Cro-Magnon and modern man. Cro-Magnon man is smarter than modern man

The Combe-Capellian type belongs either to the Australoid group or to the group of Eurafrican variants, which includes several ancient skulls from India, Western Asia and East Africa(they will be discussed in the next chapter).

Indeed, there is some typological similarity between the named variants: the Combe-Capellian skull, in terms of its set of features, is closer to the Australoid or ancient Eurafrican variants than to the Negroid or any other. This conclusion has a rather specific content; it cannot be generalized to other Upper Paleolithic skulls in Europe. In all likelihood, the Combe-Capellian type is related to the Eurafrican, and more distantly to the Australoid, unity of origin. Nevertheless, the emerging similarities are not such that the Comb-Capellian type could be included in the circle of variants of the modern Australoid or even Eurafrican race. Characteristic of neither one nor the other big size nasion-protion diameter, relatively high symotic index and other features.

The Cro-Magnon type is defined as Caucasian. The complex of features of the braincase, jaws and nasal skeleton characteristic of Cro-Magnons does not agree with this definition.

Among the modern population groups of Europe, there is not a single one that is characterized by a combination of a small nasal index and a low bridge of the nose, a simotic index of about 46, a relatively wide face and a low skull. It is difficult to indicate any non-European group that completely reproduces this combination of characteristics.

The complex of Caucasoid features is more fully represented in the Solutrean type. Nevertheless, this option also needs to be taken special place, taking into account the high nasal index, the relatively large width of the face, the low height of the arch in combination with the mesocranial index.

The Oberkassel skull is sometimes called Mongoloid. The basis for this diagnosis is the large zygomatic width and small auricular height of the braincase. There are no other characteristics of the Asian races. In terms of the degree of flattening of the foreground of the facial skeleton, the Oberkassel skull is almost no different from some Cro-Magnon skulls.

The Chanceladian skull was originally identified as Eskimoid due to the combination of a narrow nose, a relatively wide face, and a high braincase. A. Keys and A. Vallois showed the fallacy of this opinion (Keith, 1931; Vallois, 1946). The Magdalenian skull from the Dordogne does not have the flattened cheekbones, flat nose, alveolar prognathism and other features characteristic of the Eskimos. The Chancelad skull was compared to the Oberkassel skull (D. Montandon) and others. In fact, the similarity of these craniological variants is very small, and sharp hypsicrania, large facial diameters and other features exclude the possibility of including the Chanceladian skull in the group of Caucasian variants.

F. Weidenreich calls the Upper Paleolithic male skull from the upper Zhou-Kou-Dian cave proto-Mongoloid, the first female skull melanesoid, the second female skull Eskimoid. Of course, these names only express general impression and do not establish a racial diagnosis in any way. There are some similarities between all three skulls. As for the specific racial features, they are weakly expressed: the position of the eye sockets and the contour of the zygomatic arch in the male skull do not show signs of flattening specific to Mongoloids. The symotic and nasoalveolar indices are no less than those of Australoids or many Upper Pamolythic turtles of Europe. The similarity of female skulls with the types indicated by F. Weidenreich is not very specific.

The Elmentate skull is seen as one of the early variants of the East African (Ethiopian) race; the Oldowan type is related to the modern Nilotic group, and the Boskopian type is related to the South African and Hottentot groups. In the first case there is only limited similarity: the East African type does not have a sloping forehead, a large height of the upper jaw and other features of the Elmentate skull. The Nilotes, in contrast to the Oldovai variant, have a higher and more prognathous face, and a wider nose.

The Boskop type is similar to the Hottentot type in such specific features as a peculiar protrusion of the back of the head in combination with a straight forehead, an elongated flattened crown. Despite the incomplete coincidence of the craniometric characteristics of the Boskop and Middle Hottentot variants, in terms of the complex of features these variants are so close that their genetic connection should be considered quite probable.

The name “proto-Australian” when applied to the skulls from Wadiak and Keillor also remains rather arbitrary, even if we mean not the Australians themselves, but the Indonesians like Toala. The latter are not characterized by large dimensions of the axes of the braincase and facial skeleton, and a moderately developed superciliary region. At the same time, the Keillor and Wadiak skulls have much in common with the large-sized skulls of the Upper Paleolithic of Western Europe.

The Talgai skull is similar to the Australian one due to some archaic features of the facial skeleton, i.e. the features are not specific enough to establish the genetic relationship of the variants.

Given short review leads to the following conclusions.

Upper Paleolithic skulls differ from modern ones in the presence of certain features (Chapter 4) and therefore stand out as a special group - fossil neoanthropes. The craniological types of the Upper Paleolithic, along with the features included in the complex of features of one of the modern large anthropological groups, include features that are not characteristic of this group and are characteristic of other groups. Most often, the features of the Australoid, Negroid, and Caucasian types are combined.

Certain types of the Upper Paleolithic, according to craniological characteristics (and probably also according to others), occupy a place not within modern anthropological types, but between them.

Only a small number of Upper Paleolithic skulls show signs of one modern group have predominance. These are, for example, the Boscopian, Solutrean (not Cro-Magnon!), and perhaps Grimaldian types. But even in these cases there are differences between modern types and Upper Paleolithic ones. These latter should be defined as special subtypes of this group. The question of to what extent ancient types constitute the original forms later groups, must be resolved in each case separately. Craniological types that fully correspond to the variants of subsequent eras have not been established in the Upper Paleolithic.

To the previous considerations it is necessary to add data on the territorial distribution of craniological types of the Upper Paleolithic. An essential criterion in establishing a race is the confinement of a given set of characteristics to a certain delimited territory. Fossil neoanthropes do not have such a connection with the geographic province.

In a small area of ​​the Dordogne department in Aurignacian times, such various options, like Cro-Magnon and Combe-Capellian. Moreover, in one area, for example in the Children's Grotto, in Monaco, skeletons were discovered various types, Cro-Magnon and Grimaldian, which gave rise to a number of unconvincing hypotheses about the reasons for the diversity of types.

It has been suggested that the bulk of Europe's population were tall "Caucasian" Cro-Magnons, and the Grimaldian skeletons belonged to slaves, captives, or concubines.

This kind of hypothesis is in clear contradiction with all known facts O material culture and the social structure of the Upper Paleolithic.

Identical features and even similar complexes of features are found in areas of the ancient ecumene remote from one another. Grimaldian type found on the Mediterranean coast and plains of Eastern Europe(Children's Grotto and Markina Mountain on the upper Don). A narrow nasal skeleton has been documented in Europe and in tropical Africa. In these territories, forms with large and small relief of the eyebrows, with large and small heights of the nasal bones were found. Alveolar prognathism is widespread in a wide variety of territories, but weakly prognathic or almost orthognathic forms are also found in the southern regions of the ancient ecumene. If the craniological variants of the Upper Paleolithic belong to different races, i.e., groups of people that formed in different geographical areas, V different conditions natural environment, then unrestricted movement of individual tribes in different, even opposite directions throughout entire continents should be allowed. In this case, it must be recognized that the tropical broad-nosed and prognathous groups moved north to the 50th parallel, and the narrow-nosed orthognathic Caucasoid types penetrated into tropical Africa.

All these assumptions are so unlikely that they cast doubt on the possibility of classifying the craniological variants of the Upper Paleolithic as different races in the proper sense of the word.

Bunak V.V. The human skull and the stages of its formation in fossil people and modern races. Moscow, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, 1959, p. 165-167.

One of the groups of fossil neoanthropes. Name comes from the Cro Magnon grotto in the dep. Dordogne (France), where several were discovered in 1868. skeletons of people of this type. Bone remains of K. have been known (since 1823) from the late Pleistocene of Europe.… … Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Modern encyclopedia

- (from the name of the Cro Magnon grotto Cro Magnon, in France), a generalized name for fossil people modern look(Neoanthropes) of the Late Paleolithic era. Known from bone remains discovered in all parts of the world. Appeared approx. 40 thousand years ago... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Cro-Magnons- (Cro Magnons), prehistoric. people of modern times type ( Homo sapiens), inhabited Europe ca. 35 10 thousand years ago. K. had a more massive physique than modern ones. human, but otherwise the same anatomically. x ki. Appeared in Europe approx. 35 thousand years ago, and... ... The World History

Cro-Magnons- (from the name of the Cro Magnon grotto, Cro Magnon, in France), the most common fossil of modern humans (neoanthropes) of the late Paleolithic era. Known from skeletal remains mainly from Europe. Appeared about 40 thousand years ago... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Cev; pl. (singular Cro-Magnon, Ntsa; m.). A general name for people of the Late Paleolithic era ● The name comes from the Cro-Magnon grotto in France, where skeletal bones of Cro-Magnons were found in 1868. ◁ Cro-Magnon, oh, oh. Second era, cave. * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

A general name for people of the late Paleolithic era. The name comes from the Cro Magnon grotto in the Dordogne department (France), where in 1868 the French archaeologist and paleontologist L. Larte made discoveries of K. S... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Cro-Magnons- the term is ambiguous: 1) in the narrow sense, Cro-Magnons are people discovered in the Cro-Magnon grotto (France) and who lived about 30 thousand years ago; 2) more in a broad sense this is the entire population of Europe during the Upper Paleolithic from 40 to 10 thousand years ago; 3)… … Physical Anthropology. Illustrated Dictionary.

- (after the name of the Cro Magnon cave in France, where the first finds of fossil remains were made) modern people who existed in Europe in the Upper Pleistocene and were sharply different from Neanderthals. New dictionary foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

A general name for people of the Late Paleolithic era. Name comes from the Cro Magnon grotto in the dep. Dordogne (France), where the first discoveries by K. S. anthropologist were made in 1868. K.'s points of view relate to modern. human species (Homo... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia


  • New Cro-Magnons. Memories of the future. Book 1, Yuri Berkov. If you want to have not only pleasant, but also useful reading, and want to broaden your horizons, read this book. You will be immersed in mysterious world future and live a stormy life with its heroes... eBook
  • New Cro-Magnons. Memories of the future. Book 2, Yuri Berkov. If you have completed the first book, then you will read the second with even greater interest. In it you will find amazing life collisions of its heroes, exciting underwater adventures and a lot of...

BC e) they settled throughout Europe, and lived simultaneously with the last representatives Neanderthals.

The so-called paleolithic revolution- the transition to more advanced technology of production and use of tools, which occurred about 40 thousand years BC. During this period there was an explosive flowering of intellectual and cultural activities human associated with the wide spread of people of the modern physical type, replacing the ancient types of people. Bony remains were first found in the Cro-Magnon Grotto in France.

It is surprising that for tens of thousands of years, pre-Cro-Magnon humanity did not undergo any changes. At the same time modern ideas It takes isolation and a huge number of years to form the features of the Cro-Magnon skeleton.

Evolutionary anthropologists believe that the population of Cro-Magnons ranged between 1 and 10 million people, and over 100 thousand years they must have buried about 4 billion bodies with accompanying artifacts. A significant portion of these 4 billion burials should have been preserved. However, only a few thousand have been found.

Another uncertainty is the extinction of the Neanderthal. One of the prevailing hypotheses about the reasons for its extinction is its displacement (i.e. destruction) by Cro-Magnon, a competitor for an ecological niche, which occurred about 30 thousand years ago.

Nutrition of Cro-Magnons

It has been established that the diet of people of the Late Paleolithic era (40-12 thousand years ago), who lived in Europe, consisted of wild fruits, vegetables, leafy plants, roots, nuts, and lean meat. The results of anthropological research clearly indicate that in the course of human evolution, a large role belonged to a diet containing little fat, very little sugar, but including a large number of fiber and polysaccharides. The cholesterol content of wild game meat is approximately the same as that of livestock meat, but wild game meat contains an almost ideal ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Late Paleolithic people consumed a lot of animal protein through meat, which contributed to physical development and rapid puberty, but not longevity. An analysis of the remains of ancient people revealed characteristic diseases caused by poor nutrition, in particular vitamin deficiencies, and their life expectancy was on average 30 years.

One way or another, due to the fact that meat food predominated in the Cro-Magnon diet, they were more stately than their descendants (and ancestors), who preferred plant foods.

Cro-Magnon culture


From the end of 40 thousand BC. The heyday of Matriarchy also began - associated with the Cro-Magnons and known mainly from excavations in Europe. The worship of the mother goddess was not just a local cult, but a phenomenon on a global scale. Material from the site

Cave painting (rock)

During the life of the Cro-Magnons, there was a flourishing of cave (rock) painting, the peak of which was reached in 15-17 thousand BC. (galleries of cave paintings in Lascaux and Altamira).

A fresco in Altamira depicts a herd of bison and other

Ah, m. Cro Magnon. From the name of the Cro Magnon grotto in France, where in the second half of the 19th century. Skeletons of these people were discovered. Mn. People of the Late Paleolithic era. BAS 1. We are civilized Cro-Magnons and will no longer understand the strange, stupid truth about... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

CRO-MANNON, nca, husband. Fossil man of the late Paleolithic era. | adj. Cro-Magnon, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (nyo), tsa, m., soul. (after the name of the Cro Magnon cave in France, where fossil remains were first found). Modern man who existed in Europe in the Upper Pleistocene. || Wed. archanthrope, neanderthal, neoanthrope,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 person (86) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

A representative of an extinct race of people (Homo sapiens), the remains of which were first discovered in 1866 in France in the Cro-Magnon cave. At the end of the Paleolithic, the Cro-Magnon race inhabited Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes... Geological encyclopedia

The general name for fossil humans of the modern species, belonging to the neoanthropes and living about 40 thousand years ago ... Large medical dictionary

M. see Cro-Magnons Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

Cro-Magnon- (2 m), R. Cro-Magno/ntsa, TV. Cro-Magno/Ncem; pl. Cro-Magno/Ntsy, R. Cro-Magno/Ntsy… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

Cro-Magnon- Cro-Magnon/ets/… Morphemic-spelling dictionary


  • Human. Superencyclopedia, Gusev I.. Man yesterday, today, tomorrow... What are we, who we were and what we will become in the future? Since ancient times, man has sought to know himself. Gradually his guesses and conjectures...
  • Human. Super encyclopedia for the smart and inquisitive, I. E. Gusev. Man yesterday, today, tomorrow... What are we, who we were and what we will become in the future? Since ancient times, man has sought to know himself. Gradually his guesses and conjectures turned into...

>>History: Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. Appearance human races

Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. The emergence of human races.

4. The emergence of “homo sapiens”

1. Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons.

Appeared about 200-150 thousand years ago new type ancient man. Scientists called him "Homo sapiens" (on Latin"Homo sapiens") This type includes Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon.

Neanderthal was named after the site where his remains were first found in the Neanderthal Valley in Germany. He had highly developed brow ridges, powerful jaws pushed forward with large teeth.

The Neanderthal could not speak clearly because his vocal apparatus was not sufficiently developed. Neanderthals made tools from stone and built primitive houses. They hunted large animals. Their clothing was animal skins. Neanderthals buried their dead in specially dug graves. For the first time, they had ideas about death as a transition to the afterlife.

For a long time it was believed that Neanderthals preceded the appearance of modern humans. IN last years Scientists have found that Neanderthals lived for some time at the same time as another type." Homo sapiens" - a Cro-Magnon man whose remains were first found in the Cro-Magnon cave in France. Appearance and the Cro-Magnons had brains like modern people. Cro-Magnons are our direct ancestors. Scientists Cro-Magnons, like modern people, are called “Homo sapiens, sapiens,” that is, “reasonable, intelligent man.” This emphasizes that man is the owner of the most developed mind on our planet. Cro-Magnons appeared about 40 thousand years ago.

2. Mammoth hunters.

About 100 thousand years ago, the temperature on Earth became sharply cold and the last glacial period. Very cold periods of time alternated with periods of warming. The northern part of Europe, Asia, and America was covered with a powerful glacier.

During the glaciation in Europe, only for a short time summer period the ground thawed and vegetation appeared on it. However, it was enough to feed large herbivores - mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, bison, reindeer. Hunting these animals provided enough meat, fat and bones to feed people and even to heat and light their homes.

Hunting at that time became the most important occupation of the Cro-Magnons. They began to make tools not only from stone, but also from mammoth tusks and deer antlers. Tips made of deer antler with teeth curved at the base were attached to the spears. Such a spear was deeply stuck in the body of a wounded animal. Darts (short spears) were used to pierce small animals. Fish were caught using wicker traps and harpoons with sharp tips.

People have learned to sew clothes from fur. They invented bone needles, which they used to sew the skins of foxes, arctic foxes, wolves and smaller animals.

Residents of the Eastern European plains built houses from mammoth bones. The foundation of such a house was made from the skulls of huge animals.

3. Tribal communities.

It was impossible to hunt mammoth and other large animals and build houses from their bones alone. Dozens of people were required, organized and observing a certain discipline. People began to live in tribal communities. Such a community included several large families forming a clan. Close and distant relatives formed a single team. The clan community had common dwellings, tools, and food supplies. The men hunted together. They jointly engaged in the manufacture of tools and construction. Special respect big family used by a mother woman. Initially, the relationship was on the maternal side. In the habitats of ancient people, skillfully made female figurines are often found. Women were engaged in gathering, preparing food and storing food supplies, maintaining a fire in the hearth, sewing clothes and, most importantly, raising children.

The clan community, the clan, considered themselves descended from one ancestor - a person, an animal, or even a plant. The ancestor of the clan was called a totem. The clan bore the name of its totem. There could be a clan of a wolf, a clan of an eagle, a clan of a bear.

Communities were ruled by the wisest members of the clan - the elders. They had great life experience, preserved ancient legends and customs. The elders made sure that all members of the clan followed the established rules of behavior, so that no one would claim the share of another when distributing food, clothing and space in the home.

Children in tribal community raised together. The children knew the customs of the family and followed them. As boys grew older, they had to pass tests to be accepted as adult male hunters. The boy had to remain silent under the hail of blows. They made cuts on his body, rubbed ashes, colored earth and plant juices into them. The boy had to spend several days and nights alone in the forest. A lot had to be endured to become a real man of the family.

4. The emergence of human races.

With the advent of the Cro-Magnon man, human race: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid. Representatives of different races differ in skin color, eye shape, hair color and type, skull length and shape, and body proportions.

The Caucasian (Eurasian) race is characterized by light skin, wide eyes, soft hair on the head, and a narrow and sharply protruding nose. Men grow a beard and mustache. The Mongoloid (Asian-American) race has special characteristics such as yellowish or reddish skin, straight black hair, lack of facial hair in men, narrow eyes, and high cheekbones. Negroid race He is distinguished by dark skin, curly, coarse hair, a wide nose, and thick lips.

External differences are of secondary importance. All races have equal opportunities for development.

Even before the first civilizations, peoples Caucasian divided into large groups: Semites and Indo-Europeans. Semites got their name from the biblical Shem (Sem), the son of the patriarch Noah. They settled the Middle East North Africa. Modern Semitic peoples include Arabs and Jews. The Indo-Europeans (also called Aryans) settled over a vast territory, occupying Europe, Northern and part of Central India, Iran, Central Asia, Asia Minor Peninsula. The Indo-European peoples included Indians, Iranians, Hittites, Celts, Greeks, Romans, as well as Slavs and Germans. The languages ​​they spoke are called Indo-European.

IN AND. Ukolova, L.P. Marinovich, History, 5th grade

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