Coal. Properties, extraction and use of coal. What products are obtained from coal and oil

Coal appeared on planet Earth about 360 million years ago. Scientists called this segment of our history the Carboniferous or Carboniferous period. At the same time, the appearance of the first terrestrial reptiles and the first large plants was recorded. Dead animals and plants decomposed, and a colossal amount of oxygen actively contributed to the acceleration of this process. Now on our planet there is only 20% oxygen, but at that time animals breathed full breasts, because the amount of oxygen in the Carboniferous atmosphere reached 50%. It is this amount of oxygen that we owe to the modern wealth of coal deposits in the bowels of the Earth.
But coal isn't everything. Due to various types processing from coal produces a huge variety of useful substances and products. What is made from coal? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Main coal products

The most conservative estimates indicate that there are 600 types of coal products.
Scientists have developed various methods obtaining coal processing products. The processing method depends on the desired end product. For example, in order to obtain clean products, such primary products of coal processing - coke oven gas, ammonia, toluene, benzene - use liquid washing oils. Special devices ensure sealing of products and protecting them from premature destruction. Primary processing processes also involve the coking method, in which coal is heated to a temperature of +1000°C with the access to oxygen completely blocked.
Upon completion of all necessary procedures, any primary product is further purified. Main products of coal processing:

  • naphthalene
  • phenol
  • hydrocarbon
  • salicylic alcohol
  • lead
  • vanadium
  • germanium
  • zinc.

Without all these products, our life would be much more difficult.
Take the cosmetics industry, for example, it is the most useful area for people to use coal processing products. A coal processing product such as zinc is widely used to treat oily skin and acne. Zinc and sulfur are added to creams, serums, masks, lotions and tonics. Sulfur eliminates existing inflammation, and zinc prevents the development of new inflammations.
In addition, medicinal ointments based on lead and zinc are used to treat burns and injuries. An ideal assistant for psoriasis is the same zinc, as well as clay products of coal.
Coal is the raw material for creating excellent sorbents, which are used in medicine to treat diseases of the intestines and stomach. Sorbents containing zinc are used to treat dandruff and oily seborrhea.
As a result of a process such as hydrogenation, coal is produced from coal at enterprises. liquid fuel. And the combustion products that remain after this process are ideal raw materials for a variety of building materials that have fire-resistant properties. For example, this is how ceramics are created.

Directions for the use of carbon dioxide of various technological brands, groups and subgroups

Direction of use

Brands, groups and subgroups

1. Technological

1.1. Layer coking

All groups and subgroups of brands: DG, G, GZhO, GZh, Zh, KZh, K, KO, KSN, KS, OS, TS, SS

1.2. Special preparation processes for coking

All coals used for layer coking, as well as grades T and D (DV subgroup)

1.3. Production of generator gas in stationary gas generators:

mixed gas

Brands KS, SS, groups: ZB, 1GZhO, subgroups - DGF, TSV, 1TV

water gas

Group 2T, as well as anthracites

1.4. Production of synthetic liquid fuels

Brand GZh, groups: 1B, 2G, subgroups - 2BV, ZBV, DV, DGV, 1GV

1.5. Semi-coking

Brand DG, groups: 1B, 1G, subgroups - 2BV, ZBV, DV

1.6. Production of carbon filler (thermoanthracite) for electrode products and foundry coke

Groups 2L, ZA, subgroups - 2TF and 1AF

1.7. Production of calcium carbide, electrocorundum

All anthracites, as well as subgroup 2TF

2. Energy

2.1. Pulverized and stratified combustion in stationary boiler plants

Weight of brown coals and atracites, as well as bituminous coals not used for coking. Anthracites are not used for flare-bed combustion

2.2. Combustion in reverberatory furnaces

Brand DG, i group - 1G, 1SS, 2SS

2.3. Combustion in mobile heating units and use for municipal and domestic needs

Grades D, DG, G, SS, T, A, brown coals, anthracites and hard coals not used for coking

3. Production building materials

3.1. Lime

Brands D, DG, SS, A, groups 2B and ZB; grades GZh, K and groups 2G, 2Zh not used for coking

3.2. Cement

Brands B, DG, SS, TS, T, L, subgroup DV and grades KS, KSN, groups 27, 1GZhO not used for coking

3.3. Brick

Coals not used for coking

4. Other production

4.1. Carbon adsorbents

Subgroups: DV, 1GV, 1GZHOV, 2GZHOV

4.2. Active carbons

Group ZSS, subgroup 2TF

4.3. Ore agglomeration

Subgroups: 2TF, 1AV, 1AF, 2AV, ZAV

Coal coking products

Coking coal is coal that, through industrial coking, makes it possible to obtain coke of technical value. In the process of coking coals, their technical composition, coking ability, caking ability, and other characteristics must be taken into account.
How does the coal coking process proceed? Coking is a technological process that has specific stages:

  • preparation for coking. At this stage, coal is crushed and mixed to form a charge (mixture for coking)
  • coking. This process is carried out in coke oven chambers using gas heating. The charge is placed in a coke oven, where heating is carried out for 15 hours at a temperature of approximately 1000 °C
  • formation of a “coke cake”.

Coking is a set of processes occurring in coal when it is heated. At the same time, about 650-750 kg of coke is obtained from a ton of dry charge. It is used in metallurgy and is used as a reagent and fuel in some branches of the chemical industry. In addition, calcium carbide is created from it.
The qualitative characteristics of coke are flammability and reactivity. The main products of coal coking, in addition to the coke itself:

  • coke oven gas. About 310-340 m3 is obtained from a ton of dry coal. High quality and quantitative composition coke oven gas determines the coking temperature. Direct coke oven gas comes out of the coking chamber, which contains gaseous products, vapors of coal tar, crude benzene and water. If you remove tar, crude benzene, water and ammonia from it, reflux coke oven gas is formed. It is used as a raw material for chemical synthesis. Today this gas is used as fuel at metallurgical plants, in public utilities and as a chemical raw material.
  • Coal tar is a viscous black-brown liquid that contains approximately 300 different substances. The most valuable components of this resin are aromatic and heterocyclic compounds: benzene, toluene, xylenes, phenol, naphthalene. The amount of resin reaches 3-4% by weight of the coked gas. Approximately 60 different products are obtained from coal tar. These substances are raw materials for the production of dyes, chemical fibers, plastics
  • crude benzene is a mixture containing carbon disulfide, benzene, toluene, and xylenes. The yield of crude benzene reaches only 1.1% by weight of coal. During the distillation process, individual aromatic hydrocarbons and mixtures of hydrocarbons are separated from crude benzene
  • concentrate of chemical (aromatic) substances (benzene and its homologues) is intended to create pure products that are used in the chemical industry, for the production of plastics, solvents, dyes
  • tar water is a low concentrated water solution ammonia and ammonium salts, which contains an admixture of phenol, pyridine bases and some other products. During the processing process, ammonia is separated from the tar water, which, together with coke oven gas ammonia, is used to produce ammonium sulfate and concentrated ammonia water.
Classification of coals by size of pieces


Piece size limits


Large (fist)

Combined and dropouts

Large with slab

Walnut with large

Small with nut

Seed with small

Seed with a stake

Small with seed and piece

Nut with small, seed and piece

If you ask yourself what is produced from coal and oil, you can come to the conclusion that there is a lot. These two fossils serve as the main sources of hydrocarbons. Everything should be considered in order.


If we further understand what is obtained from coal and oil, then it is worth mentioning the diesel fraction of oil refining, which usually serves as fuel for diesel engines. Fuel oil contains high-boiling hydrocarbons. Various lubricating oils are usually obtained from fuel oil through distillation under reduced pressure. The residue that exists after processing fuel oil is usually called tar. A substance such as bitumen is obtained from it. These products are intended for use in road construction. Fuel oil is also often used as boiler fuel.

Other processing methods

To understand why oil is better than coal, you need to understand what other treatments they are subjected to. Oil is processed through cracking, that is, the thermocatalytic transformation of its parts. Cracking can be one of the following types:

  • Thermal. IN in this case hydrocarbons are broken down under the influence of elevated temperatures.
  • Catalytic. It is carried out under high temperature conditions, but a catalyst is also added, thanks to which it is possible to control the process and also lead it in a certain direction.

If we talk about why oil is better than coal, then it should be said that during the cracking process they are formed, which are widely used in industrial synthesis. organic matter.


Processing of this type of raw material is carried out in three directions: hydrogenation, coking and incomplete combustion. Each of these types involves the use of a special technological process.

Coking involves keeping the raw material at a temperature of 1000-1200 o C, where there is no access to oxygen. This process allows for complex chemical transformations, which result in the formation of coke and volatile products. The first one, in a cooled state, is sent to metallurgy enterprises. The volatile products are cooled, after which coal tar is obtained. There are still many uncondensed substances remaining. If we talk about why oil is better than coal, it should be noted that much more finished products are obtained from the first type of raw material. Each of the substances is sent to a specific production.

On this moment Oil is even produced from coal, which makes it possible to obtain much more valuable fuel.

You, of course, know that coal is used as fuel, both in everyday life and in industry. Coal was the first fossil material that people used as fuel. It was coal that enabled the industrial revolution. In the 19th century, a lot of coal was used for transport. In 1960, coal provided about half of the world's energy production. However, by 1970, its share had fallen to one third: coal as a fuel was replaced by other energy sources, in particular oil and gas.

However, the use of coal is not limited to this. Coal is a valuable raw material for chemical and metallurgical industry.

IN coal industry Coking of coal is used. Coke plants consume up to 1/4 of the coal produced. Coking is a process of processing coal by heating to 950-1050°C without oxygen. When coal decomposes, a solid product is formed - coke and volatile products - coke oven gas.

Coke makes up 75-78% of the mass of coal. It is used in the metallurgical industry for smelting iron and also as a fuel.

Coke oven gas makes up 25% of the mass of processed coal. Volatile products that are formed during coal coking are condensed with water vapor, resulting in the release of coal tar and tar water.

Coal tar makes up 3-4% by weight of coal and is a complex mixture of organic substances. Currently, scientists have identified only 60% of the resin's components, which is more than 500 substances! Naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, phenols and coal oils are obtained from the resin.

Ammonia, phenols, and pyridine bases are separated from the tar water (it makes up 9-12% of the mass of coal) by steam distillation. From unsaturated compounds contained in crude benzene, coumarone resins are obtained, which are used for the production of varnishes, paints, linoleum and in the rubber industry.

Artificial graphite is obtained from coal.

Coal is also used as an inorganic raw material. Rare metals such as vanadium, germanium, gallium, molybdenum, zinc, lead, and sulfur are extracted from coal when processed on an industrial scale.

Ash from coal combustion, mining and processing wastes are used in the production of building materials, ceramics, refractory raw materials, alumina, and abrasives.

In total, by processing coal it is possible to obtain more than 400 different products, the cost of which is 20-25 times higher than the cost of the coal itself, and the by-products obtained at coke plants exceed the cost of the coke itself.

By the way...

Coal is far from the best fuel. It has a big drawback: its combustion produces a lot of emissions, both gaseous and solid (ash), polluting environment. Most developed countries have strict requirements for the level of emissions allowed when burning coal. Emission reductions are achieved through the use of various filters.

    Most people are more familiar with oil and coal as energy sources. People are accustomed to the fact that oil is used to make fuel, and boiler houses use coal to heat buildings. Oil and coal have wider practical uses. Graphite is obtained from coal, coal coke is obtained, which is then used in the smelting of cast iron, coal tars and tar water are obtained. Naphthalene, coal oils, etc. are obtained from coal tars. The tar water is processed to produce solutions that are used for the production of varnishes and paints. Oil is used to produce several types of fuel, oils, synthetic rubbers, solvents, paints and even cosmetics based on petroleum and petroleum products.

    Coal (namely fossil coal) - its exhaust processing products are:

    • flammable gas
    • medium temperature coke
    • phenol
    • salicylic alcohol
    • lead
    • germanium
    • vanadium
    • naphthalene
    • hydrocarbon
    • graphite
    • ammonia
    • benzene
    • toluene
    • picric acid
    • plastic

    The main petroleum products are:

    • hydrocarbon gases
    • fuel oil
    • diesel fuel
    • petrol
    • kerosene
    • naphtha
    • rubber
    • tar
    • oils
    • bitumen
    • acetone
    • gas condensate

    And also from the above oil refining products they produce:

    • plastic
    • polyethylene
    • aspirin
    • lipstick
    • cloth
    • chewing gum
    • nylon
  • Petroleum is used to make gasoline, kerosene, technical oils, diesel fuel, technical alcohol, kerosene, plastic, rubber, petroleum jelly, medicines including the well-known vitamin C (this is the absolute truth)

    I really liked the visual rhyme from one presentation on this topic. Look at the pictures and read:

    Here's what they make from coal:

    Even my favorites acrylic paints It turns out they are produced from this mineral.

    You can see in the pictures what is obtained from both oil and coal.

    But the very first thing that comes to mind is that coal is used for heating, and oil is used for gasoline and other fuels and gas.

    But in fact, the list of applications is quite wide.

    For example, petroleum products are also used to make medicines, perfumes, and plastics.

    A huge number of useful products are obtained from coal and oil.

    One of the main uses of coal and oil is as fuel.

    Also, when processing COAL, the following products are obtained:

    1) sulfur, zinc (used in cosmetology and medicine);

    2) sorbents (used in medicine);

    3) raw materials for various building materials (for example, ceramics).

    When processing OIL, in addition to fuel, the following products are obtained:

    1) asphalt, bitumen;

    2) solvents, lubricants and flammable oils

    3) liquefied petroleum gas, which is a raw material for oil chemical industry. A huge number of products known to everyone in everyday life are made from this gas: polyethylene (bags), polyvinyl chloride (PVC windows), synthetic rubber (tires), polypropylene (building materials), PET (plastic bottles) and many others.

    Coal is primarily a source of heat; stoves are heated with coal, and at power plants they produce electricity. Also made of stone get coal paints, medicines, rubber, plastic.

    obtained from oil:

    • petrol,
    • diesel fuel (diesel fuel),
    • paints,
    • kerosene,
    • fuel oil,
    • plastic bags,
    • tires,
    • wheel cameras,
    • medicines,
    • perfume.
  • Oil is without a doubt a very, very amazing and necessary substance in the whole world. Oil has always been and is considered a natural resource. After all, almost everything is obtained from oil; oil has the widest use. In short, many necessary things and products for humans are not obtained from them, from fuel to medicines and food. Any fuel for cars, plastic, polyethylene, petroleum jelly, aspirin, lipstick, clothes that hardly wrinkle, paraffin products (pencils, candles, paints), margarine, you can list and list and this will not be all. Gradually, new products are made from oil, for example, there is already artificial meat, milk, cheese, etc.

    Coal is also processed into the necessary materials, substances and products. Coal is also a very useful resource; many different medicines, paints, plastic products, lubricants, many building materials and substances are made from it, and the most famous thing about coal is that it is an excellent fuel that produces heat when burned.

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 3 minutes


What products are made from coal and oil?

Oil and coal are minerals and are actively used by humanity as energy sources.

But while coal can be used in its pure form, oil cannot. It must first be processed to produce products suitable for practical application. However, it is also possible to obtain accompanying elements of practical importance from coal.

Oil is a flammable oily liquid, which is a complex mixture of various hydrocarbon compounds.

It contains dissolved associated gases, which begin to be actively released when the raw material rises to the surface. These include the well-known methane and hydrogen sulfide.

The list of products from the processing of this mineral is very extensive, so listing them all would take a lot of time. Let's try to approach this issue from the point of view of the aggregate state of the manufactured products.

Petroleum gases

These substances released from the hydrocarbon mixture raised to the surface are called associated substances.

They are isolated both during the primary processing of raw materials in fields (separation) and at oil refineries (refineries). These products include ethane, propane and butane, from which dehydrogenation produces products such as ethylene and propylene. Propane-butane is the same liquefied gas that is still used for domestic needs.

Liquid petroleum products

There is a much longer list here. From hydrocarbon raw materials extracted from the fields the following is produced:

  • motor fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation kerosene, jet fuel); their share in processed raw materials ranges from 50 to 80 percent;
  • boiler and marine fuel (fuel oil);
  • kerosene (including lighting);
  • various types of oils (lubricating, transmission, etc.);
  • gas oil (raw material for the production of benzene and toluene) and so on and so forth.

Oil refining occurs under the influence of high temperatures, which, due to the different boiling points of petroleum components, allow the raw materials to be decomposed into individual components.

The remainder of this process is tar, from which bitumen is subsequently made, which is actively used in road and roofing works.

This mineral is in a solid state of aggregation. Its processing is carried out by coking in specialized furnaces, which prevent the ingress of oxygen into them. As a result of a series of chemical reactions, coal is converted into coke, which is in great demand in the metallurgical industry, and coke oven gas, which during condensation breaks down into tar and ammonia water.

Using dry distillation, tar is formed from coal, which is widely used in the construction industry and in the manufacture of various building materials as a binder.

Ammonia water produces ammonia, which is part of large quantity chemical fertilizers, so necessary for the agricultural industry.

Use of coal in industry

Synthetic hydrocarbons are also obtained from coal (as well as from liquid hydrocarbons), which are actively used in the fuel balance. Since they cause much less harm to the environment around us, their use will expand in the future.