The singer Elka built a family nest in Sergiev Posad. Singer Elka biography, personal life, parameters, photos

On July 2, 1982, in Uzhgorod (Ukraine), a girl was born into the Ivantsiv family, who was named Elizaveta. Each member of this family, one way or another, was related to music: the mother was fluent in several musical instruments, my father collected compositions jazz musicians, grandparents sang in a folk choir.

It is not surprising that already with early age Lisa, who had a loud, ringing voice, began to attend a vocal circle at the Palace of Pioneers.

As a teenager, Ivantsiv was seriously interested in soul music, and often visited music festivals in European countries. The girl's first fame came in her hometown: in high school she was a member of the popular KVN team, which allowed her to demonstrate her vocal abilities. By the way, even then the girl used the pseudonym Elka.

After graduating from school, Lisa decided to devote herself entirely to music, and entered the vocal department at School of Music, however, she only lasted there for six months. According to the singer, she could not find mutual language with teachers and chose to leave the walls educational institution before they try to kick her out. The stumbling block was appearance Lisa, who always tried to shock the public: she wore excessively bright makeup, shaved her head bald, and decorated her body with tattoos and piercings.

Your ascent to musical Olympus Lisa started by getting a job as a backing vocalist for the B&B band. The group composed in the style of rap and R'n'B, and enjoyed some popularity among fans of this genre.

In 2001, the group took one of the prizes at the Moscow RAP MUSIC festival, and was noticed famous producer SHEFF – Vlad Valov. However, for some reason, the first acquaintance grew into creative collaboration only three years later.

By that time, Lisa had already given up hopes of becoming famous singer And seriously thought about ending my unsuccessful life completely musical career . A real shock for her was a call from Vlad Valov, who invited her to Moscow to perform it at a concert dedicated to the memory of Micah famous song"Bitch love."

CHEF managed to discern a great creative potential, and he immediately signed a contract with her. He suggested that the girl change her pseudonym, but Elka flatly refused to do so. She explained her refusal by saying that she had long since become familiar with her pseudonym, and had almost forgotten what her passport name was.

Cooperation with the Moscow producer bore fruit - in 2005 the debut album of the aspiring singer “City of Deception” was released, which quickly gained popularity. All lyrics and music were written by Vlad Valov, who also did the arrangement.

The album turned out to be very multifaceted; in fact, it was a bold experiment with various musical genres, and it turned out to be very successful.

Elka consolidated her popularity by performing the song “Girl Student,” which was broadcast on all radio stations in the country. The singer’s second album, entitled “Shadows,” could not repeat the success of her debut album, but took its rightful place in the singer’s creative collection. As before, most of the compositions belonged to Vlad Valov.

Interesting notes:

In 2008, the singer pleased fans of her talent with the release of her third album. “It's a Wonderful World” was distinguished by lighter and more positive works, creating a feeling of lightness after listening. It was last album, in which CHEF was the songwriter. Elka, feeling the strength in herself, decided to change own style and work with other authors and composers.

According to the singer, such a decision had been brewing in her for a long time, but she was able to take a decisive step after a conversation with Alla Pugacheva, who advised her to expand her creative boundaries.

Elka chose the Velvet Music company, in collaboration with which she recorded new album“The dots are placed”, which had a softer sound. The real hits from this album were the compositions “Around You” and “Provence”. A large team took part in the work on the singer’s new project, which boldly experimented with various musical styles and directions.

This period of searching for a new sound became incredibly successful in creative life Elki: her popularity grew day by day, she toured a lot throughout Russia.

In addition, Elka’s experiments with clothing style were successful. She started wearing elegant dresses and costumes, quickly gaining fame as a style icon in Russian show business.

In 2014, the singer presented a new album called “Fake Love,” which included previously unreleased compositions by Vlad Valov, as well as several new tracks recorded together with Velvet Music. A year later, Elka delighted her fans with the release of her next album “#SKY”, which was highly regarded as music critics, and ordinary listeners. In total, Yolka’s discography includes 5 albums:

  • "City of Deception" (2005);
  • "Shadows" (2006);
  • "It's a Wonderful World" (2008);
  • “The dots are in place” (2011);
  • “#Heaven” (2015).

2016 gave the singer a joint performance with her longtime idol, Ilya Lagutenko. She dreamed of singing with him on the same stage, but did not think that this dream could be realized in life. The musicians performed the song “Don’t Part With Your Loved One,” which became the soundtrack to the film “Yolki.”

Despite her busy schedule, Elka managed to try herself as an actress, starring in films such as “ True story Little Red Riding Hood", "", "This is love!", "Fight". Currently, the singer is active tour life, often appears on television as a guest of honor or host of many popular shows.

Despite the increased interest in her own person, Elka somehow miraculously manages to hide the details of her personal life from the ubiquitous journalists.

But, despite the singer’s secrecy, it became known that she had been married to Sergei Astakhov for several years, who had nothing to do with show business. The spouses first met in their youth, but a spark of passion flared up between them a few years later, during chance meeting in Moscow at one of the parties.

Unfortunately, the marriage did not stand the test financial difficulties, and the couple separated. You can read more about the personal life of singer Yolka.

Posted by (@elkasinger) Sep 24, 2016 at 5:34 PDT

In addition, Elka is known as a big animal lover and animal rights activist. She helps shelters and often publishes posts dedicated to animals on her social networks.

Childhood and youth

Elka (the singer’s real name is Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv) was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (Ukrainian SSR, USSR, now Ukraine) into a creative family.

Lisa’s dad, Valdemar Mironovich Ivantsiv, collected music records, mainly jazz, and her mother, Marina Eduardovna Lyashenko, played music herself on various instruments.

The girl early discovered a craving for creativity; already in childhood, her parents enrolled her in a choir, and a little later - in a vocal club.

Christmas tree in childhood with dad

Lisa grew up, her musical preferences changed, which often happens among teenagers looking for themselves and their place in the sun, and at some point the girl became interested in soul.

At the same time, young Lisa tried herself on stage and in another capacity - as an actress, she played in the school KVN team.

After graduating from secondary school, the girl decided to continue studying creativity at a local music school, but left six months later - the teachers did not accept the artist’s passion for fashion trends, they also did not like Lisa’s bright appearance.

By the way, it was because of him that the girl was in adolescence began to be called Elka. The nickname stuck, and after her friends, Lisa’s parents began calling her that name.

Early life and first steps in music

Your first steps in the professional music scene The girl did it in the mid-1990s, when she got a job as a backing vocalist in the B&B group, which performed music in the styles of rap and R’n’B.

Christmas tree in youth

In 2001, the team decided that the time had come to conquer Moscow, and Elka went to the Russian capital together with her stage colleagues. That same year, the guys won a prize at a rap music festival, where they were noticed by producer Vladislav Valov.

However, according to data from open sources, for some reason, Valov contacted Elka only a few years later, when she no longer sang in this group. Moreover, by that time the girl had left Moscow and had nothing to do with music at all.

Later, Elka recalled that she decided that this call was a prank, but the girl was sent a ticket to the capital, and now she was already standing on the Moscow stage and performing Micah’s song at a concert dedicated to his memory.

Soon after this, Valov, also known as Sheff, signed a contract with the aspiring singer. Not without long disputes, but they still agree that Lisa will be engaged in creativity under the pseudonym “Yelka”.

In 2005, the singer’s debut album “City of Deception” was released, many of the songs from which became hits. The craving for experimentation from childhood is still evident here, and Valov fully supports this passion of Elka. It was he who wrote the music for the diverse tracks of her first album.

The Moscow public and critics were favorable to the creative endeavors of the young artist; she was called the discovery of the year and the hope of pop music.

In the same year, the girl presented several singles, and in 2006, a new album, “Shadows.” This doesn’t always happen with beginning musicians, but this is exactly what happened to Elka: the singer’s second album, in general, repeated the success of her debut disc and even brought her her first Golden Gramophone. By the way, Valov wrote the songs again.

Christmas tree in the image

Vlad also authored compositions from the artist’s third album, “This Magnificent World” (2008). There were experiments on this record, but it was still clear that Elka was growing up and changes were coming in her world. The assumptions were confirmed - soon the singer decided to change her style and ended her collaboration with Valov.

New label and blossoming career

The singer began to expand her musical horizons together with the Velvet Music company. In 2011, her fourth album was released with a telling name“The dots have been placed.” Listeners got to know Elka from a new side - still more as a performer of popular rather than modern music.

The most famous compositions of that time were the songs “Provence” and “About You”, which brought the girl prestigious awards - Golden Gramophone and Sound Track statuettes and an award from the RU TV channel.

On the wave of success, Elka goes on her first large and long tour to the cities and villages of Russia, and almost everywhere a sell-out awaits her.

However, Elka does not forget about direct creativity, but since there is so far too little time for it, instead of recording a new album, the singer limits herself to releasing the collection “Unreal Love” (2014), which includes old, but previously unreleased songs.

In addition, during the tour and immediately after it, Elka records several successful singles that have received various awards, including a duet with “Burito”.

In 2015, the singer released the long-awaited fifth album “#Heaven”. The artist explains this name by the fact that she likes to publish pictures of the sky on social networks, accompanying them with the appropriate hashtag.

The songs from the record were popular with listeners and brought Elka various awards. So, in 2015, the artist won the “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, Big Love Show, Tophit Awards and RU TV awards.

Recognition and the present

In 2016, the singer presented the song “Warming Happiness” to the public and received the next Golden Gramophone and the RU TV award.

Christmas tree now

In 2017, in order to consolidate success and reach new level, Elka gives a big solo concert, one might say that it is significant for her and her work. The performance took place at a large and popular venue - in Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

Elka is not just one singer, but a whole group of musicians. Her band includes, inter alia, a keyboard player, a drummer, guitarists, a percussionist, a saxophonist and a DJ.

In addition to the awards that we have already written about, different time Elka became the winner of such awards as “Red Star”, Europa Plus Live, Russian Music Awards and Glamor Awards.

Film and television

The singer's songs are often soundtracks for various film projects - like feature films, and television series.

For example, in 2012, the composition “I Want” became the soundtrack to the film “Love with an Accent,” and in 2015, the song “The Sea Inside” was chosen as the title song of the film “Without Borders.”

Moreover, Elka herself plays in scenes of films or voices characters in cartoons. So, in 2005, the singer dubbed for Russian distribution main character cartoon "The True Story of Red Cap".

In 2012, Elka played in an episode of the comedy “Gentlemen, Good Luck!”, and in 2013 she appeared on television in the popular project “SASHATANYA” and in the TV series “The Process.”

In 2014, the artist played herself in the film “A Gift with Character”; she could also be seen in an episode in the mini-series “Heat”. In 2015, Elka again made a cameo appearance in the film “About Love.”

However, Lisa can be seen not only in these projects, but she is also a frequent guest on television and participates in programs both as a performer and as a mentor.

For example, in 2010, Elka became one of the jury members of the Ukrainian version of the popular vocal show “X-Factor”, and at various times appeared, in particular, in such shows as “ A big difference», « Evening Urgant», « Ural dumplings” and “ SpotlightParisHilton ” and “ Knocking on the star .”

Personal life What little is known about is the personal life of the singer Yolka. The fact is that the girl prefers not to advertise it. Sometimes rumors about this side of Lisa’s life get into the press, but in most cases the girl does not comment on them.

However, according to journalists from a number of publications, the artist is married, and her chosen one has nothing to do with the social scene. The media also mention the name of Elka's husband - Sergei Astakhov. Let us repeat, the singer does not react to such statements, although she is very active on social networks. Speaking of which, Elka often writes about creativity, publishes her thoughts about literally everything in the world, shares photographs of what surrounds her, but very rarely writes about personal things.

One of these posts was memories of dad. Lisa literally said the following: “Two weeks before my thirtieth birthday, I left the stage and found out that my dad had died. I remember this day and the next two every minute. I very often catch his traits in the people I love. I know for sure that he is proud of me.”

In addition, Lisa loves animals and periodically encourages her Instagram followers to take care of a dog or cat. The fact is that the singer supports funds that help homeless animals find owners.

Christmas tree with kittens

In one of her posts, Elka admitted: “As a child, I dreamed that when I grew up, my dad would build me big house, where I can bring all the homeless animals.”

The popular singer lost her virginity at the age of 14 and married a gigolo

The popular singer lost her virginity at the age of 14 and married a gigolo

The whole country is now going crazy about the song “Provence” by the 29-year-old YOLKI. The purring young lady became the main breakthrough of the past year. Until now, the singer’s personal life has been hidden from her army of fans. But Express Newspaper revealed the intimate secrets of the new star!

The singer's real name also deserves attention - Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. And she was nicknamed Elka in childhood: supposedly for her prickly character, and also for her passion for colorful and shiny clothes.

Jock's daughter

Lisa was born and raised in the provincial Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod. Lisa's mom - Marina Ivantsiv works as a doctor, dad Waldemar works in a security company. He is a real jock with biceps measuring 54 centimeters (for comparison: Schwarzenegger in his best years biceps was 56 cm).

“I have a very good, trusting relationship with both dad and mom,” Lisa says in an interview. - And with my grandmother, when I come home, we like to sing in the evenings.

The parents of the future celebrity were distinguished by great loyalty: one day, having discovered a pack of cheap cigarettes in her daughter’s pocket, her mother was indignant: “Why are you, daughter, smoking such rubbish? Here, you better take mine!” Surprisingly, it was his jock dad who instilled in Elka a love of music - he loves jazz. And now Waldemar Ivantsiv is the main fan of Liza’s work and actively contacts her daughter’s young fans on social networks.

Lisa began experimenting with her appearance back in school: she dyed her hair unimaginable colors and shaved her head.

One day, while walking down the street, we noticed each other - both with short haircuts and bright red hair, - recalls meeting Lisa the most close girlfriend Victoria Ryzhova. - We were the only such crazy people in Uzhgorod. We are still friends with Elka. Now Elizabeth has matured. I have always admired the inner core she has. She keeps me on my toes too - she says: “Don’t get soggy! Where is your fighting spirit?

According to Vika, with the advent of popularity, Elka did not become a star, “she was just a simple girl, a tomboy - and remained that way.”

“Before, Elka didn’t care what to eat or drink, but now she takes great care of her health,” says Vika. - Eats only vegetarian food. And she loves to crunch apples! Eats them with basins! Regularly engages in gym, goes to yoga, dances, swims in the pool.

After finishing eight classes, Ivantsiv decided to enter the vocal department of the Uzhgorod Music College. But she was not accepted. This hurt the girl’s ambition so much that she decided to succeed at all costs. And fate gave her a chance to do what she loved: the 14-year-old informal girl was invited to the local KVN team “Ward No. 6”. A crazy, wild Kaveen life began with moving, touring and night parties.

First man

“Elizabeth performed as part of our team for seven years,” said one of the creators of “Ward No. 6” Sergey Denisenko. - She studied at school No. 8 in the city of Uzhgorod, and “Ward No. 6” was created by us at this school. At first, Elizabeth felt jittery in front of the public. She was especially afraid of forgetting or mixing up the text. And in KVN a lot is built on improvisation and written in last moment. And she constantly urged us: “Guys, write in advance so that I have time to learn!” Sometimes she wrote text with a pen on her palms and raised them theatrically during her performance, reading them unnoticed by the audience.

In the programs of Ward No. 6, Elizaveta mostly sang. For example, we had a parody of the song “Barcelona” Montserrat Caballe And Freddie Mercury. And she performed the role of Caballe very well. When Elizabeth first came to us, she had long hair. Then she cut her hair short and dyed it red. Her unusual appearance and bright vocal abilities greatly embellished our team. She was a bright, extraordinary person, and she was drawn to creative, unconventional people.

Lisa was the only girl in the group - many wanted to date her, but she herself preferred the team captain Vasily Krainaya. The first sex of 14-year-old Elka and 22-year-old Vasily happened right in the dressing room of a local cultural center after the KVN festival. With Vasya, Lisa learned what passion is: the guys had nowhere to make love, and they often did it in local gateways, entrances and even basements. Their romance lasted seven years, but there was no wedding - the ambitious girl’s plans to start a family and stay in Uzhgorod were not included.

- Yes, we had a beautiful one, great novel, - Vasily Krainyai told Express Newspaper - now he is 37, and he is now the chief director of the KVN Association of Ukraine. - Lisa struck me with the inconsistency: a powerful and strong voice in this fragile, cosmic body. She seemed out of this world, but had a feminine charm. Our love ended when Elka left for Moscow, and I went to Kyiv. Now I can calmly talk about it, because I finally met the woman I married (although I still hid my affair with Elka from her). And then for me our separation became a tragedy! My friends even switched the TV when it was on there. And then the pain went away. I even tried to call her and congratulate her on what she achieved and what she wanted. But I did it in vain - the conversation did not work out.

Cinderella story

Elizabeth’s parents treated her hobbies normally,” Denisenko continues. - Her dad is a large man. But by nature he is an absolute good-natured person. I have never seen even a hint of aggressiveness in him towards his daughter’s environment. Unfortunately, KVN did not allow Elizabeth to earn a living. While Elizabeth was at school, her parents supported her. Then she got a job at the Medellin cafe... as a dishwasher!

“I was probably the most famous dishwasher in the city,” Lisa recalls. - After all, I had behind me the First KVN League, several Kaveen festivals and, accordingly, television broadcasts. For a person from our small town, this was an unimaginable success!

Elka diligently scrubbed the dishes and eventually made a dizzying career - she retrained from a dishwasher to a barista (coffee brewing specialist).

Many specifically went to have coffee with the “cool girl from Ward No. 6,” recalls Denisenko. - But, of course, the main thing in life for Elizabeth remained creativity. In addition to KVN, she communicated with local musicians. I made music with them - not pop, but something more alternative. She performed successfully here in Uzhgorod and traveled to various festivals in other cities.

The leader of the legendary rap group “Bad Balance” helped Elizabeth move to Moscow and seriously establish herself as a singer. Vlad Valov, producer of "Micaiah and Jumanji", Decl, Timati and others. He became so close to his ward that he even entrusted her to become the godmother of his child. But the singer did not justify the high trust placed in her and, having received from Valov everything he could give her, she left him for more influential producers - Alena Mikhailova And Liane Meladze from the Velvet Music company, who work with Valery Meladze, groups “Uma2rmaН”, “ VIA Gra", "Vintage", "Chi-Li".

City of deceit

Elka came to my festival “Rap Music” as a backing vocalist for the group “B&B” from Uzhgorod,” said Vlad Valov. “I heard notes from her that she was clearly pulling from Micah, and I became interested. I organized a presentation of their group, but no one liked them. And this whole story died out. And after a couple of years I thought that I wanted to write something revolutionary. And I remembered that there lives a girl in Uzhgorod who has interesting notes, but you have to discover her yourself. I just got it free time. I called Elka: “Come to Moscow! I will pay for everything!” And I must say that she was washing dishes in some eatery back then in Uzhgorod. I rented a hotel for her. She came for a couple of days. And when I signed up, before leaving I began to cry: “If you had given me even a grain of grain, even a small bed, I would have shown what I am capable of. I'm ready to live as I please. Just take me!” She didn’t look very good then - bald, looking like a boy. I told my investor about it. "Are you crazy?! What do you propose to invest your money in?! It would be nice if she were pretty, but what is this?” - he said. I objected: “But she can sing, and we’ll make a beauty out of her!” And we started working. I came up with the image of an alien in a blue wig. On my knees, in two hours I wrote out the poetry of “Cities of Deception”, wrote it down and sent it home to Uzhgorod. Two weeks later the song became a hit on the radio! I called Elka back to Moscow: I taught her vocals, we wrote her music, lyrics, came up with an image, costumes, videos - everything! I actually wrote all the songs for her, except for the last album, which is also 90 percent made from my lyrics. Elka spoke Russian poorly then. She had a terrible Ukrainian accent. On top of that, she hunched her back a lot. She's still hunched over. I gave her a dozen concerts through friends. Then he assembled a team and shot a video for her for 15 thousand dollars.

Handsome boy

So everything went on for seven years,” recalls Valov. - But at some point she hung out with a boy from the Moscow region Sergei Astakhov. He did not work anywhere and lived at her expense. In short, he turned out to be a gigolo. And then the Christmas tree began to change. Apparently, in exchange for supporting this boy, she stopped renting an apartment in Moscow and went to live with him in the Moscow region. He and his parents had a house there. She was always worried about how to earn more. One day she came to me and said: “The investor needs to be overthrown, removed. He's already earned his money. Stop sharing with him!” I answered her: “Understand, Elka, if it weren’t for this investor who believed in you and gave money at the first stage, you would be nothing now.”

And I stayed with the investor. And Elka found interested people - I don’t know where they got the money to buy her. Maybe Pugacheva, according to rumors. We sold them the Elka and parted ways with it. After that, she changed all the musicians, and made her gigolo husband the administrator. We already had material recorded for her next album. It is much stronger than her current repertoire. But I didn't give it to them. I’d rather re-record it with some other singer. I won't say who is right and who is wrong. I’ll just say one thing: I made Yolka a revolutionary, not service staff. And her latest album is just from the world of servants. She has lost the core for which I worked with her.

Astakhov is a sociable, simple guy,” the director of one concert venue in Kyiv. - It feels like the leader in the family is, of course, Lisa. She loves him madly! I recently bought apartments: in Uzhgorod for my parents, in Moscow for myself and Sergei, and purchased land in a village near Moscow, where Astakhov is from. And now he is building a house there.

Sergei Astakhov is 30 years old. In September 2010, Elka officially married him and even took her husband’s last name.

By the way

Elka was accused of plagiarism. Like, she stole the melody of “Provence” from Canadian group"Hot Hot Heat." “Provence” really resembles the song “Shame On You,” but you need to ask the author of the hit, Yegor Solodovnikov, and Konstantin Meladze, who produced the song.

Singer Elka gained universal recognition thanks to her beautiful voice and ability to combine various styles music. The girl sang from the cradle. At first she performed in the choir at school. Her father's parents also sang in a folk choir at one time.

The girl entered the school in the vocal department, choosing a career as a singer. However, from the very first day of school, she had a conflict with the teachers because of her manner of dressing and makeup. Without waiting for her expulsion, Lisa herself left the educational institution.

About how Elka still managed to achieve her goal and become popular singer, you can find out by reading the article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elka (singer)?

Always energetic on stage, with a sincere smile on her face - this is the kind of girl who always appears before her audience. It is not surprising that many people think about what height, weight, age, how old is Elka the singer? The favorite of a large public makes no secret of this. The TV presenter is one meter sixty-two centimeters tall and weighs fifty kilograms. This year Elka will turn thirty-six years old.

The singer tries to maintain a daily routine, leads active image life. She completely gave up smoking. Believes that a public person should adhere to healthy image life, because he is in everyone’s sight, and someone can follow his example. She regrets that at the dawn of her popularity she allowed herself to appear on camera with a cigarette.

Christmas tree photos in his youth and now are significantly different, in fact they are two different people: hairstyle, makeup, clothes - everything is completely different. But that’s probably how it should be. There is even a saying: “The person who does not change throughout his life is stupid.”

Singer Elka real name, surname and nationality

Anyone who gets acquainted with the artist’s work for the first time almost invariably asks the question: Is Singer Elka the real name, surname and nationality of this girl? There is no mystery here either. According to the passport, Elka is Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. This nickname was given to her back in early childhood, since then even her own mother affectionately calls her “Herringbone.” Dad is not particularly enthusiastic about this and always pulls his daughter’s friends back when they address her like that in his presence.

The singer herself is also used to everyone calling her Yolka - sometimes they won’t even turn around if they call her by name.

The girl is originally from the Ukrainian town of Uzhgorod. The singer’s repertoire includes a composition that she performed in her native language.

Biography of Elka (singer)

The biography of Elka the singer begins, like all the heroes of our reviews, from birth. The girl was born in 1982, in the middle of summer, into a family that loved music. His father, Valdemar Mironovich Ivantsiv, listened to jazz, his mother, Marina Eduardovna Lyashenko, worked as a musician. Elizabeth was only child in the family, relatives supported any of their daughter’s endeavors.

After unsuccessful attempt receive a specialized secondary specialized education - graduate from a music school - the girl begins to try herself as a backing vocalist in the Uzhgorod musical ensemble.

In 2001 the group took part in international festival, but soon broke up. Subsequently, this fact will play huge role in life future star.

Elka worked as a waitress, losing hope of singing on stage. However, three years later, luck smiled on the girl - Vlad Valov contacted her and offered her a contract. Lisa arrived in Moscow and from that moment her dreams begin to turn into reality.

In 2004, Elka recorded her first successful song, “City of Deception,” which stayed on the radio station’s chart for about three months.

In 2005, the singer released her first music collection. The girl was jokingly called the “universal soldier”; she easily managed to combine various directions music: classic rock, reggae, chanson, hip-hop. She retained this role later, even after she began performing more “pop” songs - she managed to retain her listener.

The next album was called “Shadows”. As in the first one, most of the songs were written by her producer Vlad.

A couple of years later, Elka released her only (so far) video album. Currently, there are more than thirty-five videos of the singer.

In 2008, Elka released her last album, which included songs written by Vlad Valov.

After the end of the contract, the singer happily decided to try her hand at other areas of music. She signs a new one, with different producers.

2011 was a turning point in the artist’s career; the album “The Dots Are Placed” was released. He revealed Lisa as an excellent pop music performer.

The songs “Provence” and “About You” became real hits; they were played in many summer cafes, the melody could be heard through the window of passing cars.

In parallel, Christmas tree for a long time was part of the popular television show "The X Factor". Due to growing fame and dense concert schedule, she had to retreat from further participation in the project.

In 2015, another album was released, which included such hits as “I Want”, “Fly, Lisa” and “Draw the Sky for Me”.

Elka's songs have repeatedly become soundtracks for famous films, and the singer herself has worked with many colleagues more than once. A real gift for her was the joint performance of the song with Ilya Lagutenko, whose work the singer has long admired.

The singer won the Golden Gramophone award many times and became a nominee for various Muz-TV awards. She was also awarded the titles: “ Best Female Performer", "Best Singer".

Last year, the universally recognized singer performed with solo concert in Crocus City Hall, Moscow.

Personal life of Elka (singer)

The singer's personal life is a closed topic for interviews. However, some details did receive some publicity. Studying in secondary school In her final grades, Lisa began to take an active part in KVN. Later the KVN team hometown gained fame in the region. During this period, things began between the girl and the team captain, Vasily Krainyai. romantic relationship. Their love lasted for seven long years, but, unfortunately, it never grew into something more. After the future star moved to the Russian capital, they completely disappeared.

Then there was bad marriage with Sergei Astakhov, which lasted no less than six years, but in the end the couple divorced.

Currently, the singer is immersed in work. She not only records new videos and songs, and performs at concerts. Elka takes an active part in various talk shows and works as a TV presenter.

Since 2005, Lisa has acted in films. She starred in such films as “The True Story of Red Cap”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Gift with Character”.

Of course, people pay attention to an extravagant girl. Young people are trying in every possible way to capture Yolka’s heart, but so far her evenings are only brightened up by a black cat at home. The singer loves these animals and is ready to shelter all the homeless, it’s a pity her profession doesn’t allow it.

Elka's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Astakhov

Elka's ex-husband, singer Sergei Astakhov, is in no way connected with the song world. They have known each other since their youth, they even began an affair, but without continuation. Many years passed, Elka and Sergei met by chance and realized that they had made a mistake. Feelings flared up with renewed vigor and in 2010, the lovers, secretly from everyone, formalized their relationship.

The singer does not like to talk about her family; she is unpleasant when journalists try to find out juicy details. And yet, some grains of information leak into the media.

At the beginning, they said about the spouses that they were happily married, they purchased a plot outside the city in order to later build on it Vacation home. The singer’s friends said that matriarchy reigned in their union: Elka resolved all financial issues, planned large purchases, as well as joint vacations.

Sergei really earned little, and his wife registered him as her administrator. As time later showed, this did not help save the family.

Six years after the wedding, the artist fired Astakhov from his position and confirmed the long-circulated rumors about their divorce.

The ex-couple refuses to comment decision. Close friends suggest that Sergei was satisfied with the position of gigolo; he did not strive to achieve anything more in life. As a result, Elka got tired of quarrels and conflicts on this basis, and she filed for divorce.

Children of the Christmas tree. Is the singer pregnant? From whom? When to give birth?

"Children of the Christmas tree." “Is the singer pregnant?” "From whom?" “When to give birth?” Such correspondence between fans could be seen immediately after the release of the TV show “You’re Super,” in which Lisa was directly involved. Afterwards, she invited the children to her concert, she was very worried about them, and said that she wanted all the children to find new families.

Maybe this attention from the singer, or maybe her loose-fitting concert outfit prompted her many fans to think about the pregnancy of their idol.

Be that as it may, the singer knows that she will have a large family and many pets. The artist herself says that she is not yet ready to become a mother. To begin with, she wants to meet a person with whom she will be ready to give birth and raise heirs.

Photo of Elka (singer) before and after plastic surgery

If we compare the images of the pop diva at the beginning of her career and later ones, we can come to the conclusion that this is a photo of the singer Yolka - before and after plastic surgery. However, it is not. Since childhood, Lisa was distinguished by her extraordinary appearance: at the age of fifteen she got her first tattoo, dyed her hair in pink color, and then completely shaved her head. This was not a rebellion against her parents - by the way, they were not against her experiments, it was just that the girl asserted herself that way.

Indeed, Elka began to gain fame by performing on stage in shorts, sneakers and facial piercings. As she grew older, she began to look at the world differently, and the genre in which the girl performed began to change. An important role in the artist’s transformation was played by her interview with Alla Pugacheva. After their communication, Lisa became more feminine, she was even called a style icon among Russian singers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elki (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki singer is not the only one social media, where you can find biography and career details. The artist is a cheerful and very sociable person. Although she does not share anything secret with her fans, her fans still love her for beautiful voice, songs that become hits within one.

The tree is officially registered on Twitter, Facebook and VKontakte. On her pages, the artist gladly posts photos from tours, concerts and vacations. Lisa admits that she loves her job, but also tries to find time for rest, because it is vital. She believes that the ability to properly manage your day is the key to a positive attitude.

Fans, in turn, wish their idol creative inspiration and expect many more new songs, albums and videos from her.

Personal life of Elka- singer from Uzhgorod Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv, hidden from prying eyes. She even forbade her acquaintances from communicating with journalists on this topic, and crossed out those who did not keep their mouths shut from the list of her friends. Her path to fame began with participation in the local KVN team “Ward No. 6”, in which she was the only girl. Lisa had many admirers, but among all of them she focused on the team captain Vasily Krainya. He was eight years older than the fourteen-year-old girl and became the first man in Yolka’s personal life.

In the photo - Elka with her husband

The romance between them lasted seven years, but a wedding was not part of the plans of Lisa, who wanted to leave her native Uzhgorod and become famous. To earn a living, Elka got a job as a dishwasher at the Medellin cafe, because playing KVN did not bring any income. Producer Vlad Valov, who once worked with Timati and Decl, helped her move to Moscow and start her singing career. He paid for the aspiring singer to move to Moscow, rented a hotel, and with the help of his friends, made the song she recorded a hit on the radio. With the help of his friends, Valov arranged several concerts for Elka and helped film a video. But the young singer did not appreciate these efforts of Vlad Valov, and later moved on to more eminent producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova.

In Moscow, Elka’s personal life changed - the singer met Sergei Astakhov, a guy from the Moscow region who did not work anywhere. She had to support him, and then, in order not to rent an apartment, she moved with him to his parents. Elka had to work hard full program to support the family she had formed. In the fall of 2010, Elka married Astakhov and even took his last name. Despite the fact that everyone around considers Sergei a slacker, Lisa loves her husband very much and is not going to part with him, and she denies all the rumors about their divorce.

Recently, the singer, using the money she earned through hard work, purchased a plot of land in Sergiev Posad, and with her husband they started building a house there, which is headed by Astakhov. The land there is very expensive, and future home could cost the singer one and a half million dollars. Elka and her husband do not deny themselves a beautiful vacation - last summer they spent their vacation in Europe, where they rented a yacht. Before this, Elka visited France, and during this trip she did not sit idle, but was busy presenting the video “ New world" Elka made Sergei Astakhov its administrator, and general work brought the spouses even closer together.