Light volumetric drawings. How it's made, how it works, how it works

To get acquainted with the three-dimensional effect, just start with simple 3D drawings. In our article you will find recommendations for beginning artists on how to create easy drawings made using 3D principles.

To implement even the simplest 3D drawings on paper, you need to have at least a basic understanding of the principles behind three-dimensional visualization. This is, first of all, perspective, chiaroscuro, and sometimes.

Creating basic volumetric figures: cube

The cube is constructed using an origin and three axes. Basic geometric figures, of which this object consists - squares, which are the sides of the cube.

The point is that when looking at a cube, we do not see all its faces at the same time, but only three of them. It is important to understand how they are positioned relative to each other, how the shadow is distributed on the object itself, and how it casts a shadow.

You can read about how to build this three-dimensional figure, how to correctly determine the light source and apply shadow and penumbra to the object in our article on construction.

Image of a 3D sphere on paper

Previously, we learned how to create a cubic shape using 3D principles.

Unlike a cube, a sphere doesn't have a single starting point or axis to work from, so we need to apply a little common sense and fantasies.

We learned about highlights, shadows and midtones. We'll use these concepts again, but we'll include two more tones - the main shadow and the cast shadow. We will use them to create the shadow effect of the object.

For training you will need: a soft 2B pencil, a sheet of paper, a ruler, a glass, an eraser and a shading pen (you can either buy it or make it yourself from a piece of paper, folding it into a cone). It is recommended to place a cloth, napkin or paper under your arm.

Place the glass bottom on the sheet and trace it lightly. You will be left with a perfect circle. Determine which side the imaginary light source will be located on. In our example, it is located on the top right side.

Using a ruler, drawing very lightly without pressing, draw a dotted line from the light source to the center of the circle, but going inside the circle only about a centimeter from the edge. Its end will be a guide for the light flare. Using a light outline, draw a small oval around the extreme point of the dotted line.

Take the glass again and place it so that the side opposite to the light is slightly visible, and a sort of eclipse effect is created. Draw the resulting arc inside the circle. The resulting “crescent” is the future shadow.

Repeat this procedure four more times, moving towards the light source and making the “crescent” a little wider each time. You should stop when you reach approximately half the circle. The “crescents” closest to the center will become halftones.

You will notice that the arcs that are closer to the middle do not follow the shape of the sphere. Therefore, you will have to adjust them a little yourself, simply turning the ends inward a little. Follow the circle shape. You can also focus on the oval that we drew at the very beginning for the highlight.

Let's start making shadows. The very first “crescent”, which is located farthest from the light, needs to be shaded most intensely. Try to ensure that your pencil also follows the outline of the ball, do not make sharp perpendicular strokes.

Then move on to the next “crescents”. When shading each subsequent segment, make it a tone lighter than the previous one. Eventually you should arrive at the lightest shade that will be on top of the sphere directly below the light source. Remember that the brightest part of the ball is the highlight.

To make the transitions softer and more imperceptible, use shading. Move it in a slightly circular motion along the arcs we have drawn.

Now it's time to add a cast shadow. It is formed when an object obstructs the passage of light. Accordingly, it must be positioned on the side opposite the light source relative to the subject.

Then you can add the main shadow. This is the place in the image that absolutely no light can reach, such as the very base of the subject.

Once we have the main shadow and an approximate silhouette of the cast shadow, we can move on to shading it. Its intensity will change symmetrically with the shadow on the object, but the brightness of the shades here will be much lower.

Remember to use blending to smooth out the transition from dark to lighter tones, as well as soften the edge of the shadow. It shouldn't be pronounced.

The sphere is almost ready. All that remains is to add a few more highlights on top using the eraser, perhaps increasing the light area at the top a little. Another place to add a highlight is on the left side of the sphere near the shadow. The fact is that light is reflected from the surface, thrown back and hits the object.

Volumetric pyramid in pencil

Let's draw an isosceles triangle. From its top we lower a line slightly longer than the height of the triangle. Let's connect its lower point to the two lower corners of the figure. Your pyramid is almost ready, but it’s too perfect.

Let's extend one bottom edge of the pyramid by a few millimeters, then connect the end point of this segment to the top of the pyramid. This way we will get a new edge. It is also necessary to adjust the other side of the pyramid visible to us.

Light and shadow are applied in a way that is already known to us. You will see the process of drawing a pyramid in more detail in the video.

Secret trick to create the illusion of 3D

There is one trick that will help even people who are completely new to drawing to create amazing three-dimensional illusions. In the video below you will see that drawing 3D objects is quite easy process, the main thing is to know how to approach it.

To create a 3D illusion, you only need a piece of paper, a pen or pencils and a ruler. Even a child can handle the technology, but don’t think that adults won’t be interested in trying this method of drawing. Believe me, everyone will like the result.

At the first stage, you will need to select a suitable item. The fact is that first we will outline it, which means that not everything can be suitable for this. Those who know how to draw a little can independently draw the silhouette of an object.

Most often this technique is used to depict a hand, because this is something that is always with us. By the hand interesting shape, it is relatively flat and can actually be traced on paper. In addition, you can use some cutlery (spoon, knife), some vegetables or fruits (banana, eggplant).

Outline the object, leaving a non-greasy, very thin outline on the paper with a pencil. After that, take a ruler and a softer pencil and start drawing horizontal lines, but only up to the outline of the hand and between the fingers. Visually it should look like the lines are following the hand.

Then start giving the object volume. To do this, you need to connect the lines that abut against its contour with arcs running along the arm. Perform the same operation on the fingers. This gives the image a convexity, that is, the impression of three-dimensionality is created.

Finally, on the top and right, make the silhouette of the object brighter and mark the boundaries. Also add a shadow on the right to complete the sense of reality of the subject. If you wish, at the very end you can add color to your drawing by coloring the stripes in different shades.

Create a 3D drawing, in other words a visual three-dimensional image, on paper not as difficult as it might seem to a novice and inexperienced artist, or even a simple amateur who first encountered this option for depicting objects. This article will give you some good recommendations and advice, but theory is one thing, and practice is completely different. And remember, without practice you will never succeed!

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And now a little theory.

creating is quite simple, for this you need knowledge of the basics of perspective, correctly conveying light and shadows. To correctly determine light and shadows, you need to imagine, firstly, at what angle your work will be viewed (3D images look more realistic at one angle, which you must calculate before you start drawing); secondly, you need to find out the source of light that will fall on your supposedly real object. If you get the light source right, you can render shadows more realistically. That is why drawing from life is a necessary practice that helps to understand the issues of chiaroscuro. And now, draw 3D illustrations on paper

. After you have determined where the object will be located on the paper, the angle of view of the viewer and the darkened areas, you can begin shading. The main thing here is not to overdo it, do not forget that you always have the opportunity to add depth, but it will be very difficult to lighten it, and it is quite easy to spoil the picture with a black shadow, which will make the object unrealistic. First, try to make a general light sketch (never focus on any one area of ​​the pattern, because you can get carried away and ruin it), and then at the same time add depth, while enhancing it in the shadow areas.

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If you still don't know, how to learn to draw 3D drawings with a pencil, then this is not surprising, because, firstly, we have not yet touched on the topic of perspective, and secondly, practice, practice and practice again. To correctly convey perspectives, you need to carefully study the object at different locations; if necessary, you can make a couple of schematic sketches. And do not forget that perspective is the convergence of all points of an object at one point on the horizon, that is, the further away the object is, the smaller it is, and vice versa.

There is an easier way to depict 3D objects for the lazy. In this method, you do not need to study and sketch for a long time. You can take an ordinary object, for example, a Rubik's cube, place it on a sheet of paper and trace it with a pencil. In this case, the perspective and all proportions will be observed correctly, all you have to do is realistically and competently emphasize the light and shadows.

We hope that after reading these simple recommendations You can do it yourself draw a 3D drawing.

Video lessons

If you are new to fine art and want to learn how to create easy 3D pencil drawings for beginners, then our article will help you understand the first basics.

3D paintings have taken the art of drawing to the next level. new level. A bunch of contemporary artists creates mind-blowing 3D designs that literally burst out of the surface of the paper through shading, flawless perspective, and the use of multiple sheets of paper to create a more complex composition.

You can learn to draw just like these masters, but first you need to learn more about the basic principles and techniques. We will help you with this.

Basic principles

The first point that needs to be mastered when drawing three-dimensional images is how to correctly cover the place on the sphere that is farthest from the light with shading.

Those points on which the light falls should be the lightest, and the surface of the object should become darker the further you move from the light source.

If you plan to take a photo of your drawing, as many artists do, you should pay attention to the actual light source where you are working. See how it affects the object you are drawing. This can enhance the impression that the object in the drawing is actually in the room.

Don't forget to work out how different textures (stone, brick, leaves) look depending on the lighting.

This is not such a difficult thing when you remember its basic rule: objects that are closer to the viewer are depicted larger than those that are further away.

If you want to visually check this rule and make sure it really works, just find a long street, stand at the end of it in the middle and look in the opposite direction. The width of the road will gradually decrease towards the horizon.

When you draw your 3D picture, think about how the viewer will be positioned, how will he look at it - from the side or from above?

Going beyond the sheet. Some artists use their hand as an addition to the drawing. The fact is that the hand interacts with the drawing and adds a sense of reality, complementing the 3D effect.

At first, in some photographs it is clear that the master seems to be holding his image with his fingers... But only then we see that this is just an illusion.

Some craftsmen choose a real glass or pencil to interact with the picture. They place them in some way next to or even on the depicted objects. And sometimes it’s not clear where reality is and where creativity is!

Drawing 3D shapes

If you want to learn how to draw 3D pictures realistically with a pencil, then you should start with basic three-dimensional geometric shapes. Once you understand the principles of drawing multidimensional shapes, you can apply what you learn to any object.

In our lesson we will look at how to create, step by step, three-dimensional pencil drawings of such shapes as a prism, pyramid, cube, cylinder, sphere and cone.

Both of these shapes are based on triangles.

When drawing a prism, start with the usual isosceles triangle and a small dot somewhere to the side (a dot on the horizon). It doesn't matter which side you chose.

Start building two dotted lines from the top of the triangle to our point and from the corner of the base, which is closer to it. Determine how long the prism will be. Remember that its farthest visible edge will be parallel to the side of the triangle relative to which the prism was aligned.

To create a pyramid, draw an equilateral triangle with its base dotted. From the vertex, construct a vertical segment down. It should fall just below the dotted line.

Connect the bottom point of the segment diagonally with the corners at the base of the triangle. It’s okay if the angles are not exactly identical, it will even add realism.

This figure can be depicted in several ways, below you will see two of them.

Method 1. Draw two squares of the same size. One should partially overlap the other, how much is up to you. Connect the upper and lower corners of the two squares, thus forming the edges of the figure.

Method 2. The drawing principle here is reminiscent of the approach we used when depicting the pyramid. Only this time you need to make three equal parallel lines. The two lines on the sides should be at the same level, and the one in the middle should be lowered a little lower.

Connect the top points of the three lines with diagonals, do the same with the bottom points. Draw lines through the top points parallel to the top edges of the cube closest to you. At their intersection a point is formed - the far corner of the cube.


Start with an oval. Don't worry if you don't get it straight the first time. Train!

If your oval is vertical, then draw perpendicular horizontal lines from its extreme points above and below (if the oval is horizontal, then vice versa). Carry them out as long as you need, depending on how long you want the cylinder to be.

Connect the extreme points of the drawn segments with a curved line that repeats the roundness of the oval. To make sure that the top and bottom of the cylinder are the same shape, try turning the design upside down or 90 degrees. This will change your perspective and any inconsistencies will stand out.

There are several different in complexity ways to depict a sphere. But in any case, drawing a sphere will start with a simple circle. Draw it by hand or trace an object, such as a glass.

To make the circle look like a volumetric sphere, you need to correctly shade its surface and define the shadow areas. First, the brightest place of the ball is determined, where the light falls. Then intensive shading begins on the opposite side. There the shadow will be darkest.

Gradually move towards the light area, reducing the intensity of the color so that you eventually come to the most light color. Try to ensure that your strokes follow the shape of the ball and are not sharp or perpendicular.

To ensure that the transitions from shadow to light are minimally noticeable, shade the surface of the sphere with your finger or a special blending brush.

This figure is a cross between a cylinder and a pyramid. So, let's use our knowledge about both figures and apply it now in drawing.

When you try to draw a shape in 3D important have straight lines. To do this, especially at first, use a ruler or some other flat object made of durable material (so as not to sag) with a straight edge.

Be careful about the angles and placement of the lines. For example, shapes such as a cube have right angles and parallel lines at the core. And the angles of a cone can be different.

Compare angles using a pencil. If you want to achieve a really technical drawing, then use a protractor. Pencils and erasers are your friends. Whenever possible, draw with a pencil to get the right angles and lines.

So, you have learned how to draw 3D drawings for beginners with a pencil step by step, basic geometric shapes that are the basis for various objects. Therefore, you can apply the acquired knowledge in drawing many objects.

Today, 3D drawings on paper are becoming more and more popular; you can look at them for a long time and admire them. Such masterpieces can be created not only by talented artists, but also those who are just getting acquainted with fine arts. It's never too late to learn how to draw; anyone can make spectacular 3D drawings.

The tools you need for 3D are the simplest: a pen, pencils, a marker and a piece of paper. By the way, it is best for beginners to draw using cells in a notebook, as it is much easier to draw figures this way.

It is worth noting that the image is created on paper in stages, in this case the main thing is consistency, even if simple and uncomplicated pictures are reproduced.

Many people are interested in how to draw a 3D drawing on paper with a pencil in a bright and realistic way. To do this, you should use photo instructions or videos that will clearly show all the techniques for recreating a 3D drawing.

Let's look at pencil drawings step by step for beginners. For clarity, print out the drawn images to make your task easier. Please note that the first acquaintance with 3D technology can cause mixed impressions; there is no need to rush, smooth movements and endurance are the main assistants of a novice artist.

So, let's get down to business, let's learn how to draw beautiful 3D drawings.


A simple diagram will help you understand how to draw amazingly with a 3D pen beautiful insect. Get acquainted with this technique and draw a miracle drawing yourself.

Step-by-step instruction:


If you don’t know what exactly you can draw with a 3D pen or pencil, then start with the simplest. After all, making images look realistic is not at all so difficult; check out the photo tutorial below.

Stages of creating an image:


It is quite simple to imitate fruits lying on the table; there is no need to use special techniques for depicting objects. You can use 3D pens and markers to create a drawing.

Drawing technique:

More detailed instructions You can see how to perform work using this technique using the example of an alien’s hand in the video (or you can use your hand, just trace your palm and fingers with a pencil, and then follow the video instructions):


If you want to learn how to draw a simple 3D drawing on paper, use the printed sample. Using the mastered technique, you can teach your child how to draw 3D.

Step-by-step work:


Before drawing with a 3D pen, you should try to make similar drawings with a pencil. Let's learn to create beautiful three-dimensional images together.

How to draw:


Volumetric, as if a living heart will be an excellent gift for a loved one. Take a pencil and marker in your hands, clearly draw the lines, highlight them and shade them. Believe me, the drawn image will be able to fully convey your feelings.

How to draw:

Video of 3d heart illusion:

Remember, imagination has no limits, create your own unique drawings, amaze everyone with your ability to create three-dimensional images.

For example, you can draw Carlson using these instructions:

Simple option:

Difficult option:

Video bonuses: 3D pen drawings

Draw a beautiful butterfly with a 3d pen:

Drawing a 3D photo frame:

Draw a bouquet of daisies with a 3D pen:

3D Snowman:

3d Christmas tree with pen:

3D volumetric drawings are a new direction in street painting (graffiti). Stunning fantastic illusions under your feet, blurring the line between image and reality. No wonder this modern Art acquired so quickly wide circle fans. It is popular not only among amazed observers, but also among novice amateur artists, each of whom has probably wondered: 3D drawings. The first thing to remember here is important rule- even the most impressive masterpieces of 3D painting appeared first on paper, and only after that found their place on city streets.

To learn how to create images volumetric figures on a flat surface, knowledge from school curriculum on visual geometry, and this article will help, from which you will learn how to draw 3D drawings on two types of surfaces: on paper and on asphalt.

1. Take a regular sheet of paper, an HB pencil, and an eraser. On a sheet of paper, first we draw the simplest ones, for example, let it be a triangle, a circle and a square. Now, remembering geometry lessons (projecting drawings in three coordinate axes), we turn these figures into geometric bodies: cone, sphere and cube respectively.

2. The second rule that you need to learn in order to understand how to draw 3D drawings is the play of light and shadow. After all, first of all, the shadow cast by a figure makes this figure visually three-dimensional. Now, using the second rule, we select the side from which the light will fall on our drawn objects. And, based on this, we begin to shade them, remembering that the side of the figure that is closer to the intended light source will be lighter than the opposite. In the process of shading we move from the dark side to the light side. If you decide to direct the light source from the front of the drawing, then leave the middle of the subject light, gradually shading the figure evenly towards the outlines. After that, we draw the casting of shadows. Shadows from figures will always fall on the side opposite to the light.

3. Having mastered these first lessons and understood, using the example of simple three-dimensional figures, you will gradually move on to creating more serious and complex three-dimensional images. And you can already try to dilute the black and white drawings with color.

4. Having learned the technique and mastered the necessary skills of three-dimensional drawing, you can easily figure it out on other surfaces. To do this, use colored crayons and spray paints. It is best to divide the prepared sketch on paper into small equal squares with a grid. This will make it more convenient to sketch, and the grid will allow you to transfer the image from paper to asphalt as accurately as possible.

There are a few more tricks that you should remember to understand how to draw 3D drawings on asphalt:

The place for the drawing should be as level and prepared as possible (carefully cleared of possible small debris).

It is best to work on the image in cloudy or cloudy weather.

And also, since you will have to rub the chalk with your fingers (to secure it), arm yourself with plastic bags in advance to protect your fingertips from abrasion.

When working on a drawing, you need to move from top to bottom. You should avoid drawing clear, even contours, and the background color of your drawing should, if possible, match the color of the road surface on which you will be working.

It is also very important to guess the size of the occupied area, since 3D drawings have elongated proportions and impressive scales. And, of course, we must not forget that the image will appear three-dimensional only from one position you specify.

So, now you know how to draw 3D drawings on paper and asphalt, and we can only wish you good luck in this interesting business!