Magical accurate calendar. Magical days of the summer solstice.

Each month contains several days of power. This is a time when powerful flows of energy literally permeate space, allowing people to achieve what they want in the shortest possible time.

Energetically strong days in May they will allow you to attract material well-being, get rid of negativity and build love relationship, make new useful contacts and achieve your goals. Daria Mironova generously shares her knowledge, which helps hundreds of people radically change their lives for the better.

1st of May

On the night of May 1st, Walpurgis Night will take place. This time has been considered magical since ancient times, accompanied by the rampant of all kinds of evil spirits. The energy of the day is so strong that not a single sorcerer misses the opportunity to recharge it. This is a great time to collect medicinal herbs, which have much greater power than in common days. It is also used for magical rituals: love spells, spells. On Walpurgis Night, according to custom, you need to swim in a pond in order to wash away all the accumulated negativity. Our ancestors walked barefoot through the dew at dawn to improve health and attract good luck and prosperity. On this day, according to signs, you should not give anything away, so as not to attract trouble and misfortune into your life.

The waxing Moon on the first of May in the zodiac Cancer. This is a time of unhurried stability, which is favorable for completing current affairs, planning and creating home comfort. Increased emotionality associated with a large influx of energy can control a person, so you should use special exercises to harmonize feelings and emotions.

May 2

This energetically strong day is intended to rid your home of negativity. Our ancestors used herbs to fumigate the entire house while reading conspiracies. This ritual helped to identify areas where negativity accumulates and get rid of it. Garlic was placed in the corners to scare away evil spirits that disrupt the balance of energy and negatively affect the health of household members. On May 2, a brownie was called in to help women take care of the household and small children.

The waxing Moon in the Sign of Leo does not encourage empty conversations. On this day, you should focus your energy on fighting ambition and carefully plan your activities. Words spoken on this day have special power, so achieving what you want becomes easier. However, selfish thoughts can bring trouble, so you should be careful and exclude swearing and negative statements from your vocabulary.

May 3

On this day, our ancestors visited the graves of deceased relatives, cleaned graveyards and asked pressing questions to those who had passed on to another world. According to legend, on this day rituals aimed at strengthening the protection of one’s family are especially strong. This ritual requires a respectful and respectful attitude towards their ancestors, so the ancestors tried to appease them with gifts and treats. New plants were planted in the cemetery as a symbol of continued life and prosperity. On this day, wedding celebrations were prohibited.

On Wednesday, the growth of the Moon continues in the zodiac Leo. On this day of strength, according to Daria Mironova, it is worth starting important things. The momentum put into achieving your goals today will set the pace for the entire month, so you need to put laziness and doubts aside. Successful endeavors will include travel, business trips, establishing business and personal connections, including romantic relationships.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 13 books.

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Days of Power

Magical accurate calendar

Days of Power are days of increased energy.

In the past, people lived in unity with nature and the change of seasons influenced the entire way of life and was the basis of holidays.

The main holidays of all ancient peoples were the Days of Power: the astronomical arrival of winter, spring, summer and autumn - these are the days of the summer and winter solstice, and spring and autumn equinox. In other words, the astronomical beginning of the seasons.

Magic calendar (calendar of Days of Power) among all peoples was directly related to these astronomical dates. On all holidays, magical rituals were performed. They were usually carried out on outdoors using elemental energy.

During magical rituals, people always turned to their gods with requests for a harvest, food and rich life so that enemies do not attack, so that children are healthy, that is, with the most vital requests.













Kupalo - summer solstice

June 21 – Kupalo (summer solstice day) – the beginning of astronomical summer. The longest day and the longest short night per year. From Kupala the day begins to decrease and the night begins to increase.

Every month there is special days, called days of power. With tips famous psychic you can easily cope with life problems and avoid trouble.


1st of January - New Year. They tell fortunes about the future and fumigate the house with juniper. The smoke of this magical plant removes misfortunes and illnesses, brings good luck and happiness.
December 21 - January 5 - Christmastide. The corridor from Yavi to Nav has been opened. It’s good to guess, heal, plan, engage in soul and body, fast, meditate, develop abilities. You can get advice and help from your ancestors. To do this, go to the forest, light a fire, invite your ancestors to the fire, ask questions that concern you. In two or three days the answer will come in some form. You need to pay close attention to the signs. If the forest is far away, then the ritual can be performed at home with a lit candle.
January 6—Christmas Eve. They fast until the first star. Pancakes are being baked. The first pancake is given to pets.
January 7—Christmas. It is advisable that all household members be at home.
January 9 — Give pets water through silver for health.
January 18— Epiphany Christmas Eve. They practice protection magic. They put crosses with chalk on walls, doors, and windows. They fast until the first star. January 19 - Epiphany. After midnight they take Epiphany water from wells, springs. This water slows down and preserves all processes. Epiphany water They sprinkled the entire house, property, and household members.
January 20 - Blessing of Water. The sun enters the sign of Aquarius. On the night of January 20-21, water is taken from springs and wells for the whole year. Holy Water does not spoil, helps with nervous and mental illnesses, treats convulsions, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, and calms. Helps with strokes.
January 29 — You need to change something dramatically in your life, in yourself. Transformation of the Roof. On this day, prayers and any other magic work well.
January 31 is a magical day. Revelry evil spirits, holiday of witches and wizards. On this day they practice attack magic, cast spells, evil eyes, love spells, and harass enemies and competitors. For those who do not practice magic, on this day you need to work on yourself in terms of increasing love and understanding in your soul. Meditation and reflection are useful. Avoid quarrels on this day (as on any other day).


February 1 - the weather on this day predicts the weather for the entire month.
February 5 - Morena. Magical day. Spells work well on this day.
February 10th is the brownie's name day. The brownie is fed specially cooked porridge. They don’t go to the forest on this day.
February 14 - the house is warded off from mice.
February 15 - Candlemas. The first meeting of winter and spring. It is advisable to use protection from magic. On this day you need to walk around the house from front door with a candle, sprinkle spring water, wipe the floors and mirrors with this water. Fumigate the house with juniper, wormwood, St. John's wort, and pine resin to drive winter negative energy out of the house. Sretenskaya water It is considered a healing remedy against the evil eye. It is sprinkled against diseases of both humans and animals.
February 19—livestock is fumigated with thyme. so that the milk is tasty and the young animals are healthy.
February 20 - bake pies with onions so that there is a harvest. Until May 5, garlic and onions are actively eaten.
February 21 - all piercing and cutting instruments and other utensils are put in order. They start talking.
February 24 - they bring a twig from the Place of Power into the house. They ask for health for livestock. They read conspiracies to increase wealth and good luck in trading. All the magic of money. On this day there is the last frost of winter.


March 1 - a “chicken god” (a stone with a natural hole) is hung in the chicken coop as a talisman for chickens. On this day you need to clean the house with a candle and spring water. Smudge with juniper, wormwood or St. John's wort. This day is favorable for fortune telling and summoning spirits. Spiritualism sessions. They practice ancestral magic. They perform magical rituals to solve various problems and call on ancestors for help. One of the most powerful magical days.
March 2 - they cast love spells for money. All the magic of money.
March 6 - from this day on, you need to go for a walk every day. fresh air, if possible, sunbathe.
March 10 - from this day on, it is undesirable to sleep during the day - you can go into depression.
March 17 - clear the house of negative energy using a candle and fumigation with herbs.
March 21-25 – Krasnaya Gorka. You can guess, ask - the sky is open. An excellent start for any business. Energetically strong days. Any magic.
March 24 - making amulets for pets. All the magic of money.


Palm week and Palm Sunday(the week before Easter) - during the flowering of the willow, go into the forest, go up to the willow, ask for health and whip yourself and each other with willow branches, without breaking the branches, saying: “Whip the willow, beat them to tears!” I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” This energy procedure cleanses and activates the subtle karmic structures of a person. Aggression decreases, fate improves. You can get rid of magical attacks. If a person knows the rules of the game and relaxes, then along with the activation the energy is removed muscle clamps. Willow pollen is a male hormone and biostimulant. Willow earrings are considered healing and endowed with special powers. They are baked into bread and fed to sick cattle. Women eat willow buds and get rid of infertility. You can boil the willow and take a bath.
April 7 - Annunciation. On this day it is good to guess, ask - the sky is open. On this day, salt is burned in a frying pan with prayer - it is added to food for various diseases. You can light a fire and jump over it (to cleanse your energy). Wash jewelry, talismans, and runes in the spring.
April 22-23 - all the magic of love. For good luck in business, happiness in the home, health white rooster(perform the ritual of sacrifice). They turn to heaven with requests and prayers.
April 30 - practice negative (power) magic. They try to resolve any issues. They go to Places of Power.


May 1 is a magical day. The night of May 1 is called Walpurgis Night and the rampant of all devilish powers, a gathering of witches and sorcerers. Women perform a ritual dance around the fire. Herbs on this night have miraculous powers for love spells, zombies and any other magic. Herbalists collect herbs to treat patients. In the morning before sunrise, healers, sorcerers and witches collect dew for their medicines and potions. This dew, like herbs, has a special magical power. On this day they bathe in rivers and lakes, thereby purifying themselves cold water from negative energy and from diseases. On this day, no one is given anything - no money, no matches, etc., so as not to bring trouble to the house.
May 2 - the house is cleaned by fumigating herbs. Or, to cleanse the energy at home, they place cut onions or garlic in the rooms.
May 3 - visit graves, communicate with deceased relatives. There is contact with the afterlife. They ask questions, get answers. Weddings are never held on this day.
May 6 - a holiday is held in honor of Perun ( Slavic god thunderstorms and lightning). It is useful to wash your face with rainwater during a thunderstorm (to wash away pathology). In the morning, before sunrise, they swim in ponds. They take the morning water home and throw gold and silver into it so that there is prosperity in the house. On this day in the evening it is good to sit by the fire and gain strength from the energy of Fire (Yang energy). It's good to have a snack by the fire. They wash themselves with morning dew - it is useful against the evil eye and various ailments for both people and animals. At night there is a rampant of evil spirits. Magic. Protection from magic. Intimacy this night (May 7) harmonizes love (family) relationships.
May 8 is a strong magical day. The Devil's Harvest. They do any kind of magic. Especially aggressive, aimed at suppressing the will and resolving various litigations and issues. At night they tell fortunes and bewitch. You can make a wish prophetic dream and get an answer to a question that requires a quick solution.
May 9 is an energetically strong day. They watch the sunrise, light fires, sing songs, make love.
May 14 - on this day they don’t lend anything to anyone. Trade is not advisable. At night they make fires and burn all the rubbish that has accumulated over the winter.
May 15 - the magic of money and trade. Profit-day. Traders try to sell something profitably in order to trade profitably all year. They're talking trading place. Bringing magic to business.
May 22 is an energetically strong day. Try to be in the fresh air and gain energy. It's good to watch the sunrise and make love in nature.


June 4 - a holiday is held in honor of Yarilo. They decorate birch trees, dance in circles, sing, light fires, jump through fire, and make love. All love magic.
June 7 - Healing potions are placed under the dew to imbue them with strength.
June 9 - on this day one does not sweep rubbish out of the hut and does not clean up.
June 16 - eyes are washed from eye diseases with spring water and dew.
June 19-24 - Green Christmastide. These days they tell fortunes and tell fortunes. IN magical rituals turn to the forces of nature.
June 21 - wells are charmed against water damage. They choose a place for a new well.
June 21-24 is the summer solstice. Kupalo. Very strong days. Energy is increased. The connection with the other world intensifies. They light fires so that the smoke drifts towards gardens and vegetable gardens. The fire must be built on a hill. The fire of a fire serves as a cleanser and a talisman against evil spirits. A burning wheel is rolled down a mountain. Jumping through the fire. The higher the better. A high jump symbolizes good luck in business. In the Kupala bonfire, old clothes are burned, and along with them all illnesses and misfortunes. Kupala boats with a lit candle are launched along the river. If the boat sails far and does not get entangled in the creek, the year will be successful. On Kupala night, time does not flow as usual. You can change your destiny for the better.
The magic of love and sex magic. Herbs collected at this time are the most powerful. Herbalists will never miss this time. On these days, healers collect herbs for love spells for the whole year. On Kupala night, wreaths are woven from various herbs and kept at home all year long to protect against various diseases. Amulets and amulets are prepared from herbs. They say that if you sprinkle Kupala dew on a house, there will be no insects. Before sunrise, they collect Kupala water from springs, springs, and wells. Kupala (living) water activates and accelerates all processes.
June 27 - remove pathology from all things - sprinkle with spring water, fumigate with St. John's wort, juniper or wormwood.
June 29 - medicinal and magical herbs are collected.


July 1 - they damage the crops, make twists and creases in the fields. You need to go to the field and check, otherwise there will be no harvest.
July 6 - Agrofena-swimsuit. Brooms are prepared from different trees (birch, viburnum, linden, currant, rowan, aspen, etc.) On this day, it is useful to wash and steam in a bathhouse with herbal decoctions and fresh herbal brooms. Herbs can be spoken for health, good luck, profit, marriage, etc.
July 7—The house is sprinkled with dew and herbs are collected.
July 8th is a lucky day for love. Love magic.
July 12 is the holiday of Yarilo (Peter and Paul). Watching the sunrise. They curl wreaths on birch trees and make wishes. The herbs of this day are a love potion; they activate energy. Pick a bouquet of herbs and hang it above the bed. Herbs to speak for the love of a spouse or to get rid of loneliness. You can prepare a herbal decoction and take a bath. While taking a bath, simulate the desired situation. On this day they actively practice love magic (love spells, lapels). Bathing in dew for health and beauty.
July 20 - Perun - god of thunderstorms, lightning, patron of warriors. On this day they do not swim, do not sit by the fire, and do not walk in a thunderstorm in the rain. It’s good to sit under an oak tree on this day and gain strength and health. From this day on you can prepare oak brooms. They fumigate the house with an oak brand.
On this day you need to raise the energy of a warrior, a winner, a master of the situation. Look for “thunder stones”, which have witchcraft powers, are used in sex magic and to attract good luck. On this day, roosters are sacrificed to Perun. You can ask Perun for help in any situation two or three times in your life. It will give strength, energy to confront enemies or resolve a difficult situation.
July 25 - PROCLUS - great dew. They bathe in dew, rub themselves with dew.
July 29 - the first sheaf is carried home and placed in the red corner. Its grains are healing for people and birds.


August 2 - PERUN the Thunderer (Ilya the Prophet Chr.) A holiday of lightning and fire, so you are strictly forbidden to swim on this day. It is advisable to sit by the fire. Do meditation to gain Strength, sit under an oak tree. Breaking oak brooms. Fumigate the house with the smoke of herbs, or better yet, oak smut. Raise the energy of a Warrior, a Winner, a Master of the situation (Ilya Muromets). You can ask Perun for help in any difficult situation 2-3 times in your life.
August 14 - Honey Spas. From this day and for another three weeks they eat honey every day. IN last time They bathed themselves, and then drove the cattle into the river. Beginning of the post (much needed!)
August 19 – Apple Spas. Ate apples. They distributed apples, vegetables, and fruits. First meeting of autumn.
August 28 - ASSUMPTION (Assumption of the Virgin Mary) We took a break from work. At sunset they went to the field and asked the Earth to return the strength expended in the suffering in the form of a harvest. End of post.
August 29 - Nut Spas.


September 11 - Cornelius (truncation of the head of John the Baptist chron.) Strict fasting. It is better to generally fast from 18:00 on September 10 to 18:00 on September 11. The roots collected on this day are very strong. They eat root vegetables.
September 13 - Root crops begin to pull.
September 14 — Meditation on fire. Summarizing. Planning new things.
September 21 - Nativity of Zlata Maya (Nativity of the Virgin Mary) Autumn equinox, farewell to summer. Harvest Festival. Children are doused with water at the doorstep.
September 23 — Rowan and viburnum are collected to cleanse the liver.
September 27 - SHIFT (exaltation of the Cross of the Lord) On this day they do not go into the forest. They allow snakes, frogs, hedgehogs, and badgers to quietly crawl into holes for winter hibernation.


October 3 - Clean the house (see February 15).
October 13 - From October 13 to October 19, the house is prepared for the winter. At dawn or evening they go to the bend of the river or to the springs. They draw water. The first two times they pour it onto the shore, and the third time they carry it home. At home, they scoop up water with a sieve and lightly sprinkle it on the child, wishing him health.
October 14 - POKROV (Pokrov Holy Mother of God xr.) For the Intercession they washed, cleaned, and put things in order in the house. They asked for a groom.
October 17 - Erofei. The goblin rages before winter hibernation. Don't go into the forest!
October 19 — Sprinkled salt is sprinkled on homemade preparations and corners in the house.


November 7—RADOGOSHCH. They light a candle and ask their ancestors for advice.
November 10 - Paraskeva. Day of love magic. Conspiracies, love spells, etc. Space is open.
November 21 - Michaelmas Day. Ate. We drank and walked. On this day - prophetic dreams, understanding of the situation.
November 27 - Snacks are brought into the yard for the brownie.


December 4 - Ban on women's work. They commemorated their ancestors.
December 7 – Ekaterina. Fortune telling for love.
December 13 - Fortune telling for love. Conspiracies, divination on fire and smoke (love).
December 19 - NIKOLA. We walked and drank beer. It was not a sin to drink too much when there was plenty in the bins: “I got drunk!”

Summer is ending, which means the Calendar for September is ready. The main thing that awaits us is the great holiday of Mabon, the day of the autumn equinox, the holiday of the Wheel of the Year, male fertility, and harvest time. This year, Mabon immediately after the New Moon, which means the New Moon itself - the Black Moon - will be a little lighter in anticipation of the solar holiday. The second thing you need to pay attention to in September is the elements. This month there are very few days where the main element

Calendar of magical actions for August 2017

1 Aug Tuesday FIRE LAMMAS / LUGNASAD Big holiday. The time of the beginning of the harvest, when Mother Earth suffers under the weight of her fruits. On this day, global changes occur in the life of a magician - a change of job, place of residence, renewal in thoughts and actions. One of the turning points of the Wheel of the Year. This background is full of energy! And we do wonders as we want. There are almost no restrictions. Any self-respecting magician is obliged on this day to do something for well-being, for

Calendar of magical activities for July 2017

1 Jul Saturday FIRE Midsummer. Very bright energy. 1. Love magic - almost any kind, but more about passion and desire. You can cause jealousy so that someone wants and strives to win you away from others. Love spells. 2 Magic for travelers - for a successful journey, for removing obstacles. You can make protection for those who are on the way, and wish for yourself future happy journeys. 3. The magic of creativity: a day of working on amulets and talismans for almost anyone