How to draw a 9-storey house. How to draw a beautiful house with a pencil step by step with children

Now we will draw a simple house, it is not necessary to detail it so much, you can only draw the main lines. We definitely need a ruler to make the house level.

Step 1. Draw two rectangles, the top one is slightly lower than the bottom one.

Step 2. Draw the bevel of the sides of the roof and additional decorative lines.

Step 3. Erase the horizontal side lines from the rectangle, then draw the door and windows.

Step 4. We draw bars on the windows; we will have an attic on top.

Step 5. We draw a window in the attic and we can finish here, but if you want to draw the whole house, let’s continue. Draw parallel lines on the roofs.

Step 6. Draw the tiles. Let's start with the bottom row. We mark the middle of the house and draw a horizontal line in the very first bottom row. Then we draw to the left, and each time we make a greater slope of the straight line to the right, then we draw to the right, the further we go, the greater the slope of the line to the left. Now let's move on to the second row from the bottom. Each straight line we draw is drawn in the middle between each tile of the first row, do not forget, the closer to the side, the more the line should be inclined in the other direction. We continue to do this until top row inclusive. Then we draw patterns on the sides and roof of the attic. I drew wavy lines with circles, you can come up with your own pattern, it doesn’t matter.

“My home is my fortress,” says famous proverb. But for such a reliable construction you need long time, significant costs, extensive experience.

We suggest starting with “construction” (this will be drawing) small house. Let's look at how to quickly draw a house with a pencil step by step for children, so that the task can be completed easily and interestingly. And for adults, such drawing is a great opportunity to return a little to childhood.

What tools are needed to draw the house of our dreams, you ask? Just a pencil and a ruler initial stage. What else you will need, you will find out when you complete all the steps.

So, let's take these steps step by step.

From this article you will learn

Step 1

We are planning a future house.

First, use a ruler and pencil to carefully and evenly draw a rectangle. A little later we will “attach” other elements to it. Then we divide it into two halves. For example, one half of the house is the living room, and the other is the kitchen. It all depends on your desire, because you plan your future home yourself.

At the bottom of our house we draw a low rectangle for the future foundation, which we will also change soon.

Step 2

Draw the roof and windows.

Draw the sides of the roof with a pencil and draw identical parallel lines on it. To make our building look beautiful, we need to draw windows.

To do this, draw two rectangles with jumpers in the half of the house you have chosen. You can choose small or large windows, square or oval at the top. You choose the shape and size according to your taste and discretion.

Agree, when we do everything step by step, it turns out beautifully and neatly. Although the shape already resembles a dwelling, let’s move on to the next step. What's the next step? Of course, the door!

Step 3

We add doors and a chimney step by step.

Now you need to draw the doors in the other, remaining half. Don't forget about the door handle. It’s easier to create it using a ruler to make a small square. A little more complicated - a small circle.

It will resemble in shape door handle. And for those who are ready to try harder, there is another option for a door handle that resembles a knocker. All you need here is patience and accuracy.

After this, we will draw a chimney on the roof of your house with a pencil. As you see fit, place it on the right or left.

And finally, the final stage - we decorate the resulting home. After all, comfort and coziness, even if only in the drawing, pleases our eyes.

Now let’s practice being a designer. Surely, you already guessed what we are talking about. We will decorate all the finished elements of our “construction”. This kind of drawing is a real space for your imagination!

Step 4

Draw the foundation of your house with a pencil, dividing the rectangle from the bottom into cells. Parallel lines on the roof can be divided into alternating squares: the result is something similar to tiles. Instead of square tiles, we draw round lines at the bottom. It will turn out beautiful that way too!

You can paint curtains and even flower pots on the windows of your house. And the curling smoke from the chimney will make you think of hospitable hosts. Of course, you will need to put in a little more effort and diligence. But your home will turn out beautiful and unique!

Step 5

For those who really love to draw.

We color the house with colored pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens. Near it you can draw a green lawn with beautiful flowers, tall trees, blue sky with bright sun, or whatever you like.

Your house, drawn in pencil step by step, is ready! We hope that this kind of drawing is a real pleasure for children!

Have you decided to build own house? This process is long and complex, but the game is certainly worth the candle. Where to begin? Of course, from creating a layout. This service is now offered by hundreds of specialized companies throughout Russia. Their services are not cheap. They can charge up to 20 thousand rubles for a project. But designing a house, if you use your head, is not a difficult thing. There are some points that you need to pay close attention to. You can design a house yourself on a computer using online and offline programs. Some of them offer free use, others work only after payment. Which one to choose, and in general, where to start?

Before you make a housing plan on the computer, you need to decide how you imagine it:

  • how many floors are in the building;
  • will there be a basement?
  • what should the roof be like?
  • how many rooms?
  • Is there a need for a bathroom on the second and subsequent floors of the house?
  • will there be a room or attic under the roof;
  • Is there a garage in the building?

You need to immediately estimate the area of ​​the house based on the number of residents.

Important: according to modern house-building standards, at least 12 square meters living space (more is possible, the main thing is not less). Only in this case will the house be comfortable and cozy for every family member.

Design and build a house so that there is a place for every family member. Based on the requirement - 12 square meters per person

It is also necessary to conduct georeconnaissance of the area: from the nature of the soil to the groundwater level. This can be clarified with the administration of the city or village where you intend to build your own home. Why is such data needed? To lay the foundation correctly. Depending on the land, it can be:

  • tape;
  • monolithic;
  • tiled (slit);
  • columnar;
  • pile;
  • stepped.

A basement in a house is not always a reasonable decision. If the groundwater level is too high, then the construction of the basement will cost a pretty penny - too much money will be spent on waterproofing. If you need a basement for storing household utensils, seams, etc., simply create one room in the house without windows and make it unheated.

When designing a house, keep in mind that a basement is convenient and practical, but expensive. It’s cheaper to equip one of the building’s rooms for similar purposes instead of a basement.

The old fashioned way: draw a plan with a pencil on paper

Creating a sketch using a pencil on a sheet of paper precedes designing a home on a computer. A sketch is just a sketch, rough plan, no more. Why is it so important to start with a simple layout:

  • to understand what exactly you want from your future home;
  • if necessary, you can add or remove a room or an entire floor;
  • to imagine how the building will be located on the site relative to other objects;
  • determine how many windows and doors there will be in the house;
  • provide space for a stove if necessary;
  • decide how the building will be heated.

A house plan on paper before designing on a computer will help you understand: what the structure should be like, whether all the rooms are needed, where the doors and windows will be located

Draw the exterior and interior views of the house on paper. When compiling internal project building with your own hands, consider the following points:

  • the first floor should include a vestibule and an entrance hall;
  • the toilet, bathroom and kitchen should be located next to each other - this will simplify the wiring of communications;
  • It’s good if there are no walk-through rooms in the house - they are not very convenient to use;
  • on the ground floor you need to provide a storage room and a dressing room - this is convenient to use;
  • immediately draw windows and doors;
  • on the second floor, a toilet and a bathroom are not always needed, but only if the building area is more than 100 square meters, and the number of residents is 5 people or more;
  • if you are designing a 3D house yourself and are going to build it yourself, choose a gable roof. It is the easiest to build, and you can make an attic underneath it;
  • make it a rule: utility rooms should be located on the north side, and residential premises on the south or east. During the day, people will get inside through the windows. sunlight, which heats the air in the room. This way you can save on heating;
  • immediately indicate the dimensions of the house on the plan.

It is also important to draw a house plan yourself and indicate the materials from which the house will be built.

To learn how to correctly draw a house drawing on paper, watch the video:

Without communications - nowhere

Another important stage in the design of a home is engineering and technical calculations. This is a kind of plan where communications are noted, without which it will be impossible to use the house:

  • heat supply system;
  • water supply and drainage pipes;
  • Electricity of the net;
  • ventilation;
  • fire alarm.

Sometimes this list also includes a security alarm.

What is an engineering plan - see below.

The best programs: how to make a 3D house drawing on a computer

To draw a house plan on a computer yourself, you will need a computer with Internet access and a special program. All 3D house design programs can be divided into two types:

  • working only online;
  • allowing you to draw a home project offline.

Almost all modern programs that allow you to design a building yourself draw 3D models. This system allows you to see the house from all sides in a “volumetric view”.

You can create a 3D house project on your computer in a day. The program interface is simple and clear, it is not difficult to understand it

Among the popular online programs for designing a building with your own hands are the following:

  • Planner 5D resource. Even experienced architects use this program. With its help, you can plan any home - from an apartment to a country penthouse. There is no need to register or undergo training. Everything is so simple and clear that even a child can handle it. There are special templates that will reduce the time spent on independently drawing up a house project. With Planner 5D you can even develop your own interior design. However, many resource functions are paid. To use the program for a month you will have to pay about 300 rubles.

Subtleties of using Planner 5D:

  • The Rooms tab will help you create the rooms of a building in 3D mode. The footage of the walls and the height of the ceilings are immediately set;
  • the Construction tab is responsible for the presence of windows, doors, and stairs;
  • use the Interior button to create a room design;
  • use the Exterior button to draw outbuildings in the yard;
  • The layout can be saved in the PC memory and printed on paper.
  • The HouseCreator designer helps you move from 3D design to calculations. The instructions, which can be found on the designer’s website, will tell you about using the resource. Everything is simple and clear, the minus is not a large number of options:
  • The “Wall” tab allows you to create rooms the right size in 3d;
  • “Opening” is the installation of windows, doors, stairs;
  • “Roof” – for drawing the roof, respectively;
  • the project can be saved in the PC memory and viewed offline.

Many options are available in free mode. But you will need to pay for the settlement. To do this, send a request to the site administrators. Decoration is not provided in HouseCreator.

  • The Planoplan program is similar to the previous ones. Plus, it allows you not only to draw a house project on a PC, but also to “wander” through it using a special option. Planoplan even allows you to take into account the location of sockets and lighting fixtures in 3D mode.
  • Many architects and designers prefer Homestyler. The resource contains real brands and brands of furniture, building materials, therefore the program is considered as close to reality as possible.

You can learn more about online resources that allow you to draw a house plan with your own hands on a computer from the video.

To draw a structure, you can download a program to your computer that does not require the Internet to work:

  • The Autodesk resource is paid (about 500 rubles per month). It is allowed to be used free of charge by students and teachers of construction universities. Autodesk is a professional tool. You can even design a car with it! To use the program you need to download from the official website. A demo version with limited features is available for free. Tools allow you to select not only materials for construction, but also the nature of the terrain, relief, and soil conditions.
  • SolidWorks is considered a complex, but the most professional program. Anyone can figure it out if they want. Video tutorials and e-books can help.
  • SketchUp is a very cool resource for those who dream, without exaggeration, of their own city! The program allows you to create your own municipality, not to mention draw a building in 3D.

Listed here are only the main programs for drawing do-it-yourself private building projects on a PC.

Useful little things

You can make a house plan yourself, but based on the result you get, you shouldn’t start construction right away.

It would be good, before designing a house yourself, to learn everything about the norms and rules for the construction of residential buildings. You can read about this.

When designing even a small house, follow the basic rules and requirements. Otherwise, the building will not be able to be used or even built.

After drawing up a house design on your computer, print it out and take it to the architect. If there are no such specialists among your friends and relatives, your direct route is to the BTI - the Technical Inventory Bureau. Submit your layout there. Department employees will evaluate your drawing and give (or not give) a building permit.

Start drawing a house project on the computer yourself when you have an engineering layout and a pencil sketch on paper ready.

Remember, creating a project must meet the following principles:

  • The house plan should be simple. If you want to build an original and unique building with many floors, balconies and other complex architectural elements, seek help from professionals;
  • the design of the building must meet the requirements of aesthetics and morality;
  • Before you design a house yourself on a computer, decide on the foundation. Electronic platforms it is not provided.

Even before designing a house, decide on the foundation of the building. The foundation will give the structure strength and reliability


Do you intend to create a building project yourself? Nothing is impossible. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the building construction standards and construction rules. This will make your work easier in the future.

It is convenient to use offline programs to draw your house. You can safely work with them, even if the Internet suddenly freezes or turns off. However, online resources are considered more complete and modern, they have more functions.


Draw a large rectangle. Draw many small squares inside it. These will be the windows. Arrange them in a strict tabular order or mark them asymmetrically in different places.

On top, if necessary, draw a roof in the form of a triangle or trapezoid. Color it house paints. Make the windows blue if you are painting day. Complete them in the city at night yellow as if electric lights had been turned on in the rooms.

To give house for volume, first draw a rectangle that will be the face house. From its three corners, set aside and upward three equal parallel segments. Connect their outer ends in series. Draw windows on the side surface of the resulting box.

The roof house or you can leave it flat or make it in the form of a pyramid with four sides. To complete the similarity, draw several television antennas on the roof. Draw a small vertical line and draw a few whiskers from it different sides. Your high-rise building is ready.

Multi-level multi-story house more difficult to draw. Start with the main building box. Then draw a smaller rectangle on the left. Make a gable roof for a tall building and a triangular one for a small extension. Draw round and rectangular windows and a door. Draw flowers on the windowsills, lanterns at the entrance. Color the drawing.

Helpful advice

You can place a store or pharmacy on the ground floor of a high-rise building. To do this, separate the bottom of the main rectangle with a horizontal line. In the center, draw a square that will represent a double door. Draw another narrow long rectangle above the door - this will be the sign of the institution. Make windows on the sides of the doors.

Paint the lower part of such a house with one color, and the upper floors with another. It is better to use paints that are similar in shade rather than contrasting ones.


Historical landscape or a report on a trip to Egypt, theater scenery for a scene from the life of this country, you cannot do without an image of a pyramid. In any case, you will first need a sketch, which is best done on paper with a pencil, crayons or watercolor paints.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - colored crayons, pencils or watercolors;
  • - a picture or photograph depicting a pyramid.


Egyptian pyramid- a massive structure with a large base. The base is slightly larger than the height, so it is better to lay the sheet horizontally. For the sketch, place it in the same way as the decoration itself will be located. Determine the ratio of base and height. This can be done from the picture. It is not necessary to measure with a ruler, estimate by eye.

Draw 2 lines perpendicular to each other. Draw one parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. Divide it in half and draw a perpendicular upward to the middle. Imagine that in a picture of a pyramid there are no details and texture of the material, but only contours. Any pyramid will appear to be a triangle. The Egyptian pyramid is isosceles triangle. Mark the height on the vertical line. Connect the resulting point with the ends of the base.

Determine from which point you are looking at pyramid. The position of its lateral edge will depend on this. If the viewer stands directly in front of the edge, then he sees only a folded triangle. The artist can only convey the texture. Draw several thin horizontal lines. These will be layers of stone. Divide each layer into separate blocks by drawing vertical lines between adjacent horizontal ones. Lines in different layers should not be continuations of each other.

Hello! Today we present to you new lesson step by step drawing, in which we distance ourselves a little from drawing living creatures and pay attention to architecture. As you already saw in the title, the topic of today's lesson is how to draw a house, let's get started and start drawing!

Step 1

Our house today will look like the extremely popular townhouse in the West - a neat, compact house that is designed for living big family. Therefore, it will look more complicated than a traditional hut, which comes to mind as an association with the phrase how to draw a house.

Houses like those in our example should be drawn starting from the bottom. To make it more convenient for you, we decided to highlight the part that should be drawn first:

If without highlighting lines, the first step should look like this:

Step 2

There are a lot of steps involved, however, we will use the same markup as in the previous step so you don't get confused. We marked in red those places that should be drawn first. The columns are marked with number 1, and the cornice with number 2. The lines may not be particularly straight now, the main thing is that you clearly understand their location.

Without this marking, the drawing for this step looks like this:

Step 3

Now comes the time for strict, even lines, and here you need to draw very carefully. Our artist really likes to detail drawings from top to bottom. So, let's draw the roof with several even, symmetrical lines. Maintain the volumetric effect when drawing the cornice, paying attention to the lower part, and also correctly outline the corner on the right.

In this part of our lesson we will also draw shutters and windows. Please note that there are a couple of transverse lines, and not one, as is found in stereotypical drawings of houses.

Step 4

A very short stage. Here we will draw the part of the upper floor to our left, do not forget the semicircle in the center of this part, and carefully shade it. Moreover, the shading should be intense in the lower part - well, you can see it for yourself. Then we will work on the windows, draw and carefully shade the shutters.

Step 5

Let's draw the porch of our house - the roof, columns, cornice and door - everything except the door handle must be absolutely symmetrical. Naturally, we mean symmetry relative to the porch, and not the entire house.

Step 6

To the right of the porch there is a veranda, let’s draw it. Here we can see the window, cornices and columns. Symmetry and clarity of lines should be maintained everywhere.

Step 7

Now it’s the turn of the part of the house, which is located to the left of the porch. Using wavy lines we outline the contours of the bushes that grow in front of the house.

Step 8

Finally, we will outline and draw the part of the house that is located to the right of all the others.