Who was Katya Lel suing? Katya Lel's ex-husband Alexander Volkov has passed away. Long war with former producer

Alexander Volkov was born in 1950, a native of Boryspil, and lived in Odessa before graduating from school. Then he studied at the Moscow Polytechnic Institute, but did not finish his studies and went to Berlin for permanent residence. Organizer of various business projects. He was a member of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia.

Alexander Volkov's production activities brought him particular fame. Even before the start of perestroika, Volkov was organizing tours of Soviet pop stars. He was the first to bring Philip Kirkorov to give concerts to capitalist countries, organized performances by Alla Pugacheva at the West Berlin Congress Center (1989), held concerts by Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru... The list is long.

In the early 90s of the last century, Alexander Volkov turned his attention from show business to restaurants and opened a chain of elite Japanese restaurants. He opened them not only in Moscow (“Sumosan” in the building of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel, “Shogun” in the building of the Baltschug Kempinski hotel), but also in Kyiv, and even in London. London "Sumosan", the management of which Alexander Volkov entrusted to his daughter Zhannina, is one of the five best restaurants in the UK.

Initially, the idea of ​​opening a Japanese restaurant in Moscow did not belong to Alexander Volkov, but to his daughter. Being a great fan of Japanese cuisine, she drew her father’s attention to the fact that there was no good Japanese restaurant in Moscow (in the 90s of the last century, Moscow really could not boast of an abundance of good restaurants, let alone Japanese cuisine).

Having become interested in the project and having looked for a cozy place in the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel together with his daughter, Alexander Volkov began preparatory work. This is where his thoroughness showed. He didn’t just give a task to a specialist, but personally traveled all over the world, looked at and evaluated products, found out at what time of year which product could be obtained, bought menus (sometimes it was pure industrial, or more precisely, gastronomic espionage). Alexander Volkov even found out which fish drift at what time of year. All this information was useful when opening the restaurant, and Alexander Volkov’s establishment truly became an elite-class restaurant.

Club "Giusto" is a project that was developed by Alexander Volkov together with Arkady Novikov and Joseph Kobzon.

Alexander Volkov created a company to search and distribute products High Quality throughout all of its restaurants. This company was intended exclusively for Volkovsky establishments. All Volkov's restaurants are elite-class establishments intended for gourmets with high (much above average) incomes. For Alexander Volkov, the restaurant business was a pleasure, a philosophy, and a constant search for something new.

In the last years of his life, Alexander Volkov became famous for the sensational scandal with the singer Katya Lel - the former producer and his ward were unable to divide the income. The legal proceedings lasted for several years, and the only people who received income from this were journalists (many articles were published, they found out who was right and who was wrong, they made a big fuss). The trial ended not in Volkov's favor.
They even said that this litigation affected the health of Alexander Volkov, significantly worsening it. It was diagnosed in 2008 cancer, in the summer, Alexander Volkov was operated on in one of the Berlin clinics, but the operation did not help. Alexander Volkov died on September 7, 2008 in Berlin.

Katya Lel's childhood

The girl was born in sunny Nalchik and fell in love with music early childhood. Music was played almost constantly in the house, and Katya grew up getting used to both listening and singing. When Katya and her sister Ira’s dad bought a piano, the girl had no doubt that she wanted and would study music. At the age of seven she was taken to a music school, where she studied in two departments in parallel. Both of them graduated with honors. Katya understood that professional vocals were her calling; she felt that she not only liked to sing, but that she was also good at it. The understanding of her calling came quite early, so the girl devoted a lot of time and effort to music and vocal lessons.

Katya Lel's first songs

After music school Katerina entered School of Music, and then became a student at the Institute of Arts. Already at that age she understood that, having remained in hometown, can only count on quiet life without any special prospects, she wanted to improve her vocals and achieve something more. Katya felt that she could, but for this she had to go to the capital. So she did. In Moscow, the girl entered Gnesinka. Katya's teachers were Yuri Bazdyrev, Lev Leshchenko and Joseph Kobzon. It was 1994.

Realizing that her future depended only on diligence, Lel tried to study with all her might. At the same time, she participated in performing activities. The first victory of the aspiring singer took place in the same 1994. She became a laureate at the All-Union competition for young performers. The name of this competition is “Musical Start-94”.

It was the first time she performed at such a high level and received recognition. Of course, this was very pleasant for the young performer; she gained faith in her abilities and felt that everything could work out for her in Moscow. In 1998, she graduated from the Higher Academy with honors. Katya had a diploma as a professional vocalist in her hands.

Katya Lel on the Russian stage

Katya's last name is Chuprinina. She decided that she needed a pseudonym that would correspond to her inner self, would be sonorous, short and positive. So she became Katya Lel, and the singer even changed her last name in her passport.

Katya Lel - I Miss You

At the beginning of her journey, Lev Leshchenko helped Katya a lot. At one of the competitions, without really hoping for anything, she approached him and asked if he really had a center for young talents, and gave him a cassette with her songs. Imagine Katerina’s surprise when Leshchenko called back. Several days passed, and she had already gone on tour, performing in St. Petersburg, Karelia and other places.

Collaboration with Alexander Volkov

For several years, Katya worked with Leshchenko, was his backing vocalist, and toured a lot. He introduced her to Alexander Volkov. This producer took up the “promotion” of Lel. They collaborated for several years, but it all ended in a scandal, followed by a lawsuit.

The producer and singer mutually accused each other. According to the court decision, Katerina was obliged to coordinate her own concert activities. Nevertheless, Lel is grateful to Volkov for his cooperation and for meeting him in her life, for what the producer did for her work. Without him there would have been no album “Champs Elysees” and “Sama”, Katya performed the songs “I Miss You”, “Lights”, “Peas”, etc.

Katya Lel's work with Max Fadeev

The next important figure in creative activity Maxim Fadeev became the singer. With his help, Katya changed her clothing style and repertoire, and her album “Jaga-Jaga” was released. It was 2004. At the very beginning of the collaboration, the singer urgently had to lose four kilograms. While recording the “Marmalade” video, the girl almost fainted on stage.

The singer had a solo program at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in 2004, at which time Katya became the winner of several awards. It was with Fadeev that she reached the heights of popularity, although the scandal with Volkov negatively affected her popularity.

In 2006, Katerina released a new disc, which was called “Twist-Verchu”. The singer herself acted as the producer of the album. The six songs included in it are Lel’s own songs. She is both a lyricist and a composer. At this time, her popularity was in decline. The singer's seventh album was released in 2008. It's called "I'm Yours."

Katya Lel today

Since 2011, the singer has again collaborated with Maxim Fadeev. In the same year, a video for the song “Yours” was released.

Katya Lel feat. Bosson - “I live by you”

Swedish singer Bossom and Katya jointly recorded the single “I Live by You.” The video clip for it was filmed by Evgeny Kuritsyn and appeared before the audience in January 2014

of the year. Eighth studio album was recorded in 2013. Its name is “Sun of Love”, it contains thirteen tracks recorded by the singer since 2008.

Personal life of Katya Lel

Katerina had a relationship with producer Alexander Volkov. When they met, Katya was twenty-two years old, Volkov was forty-six. He had his own family. Volkov died in 2008 from cancer.

In the fall of 2008, the singer married Igor Kuznetsov. He is a businessman. In 2009, their daughter was born. She was named Emilia.

40 days have passed since the death of Alexander VOLKOV, known to many as ex-producer Katya LEL. A 56-year-old entrepreneur died after long illness in a German clinic. Since there was no magnificent funeral in Russia, domestic journalists ignored this sad event practically without attention.

Katya LEL and Alexander VOLKOV dance

A native of Borispol, Volkov, who spent his childhood and youth in Odessa, even before perestroika, organized tours of Soviet stars abroad. Fortunately, by that time I already had German citizenship. It was he who was the first to bring Philip Kirkorov to capitalist countries, and in 1989 he organized Alla Pugacheva’s solo performances at the prestigious West Berlin Congress Center. Alexander also conducted concerts with Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru and many others.

Body parts

Alexander Mikhailovich was a colorful personality who often appeared on the pages of glamorous publications. He was often mentioned in fashionable novels, although often in an offensive context - “a businessman with an indecent nickname.” The fact is that “behind the scenes” in bohemian circles they called him by name - Sasha, adding a noun denoting the loin part of the human body. Volkov once answered a direct question about this directly and frankly:

I have such a nickname. Because I often told my opponents: “I have more brains in my ass than in your head!”

Nobody knows what these opponents have achieved in life. Volkov opened a chain of first-class restaurants in Moscow, Kyiv, and London. By the way, on the shores of Foggy Albion, his establishment is among the top five in the whole of Great Britain. And this is in addition to success in the field of show business!

"Interesting" tennis

One pop artist from the very first “echelon” told me a funny story.

Volkov was riding in an elevator with an authoritative businessman Alexander Mikhailov (Mikhas) and dropped his tennis racket from his hands (the meeting took place somewhere on vacation). He tried to lift him up, but couldn’t: he was a plump man, not athletic at all... Polite Mikhailov helped him. They got to talking and agreed to play tennis “for fun.” As a result, Volkov won five thousand dollars on the court against Mikhas.

Perhaps this is a story. But it is a fact that Alexander Mikhailovich always knew how to achieve his goal. This was the case with his favorite project:

“In 1996, I came to perform with Leva Leshchenko,” Volkov recalled. - I went into the dressing room, saw a girl, her eyes were sparkling... I got turned on!
Alexander was 46 years old at that time. Backing vocalist Leshchenko, girl Katya Chuprinina from Nalchik, is 22. Later the whole country will recognize her as Katya Lel.

Purchased "Ovation"

It took Volkov seven difficult years to make Katya Lel a real star.

Alexander VOLKOV with his wife Lilya and daughters Zhanina and Marina

In particular, he paid for her victory in the “Musical Ring” project, bought two prestigious “Ovation” awards, paying $15,000 for each (he personally confirmed this!), and, in addition to fantastic fees, presented Yuri Aizenshpis for his help in promoting the singer and a white limousine. Volkov managed to throw her protégé to the top of the pop Olympus with the help of Max Fadeev, who wrote two super hits for her - “Musi-Pusi” and “Jaga-Jaga”. For each one I had to pay 50,000 “standard units”. Soon Lel decided that she could do without Volkov both as a woman and as an artist. When he, sensing something was wrong, demanded that a legal agreement be concluded between them, the girl bucked. Streams of dirt poured down on Volkov: the tyrant and despot allegedly demanded that his ward swear on her knees on her father’s grave that she would never leave the producer. By the way, Katya Lel’s dad was treated for a serious illness, and then buried at the expense of Alexander Mikhailovich.

Epitaph of pop music

"Creature!" - this is how Joseph Kobzon described Katya Lel at Volkov’s funeral. However, let's be objective. Alexander Mikhailovich was married all this time. (His “half” lived abroad). Perhaps if he had offered his hand to Katya, everything would have gone differently. Is it worth reproaching a woman for dreaming of complete personal happiness?

On the other hand, business is business! If you are about to enter into a formal relationship with a person, be decent, like a business partner. Katya, to put it roughly, simply “dumped” her benefactor, refusing to share the profits from her performances with him. But according to the most conservative estimates, Volkov invested only last stage, literally on the eve of parting, no less than three million dollars!

However, God will be her judge. Katya has already said that she has forgiven the producer for all the insults. We will never know whether Volkov forgave her. Shortly before his last departure to Germany, he crossed paths with his production colleague Alexander Valov.

I asked creative plans Alexander Mikhailovich,” said Valov. - But he answered: “No! The current show business is a complete betrayal and bl..in!

You probably can’t say more precisely...

By the way
Now Katya Lel is in her second month of pregnancy. " Interesting situation"encouraged the singer to quickly formalize her relationship with her long-time boyfriend, businessman Igor. The 36-year-old artist appeared at the registry office in a white wedding dress and veil; guests noted her incredibly blooming and happy appearance.

The famous restaurateur and former producer Katya Lel Alexander Volkov has died. Last years Alexander Mikhailovich suffered from a serious illness. Doctors did everything to save the life of the 56-year-old businessman. However, Alexander Mikhailovich had a hard time last summer, due to the intense heat.

On Sunday, September 7, Alexander Volkov died in one of the specialized clinics in Berlin. Known largely thanks to her collaboration with Alexander Volokov, singer Katya Lel learned about the producer’s death from journalists, reports “Life”.

The man suffered a lot for a long time, and, of course, God rest in peace to him, may he rest in peace,” said the singer. “It’s very scary to be so sick in this life.” Despite the fact that the last four years of my life were very difficult thanks to this man, I still forgave him, let him go, and may his soul rest in peace. I am very sorry...

Let us remember that the relationship between Volkov and Lel was complex. Two years ago they even met in court due to disagreements related to professional activity. Later, Katya refused Volkov’s services.

Volkov’s old friend, Lev Leshchenko, who introduced his former backing vocalist Lel to her future producer, in an interview with “ Komsomolskaya Pravda" was the first to express condolences to the family of Alexander Mikhailovich:

He was one of the few who began to take our show business abroad. The first artists who came on tour to Germany were received very warmly - thanks to his efforts, he did everything possible to make them comfortable and convenient to work. He was sincere and kind person, treated his friends with warmth. We maintained warm relations, and we would like to once again express through the newspaper our sad and sorrowful feelings to his family, friends, relatives and loved ones.

Back in the early 80s, Volkov was an influential person in domestic show business, arranging tours for our stars abroad. He was the first to take Philip Kirkorov abroad with concerts, and in 1989 he organized Alla Pugacheva’s “solo shows” in West Berlin. Among his “clients” were Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru. He was a successful restaurateur. He owned a chain of Japanese restaurants in Moscow, Kyiv, and London.

The soloist of “Nepara” was hospitalized

Singer Victoria Talyshinskaya, lead singer of the Nepara duet, was hospitalized in a Moscow hospital. The night before, the ambulance control panel received a call from a 32-year-old singer. Victoria complained of terrible back pain in the kidney area. The VIP patient was immediately taken to the clinic and admitted to a luxury ward, the newspaper “Your Day” reports.

After all the necessary procedures, a diagnosis was made: renal failure. Despite the fact that experts recommended long-term treatment, the singer chose to see her personal doctor and soon left the hospital.

The HI-FI group lost face

Lead singer Mitya Fomin left the HI-FI group. Fomin is about to start solo career, so he is currently negotiating with his former producers to retain the copyrights for several songs. It's about about at least three compositions: “The Seventh Petal”, “The Homeless Child”, “And We Loved”, reports “Life”.

“We finally agreed with my employers that we are parting ways,” says the singer. - I can’t say that producer Edik Chanturia and composer Pasha Yesenin accepted my departure with joy. They perceive my desire to leave the group as a whim. They think I'm joking. But I do it in my right mind. We discussed this for a long time, but now we have come to common denominator. I have tried to leave the group many times, but this time the decision is final. The group is like a family. Now we have to get used to the fact that we will exist without each other.

Ideally, I would perform in a group at big concerts and at the same time did solo projects. But these are incompatible things. Besides, I want to act in films. Director Valery Rozhko has already invited me. And because of the dense tour schedule this is impossible.

It’s difficult to do the same thing for ten years. For 5 years there was not a single hit. I am not afraid of the fate of Shura, to whom Yesenin also wrote. Shura was at the peak of his popularity when he left Pavel, he was bursting and sick. I'm weighing my departure. I think I’ve been too long and need to do something of my own. I have left thousands of times already, but now the moment has come when I need to leave. I am grateful to the group, but 10 years is a long time. It must be admitted that the audience became bored with the group.

Starting from the new year, Mitya Fomin will sing solo; he plans not to take a pseudonym. Now the band is looking for a new soloist. The big difficulty is to find a person similar to Fomin.

“I want to retain the right to perform popular songs,” the singer continues. - That's at least four hits. For example, Zhanna Friske left “Brilliant” and found a second wind. She is now at the peak of popularity. He sings both new songs and the group’s hits. Over 10 years of performing, I have earned the right to retain part of the repertoire.

The high-profile legal battle between Katya Lel and her producer and common-law husband Alexander Volkov. “He said: “I will destroy you, you will have nothing to eat, then you will crawl to me to ask for help.” And then chaos began: threatening letters and calls, dirty and false articles about me in the press, endless trials, bans on performing on stage and traveling abroad. God forbid anyone should experience this,” the singer recalls.

- Katya, while the trials were ongoing proceedings between you and Alexander Volkov, you refused an interview, preferring to remain silent.

For two years I was silent, I didn’t want dirt and really hoped that Mr. Volkov would come to his senses and stop this chaos. But he didn’t come to his senses... I can’t say that I hid in a corner in fear, hid and was silent. That's not my character! If I was invited to speak on this topic on some program, I never refused. But for some reason, very often my words were later cut out from the program. Fortunately, justice finally triumphed - in November last year, the court made a decision and rejected Volkov’s claim. I no longer owe my former producer anything and now I can talk freely and calmly about everything. And at that terrible time, to be honest, every time I fell asleep, I didn’t know what awaited me tomorrow, what kind of sophisticated revenge they would prepare for me this time, whether I would even be alive.

Yes, it was really scary, I was afraid of Volkov, seeing that he was simply obsessed with the crazy idea of ​​trampling me and wiping me off the face of the earth. To protect myself, I even hired security, I reasoned like this: God protects those who are careful, you need to be prepared for anything... But I just couldn’t understand why I was doing all this, how I deserved such burning hatred towards myself. After all, I lived with this man, who decided to give me hell on earth, for eight years, believed him unconditionally, called him exclusively Sasha and always treated him, no matter what, with great gratitude and respect. And he constantly talked about his great love to me. It’s truly just one step from love to hate... - How did this wealthy restaurateur and influential person in show business appear in your life?

About two years before our meeting with Volkov, I came from Nalchik to Moscow to become famous singer- this was my most cherished dream.

I will never forget the date when my Moscow life began - July 5, 1994. She gave me shelter out of the kindness of her heart completely. unknown girl, which I came to on the recommendation of my teacher from the music school in Nalchik. And soon after arriving in the capital, I went for a walk in Gorky Park, where a competition for young performers was taking place. Being a girl of no timid ten, without thinking twice I decided to take part in it, especially since I always had a cassette with my own recordings. As a result, she became a laureate of the competition, and besides, she met Lev Leshchenko, who was the guest of honor there.

Photo: Photo from family album

I gave him my recordings, and after some time they called me from the Leshchenko Music Agency and invited me to a meeting with him. And he took me to work at his Song Theater. So I consider Lev Valeryanovich to be my godfather on stage and I will always be eternally grateful to him... By the way, it was he who introduced Volkov and me to each other at one of the concerts. It was impossible not to notice that Alexander really liked me. And soon after our first meeting, I received from him a stunning painting as a gift, which depicted two lovers under an umbrella. Volkov courted me persistently and beautifully: he confessed his feelings, said that he wanted to be close, gave gifts, constantly sent gorgeous bouquets. I saw that the man was determined, but his pressure frightened me.