When they show let's get married. Where is the "Let's Get Married" show? Why was it closed and for how long? - It happens that you don’t like a person very much

Show hosts behind the scenes Show "Let's get married!" It has been airing on Channel One for more than 10 years. Presenters Larisa Guzeeva, Roza Syabitova And Vasilisa Volodina

help the heroes find their soul mate and start a family. However, not all program participants are satisfied with the result. So, recently Alena Zhalimova from Krasnoyarsk, who became the heroine of one of latest issues, said that on the show everything happens a little differently than television viewers think and see.

Rosa Syabitova According to the girl, the editor of the show found her in social network and invited me to the program. “Yes, they invited me on social networks, but you can send an application on Instagram or on their website. All transport costs were also paid. Since I am a free girl and am in a “passive” search for a husband (that is, I completely abandoned this stupid idea), then I thought: “Why not?” At the very least, announcing this to all of Russia would be a big step. Moreover, this would be my first experience on television - and immediately on Channel One. I was sure that I would get positive emotions, although the risk that I would be mixed with dirt was also great,” Zhalimova was quoted as saying by “7 Days.”

Participant of the “Let's Get Married” program Alena Zalimova Alena noted that there is no clear scenario, but many facts about the brides and grooms are exaggerated. "For example: I really had serious relationship Once upon a time, things were heading towards a wedding (until the sudden appearance of a child, for which I was not ready at that time), but I did not choose any dress for the wedding. There is only one take. If you falter, that’s your problem... But here there are simply no actors, and everything happens almost online,” said Alena.

Alena Zalimova She had never seen the groom that Zhalimova had chosen before. She was told that he was the ideal candidate for her, emphasizing his advantages - an investor, rich, smart, educated, lived in Bali. However, after the couple formed, Alena never saw her “groom” again.“We never met. We didn’t even go to Sochi. And in general, on the same night, it seems, at the club he began a relationship with another participant in the program (a blonde), which he nobly informed me about. Apparently, firmness of intentions is not his strong point!” - Zhalimova said.

Rumors that the program "Let's get married!" closed, it turned out to be just rumors. In early September, Larisa Guzeeva, Roza Syabitova and Vasilisa Volodina will again address the demographic problem of a large country on Channel One.


"Let's get married!" It's been nine years. God grant that all the programs live this long,” Guzeeva smiles, pleased that she was not kicked out. “They’re already writing to me and asking when we’ll be back on air.” We'll be back soon. Someday we will be closed, and someone will cross themselves that Guzeeva will not be on the screen, and someone, on the contrary, will regret it. You can't be loved by everyone. And that's okay too. But it’s not normal when you think that you have grabbed fate by the beard and will sit on something you once thought up until old age.”

True, according to her, big changes await the program. "Even men and women, having lived with each other for a long time, loving each other, come up with some role-playing games. You can’t leave the same thing for many years. This is old school! We, of course, constantly come up with new things and inject fresh blood. The main thing is to leave the basic format in which a man and a woman should meet each other. Otherwise you will have to do new program and call it, for example, “Let’s get a divorce” or “Let’s live together,” Gazeta.ru quotes the actress.

Let us remind you that the television marriage agency has been operating since 2008. Program "Let's get married!" has been criticized more than once for “advertising pseudoscience” and “ugly models of sexual relations.” In addition, the reputation of the country's main matchmaker, Roza Syabitova, is pretty tarnished. The deceived brides said that they paid her 250 thousand rubles, but she never found grooms for them, and fake actors came on dates.

One of the main TV channels in the country began 2017 with complaints from viewers. First, a resident of Rostov-on-Don wrote a petition where he asked Konstantin Ernst to review the composition of the participating stars New Year's show next year, and now fans of the “Let's Get Married” program intend to contact the management of Channel One. The scandal erupted due to the fact that Larisa Guzeeva’s program was moved forward an hour, replacing it with a new project “First Studio”, which now airs at 18.30.

Starting this week, the popular show “Let's Get Married!” began to leave not at 18:45, as before, but at 17:00. At 18:00, immediately after “Let’s get married!”, the talk show “First Studio” now begins on First, in which experts, politicians and political scientists discuss the main events that have happened in the country and the world for two hours. Postponement of the airing time of “Let's Get Married!” more than an hour ahead, to put it mildly, upset fans of the program. There was a wave of indignation on social networks, because now many people have no opportunity to watch their favorite show.

TV viewers who are angry most of- representatives of the fairer sex, seething with indignation:

“Please return the program to former time, no one is interested in your political debate program!”

“People cannot watch their favorite show at a convenient time, after work. On what basis was it transferred?!”

“Well, in general!!! In fact, people watched @_davay_pozhenimsya_ after work, at dinner! Who will watch at 17:00 now?!”

“We watched it at dinner. Easy and pleasant. The most convenient time. And who will watch if at 17:00 people are still at work? What about political debates for dinner? No, thank you, “eat yourself.” Channel One undoubtedly cares a lot about the audience.”

In addition, offended viewers promise to write a complaint to the management of Channel One if the situation does not change.

In addition, some viewers are offended by television workers:

“Couldn’t you have warned us earlier? I waited for two days at 19:00 and missed it.”

Moreover, fans of the show “Let's Get Married!” propose to write a petition to the management of Channel One with a request to return the usual and convenient time for the release of the program.

Let's remember that the first episode of the program “Let's Get Married” took place on July 28, 2008. For three months, Daria Volga was the host of the project, and in October she was replaced by Larisa Guzeeva. She was joined by Roza Syabitova and Vasilisa Volodina. Despite long years working together, the celebrities failed to make friends. Outside film set, they practically do not communicate with each other.

At first, the program was aired on weekdays at 16:10, and in February 2010 the show began to be shown after the release of “Evening News”. In 2016, from late August to mid-September, the talk show disappeared from TV screens due to the election debates broadcast at that time. On September 19, 2016, the eighth season of the program started.

According to the creators of the show “Let's Get Married!”, their project is not a game, but an absolutely real matchmaking, the result of which may well be the most real wedding. Whether it will come to her is up to fate and the bride and groom to decide. The hosts of the show are actress Larisa Guzeeva, astrologers Vasilisa Volodina and Tamara Globa, as well as matchmaker Roza Syabitova.

Every weekday Roza Syabitova appears on the Channel One program “Let’s get married!” helps lonely people find happiness. Her precise witty comments and wise advice give the show a special relish.


However, what was the surprise of TV viewers when, at the usual time, they... Especially for website Syabitova spoke out that the program “Let's get married!” is shifting in the ethereal grid and will now appear much earlier.

“I don’t know the motives of the management of Channel One, I can’t comment on its decisions, but I hope that the departure from the usual time of release of the program is a temporary phenomenon,” the country’s main matchmaker reassured everyone. She also talked about the cost of her participation in this project.

“Our work is very hard,” she admitted to the correspondent. website the country's main matchmaker. – The program is filmed in pools, 3-4 episodes per day for several days. All this time we are in a stuffy, dusty room without windows, practically not moving. And this is fraught with thrombosis and problems with the spine, so I put a cushion on my chair, get up and walk as soon as possible. At the end of the filming block, I sit at home all day - tired and exhausted. My blood pressure is rising, I feel like I’m in some kind of prostration, I might just not get somewhere if I put my mind to it.”

Ideal appearance presenters on the screen - hairstyle, makeup and dress - the fruit hard work and victims. “For filming, 3-4 millimeters of television makeup are applied to the face,” said Syabitova. “Basically, this is a mask that does not allow oxygen to pass through and does not allow the skin to breathe, clogs the pores - because of this, the face deteriorates greatly. The makeup is selected taking into account anatomical features of the face and age. Professional make-up artists know that the camera always visually ages a person and makes him gain ten kilograms.”

"And we are dressed by the same stylists who work in the program" Fashionable verdict". Since our program is top-notch, our outfits are always different, tastefully chosen. You must understand that television clothes are different from those that we wear in ordinary life– on the screen, for example, black, striped or checkered fabrics are not allowed. But even after filming, I can’t go out in sneakers, jeans, or a simple blouse. Even just to walk the dog, I have to carefully prepare myself, because people recognize me, come up to me, and I simply don’t have the right to disappoint them - this is part of a public profession,” says Rosa.

The program “Let's Get Married” has been broadcast on Channel One for about 9 years. During this time, there were changes in TV presenters and the concept of the show itself changed somewhat. Despite all these changes, the program has hundreds of thousands of fans and remains in demand among viewers today.

Even before January 2017, women and men were rushing home after work to watch next issue. Now many are asking questions: where is the “Let's Get Married” program? Why was everyone's favorite show closed?

What is being filmed about?

Three female presenters with different personalities act as matchmakers and help single people meet their soul mates. Larisa Guzeeva, Vasilisa Volodina and Roza Syabitova skillfully play out the awkward situations that arose on the set.

Bachelors come to the show and unmarried women who in ordinary life cannot find a mate. Here they are given the opportunity to meet three candidates and make their choice at the end of the program. Their friends participate in the decision making and the presenters give advice. Often the guests of the program leave without finding sympathy for themselves.

Sometimes very strange and extravagant people come to the filming of the program. Hosts with a sophisticated sense of humor sometimes react harshly to such guests. Larisa Guzeeva prefers to tell the truth face to face and expresses her personal opinion, despite the status and age of the guests of the program.

Vasilisa Volodina hosts the program as an astrologer. She is softer towards brides and grooms and tries to smooth over all difficult situations during filming.

Roza Syabitova most often evaluates men from the point of view of money and almost always leans towards choosing a wealthy partner in advice. She is sure that there is no such thing as “heaven with a sweetheart in a hut.”

Why did the “Let's Get Married” program disappear from the screens in January 2017?

In winter, fans of the program were alarmed by the fact that the program was no longer broadcast at their usual time - 18:45. Their first reaction was worried: where was the “Let’s Get Married” program and why it was closed.

But their worries were in vain. The broadcast was simply moved to another time, and the broadcast began daily on weekdays at 17:00. This is the answer to the question, where is the “Let’s Get Married” program now? This turn of events did not suit many people, because fans of the program did not have time to come home from work by this time and missed new episodes.

What caused the broadcast to be postponed to another time?

For this reason, its show was shifted to more early time, and instead the show was put on air in prime time by more popular programs.

Why was the program “Let's Get Married” closed?

With the coming summer season Everyone's favorite program has completely disappeared from television screens. Journalists rushed to ask the presenters where the “Let's Get Married” program was and why it was closed.

Larisa Guzeeva was not verbose and advised to address this issue to the management of Channel One. Vasilisa Volodina was more frank. She explained that during the summer season the show's ratings drop significantly and the entire team is sent on vacation.

The presenter admitted that she does not know whether filming of the program will resume and whether it will be aired in the fall.

Is Rosa Syabitova the culprit behind the closure of the project?

The answer to the question of where the “Let's Get Married” program went may be related to the activities of one of the presenters. Outside of television, Roza Syabitova runs her own business, which is also associated with matching matches for single people.

The woman acts as a matchmaker and looks for partners for her clients. This service costs 200 thousand rubles. Several girls ordered this service and paid for it. But they did not get any results because Syabitova did not fulfill the terms of the agreements.

For this reason, the women sued Rosa and won the case. According to the decision, the presenter had to fully return the money to the clients. But Syabitova has not complied with the written order of the court to this day.

Journalists believe that for this reason problems began with the filming and broadcast of the program.

Will the program appear on the screens of Channel One again?

One of the reasons for the temporary closure of the project is the indignation of some deputies over the concept of the program. They are unhappy that the program's guests are offered a choice of bride or groom based on market principles. Such actions, in their opinion, bring immorality to the masses.

Deputies made a proposal on air to replace the show with an educational program for children. Regular viewers do not agree with this opinion, and the question of where the “Let’s Get Married” program and why it was closed remained open until the end of August.

IN last days In the summer, Larisa Guzeeva reassured fans of the show and announced that the program would resume in the fall in the new television season. In September, the show reappeared on Channel One. But the airtime for its broadcast was radically changed. Now the program is broadcast daily on weekdays at 15:45.

Such changes are fundamentally unsatisfactory for viewers, because during the daytime working people are not at home and cannot watch their favorite program. The directors adjusted the concept and format of the show so that “Let's Get Married” did not completely disappear from television screens.

Rosa was asked not to measure applicants only in terms of money. Larisa Guzeeva also began to restrain her “sharp” comments. In the “Surprise for the Guest” section, some restrictions were also made.