Beautiful drawings of portraits in pencil. How to correctly draw a portrait of a man or girl with a pencil step by step for children and beginners? How to beautifully draw a portrait of your mother with pencil and paints step by step

This is the second lesson Spanish artist Luis Serrano, the first was in drawing a male portrait.

We will draw a portrait of actress Audrey Hepburn from the legendary film “Breakfast at Tiffany's” (1961). For the lesson we will need B, 3B and 6B pencils, an eraser, and Canson Marfil paper.

To get a well-drawn portrait, you must first draw a good sketch. To do this, we must correctly display all the details of the face and proportions in order to achieve resemblance to the photo. This is the only way we will achieve best result. If we make a bad sketch, there will be Great chance that our portrait will not turn out. Draw guide lines to make it easier to draw a sketch.

We make a sketch with pencil B, trying not to put too much pressure on the pencil. We start drawing from the left eye, if you are right-handed (if left-handed, then from the right).

We draw other facial features, constantly comparing with the original and trying to maintain proportions. Try to erase less with an eraser, because the paper gets dirty and deteriorates.

The similarity of the sketch is not very great, but we see that the main features and proportions are conveyed correctly. After you finish the sketch, rest a little and look at it with fresh eyes, if you are happy with everything, move on.

Step 1. Start drawing the eyes. We begin to draw the eye with a 3B pencil, namely the pupil and eyelashes. We draw the eye, which is on the left hand.

Step 2. Look carefully at the top of the eye, the very top of the pupil and eyeball is darkened because the eyelid always casts a shadow, and because of this the eye does not look flat. Draw eyelashes. First draw a thick line, then add small strokes with a pencil, imitating eyelashes. Make shadows on the top of the eye and also in the corner of the eye.

Step 3. Draw the second eye, as well as the eyebrows. Then we start drawing the nose. We draw everything with a 3B pencil unless otherwise indicated. He starts drawing with the nostrils, trying not to make them too large and enlarged so that the nose does not look like a pig's. Apply soft shadows to the right and bottom of the nose to give the nose volume. Shadows should be soft to convey the tone of the photo. Apply shadows to the face on the right side.

Step 4. We continue to shade the face, apply a shadow under the nose and lightly highlight the recess above the upper lip. Very gently and softly apply the shadow to the left side of your cheek. Then we draw the mouth - this is difficult task, especially if it's open. Luckily, her teeth are barely visible, so it will be a little easier for us. First of all, draw the area inside the mouth; do not enlarge the teeth when drawing. When drawing the inside of the mouth, you can use a softer pencil to give it a more dark shade. Then we begin to draw the upper lip, creating shadow transitions.

Step 5. Draw the lower lip. First we shade the upper and lower areas of the lower lip, so that the center is untouched and remains white. Then, using separate strokes that follow the shape of the lip, we apply shadows to the lower lip, creating an imitation of a highlight.

Step 6: Apply shadow to your chin.

Step 7. Now let's start drawing the hair, this causes panic in some people. But it is necessary to draw the hair in order to achieve the completeness of the portrait, because... drawn facial features and under-drawn hair create a terrible impression, which is not good. First we will draw the ear, then we will look at the photo and determine the dark areas of the hair, then we will draw them.

Step 8. Then use a softer tone to darken the lighter area of ​​the hair, the strokes should be uneven. Then we draw lines between the dark areas to imitate the shine of the hair.

If you look at the top of Audrey's head, you can see the result of these actions. Hair, like everything else, has shadow and brightness. unevenness. Common mistake for beginners, this means drawing a lot of hairs without defining the dark and light areas of the hair, it turns out something like a brush made of hair. we make this mistake because we know that hair consists of many hairs, but when we look at it, we don’t see each hair, we see big picture, they become like a single whole, having curls and strands. Draw the rest of the hair based on the above.

Step 9. Draw the bangs, then draw the earring with a star-shaped highlight.

Step 10. Draw the earring, its details are not clear, because... The image is too contrasty and a lot of details are lost.

Step 11. Apply a shadow on the neck, it should be dark enough so that it is visible that it is a shadow.

Step 12. Now let's move on to the hand. Many people hate drawing them because... don't understand how. Audrey's hand details are barely noticeable, so we'll draw them that way too. We begin to shade the back of the hand in a very light tone.

Add soft shadows to the fingers. Apply a darker shadow to the joints, lightly mark the nails on the index and middle fingers, without going into detail.

Step 13. Draw a cigarette. Apply shadows, focusing on dark and light areas.

Step 14. Now we will draw a necklace, but it is hard to see in the photo, so we will use imagination and vision, without going into details, using sharp shadows, we will draw something similar to a necklace.

Step 15. Draw the dress, making the shading tone dark. At the bottom we make a smooth transition so that it doesn’t hurt the eyes. Then we apply shadows to the shoulder (the stripe on the shoulder is the shadow from the cigarette nozzle). And we finish our work. We look at it, if you are more or less happy, we sign the work. We drew Audrey Herburn.

The topic of this article is devoted to how to draw a portrait with a pencil step by step for beginners. Each of us is looking for convenient way depict what he sees. Therefore, I want to offer an option on how to draw a portrait of a person, be it a loved one, or a person sitting opposite on the train, or it will be portraits of celebrities. In this version, there is only one rule - simplicity.

And today is a training lesson. We will draw a person’s face with a pencil step by step, a person whom you see every day; you are used to “working” a little on his appearance, trying on makeup or a smile, severity or tenderness. We draw the face you know as your reflection in the mirror.

But first, let's get a mirror and look at ourselves like for the first time. All people are similar, and at the same moment different, and you are no exception. What makes us similar? Everyone has it healthy person there are two eyes, a mouth, a nose, ears, eyebrows, hair arranged in a hairstyle. What makes us different? The shape, size and location of these “details” of human appearance. So, a portrait is a kind of collage or puzzle of several passages, which we will “break down” into the plan of our work: Eyes; Mouth; Nose; Ears; Brows; Hair (hairstyle) and oval face.

And all this has its own shape, size and its own proportions of location on the face. This is what makes each of us “one of a kind” and unlike anyone else. And, if we are learning to draw a portrait of a certain person, then it would be good to first pay attention to the shape and type of each element of the face in detail. And only after this our final goal, and this is a portrait with colored pencils, will become more accessible.


We will first practice depicting all the details with a simple pencil. And also, please note, I draw myself and my eyes. You can practice drawing mine for now, but this will be an intermediate step on the way to understanding how to learn how to draw portraits with a pencil.

Step 1

Here we will draw an arc with a pencil. At the same time, pay attention to its shape. It is extended until the middle, and then “rolls” down.

Step 2

The lower arc is almost perfect. It is smaller than the top one.

Step 3

We connect the arcs and perform the upper eyelid.

Step 4

Cornea and lower eyelid.

Step 5

Eyelashes appear on the upper and lower eyelids and the pupil.

Step 6

We make small folds near the eyes and mark the places where the shadow falls, making the eye seem voluminous.


How to draw sponges correctly? Just 5 steps and your lip drawing is ready.

Step 1

We start with a wavy line.

Step 2

Above the wavy line we draw the upper sponge.

Step 3

We complement the drawn mouth with a lower sponge.

Step 4

We connect the edges of the lips and some folds of the lips.

Step 5

We create a chiaroscuro effect and do not forget about the folds in the corners of the lips and on the chin.


How to draw a portrait of a person, if you do not learn to depict one of the most complex parts, nose. We do this step by step.

Step 1

We carry out parallel lines- this is the width of the nose.

Step 2

The two lines end with the original “capsule”. This is a widening of the nose.

Step 3

We depict the nostrils.

Step 4

Shading for a chiaroscuro effect.

Step 5

To make the shadow look natural, we even it out a little.


Another element that is sometimes forgotten when covered with hair. But our pencil portrait for beginners provides for it step by step. What is this? Ears.

Step 1

The shape of the ear is similar to an arch. Let's do it.

Step 2

We perform the upper part of the auricle, the helix and the tragus.

Step 3

We make an anti-curl. A lobe appeared, which means I didn’t forget about my jewelry – the earring.

Step 4

I do the cheek, neck and hair.


Drawing a portrait also includes such details as eyebrows.

Step 1

Some find it convenient to do this first with an arc, and then each hair separately. And for some, it is more interesting to immediately draw the shape of the eyebrows, making them with abrupt lines.

Step 2

We correct the shape and thickness of the eyebrows.

Hair (hairstyle) and face shape

Having examined each individual detail, it is easier for us to understand how to draw a portrait with a pencil. And yet, I will show you the image of a person’s face in stages.

Action 1

My face is round in shape. And this is what I try to portray.

Act 2

I mark where the neck will be and the shape of my hairstyle.

Act 3

I draw the hair in more detail.

Well, we have learned to work on each detail separately. Time to put the puzzle together. Let's talk about having a pencil person.


Before we get a portrait with colored pencils, we again draw the portrait from scratch. But what else is important to know about depicting people? The fact that you can make a person's face different ways. For example, if the model is sitting directly in front of us, her body and head itself are positioned straight, and her eyes are looking directly at the artist, then this angle is called full face.

Profile – if the model is located sideways to us.

How to draw a portrait of a person who is sitting half-turned to us? And what is this work called? This is three quarters. This angle is very convenient for a romantic and informal image. It brings out the beauty of the eyes and lips. This is exactly what we will choose to make the first pencil portrait from a photograph.

Working on an image from a photograph

First, you should choose a photo of a suitable model to draw a portrait from a photograph. And now let's do the work step by step.

To understand how to draw a person’s face, let’s divide everything into stages.

Stage 1

We make an oval face with a pencil.

Stage 2

This pencil work for beginners involves auxiliary lines that will help maintain the proportions of a person's face when drawing a portrait outline.

Stage 3

Thanks to the diagram, we mark where the eyes, nose and other organs will be. We perform these facial details step by step.

A little more detail:

Eyes and eyebrows


Stage 4

Now, to make our pencil portrait from the photo look more believable, we erase all the auxiliary lines and pay attention to the hair. Don't forget about the effect of chiaroscuro.

Stage 5

It's time to make a portrait with colored pencils to bring it to life.

Test lesson

It's time to move on to checking what we have learned and continue talking about how to draw your portrait. I hope the portrait drawing lessons were not in vain for me, and I will be able to believably draw myself as a real beauty!

1) Oval face.

2) Auxiliary lines to maintain proportions.

3) Schematic representation of all elements.

4) We make a portrait with colored pencils.

The lesson has been learned and reinforced. As for me, the result is not bad. We can safely say that we have understood how to draw a portrait with a pencil. And if necessary, we will use our new skills.

This tutorial shows the stages of drawing a quick sketch portrait. To draw this portrait, you need to know at least the very basics of shading.

Step 1. First you need to draw a sketch, for this we draw the outline of the head and neck, draw auxiliary lines indicating the direction of the face, the location of the eyes, nose and lips of the girl. The image size is very large, so click on the image and look at the details.

Step 2. Let's roughly understand the perspective. In this stage we draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips and chin. Then we erase all the auxiliary elements.

Step 3. I begin to work in volumes, adjusting the construct as I go. Draw the eyes, apply shadows.

Step 4. We begin to do shading from dark places, smoothly moving towards the illuminated ones.

Step 5. While applying the stroke, I try not to shade it, because the shade often looks like dirty spots. Add dark shadows and move on to drawing the neck.

Step 6. I correct the anatomy with volumes, making it more human. We finish drawing the neck, begin to shade the shoulder and jacket, then move on to the hair.

Step 7. At the end, highlights are added, the perspective is checked again, and details are added.

We will draw a portrait of a girl from this photograph.

Step 1.

To begin with, it is advisable, even when drawing from life, to take a photograph and look at the photo, as during the long process of drawing, the emotions on the face may change. on the sheet we determine where the head will be located in the sheet and outline the shoulders relative to it

Step 2.

Let's draw 2 main axes: vertical - the middle of the face, which also determines the rotation of the head, horizontal - the axis of the eyes (approximately the middle of the face)

Step 3.

Let's visually divide the face into 4 equal horizontal parts (you can leave a little space at the top, as this part will go to the back of the head and hair): forehead, eyebrow line and lip line.

Step 4.

Mark 3 identical segments on the eye line (2 eyes and the distance between them)

Step 5.

Let's outline the middle line of the face - imagining that this is a cross-section, thereby letting ourselves understand what shape the face is.

Step 6.

Don’t forget to erase the marks from the previous stage each time, as they will distract you in the future. Let's determine that the corners of the lips are the middle of the eyes.

Step 7

Let's outline the smile and the shape of the bridge of the nose

Step 9

Let's complete the rest of the skull. We will also draw horizontal lines from the corners of the eyes and the tip of the nose - you can use them to navigate where the ear is located

Step 10

Let's draw the shape of the nose according to all the rules of anatomy, so that in the future it will be easier to draw shadows

Step 11

Let's start drawing the lips, upper lip in most cases it is simply copied from life or a photo, as it is original for everyone, but we also focus on the triangles - they symmetrically coincide with the lines under the nose, on lower lip determine the middle and draw an oval according to the shape of the lips

Step 12

We connect the oval with the corners, do not forget to look at nature, mark the place of the bend under the lips for the chin

Step 13

We outline the shape of the cheeks (cheekbones), and begin drawing the eyes. We always remember that the eye is, first of all, a ball, so we first outline it

Step 14

Now, as if enveloping this ball, we outline the shape of the eyes, comparing with nature

Step 15

We do the same with the other eye, and also do not forget about perspective. ovals denote the protruding places of the eyelids

Step 16

To prevent the drawing from looking at you with a blank stare, you can add pupils, easily outlining them. We also start drawing the eyebrows

Step 17

We clarify the line of the eyebrows, comparing with nature, you can add a couple of folds on the face, but the main thing is not to get carried away with them, otherwise they will come out too obvious and nature may be offended. we outline the shape of the hair, but don’t focus on it, because drawing each hair will not only not improve your drawing, but can even ruin it - because it will definitely take more attention from the audience than the face itself

Step 18

Do not completely erase the auxiliary lines, shade the dark areas of the face

Step 19

We correct the eyebrows and nose, also do not forget to compare with nature, I advise you to move a short distance to see the work as a whole

Step 20.

outline the shoulders and curls, lightly shade the shadows

Step 21

Add a little more shadows, refine the shapes, adjust the clothes

Step 22

And the most important thing. We move a meter away from the drawing and begin to actively compare it with nature or a photo. this is the most main point in a portrait drawing, because it determines your ability to grasp small parts. For beginners, my advice is to quickly move your gaze from drawing to nature and back, do this until you notice changes. also at this moment it will be clear which areas of the face are the darkest - we shade them more actively. And after careful work with eyes and hands - a signature!

To draw a portrait of a person with a pencil, aspiring artists do not necessarily have to complete courses, become students at an art academy, or take private drawing lessons. Drawing a person’s face is not difficult, the main thing is not to be lazy and develop your skills.

The main thing in the article

Do-it-yourself pencil portrait of a person: what will you need?

To draw a portrait of a person you will need:

  • simple pencils;
  • a sheet of white A4 paper;
  • eraser;
  • stationery knife;
  • scotch.

Learning to draw portraits of people with a pencil: where to start?

There should be no unnecessary objects on the work surface. Take a sheet of white paper, place it vertically or horizontally in front of you and secure it at the edges with tape. Remember that you cannot tilt the sheet while drawing. You only work with your hand.

Use a pencil from Koh-i-Noor medium soft HB or soft B.

An improperly sharpened pencil affects the quality of the drawing. Do not sharpen pencils with a sharpener, but use a utility knife. This method of sharpening a pencil allows you to expose the rod as much as possible and make it sharp. By properly sharpening a simple pencil, you will be less distracted from the process and draw longer.

For training, use a regular sheet of A4 paper. In the future, if you like to draw, buy professional drawing paper, such as drafting paper, kraft paper.

How to learn to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil?

To begin, take a photo of the person whose face you want to draw. Look at it carefully. A person's face on a piece of paper consists of geometric shapes, which change their shape during the drawing process. Remember that people's faces are disproportionate. Therefore, during detailed drawing of parts of the face, this must be taken into account.

To learn how to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil, you need to make sketches on paper.

How to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil for beginners step by step

The process of drawing a person's face with a pencil can be divided into the following stages:

  • drawing the general contour of the face;
  • marking the main parts of the face inside the oval;
  • drawing eyes;
  • drawing eyebrows, drawing nose and mouth;
  • detailed drawing: wrinkles, shadows, moles, hair, etc.

Getting started: building the head and general contour of the face

To draw correctly general outline face, you need to know quite a bit of human anatomy. To begin, draw an oval, which will be narrower at the bottom than at the top. Next, change the outlines individually.

Marking parts of the face and working with planes

Full face

  1. The skull and jaw are an oblate sphere; to put it roughly, the face in this position resembles egg, inverted with the narrow part facing down. Draw such an oval and draw two perpendicular lines through its middle.
  2. The horizontal line is the eye line. Divide its right and left parts in half. This will be the middle of the eyes (pupils).
  3. Divide the lower part of the vertical line into 5 equal segments. The tip of the nose will be located at the 2nd mark from above, and the mouth will be located between the 2nd and 5th marks.
  4. Divide the upper part of the vertical line into 4 equal segments. The hair should be on 2 sections from above. The bottom of the ears should be at the level of the tip of the nose, and the top should be at the level of the eyelids.

Artists use small tips to draw portraits:

  • the width of the face consists of 5 segments equal to the width of the eyes;
  • the distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the width of one eye;
  • The width of the chin is equal to the length of the eye.

These standards are adjusted individually.


  1. The profile also resembles an egg in shape, but its sharp part is shifted to the corner.
  2. Divide the drawn figure with two perpendicular lines.
  3. The ear is behind the vertical line. The depth of the skull is drawn individually.
  4. The correct location of the nose, eyes, eyebrows has already been discussed in the “Full Face” subsection.

Detailing the face: drawing eyes, contours of eyebrows, nose, lips, ears


Since the shape of the eyes is different for each person, it is impossible to accurately describe this process. The middle of the eye is already marked. Now draw two arcs on the right and left, which you will later “turn” into eyes.

Key points to pay attention to when drawing eyes:

  • the outer part of the eye is always slightly higher than the inner part;
  • the arches of the eyes are rounded closer to the inside of the eye and narrowed to the outside;
  • if a person looks straight, then the iris of his eye is always slightly covered by the upper eyelid;
  • eyelashes always begin to draw from the eyelid;
  • the lower eyelashes are always shorter than the upper ones;
  • do not forget that the tear ducts, lower and upper eyelids should be drawn around the eye.

Very often, beginners, having drawn one eye, stop looking at the photograph and copy the second eye from their drawing. Don't forget that people's faces are not proportional. The second eye will be a couple of millimeters wider/narrower, higher/lower. The eyelid above the right eye may be lower than that above the left. All these little details must be carefully copied from the photograph.

If you draw a face in profile, then the eye here will resemble the shape of an arrowhead with convex and concave sides. The iris is hard to see from the side, but when drawing a portrait, you need to draw it so that the eye does not look strange.


The widest part of the eyebrow is often closest to the bridge of the nose. Don't start drawing the hairs right away. Define the shape of the eyebrows. If you draw a face in profile, then their shape will resemble a comma.


The easiest way to draw a nose is illustrated in the picture. Draw a circle, then add wings and “backs” to it. At the very end, all that remains is to outline the nostrils with a pencil.

There is a more complex one, but realistic way drawing this part of the face. As shown in the picture, draw a polyhedron. The shape of the polyhedron changes depending on the position of the face. Next, start rounding the geometric shape.


Start drawing the lips from the inside line, where the lower and upper lips meet. This line will never be perfectly straight; it always consists of several curved lines.

The inner line of the mouth is always darker in the drawing than the outer contours of the lips, and the upper lip is often smaller than the lower.

If you draw a face in profile, then never draw the tip of the lip sharply upward. Draw the middle line of the lips first straight or down, and then lift it up.


The human ear can be represented in the form of the letter C. Do not forget that the ear has a rim and an inner part that resembles an arc, and a lobe. Be sure to draw these main parts of the ear.

Hatching and halftone development

It seems that you are already at the finish line, but the portrait is completely unrealistic. Hatching and working out halftones is something you can’t do without when drawing a portrait of a person.

First of all, determine where the light falls on your face and where the darkest places are. Apply strokes to the face in one direction - from top to bottom. To give the skin a matte look, blend the lines with your finger or a regular napkin. To lighten areas in the portrait, use an eraser.

Highlighting and darkening areas of the face

Highlighting and darkening areas of the face is necessary to make the face on a sheet of paper look voluminous and not flat:

  • If you need to lighten an already painted area, use an eraser.
  • Start sketching out areas of the face with light lines. Don't press too hard on the pencil.
  • Apply lines in layers. The more lines, the darker the area of ​​the face will be.

How to draw portraits of people with a pencil from different angles: full face, profile, head turn

We figured out how to draw the full face and profile of a person.

  1. If you draw a person from the back, then you may not be able to see all parts of his face.
  2. When the face is turned almost in profile, the midline of the lips is very small, the line of the neck merges with the line of the chin. Also visible is part of the cheek, behind which the person's nostril is shown.
  3. When a person turns his back almost to you, you can clearly see the line of the eyebrows, the cheekbone, the line of the neck, which tends to the ear (if this part is not covered by hair).
  4. When you turn a person's face more, you see eyelashes, a small part of the eyebrow, the ridge of the lower eyelid, and the tip of the nose.

How to draw a portrait of a person correctly with a pencil: the basics and secrets of the skill

  1. The focus should be on the person's eyes.
  2. Try to draw not only the head, but also the shoulders, neck decoration, collar, etc.
  3. Never start drawing small details without correctly marked outlines.
  4. When tracing the contours, do not press hard on the pencil, draw with barely noticeable lines.
  5. Pay special attention to the proportions of the person's head.

How to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil: video tutorials

The person whose portrait you decide to draw will definitely appreciate your efforts. You can give such a gift to yourself. If you are afraid of the amount of work ahead, practice drawing individual parts of the face. In the future it will be easier for you to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil.