Svetlana Razina - biography, information, personal life. Biography of Svetlana Razina There was a place for novels in your touring life

Svetlana Razina was born on June 23 in Moscow. As a child, she sang in the Big Children's Choir of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, studied... Read all

It all started back in 1986, when bright Star group "Mirage". The radiance of the newly appeared star became brighter and brighter, eclipsing other, weaker stars. And after some time, a whole galaxy appeared, taking its roots in the same “Mirage”.

Svetlana Razina was born on June 23 in Moscow. As a child, she sang in the Big Children's Choir of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, studied at school folk music and dances at the Central House of Artists. After school, she entered the Tsiolkovsky Moscow Aviation Technology Institute. But even there she sang and played in a student country band, and began to master the bass guitar. She became an engineer, and during lunch breaks she sang and played the harmonica. IN free time Svetlana likes to drive a car and read historical books and fairy tales, enjoys badminton. Favorite films: French Kiss, Blaufinger and - American comedies and films with elements of mysticism. Favorite performers: Abba, Madonna, Rummstein.

In 1987, Svetlana was invited to the newly formed Mirage group, to which she later invited Natalya Gulkina, who was working as a telephone operator at that time. For the Mirage group, Svetlana wrote several songs, such as “ New hero“I'm not kidding”, etc. Having released the album, the group goes on tour. The record number of concerts given by the Mirage group has not yet been overcome by any group! Having not divided the money for concerts, composer A. Lityagin begins to clone the soloists, which he still does, and the poet of “Mirage” Valery Sokolov creates the group “Fairy”, which includes the soloist of “Mirage” S. Razina and keyboard player Roma Zhukov. While still at Mirage, Roma Zhukov releases solo album“First Snow” (the poet is still the same Sokolov), several lyrics for which were written by Svetlana, who sang the songs “Evening” and “My Way” in the same album. In July 1989, the first album of “Fairies”, “Our Music,” was released, which was received very kindly by listeners. The discos were simply dragging their feet with delight...

The composition of “Fairy” at that time: Svetlana Razina – vocals, keys; Andrey Kozedub – keys (from one of the first compositions of “Mirage”); Nikolai Yurov – guitar and Ekaterina Sadovaya – keys. Promotion of “Our Music”, simultaneous forced march across the country, television shooting and interviews continued until the end of 1989. And at the beginning of 1990, it was already possible to take a little breath, calm down and start making music again. Recording of the second magnetic album “My Wind”, final determination of the composition, strengthening of the image - in January the group began another assault. This time the main attention was paid to the production of the show. To “make life more fun” and there was always something happening on stage. Valera Sokolov invited to “Fairy” dance group“Beat Master” Alexander Sizov (composition: Vadim Ignatiev, Nikita Korobov and Sizov himself) and second soloist Inna Smirnova. New drummer Dmitry Morozov and keyboard player Vladimir Volenko (currently the lead singer) appeared Ladybug"). Work began with professional arranger Vadim Volodin (with whom Sveta still collaborates to this day), who brought “new blood” to the group. The album “My Wind” turned out to be quite diverse in material, it had something of a punk - “You will be mine”, and a number in the hip-hop style, and one hundred percent disco hits “Demon” and “Princess of Dreams”. “Fairy” turns into a kind of studio in which groups such as “Commissar” and “Stella” record.

Since 1992, “Fairy” has disappeared from view. In 1994, the album “You Will Be Mine” was released - a re-release of “My Wind” + new songs, including on English language“Don’t you know” and “Desert in my heart”.

In 1995, “I Surrender to Desires” appears, the title simply says Svetlana Razina. Album released in 1997 best songs“The Little Secret of Love”, which included new songs “Stone Lion”, “Little Secret of Love” and live recordings of the “Mirage” songs “I’m not kidding” and “Night is Falling”. Razina launches a new attack on television. It’s rare to see the clips “Stone Lion” and “Don’t See Me Off” on the screen. In 1998, the disc “Call Yourself” was released. Svetlana increasingly appears in various television programs: “Two Pianos”, “How to Become a Star”, etc. Following the disc, the video “Night Hunter” is filmed. At the end of the year, the magnetic album “I love Svetlana Razina - new and better” with the super hits “You will cry” and a reworking of the famous “Abba” hit “Night without a man” appears on sale. In 2002, the mega hit “Sveta” was recorded.

In the summer of 2005, Remix DJ Groove was released on famous song gr. “Mirage” - “Music connected us.”

Currently, Svetlana continues to tour successfully and compose equally talented compositions.

Team composition:

Svetlana Razina - vocals

Alexey Rumyantsev - lead guitar

Victor Gorinov - bass guitar

Yuri Vasiliev - sound engineer, drummer

Kirill Lazarev - dancer

Mikhail Kulakov - dancer

Stanislav Hristov - producer

At one time, the girls from the group "Mirage" in torn shorts and short skirts and even those singing with ringing voices transformed Soviet stage. In terms of the number of tours and album circulation, no one could surpass the fashionable group. And only after a while it became known that the girls did not sing in their own voices - she recorded the phonogram for them Opera singer Margarita Sukhankina, who has now moved on to the stage herself.

Over time, the Mirage group has turned into a very good way to earn money, says Svetlana. - They earned money, but there was no time to engage in creativity. And that’s why, when I left, I stopped writing on posters that I was related to this group. It has become bad form to be the lead singer of Mirage. Although it all started very well.

This is great!

I didn’t get into Mirage through connections. I once met a guy in a music store, and he invited me to come and audition. I came to the studio. Composer and producer Andrei Lityagin arrived there, and immediately “formatted” me: without even hearing my voice, he said: “Come right away to us, you’re suitable.” Apparently he liked mine acting skills. Although in Mirage its presence later had to be carefully hidden. We had an instruction from the producers: to stand rooted to the spot on stage, looking around the audience with an arrogant look, and under no circumstances communicate with anyone. Our producers had the concept that everything should be cool. Then the word “cool” had just entered the vocabulary of Soviet people!

One of the soloists of the “Soviet” “Mirage” was Natalya Gulkina, who has now teamed up with Margarita Sukhankina and revived the project. At the same time, the singers met in court with Svetlana Razina for a long time.

Some time ago we had a period of aggravation of relations. There was a case - Valery Sokolov, the author of the lyrics of all the Mirage hits, and I even sued current composition represented by Gulkina and Sukhankina. But now we have agreed that both I and the modern “Mirage” can perform the group’s old songs.

It was I who invited Natalya Gulkina to the team. Then there was an offer from one composer who wanted to write songs for me, to make me a soloist of the Mosconcert. And this was much more promising than Mirage, which was made at a home studio. I turned the arrows to Natalya. Although my personal life also influenced my departure from Mirage - I married the director of the group, Valery Sokolov. In general, from the very beginning in “Mirage” I started having romantic relationship with Andrey Lityagin. But this story quickly ended, because I realized: I was interested in another object, namely Valera Sokolov, poet and director of Mirage. Andrei, to put it mildly, did not take our romance very well. He generally believed that there should be no close ties in the team. The girls, too, it seemed to me, were jealous because my personal life was going well, and in front of everyone.

All clowns!

I left Mirage and stopped all communication with the girls. Although at first a friendship began with Natasha Gulkina. But soon it dried up - unhealthy competition began between us. It got to the point where there were unspoken competitions to see who had the coolest dress and more expensive jewelry. It’s funny, of course, but this is how female jealousy manifested itself. And one day Natasha told me everything she thought about me, in a rather harsh form. After that I stopped communicating with her altogether. But I’m a fairly patient person, and you can’t push me off stage with a bad attitude. I will suffer, squabble, but I won’t leave - let others leave. And so it happened. Gulkina was the first to leave. And instead they took Natalya Vetlitskaya, with whom I only worked on five sites together. This was the end of my collaboration with Mirage. The producers offered me a “supporting role”: Vetlitskaya travels around major cities on tour, and I - on those where she doesn’t have time.

As for Margarita Sukhankina, she was an old friend of Andrei. At the time I appeared at his studio, she had already recorded three songs, after which she refused not only further recording, but also work on stage. We knew little about her. I was only able to talk to her once after the concert. Natasha Gulkina, who now performs together with Margarita, didn’t even come out to say hello to her then, saying: “I’m already self-sufficient. I don’t need unnecessary acquaintances.” And Sukhankina then came up to me and said: “Yes, girls, come on! I wouldn’t be able to do this kind of crap!” But now she spoke differently. I think money changes everyone. She felt great while she was working at Bolshoi Theater. And when there were no more prospects, she apparently thought that it would be nice to go on stage herself and earn extra money. Of course, it was unethical when Sukhankina told everyone that the girls in “Mirage” “sang” in her voice. She had an agreement not to disclose this secret. And now on television they often confuse whose phonogram is whose.

Best of the day

It's probably bad that the producers deceived the audience. But the policy of success is always based on double standards. In show business, what options could girls from the street have at that time? Or bed, or sing to someone else's soundtrack. We agreed on the second one. And after that everyone became independent singers - me, Irina Saltykova, and Natalya Vetlitskaya. If you had to pay a small tribute for it, then why not. Out in the group " VIA Gra“It is also unknown whose voice is heard. The girls change every year, but we hear the same voices. But no one cares - there are beautiful girls performing who are pleasant to look at. This is entertainment!

Razina Svetlana Albertovna. Born on June 23, 1962 in Moscow. She sang in the Big Children's Choir of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Graduated from MATI with a degree in industrial engineering. Since 1987, the lead singer of the Mirage group and the author of several popular songs. Since 1993 she began her solo career. In 2008 she released the album “Music Connected Us.” In 2009, Razina’s book “Music Connected Us” was published. All the secrets of "Mirage". Svetlana designs and sews many of her concert costumes herself. The singer lives with a dog, a cat and a female cat. A for a long time A tiger cub was in charge of the house. Family: daughter Alice - 9 years old.

- Svetlana, do you remember your first love?

This was in 9th grade. The guy made a bet with his friends that he would win my love. When I found out, I punched him in the face. I also received an answer from him. In adult life I entered with the thought - all men are bastards, I will take revenge on them.

- You have been involved in music since childhood. How did you become an engineer?

Mom insisted. And after finishing college, I got a job in the aircraft manufacturing industry at a factory.

- How did Mirage appear in your life?

On the street I met a man, he introduced me to the producer of “Mirage” Valery Sokolov. And the touring life began. I remember how physically difficult it was, because I was still working at the factory. When I quit, my factory colleagues tried to dissuade me. And then I found out that after I left, the plant closed - it was the end of the 80s.

- Was there a place for novels in your touring life?

Yes. For example, once Natasha Gulkina and I (I brought her to the group) met two goons driving black Volgas. They pretended to be big shots. Then it turned out that they were just drivers. One of them, after several meetings, brought me to meet his parents. And there my boyfriend’s dad began to pester me. I complained to this guy, and he and my dad fought. Dad knocked out two of his son's teeth. And I ran away. But there were worse stories.

Once on tour, Natasha and I agreed to the offer of “fans” to go see their city sauna. Back then, I was so naive, I didn’t understand what was behind it. We arrived and were immediately surrounded by a crowd of men in gold chains. I even had to take off to drink vodka, how could I refuse? After that, the five drunken men began to hug me. I pulled myself together and said in the tone of a seasoned prostitute: “Guys, in half an hour we have a planning meeting with the producers. But we will definitely be back." They believed us and took us to the hotel. And Valera Sokolov was already there, he met us and hid us in the room. Later, Valera and I started dating, got married, and then decided to leave show business.

-But still, you returned to show business?

Yes. (Sighs.) I met a man named George, 15 years younger than me, and he invited me to return to the stage. We started working with him, and soon I realized that I fell in love. And then she became pregnant, which she honestly admitted to her husband.

- What did he say?..

Valera didn’t make a scene, he said: give birth. I was 38 years old. The only thing is that Valera was terribly offended that I registered my daughter with George. Valera hoped that Alice would officially be his child. I wanted everything to be fair. Plus, I really loved... Although Valera took me to the maternity hospital, he also visited me. But soon we divorced, and he moved out of our shared apartment.

- And you married your daughter’s father?

George never married me. However, he settled with us. All this time he was called my director, but in everyday life
He didn’t help me or his daughter with any questions.

- Just at that time, a terrible tragedy occurred in your life?

Yes, on June 23, 2007, on my birthday, I was unable to get out of bed - partial paralysis. When I was young, I was in a car accident and broke my thoracic vertebra. And after a while the disease reminded itself. My beloved sent me to the hospital with a humorous parting word: “That’s it, Svetulya, you’re finished.” I was operated on, I remained in the hospital, and he went on vacation to Cyprus, saying that he was tired of the hassle. Sokolov visited me. It was simply unpleasant for Georgiy to look at me - after all, I was a sex symbol on stage, and now he walks around with a cane. I constantly cried from pain and resentment. And he called my mother: “You know, ....... Svetlana needs to go to a mental hospital, she’s not right in the head.” And the love scales fell from my eyes. We broke up, now with George new lady hearts. He still doesn’t give a penny for his daughter.

The Mirage group is a musical group that set fashion in the USSR. A group of young girls sang songs that were played every day, at every disco, in all cities of the USSR. One of the soloists of the association was Svetlana Razina. Seductive and beautiful singer attracted the attention of many men, and even today she is a prominent personality. Of course, the main reason for discussion is the biography and personal life of Svetlana Razina. During the heyday of her career, many guys all over the country dreamed of it. The Mirage group was so popular that it was difficult to compare it with anything.

Svetlana Razina: photo

The future singer was born in the capital in 1962. The little girl was talented in everything, she was constantly drawn to various musical and singing inclinations. As a result, her mother sends her to study at music school, where she learns to play the accordion. Of course, every artist needs this skill, but the girl didn’t really want to practice. She was most interested in the piano, but they could not afford to buy such an expensive and bulky instrument.

After housing problem decided, and the Razin family changed their home to a larger one, it was decided to buy an instrument. Svetlana was very happy about this event. It was at this moment that changes began in Svetlana Razina’s biography, and even in her personal life.

She was so satisfied with the purchase that she played the piano every day. The parents were glad that the child began to actively develop in a different direction.

In addition to playing the accordion, the young girl studied in a singing choir and a music and dance school. That is, there was creative person and spent the whole day playing musical instruments, singing and dancing. Almost all festivals and competitions took place with her participation. Of course, it was difficult to keep up with everything, but the girl strove for the correct daily routine. Even at school I studied well.

According to the stories of the already matured Svetlana, she did not like needlework at all. While attending school, she simply hated labor lessons. Later, this disappeared somewhere, and on the contrary, Svetlana became interested in various design trends, and she began independently sewing new fashionable clothes.


The career and education of the young singer did not begin with theater school, and with the profession of industrial engineer, which she mastered at one of the highest educational institutions countries. The parents made this decision, they thought so, that for school years she learned to sing, play musical instruments, and now she needed a real profession.

In her interviews, Svetlana often recalls her work at the factory where they assembled aircraft. “Sometimes you get the feeling that you want to go back and start collecting parts for airplanes,” such sayings often appear in conversations with Razina.

While studying at the university, the girl begins to work with the vocal-instrumental association “Rodnik” and learns to play the guitar. In general, she was always drawn to creativity, which she had no intention of giving up.


I managed to get into this group by accident. While choosing some recordings in a store, I met a guy who invited her to be a vocalist in new group. She conquered the entire leadership of the Mirage group and became part of it. Of course, she had a difficult choice before her, since she was also invited to become a soloist of a large state orchestra. Still, the girl made a choice in favor of modern, at that time, music.

Svetlana Razina in the group “Mirage”

His creative career started in 1987, the album “The Stars Are Waiting for Us” appeared. It is known from reliable sources that she did not take part in the recording of this album, but she performed all the songs live at concerts. The popularity of the group was so enormous that sometimes they had to give 2-3 concerts a day, and their number could exceed 80 per month. Despite all this, Svetlana Razina left this musical association in 1987 and created her own solo project.

In 1990, the group “Fairy”, where Razin was a soloist, already had two albums, one of which was “My Wind”. Combination of different musical styles attracted listeners, and the group's popularity grew. In 1994, Svetlana left this group and began a full-fledged solo career. The singer continues to delight fans with her performances to this day.

In 2008, a collection of new and old songs was re-released. The advantage of Svetlana Razina is that she owned the rights to some songs of the Mirage group, so she could perform them without any problems. Of course, in modern realities, young people do not perceive this style of music, but still concerts with Razina’s participation attract tens of thousands of fans.

Personal life

Svetlana Razina open man who is ready to talk to you at the most different topics. She never put herself high and talks to everyone as equals. This difference is special. Her autobiographical books reveal the secrets of her life, career and relationships with other soloists and representatives creative professions. The personal life and biography of Svetlana Razina has always become part of media discussions. Even today, newspapers regularly mention her.

The first love that Svetlana likes to remember was Valery Sokolov. In 2000, a child was born, but who the father of the little girl Alice is is unknown. The problem is that she had already started dating a young guy, but this relationship was destined to collapse. IN currently she is not involved with more than one man. Children are of enormous importance for the biography and personal life of Svetlana Razina. On the Internet you can find a huge number of photos with her daughter.

After a difficult birth in 2000, she underwent rehabilitation for a long time. The singer suffered a considerable amount of shocks, late childbirth, an accident, but was able to return to the stage. In 2017, he continues to participate in various concerts and other festivals dedicated to retro music.

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I met the ex-soloist of the group “Mirage” at the “Best Hairdresser of the Year” competition, which was organized by Lena Lenina together with the cosmetics company Egomania

The fashion writer gathered stars and hairdressers for the opening of the MY Ego boutique in the Federation Tower of Moscow City. Svetlana was a model along with Aziza, Natalya Gulkina, Cornelia Mango, Natalya Starostina... Brave artists decided on avant-garde hairstyles and fashion styling.

The strict jury included Sergei Zverev, Kostya Dzyu, Alexander Peskov, Prokhor Shalyapin, soloists of the group NA-NA. Oh, how difficult it was to choose the winners among the talented craftsmen of golden scissors!

I recognized Svetlana immediately, although I saw her in person for the first time. In real life, this pretty actress turned out to be much younger and more attractive than on the screen, and her head was adorned with an intricate hairstyle. As it turned out, her character is friendly and welcoming.

She is a native Muscovite, she sang in the Big Children's Choir of the Central Center and the Central Center. Then she studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Tsiolkovsky and became a process engineer. But she never parted with the song. Fate did sharp turn, when a talented girl became the first soloist of the Mirage group, which thundered throughout the country.

Svetlana Razina

Few people know that Svetlana’s talents are varied - she not only writes poetry and music herself, but also sews clothes with her own hands. As a child, Sveta didn’t know how to sew, but then she made herself banana trousers that fit her perfectly. Once she borrowed the design of a dress from Madonna herself. This outfit fits the figure, it is comfortable - you can wear it both to a feast and to the world. Svetlana also knows how to make corsets. The fact is that after a car accident, her back hurt a lot, and the corset not only makes her figure fit and sexy, but also relieves the pain.

Svetlana Razina with Irina Bilyk

12-year-old daughter Alisa brings Razina a lot of joy. The girl learns from her mother to look feminine and stylish. Like a true lady, Svetlana believes that clothes should be sewn so perfectly that they can be worn inside out without anyone noticing. This is the criterion of its quality. She prefers blue and loves denim items. Her hairstyles are always pleasing to the eye, she is not afraid of a radical change in her image.

Svetlana Razina with her daughter Alisa

Having survived the dramatic blows of fate: difficult relationship in the group, a serious injury that confined her for a while to wheelchair, betrayal in her personal life, the singer did not break, but was reborn like a Phoenix bird. She always looks stunning - bright, emotional, original! Now Razina is busy again solo career. She not only sings beautifully, but also dances dashingly on stage. It's impossible to believe that this beauty is already half a century old...

- Svetlana, who gave you this Martian hairstyle, which made you even more beautiful?

The hairdresser Maria, whom I only met today, cast a spell on me. To be honest, I was even surprised that we have such amazing hairdressers. I asked her where she worked - she turned out to be a private master. I thought that the contestants here were from the best salons in Moscow. It turned out not. It is private, elite masters whose services are in great demand. Many work with various artists, in films... A wonderful competition!

Svetlana Razina at the competition “Best Hairdresser of the Year” (photo by the author)

I remember you as black, but now you are blonde. And this image suits you very well, because your eyes are blue... What, excuse me, is your natural hair color (as the heroine of Lyudmila Gurchenko said)?

I think that my natural color is already gray... I’m fifty years old. Therefore, we are not talking about absolute naturalness. And before I was a brunette with a slight reddish hair. But I changed my dark hair color to light a long time ago, although I was afraid to do it for a long time. It seemed to me that I would become colorless. And when I dyed my hair, I realized that this was exactly my hair color. Now I'm used to blonde hair and I feel very comfortable.

Svetlana Razina with Elena Tchaikovskaya (great-granddaughter of P.I. Tchaikovsky)at the musical "Seasons"

- In life you look much younger than on the screen...

This is due to the fact that different lighting is used during filming. The operator's skill in finding favorable angles is of great importance. In life, all artists are completely different than on TV. We never count each other's wrinkles. You should always remember the wise proverb: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind!” A person feels young at any age when he has the need to move - to sing, to dance... It’s not without reason that they say that movement is life!

Your style is very important for a woman, isn’t it? At what age did you discover the importance of personal style?

Around the age of 14 or 15... I used to think that the main thing was energy. And then it turned out that great importance plays and appearance. Therefore, I advise women to go shopping more often and pamper themselves with beautiful things, good cosmetics and natural self-care products.

Svetlana Razina in a dress of her own making

I’ll tell you honestly: I like to sew myself or remake things. I can buy clothes at a second-hand store, cut them up - chick-chick - and a new original garment is ready! After all, I am a creative person, I like to decorate my life myself. I want to look brighter and more cheerful for myself and for those around me!

- Do you like to wander through boutiques and leaf through fashion magazines?

Actually, to be creative and unexpectedly extravagant, you shouldn’t always trust boutiques. I draw from fashion magazines only recommendations and practical advice, after which I assemble a suit from my old things, reshaping them to suit new design, combining with new shoes and adding accessories.

Svetlana Razina

- Sveta, I know that you can even sew a concert costume yourself. What about the freshness of the image?

The freshness of the image attracts new musical ideas and video stories, which we call clips. Every morning I rub iced chamomile ice over my face. Don't just wash your face cold water from the tap, because it contains harmful substances, bleach... When the ice is frozen, all the harmful elements are concentrated inside the cube. And the outside remains clean spring water. Ice stimulates the facial muscles and tightens them. In addition, chamomile has antiseptic properties. I never sunbathe, I try to protect my face from the sun as much as possible. I like to put masks on it with oatmeal, cottage cheese and eggs.

- Do numerous fans of your work give you something unusual to maintain your beauty?

Many of my admirers know that I collect nettles at the dacha. Then I add its decoction to the shampoo, and also rinse my hair with it. I add nettle to all my hair care products. So the most valuable gift from fans is simply nettles!

Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Razina and photo by the author