Why do you dream of seeing a car accident? Why do you dream about a car accident? What famous dream books say about a car accident

An accident is always associated in our imagination with something terrible, resulting in injury, trauma, injury and even death to people. What if we saw such a frightening incident in a dream? For interpretation similar dream we decided to turn to the most famous and complete dream books.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Freud's Dream Book

This dream Nick interprets the accident seen in a dream as a symbol of the impending all-consuming passion that you will experience in relation to a very unusual and extraordinary person. You will spend an unforgettable time together that will be remembered throughout your life.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you became an involuntary witness to an accident, then in reality you will have a meeting and a very long conversation with a narrow-minded, but very ambitious person. If you dreamed that you yourself became a participant in an accident, then in reality you will face some kind of danger from competitors or ill-wishers. If in a dream you were run over by someone ground transport, then in reality you will be able to avoid most of the troubles and complications. If you yourself were driving the vehicle and became the culprit of the incident, then you can forget about the calm and peaceful vacation that you had planned. If in a dream you were literally on the verge of terrible accident, then you will be able to happily avoid all the intrigues that your enemies and competitors have planned for you. If the accident happened on board an airplane, then you will have many new ideas and plans that will introduce some confusion into your usual rhythm of life. Seeing an accident on a ship in a dream means good news. If you dream that you died as a result of an accident, then real life A close friend will turn to you for help.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Ancient English dream book

If you dreamed that you were injured and disfigured as a result of an accident, then you will face great grief. It will be very difficult, but with time you will be able to cope with it. If the accident occurred in the sea or ocean, then great love awaits you.

Why do you dream about an accident?: Dream InterpretationXXIcentury

This source interprets an accident seen in a dream as a warning that you risk getting into some kind of accident. difficult situation: You will become a victim of fraud or deception. Therefore, in real life, you should exercise great caution in all matters and matters related to finance. If you dreamed that you were the victim of an accident, then in reality you will have a showdown and an open conflict with your competitors or enemies. The resulting injuries foreshadow humiliation, betrayal, or another severe blow to your pride. If you become an accidental witness to an accident, then you will have a long interaction with a very stupid person.

Why do you dream of an accident on the road?? Hints received in a dream

Such a dream is a warning about some rash actions. Therefore, before making any decision or taking an action, weigh the pros and cons several times. If you dreamed that by a lucky chance you were able to avoid an accident, then in reality you will have great luck, despite the unfortunate mistakes you made.

An accident is a very unpleasant event even in real life, but here you managed to see an accident in a dream. The interpretation of the dream “accident” in all its diversity will be presented in this section. Many dream books tend to agree that if you dreamed of an accident in a dream, this is prophetic dream. Whether you yourself caused the accident or you only became an observer is not at all important. The main thing is to pay attention to what feelings you experienced immediately after waking up, how strong the feelings were, how negative. It is advisable to look into the dream book: why do you dream of an accident, into the dream book: interpretation of dreams “accident” and into the dream book: dream about an accident. After all, this dream seems to warn us - be careful, especially in the next week. So what does an accident in a dream mean? Let's figure it out.

Modern dream book

  • If you had a dream that you were in an accident, expect unfavorable circumstances, both at work and at home. Be especially attentive to your health.
  • If you managed to avoid an accident in a dream, no matter what difficulties fate promises you in the next week, you will resolve them with dignity.
  • You dreamed of an accident on the road, but you were only a witness to it - troubles will only touch you, you will worry, but you will not suffer much, either physically or mentally.
  • In a dream, to see a car accident from the outside or the consequences of such, remember the Russian proverb “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” i.e. In the coming days, rely only on your strength and your mind.
  • Dream Interpretation: an airplane crash is a negative sign warning of difficult times ahead. A plane crash in a dream suggests that you may become a victim of an unexpected situation, deception or disappointment.

Newest dream book

Any traffic accident in a dream with any consequences is a warning. Be careful during the week, watch your health, avoid traveling, and stay at home in the evening as much as possible. The dream book considers an accident in a dream as receiving unpleasant news.

Family dream book

  • Why do you dream of a car accident? This is a warning of trouble. If there are troubles at work, then the dream warns of possible dismissal or a strong conflict between employees and you. Try to think about your every word and action, otherwise all plans will be ruined.
  • Why do you dream of a train accident? To loss of money. Therefore, watch your wallet or purse while walking down the street.
  • If in a dream you were on a ship and it crashed, in reality you may lose a friend or be disappointed in a loved one.
  • Seeing a car accident in a dream, but not participating in it, will be a profit that you will receive due to the mistakes of other people.
  • The “bus accident” dream says that by making mistakes and blaming them on other people, you will not be exposed.
  • The dream book interprets the accident of a friend whom you helped in your dream as receiving news from him about a real problem.
  • If you had a dream about “an accident with victims,” then you will have no prospects in commercial matters, and there will be discord in sexual relations with your partner, which will lead to a lack of pleasure.

Universal dream book

  • In a dream, seeing an accident is a sign that some kind of trouble will happen. The dream of a car accident warns you to be careful in the near future. And pay attention to your health.
  • The universal dream book for avoiding an accident is interpreted as decent way out you from a confusing and difficult situation.
  • What does it mean when you dream about an accident? This may also mean that you will meet such a person on your life path, which you will never forget, it will be a truly bright, crazy and insane passion.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

You had a dream “car accident” - bad sign. Perhaps at work your relationships with your bosses and colleagues will deteriorate. Be prepared for this and think about what you are going to say so as not to harm yourself in the future. This dream book of seeing an accident in a dream, but not participating in it, says that all the troubles, although they will happen next to you, will not affect you personally.

Women's dream book (eastern)

  • Did you dream that you were in an accident? For women, the dream book interprets a “road accident” as follows: your plans for the next seven days will be disrupted due to completely unexpected events.
  • You saw from the side how cars collided - something will happen to your relatives or best friend, this will all affect you too, you will worry quite seriously.
  • If you dream that you were in an accident, and you were there next to deceased friends or relatives, postpone all trips by car, plane and train for the next week.

200,000 dream interpretations

  • The dream book interprets seeing a car accident as a prediction of tragic events in your life, which will shock you to the point of personal drama. If you had a dream about getting into an accident, then you may be drawn into it against your will. litigation, some kind of trial. Or maybe the dream warns that your rash steps will lead to the collapse of your plans. Think about it.
  • Why do you dream about your own accident? Those. It was your fault that it happened. This dream book sees an accident as a disruption in your affairs, a deterioration in relationships either in the family or among colleagues.
  • The dream regards a “train accident” as a loss of money.
  • A shipwreck is a disappointment in a friend, a loved one.
  • If you dreamed about a bus accident, you will attribute your failures to others, while remaining “clean.”
  • A motorcycle is a symbol of work. If you ride a motorcycle, then in reality you are independent at work and can organize a holiday or event on your own, but a motorcycle accident is a bad sign. The dream book interprets a motorcycle accident as a scandal at work, up to and including dismissal.
  • Dying in an accident in a dream means losing property, large quantity money. Or, on the contrary, live a happy long life.

Erotic dream book

If you dreamed of a car accident, don’t be upset, some kind of meeting and crazy passion awaits you. It will overtake you by chance, but will leave such a bright mark on your life that you will remember it for many years as your happiest moments.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If you had an accident in a dream, you may be overtaken by an all-consuming, insane passion for a rather extraordinary person. Even if love is short, it will be unforgettable. You will never forget moments of happiness with this person.
  • The dream book interprets “a car accident without casualties” either as meeting this unique person of your dreams in real life in a car, or as an unforgettable romantic trip by car.
  • If you had a dream “a friend had an accident,” then soon there will be serious conflict with him.

Danilova's erotic dream book

What does an accident in a dream mean? Any movement is life, fast movement is a stormy personal life, but erotic dream book the accident is regarded as unexpected whirlwind romance, which will absorb you completely.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book interprets an accident exclusively as fatal. If you see your own death, then you are a long-liver, and your life will not only be long, but also happy. You are God's messenger on Earth, bringing goodness.

Wanderer's Dream Book

The dream book prophesies an accident in a dream to failure. The meaning of the dream "accident" is considered psychological internal conflict with others.

Miller's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed about an accident, it means you will have difficulties in the near future. Never brush off such dreams, because in Miller’s dream book an accident is a warning about something very unpleasant. Try to take some measures, adjust your behavior, because it’s not without reason that they say: “Forewarned is forearmed.”
  • Why do you dream of avoiding an accident? This means that you will come out of the most difficult situation unscathed and even strengthen your authority among your employees.
  • Why dream of seeing an accident from the outside? This is a reason to seriously think about your behavior, immediately decide something and improve your relationship. Try to take control of the current bad situation in order to control the actions of other people.
  • This dream book “Accident, corpses” is trying to be interpreted as misfortune, sad news, disappointment in love, lack of sexual pleasure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • If you dreamed about a car accident, your affairs will work out in the best possible way.
  • If you dreamed of an accident with victims, you will face difficulties that you cannot overcome alone, so do not neglect the help of people who will offer it themselves. The dream book also interprets an accident with victims as a threat to your property.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

The interpretation of dreams “car accident” is presented in great detail in this dream book. The dream book examines the dream “Accident” from all sides:

  • Dream Interpretation: car accident - you witnessed an accident in a dream, which means in real life you will meet an ambitious, narrow-minded person and have an unpleasant conversation with him.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting into an accident - you were hit by a vehicle, but did not injure you, which means troubles will bypass you.
  • If you yourself ran into a person or knocked him down during an accident, then your upcoming vacation will be ruined.
  • If in a dream you were sure that you would now have an accident, but it did not happen due to a happy coincidence, then you will get out of the most slippery and unpleasant situation with dignity and avoid collisions without conflict.
  • Why do you dream about a plane crash? It actually promises confusion in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: train accident - train wreck or collision - changes in life. If a freight train is in financial activities, if passenger - in personal.
  • An accident on a ship, steamship or boat is a dream of a successful resolution of even the most difficult matter.
  • This dream book of dying in an accident at sea warns that your help to a loved one will involve great risk for you.
  • If in a dream you saw a sinking ship from the side, then you will soon need help.
  • The motorcycle accident dream says that you will be very disappointed in your friend.

Noble dream book of Grishina

“Accident, corpses” dream - if you saw corpses at the scene of an accident, then you need to remember how they made you feel. If the corpse is scary, you are in deep melancholy. If the corpse was covered in blood, you will have a surge of vitality. If the corpse did not evoke bad emotions in you, then everything will be fine, happiness in the family and a good relationship At work.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Any accident warns you - stop, think, brake. So why do you dream about an accident? If an accident occurs on land, your physical body suffers; on water, your emotional body suffers; and in the sky, your spiritual body suffers. Listen, they are exhausted and want a stop, a break. Understand yourself, what do you really expect from life and what do you want to get from it?

If you dream of a car accident with blood, then this dream book accident blood is interpreted in different ways. During an accident, you saw bright blood in a dream - a symbol of energy and vitality. If there is bleeding - loss of strength, moral exhaustion, anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima

  • The dream “road accident” is a warning dream. Review your upcoming tasks again and think through all your actions step by step.
  • Dream Interpretation: the car was involved in an accident, but you were not injured - all mistakes will be written off, you will have enough skill and strength to get out of a sticky situation with dignity.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “car accident” comes down to the following - the collapse of all your expectations, hopes and dreams.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

  • The dream “accident” says that there will be changes in the relationship with your spouse, in which direction it depends on you.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

What does it mean if you dream about an accident? This means that you are suicidal, and this tendency is implicit. However, in any stressful situation, you will solve the problem with suicide. Remember the people who were in your dream during the accident: the driver, the interlocutor, people from the other car involved in it, the pilot of the plane, the captain of the ship, in general, all the people involved in this dream. One of these people has a destructive effect on you, sending deadly signals and thoughts of suicide on a subconscious level.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Why do you dream about a bus accident? You are haunted by thoughts of suicide, but everyone will decide that a completely innocent person is to blame.

English dream book

The British are more optimistic about sleep accidents. Their dream book interprets seeing an accident in a dream as an opportunity to cope with the personal grief that you are experiencing in this moment. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an accident at sea - falling in love quickly?

Gypsy dream book

This dream book interprets seeing an accident, no matter what and with what consequences, as a misfortune in your family or at work. You are also gnawing at your conscience and a terrible feeling of guilt about an unworthy act. Try to fix something or at least apologize.

Esoteric dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream about an accident? Dream Interpretation: a car accident - dreams of arranging some business that could not be completed.
  • If a friend or acquaintance has an accident, then someone will help you solve the problem.
  • If you are the victim of an accident, then whatever you do will be beneficial.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bus accident in a dream - something negatively affects your plans, interfering with their implementation.


To summarize the above, we can say that the dream “Car accident” is a warning dream. The dream “Car accident” seems to tell us: stop, think about all your steps, all your complaints, carefully work through all the upcoming dialogues so as not to get into trouble. Any dream book interprets an accident as something not good. Only the dream of “seeing an accident from the outside” consoles us a little. If “Accident”, then there you will find all of the above interpretations.

See in a dream car accident– the feeling is not pleasant. The interpretation of such a vision must be taken seriously. Each dream book interprets such a vision differently, however, in order to accurately determine what a car accident means in a dream, you need to take into account even the most insignificant details.

Why do you dream about a car accident according to Miller’s dream book?

G. Miller considers such a dream a harbinger of something bad. If a person is involved in an accident, in reality it is necessary to be prepared for changes that will have negative consequences. If in a vision you managed to avoid a traffic accident, it means that in reality, having found yourself in a difficult situation, a person has a chance to get out of it. If a person sees an accident involving several cars and is not a participant in it, then his plans can come true.

Car accident in a dream according to Vanga

Vanga interprets such a vision as a harbinger of passion or an event that will leave a mark on a person’s memory. Such a dream, in her opinion, promises changes for the better in real life. If a person in a dream sees a car accident in which he is directly involved, this predicts the purchase of a new car or a long trip.

What does a car accident mean - interpretation from the Women's Dream Book

If the person who saw the dream is planning something, then some unpleasant event may interfere with him. Watching an accident in a dream means that troubles will affect loved ones. Seeing dead relatives and getting into an accident together with them is an unkind sign; it is best to postpone all upcoming trips and important matters.

Why do you dream of a car accident - Esoteric dream book

Seeing a road in a dream and witnessing an accident on it means that in reality all matters will be successfully resolved. If you see an accident in a dream, but do not participate in it, it means that in reality there will be good people, which will affect the resolution of existing problems.

Car accident according to S. Freud's dream book

Such a dream means that soon an interesting person will appear in life, to whom he will flare up. strong passion. It will be mutual and will remain in the memory of both for a long time.

Meneghetti's dream book: car accident

Such a vision reveals the suicidal tendencies of the person who saw it. It is of a warning nature and is recommended to avoid bad news and obviously unpleasant situations in life.

Road accident according to the Veles dream book

If a dream about an accident is accompanied by fire or flying sparks, this portends serious quarrels. Conflicts may arise at work or cherished dreams may collapse.

Why do you dream of a car accident - dream options

Details of any vision can detail its interpretation:

  • a minor accident indicates that there was a situation in the past that was negatively influenced by an outsider.
  • own accident - some circumstances that a person does not expect will take him by surprise. However, quick and decisive action will help avoid the negative consequences of this event.
  • avoiding an accident means that in reality any confusing situation in life will be resolved favorably.
  • seeing an accident without casualties portends a new acquaintance. Moreover, this person can be an ideal life partner.
  • dying in an accident in a dream is a harbinger of trouble. Most often, a person who has such a dream will face a series of stressful situations.
  • to see the consequences of an accident - to achieve your goals, you should refuse the help of others. Only your own perseverance will help you achieve your plans.
  • to get a lot of injuries in an accident - foreshadows betrayal or another unpleasant event that will deal a blow to pride.

To an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always cherish this period of time in your memory.

If you dreamed of an accident- this means that soon you will experience a violent, all-crushing passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always cherish this period of time in your memory.

Participation in a transport accident or presence during a breakdown of equipment, any machine or unit- speaks of disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs or fear for their functioning, which can be caused by physical or emotional overload.

Several breakdowns or accidents in one dream- they talk about the fear of death.

Get into an accident or get hit vehicle - means the desire for sexual intercourse.

Presence during an accident or breakdown with relatives or loved ones- speaks of an emerging conflict with them, which you are currently holding back.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

An accident seen in a dream- warns you against rash actions. Remember, did you think through your affairs well, did you make any mistakes the other day? This dream reminds you Golden Rule: “Measure seven times...”.

If in a dream you managed to successfully avoid an accident- This good sign, saying that, despite the mistakes you have made, you have the strength to cope with the situation. After such a dream, it doesn’t hurt you to be more careful, trusting your intuition more.

New family dream book

Other people were injured in an accident in a dream- How did you behave? Did you try to help them or did you stand back and watch? Did you feel like you were doing the right thing, or did you feel like you weren't being helpful enough? Did you feel helpless?

What caused the accident? If it's a lack of attention- the dream suggests that you should be more focused. Or the reason was insufficient control, which indicates the need to slow down.

The accident may also be- an awakening symbol, a sign that something has come to its end and it is necessary to let it go.

Dream book of a gypsy

Accident on railway - your plans will be disrupted. Unexpected traps will appear that will force you to “go off track.”

Any accident- indicates a feeling of guilt. You have committed an unworthy act. Remember your actions in Lately and think about how to solve the problem.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Dream about a car accident with sparks and fire- a quarrel, a scandal, a serious conflict, the collapse of some hopes.

Esoteric dream book

Road accident- to the arrangement of affairs.

See the accident- someone will help sort out your affairs.

Get into an accident yourself- your steps will benefit the cause.

Collection of dream books

If you suddenly saw an accident in your dream- this portends you to deal with a good-for-nothing person.

If you yourself are involved in an accident- this is a sign that foreshadows a clash, a conflict with people who are unkindly disposed towards you. Be careful and attentive.

An alternative interpretation of this dream.

If you dreamed of an accident- this means that in the very near future you will experience a violent, all-encompassing passion for an extraordinary person. With him you will be able to experience many unforgettable moments of love and happiness and you will keep these minutes in your heart. Perhaps you will be connected with this person not only by passion, but also by marriage.

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

In real life, an accident does not bode well. Injuries, damage and possible death. In dreams the situation is somewhat different. An accident can be either a symbol of a new life and getting rid of old habits, or a flaring passion for a person that will blow your mind. Dream books will help you find answers to your questions.

Freud's Dream Book. Why did you dream about the accident?

If you dreamed of a car accident, then soon you will meet a rather unusual and interesting person, which will interest you. A spark will immediately fly between you, and you will drown in each other. The very fact of a car accident, and not any other, symbolizes a meeting in a vehicle. Well, or on the subway.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Accident in a dream. What to expect in reality?

  • If you dreamed about being in a car accident, then this foreshadows disappointment in your friends and family and major losses in business. Try not to spoil your relationships with others and people, and then you are likely to avoid problems.
  • If the accident in your dream occurred at sea or in the ocean, and you see the ship going to the bottom, then this promises separation from your significant other. Try to solve your family troubles and find mutual language. Otherwise, separation cannot be avoided.

Dream book Meneghetti. Get into an accident in a dream. What does it mean?

  • If you dreamed of an accident in which you became a participant, then this symbolizes your depression and negative attitude towards life. If you have been in such a depressed state for a long time, then this may mean that you are about to attempt suicide. We advise you to expand your social circle and find new hobbies. There is no other way to get out of this state.
  • If in the accident the driver was not you, but another person you know, then this symbolizes his evil intentions towards you. Try to protect yourself from him and have as little contact as possible.

Miller's Dream Book. Why did you dream about the accident?

  • A dream of an accident with clouds of smoke means your contradictions with your team or loved ones. Your relationship may develop into outright hostility. What is most important is that you yourself will become the initiator of these contradictions and struggles, whether you want it or not.
  • If you dreamed of an accident in which you and your friends were involved and after which you were left disfigured, then this symbolizes a negative attitude from the outside. People think you are too emotional and talkative and would genuinely like you to shut up.
  • If after an accident there are clouds of smoke billowing into the air and pieces of the car are scattered everywhere, then this means a complete failure in your business. You will not be able to do anything about it and will simply watch from the sidelines the collapse of your brainchild.
  • If after an accident you find yourself engulfed in flames or thrown away from the scene by a blast wave, this means that your colleagues are taking advantage of you and your gullibility. Try to exclude these people from your social circle and quickly complete all your business with them.
  • If a girl has such a dream, then this symbolizes a meeting with an impressive man who turns out to be an ordinary gigolo. Don't have affairs or look for new people. They will only hurt you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. What does it mean to get into an accident in a dream.

If in a dream you have an accident and catch fire, but at the same time do not feel pain, then this symbolizes your confidence and faith in yourself. You will leave yours bad habits and see the world with new eyes. After this, others will begin to notice it and will highly appreciate your work. This dream is a symbol of your personal rebirth.

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Accident

If you saw an accident in a dream, then this predicts that you will have to deal with a bad person.

If you yourself take part in an accident, this is a sign that predicts a collision, a conflict with people who are angry towards you. Be extremely careful and cautious.

If you came out of an accident unharmed in a dream, this predicts successful resolution of conflicts with management.

A dream in which you witnessed an accident is a sign that you will be drawn into legal proceedings or that your rash actions will lead to the collapse of your plans. Your partners will make claims against you, and you will have to make excuses for a long time. The dream warns that trouble awaits you and you may lose your place.