How to determine the complex future tense of a verb. Which verb has a simple future tense form?

verbs in the future simple and future complex tenses...

  1. Google it)

  2. I'll write you'll write you'll write

    I will read
    will you draw
    will think
    we'll meet
    you will take care
    will communicate

    I'll take a look
    We'll see
    you'll watch
    1 person, unit number
    1st person, plural number
    2nd person, unit number

  3. There is only one word in the simple future tense. Verbs: I’ll call, I’ll look, I’ll look in, I’ll finish the future simple tense. In complex - two and one of them in initial form. Verbs I will call, I want to watch, I will stay to watch, I will go to do the future complex tense.
  4. avavavava

  5. I will read, I will eat - the future is complicated
  6. Verbs have different forms of the future simple tense (synthetic) and the future complex tense (analytical).

    Future simple forms
    Perfective verbs are formed from the stem of the future tense by adding personal endings that coincide with the endings of the present tense:
    I'll write you'll write you'll write

    Forms of the future complex tense
    Imperfective verbs are formed analytically and are a combination of personal forms of the auxiliary verb to be with the infinitive of the conjugated verb:
    I will read
    will you draw
    will think
    we'll meet
    you will take care
    will communicate

    Verbs in the future tense change according to persons and numbers, but do not change according to gender!
    I'll take a look
    We'll see
    you'll watch
    1 person, unit number
    1st person, plural number
    2nd person, unit number

    The complex form of the future tense is a simple verbal predicate (this is single complex) :
    I will play wonderful games with you.
    (M. I. Tsvetaeva)

  7. karoch sun is just a word verb
  8. for google
  9. Future tense in English language (Future tense) has four forms that can express:
    1. Future Simple Action
    I will visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow.
    2. Future Continuous
    The same time tomorrow I will be walking the streets of Rome. Tomorrow at this time I will be walking the streets of Rome.
    3. An action that will be completed by a certain time in the future (Future Perfect)
    They will have built the factory by summer. They will build the plant by summer.
    4. An action that by a certain point in the future will already last for some time (Future Perfect Continuous)
    By next month I will have been working in this Bank for five years. By next month I will have been working at this bank for five years.
    5. If we are talking about the future tense from the point of view of the past, then the tense “Future in the past” is used.
    I knew youd come. I knew you would come.
  10. choose - future simple
    you will choose a difficult future
  11. Verbs have different forms of the future simple tense (synthetic) and the future complex tense (analytical).

    Future simple forms
    Perfective verbs are formed from the stem of the future tense by adding personal endings that coincide with the endings of the present tense:
    I'll write you'll write you'll write

    Forms of the future complex tense
    Imperfective verbs are formed analytically and are a combination of personal forms of the auxiliary verb to be with the infinitive of the conjugated verb:
    I will read
    will you draw
    will think
    we'll meet
    you will take care
    will communicate

    Verbs in the future tense change according to persons and numbers, but do not change according to gender!
    I'll take a look
    We'll see
    you'll watch
    1 person, unit number
    1st person, plural number
    2nd person, unit number

    The complex form of the future tense is a simple verbal predicate (this is a single complex):
    I will play wonderful games with you.
    (M. I. Tsvetaeva)

  12. I'll read it. vr
  13. move forward
  14. read, eat - simple future
    I will read, I will eat - the future is complex
  15. everything in the world is not so simple

Present tense of verb

Verbs differ based on the present tense thematic

And non-thematic. Thematic are verbs that have a thematic vowel between the stem and personal endings. e (I conjugation) or And (II conjugation). The thematic vowel is preserved in all forms except the 1st l. units tsp and 3 l. plural h., for example: you're carrying, you see; Wed 1st l. – nesou, vizhou, 3rd l. – really bad, you see.Verbs of the first conjugation depending on the quality of the base consonants - hardness or softness - in the 1st l. units tsp and 3 l. pl. hours are divided into two groups: unmitigated conjugation and softened . Thematic verbs in the process of historical development

have undergone minor changes. Book form on - shi in the 2nd l. units h. was subsequently replaced everywhere by the form - silt. In the 3rd l. units and plural from the 13th century in Northern Russian dialects a hard ending is established - t, which eventually became literary: carries, nesout, writes, pishout.

After the loss of the dual number (by the 14th century), the verb began to be conjugated only in the singular and plural. Non-thematic are verbs in which personal endings are attached directly to the stem. This group includes only four verbs: being, date), ђsti, вђдђти.

In the Old Russian language there were three forms of the future tense: one simple and two complex. Future simple . The present tense of perfective verbs acted as the future simple:, pidow, ponesou, Vylezou take it

However, in the Old Russian language there was no sharp distinction, as in the modern language, between the forms of the future and present tense. Therefore, the form of the present tense from the same base could have the meaning of either the present or the future time. This indicates that the Old Russian language did not yet have clear norms for expressing the future tense. Category design

The future tense is associated with the final distinction between the perfect and imperfect forms. The future is complicated first

conjugated verb and present tense of the auxiliary verb. the functions of auxiliary verbs were used: at least, have, begin, begin. These auxiliary verbs, losing their lexical meaning, played only the role of a formal indicator of the future tense. Future complex second consisted of a participle - l- conjugated verb and auxiliary verb bowdow: bowdow wrote. This form denoted a future action that

preceded another future, and was used mainly in conditional clauses. The future complex second fell out of use by the 16th century.

24. History of forms of the imperative and subjunctive mood. Imperative mood was formed from the base of the present tense and had the forms of the 2nd and 3rd persons in the singular, and the 1st and 2nd persons in the plural and dual. In ancient times, the imperative mood did not end in the same way in all verbs. It depended on whether the verbs were thematic or non-thematic. Thematic verbs in the singular ended in - A. In the plural and dual form of verbs I of the unmitigated conjugation, the imperative mood had the suffix - b-, and from verbs I

softened and II conjugation – suffix - And- . Non-thematic verbs in the singular ended in b. In the plural and dual form, these verbs had the suffix -i-. From the verb iI am imperative mood bodie. In the 1st and 2nd l. plural and dv. h. there was a suffix -b-. According to the non-thematic type, the form of the 2nd liter was formed. units imperative mood from the verb see; vizh (vs. vizh). This system The imperative mood, as evidenced by monuments, had changed significantly by the 13th century. Thus, in the monuments of the 13th century. the dual number is not found in the imperative mood of the verb. Subsequently, only the 2nd line is retained in the imperative mood. units and plural h. At the same time, under the influence write, praise etc. forms begin to be used carry, lead instead of carry, lead. And verbs with a base in G And X as a result of the leveling of the stems, the consequences of the second softening of the back linguals are lost: instead of p'tsi appears bakes, instead of

bazirun etc. Since the 16th century. unstressed final -i in the 2nd l. units hours are lost: bodie> be, stand up> stand up, sΔdi> go. Form 2 l. plural h. It began to be formed by adding the ending - those: leadlead, helpHelp, stand upstand up, sit downsit down. Forms ВжьGo, give itgive it were replaced by forms eateat, givegive.

The subjunctive mood denotes an action that the speaker thinks is desirable or possible under certain conditions. It was expressed in the Old Russian language by a combination of conjugated forms of the aorist from be(bykh) with participle on - l-: Bykh wrote, I would write etc. With the disappearance of the aorist (from about the 13th century), the aorist from the verb be in the subjunctive mood has ceased to be conjugated. General form for all persons and numbers the form of the 2nd and 3rd letters becomes. units which turns into a particle would. Therefore, the subjunctive mood in modern Russian varies only by gender and number.

14. The composition of counting words in the Old Russian language. Grammatical features. Syntactic properties. In the Old Russian language, the numeral did not exist as a part of speech. To express quantity, counting words were used, which were a noun or an adjective. Adjectives denoting numbers from 1-4; Closed to adjectives because such words agreed with nouns in gender, number, case (Syntactic connection-agreement). Declined according to the pronominal declension system. The names of numbers from 5-10 acted as nouns, because had a certain gender and varied in number. Also fourty, one hundred, thousand in the Old Russian language there were

nouns that changed according to different types Declension Syntactic connection-control.

23. History of synthetic forms of the past tense of the verb .

In the Old Russian language there were 4 forms of the past tense verb: 2nd synthetic and 2nd analytical. The aorist and imperfect were synthetic forms. The aorist denoted an action entirely related to the past. There were two types of aorist. From the stems of the infinitive to the vowel it was formed like this

called ancient sigmatic aorist, from stems to consonant

a sigmatic thematic, or “new”, was formed

aorist. The peculiarity of the Old Russian aorist was

availability of one form for 2-3 persons dv. h.: Pecosta, walker. Another simple past tense, which is used in

The Old Russian language was also limited to book and literary written monuments, there was an imperfect. A specific feature of the Slavic imperfect is to actualize moments of the present in the context of the past.

The writer (narrator) seems to be focusing on certain events that happened in conjunction with others. The imperfect, just like the aorist, was formed from the bases of both

species. In Old Russian texts, not only the archaic, but also the “contracted” imperfect is recorded: burdens, ovens, hozhakh.Shapes 3rd person unit. and many more hours were almost always used with the element - t,In the history of the past language, these forms were simplified. The history of the past tense in Russian is determined by two

factors: · loss of the perfective meaning of the resultative and consolidation in the meaning of the universal past tense;

· merging of species and time values.

But the external simplification of past tenses and the preservation of only one of them does not at all mean a simplification of temporal meanings. Those functions that were once performed by special tense forms have largely been “taken over” by the verb aspect and semantics of specific verbs, as well as the conditions of the context. Even with a cursory observation, one can find that the modern past tense “includes” meanings that were expressed in ancient times by different forms - aorist, imperfect, perfect, plus quaperfect. Thus, aorist meanings in the text are usually expressed by perfective verbs: ran, saw, wrote, sang. Imperfective verbs are used in the imperfective meaning: the forest was noisy, dawn was breaking, We stood on the bridge for a long time. Researchers do not have a unified opinion regarding time and

features of the loss of these forms. It was believed that the imperfect was initially lost because it no longer appears in ancient business texts. Then the loss of the aorist occurred.

Verbs in the future tense denote an action that will follow the moment of speech. All verbs can have this meaning. However, for perfective verbs simple (synthetic) form of the future tense, and for verbs of the imperfect tense - complex (analytical): sing - I will sing; sing - I'll sing.

Simple future formed from the stems of the future tense of verbs perfect form using personal endings. There are 6 personal forms in the paradigm.

1l. – I'll hear plural – we'll hear

2l. - you'll hear you'll hear

3l. – will hear will hear

Forms of the simple future are used in 3 meanings: a) future concrete– in the spring we will plant lilacs in the garden; b) future abstract denotes a timeless action (repeated or action in general) – you will truly understand your land in a foreign land; wait and see; c) are used in figurative meaning to denote past events - the future is historical. It can be easily detected by the presence of a particle it happened or How to indicate a sudden action in the past. Will carry out it happened, along the strings with a bow, and will freeze heart... Ivan Ivanovich read the message and suddenly how will laugh.

The future is complicated have imperfect verbs. It is formed using an auxiliary verb be in personal forms and infinitives. There are 6 forms in the paradigm.

1l. – I'll know plural – we'll know

2l. – you'll know you'll know

3l. – will know will know

The future complex is used in direct meaning: I will try to study.

The concept of absolute and relative time value

It is necessary to distinguish between absolute and relative time. Absolute time is determined from the moment of speech, which is the main guideline in determining the time plan: I'll be back, I'm coming back, I'm back. But in complex sentence, where there are several verbs, the time of action is determined by other guidelines: in the main sentence, the time of action depends on the moment of speech, and therefore it has the usual ( absolute) time. In subordinate parts, the time of action is determined from the point of view of the time of action in the main part. Therefore, the action time in the subordinate parts is relative. The commander said that received report(past tense relative to the action in the main part). He said that will receive report(future tense relative to the action in the main part).

The temporal meaning of the present and past participle forms is relative, because it is determined by the time of another action, called the conjugated verb, and not by the moment of speech. I heard the voice of a man walking next to me(past relative tense).

Thus, the category of tense is a complex grammatical phenomenon, closely related to aspect and mood. It is one of the predicative categories, because participates in the formation predicativity(the main category of a sentence in which the attitude to reality is expressed).

The verb is closely connected with the bearer of the action or the subject. Most verbs in Russian are easily combined with a subject in nominative case (I’m listening, the children are sleeping, you are working). Such verbs are called personal.

1l. – I'll hear

Hear 2l. - you'll hear

3l. – will hear

Personal verbs can be used in 2 forms – personal And generic.

I know

You know etc. personal forms


Knew, -a, -o generic forms

In verbs, special indicators of person are highlighted - personal endings.

1 person (speaking) has indicators -y(in units); -im, -eat(plural): I go, eat, sit.

2nd person (interlocutor): -eat, -eat(in units); -ite, -et(plural); null suffix and - And in the imperative mood ( go-eat, sit-e, go-eat, sit-it, sit down, brought-and).

3rd person (person or object not participating in the dialogue): -et, -it(in units); -ut, -ut(plural). – po-et, sit-it; po-yut, sit-yat.

Based on the opposition of personal forms, the category of face was formed. By its nature it is purely grammatical or inflectional, because expressed by forms of the same verb.

This relationship finds strict morphological expression in the personal forms of the verb.

The category of person has developed historically. In the Old Russian language, the category of person was universal, i.e. found in all verb forms. In modern Russian it has become narrower, i.e. it covers only part of the verb forms.

The category of a person can be expressed not only synthetically(using personal endings), but also analytical means that include personal pronouns, in the forms of the past tense and the subjunctive mood.

synthetic face shape analytical tools

I'll tell you 1l., unit I sang

let's say 2l., plural you sang

This point of view is vulnerable: it uses pronouns as means of facial expression, i.e. significant words. This lexical a means of facial expression, and not morphological, because analytical forms are formed by combining the auxiliary and significant words.

Impersonal verbs denote actions without indicating the actor: It's freezing outside. Impersonal verbs cannot be combined with a subject in the nominative case. They are varied in semantics:

1) can indicate a condition environment: It's getting light, it's getting dark, it's freezing. With such verbs a subject is not possible at all;

2)physical or mental condition subject, which is possible, but only in the form of the dative, less often the genitive case: chills, tickling, fever, nausea;

3) the meaning of an involuntary action that is performed regardless of the will of the person: can’t sleep, breathes easily, works;

4) modal meaning of obligation, desirability, conjecture: follows, must, cannot wait, seems to want, appropriate;

5) message verbs: it is said, sung and etc.

Most impersonal verbs are derivative and reflexive: lives, breathes.

Morphological feature impersonal verbs - incomplete paradigm(immutability by persons, numbers, genders). Impersonal verbs have only tense and mood forms. In the paradigm of impersonal verbs there are 3-4 forms depending on the type.

Perfect view. 1. Past tense, neuter gender, singularsad, dawned. 2. Simple future tense, 3rd person, singular – will be sad, it turns out. 3. Subjunctive mood, neuter, singular – I would be sad.

Imperfect species. 1-3 (it would be dawn, it would be dawn, it would be dawn). 4. Present tense, 3rd person, singular – it's dawning.

Not all scientists identify a group of impersonal verbs, because The subject with them is possible in indirect cases.

From actually impersonal verbs should be distinguished personal verbs in impersonal use.

Personal verbs in one of their meanings can be used as impersonal. At the same time, the connection between their values ​​is preserved.

Ear hurts - hurts in the ear.

The wind is blowing - blowing through the window.

Hay smells - smells like hay over the meadows

Lightning lit a tree - lightning lit a tree.

If the connection between values ​​is broken, actually impersonal verb. Wed. the horse is lucky - I'm lucky.

The origin of impersonal verbs is controversial. Some scientists (for example, A.M. Peshkovsky) believe that they are formed from personal ones as a result of eliminating the subject subject from the sentence - the light is dawning, the evening is getting dark. We find the opposite approach in the works of A.A. Shakhmatova. He believes that personal and impersonal verbs existed in the language originally and in parallel.


The term “conjugation” is understood in the broad and narrow sense of the word.

IN wide In a sense, conjugation means changing the verb according to persons, numbers, moods and tenses. These forms are called conjugated, a to unconjugated relate: infinitive, participle, gerund.

IN narrow In a sense, conjugation is a change in persons and numbers in the present and future simple tense. This understanding of conjugation is common in school practice.

All verbs, based on the formation of forms of the present and future simple tense, are divided into 2 productive types of conjugation.

The I conjugation unites verbs that have a thematic vowel in most forms - e and the ending - ut, -ut in 3rd person plural.

Turn green: -u, -yu, -eat; -eat, -eat; -et.

II conjugation combines verbs with a thematic vowel - And and ending - at, - yat in 3rd person plural.

Feed: -y, -y, -im; -ish, -ite; -it.

The conjugation of verbs differs most clearly under stress: carry, carry, carry - I reference; sitting, sitting, sitting - II reference

When the personal ending of a verb is unstressed, the type of conjugation is determined by the form of the infinitive. Conjugation II includes a small group of verbs in the Russian language: all verbs with the suffix -And in the infinitive (verbs in -it, except shave, lay, sway, rest), 7 verbs with suffix -e (see, hate, offend, depend, endure, turn, watch), 4 verbs with suffix -a (hear, breathe, drive, hold).

The remaining verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to the I conjugation.

The most extensive conjugation in the Russian language is the I conjugation. Most of the productive classes (I-IV) belong to the I conjugation, and the verbs of the V productive class belong to the II conjugation.

In Russian The language has a small group of differently conjugated verbs: want (want, hot), run (run, run), honor (ch-yat, ch-ut).

Some verbs retain archaic conjugation: eat, give, bother, create and other cognates.

1l. we eat we eat

2l. eat eat

3l. eat eat

Lecture 12.


English grammar contains several possible forms of using verbs in the future tense. Each of them has its own laws of construction and use cases. First, we will get acquainted with them separately, and then we will summarize all the ways of expressing the future tense in English into one general table.


The first category is used to denote actions that are expected to be performed within a certain time period. In other words, this case is suitable for the phrases: “I’ll do it tomorrow”, “I promise to do it later”, “I’ll do my homework tomorrow and then I’ll play”, or if we make a decision right at the moment of conversation.

The simple future form is formed by adding an auxiliary verb will(in 1st person it is also used shall) to the predicate of a sentence in the form of an infinitive (without to). In writing, these combinations are often shortened to the construction “pronoun +‘ll».

We (1) + will (2) + go (3) + onholiday thissummer (4) – We'll go on vacation this summer.

To turn a statement into a question, you just need to swap the subject with the word will/shall. Interrogative sentences in Future Simple can be schematically represented as follows:

Will (1) you (2) go (3) onholidaythissummer (4)? – Are you going on holiday this summer??

To create a negation, you need to add a particle to the verb will/shall not. In abbreviated form, the design looks like this: won't/shan't. Let's look at how the simple future is expressed in all types of sentences.


The future tense in English can have a so-called continuous form, that is, we are talking about an action, the process of which will occur at a specific moment in the future. Such structures are called Future Continuous. Their formation is similar to the previous group, only with will added be, and the predicate of these sentences is the participle form I.

Mike (1) will (2) be (3) stillsleeping (4) whenIcome (5) – Mike will still be sleeping when I get there..

Sometimes there are sentences in which the first place comes circumstance time, and after it follows the standard scheme: In a week we'llbecelebratingmybrother'sbirthday (A week later we will celebrate my brother's birthday).

Questions in the future continuous are also based on the principle of making will in first place, only wedged between the subject and the predicate be.

Will (1) Mike (2) be (3) sleeping (4) whenyoucome(5) ? – Will Mike be asleep when you come?

For creating negative form still in use not. Let's explore the possible options.

+ ?
Their friends will be watching the football match tonight. Will their friends be watching the football match tonight? Their friends won't be watching the football match tonight.
Their friends will be watching Soccer game this night. Will their friends be watching the football game tonight? Their friends won't be watching football tonight.
I' ll be still working at 6 o'clock. Will you be still working at 6 o'clock? I won't be working at 6 o'clock.
I will still be working at 6 o'clock. At 6 o'clock will you still be working? I won't work at 6 o'clock.

Perfect/Perfect Continuous

This group always causes difficulties, since many often do not distinguish between the meanings of these constructions. Fortunately, such combinations are very rare in English. But it is still necessary to be able to understand them.

Verbs can take the Future Perfect form in cases where the speaker plans to complete some action by a specific time. In this case, the construction, in addition to will and the predicate, contains another verb - have.

I(1) shall (2) have(3) painted (4) the picture by 3 o'clock (5) – II'll finishpaintpictureTothreehours.

Denial of proposals for the future perfect tense is constructed using not, and to create a clarifying question you need to put will in front, followed by the subject, have, predicate, etc.

Will (1) you(2) have (3)painted (4) the picture by 3 o'clock (5) ? – Youfinish the drawingthispictureTothreehours?

As we have already noted, when studying English, it is almost impossible to encounter the future tense called Future Perfect Continuous. Therefore, we only note that its constructions largely coincide with the tense given above, but between have and the predicate it is inserted been. The significant difference between these times is that use Perfect shows the completion of an action, and the use of the Perfect Continuous indicates that the action has already been going on for some time and will still be going on when a certain point arrives.

I (1) shall (2) have (3) been (4) painting (5) thepicturefor3 monthsbyNovember (6) – In November it will be 3 months since I have been painting this picture (and it is still not completed).

Let us consider the possible expression of the future in these tenses using specific examples.

+ ?
Jack says that he will have read this book by Friday. Will Jack have read this book by Friday? Jack won't have read this book by Friday.
Jack says that he will read this book by Friday (will finish reading it). Will Jack read this book by Friday? Jack won't have read this book by Friday.
I will have been living in Prague for 10 years by next year. Will you have been living in Prague for 10 years by next year? I won’t have been living in Prague for 10 years by next year.
IN next year It will be 10 years since I have lived in Prague (and will continue to live there). Next year it will be 10 years since you have lived in Prague? Next year it won't be 10 years since I've lived in Prague.

Special cases

There are several other ways to talk about the future, although they do not grammatically belong to the above groups. It's about about the constructions to be going to and Future in Past, which can also express the future tense in English.

The phrase to be going to + infinitive is used in situations where there are specific plans for the near future, i.e. the speaker is determined to do this at the first opportunity.

Jane (1) is (2) goingto (3) tell (4) herparentsthetruthJane is going to tell her parents the truth.

It is important to note that go, come cannot be used as a predicate in this construction. Following this rule, they are used only in the Simple Present Tense.

Combination " The future is in the past", as the name suggests, is used when talking about long-past events. It can be translated by the phrase: would have done, should have, etc. In general, this subordinate clauses conditional in nature. To use this construction, you need to take any sentence from the group of Future tenses and replace it with will on would.

Future tense in English in tables

This generalized table will help you remember new material faster.

+ ?
Simple Subject + will+inf.

She will write...

Will + Subject + inf.

Will he speak...?

Will + not + subject + inf.

We won't work...

Continuous Subject + will+ be + adverb.I

I will be telling…

Will + Subject + be + adverb.I

Will they be watching…?

Subject + will+ not + be + adverb.I

You won't be washing…

Perfect Subject + will+ have + pr.II

We will have finished…

Will + Subject + have + clause II

Will you have painted…?

Subject + will+ have + not + pr.II

He won't have typed…

Perfect Continuous Subject + will+ have + been + pr.I

I will have been living…

Will + subject+ have + been + adverb.I

Will we have been standing…?

Subject + will+ not + have + been + pr.I

They won't have been spending…

To be going to

A special case

Subject + to be + going to + inf.

We are going to learn…

To be + subject + going to + inf.

Are you going to run...?

Subject + to be + not + going to + inf.

She isn't going to lie...