Love horoscope for November, the year of Pisces. Love horoscope for the sign of Pisces for November

People born in the zodiac sign of Pisces in November 2017 can count on the full support of their main heavenly patron, whose name is Venus. In addition, the Moon will also not remain on the sidelines, so you don’t have to worry too much about ambiguous situations that may indicate “ love front" It is important that we are talking about a period that, in general, can only be characterized from a positive point of view, and there can be no equivocations here. In particular, in the area of ​​personal relationships, both single and married Pisces will face new acquaintances and interesting situations, which could likely seriously affect their later life. The sphere of work, on the contrary, will turn out to be a rather conservative side of their life, although it is obvious that a whole series of decisions will also have to be made here, although not all of these decisions will be so fundamental. One way or another, there is a chance of victory, and a very significant one, and if you make your own mistake, it will be unfair to complain about the circumstances. Although this month it is clearly not worth taking purely logical conclusions as a basis. Due to the unfavorable placement of Mercury, logic may fail you, so you also need to think in moderation, otherwise you may miss your luck.

As for the sphere of work and finance, a clear gradation should immediately be noted here. In November 2017, Pisces who work for themselves can look to the future without much fear and aim for the highest positions. In the very first days of the first ten days of the month, you need to clearly define what you want, because there will be a lot of opportunities, but there will not be enough resources for everything. Actually, as already noted, some will be very appropriate conservative tendencies, this is the most acceptable option. For those Pisces who do not work for themselves, the stars recommend not to rush, and to plan more than to act. This is an ideal time to take care of non-essential tasks and thereby free up time and resources for yourself in the future. You don't have to treat it like we're talking about about something unimportant! In reality it is extremely important point, because, as Turgenev’s immortal character said, before you build something, you need to clear the place. Just don’t reach the point of outright fanaticism. Act according to the circumstances. If you are not flexible, if you do not find a balance between initiative and diligence, then an aggressive Mercury will throw you off balance and the likelihood of success will decrease significantly.

Dwelling in more detail on the sphere of personal relationships, it should be noted that in November 2017, the zodiac sign of Pisces will be able to easily correct any of its “jambs”. Well, without difficulty is a strong word, however, the effort on your part will actually not be that great. If we are talking about a lone representative of this zodiac sign, then the stars advise him to engage in introspection as much as possible. Do not withdraw into yourself, moving away from the world around you, but analyze your actions. This will avoid problems in the future, and at this stage will provide important experience. Family Pisces can relax, but at the end of the second decade something important will happen within the family hearth. React to the situation adequately, even if it shocks you, because in reality everything will be fine in perfect order. The only thing that is definitely worth paying attention to is your relationship with distant relatives and to meet new people. Be open and respectable, but don't allow yourself too much. Don't open up for no reason and keep yourself in control, especially if the scene is a bar or night club. As soon as you relax, Mercury will immediately make itself felt, and then the situation will develop in a negative way.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2017 for the zodiac sign Pisces, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Pisces sign: Personal horoscopes for the Pisces sign:

Love horoscope

November 1 - November 10. Tense aspects will lead to quarrels. Circumstances will develop in such a way that something will constantly interfere with your relationship. Most likely, this is external opposition that is not related to your internal disagreements. Such a crisis will be a good test for you.

November 11 - November 20. The tension that develops in your love affairs will be fueled by misunderstanding and jealousy. Tense aspects of planets can introduce unnecessary secrets, secrets, and doubts into personal relationships. You should talk less with your friends about your intimate contacts, and not make them public.

November 21 - November 30. The planets will push you to sort things out with your partner. He will also be interested in this. Now is a fairly harmonious period, and you will be able to come to an excellent agreement with him on terms acceptable to you. This decade can also mark the beginning of a new romance. You will probably meet a person who will be with you for many years.

Romantic date. Try to make sure your dates are well prepared. Everything should look perfect - from your clothes and makeup to the place you choose for your rendezvous. It is better to meet where you will not be taken by surprise by your acquaintance or friend of your gentleman.

Family horoscope

Relations with family will be generally calm and harmonious. True, in the first half of the period it may seem to you that they are very often worried about nonsense - but this is easily overcome. In the second half of the period the situation will change, a revaluation of values ​​will occur. You will become the center of attraction for the whole family. Everyone will be emphatically respectful of you and your opinion.

The secret of happiness. Your relationship with your husband is very important to you now. Parents and other relatives who want to distract you with their problems will quickly learn that they should wait.

Holiday horoscope

The best relaxation for you is relaxing with your loved one. Go to a place where you will be alone, away from friends, calls, relatives and problems. You should plan your trip for the second half of the month, then your vacation will be successful.

Place of power. Your self-esteem during this period will largely depend on the opinions of others. Therefore, you will like the places that your friends or loved ones recommend to you.

Horoscope of work and money

Prepare for the fact that problems may arise at work, which you will have to solve together with your manager. In the first half of the period, due to your duty, you will have to offend one of your colleagues. Perhaps you will be the one who utters the sacramental words about dismissal, and it will not be easy for you, given your gentle character. At the end of the month it will become easier - there will be no need to face difficult moral choices.

Purchase of the month. You will spend a lot, and the reason for this expense may be your loved one. You will want to give him gifts, and your feelings will begin to dictate the most fantastic ideas to you.

Horoscope health

Your health may be weakened in the first half of the period. Take all necessary measures, get proper treatment, and don’t let your illnesses get worse. At the end of November the situation will change. If you take your medications carefully and strictly follow your doctor's instructions, your health will improve.

Horoscope for November 2017 for Pisces men

Love. Your loved one may be very worried about your relationship. But his secrecy will not allow him to talk about his suffering - what if you laugh at him? In the first half of the period, your frivolous behavior may cause jealousy and misunderstanding in him. But he is too proud to express his feelings. Then you finally realize that you risk losing your chosen one if you don’t change your behavior. And, to his joy, you will spend as much time with him as he wants.

Tone. He is ready to do a lot for your approval, and you will see this for yourself. If you say that you like muscular men, he will go to the gym without complaint. But most of all, your loved one will enjoy calm sports - swimming, jogging, or walking together.

Finance. For your sake, he can spend a lot of money on bouquets and gifts, without thinking about it at all. tomorrow. If you connect your future with him and want Serious relationships, you should limit his expenses for courtship - after all, this is your future joint money.

Hobbies. He will only be interested in you. Ask your chosen Pisces to get a star from the sky - and he will do it for you. But don’t take too much advantage of his kindness.

Horoscope for November 2017 Pisces child

0-6 years. The Pisces baby will be even softer, gentle, impressionable and susceptible to influence than usual. Now any remark from an adult or another child can bring him to tears. Convince your child to control himself so that other children do not consider him a crybaby.

7-12 years old. Little Pisces will demonstrate the skills and knowledge of a successful practical psychologist. They will be able to communicate well with others and people different positions and age. This time is ideal for making useful contacts - helping teachers, doing social work.

13-17 years old. A Pisces teenager can seriously fall in love. At first, his behavior will scare you - he will be so immersed in this relationship and will not want to think about anything else. This could really be the start Great love, but he will have to put in a lot of effort.

Read the November 2017 horoscope for other zodiac signs:

The month invites Pisces to analyze many aspects related to love and marriage, especially through social contacts and travel. Love in November 2017 is all about distance, as Venus is in your house of travel and long-distance connections. Together with your lover, you will become interested in distant places, exploration, and spiritual matters. One way or another, you will expand your boundaries: geographical, intellectual or cultural.

If you have a long distance relationship, it will receive a positive boost. For single representatives of your sign, the stars will give you an excellent chance for a romantic meeting on a trip.

Mercury, the ruler of the house of the Pisces partner, has been located in the house of career since November 6, 2017, so love and marital relationships have a relationship with career and status. This could be the joint efforts of lovers or spouses aimed at improving their skills and professional growth, participating in business projects, etc. Some couples will even decide to do business together.

Those Pisces who are married will devote a lot of attention and effort to resolving family life. It is quite possible that one of your significant other’s relatives will ask you to help. Forgetting about your business, you will rush to his or her aid. The reward for all your efforts will be sincere gratitude.

November 2017 promises a lot for Pisces. However, remember that both joyful events and problematic moments - it all depends on you. Keep situations under control, otherwise they may develop in an undesirable direction. Among the reasons that can cause difficulties in love and family will be disagreements regarding money.

Pisces Career and Finance Horoscope for November 2017

The last month of autumn portends excellent chances of achieving success at work. Mercury and Saturn in the house of career make it possible to achieve career and business achievements that you will be proud of.

Interest in finance is growing as Mars is in one of the financial houses of Pisces. You will have more to do with financial institutions, deal with receiving payments, dealing with inheritance or dividing property. Money circumstances will be affected by other people (spouse, relatives, partners, clients).

Another one actual topic month is social activity. Pluto in the social relations sector intensifies work in public. Participation in conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other public events is very useful for your career growth. You will be able to meet like-minded people who will support your ideas. Additionally, friendships can fuel your future victories.

Regarding finances, due to the influence of Mars, the period is quite contradictory. You may be able to earn more than usual, but you should be careful because the risk of monetary loss is also high. It is recommended to avoid financial adventures.


you're in good shape physical fitness, but the influence of stress will make itself felt. Remember that energy reserves are not unlimited; from time to time you need proper rest. And you really need to rest, and not do things that drain your energy. Mars is located in the eighth house of your sign throughout the month, which indicates the likelihood of injuries and acute illnesses. Take care of yourself!

Among positive influences period - good ability to learn, assimilate new information. Studying and long-term planning for the future are favorable.

This month will be a time for the representatives of the zodiac house to make fateful decisions, says the horoscope for November 2019. Pisces may not immediately put all of them into practice, in any case, it is at the end of autumn that many of them will lay the first brick of the desired transformations.


Pisces can take a step career ladder, expand your business or even your field of activity. The changes will be successful unless the decision to improve was spontaneous. By succumbing to emotions or some external circumstances, representatives of the sign will break a lot of wood, and will have to regret the consequences for a long time.

The stars favor Pisces in leadership positions. During this period, they will gain authority among their subordinates thanks to fair decisions and attentive attitude to those who work under them.

Business trips, especially foreign or long ones, are undesirable. Pisces will benefit more by working directly in their place.

Carefully monitor the information you accumulate: inaccurate information received from colleagues or subordinates will cause an error that everyone will consider yours.


Pisces, November 2019 will be a time of recovery and progress for you in all family matters. Luck, ample opportunities and the favor of the stars will help to implement all started projects without a hitch. At the end of autumn, your faith in the bright future of your family will strengthen, and you will be happy to build general plans. Representatives of the zodiac house will unite their family and become its head, says the horoscope for November 2019. Pisces, remember that the head of the family has not only rights, but also responsibilities. Your spouse and children will be drawn to you, they will realize that together you will achieve more.

The second ten days of November is the ideal time to work on a small family business, preparation and execution of documents for emigration and any actions aimed at improving your family nest. The horoscope will provide an easy solution to all issues and the absence of paperwork.

Your family may be replenished with new people. The birth of a child, the marriage of children, or the relocation of one of your relatives to your territory will result in a lot of troubles, but they will be pleasant.

From now on, children will begin to please you more often, and you will experience many pleasant moments listening to praise and praise for your child’s achievements. If you want this to continue, try to spend more time with your child and do not forget to praise him more often.

Pisces Woman

Impeccable and sophisticated ladies born under this sign will strive to shine with their femininity and sophistication in November 2019. And the influence of Venus, intensifying in the second ten days of November, will make them charming and sexy. All eyes of others, regardless of gender and age, will be focused only on Pisces. But not all of these views will be benevolent. Beware of overly intrusive people who are trying by all means to insinuate themselves into your closest circle of friends. It’s better not to acquire a new friend than to get yourself an envious and ill-wisher, whose dark thoughts you won’t even suspect.

Before you go shopping, look through fashion catalogs and take stock of your own wardrobe. Surely there will be things there that you don’t wear for the sole reason that there is nothing to complement or highlight them with. After the audit, you can safely make purchases. Understanding what you are looking for and the innate taste of the representatives of the sign will help you choose exactly what you need.

Pisces Man

Pisces men will be fulfilled in sports and hobbies. The enthusiastic nature of the representatives of the sign will push Pisces to impose their views on others and promote their own passion. But among your loved ones, all Pisces’ hobbies will only cause a condescending smile, because everyone has long understood that you quickly light up, but also cool down just as quickly.

Many Pisces will feel the desire to try themselves in the political field - the horoscope for November 2019 is sure. The Pisces man most likely will not become a member of any party or will rush into the opposition. Everything is much more prosaic: Pisces will try to convey their point of view in private conversations or start their own blog.

Pisces child

Fish significantly complicates the life of parents in November 2019. Unlike adult representatives of the sign, their emotional background is not so stable, and the influence of Venus will further aggravate the situation. Contrived illnesses, hysterics with or without cause, tears out of the blue will annoy all family members, and even oneself little Leo Same. Parents and older relatives should not follow the child’s whims, but they cannot completely ignore such behavior: you can look at the real problems that your child has encountered.


In November 2019, Pisces women may experience the first symptoms of menopause: ladies will feel the first “hot flashes”. A gynecologist and endocrinologist will help you prolong your youth. Most likely, your condition can be corrected with the help of hormone-containing drugs.

The influence of Venus on representatives of the zodiac house can provoke other gynecological diseases. Have you not been to a specialized doctor for a long time? Even if nothing is bothering you, make an appointment for a routine consultation. Early diagnosis of any inflammatory process significantly reduces treatment time.

At the end of the month, many Pisces will feel a loss of strength. This does not mean that you have any disease. You just need to lead a more relaxed lifestyle. Even such strong men as Pisces really need rest and healthy sleep!


Horoscope for November 2019, Pisces can open or expand their own business, get a promotion.
The Pisces man will become seriously interested in politics.
The Pisces woman shines and all attention is focused on her.
Horoscope for December 2019 Pisces

Favorable days for Pisces in November 2017: November 1, 11, 16, 21, 25, 30.
Difficult days for Pisces in November 2017: November 5, 14, 23.

Horoscope for November 2017 Pisces woman

Love horoscope

November 1 - November 10. Tense aspects will lead to quarrels. Circumstances will develop in such a way that something will constantly interfere with your relationship. Most likely, this is external opposition that is not related to your internal disagreements. Such a crisis will be a good test for you.

November 11 - November 20. The tension that develops in your love affairs will be fueled by misunderstanding and jealousy. Tense aspects of planets can introduce unnecessary secrets, secrets, and doubts into personal relationships. You should talk less with your friends about your intimate contacts, and not make them public.

November 21 - November 30. The planets will push you to sort things out with your partner. He will also be interested in this. Now is a fairly harmonious period, and you will be able to come to an excellent agreement with him on terms acceptable to you. This decade can also mark the beginning of a new romance. You will probably meet a person who will be with you for many years.

Romantic date. Try to make sure your dates are well prepared. Everything should look perfect - from your clothes and makeup to the place you choose for your rendezvous. It is better to meet where you will not be taken by surprise by your acquaintance or friend of your gentleman.

Family horoscope

Relations with family will be generally calm and harmonious. True, in the first half of the period it may seem to you that they are very often worried about nonsense - but this is easily overcome. In the second half of the period the situation will change, a revaluation of values ​​will occur. You will become the center of attraction for the whole family. Everyone will be emphatically respectful of you and your opinion.

The secret of happiness. Your relationship with your husband is very important to you now. Parents and other relatives who want to distract you with their problems will quickly learn that they should wait.

Holiday horoscope

The best relaxation for you is relaxation with your loved one. Go to a place where you will be alone, away from friends, calls, relatives and problems. You should plan your trip for the second half of the month, then your vacation will be successful.

Place of power. Your self-esteem during this period will largely depend on the opinions of others. Therefore, you will like the places that your friends or loved ones recommend to you.

Horoscope of work and money

Prepare for the fact that problems may arise at work, which you will have to solve together with your manager. In the first half of the period, due to your duty, you will have to offend one of your colleagues. Perhaps you will be the one who utters the sacramental words about dismissal, and it will not be easy for you, given your gentle character. At the end of the month it will become easier - there will be no need to face difficult moral choices.

Purchase of the month. You will spend a lot, and the reason for this expense may be your loved one. You will want to give him gifts, and your feelings will begin to dictate the most fantastic ideas to you.

Horoscope health

Your health may be weakened in the first half of the period. Take all necessary measures, get proper treatment, and don’t let your illnesses get worse. At the end of November the situation will change. If you take your medications carefully and strictly follow your doctor's instructions, your health will improve.

Horoscope for November 2017 for Pisces men


Your loved one may be very worried about your relationship. But secrecy will not allow him to talk about his suffering - what if you laugh at him? In the first half of the period, your frivolous behavior may cause jealousy and misunderstanding in him. But he is too proud to express his feelings. Then you finally realize that you risk losing your chosen one if you don’t change your behavior. And, to his joy, you will spend as much time with him as he wants.


He is ready to do a lot for your approval, and you will see this for yourself. If you say that you like muscular men, he will go to the gym without complaint. But most of all, your loved one will enjoy calm sports - swimming, jogging, or walking together.


For your sake, he can spend a lot of money on bouquets and gifts, without thinking about tomorrow at all. If you connect your future with him and want a serious relationship, you should limit his expenses for courtship - after all, this is your future joint money.


He will only be interested in you. Ask your chosen Pisces to get a star from the sky - and he will do it for you. But don’t take too much advantage of his kindness.

Horoscope for November 2017 Pisces child

0–6 years. The Pisces baby will be even softer, gentle, impressionable and susceptible to influence than usual. Now any remark from an adult or another child can bring him to tears. Convince your child to control himself so that other children do not consider him a crybaby.

7–12 years old. Little Pisces will demonstrate the skills and knowledge of a successful practical psychologist. They will be able to communicate well with others, people of different positions and ages. This time is ideal for making useful contacts - helping teachers, doing social work.

13–17 years old. A Pisces teenager can seriously fall in love. At first, his behavior will scare you - he will be so immersed in this relationship and will not want to think about anything else. This could truly be the beginning of a great love, but he will have to put in a lot of effort.