Wise thoughts about bread. Bread is the head of everything. Proverbs about bread. Proverbs about bread as a vivid example of what folk wisdom can be

Bread is the head of everything.
Rye bread is the head of everything.
They are full of bread, bread (i.e. wine) and drunk.
Bread - grandfather roll (rye wheat).
Bread is bread brother (about hospitality).
Bread and salt does not scold (does not scold).
They don't refuse bread and salt.
Bread and salt is a borrowed (mutual, repayable) business.
Bread and salt payment is red.
Any buzz goes well with bread.
At the feast, say what you know (i.e., say everything).
Not for bread and salt said (bad word).
At lunch there is a nightingale, and after lunch there is a sparrow.
There was time for three, and the fourth was full.
For every soul (for every soul) God gives birth.
Once a person is born, a piece of bread is ready (the peasants divide the land heart to heart).
Once a mouth is born, a piece is born.
There is something for the worker, something for the hungry.
A man lives from food.
No matter what he eats, he still wants to eat.
Sit on the stump and eat a piece.
What you chew is what you live.
What you bite is what you pull.
The mill is strong (works) with water, and man with food.
It is not the horse that carries the horse, but the bread (oats).
It's not a cart, it's the oats.
The soul of the little ball is alive.
And the fly fills its belly. And the fly is not without a belly.
It pleases the belly that the eyes see the porridge (they look at the porridge).
It’s not the horse that runs, but the feed that is jerked off.
Don't cry, but you need to eat and drink.
It can be bad, the bone won't bite.
He can’t, he can’t eat a crust of bread, but he’s afraid of the pie.
If it weren't for the teeth, the soul would be gone.
Bread and belly - and he lives without money (if you have bread and livestock, you don’t need money).
It’s not a bad idea to pray to God on an empty stomach.
A skinny belly lets you down.
It let me down like on an empty stomach.
A skinny belly is neither good for dancing nor good for work.
Nothing can fix a hole in your throat.
If you have a hole in your mouth that's howling (it's time to eat), then plug it.
The hole in the mouth is drilled through and cannot be filled.
Skinny on the stove, well-fed on the current.
On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.
The wolf ate raw and spun high.
May dew alone is better than oats.
A kalachnik is not a tobacconist: he won’t let you smell the horn.
Pop and the rooster crows without eating.
The sheep doesn't remember its father, and it doesn't like hay.
The mare sighs and grabs the grass.
A hungry godfather has bread on his mind.
People are for bread, so I’m not blind.
Hungry and in trousers, he will steal bread (that is, even dressed).
Bread sleeps in a person (sleep gives satiety).
A full belly sleeps, a hungry belly sits listening.
It's always half a day when you're hungry.
As the dog is fed, so is the catch.
As is the food, so is the food (and vice versa).
The horse's food is more beautiful.
Don't stroke the horse with your hand, stroke it with a bag.
The cow has milk in her mouth (i.e., in the feed).
Naked he will cross the field, but hungry he will not move.
They will give you some bread, and they will also give you a businessman.
They’ll set up a table and force you to work.
Even a dog will run away from the yard due to hunger.
And the dog humbles himself before the bread.
Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest (into the village).
Hunger is a grumpy godfather: it gnaws until it gets to you.
Pay a penny (for a piglet) and plant it in rye, it will be good.
A fed horse is a hero, a hungry horse is an orphan.
They carry bread and feed it with chaff (i.e. the horse).

The proverb “Bread is the head of everything” is known to everyone. These words well reflect how the Russian people feel about this flour product. After all, there is no more important product for us than bread. Both poor and rich people buy it for their table, regardless of their culinary preferences.

Therefore, let's talk about what other wise sayings anything about bread? Proverbs or sayings - it doesn't matter. The main thing is, let's try to understand exactly what message they want to convey to us and our children.

Proverbs about bread as a vivid example of what folk wisdom can be

It is difficult to say exactly when proverbs about bread appeared. This probably happened at the moment when a Russian man first baked such a wonderful product. Perhaps it was at this moment that the great words “Bread is a gift from God, our eternal breadwinner” appeared.

From that day on, people began to make up more and more new sayings about bread. Proverbs spread like the wind throughout the area, carrying the wisdom of the times. And here are a few examples from those distant times when people were just beginning to master the skill of a baker:

  • Bread is our father and water is our mother.
  • The bun is good everywhere: whether it’s here, whether it’s far away, or overseas.
  • You can’t feed yourself without meat rolls.
  • After salty food you drink well, and after bread you sleep well.
  • You can eat bread you grow yourself all night long.
  • Snow is beautiful, but useless, the earth is black, but it grows grain.
  • In whose house you eat a loaf of bread, honor follows the order.
  • If only there was bread in the house, everything else would work out on its own.

Lines filled with deep respect

So, what is hidden in many wise sayings about bread? Proverbs largely reflect how the Russian people treated various types of baked goods. For him, these were symbols of satiety and prosperity. Therefore, many sayings were composed in order to convey the respect and gratitude that the people felt for bread products.

Moreover, the Slavs wanted to pass on this wisdom to their descendants, so that they would not forget all those good words that were folded about bread. Proverbs proving this statement can be found at all times, and here is the proof:

  • The water will wash everything away, and the kalach will feed everyone.
  • The saints are on the wall, and the kalach is on the table.
  • Whether in ancient times or in new times, everyone needs bread.
  • Overseas grapes are not as expensive as country bread - you bite a little and your mouth is full.
  • Without bread, you can put your teeth on a shelf.
  • The roll has short legs, but if it suddenly leaves, you are unlikely to catch up with it.
  • Even the most angry dog, and he spreads himself in front of the bun.

Bread is the merit of those who love work

Love of work is another important message that many proverbs and sayings about bread carry. After all, in order for food to appear on the table, considerable effort must be made. Consequently, many popular sayings are aimed at instilling in other people a love of work and agriculture:

  • It’s not scary that sweat runs down your back, the main thing is that there will be bread on the table later.
  • Whoever doesn’t work in the field from morning to night doesn’t even have a kalach at home.
  • You need to reap a lot, but you won’t find anyone willing to do it.
  • Without a plow and a harrow, even the king will not find bread.
  • He who works tirelessly in the field also bakes rolls in the house.

Bread – one of the oldest and most popular food products among almost all nations. Being the basis of any diet, it has become a symbol of life itself, spiritual saturation, and a guarantee of happiness and well-being. Bread plays a central role in various beliefs and rituals: it is used to greet dear guests, go to court, bless newlyweds, and remember the dead with it. In the sacrament of Holy Communion, under the guise of bread, believers receive the true Body of the Savior, and thereby unite with the Creator. Bread as a bright element of everyday culture is embodied in numerous works of art.

Yakov Akim
Man will put grain in the ground,
If it rains, the grain is irrigated.
Steep Furrow and Soft Snow
The grain will be hidden from everyone for the winter.
In the spring the Sun will rise to its zenith
And the new spikelet will be gilded.
There are many ears of grain in a harvest year,
And the man will remove them from the field.
And the golden hands of the Bakers
The golden brown bread will be kneaded quickly.
And the woman is on the edge of the board
The finished bread will be cut into pieces.
To everyone who cherished the ear of bread,
In good conscience, you will get a piece.

Better is bread with salt in peace and without sorrow, than many valuable dishes in sorrow and grief.
Saint John Chrysostom

By the sweat of your face you will eat your bread until you return to the ground from which you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you will return.
Old Testament. Genesis chapter 3

Poor city people who don’t know what fresh wheat bread from a Russian oven is! What do you eat? Is this food - bread-brick! Don’t you understand the beauty of the rug, which has the shape of the earth, the moon, the sun; Don’t you know that nature does not tolerate parallelepipeds, their sharp angles, their dull completeness? Bread should be like the sun, poor city people!
Vil Lipatov, “And that’s all about him” (1984)

Always remember that all you need to satisfy your hunger is a piece of bread and a ladle of water.
Alexander Radishchev, “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” (1790)

If you have no teeth, you can always chew bread,
If there is no bread, that’s a terrible problem!
Saadi (13th century), Iranian-Persian poet and philosopher

Rye bread does not get boring, it is eaten all your life and, if possible, every day, but you do not get tired of its smell and its taste. Horrible cream cakes can make you feel sick, but not bread. Mikhail Svetlov wrote: “Every food, even the most delicious, has a taste, but rye bread has a taste, but no aftertaste.”
In general, “if there is bread on the table, then the table is a throne, but if there is not a piece of bread, then the table is a board.”
Arkady Spichka, “A Bachelor's Table Book”, 2001

Twice a week my mother baked bread. There was always a jug of starter in the icebox, and she never worried about the yeast. The bread was fluffy and crispy, sometimes rising two or three inches off the baking sheet. After taking the loaves out of the oven, the mother brushed the brown crust with butter and let the bread cool. But the buns were even tastier. Mother put them in the oven so that they would be ready for dinner. Hot, piping hot buns - simply delicious! They were cut, smeared with oil, and it immediately melted; They put some kind of jam or apricot preserves with nuts on top, and then nothing else entered the mouth, o although there was other food on the table. And sometimes, especially in the summer, for dinner they gave a thick slice of bread with a piece of cold butter. Sprinkle some sugar on top and you don't need any cake. Or you steal a thick circle of sweet Bermuda onions from the kitchen, put it between two crusts of bread and butter - and even if you go around the whole world, you won’t find anything tastier.
Dalton Trumbo, “Johnny Got a Rifle” (1939)

Don't feed words instead of bread.
Aristophanes, ancient Greek playwright

All news, with the exception of the price of bread, is meaningless and irrelevant.
Charles Lamb (1775 – 1834), English poet, essayist and literary critic

Bread opens any mouth.
Stanislaw Lec (1909 – 1966), Polish satirist and aphorist writer

Boris Pasternak
You've been accumulating conclusions for half a century,
But you don’t write them down in a notebook,
And if you yourself are not crippled,
He had to understand something.
You understand the bliss of studying,
Good luck is the law and the secret.
You understand that idleness is a curse
And there is no happiness without achievement.
What awaits altars, revelations,
Heroes and heroes
The dense kingdom of plants,
Mighty kingdom of beasts.
What was the first such revelation
Left in a clutch of fates
Great-grandfather as a gift to generations

Bread grown over centuries.
Like a field of rye and wheat
Not only calls for threshing,
But there is no time for this page
Your ancestor wrote about you,
That this is his word,
His unprecedented initiative
In the midst of the earth's rotation,
Births, sorrows and deaths.

The word “bread” has found and restored its symbolic meaning- daily bread. Bread as a way of life, bread as the best gift of the earth, a source of human strength.
Siege survivor Taisiya Vasilievna Meshchankina speaks about bread as if she were composing a new prayer:
« Listen to me. Now, when I get up, I take a piece of bread and say: remember, Lord, all those who died of hunger, who did not wait to eat enough bread.
And I said to myself: when I have bread left, I will be the richest man.»
A. Adamovich, D. Granin, “The Siege Book” (1977-1981)

Bread is the head of everything. Proverbs about bread

The memory of the Russian people contains many proverbs and sayings about bread and their attitude towards it.

Bread is the basis of life and well-being, the key to future success, a symbol of human joy and happiness.

“There will be bread, so everything will be”;

“If there is bread, there will be song.”

The difficult and meager life of the Russian peasant farmer in the old days was reflected in proverbs and sayings that were widely used in the last century:

“Where the fry plows, there is a crumb of bread”;

Bread and water are peasant food”;

“Father bread, mother water”;

“Bread will nourish you, water will give you drink”;

“Bread and kvass - that’s all we have”;

“As long as there is bread and water, it’s not a problem.”

Rye bread is the main peasant product. And it is no coincidence that in popular sayings and proverbs it is placed at the forefront, contrasted with other dishes, any other food:

“Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father”;

“Rye bread is the grandfather of the wheat roll.”

Bread is a symbol of hospitality, the basis of both a dinner party and an everyday, everyday table:

“If there is bread, there will be lunch”;

“It’s a bad lunch if there’s no bread”;

“Not a piece of bread, and there is melancholy in the mansion, but there is no bread, and there is paradise under the spruce tree”;

“Bread on the table - and the table is a throne, but not a piece of bread - and the table is a board”;

“For bread and salt, every joke is good”;

“Even a crust of bread, or a quarter of millet, this is a treat from the kind owner.”

And although it was noted among the people that “it’s not the fur coat, but the bread that keeps you warm,” yet simple satiation and thoughtless satiety was never an end in itself for him. And that’s why it was said:

“You won’t be satisfied with bread alone”;

“Don’t be full of a piece, but be full of a friend”;

“Be angry, scold, but go get some bread and salt.”

Bread is obtained through labor and sweat. And in popular sayings it is said this way;

“He who looks into the sky sits without bread”;

“You can’t get bread by self-indulgence”;

“Then the obtained bread is sweet and stale”;

“A grain saves a pound”;

“Not the bread that is in the field, but the one that is in the bottom” (i.e., harvested);

“Bread in the bin is like the master of the house.”

A kind, sly smile illuminates many folk sayings about bread, about signs good worker, inseparable from his relationship to bread:

“As the bread is, so is the work” (i.e., if you eat quickly, then you work well);

“The plowman’s hand is black, but his bread is white”;

“The zealous man laughs with bread, but the lazy man cries without bread”;

“Don’t open your mouth for someone else’s loaf, but eat it early and stock up on your own.”

Genuine folk wisdom, subtle and sensitive perceptiveness are reflected in the following proverbs:

“Without bread everything will become boring”;

“Kalach will get boring, but bread will never”;

“No matter how much you think, better than bread you can’t think of salt.”

Many listeners who sent us these and other folk sayings expressed their thoughts about the role and place of bread in our modern life. In a letter from Olga Shevchuk from the Vinnytsia region we read: “Bread is life itself. And this word must be written with a capital letter!”

Leningrad resident Pavel Stepanovich Karpenko writes: “We should all treat bread as a sacred thing, for bread is the basis of everything. Growing bread is a difficult and honorable job, so you need to protect and spend bread as a vital treasure. And there should be the highest respect for bread.”

“The task of adults,” writes Leningrader Olga Grigorievna Klyueva, teacher-methodologist kindergarten, “to instill in children respect for bread, teach them to take care of every crumb of bread, and highly value the work of a peasant.”

If all those who sent us letters could meet and talk about the topic that worries them: “Attitude to bread,” it would be a serious, very important and sincere conversation.

A large flow of letters was associated with the assessment in proverbs and sayings of such social evils as drunkenness and alcoholism.

Form: gatherings over a cup of tea.


  • To create conditions for students to understand the exceptional role of bread on our table and in the diet.
  • Introduce students to the history of the appearance of bread, the cultivation of cereals, and the technology of preparing flour products.
  • Get acquainted with new recipes for products from yeast dough.


  • Multimedia installation.
  • Music Center.
  • Presentation “Bread of Russia”.
  • Exhibition of postcards, reproductions of paintings by Russian artists:
    • V.D. Falileev “Ripe rye”;
    • V.N. Felorovich “In the Rye”;
    • A.K. Sovrasov “Rye”;
    • I.I. Levitan "Compressed field".

Bread of Russia! Strong bread of Russia!
How can we not admire you?
If you are from the endless blue
You're lashing out like an unstoppable surf!

Move Events

Teacher: Dear guests, I invite you to a gathering with the hospitable hostesses of Maryushka and Daryushka! And we will talk about Bread.

“Bread is the head of everything!” - says an old Russian proverb. Yes, Bread has always been the most important product, the measure of all values. And in our age of scientific and technological achievements, it constitutes the fundamental basis of the life of peoples. People have escaped into space, conquered rivers and seas, extracted oil and gas, but bread remains bread. History shows that although man does not live by bread alone, it is nevertheless, first of all, that we determine the measure of human well-being.

Mistress 1:

Bread is the head of everything,
Words live forever.
Foliage and grass wither.
Bread is the head of everything!
In the storms of eras, names
Lives quietly, right
Truth of all times:
Bread is the head of everything!

In distant lands there is a village,
In the heart of the country Moscow,
It’s light everywhere for us:
Bread is the head of everything!

True, in our house
She will always be alive.
Peace is the bread of everything,
Bread is the head of everything!

Mistress 2: At all times, all peoples have had careful attitude to the seed that sprouts life. It contains life, which is given once. That is why the father said to his son in a quiet, gentle voice:

“You remember, son, dear words: Bread is the head of everything!”

WITH early childhood We give bread affectionate epithets: bread, grain, bun, wheat, golden rye, oatmeal. No product enjoys the same fame as bread.

How many proverbs and sayings the Russian people came up with about bread. They have an instructive meaning. What proverbs do you know?

  • The earth feeds people like a mother does children.
  • Lunch is bad if there is no bread.
  • Not a piece of bread - and there is melancholy in the city.
  • Without salt, without bread - bad conversation.
  • He who has bread has happiness.
  • Bread comes from the earth, strength comes from the bread.
  • The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.
  • Not everyone plows the arable land, but everyone eats bread.
  • Sweat on your back and bread on the table.
  • It is not man who bears bread, but man's bread.
  • To the plowman the earth is his mother, and to the lazy man his stepmother.
  • Whoever has bread has power.
  • There is no need to boast if you don’t know how the bread will be born.
  • There is bread on the table and the table is a throne, but not a piece of bread and the table is a board.
  • There is not a piece of bread, and there is melancholy in the mansion, but there is no bread and there is paradise under the fir tree.

Mistress 1: Dear guests, I propose to solve the riddles:

  • Without legs, without arms, and belted...... (Sheaf)
  • He walks from one end to another in the field, cutting a black loaf. (Tractor)
  • A hundred brothers entered one hut to spend the night. (Ear)
  • Lots of legs, but crawls from the field on its back. (Harrow)
  • IN summer time golden mountains are growing. (Sheaves)
  • Not the sea, but worried. (Field)
  • A thousand brothers are girded with one belt. (Ears of ears in a sheaf)
  • It turns green for two weeks, heads for two weeks, blooms for two weeks, waters for two weeks, dries out for two weeks. (Wheat)
  • The ship is sailing in the yellow sea. (Harvester)
  • Iron nose, rooted in the ground, cuts, digs, sparkles like a mirror (Plow)
  • It is bent into an arc in the meadow in summer, and on a hook in winter. (Scythe)

Teacher: Well done! The moral value of bread is clearly visible in the wisdom of proverbs and sayings. And how not to remember the words wonderful person our land - academician T.S. Maltseva: “Love and respect for bread, like love for the Motherland, is absorbed with mother’s milk and is brought up from childhood.”

It hurts to tears to see a piece of bread thrown into the trash. Or in the dining room you can see pieces of bread and buns in the food waste. Yes, we are rich in bread, but this wealth does not negate the need to treat it with care. Take a closer look at yourself: has it become a habit for you to treat bread like a steward? At lunch, breakfast, dinner, cut it so that there are no pieces left. And if you have extra, use the leftovers in other ways - in breadcrumbs, in additions to dishes.

After all, from dry stale bread you can prepare delicious nutritious dishes, treats for tea - cake with raisins and nuts, sponge cake made from rye crackers, cake - potatoes with cocoa, charlotte with apples, croutons with berries.

Take care of your bread! Let a little frugality become the inner guarantee of each of us.

And always remember:

Bread - earth
Bread is air
Bread - water
This is something without which there can be no life.

Mistress 2: And do you know that, at 5-6 thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians used yeast, thanks to which the bread was soft and fluffy. The art of baking sour bread began to be practiced by the Greeks and Romans. In Greece in the fifth century BC, this bread was considered a delicacy and was much more expensive than unleavened bread. Only wealthy people ate it. Such stale bread was highly valued. This bread was used as a healing remedy against various diseases.

In Ancient Rome, Egypt, ancient Greece Bread was baked in special bakeries; the bakers' skills were highly valued.

In Rome, a thirteen-meter high monument to the baker Marcus Virgil Eurysaces, erected 2 thousand years ago, has survived to this day.

In Rus', already in the eleventh century, bread was baked from rye flour. The secret of this preparation was kept in the strictest confidence and passed down from generation to generation. In addition to rye bread, the monastery bakeries also baked bread from wheat flour, saiki, rolls.

In the tenth to thirteenth centuries they baked bread with honey, poppy seeds, cottage cheese, kovrigi, and pies with various fillings.

Bakers' work ancient Rome, And ancient Egypt, and in Tsarist Russia was the hardest, all operations were performed manually. But bakers in Rus' have always enjoyed special respect among the people.

Mistress 2: What enormous work many generations of people have done over several centuries to get the kind of bread we eat every day!

Bread appeared in ancient times, over 15 thousand years ago. According to scientists, it was in those distant prehistoric times man first began to collect and then sow cereals, which were the ancestors of our present wheat, rye, oats, and barley.

In the Stone Age, people ate grains raw. Archaeologists have established that the great-great-grandmother of bread was a liquid porridge made from grains. People ate such food until they learned to make flat cakes from thick grain porridge.

The densely burnt pieces bore little resemblance to our bread, but it was with their appearance that the era of bread baking began on earth.

Then people learned to grind grains between stones and mix the resulting flour with water. This is how the first millstones, the first flour and the first bread appeared.

Several thousand years passed before people learned to make bread from dough. It was greatest invention humanity.

Mistress 1: Earth! Mother-nurse!

Then, and with the blood of the peasants' overworked, calloused hands, a piece of bread was obtained. The main tool for cultivating grain crops was the plow.

On millions of peasant strips half a century ago, Sokha was the ruler.

Her wooden strength is meager
Her unpretentious appearance is inconspicuous,
But often the plow fed Russia,
At least the plowman himself was not full of it.
Today the plow settled in the museum,
But we, Russians, must not forget
All the good things she has done
For our great beloved country!

Mistress 2: Do you know what kind of bread was baked in the royal bakeries 300 years ago?

Rolls of course! A document has been preserved with a list of dishes that Peter I presented to his palace servants on his birthday. It was Kalachi!

Kalach is not just a delicacy. This is a symbol of love, care, attention, hope....

  • Saika is the name given to a bun made from a special dough. The name is Estonian and means “white bread”
  • The name “kalach” comes from the word “wheel”
  • Kulebyaka translated from Finnish means fish, and in V. Dahl’s dictionary the word “kulebyaka” was formed from the word “kulebyaka” - roll with your hands, sculpt.
  • Rasstegai is an unclosed, “unbuttoned” pie.
  • Vatrushka are round pies from the word “vatra”, i.e. “fire”, “hearth”, similar to the sun
  • Loaf - the name comes from French. Baton is a “stick, rod”.
  • The bun is diminutive form bulls. The name comes from the Polish language.
  • Or like this instructive story. Baker Ivan Filippov invented cod cakes with raisins in this way. The Governor General of Moscow was served I. Filippov's cod every morning. And one day I came across a cod with a cockroach. Filippov was not taken aback and explained that it was cod with raisins, and he ate it in front of everyone. The Governor-General did not suspect anything, and then praised Filippov for such sabotage.

Mistress 1: The work of bakers was and remains grateful, although not easy. But the glory of this work is enormous, and the glory of the bread in the house is eternal.

There are many honored bakers from Belgorod. We tell them “Thank you!”

I think there are future bakers and confectioners among us. We will continue their work and delight our family and Belgorod residents with delicious products.

And when you enter our technical school, you inhale the delicious smell of fresh buns, pies with jam, and apples. And you mentally say: Thank you to our masters: Elena Viktorovna Urakaeva, Galina Nikolaevna Chueva for their delicious work and golden hands...

Your loaf, baked by you, brought us a joyful mood and a piece of good health.

The hostess offers to taste aromatic, fluffy products made from yeast dough: loaf, homemade buns, pies, baked pies with various minced meats, kulebyaku with fish and cabbage.

Mistress 2: Our corner of the earth, the Belgorod region, is also rich in bread. Store shelves are always full of bread:

  • Darnitsky new,
  • Stoilensky with the addition of seaweed to bread, which solves the problem of supplying our body with iodine. The manufacturer of these breads is OJSC Kolos
  • Belgorod rye bread without yeast. The manufacturer of this bread is the Gurman plant
  • The shelf life of these breads is 72 hours.
  • Fragrant and fluffy white bread, ruddy loaves, sliced ​​loaves, road bun, city bun. They are convenient for making sandwiches. And their shelf life is also 72 hours. And what could be tastier than hearth bread, its golden brown crust with garlic and lard!

The hostess brings in a loaf of bread.

We got the role to start,
Don't get confused with the loads
We brought you bread and salt
Russians for get-togethers.
Tradition is alive, alive
From the older generation.
Rituals and words are important
From our past.
And therefore, please accept
The one who came to the gatherings
On our holiday plate
Bread and salt come from our hands.

Mistress 1: A wide variety of sandwiches can be made from bread. There are a great many of them. In Denmark alone there are about 2,000 species.

“Russian kalach” is a braided bread, a Slavic word, the name comes from the common Slavic one.

Moscow bakers assured that rolls could only be baked in Moscow, using water from the Moscow river.

“Kulebyaki” - why is this name for a bread product called kulebyaka? There are many opinions on this matter. Vladimir Dahl’s explanation is interesting: “kulebyachit” - roll with your hands, sculpt, cook.

“Without a cake, a birthday boy is not a birthday boy,”

“A quiver is good for arrows, a dinner is for pies.”

These Russian proverbs speak to the long-standing popularity of pies. This dish does not appear on the table every day, mainly on holidays.

It is probably no coincidence that the word “pie” comes from the word “feast”.

Guests of the gatherings are invited to remember and recite poems about bread:

    The smell of bread is amazing
    We have known this smell since childhood.
    Bread smells of the steppe and the sky,
    And grass, and fresh milk,
    Melted snow and spring thunderstorm,
    And the peasant's salty sweat.
    And sometimes even a man’s tear... (V. Gorokhov)

    Bread of Russia! Strong bread of Russia!
    How can we not admire you?
    If you are from the endless blue
    You're lashing out like an unstoppable surf!
    Bread of Russia, bread of my Fatherland,
    Tall, heroic, as always,
    Life created you for life
    And labor for new labor. (E. Vinokurov)

The guests thank you for the warm welcome and delicious pies.