The meaning of the name scarlet sails. Essay on the topic: the symbolic meaning of the title of the story-extravaganza a. green "scarlet sails"

Tale-extravaganza " Scarlet Sails"is the brightest, most life-affirming work of the famous Russian writer A. S. Green. The idea for the story arose from the author on the basis of a true story known to him about the red sails, which, according to him, he followed with enthusiasm. As the writer himself admitted, he was “captivated by the idea of ​​​​intervening in this story, so that it would end as if written by me, and then, then I would describe it...”.

Confidence in the need to create such a work grew stronger when one day, passing by display cases with toys, Green saw a beautiful ship there, which stood out from other objects with its sails that seemed to be under the rays sunlight bright red. The story was not created immediately. The author put his book aside for a while, because he had been thinking for a long time about “unusual circumstances in which something decisive was to happen,” arising “from some long-term misfortune or expectation, resolved by a ship with red sails.” But over time, all the circumstances were thought out, and real story evolved into a wonderful fairy tale, affirming power pure love and faith in the dream.

By original plan A. S. Green, the action was supposed to take place during the revolution in cold and hungry Petrograd. And he called his story “Red Sails”: after all, the color red is a traditional symbol of the revolution. But later reality and fantasy switched places, the action moved to the invented Caperna (a name consonant with the New Testament Capernaum), symbolizing human emptiness, stupidity and lack of spirituality. The author invented ports and seas and invested NEW meaning into your work. Now it was called “Scarlet Sails”; the writer excluded from it the political meaning of the color red. Instead, scarlet appeared - “the color of wine, roses, dawn, ruby, healthy lips, blood and small tangerines, the skin of which smells so seductively of spicy volatile oil, this color - in its many shades - is always cheerful and accurate.” As we can see, A. Green’s favorite color was not chosen by chance: “False or vague interpretations will not stick to it. The feeling of joy it evokes is akin to taking a full breath in the middle of a lush garden.”

The very title of the story “Scarlet Sails” thus became deeply symbolic. The first thing we imagine when we hear it is the approach, the announcement of something joyful, magical, beautiful. We begin to firmly believe in this magic, in this inevitable happiness. And the plot of the work convinces us more and more of the truth of this faith with each page. We see that everything fabulous, lofty, beautiful, bright, everything that sometimes seems unrealizable, “essentially as feasible and possible as a country walk.” Realizing this, Green himself wrote: “I understood one truth. It’s about making miracles with your own hands...” Having decorated reality with his fantasies, bringing it closer to a fairy tale, the author, nevertheless, left it unusually real, thereby urging readers to invariably believe in scarlet sails.

And the readers believed: the scarlet sails became a symbol, an anthem of the generation of the 60-70s of the 20th century. On long voyages, around forest fires, in geologists' tents, and in student groups, they composed and sang songs with familiar names and names of cities. Today's readers also believe, because, having become acquainted with this work and its characters, it is impossible not to be imbued with bright and kind hopes.

Thus, having created your story and given it such bright name, Alexander Green created an undying symbol that lives in the minds of people and will probably continue to live for many more centuries. Because, no matter how the world changes, people are so designed that they must believe in a dream - bright, pure, beautiful - believe that, no matter how unrealistic their desires may seem, they will certainly come true. “You write in such a way that everything is visible,” said M. Slonimsky, to whom A. S. Green first read his story. And indeed, in the work everything is so obvious and real that we see, feel, perceive everything that happens to its heroine. This is probably why every girl is waiting for her handsome prince, who will certainly come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. And on this ship her true happiness will sail to her. Of course, the ship, the sails, and the prince are figurative symbols. Perhaps a handsome prince is walking down the street next to us - the only important thing is that we meet him, so that he sees us. And I fell in love. And he wanted, like Gray, to fulfill our dream.

The symbolic meaning of the title of A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails”

“When the colors of life fade, I take Green. I open it to any page, just like how they wipe the glass in the house in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood. Green is one of the few that you should have in your travel first aid kit against fatty heart disease and fatigue. With him you can go to the Arctic and virgin lands, go on a date. He's poetic, he's courageous." This is how writer Daniil Granin expressed the powerful power of Green’s influence on the reader.

When thinking about Alexander Green, we first of all remember his fairy tale “Scarlet Sails”. This fabulous extravaganza became a symbol of his work. It absorbed all the best that is in Green’s other works: a beautiful dream and true reality, love for man and faith in his strength, hope for the best and love for beauty.

The title of the story is ambiguous. For a sailing ship to start moving, the wind must fill its sails. And a person’s life must be filled with deep content, then it has meaning. If life is boring and joyless, the dream becomes its content. A dream may remain a beautiful, unrealistic fairy tale. But it may come true.

Green's "Scarlet Sails" is a symbol of a dream that has become a reality. Assol’s dream “came to life” because the girl “knew how to love, as her father taught her, knew how to wait in spite of everything.” And she was able to maintain her faith in beauty, living among people who “couldn’t tell stories or sing songs.”

The purple color of silk, chosen by Gray for the sails of the Secret, became the color of joy and beauty, which was so lacking in Caperna.

A white sailboat under purple sails is a symbol of love and new life for Assol, who has waited for her happiness.

Green's "Scarlet Sails" is still a statement the right way achieving happiness: “doing miracles with your own hands.” This was the opinion of Captain Gray, who made the dream of a girl he did not know come true. Sailor Longren thought so that he once made a toy yacht with purple sails, which brought happiness to his daughter.

He created more than 400 works, invented a whole world inhabited by brave and noble heroes. His extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails” enjoys special popular love and popularity.

The year was 1916. A lanky man with a heavy gaze wandered through the streets of St. Petersburg. He stopped at one of the display cases and spent a long time looking at a toy boat with white silk sails. The ship was beautiful, light and swift, but something was missing from it. If only the sails were a different color. Which one? Perhaps scarlet, the color of love and hope! This is how “Scarlet Sails” first appeared in the imagination of the writer Alexander Green.

This extravaganza was finally created in the harsh and hungry December of 1920. An excerpt from the work was published in the Evening Telegraph newspaper six months later, and the entire “Scarlet Sails” was published as a separate publication in 1923. The writer dedicated the fairy tale to his second wife Nina, who is considered the prototype of Assol.

“Scarlet Sails” is a story about a dream come true. Since childhood, Assol believed that a prince would come for her on a white ship with scarlet sails. Arthur Gray dreamed of the sea and wanted to become a captain. Their wishes came true, life gave the heroes meeting and love. But how many beautiful pages, how many movements of the soul fit into this romantic story!

Green deliberately creates a contrast between the gray routine in a small fishing village and the rich inner world of the young heroine. Assol's dreams, her pure and beautiful soul arouse suspicion among ordinary people. They consider the girl weak-minded and mock her belief in miracles. These people are mired in everyday affairs, do not sing songs and do not tell tales. Their courtship of women is crude and primitive. The residents of Kaperna reject everything that does not fit into the usual framework, so the brave and fair Longren and his dreamer daughter become outcasts in the village.

The heroine’s childhood cannot be called cloudless. Having lost his mother at five months, Assol grows up in poverty. She has to manage the housework and help her father make toys. This is the only source of income for a small family. Assol has no friends, and her peers reward her with insults and ridicule. A wonderful dream of a ship with scarlet sails, given by an old storyteller, becomes a support for a lonely girl for many years.

The writer creates a portrait of Assol upon meeting Egle with large strokes: “print dress washed many times”, "dark thick hair", "skinny, tanned legs". The description of the heroine when meeting Gray, when Assol was already seventeen years old, is not much different: a dress made of cheap muslin, an old headscarf, an expressive face, eyes too serious for her age. Green doesn't consider Assol a beauty, he calls her "living poem".

In the image of Longren, the writer embodied his ideas about ideal father. He, in fact, devotes his entire life to his daughter. In order not to be separated from the baby, the sailor remains on shore and finds a way to earn money when he can often be at home. Longren teaches Assol to read and write, tells her about his travels, and takes care of her.

Arthur Gray is a dreamer and romantic. That’s why he understands Assol so well. The young man is not attracted to the wealthy life of an aristocrat. He does not want, like his parents, to become “an arrogant slave of his position.” Gray is inspired by the sea, freedom and the wind of travel. Arthur is not short of firmness and perseverance in achieving his goals; he is not afraid of difficulties. Nobility, generosity, sense of justice and leadership skills attract people to him.

Arthur's mother allowed him a lot, but the boy did not grow up spoiled. Even as a child, Gray demonstrated kindness and empathy. Let us remember how he tested the pain from a burn on himself, covered the nails on a crucifix with paint and helped a poor dowry-less maid. Overcoming the elements and oneself became Arthur Gray's way of life. “He was born a captain, he wanted to be one and became one”.

The sail has always been considered a symbol of freedom, courage and hope, and white ship under the scarlet sails Green turned into the embodiment of love, happiness and joy. It is no coincidence that the name of the galliot is “Secret”. Not a secret, not a riddle, but a secret for two.

The language of the work is amazing. Green manages to find phrases that literally bloom on the pages of the story in a bright, incredibly fresh and imaginative pattern: "happy morning shine", "flaming blue distance", "golden star coal", "fiery needle of a distant planet", "a sea surrounded by a golden thread", "throwing away the fun", “happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten”. The whole story is permeated with images that create a unique atmosphere from a mixture of imagination and reality. Here the old trees speak in a deep voice and “they creak kindred”, flowers have "special persons", and the day "full of inevitability".

In “Scarlet Sails” a miracle is quite real. To create it, Arthur Gray needed White paint, an orchestra of traveling musicians, a barrel of hundred-year-old wine and two thousand square meters scarlet silk. But the crew of the Secret, the crew of the military cruiser, and the musicians of the orchestra all feel a sense of involvement in the fairy tale. A real miracle makes their eyes light up, their hearts open, and awakens the desire to do something equally unusual, kind, and bright. And then the cruiser salutes with all her guns, and the stern assistant captain Panten goes to make peace with the sailor.

The author called his work an extravaganza. This theatrical term refers to productions with fairy tale plot in lush scenery. Arthur Gray created an extravaganza for Assol, and Alexander Green for all grateful readers.

There are not many works in our literature that have such a strong influence on society and can compete in popularity with Scarlet Sails. A bright attitude, a surge of energy, pure impulses of the heart arise not only among young people, but also among mature people who meet for the first time or re-read Green’s extravaganza with pleasure.

Green wrote a work where the little outcast Assol was ready for a miracle, and the miracle found her. Assol was raised kind and loving father Longren. The girl lost her mother very early, and her father began to make a living by making and selling toys. The world of toys in which Assol lived naturally shaped her quite weak character, although in life she had to face gossip and evil. The world she had to face scared her. Running away from all problems, Assol tried to keep in her heart a beautiful fairy tale about the scarlet sails, which he told her a kind person. I felt sincerely sorry for Assol, because she was an outcast. Nobody understood her rich inner world, her magical dream. The children called her the village fool, and the adults avoided her. I think all these people are deeply unhappy. A person who does not have a heart, a soul, does not know how to dream. And it is not their crime, but their misfortune that these people have become coarse in soul, and do not see or notice the beauty in thoughts and feelings. One day, little Assol began to understand that it was impossible to live by dreams alone and that reality was more important than dreams. Very often, life and circumstances break the dreams of fragile and weak people, but Assol did not break.

Where is our hero? And is he a hero, Arthur Gray, living not in a hut, but in a family castle, in luxury and complete prosperity, the only offspring of a noble and rich family? With a sinking heart, I flip through page after page. It turns out that he is also a dreamer. What's surprising here?! After all, the main thing in a person is his inner world, his soul. You can hide behind money, you need it, modern world they play a significant role, but when a person has something high in his soul, money and wealth are not the goal of life.

The boy dreams of sunset, of the sea, of ships, he was born a captain, his parents supported his aspirations in every possible way. Communication with people?! Gray had an easier time in this regard than Assol. He was not an outcast, but his thoughts were full of fantasies and imagination. Most likely, this is what helped them find each other.

It’s so wonderful to realize that there is another person in the world who thinks the same way as you. The acquaintance of two people was destined by fate. One day, by chance, the ship washed ashore near the village where Assol lived. Walking through the forest, the young man saw a sleeping girl, and she immediately awakened exciting feelings in his soul. He looked at her not only with his eyes, but also with his heart, waiting for love: “Everything moved, everything smiled in him.” Later, in a tavern, he asked who this girl was, and was mockingly told the story of a madwoman who was waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. What happened next? “It was as if two strings sounded together. “The young man decided that the dream of the beautiful stranger must certainly come true. And he must help this. Moreover, he had already decided for himself that this girl would certainly become his wife. Gray ordered sails made of scarlet silk for his ship. In addition, he gathered musicians who could play in such a way as to make hearts cry. After all, “the sea and love do not tolerate pedants.” And when everything was ready, he set off towards his dream.

Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Assol looked at the sea, outlined with a golden thread on the horizon and throwing scarlet reflections at the girl’s feet. There, at the end of the world, what she had dreamed of for so long was happening. And now the morning has already come when a beautiful ship with sails blazing with crimson fire approached the shore. And there he was - the one for whom she had been waiting for a long time. “He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried,” my heart is ready to jump out, I’m so worried about my heroes. And Assol, shouting: “I’m here! I'm here! It’s me!” she rushed towards him straight across the water. So in the morning summer day Gray and Assol found each other. So Magic power dreams made two kind and loving people happy.

What a pity that the story of love and the fact that even the most unrealizable dreams can come true ended so quickly. I strongly recommend reading this story about honor and dishonor, cowardice and courage, about achieving a set goal to everyone who knows how to dream, who has faith in goodness in their hearts. This romantic story works miracles with people's souls, after it you want to believe in miracles. The realism of the work allows you to see beautiful world, surrounding us. And no matter how bad your soul is, in life, no matter how the people around you are, faith in something bright saves you. And that's just one side. The other side contains good human relations, feeling of love, hope for the future. “Scarlet Sails” is a romantic world of human happiness, cordial attitude, compassion, and most importantly - boundless love two people. And if you still believe in your dream, at dawn look beyond the horizon, maybe there is already a beautiful ship with scarlet sails standing there. Just believe it! Each of you has your own Scarlet Sails waiting for you.