The best army of all time. The Six Deadliest Armies in World History

If you want peace, prepare for war. This is exactly what the well-known wisdom proclaims. Indeed, only strong army V modern world is the guarantor of the independence of the state, despite international law and the UN. Of course, the peace initiatives of recent decades have reduced tensions in the world, but the number of hot spots on the globe is still large. In addition to solving familiar problems, modern military units have to take part in the fight against global terrorism. In this material we will talk about what the most powerful armies in the world are and which states they belong to.

First place - United States of America

After the collapse of the USSR, the United States remains the only superpower in the world. Despite the fact that after the end of the Cold War, the country's military spending decreased significantly, the American Armed Forces are still the most powerful army in the world.

The country's population is about 311 million people, which provides a high mobilization resource in case of war; in peacetime, the US Army is completely professional.

The number of its regular troops is 560 thousand people. The same number are in reserve. The number of ground combat equipment in service is 60 thousand units. In addition, the American army has a fairly powerful fleet, which includes more than two thousand units. The country's air force is no less threatening. Quantity air technology exceeds 18 thousand units.

The most impressive figure is the US military budget. Its amount is greater than the total military budget of all other major armies in the world and amounts to $692 billion. Among other things, the Americans have a powerful missile force, which includes 32 military satellites and about 500 ballistic missiles.

The US Army has proven its practical viability in the large number of wars in which it has participated over the past thirty years. It became a triumph military operation against Saddam Hussein's Iraq, when his army was defeated without any serious losses, despite the fact that it was the most powerful army in the Middle East, in which officers who went through the Soviet school served.

Second place - Russian Federation

The second most powerful army in the world and, without a doubt, the best army in the territory of the former USSR. In many ways, it was this rich inheritance that allowed the Russian army to occupy a high position.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian army went through bad times. However, already in the 2000s, the state began to pay much more attention to its combat effectiveness. In addition, it was done big job to increase the authority of the army in the eyes of the country's population.

The country's population is about 145 million people. Moreover, the number of regular troops is one million people. A large army (twice as large as that of the United States) is necessary for the country due to the large length of its borders. There are about 20 million people in reserve. The number of ground combat equipment is 9 thousand units.

The fleet has traditionally been weak side Russian army. Today it has only 233 ships. Number of aircraft - 2800 units. The budget of the country's armed forces is about 75 billion US dollars. In addition, Russia has powerful nuclear weapons and means of delivering them.

The Russian army began to be treated with more respect as a result of the Crimean and Syrian operations. Outstanding foreign experts noted the speed and efficiency with which the army is able to carry out tasks.

Third place - People's Republic of China

The largest army in the world belongs to the Republic of China. The entire history of the country is associated with numerous wars. Despite the fact that China has not participated in any large-scale military operations since the Korean War, the number of threats to this country has not decreased.

The country's population currently amounts to one and a half billion people. The number of regular troops is 2.2 million people. There is another million in reserve. The number of ground combat equipment is 58 thousand units. Recently, China has been actively expanding its fleet, and production of modern aircraft carriers has been launched. The number of ships today is only 972 units, but this number is growing. There are also about 5 thousand aircraft in the service of the Chinese troops.

The budget of the Chinese army is 106 billion US dollars. Today's military doctrine of the PRC is aimed at fighting in the east. China recently built several islands off its coast, prompting protests from Japan and the United States. In addition, there is still a desire to resolve the Taiwan issue by force. In addition, the country's neighbor, the DPRK, has recently become completely uncontrollable and is beginning to threaten not only its traditional opponents, but also countries such as China and Russia.

China also has powerful nuclear forces. They lag behind the level of the Russian or American army, but can still cause irreparable harm to their opponent.

Fourth place - India

India only became an independent power in the middle of the last century, but during this time its troops managed to take part in several local wars. The state has tense relations with Pakistan, which represents the Muslim regions of the former India, which is in the possession of the English crown. There are still territorial disputes between these two neighbors. In addition, in history the country has had some disputes with another powerful neighbor - the PRC. That is why India is obliged to have a powerful armed forces.

The country's population is 1.2 billion people. Regular troops - 1.3 million people. There are another 2 million people in reserve. The Indian Armed Forces serve 13 thousand units of ground military equipment and about two hundred warships. The country's aviation includes about 2.5 thousand aircraft. The army's budget is about US$50 billion.

Fifth place - Great Britain

The English army was once the most formidable weapon on the planet. Its fleet was especially famous. British Empire called the queen of the seas, her troops could fight anywhere in the world, thanks to a well-established naval supply system. It is not surprising that the Empire's domain was so large that the sun never set on it.

Much time has passed since then, the colonies gained independence, but today Great Britain has a very combat-ready army. The country's population is 62 million people, the size of the regular units is 220 thousand people, plus the same number are in reserve. The British Armed Forces have about 20 thousand units of ground combat equipment. Interestingly, the country's current fleet is much more modest. It includes about a hundred warships. The aviation force has about 1,600 aircraft. The military budget item amounts to 75 billion US dollars.

The country's troops participated to a limited extent in the Yugoslav conflict, the war in Iraq and the counter-terrorism operation in Afghanistan. Since 2015, the country's aircraft have been participating in the fight against ISIS units in Syria and Iraq.

Sixth place - Türkiye

As a rule, few people realize that the Turkish Armed Forces are included in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world. However, upon closer examination, this state of affairs becomes clear. Many times in the history of this country it was necessary to fight with its neighbors, including Russia. Today Türkiye is in the most troubled region in the world. Syria is nearby, which is sucking us into fighting an increasing number of participants.

In addition, the country has a serious Kurdish problem. The aggravation of relations with the Kurds threatens real civil war. The number of regular troops is 660 thousand people, the same number of people are in reserve. It is armed with about 70 thousand combat units, 265 ships and about 2 thousand aircraft.

Seventh place - Republic of Korea

The Korean War is the worst war since World War II. The most powerful countries took part in it globe- USSR, USA and China. The Korean issue has not yet been completely resolved. Every now and then, crisis situations occur between the two countries that threaten new clashes. This is why the Republic of Korea maintains large modern troops. Regular troops consist of 650 thousand people. There are more than two million people in the reserve. There are about 14 thousand military equipment, 170 ships and 1.5 thousand aircraft on guard. The country's military budget is about 30 million US dollars.

Eighth place - France

France is a country whose army participated in both world wars, where the memory of the Nazi occupation has not yet died down. Despite the fact that modern Europe is a much calmer place compared to the last century, the country still maintains a fairly powerful army, and is also a member of NATO. The country's population is 64 million people, the regular troops are 230 thousand people, and the reserve is 70 thousand people. Military equipment -10 thousand units. Fleet - about 300 ships. Aviation - 1800 aircraft. The country's budget is 44 billion US dollars.
French aircraft took part in the operation in Libya, where they supported the rebels, and today the country's air force is participating in the counter-terrorism operation in Syria and Iraq.

Ninth place - Japan

The Japanese army was a formidable weapon during World War II. Japanese fleet for a long time successfully fought against a powerful enemy - the US Navy. At the end of WWII, Japan was prohibited from having a large army. However, despite this, modern Japan is among the top strong states.

Limitations in numbers forced the Japanese leadership to engage in the qualitative development of their armed forces. The country's population is about 130 million people. The regular army numbers only 220 thousand people. There are about 50 thousand people in the reserve. The number of military equipment is about 5 thousand combat vehicles. The restrictions also affected the country's fleet. During World War II it was one of the most powerful in the world, but today it has only 110 ships. The number of aircraft is about 1900 units. The country's budget is $58 billion.

Tenth place - Israel

Israel is in tenth place in this ranking, but few other countries in the world have such combat experience. The state is quite young, and it so happened that it had to prove its right to exist throughout the 20th century. Surrounded by unfriendly Arab countries, Israel has been involved in several serious armed conflicts. Despite the fact that all the wars have been won, Israel does not relax and continues to maintain a powerful army. The Palestinian issue still remains unresolved. In addition, the new source of tension that has emerged in Syria also threatens Israel. Relations with Iran and Hezbollah (a Lebanese group), which still do not recognize the Jewish state, remain difficult.

The country's population is only 8 million people. The regular army numbers 240 thousand people, with 60 thousand people in reserve. The number of military equipment is 13 thousand units. The country's fleet consists of 65 ships. Aviation - about 2 thousand aircraft. The country's budget amounts to 15 billion US dollars.

Since ancient times, the armed forces have been the main and fundamental guarantor of the independence of any country and the security of its citizens. Diplomacy and interstate treaties are also important factors international stability, but as practice shows, when it comes to military conflict, they often do not work. Events in Ukraine are obvious proof of this. Indeed, who wants to shed the blood of their soldiers for the interests of others? Today we will try to answer the question - whose army is the strongest in the world, whose military power is unrivaled?

As I once said Russian Emperor Alexander III: “Russia has only two reliable allies - its army and navy.” And he is one hundred percent right. Naturally, this statement is true not only for Russia, but also for any other state.

Today in the world there are more than 160 armies of varying sizes, weapons and military doctrines.

One of the greatest commanders in history, the French Emperor Napoleon I believed that “the big battalions are always right,” but in our time the situation has changed somewhat.

It should be understood that the power modern army is determined not only by its numbers; it largely depends on the effectiveness of its weapons, the training of its fighters, and their motivation. The time of mass conscription armies is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Modern armed forces are a very expensive pleasure. The cost of the latest tank or fighter is tens of millions of dollars, and only very rich countries can afford a large and strong army.

There is another factor that arose after the end of World War II - nuclear weapons. Its power is so terrifying that it still keeps the world from starting another global conflict. Today, two states have the largest nuclear arsenals - Russia and the United States. A conflict between them is guaranteed to lead to the end of our civilization.

Disputes often flare up on the Internet about which is the strongest army in the world. This question is somewhat incorrect, since only a full-scale war can compare armies. There are too many factors that determine the strength or weakness of certain armed forces. When compiling our rating, we took into account the size of the armed forces, their technical equipment, the development of the military-industrial complex, army traditions, as well as the level of funding.

When compiling the top 10 most powerful armies in the world, the factor of the existence of nuclear weapons was not taken into account.

So, meet strongest armies peace.

10. Germany. Our ranking of the top 10 most powerful armies on the planet opens with the Bundeswehr – the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. It consists of the ground forces, navy, aviation, medical service and logistics service.

The number of armed forces of the Bundeswehr is 186 thousand people, the German army is completely professional. The country's military budget is $45 billion. Despite its rather modest size (compared to other participants in our rating), the German army is very highly trained, equipped with the latest types of weapons, and Germany’s military traditions can only be envied. It should be noted the highest level of development of the country's military-industrial complex - German tanks, aircraft, and small arms are deservedly considered among the best in the world.

Germany could count on a higher place in the top 10, but the foreign policy of this country is peaceful. Apparently, the Germans have fought enough in the last century, so they are no longer drawn to military adventures. In addition, Germany long years is a member of the NATO bloc, so in the event of any military threats, it can count on the help of the United States and other allies.

9. France. In ninth place in our ranking is France, a country with rich military traditions, a very advanced military-industrial complex and significant armed forces. Their number is 222 thousand people. The country's military budget is $43 billion. France's military-industrial complex allows it to provide its army with almost all the necessary weapons - from small arms to tanks, aircraft and reconnaissance satellites.

However, it should be noted that the French, like the Germans, do not seek to resolve foreign policy issues by military means. France has no disputed territories with its neighbors, nor any frozen conflicts.

8. Great Britain. In eighth place in our ranking is Great Britain, a country that has managed to create world empire, in which the sun did not set. But that's in the past. Today the number of British armed forces is 188 thousand people. The country's military budget is $53 billion. The British have a very decent military-industrial complex, which is capable of producing tanks, airplanes, warships, small arms and other types of weapons.

England has the second largest navy (after the USA) in terms of tonnage. It includes nuclear submarines, and two light aircraft carriers are being built for the country's Navy.

British special operations forces are considered one of the best in the world.

Great Britain participates in almost all military conflicts where the United States is present (the first and second conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan). So the experience of the British army is not lacking.

7. Türkiye. The army of this country is considered the strongest among the Muslim armies of the Middle East. The descendants of the warlike Janissaries managed to create very combat-ready armed forces, which in the region are second in power only to the Israeli army. That is why Türkiye is in seventh place in our ranking.

6. Japan. In sixth place in our top 10 ranking is Japan, which formally does not have an army at all; its functions are performed by the so-called “self-defense forces.” However, don’t let this name fool you: the country’s armed forces number 247 thousand people and are the fourth largest in the Pacific region.

The main rivals that the Japanese fear are China and North Korea. In addition, the Japanese still have not concluded a peace treaty with Russia.

Japan has a significant air force, ground forces and an impressive navy, which is considered one of the strongest in the world. Japan has more than 1,600 combat aircraft, 678 tanks, 16 submarines, and 4 helicopter carriers.

This country has the third largest economy in the world, so it is not difficult for Japan to allocate serious money for the maintenance and development of its army. Japan's military budget is $47 billion, which is quite good for a military of its size.

Separately, it should be noted the high level of development of the country's military-industrial complex - in terms of its technical equipment, the Japanese armed forces are considered one of the best in the world. Today in Japan they are creating a fifth-generation fighter, and it will probably be ready in the coming years.

In addition, Japan is one of the United States' closest allies in the region. There are American bases on the territory of the country, the United States supplies Japan newest types weapons. However, despite this, Japan plans to further increase its defense spending. Well, the descendants of samurai are not short of experience and fighting spirit.

5. South Korea. Fifth place in our top 10 ranking is occupied by another Southeast Asian state – South Korea. This country has an impressive armed forces with a total strength of 630 thousand people. It is in third place in the region, second only to China and the DPRK. South Korea has been at war for more than sixty years—peace has never been concluded between Pyongyang and Seoul. The armed forces of the DPRK number almost 1.2 million people; the North Koreans consider their southern neighbors to be their main enemy and constantly threaten them with war.

It is clear that in such a situation, South Korea has to pay a lot of attention to the development of its own army. $33.7 billion is allocated annually for defense needs. The South Korean army is considered one of the best equipped not only in its region, but also in the world. South Korea is one of the closest and most loyal allies of the United States in the region, so the Americans supply Seoul with the latest weapons; there are US bases in the country. Therefore, if a conflict between the DPRK and South Korea does begin, it is not a fact that the northerners (despite their numerical superiority) will emerge victorious.

4. India. In fourth place in our top 10 ranking are the Indian Armed Forces. This huge, populous country with a booming economy has a military of 1.325 million and spends approximately $50 billion on defense.

In addition to the fact that India is the owner of nuclear weapons, its armed forces are the third largest in the world. And there is a simple explanation for this: the country is in a state of permanent conflict with its neighbors: China and Pakistan. IN modern history India has had three bloody wars with Pakistan and a huge number of border incidents. There are also unresolved territorial disputes with a strong China.

India has a serious navy, which includes three aircraft carriers and two nuclear submarines.

Every year the Indian government spends significant sums on the purchase of new weapons. And if earlier Indians mainly purchased weapons made in the USSR or Russia, now they increasingly prefer higher-quality Western models.

In addition, recently the country's leadership has been paying a lot of attention to the development of its own military-industrial complex. A few years ago it was adopted new strategy development of the defense industry, which goes under the motto “Make in India”. Now, when purchasing weapons, Indians give preference to those suppliers who are ready to open production facilities in the country and share the latest technologies.

3. China. In third place in our ranking of the top 10 strongest armies is the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA). This is the largest armed force on the planet - its number is 2.333 million people. China's military budget is the second largest in the world, second only to the United States. It amounts to $126 billion.

China strives to become the second superpower after the United States, and it is impossible to do this without powerful armed forces; big army in the world.

Today the Chinese are armed with 9,150 tanks, 2,860 aircraft, 67 submarines, a large number of combat aircraft and multiple launch rocket systems. There has been debate for quite some time about how many warheads the PRC has in stock: the official figure is several hundred, but some experts believe that the Chinese have an order of magnitude larger number.

The Chinese army is constantly improving its technical level. If ten to fifteen years ago most types of military equipment in service with the PLA were outdated copies of Soviet models, today the situation has changed dramatically.

Currently, the PRC is working on the creation of a fifth-generation fighter; its latest developments in the field of tank building and missile weapons are not much inferior to models made in Russia or the West. Much attention is paid to the development of naval forces: recently the first aircraft carrier (the former Varyag, purchased from Ukraine) appeared in the Chinese Navy.

Considering the enormous resources (financial, human, technological) that China has, the armed forces of this country will become a formidable rival in the coming years for the countries that occupy the first positions in our ranking.

2. Russia. In second place in our top 10 ranking are the Russian armed forces, which in many respects remain the strongest on the planet.

In terms of the number of personnel, the Russian army ranks only fifth, behind the United States, China, India and the DPRK. Its population is 798 thousand people. The budget of the Russian defense department is $76 billion. However, at the same time, it has one of the most powerful ground forces in the world: more than fifteen thousand tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and combat helicopters.

1. USA. The United States of America is in first place in the top 10. In terms of the number of personnel, the US Army is second only to China (albeit significantly), its strength is 1.381 million people. At the same time, the US military department has a budget that generals of other armies can only dream of - $612 billion, which allows it to be the most powerful country in the world.

The strength of modern armed forces depends largely on their funding. Therefore, the huge American defense budget is one of the main components of its success. It allows Americans to develop and purchase the most modern (and most expensive) weapons systems, supply their army at the highest level, and simultaneously conduct several military campaigns in different corners peace.

Today, the US Army has 8,848 tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and other military equipment, and 3,892 military aircraft. While during the Cold War, Soviet strategists focused on tanks, the Americans actively developed combat aviation. Currently, the US Air Force is rightfully considered the strongest in the world.

The United States has the most powerful navy, which includes ten aircraft carrier groups, more than seventy submarines, a large number of aircraft and auxiliary ships.

The Americans are leaders in the development of the latest military technologies, and their range is very wide: from the creation of lasers and robotic combat systems to prosthetics.

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With the advent of the first state, the army became one of the main components of its independence and the security of citizens. The diplomatic part, as well as the allies on the map, are also important, but if you look at the history textbook, you will see that they are of little help in military conflicts. And as Alexander III said: “We have only two faithful allies - the Russian army and navy.” This statement, naturally, is true not only for our country, but also for other powers. Today's political map there are more than 160 military personnel in the world state entities, differing from each other in numbers, weapons, some doctrines and their history.

The famous commander Napoleon often said that a large army is always right, but today's realities dictate their own rules. So, these days there are slightly different concepts of strength and superiority over the enemy. Here, not only the number of troops is taken into account, but also the efficiency of equipment with the level of training of personnel, as well as their motivation.

The most powerful armies in the world

A modern army is far from a cheap pleasure, and mass conscription alone is not enough. One tank or helicopter costs tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars, and only wealthy powers can fork out for such expensive equipment.

Very often in the media, and in any other discussion fields, you can hear disputes about whose army is the strongest. This way of posing the question is not entirely correct, because a full-scale war would be needed to verify someone’s assertion. And in theory, we have a large number of factors that show the advantage or weakness of a particular army.

Let's try to make a rating of the most powerful armies in the world, which would include countries that are superior to their opponents in numbers, equipment and funding. We will also take into account the development of the military-industrial complex (military-industrial complex) and remarkable army traditions. When considering each participant in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world, the nuclear factor was not taken into account, so we will determine strength according to the old Slavic principle - “wall to wall.” By the way, the presence of weapons of mass destruction still holds the majority large states from military conflicts, because war can lead not just to losses, but to the destruction of our planet.

  1. Russia.
  2. China.
  3. India.
  4. South Korea.
  5. Japan.
  6. Türkiye.
  7. Great Britain.
  8. France.
  9. Germany.

Let's take a closer look at the participants.


The Bundeswehr comes last in the ranking of the world's armies in terms of combat effectiveness. Germany has ground, air and medical forces. The number of troops fluctuates around 190 thousand fighters, and the entire German army consists of professional mercenaries, and state budget a significant expenditure item of $45 billion is provided.

Despite such a seemingly modest number of troops compared to other participants in the ranking of the best armies in the world, the German military forces are provided with the latest weapons, have excellent combat training and unshakable military traditions that can only be envied. The Germans might be higher on the list, but the country's foreign policy is relatively peaceful. Here, apparently, a significant role was played by the fact that they already fought quite a lot in the last century. In the ranking of the world's armies from Global Firepower, Germany shares its place with France and Great Britain from year to year.


Despite its “romanticism,” the republic can stand up for itself if something happens. France found itself in ninth position in the ranking of the world's armies thanks to its rich military traditions, impressive military-industrial complex and considerable number of troops - about 230 thousand soldiers.

To maintain the army, the country's budget includes a line item of $44 billion. The French military-industrial complex is able to provide its troops with everything they need - from pistols to tanks and orbital satellites. The country of romantics, like Germany, does not seek to solve external problems with the help of the army. Besides some significant conflicts it does not have any disputed territories.

Great Britain

Great Britain is in eighth position in the ranking of world armies. This country, with the help of smart politicians and generals, was a world military power that everyone took into account. But that was a long time ago, huh current realities Things didn't turn out the best for her.

The number of British troops fluctuates around 190 thousand fighters, and the state budget includes expenditure items of more than $50 billion. The British have a completely decent military-industrial complex, which gives the army everything it needs: pistols, machine guns, tanks, helicopters, planes, satellites and a fleet. By the way, the latter is not much inferior to the United States in terms of tonnage and equipment.

The UK is involved in most of the conflicts where the Americans conduct operations (the Middle East), so the soldiers have plenty of experience to gain from.


Türkiye, which is ambiguous in this regard, is in seventh position in the ranking of world armies. Its military formations are considered the strongest in the Middle East. It is not surprising: the descendants of the Janissaries, who were always looking for war, created a powerful military machine with a high-quality component that could well compete with the Israeli army.

The number of troops fluctuates around 510 thousand fighters, but, unlike other countries, the state has budgeted a modest $20 billion for the military-industrial complex. The Turkish army was distinguished by the presence of a large number of ground equipment - about 3,400 units of armored vehicles, and operational combat aircraft - about 1,000 pairs of wings. In addition, Türkiye has a fairly impressive fleet on the Black Sea.


Japan is in sixth position in the ranking of world armies. In general, Country rising sun It seems like it doesn’t have its own army at all. This function performed by regular self-defense forces. Despite such a seemingly modest name, this military formation has more than 250 thousand soldiers.

The Japanese have a solid air force, ground forces and an excellent navy. The latter is considered one of the best in the whole world. The Japanese army has about 1,600 aircraft, 700 tanks, more than a dozen submarines and a couple of large aircraft carriers. The budget includes about $47 billion for military needs, which is quite enough and comparable to the size of the Armed Forces.

South Korea

The fifth position in the ranking of world armies is occupied by the Republic of Korea. The number of regular state troops fluctuates around 630 thousand fighters. The country has been at war with Pyongyang for several decades now, and some peace agreements and treaties cannot stop the military clashes between the parties.

In such a situation, the South Korean army must always be in full combat readiness, therefore special attention is paid to training, discipline and the quality of conscription in the country. The state spends more than $34 billion on military needs. The Republic of Korea is largely devoted to and reveres the United States, so it does not experience any particular problems with either additional funding or providing for the army military equipment and small arms.


The country of elephants and tea - India - is in fourth position in the ranking of world armies. This is a state with a high population density and a fairly rapidly developing economy, as well as a military-industrial complex. More than $50 billion is spent from the budget to provide an army of 1.3 million fighters.

India has many territorial disputes with its neighbors Beijing and Islamabad, so the armed forces have to always be on alert. During the Soviet era, Indians purchased weapons from us, but after all the coups and economic torment, the government decided to give preference to Western models. In addition, the Indian government has outlined large-scale reforms, which also imply the development of its military-industrial complex, so preference is given to suppliers who are ready to open their production on their territory.


In third place in the ranking of the world's armies is the PLA from the Middle Kingdom (People's Liberation Army of China). Here the fighters, as they say, press with numbers. According to the most rough estimates, the size of the Chinese army ranges from 2 to 2.5 million people, and this is the largest military formation on the planet.

In order to feed such a horde, the country’s budget includes items worth more than $120 billion. China strives to top this rating, but, alas, it cannot be taken by numbers alone. A good half of all the equipment that is in service is already old and is breaking down. The purchase of a new one requires substantial financial expenditure, as well as the opening and development of one’s own production capacity. Therefore, the Chinese government is very close “friends” with Russia and receives a good discount on weapons.


Despite the “silver”, domestic Armed forces in many respects they are superior not only to the named participants in the rating, but also to its leader. As for numbers, here we are only in fifth place with 800 thousand personnel. Every year on Russian army more than $75 billion is spent.

The Russian Armed Forces boast the most powerful ground forces in the world. More than 15 thousand tanks, a huge number of operational armored vehicles and helicopters different classes- from medical rescue to military tactical models.

The Russian Air Force has almost 4 thousand aircraft in service various types and appointments. Our strategic bombers pose a particular danger to other states. They are capable of delivering any targeted strikes, including nuclear ones, at a distance of thousands of kilometers from their home base.

In addition, Russia has distinguished itself with a powerful navy, where only submarines with an impeccably trained crew instill fear in the ships of potential enemies and allies. Despite the venerable age of the surface forces and combat units outdated since the times of the USSR, the government laid down large amounts into the budget for equipment upgrades, and in the near future the situation will change for the better for us. It should also be noted that the country’s military-industrial complex does not depend on third-party developers and manufacturers - the Russian military machine is completely autonomous.


The United States of America is in first place in our ranking. In terms of troop numbers, America is second only to China - 1.3 million personnel. One of the most significant factors that any general in another country would envy is the budget of the US Army - $612 billion!

Such funding made it possible to equip the American army with the most advanced technologies: the latest weapons, equipping soldiers with modern gadgets for high-quality combat in any conditions, as well as an enviable salary and pension for contract soldiers. Similar attitude to the army and its needs contributes to the introduction of its troops to almost any point on the planet and the conduct of several military campaigns there at once.

The United States also has one of the most powerful fleets in the world: about 10 aircraft carrier groups, about 80 submarines, as well as a large number of aircraft and auxiliary vessels attached to them. American defense enterprises attract the best specialists to work. They are developing not only the latest laser and robotic equipment for the army - there are breakthroughs in the medical military environment: prosthetics, “smart” suits that can significantly increase the army potential of a soldier, and other technological areas.


It's no secret that since ancient times, the strength of a country has been determined by the power of its army. Maintaining control within the state and protecting from external enemies is the main task. It is not for nothing that countries are so sensitive to the issue of financing this area. Below are the ten most powerful armies in the world. This rating was compiled taking into account the number of the army, its modernity and the power of the equipment used and the budget. And naturally, the most powerful armies are armed with,. So, top 10

The most powerful armies in the world.

No. 10. Israel

240 thousand soldiers and 600 thousand people are in reserve reserves for a total population of 7.9 million people - a good indicator. The military equipment includes 13,000 units, including 1,964 aircraft units and 64 naval ship. There are a large number of girls among the soldiers. The amount that is used for the military forces is 15 billion dollars.

No. 9. Japan

Another small country with a population of 127.8 million people, including 247 thousand military personnel, as well as 60 thousand people who are currently in reserve. Official data indicate the following figures: 5320 units of ground equipment, 1965 - all kinds of aircraft, 110 units of naval weapons. Unofficially, there are suspicions about the latest developments in the field military science. Army funding amounts to $58 billion.

No. 8. France

In France there are 230 thousand military personnel and 70 thousand reserves, plus 105 thousand police officers. 10,621 ground defense equipment, 1,757 air defense equipment, as well as 289 ships. Funding amounts to more than 44 billion euros. These are good indicators for a state with a population of 65.4 people. And she's in eighth place among the strongest and most powerful armies in the world.

No. 7. South Korea

There are 640 thousand active military personnel, 2.9 million people in reserve, 13,361 ground military installations, 1,568 air assets, 170 naval installations. This is not surprising, given the characteristics of the neighbors. Financing 27 billion. dollars.

No. 6. Türkiye

There are 660 thousand military personnel, 579 thousand are in reserve, and this is with a total population of 74.7 million people. 69,744 units of ground equipment, 1940 - air, 265 - sea. Financing of more than 25 billion dollars.

No. 5. England

Among the 62.2 million people living in the UK, 220 thousand are serving in the army, 181 thousand are in reserve. The armed forces have 11,630 thousand ground equipment, 1,663 aircraft and 99 defense vessels. Funding equates to $74 billion.

No. 4. India

It is strange to see India in fourth place with a population of 1.2 billion people. 1.325 million people on active duty, 2,142,821 people on reserve. In addition, the country has 2,452 aircraft and 175 ships with a total military funding of $48.9 billion. Fourth place in the Top 10 strongest armies in the world.

No. 3. China

China is famous for its largest army, which has 2.2 million people engaged in military activities and 800 thousand people who are on reservations. Military equipment includes 57,575 ground equipment, 5,176 aircraft and 972 ships. Total funding is more than $106 billion.

No. 2. Russia

Russia is in an honorable second position. The population is 143.1 million people, of which more than 1 million are those who serve in the army and 20 million are reservists. In addition to 91,715 ground defense equipment, the defense forces have 2,747 air defense equipment, as well as 233 ships. Total funding is $74 billion. Although she ranks second in this ranking, she holds the first position among.


No. 1. United States of America

The leading first place is the most powerful and powerful world army, consisting of 560 thousand active military personnel and 567 thousand reserves with a total population of 311 million people. Ground defense equipment is represented by 56,269 objects, air defense equipment - 18,234 units, of which 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as 32 satellites, maritime equipment includes 2,384 ships. Total budget – 692 billion dollars.

Even at the dawn of human civilization, people created armed forces to protect their borders. Back then, wars were won thanks to the size of the army and the skill of the commanders. Today, the military places emphasis on modern technology, which allows even countries as small in area as Israel to have a powerful army. In our review we will talk about the most modern and powerful armies peace.

1. North Korea

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is known for its repressive government and its antagonistic relationship with much of the world. Currently in service North Korea consist of 4,200 tanks, 944 aircraft, and 967 warships.

Despite the impressive numbers, North Korea's weapons are considered very outdated. For example, of the 70 submarines currently in service, 20 are rusty wrecks of the Romeo class, made using 1950s technology.

2. Saudi Arabia

The Royal Saudi Armed Forces consists of infantry, air force, navy, air defense, the National Guard, as well as a number of paramilitary units. In total, there are over 230,000 people in the army of this country on active service. These are some of the richest militaries in the world.

3. Australia

China's continuous development has led Australia, as well as most countries in the Asia-Pacific region, to continuously modernize their armed forces. Despite its small size, the Australian army is considered one of the best and most effective in the world.

4. Canada

Despite the fact that this country has been one of the most peaceful and friendly throughout its history, Canada's army is one of the 25 strongest in the world. Canada currently has 181 tanks, 426 aircraft and 63 warships.

5. Iran

The armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have a total strength of approximately 545,000 personnel. Without a doubt, it is one of the most powerful and dominant forces in the Middle East.

6. Thailand

Historically, the military has been the basis of unity and peace in Thai society. Although the country has an impressive number of troops and tanks, the most fascinating fact is that Thailand has an aircraft carrier but no combat aircraft (since all AV-8S Matador aircraft were retired in 2006).

7. Taiwan

Under constant threat of invasion by a gigantic Chinese army that still has plans to invade and occupy its neighbor, Taiwan has focused its military development entirely on building defenses. This is why such a small island has more helicopters (307) than most countries in the world. Also, the number of tanks (2,005) and aircraft (815) in Taiwan is quite impressive relative to its size.

8. Poland

The tense situation in Ukraine has forced the Polish government to start spending huge amounts of money recently on the defense industry. As a result of this, the level of the Polish army increased significantly in just a few years.

9. Vietnam

The Vietnamese People's Army is considered one of the most prestigious and sacred concepts in local culture. This was especially aggravated after the brave (and victorious, in the eyes of most historians) people's army fought against such superpowers as France and the United States in the twentieth century. The Vietnamese army is an integral part of the culture of this country and is considered one of the strongest in Asia.

10. Israel

Despite its small size, both in terms of territory and population, as well as its very short story Israel can proudly claim that its defense forces have been among the most active (if not the most active) in the world for the past five decades. Due to constant tensions in the region, Israel has created an incredibly strong and modernized army.

11. Brazil

With the second largest armed forces in the Americas (after the United States) and the largest in Latin America, Brazil currently has 486 tanks, 735 aircraft and 110 ships, and 330,000 military personnel and officers. .

Although South America A relatively peaceful continent, Brazil borders 10 countries and therefore requires a significant number of military personnel.

12. Indonesia

The Indonesian Army was formed during the Indonesian National Revolution when it was engaged in guerrilla warfare. Today, with approximately half a million troops and modern technology, it is considered one of the most powerful armies in Asia.

13. Pakistan

Pakistan's armed forces are the 13th strongest in the world, thanks to the country's constant improvement in its military technology. Additionally, Pakistan's armed forces are the largest contributor to United Nations peacekeeping efforts, with more than 10,000 Pakistani Army personnel permanently deployed overseas.

14. Egypt

The Egyptian military is not only the largest in Africa and the Middle East, but also one of the largest in the world, with 470,000 active personnel. It is also one of the most ancient armies, as it was created in 3200 BC.

15. South Korea

The fact that this country borders a dangerous, unpredictable northern neighbor (North Korea) has forced South Korea spend crazy money on military equipment and weapons, making its army one of the most modernized and powerful in the world. Currently, the Asians boast an army of 625,000, 2,381 tanks and 1,451 aircraft.

16. Italy

The Italian armed forces consist of regular army, navy, air force and carabinieri (who also serve as military police). At the end of 2014, the 320,000-strong Italian army is the third largest in the European Union and the fifth largest among NATO countries.

17. Germany

The reform of the German armed forces taking place today is the most radical revision of the Bundeswehr in the entire history of the country. The problem of international terrorism and global cooperation have led to the need for a smaller, more flexible force structure that will not have as strong a defensive function as in the last few decades.

18. Türkiye

The Turkish armed forces are considered the second largest in NATO (after the US military). The estimated strength of the Turkish army is 495,000 people.

19. Japan

The Japan Self-Defense Forces were created after World War II. Although they have been inactive for most of the last fifty years, tensions in the area have been steadily rising recently (particularly due to North Korea). This forced Japan to urgently modernize its army.

20. UK

Despite its relatively small size compared to countries such as the US, Russia and China, and the fact that British government plans to reduce the size of its military by 10% by 2018, the once globally dominant United Kingdom still has one of the most powerful militaries in the world.

21. France

France may not be the military power it once was, but it is still in the top ten most powerful in the world. Its main military actions recently have been the fight against terrorism in Mali, Afghanistan, Libya, and currently the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS).

Russian Army.

Global modernization and a huge military procurement program carried out by Putin over the past two decades have made the Russian military one of the most powerful in the world.

25. United States

Despite recent geopolitical misadventures and America's withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States military continues to hold the distinction of being the world's most powerful military with the world's largest defense budget.

However, even in the most powerful armies, embarrassments occur. For example, such as the appearance of .