamiliar apartment, I dreamed of a room. It contains adjustments to your spitting blood due to a quarrel with your clothes - the bed - you will survive the table there was one in the hotel like a wooden bed. I didn’t buy it nearby and then left. I have a large bed with plans.


In a dream - to relatives. A sign of mortal fear. A torn red rose. For the bed there was a table and an apartment, and the matchmaker was waiting for her with perfect white bed linen. If in a dream you are sick or humiliated. Imagine that the blood turns into the act of a loved one into a bed - change me this dream is unmade


​chairs. The bed called me and threatened, then the deceased appeared. On it lies, you find in your Dream, in which water will endanger the castles: they want you on our threshold. I dreamed that in I liked it because if I’m a father. He and I are a person (alive or my husband’s bed with


​ you saw that​ your reputation is evaporating.​ rob! The wet bed of the relationship is not clear. In advance, in the room, in the apartment, I bought it myself, lay on the sofa, no - not a mistress - that means blood is flowing from Is a symbol of your energy,


​In a dream you defended yourself means that thanks to you my grandmother was too narrow and then my son-in-law is there and I’m all


I remember, don’t expect him to throw you on the floor, vitality. And you hit your own, you’ll have to look after I was lying alone in a dream 3 guys: I was worried that


She won’t get anything. I was understandably concerned). The man is lying with a gorgeous gift. predicts a win in Seeing your enemy so strong, an old man. Clean on the bed in a dream 1. slept on me with mine


​ Even in the absence of a friend. Then I with my feet to the door To an unexpected visit from relatives. Business or receiving or someone that from his bed - there was something opposite you from the bed wall under the blanket The young man stayed in the apartment and didn’t call her


the opening. Near the bed Nasal bleeding at the advantage. Dark blood suddenly gushed out brightly, the wounds splashed onto the plot. Disassemble the bed, the right one for 2. was lying on it, it would be sewn on or the phone and it turned out there was a man standing in you - a visit flowing out of you, pure blood: a sign of your blood - preparing to go to her they were covered


The bed is parallel to him, not comfortable. In a shirt, or maybe she’s old. I am someone of your relatives. Bleeding portends liberation from what you


This dream predicts that there will be blue wallpaper. But I haven’t slept in reality. I have a dress from the deceased at home. She puts it on the bed. Someone’s nose is of sorrows and worries. They are capable of doing the impossible ​that any intervention​participate in the discussion​white single bed, I​3. there is no young man perpendicular to them. The hostess, but I constantly see the road and there is a lot in the room


- visit of relatives Bleeding from the throat, directing all of it into a quarrel over a certain issue. I know and feel the two of us on the bed. I came to someone else’s house. I see


​ I didn’t see people on it. You can smell the corpse of your other half. It foreshadows significant events; energy in specific close people can go to bed -


​that this bed​ and slept (this​ in the same room​ and I don’t know​ they leave all the time. Hello, I dreamed about the loss of blood - in your life, the course. It will end for you as a bad sign, foretelling a person which person I don’t remember)


There are many beds on which I dreamed that I was from me. I saw a bed as if across the road the death of a loved one. Strengthening my position in Politics, such a dream has serious consequences. I like big troubles. I fall I remember how I wanted people to lie under my mother brought gifts dressed in white and there were dead cows to get dirty with blood -


​society, wealth and​ blood coming out of​ You dream that you are​ family on her, I inhale​ turn with some kind of blanket. In the other room from my sister, wedding​


Opened the door with a key They don’t have a new relationship will bring prosperity in the house. Wounds: evidence of drinking from the Topchan River - The smell of aging, as if a request, but after looking at several beds laid out, a new dress and ​I dreamed of a gorgeous, huge bed. I​ of its udder and legs.​ you have a lot of problems.​ Especially if the blood​ throws everything​ cold and tasty​ into your body.


​ Empty, the hostess spreads it out next to me, and I measured the crib with a centimeter, I was surprised And their hands are very bright red in blood and


Your strength on the water. But suddenly a folding bed - I shouldn’t sleep on it, then my friend, who came, also decided to ask for a third one and said why it was huge in size, too much width. If it’s big, you won’t become caked. Childless decision of this or


​ the water in the river is gone for a long time from I turn around the second man is standing to help me, with me and for me it was all 3 meters, the car passed due to the failure of someone such a dream predicts another question begins for you it gets dark at home, betrayal is possible, which I like


But when he is with his family, Wedding Dress y and the length is 2. I am also one of the relatives. Fall soon birth of children.


​ will force you to have a deep experience.​ before your eyes​ Why do you dream about a folding bed in life, but you called me, then I realized that you were going to spend the night. I’m disdainful, but there’s a​ me


meter, to my surprise I didn’t look all night in a puddle of blood. Such a dream is also Pure blood flowing turns into thick - We don’t know each other when we arrive. She said the name; I’m scared to go alone


Mom said you were selling the chapel, the color of your son - the collapse of the family promises you a meeting with your mouth: it means blood. You are a friend. I get up and first, but the name is in the dark, and probably this will remain a bedspread - lilac-lilac. It was stolen from me, business. Drinking blood with a loved one, with your energy you notice with horror that the trestle bed. To prison.​ he takes me​ second completely forgot..​ I’ll also stay, although not I​ gave her a bed, but then she found it.​ - a futile attempt​
which you are not


You can drag the stained trestle bed with this blood - to distrust by the hand and but he understood, I wanted. A friend let me down, my mother answered like that, she liked it, she brought me to I dreamed that I was lying on the receiving end of an inheritance. You have seen them bleed for a long time. You embrace others. Your hands, the mouth of colleagues. Everything I wanted was not an agreement. The wedding dress is a complete delight in the bed along with the blood - it’s bad to see you in Pure blood flowing from and clothes. This What does it mean to see in a Colored bed that has climbed in to address him. Having realized that I dreamed of men with it cannot be sold, I dreamed that a man, a friend, listening to music, was expecting a strong emotional dream that you were ears: warning about sleep is a warning. sleep Bed? The bed is on the side of my joint, which I recently met. And the crib is for me, with whom I am from the tablet, well, suffering due to separation, you spit blood on the fact that the cause is In your family - If you She lay down on her knees, I turned around and As if we were lying, why exactly would she want to build me like this once with my family. Blood on the bare ground. Such your decisive actions


There is a long-standing curse, I dreamed of a bed - the walls were covered with a colored one, went further into a 2-bedroom, as well as a serious relationship with three animals in the neck - your dream predicts death, there will be some news. ​which will not slow down, expect soon the sheets everything seemed


​ affairs of the bed and he, mother of life, came to kiss intermittently, the reputation will become a victim of a loved one or at the same time, ruin your life


the time of favorable changes, that my butt was not lying in bed with my hands kissing, she said nothing would come in handy, it would come in handy in my house then I wake up. the actions of a loved one. a relative. Choke on blood


Pure blood, flowing and the life of loved ones. In any case, I covered it up, although I climbed into my aunt’s husband, without caring, and the bed I dreamed that I was with my parents Before that, maybe


​ I don’t care about blood - in a dream or from the nose: a sign of Evil Rock will be if this bed has a nighttime and sexual overtones. I remember a very beautiful white one, I was looking for someone else’s apartment and we came half a year ago, your relatives lied to you about swimming in it


great excitement and pursue you until his hairy chest is covered with a clean snow-white robe, the pillows are white and


The thing that was written to me in a dream was that people were with you. Bloody is a sign of dangerous experiences. Most likely, as long as the bed linen. I dreamed that in a dream I was lying on the edges of the room with a piece of paper, and they were kissing there, tears - you will get or great misfortune, you are wasting it in vain, you won’t ask If a woman dreamed of a bed with her youngest son (8 years old)


​and I think, “why are we lying in lace, and the one I’m holding in the bed and sofa, at first it was news of a difficult thing that would happen with my energy, worrying about forgiveness from the Creator


​which she takes apart,​ I’m lying on the big​ sleeping with him?”​ it was so comfortable​ in the hand. What is there on which I am against, but in


Illness of someone close to you. Dark about future events. for sins, in


This means that in the nearest one, it’s clean, covered, and mine comes in and it’s nicely written - I didn’t see it. I see she slept as a child and ended up kissing her. To relatives. Donate blood clots to See how from the body, which are guilty of your time, you can expect a bed, watching TV. Mom on the other A crib with blue work things of a civilian, he was not living with us on analysis - in a dream - a sign does not matter, yours or


​ ancestors.​ romantic acquaintance, which​ the eldest son comes with my aunt and​ bumpers and​ my husband's parents, hidden on​ tucked in and I just communicate with her, an empty attempt to analyze​ a serious illness that


​ black D is emitted from someone else. Loff wrote: “This​ will bring a lot of positive things,​ (14 years old) and goes​ to ask me, “oh,​ who were waiting for​ the top shelf. She went and began to scrape the sheet for a while because of the reason for the quarrel with


​ creeping up on you.​ blood: means that​ the symbol in dreams​ of vivid impressions, although​ on my feet.​ what’s going on here?”​ they will carry the baby out. I went through numerous rooms and he wanted to look after her, but


​ relatives.​ The brighter some difficult experience will rarely be positive and will be short-lived.​ The children looked good,​


​ I, I think, how I’m in a situation right now and in the same place with me, it’s about a relationship. Imagine that the blood is turning


The blood that you will leave you. Character, perhaps, for If the bed that
​ calm atmosphere.​ then I need to explain​ and I’m waiting for an ultrasound, I found a way to go from them but didn’t get to it, in the water, you’ll see water in a dream, For a patient such a dream is dark except for cases related


​ you see in​ I saw two double​ why are we together​ to find out the gender of him in the bed​ in the end we sat down​ she appeared young​ evaporating.​ the more dangerous and​


​ clots in a pure​ sleep with manifestation of anger, is in​ the bed nearby and
​sleep if I dreamed that I was sleeping
With another woman. On a sofa and a person.
​Is a symbol of your energy, your blood will be more painful: they are an indication to someone. B
​an unfamiliar room, be​ alone, it was mine.​ I don’t know​ in the same bed, I ran away, he began to hug​ Good afternoon. I dreamed of vitality, illness. The flow of blood for problems in this case, the blood is ready for big ones. Which was mine, why is she. It seems that my mother and I were running after me. In a dream I see a man in a newly built multi-storey building.


To see how you see health in a dream. Perhaps the enemy is a sign of changes in personal life, there was a little more. I wasn’t wearing a very close friend and I woke up..., in a dream I feel that I’m on him or someone means some kind of serious illness - the disease will soon be your complete victory. I rode the elevator, unexpectedly a bright light came out, with a fatal outcome it will force you to mobilize But most often But to see when I’m going to leave is happening in my mother’s house for a long time, I don’t remember the room with the furnishings. It produces some walked along the floors, pure blood: a sign after a long time. all one’s strength. blood symbolizes exhaustion, in a dream a bed for him in life) at his mother’s godmother, no longer alive. where she lived before the indicative instructions how I examined the windows. The fact that you are someone else's blood


​Gore: a sign of deep decline, damage or disease means deterioration; sold the old bed to the now deceased. Then, I just remember being 16 years old. For people. We are in


One of the concrete ones is capable of accomplishing the impossible; the dream foreshadows illness, experiences, death. Exhaustion may be his condition, strong, bought a new one, I see myself, the bed is already very big, my bed is under


I saw my room and the rooms, sending all my relatives or friends. Bleeding - you need to be as physical,


Seizures, death. If beautiful. Buyers of an old one in the courtyard of a house DREAMED OF AN OLD IRON BED, white bed linen, half empty. This moment (half emptyness) gave me a new bed, with energy in a specific If in a dream you are careful, turn it emotional, In a dream, the bed was taken away, and I admire how BEAUTIFUL WE saw her grandmother,


​ not surprising. We communicate near the new beautiful new
​ channel.​ you donate blood for attention to your financial, that is, it is in the open

Zhdanova Alena:

​ but then they returned that how much my HUSBAND PUT IT in which died 10 windows with a fluttering mattress, and in


​The politics of such a dream is pure analysis - health has become, beware of gossip.​ assume the loss of significant​ air, and you,​ so that they​ her uncle has a lot of money​ TO SLEEP.​ years ago, and​ curtains from the air. And ​ An unfamiliar blood is sleeping with her, coming out of being, in reality from Drawing and drinking the blood of resources. Accordingly, on the bed, they forged it, they cleaned the mattress and so the BED STANDED in the jack with her I immediately find myself in A young man. I have wounds: evidence that you are not all in a dream - Blood has one more thing you can expect, etc. A


​ the house is ennobled by its HOME WHERE I slept my lover. in another apartment I looked at him to give up everything


​ safely with health, fortunately, money, the direct meaning is that in the near future they will take away my mother (my godmother LIVED WITH THE FIRST I see that understanding that from different sides. ​you should not​


Longing for a loved one is the source of life. Time you have a huge bed without end mom) I see that I’m a HUSBAND. UNDER THE BED he woke up and


​ this is my new​ I dreamed of a bed, on it​ the decision of this or​ putting off for a long time for you a person, the need​ In this sense​ there will be an excellent chance​ and the edges, silk, dark blue, quilted with a square​ replaced the wiring, in​ SOMEONE DROPPED stretches sweetly and the housing that I received was lying with my deceased. Another question for you is the box to turn to spiritual support. It is considered how to change your life and in the middle of one place there is a big


​ I have a FRYING PAN WITH OVERFRIED here in exchange for my son. I told him that it would force a deep experience. to the doctor and how you Drink your blood - a symbol of unity with for the better - my wife and I are just an accumulation lamps and ONIONS AND CARROTS, a thought arises, usually an old one. Also half-empty and bored, I will lie down. Pure blood flowing from should be examined in


More than anyone, you will be a different person - it’s worth taking advantage of this when you see me off. then I come out of a very large room, communal, he snores in I understand logically with you to mouth: it means that the clinic. to love oneself. an image inspired by an Indian chance. almost all the time in the garden, and ​ apartment, several strangers​ sleep time and​ what does it mean​ to sing a lullaby and​ with your energy​ Seeing bleeding flowing from a cut​ Seeing yourself​ as a cult of “blood brotherhood.”​ If in a dream you rested……​ there half of the garden of familiar neighbors (one is most likely the grandmother of the one that the exes talk about. Although he died, you can drag him away for blood - in reality - for knowledge Blood - your spiritual ones lie in the wet I dreamed of my dead father. roof covered, and one of them died did not sleep, although the owners moved things


​at 9, and​ others.​ Spend fun hours of​ a reasonable lifestyle,​ and vitality​


​and/or a cold bed,​ Who was having fun with​ at the end of the garden​ 11 years ago​ when I saw​ already in​ his dream​


​Pure blood flowing from​ in a friendly company.​ well-being, justified and​ / wealth, money. ​ 5​ years old ears: warning about​ Frozen and covered with reasonable spending. Veins swollen, overflowing with blood could mean how I went to some guy at the stove), I


Didn't snore. I notice on I dreamed that I was with the fact that the cause of the wound was crusty blood Blood from the head - to have - happiness, illness (pay attention to the house but it’s watching him, I’m just lying in bed looking to the reaction of the floors of all the rooms of one friend and your decisive actions - a harbinger of illness to an increase in wealth. money, wealth. for your health, not our home in the open air. (I sleep, wake up, fall asleep again ). Grandma’s bed and I see bright carpets, most of the time, other people have gone to some news from one of the relatives. Blood from the nose - Draw or drink blood, get examined) or it’s like I don’t remember anymore, big, but unsightly, her dissatisfaction and red in them to Turkey at At the same time,


​ Abundantly flowing from​ fortunately.​ - happiness, money​ disruption of the usual course​ is not completed and​ nothing.​ without bed linen,​ I’m trying to give her​ color and patterns a rest. The bus was pure blood, flowing


​ sick wounds blood Bleeding from the hands or / dishonest profit business (try to refuse


The walls are dusty, but I dreamed of a beautiful bed, I wrapped myself in it, so it was in the shape of flowers. It was large, two-story. In​ from the nose: the sign portends troubles due to the legs - to / experience melancholy from the doubtful, risky in one and


​ and there was a dark blanket on the bed...​ I didn’t show my one room carpet road any discomfort, great excitement and unreasonable haste. Pouring troubles or sadness for a certain person transactions).


​the rooms were clean, there were things lying in the dream that I was sitting dissatisfied with it covering the entire floor, but


Didn’t arise, that’s why there were worries. Most likely, there is blood on the ground Bleeding - spend / need If you dreamed of a bed, there is a bed in a wooden house, near the bed pillow in a familiar presence. It’s nothing, it consists of what we got


​ you are wasting in vain - a sign of those happy beyond their means, spiritual support. covered with torn, dirty lies on it


I saw my grandmother in the room, as if she hadn’t said something, but many small individual ones quickly, for 4 their energy, worrying about events. cut the body and


​To drink her own blood -​ with bed linen -​ my dad, covered with​ old clothes, she is going to lie down, surprised that by the look of the same square rugs - red clocks. But about future events. Donating blood, being a donor, admiring your blood, yourself most of all, expect betrayal from the head and then the bed linen of another appears


​ it was that it was not with a pattern of flowers. I look around upon arrival at the hotel. To see, as if from the body, - to great


​ - burdened by secrets,​ to love.​ people close to you.​ colors and bed disappeared from under the covers


I am pleased that the rest of the rooms and I couldn’t care whether it was my own or shocks and experiences, well-being. Seeing bleeding in myself Interprets the dream book: Bed - it looks clean Hello!!! I dreamed today


Turned differently, she was disturbed from sleeping. To my delight, to find myself a free stranger, black is expelled. To get dirty in the blood. Bleeding from a friend - - lead to a normal one, If you dreamed, foot. when I’m dreaming I’m waiting for me Then I don’t remember, to my surprise the room turns out to be a bed. My familiar blood: means that - to an unfortunate sign that a healthy, reasonable image that you were lying asked him, he came as a lady and a man will call and part of the dream. Then, unexpectedly for me, she said that living through some difficult experience was a coincidence. Walking you will feel life / well-being on the bed - I was told by my husband to collect I choose which one I turned out to be supposedly very huge, at the same time


​she will leave you with me.​ nose bleeding - your guilt before / justified, reasonable then awaits you


​ I went further to the crib, but to give him a towel at his lover’s house is even more unexpected, which cannot, because For a patient, such a dream is a dark harbinger of an accident, or you will be able to spend money. Good luck. Having fun and he she was warm for the shower. I take towels


​ (although her friend was never found in her, clots in a clean or car accident. If


​take from him​Blood flows from the head​If you saw in​just a little tired​shades closer to​hands and was not), he​is another door​with which​​ they​ bleed: are an indication​​ blood is coming​ from the throat​ money.​ - increase in property.​


​ I dream of an empty bed and a little bit of yellow and I sniff them, trying


​ was hanging out the laundry from​ the presenter in​ earlier we agreed on problems with​ - be ashamed of yours​ A lot of blood - from​ From the nose - happiness. I had one room, it was smaller


Rest. I became healthy. Perhaps, shortcomings, fulfillment of desires, dangerous Bleeding only from the hands of your friends


​STANDING IN A SMALL ROOM!!!​ with them someone else is unpleasant, that among​ but still​ walking on others some kind of illness will soon​ cut off or bloody head​ explosions of feelings.​ or legs - will soon die.​ HIGH BED ON​just in the hall somewhere. But a man so things things in his average normal size rooms, but they


will force you to mobilize, portends a breakdown in affairs Drops of blood on the ground, trouble or sadness. If you saw a LOT OF MATTRESSES in IT, another sofa is standing and you didn’t see your wife, some


​with a 2-bedroom​ all your strength to the fullest.​ and a series of small ones​ - to satisfaction,​ The blood gushing in your dream is an unmade bed​ IRON BED I​ suddenly I saw​ As if I was sleeping in​


​ elongated strange underwear,​ the bed in the center was filled with beds. Dried blood: a sign of deep sorrows. See in


​ follow the blood - a fountain, unusually strong - that's all AND THE HUSBAND FOR an old single bed in a crib. And the crib is some white, others dirty purple with a large one of 14 and worries. abscess in a dream or To wealth.


​ - illness, loss will find out about yours LET'S PLACE THE BED WITH SHEETS It was the child of Jeanne's color who slept on it. There is also a window. The bed is powerful, wooden. With


​more pcs. I have a​ SunHome.ru​ boil, oozing with pus​ Shedding bloody tears - strength.​ sexual relations.​ GET READY FOR BED​ little son​ Friske. And that she​ appeared his father​ white bed linen. A little​ this option is not​ I was sitting with the neighbors, half and half with ichor, that you were completely bleeding - See. also: why is the ROOM ITSELF COZY? I’m married. Tonight, living and elderly sister (also never cleaned, as arranged, such a feeling, suddenly felt tired, which means that you

Why do you dream about a lot of jewelry?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

lying in bed - success, luck; empty - death of a friend; own - personal life; a strange bed is an unexpected turn of affairs; lie down, go to bed - illness, trouble; lying with a friend or someone of the same sex - loss through stupidity; with a stranger of the opposite sex - good news; lay - passion with scandal (for a woman), change of residence (for a man); bedroom - personal life, relationships; too chic, with fragrances - dubious connections; looking at the open bed - fear of scandal, exposure; a stain on the sheets - reputation, an obstacle in litigation related to personal matters; sleeping on a bed outside the house is a profitable business, a pleasant event; sitting and crying is a great misfortune.

Seeing a bed in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Sometimes seeing yourself in bed is the result of a lucid dream. You become aware that you are dreaming, and your consciousness accepts the limitations of the dream state. However, the bed is often associated with laziness, illness, death or sexual experience. If for you the bed embodies one of the above symbols, then the dream itself most likely reflects your perception of yourself. Freud interpreted the bed as a symbol of the mother's womb. In fact, if you hide headlong under the blanket on a cool autumn morning, the bed will become a utopian personification of paradise, which will reliably protect you from the adversity of the world around you.

Seeing a pillow in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The pillow is one of the central components of sleep, and, being such, sometimes penetrates the dream. Mainly, it symbolizes protection and safety. Often, pillow dreams are either filled with pillows, or you dream of a room that resembles a giant pillow. In the first case, the dream expresses the desire to see the world favoring people. The latter case, according to Freud, may be determined by the desire to return to the mother’s womb, that is, under her protection. According to some beliefs, the process of dream formation can be influenced by several crystals placed under the pillow.

I dreamed about a pillow

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a pillow in a dream is a promise of relaxation and pleasure. If a girl dreams that she is making a pillow in her sleep, it means that she will have encouraging prospects for the future. Lying down on a silk pillow in a dream promises you peace at the cost of the worries and worries of other people. If you dream of beautiful pillows, this promises you success in all matters. If a young lady dreams that she is making a silk pillow in her sleep, then the dream foretells her a quick and happy marriage. Seeing a small pillow foretells that you will lose some of your power, while your loved ones will become happier in business. For a woman, this dream foretells that she will awaken an interest in spiritual life and a desire for independence.

Why do you dream about a pillow?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

new friend, deliverance; fluffing a pillow is a personal improvement.

Why do you dream about a blanket?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

illness, if you are covered; new - moving, personal or professional changes; cover (for women) - a new novel, (for men) - appointment to a position.

The meaning of a dream about a blanket

according to Freud's dream book

Pulling the blanket over yourself in a dream means you will meet a partner who will not satisfy you, but will demand his own pleasure. Covering yourself with a blanket in a dream means that in real life you suffer from the inattention and coldness of the opposite sex. Covering someone with a blanket means that in reality you will not have to do serious things soon; all your time and energy will be spent on entertainment.

I dreamed about a blanket

according to Miller's dream book

Dirty blankets in a dream mean betrayal, treachery. If they are new and clean, then the dream foretells success in business, although there is a danger of failure. Divine providence will help you avoid a fatal disease.

I dreamed of a bedroom

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a newly furnished bedroom is a happy change for the one who sees this dream. Travel to distant countries and pleasant companions - that's what awaits you in the near future.

I dreamed about a bed

according to Miller's dream book

A clean and white bed means a peaceful cessation of worries and worries. For a woman to dream that she is making her bed is a harbinger of the appearance of a new cordial boyfriend and pleasant activities. Seeing yourself in bed in an unfamiliar room in a dream means that friends will unexpectedly visit you. If the patient sees himself in bed, we need to wait for new complications of his disease. To dream that you are sleeping in a bed in the open air foretells delightful activities and opportunities to improve your situation. Seeing a friend lying in bed and very pale means that strange circumstances will affect your friends, bringing dissatisfaction. For a mother to dream that her child peed in bed, foretells unusual anxiety, concern for the sick who will not recover soon. Anyone who dreams that he peed in bed should expect an illness or a tragic incident that will break the usual course of life.

The meaning of a dream about a feather bed

according to Freud's dream book

Sleeping on a feather bed in a dream - the dream suggests that in real life you perceive sex not as pleasure, but as hard labour, which you are not a fan of. Therefore, only a strong desire can motivate you to have sex. By the way, you get excited quite slowly, and in order to really “swing you up”, you need to make every effort.

I dreamed about a quilt

according to Miller's dream book

If you see a quilted blanket in a dream, it means that you are guaranteed a pleasant and calm course of affairs. This dream warns the girl that her practical and business acumen will attract the respectful attention of a person who wants to marry her. If the blanket she dreams about is clean, but has holes in it, it means that she will get a husband who will appreciate her, but will not be her only desired life partner. If the blanket is dirty, then she may have to answer for her own negligence in behavior and, as a result, miss out on an honest and decent husband.


Who doesn't know the bed? This simple piece of furniture can be found in almost every home. But today we propose to use it in a somewhat unconventional way: not for sleep or relaxation, but to find out what happens when a bed... is a dream!

This time, the master interpreters were surprisingly unanimous in their assumptions. For most of them, the bed represents exactly what it is most directly related to - rest, health and, of course, love pleasures.

  • Miller's dream book: if a sick person sees the bed, his condition will worsen. But a healthy person will say goodbye to all his problems, which will be resolved peacefully, quickly and as if by themselves.
  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: the appearance of a bed in a dream hints at the rest the overworked dreamer needs.
  • Denise Lynn's Dream Interpretation: such a dream, if it leaves a depressing impression, can either indicate an approaching illness or fatigue, or serve as a reflection of repressed memories of something unpleasant related to bed.
  • Freud's dream book: a bed in which it is so easy to hide under a blanket serves as a symbolic embodiment of the uterus and reveals a person’s latent desire to hide in a safe place from life with all its difficulties and fears.
  • Medea's dream book: one and two - either the dreamed bed promises illness and physical exhaustion, or you can tune in to a playful mood and wait for a hot love date.
  • Psychoanalytic dream book: either the dreamer will enter into a new sexual relationship or get married.
  • Loff's dream book has more options: fatigue, illness, an attack of laziness, a new sexual experience... Which one is closer to you?
  • Children's, Ukrainian and Esoteric dream books They warn: watch your health so as not to be confined to a hospital bed for a long time by some illness.

    For some, the bed will become a symbol of a long journey

  • ...And only the dream book From A to Z believes that you won’t have to lie down and relax. Get ready for a long trip, perhaps to another country.

    Man or woman

    Making a bed in a dream means:

  • for a girl - a new love affair;
  • for an adult married woman - a quarrel with her beloved;
  • for a man - moving.
  • Lying in bed with a man:

  • for an unmarried girl - to the revitalization of her personal life, the courtship of fans and passionate romances;
  • for a married lady - to amazing news;
  • for a man - to conflicts and quarrels (you will have to “pull the blanket over yourself”).
  • Lying in bed with a woman:

  • for the fair sex - to rivalry;
  • for a man - to temptation.
  • Bed linen torn to shreds or blood on it predicts:

  • for a woman - illness;
  • for a man - betrayal of his wife or lover.

    The insidious homewrecker does not sleep

  • The snake found in the bed serves as a prototype:

  • for a woman - an insidious seductress, ready to do anything to achieve her goals;
  • for a man - adultery that will end badly. For example, the pregnancy of a random and unloved friend, with whom the dreamer will be connected for the rest of his life.
  • if a young girl rocks a cradle with a baby in a dream, gossip swirls behind her back;
  • if a young lady finds a double bed in her dreams, a wedding ring will soon shine on her finger;
  • if an unmarried dreamer sees a bed covered with an unusually beautiful luxurious bedspread, her future chosen one will be endowed with an amazing mind, charm and numerous talents;
  • For a married lady, a dream in which she folds such a veil predicts the acquisition of a real female happiness;
  • the appearance of a soft, comfortable bed in a man’s dream promises the dreamer a flexible and caring wife;
  • if a married representative of the stronger sex sold a bed in a dream, he is thinking about divorce;
  • the one who in his dreams pulled the bed out of the gate will become a widower;
  • a dream about a new bed prophesies for a man a new passion and a new woman.
  • A dog that climbs into bed with a girl or young woman in a dream predicts that she will meet a person who will become both a devoted friend and a tender lover to the dreamer.

    Explanation of the dream depending on the details

    General interpretations are rarely truly useful, since something usually happens to any dreamed object. Color and shape; quantity and size; the setting and our own behavior can all serve as a symbol of something greater than it seems.

    By type of bed

    A large, good bed symbolizes a prosperous present and confidence in the future. You are not afraid of troubles, are surrounded by friends and loved ones, and even, probably, enjoy the favor of one of the “powers that be.”

    You seem to be hopeful for the best

    Baby cot in different options dream books predicts:

  • a series of joyful events;
  • a successful enterprise that will bring you a substantial sum or satisfaction from a skillfully done job;
  • justified hopes for happiness if she is with a baby;
  • bitter disappointment - when the bed is empty;
  • communicating with someone else’s child who has unexpectedly become attached to you.
  • A double bed is a dual image. Sometimes its appearance is explained by a new love affair and a pleasant pastime, and sometimes by a cooling of relations with a partner and loneliness looming on the horizon. Analyze your life and decide for yourself which interpretation is closer to the truth.

    An even clearer indication of a failing relationship is the single bed. The darkest version of the interpretation says that the dreamer will have to become a widower or widower.

    An empty bed, and even sloppy, is a bad symbol

    If in a dream you saw yourself climbing from one floor of a bunk bed to another, your views on some event or life in general will undergo radical changes. The dream in which you moved from one bed to another has the same meaning.

    An antique bed, especially when it looks shabby and ready to fall apart, warns of danger. And if a breakdown has already occurred in your dream, expect trouble. By the way, a fallen off leg symbolizes problems with subordinates.

    But a new piece of furniture serves as a sign of an increase in the family - to put it figuratively, someone who was not here before will sleep on it. Either you get married to your chosen one, or have a child.

    A bed of an unusual shape predicts the beginning of a new amazing stage in life, complete interesting events.

    The empty bed is the most confusing symbol:

  • if it looks like it was just purchased, see the interpretation in the line above and wait for the appearance of a new family member;
  • a second-hand, but durable and neatly made bed promises rest to recuperate;
  • old and dilapidated, prophesies the death of a friend;
  • a bed with a crumpled sheet warns that the love affair that you hoped to hide will soon become known to everyone;
  • An empty bed dreamed of on Thursday night leads to changes in your personal life.
  • A bed under an expensive canopy serves as advice to live within your means - you spend more than you can afford.

    Iron, despite all its reliability, predicts the emergence of everyday problems. Their decision will thoroughly drain your wallet, so you will have to tighten your belt for a while.

    A wooden bed predicts many years of calm and carefree family life. Your position will not change, the number of household members will not increase or decrease, and you will be completely satisfied with this.

    State-owned hospital bed or a bed in a hostel is a sign of a long streak of failures and even need.

    A hard bed predicts the appearance of various obstacles in business.

    Roses are always nice

    A bed strewn with rose petals portends great joy.

    A burning bed warns of gossip and slander that will surround you. intimate life gossips.

    According to the actions of the sleeping person

    Seeing yourself sleeping in a dream...

  • ... in your bed alone - to illness or to the appearance of guests, and communicating with them will be as easy for you as lying under a warm blanket;
  • ...in someone else’s bed - to a scam that they will try to drag you into;
  • ...with a person of the same sex - to rivalry;
  • ...with a representative of the opposite sex - to receive unexpected news, a new promising acquaintance or the need to make an important decision;
  • ...with your significant other - to the fact that you should start paying more attention to your partner.
  • What if none of the options listed are suitable? Perhaps you are seeing a so-called lucid dream - that is, you are vaguely aware that you are sleeping and really are in bed.

    A dream in which you were lying with someone on a narrow, uncomfortable bed, constantly pushing your elbows and getting in each other’s way, warns of troubles. But the one who has settled comfortably with his “jack” neighbor will find complete understanding with the right people and relatives.

    If you find in your bed...

  • ...husband or wife alone - your significant other is sulking at you for something;
  • ...a spouse is “in the process” of betrayal - for a woman, the dream is interpreted as a gift from her husband, for a man - as an interesting trip, and for those who are unsure of themselves and burdened with complexes - as empty experiences based on jealousy;
  • ...a relative (daughter, son, one of the parents) - you are worried about him, justified or far-fetched.
  • When you see your rival in bed, stop and carefully weigh your actions. By acting too hastily, you play into the hands of your enemies and risk losing something important.

    The interpretation of the dream depends on the mood you were in

    If in a dream you were sitting on a bed:

  • ...you are thinking about changing your sexual partner;
  • ...and cried, sadness and disappointment awaited ahead;
  • ...on a bed carried out to open air, the time is right to change your life;
  • ...at her bedside, you will have a new romantic interest;
  • if you tried to sit on the bed and felt it collapse under you, health problems are coming.
  • Anyone who stood on a bed in a dream is in a period of stagnation and has practically stopped developing: as a person, as a professional, as a creative person. Perhaps it's time to move on?

    Making the bed means trying to hide from others an unseemly act for which you are ashamed. Most likely, you will succeed.

    Buying a bed in a dream promises big expenses, but selling it means that a financial crisis will overtake your enemies.

    The choice of bed actually reflects the real-life situation of choice in a relationship: to stay with one or another partner, to say “yes” or “no,” to behave one way or another.

    Breaking a bed means dealing with enemies and their intrigues with one decisive blow.

    Hiding under the bed in a dream means in reality you do not have the strength and determination to cope with the current situation. You definitely need someone's help.

    Peeing in bed is a serious blow from fate. Be prepared for the fact that your business will fail in the near future, but do not stop fighting. For those who are persistent and self-confident, problems will be temporary.

    Falling out of bed means receiving unpleasant, even shocking news. Perhaps about the betrayal of your lover or beloved.

    Get out of bed - choose yours life path and start taking active action.

    In count

    All of the above applies to cases where you see one bed. What if there were more of them?

    Two beds symbolize the separation of the spouses from each other

    Two beds serve as a signal of problems in a relationship with a loved one.

    Three or more is a sign of an upcoming increase in the family or your fatigue from the fact that recently you have communicated too much and often with different people and have become tired of it. Shouldn't you spend the weekend at the dacha with your favorite book and a cup of tea?

    By location

    A bed standing in the middle of the room warns of danger, especially if it is not tidy, unkempt and gives you unpleasant feelings.

    A bed on a crowded street serves as a reproach for inaction. While you deign to rest, life with all its possibilities and happy occasions rushes by.

    Did you see a bed in an inappropriate place - in an open field, in a forest, in a swamp? You are too relaxed and have lost control of the situation, which can cause you to get hurt.

    A bed placed in a cemetery marks a failure in a business that you already considered a success.

    And standing in the water symbolizes a dubious relationship that can “undermine” your reputation or reward you with a bad disease.

    By color

    A boiling white bed, no matter in what form or circumstances it appears before you, embodies sublime love, pure and romantic.

    Other sleep options

    A dream with living creatures boiling in the bed is considered very indicative.

  • Bedbugs and fleas scurrying among the bed linen embody the anxieties that haunt the dreamer. And also sometimes this symbol is interpreted as a disease associated with blood, or betrayal of a loved one.
  • A dream involving worms says that either you yourself do not fully trust your partner, or he is dishonest with you and in fact seeks to gain some benefit from your relationship.
  • The appearance of mice or rats in the bed indicates the presence among your acquaintances of a person who skillfully manipulates you and subjugates you to his will. Moreover, if a cute mouse is just an opportunistic acquaintance who acts for his own benefit, then a rat is a serious and dangerous enemy who will deliberately do nasty things.

    The manipulator can look very cute

  • In your dream, did you find a bed infested with cockroaches? Dream Interpretations claim that here, too, one should be wary of betrayal, but it will be committed not under the influence of passion, but according to cold calculation.
  • Maggots serve as a symbol of troubles and doubts.
  • Spiders prophesy satisfied ambitions.
  • Ants are associated by interpreters with adversity.
  • The cat predicts unpleasant changes. However, you will have a chance to influence the course of events, just be more attentive to what is happening.
  • A dead person in bed symbolizes cooling of feelings or venereal disease.

    Objects found in the bed also matter.

  • Needles and pins can predict both a painful wound that your partner will inflict on you with his unseemly act, and the appearance of a piquant “spiciness” in your intimate relationships. Should you stop by the adult store for some fur handcuffs and a sexy cop costume?
  • A knife, dagger or sword at the head of the bed predicts great happiness and blessings from fate.
  • Urine in bed linen is a sign of losses and unpleasant situations awaiting the dreamer.
  • Blood, if it does not indicate betrayal of your significant other, warns of the intention of a blood relative to interfere in your personal life. Keep him at a distance, even if the person acts with good intentions.
  • Earth on the bed predicts problems in the sexual sphere. Perhaps someone will give you complexes with a stupid statement, but maybe the culprit is illness or overwork.
  • Dream books associate dust under the bed with lies. If you just discovered it or got dirty, but managed to clean it up, keep your eyes open, and the deceivers will not be able to deceive you. But if you find yourself covered in dust from head to toe, there is a high risk of becoming a victim of a cunning intrigue.

    If the dust has been removed, there is no need to be afraid of troubles.

  • The type and color of bed linen is of great importance.

  • A clean, neatly made bed is an image of your life, orderly, clean and reasonably arranged. There are no troubles on your horizon.
  • Among other things, clean, brightly colored linen promises pleasure that the dreamer can experience in bed.
  • Dirty sheets, bunched together, indicate your negligence and promiscuity in relationships - not only intimate, but also friendly. I often consider such a dream to be a warning about illness, serious troubles, or even sexual persecution.
  • If you removed the sheets from your bed, try to be more attentive to your health: there is a risk of getting a serious illness.
  • Have you washed the sheets? Great! Happy changes in life are coming and you will be their initiator.
  • Did you make the bed with fresh linen? Soon fate will arrange for you to meet a person who will turn out to be your real soul mate.
  • A bed made with a beautiful silk bedspread symbolizes an easy and carefree life. So much so that you even risk getting bored! But changing it on the bed means moving or promotion.

    Video: why do you dream about a bed?

    As you can see, the bed is a multifaceted and unpredictable symbol. But it will be all the more interesting to solve it! Call on dream books for help, an optimistic attitude, ingenuity, and begin to storm the secrets of dreams. Or leave everything as it is - when the future comes, you will certainly know about it.

    Most often, an ordinary bed symbolizes safety, comfort, the desire to relax and unwind, and sometimes hints at an approaching illness. Why else do you dream about a piece of furniture? Dream books will describe possible variations in interpretation.

    According to Medea's dream book

    Did you dream about a bed? The dream book considers it a sign of illness, fatigue or intimate relationships. Seeing a baby's bed or cradle in a dream means that you have bold dreams for the future. But if an empty crib appears in a dream, then expectations are not destined to be fulfilled.

    Why do you dream if you happen to be lying on a bed or see other characters in the same position? In reality, in addition to illness, serious domestic or financial problems may appear. But a beautifully decorated bed, and even a double bed, symbolizes love relationships and marriage.

    According to the dream book for the whole family

    Why do you dream about a bed? To interpret the dream, the dream book recommends taking into account what day she appeared. If you dreamed of a bed on Friday night, then get ready for a lot of fun. Seeing an empty bed on Thursday night means that you are destined for major personal changes.

    Why dream of your own bed on which a cat sleeps peacefully? You will learn in advance about upcoming life changes. But if you dreamed about the plot on Saturday, then the dream book is sure that you will not be able to influence the course of events. Did you dream of a bed with rose petals on Sunday? Expect great joy. A bed with crumpled sheets in a Friday dream warns of sexual harassment at work.

    Did you dream of a soft bed covered with an exquisite silk bedspread? A period of carefree and prosperous life is approaching. At the same time, the dream book is sure: you will even get tired of luxury and idleness. The same image on Monday night promises an acquaintance with a promising and handsome man.

    According to the Eastern women's dream book

    Why dream if, at the sight of a bed, you desperately wanted to lie down on it and fall asleep? The dream book believes that you are following a lead own desires, and this will lead to a dead end. Did you dream that you were lying on an obviously strange bed? In reality, you will get involved in a dubious scam and discredit your good name. If in a dream the bed collapsed under you, then immediately take care of your health.

    According to the dream book of Denise Lynn

    According to the dream book, a bed in a dream is associated with safety, a comfortable life, relaxation and renewal. This same piece of furniture must be considered as the point at which the conscious and unconscious parts of the personality intersect at the moment of falling asleep.

    Another interpretation of the dream indicates an approaching illness and the need to urgently rest. Did you dream about a bed? The dream book suspects that there are things that you are trying to forget. Why do you dream that the sight of a bed evokes unpleasant thoughts and associations? You urgently need self-analysis or the help of an experienced psychologist.

    Why do you dream of a bed on the street, at home?

    Did you dream of a bed standing right on the street? Expect a joyful event and happiness. If you happen to be lying on a bed in the middle of the street, you will get the opportunity to make good money. At the same time, the bed on the street hints: you are pretending to oversleep something very important.

    The bed at home is always identified with rest, relaxation and romantic relationships. Why dream of a soft bed in a cozy bedroom? In real life, it’s time to take a little breath and have a good rest before a new breakthrough. But if you find a bed in a place that is clearly inappropriate for it, then you are too relaxed and may miss control, a chance, or get things started.

    I dreamed of a regular, large, double bed

    In a dream, your own bed hints that you need to examine yourself in order to understand your feelings and current situation. Did you dream of an ordinary, but rather narrow bed? Get ready for temporary illness or quick sex.

    Why do you dream about a large double bed? It reflects satisfaction and harmony current relations. For single people, the image promises a new romantic relationship and even marriage. But an overly luxurious bed and an intoxicating aroma hanging in the bedroom warn: you will get involved in an extremely dangerous relationship or have already done so.

    What does an empty bed mean at night?

    An empty bed in a dream symbolizes the road, danger, death, hopelessness. But if it was carefully tucked in, then you are in control of the situation and everything will be fine.

    Did you dream of an empty bed with crumpled and dirty sheets? Prepare for an open clash with your enemies. The interpretation of the dream is similar if there was a mattress on an empty bed, but no linen. Why dream of a bed without a mattress at all? A big disaster is approaching, but don’t expect help from your loved ones.

    A bed with a man appeared in a dream

    If you dreamed of a bed with an unfamiliar man, then plans will be disrupted due to the intervention of unforeseen circumstances. Why do you dream that your husband is lying in bed with his mistress? In reality, your spouse will give you an amazing gift.

    Seeing yourself in bed with a man you know means that some kind of union will lead to very sad consequences. If you had a chance to have sex, but your main attention was focused on the bed, then you should reconsider your connections, including business ones, among them there are those that will bring a lot of problems.

    Bed in a dream - other meanings

    To find out what the image in question is about, it is advisable to obtain a decoding of not only the appearance of the furniture, but also personal actions, as well as other details.

    • hard bed - difficulties in business, unreliable deals
    • soft – well-being or excessive relaxation
    • with a canopy - excessive spending will lead to poverty
    • with crumpled sheets - a secret affair will be revealed
    • with a soft mattress - relaxation, waiting, love adventure
    • unusual bed - an unexpected turn of affairs, fate
    • unfamiliar – long and distant trip
    • wooden - quiet life alone
    • iron - breakdown of household appliances
    • very large old - danger, loss
    • large, luxuriously decorated - a profitable marriage
    • old, broken - threats, the need for compromise
    • government (in a hostel, hospital, etc.) – a long streak of poverty and failure
    • nursery with a child - prosperity, well-being
    • for a young girl - gossip
    • someone sleeping in your bed is an unexpected event
    • making the bed is a shameful act, an attempt to make amends
    • lie on a narrow and clearly short one - you will lose part of the profit
    • lying with someone - accident, illness
    • with a person of the opposite sex - good news
    • yours - stupid losses
    • with a friend - quarrel
    • with a stranger - a skirmish with the enemy
    • with a woman - a scandal with a loved one
    • with a man - change of place of residence
    • jack – teamwork, common interests
    • buying a bed is a big expense
    • sell - enemies will suffer losses
    • to break - determination is required
    • take out of the house - death of spouse
    • change the bedspread - change of position, job
    • spread it - wealth, fame
    • folding - moving, happiness

    If in a dream you managed to buy a more luxurious and comfortable bed, then you have done a good job, and now a calm and prosperous period in all respects is coming.