Indian Male Names and Meanings - Choosing the Best Boy Name. Indian names for women Indian names with g

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmastide calendars of holy people, without the consultation of a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Indian names should primarily suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Jagdish (world ruler), this does not mean that the young man will be a strong ruler, and those with other names will be weak. The name can weaken health, block the heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Indian names for boys in 2015 are also misleading. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child, the deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

Secret male name, as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below are hundred Indian names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Indian names in alphabetical order:

Abhay - brave, fearless
Ajiit - indomitable
Ajit - indomitable
Ajitt - indomitable
Aditya - the sun
Amar - immortal
Amit - infinite, immeasurable
Amrit - immortal
Anand - happiness
Anant - endless, without end
Ananta - endless, without end
Anil - air, wind
Aniraddha - has no obstacles
Anish - the highest
Anchor - young tree
Anuj - born after, younger
Anupam - incomparable
Aravinda - lotus
Arjun - white
Arjuna - white
Arun - the redness of the rising sun
Arunaa - sun
Asim - limitless
Akhil - full
Ashok - without grief
Ashoka - without grief

Babar - lion
Baber - born of a lion
Bazant - spring
Bazu - inhabitant
Bala - young
Balarama - the power of god
Baleidva - the power of God
Bachman - good opinion
Beybr - lion
BJ - victory
Bijoy - victory
Bipin - forest
Boldev - the power of God
Brahma - creator, source
Brijesh is the king

Vazant - spring
Vazu - inhabitant
Vanada - rain giver
Vivek - knower of wisdom
Vijay - victory
Vikram - pace, walking
Vimal - pure
Vinay - promotion separately
Vipin - forest
Vipul - a lot
Vishal is big
Vishnu is the savior

Ganesh - god of the horde
Ganesha - Lord of the Horde
Gobind - cow seeker
Govind - cow seeker
Gopal - protector of the cow
Gotham is the best ox
Gotama is the best ox

Daamodara - waist cord
Damodar - waist cord
Damodara - waist cord
Dayaram - Rama's compassion
Dayarama - Rama's compassion
Debdan - a gift from God
Devdan - a gift from God
Devdas - servant god
Devraj - God-King
Juggernaut - World Lord
Jagjit - world conquest
Jagdish - world ruler
Jasvinder - lightning strike
Jayant - victorious
Jay - victory
Jyotish - moon
Jirish - Lord of the Mountain
Jitender - conqueror of Indra
Jitendera - conqueror of Indra
Jitendra - conqueror of Indra
Jitinder - conqueror of Indra
Dzhokhar - greeting
Jaydev - divine victory
Jayendra - Indra's victory
Jaywant - winner
Dilip - Delhi defender
Dinesh - Lord of the Day
Deepak - small lamp
Duleep - Defender of Delhi
Dhaval - pure, white
Dhananjay - victory of wealth

Ibrahim - father of many
Inderjeet - conqueror of Indra
Inderpal - protector of Indra
Indra - possesses taming (of rain)
Indrajit - conqueror of Indra
Isha - protector

Kazi - shining
Kalidas - servant of Kali
Hookah - auspicious and wedding
Kama - desired, beloved
Kamal - red
Cambodia - a handsome king
Kapil - reddish brown
Kapila - reddish brown
Karan - ear
Karna - ear
Kiran - rays of the sun
Kistna – black, blue
Kishan - black, blue
Kishen - black, blue
Kishore - foal
Krishna - black, blue
Krsna – black, blue
Kumar - boy, son
Kunal - lotus flower
Kailash - crystal

Laxman - presence of luck
Lakshman - presence of luck
Lakshmana - presence of luck
Lal - caress, play
Lochan - eye

Madhav - from springtime
Madhukar - bee
Mazud - lucky
Manju - melodious
Manjunata - the pleasant lord of the fog
Mandip - lamp, opinion
Mani - gemstone
Maninder - Indra's thinking
Manish - Lord of Opinion
Manu is a man
Massoud - lucky
Masud - lucky
Mahavir is a big hero
Mahatma - big soul
Mahinder - big Indra
Maendra - big Indra
Merali - flute
Merugan - six-faced
Merukan - six-faced
Mehmood - worthy of praise
Mohan - enchanted
Mohandas - employee Mohan
Mohinder - big Indra
Mukesh - ruler, torment
Mukul - blossoming, blossoming

Navin - news
Najendra - Indra of the snake
Nanda - joy
Narayan - son of man
Narinder - Indra's man
Neirndra - Indra's man
Neelam - sapphire
Nirav - calm, quiet
Nitin - the right path
Nikhil - everything, whole
Nishant - dawn, end of night
Natik - moral

Om - basic, sound
Orangzeb - worthy of the throne

Padma - lotus flower
Perushottam - the tallest man
Pistambar - yellow item of clothing
Pollab - a promising leaf of hope
Pollove - a rising leaf of hope
Prabodh - good advice
Prabodhan - noble
Prabhakar - light maker, sun
Prabhat - dawn
Prabhu - creator, powerful
Pradeep - shining
Prazad - offered to god
Prazanna - liked
Prakash - light
Pramod - happiness, rejoice
Praney - novel
Preint - leader
Prem - love
Praitap - dignity, majesty

Slave Indra - Indra of the sun
Ravana is the name of the demon king of the island of Ceylon who kidnapped Rama's wife, Sita.
Ravi - the sun
Rav Indra - Indra of the sun
Stew - fast
Raj is the king
Rajan is the king
Rajanikanth - Lord of the Night
Rajender - King Indra
Rajesh - ruler of kings
Rajeev - lotus flower
Rajinder - King Indra
Radshiv - lotus flower
Rakesh - Lord of the Night
Ramakhandra - moon of Rama
Ramakhandra - moon of Rama
Ranj - victorious in battle
Ranjit - victorious in battle
Ratnam - a gem
Rahul is efficient
Reijndra - King Indra
Rishi - sage
Raitan - gemstone

Sabhash - polite
Savitar - sunny
Savitr - solar
Sudhir - good and wise
Sandar - beautiful
Sandara - beautiful
Sander - handsome
Sanjay - triumphant
Sanjeev - recovery
Sanjeet - indomitable
Sanjeet - indomitable
Sandeep - illuminated lamp
Sankar - one who makes good luck
Saral - straight
Satish - God Sati
Sachin is pure
Sashi - moon
Swapan is a dream
Swapnil - fabulous
Swaran is a good color
Sekar - a ridge that reaches its maximum
Seraj - sun
Serendra - Indra of God
Seresh - god-ruler
Serinder - Indra of the god
Serya - sun
Sib - destroyer
Siddharth is an experienced target
Siddhartha - Experienced Target
Sikander - protector of humanity
Sing is a lion
Soheil - Canopus (star)
Sudarshan - correct vision
Sudarshana - right vision
Suman - good-natured
Sumati - prone to good
Sunil - very dark blue
Sushil - good behavior

India is the heart of South Asia. Until recently, we considered it the land of elephants and tea, based on the logo of the delicious Indian drink. In fact, it is a great unique country with its own way of life, ancient history, rich culture and religion. All this left an imprint on the names and their meaning. Incomprehensible from our point of view, they are filled with magic and magic.

Indian names and their meanings are almost always associated with mysticism. IN Ancient India There was an opinion that a child must be named correctly at birth. And only upon reaching adulthood did he learn his real name and its meaning. This was done to scare away evil demons. Although such a custom has long ceased to exist, the rules by which a child is named are strict and determined by long-standing traditions.

Indian approach to selection

In India, they take a responsible approach to naming a child, rightly believing that this determines not only future fate, but also life path, and luck. Fearing evil forces and their influence, naming a child on a person, they took measures to veil their choice and not make it public. And preference was given to the goddesses of India, believing that such patronage would help on the path of life.

Basic selection rules

When naming a girl, parents are guided by 4 rules:

  1. Avoid choosing long and confusing names.
  2. It should be natural. Easy to pronounce, one that will be quickly remembered. It is undesirable for it to be distorted, so preference is given to something that is easy to pronounce.
  3. There is no need to give preference rare names, just like the frequently occurring ones. With him you can feel lonely in society, which complicates the path of life.
  4. It should be beautiful when written.
  5. One should be proud of it, it should be so euphonious and filled with meaning. Already in the name itself, a life path favorable for the child should be visible.

This approach comes from antiquity. Over time, preference was given to more beautiful and melodious names. Today's children have two or even three of them. Preference is given to the classics. They are more associated with the virtues and personal qualities of a person or the colorful phenomena of the natural world: star - Revati, river - Ganga or dawn - Usha, spring - Vasanta, wind - Anila, earth - Ila. Exotics are not held in high esteem. As options for a name associated with virtue: modest - Avanti, pure - Amala.

Indian cinema has made its contribution to the matter of choice. Indian female names have become in demand outside this exotic country. Over time, changing a little, they began to be pronounced differently, which causes confusion and controversy about their origin.

What is the girl's name?

India for a long time consisted of principalities, each of which had its own culture, values ​​and traditions. The customs by which a newborn is named also differ in its characteristics. Despite such versatility, a girl is rarely given foreign name. They make their choice towards traditions. Most often it is associated with mythology, Sanskrit and Vedic ancient texts: Indrani can tame the rain, Divya is divine.

Before naming a child, they listen to elders, astrologers, and temple employees. Until now, it is believed that an unsuccessful name can ruin the entire fate of a child.

They sound beautiful and remind us of the unsurpassed female beauty names of flowers: jasmine - Malati, lotus flower - Padma, flower - Pushma.

Indian female names have two components - personal and collective.

For girls, they often choose the names of the goddesses of prosperity and wealth - Lakshmi, Sita, power and power - Durga and Kali, marriage and wisdom Parvati and Saraswati. It is believed that the deities will protect the child throughout his life. In the choice of women's names, there is a tendency to use the names and epithets of the wives of the gods Aditi, Deva, Bhavati.

A collective name, in our understanding, is a surname that explains in which territory of India he was born and to which caste he belongs. For Hindus, caste is fundamental throughout life. The surname indicates the position in society of the girl's father. When a woman gets married, she takes her husband's surname.

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The population of India speaks many languages ​​and almost all the religions of the world exist in India. Therefore, in different regions Indians name their children differently based on their rules, language and religion.

We are all familiar with Indian names from films such as Zita, Geeta, Khan or Noori. But, like in any other country, in India there are traditional names and modern.

A survey was conducted on one of the Indian sites: “What will you name your baby?”
The answer options were as follows:

  • Indian name (1170 votes – 14%)
  • name of god in hindi (1160 votes – 14%)
  • modern name (5687 votes – 68%)
  • traditional name (336 votes – 4%)

As you can see, the modern name has become the clear leader.

By the way, for some Indians, their given name at birth is different from their legal name. And many children have three names at once, as part of religious teachings.

So what are the most popular modern male and female names in India right now? See our TOP 100 Indian names and their meanings.

50 Modern Male Indian (Hindi) Names

Aarav – wisdom, musical note
Aarush – the first ray of winter sun
Advik – unique
Akarsh - that which is divine
Aniruddh – limitless
Arnav – sea, ocean
Ayush – life expectancy

Bhavin – winner, exist

Vaibhav - the richest
Vivaan – full of life
Vihaan - morning, dawn

Gurkiran – the ray of light of the guru

Darshit - to pay tribute
Devansh – part of God
Jayesh – winner, triumphant
Divit – immortal
Divyansh - divine part
Dhruv – guiding star

Eshan – Lord Shiva

Indrajit – conqueror of Indra
Indranil - another name of Lord Shiva, sapphire

Kiaan – king

Lakshay – goal
Lakshit – aimed

Madhup - honey bees
Mitul - limited friend

Neerav – quiet
Nishith - night

Ojas – abundance of energy

Pranay – romance
Priyansh – the most valuable part of something

Ranbir - brave warrior
Rachit - invention
Reyansh - ray of light, part of Lord Vishnu
Rohan – increasing

Samar – talk in the evening
Sahel – guide, mentor, guide

Tushar – snow

Uthkarsh – excellent, perfect

Faiyaz – artistic, artistic

Hansh - like God
Harikiran - rays of God
Himmat – courage
Hiran – golden

Chirag – lamp

Shaan – peace
Shlok – hymn
Shray – credit, merit
Shreyas – good

Yakshit - the one who has done forever, permanent

50 Modern Female Indian (Hindi) Names

Aaryahi – Goddess Durga
Adah – decoration, ornament
Additri – Goddess Lakshmi
Advika – the one who is unique
Alisha – bright, noble, noble
Anaya – God answers
Anvi – goddess of the forest
Anika – grace, grace
Aradhya - one worth worshiping
Ahana - the first rays of the sun

Bhavya - the one who is magnificent

Vanya – merciful, gift of God
Vardaniya – good luck giver
Vedika – consciousness
Vritika – thought

Drishya – image, gaze
Jivika – source of life
Jiya – sweetheart

Eva – living

Zara – princess

Inaaya – empathy
Ira – vigilant

Kavya - poem
Kashvi – shining
Keya – flower
Kiara – dark haired
Khushi – happiness, joy

Myra – myrrh
Mahika - dew drops
Mishti – nice person

Navya – new
Neysa – pure, purity
Nitya – constant

Pari – unearthly beauty
Parinaaz – sweet, fairy
Pihu – female peahen
Prisha - beloved, gift of God

Riya – singer

Saanvi – Goddess Lakshmi
Samaira – enchantment, enchantment
Sana – radiance, diamond
Sara – princess
Siya – Sita (wife of Rama)

Tanya – fairy queen
Tara – rocky hill
Tiya – bird

Hrishita – contented, happy

Charvi – beautiful lady

Shanaya - the first ray of sunshine

Yashvi - fame, fame

They name their children, I have come across such interesting Indian names, Sanskrit, familiar by ear from hymns, and in general from mythology.
Sunny has already written that Indians choose names based on the stars.
I heard from other Indians I know that they often give children the names of Hindu Gods, because then the Deity will protect the child in life. And I have Hindu acquaintances who bear the names of Gods. This Indian is very similar to Russian Orthodox tradition naming the child according to the calendar, that is, in honor of the Christian saint to whom the day on which the child is baptized is dedicated, that is, they give him a name.

But some Indian names are just Sanskrit words, beautiful words, denoting favorable things, images and even.
I found some interesting material - Top 10 Most Popular Indian (Hindu) Names for boys and girls.
Data published based on statistics. After some names I wrote the meanings of these words if I knew them.

In India there are several rules for choosing a name:

1. The name should be short.
2. The name should be easy to pronounce.
3. The name should be easy to remember.
4. Pronunciation and spelling of a child's name should not be difficult.
5. The name should not be too rare, but also not too common.
6. You should be proud of this name, obviously meaning its meaning, meaning and suitability for your child.

Most Popular Indian Male Names

(for boys, that is)
1: Amit - Amit
2: Arjun - Arjun (translated as white, correlates with the legendary Arjuna from the Mahabharata)
3: Aditya - Aditya (translated from Sanskrit as)
4: Pranav - Pranav
5: Samir - Samir
6: Nikhil - Nikhil (Nikhil)
7: Arnav - Arnav
8: Rishi - Rishi (rishi is a sage)
9: Rahul - Rahul (probably very popular now and boys are named after Rahul)
10: Anand - Anand (ananda is divine joy)

Other Very Popular Indian Boy Names
Anil - Anil
Ajay - Ajay (Ajay)
Pramod - Pramod
Abhishek - Abhishek (abhisheka is a ritual in Hinduism, by the way)
Tarun - Tarun

Top Indian Girl Names

For girls;)
1: Maya - Maya (Maya) - illusion, illusoryness, this word comes from Indian philosophy
2: Tara - Tara, Tara is in Buddhism
3: Shreya - Shreya
4: Arpita - Arpita
5: Ekta - Ekta
6: Kavita - Kavita
7: Laxmi - Lakshmi - wife, goddess of wealth, probably everyone wants to have their own Lakshmi
8: Jyoti - Jyoti (Jyoti) is just Light
9: Madhu - Madhu (Madu) means Honey
10: Aparna - Aparna

It is difficult to imagine something more mysterious and melodic than beautiful Indian names for boys and girls. They sound like a real song. Arjun, Aishwarya, Rani, Priya, Esha - these magnificent names endow their bearers with a unique charm. They are associated with magnificent Indian films, the warmth and romanticism of which have managed to win the hearts of millions of people around the world.

However beautiful sound– this is far from the only advantage of the local name book. The advantage of popular Indian names is their meaning. It displays best quality man and the most beautiful phenomena existing in nature.

Features of choosing female and male Indian names

Linguistic, religious and caste differences Indian people left a significant imprint on local naming traditions. In different regions of the country, parents call their children differently. Most often, newborns are given traditional Indian names for girls and boys. Most of them are borrowed from sacred Hindu texts and national mythology.

In order to provide children with the protection of higher powers, they are named after goddesses. At the same time, a newborn child can be called with beautiful male and female Indian names, the meaning of which is associated with various sacred objects and other attributes of religion.

Unlike people in Europe, people born in India do not strive to be unique. Due to this, children are rarely given exotic Western or Russian names in Indian. Preference is given to the traditional national nomenclature.

List of Most Common Indian Boy Names

  1. Aditya. Interpreted as "sun"
  2. Arjun. Translated into Russian it means “white”
  3. Anil. Indian Boy Name Meaning "Divine Wind"
  4. Vikrant. Means "mighty"
  5. Vir. Translated into Russian it means “kind”
  6. Vishal. Interpreted as "big"
  7. Krishan. Male Indian name which means "black"
  8. Pranav. Corresponds to the name of the Hindu sacred symbol "om"
  9. Rishi. Interpreted as "sage"
  10. Sonu. Indian Boy Name Meaning "Beautiful"

List of the most beautiful Indian girl names

  1. Aishwarya. Means "tulip" in Hindi.
  2. Jaya. Indian female name which means "victory"
  3. Jita. Interpreted as "song"
  4. Kanya. Translated into Russian it means “young lady”
  5. Leela. Indian girl name with meaning "game"
  6. Priya. Interpreted as "beloved"
  7. Rani. Means "queen"
  8. Riya. Indian girl name meaning "singer"
  9. Sunni. Translated into Russian it means “tactful”
  10. Shanti. Interpreted as "quiet"

Most Popular Indian Boy and Girl Names

  1. Currently, the most popular Indian male names are Vivan, Aditya, Ashwani and Arjun.
  2. Apart from this, boys are often called Krishan, Rohan, Ayan, Devdan and Vikran.
  3. To the most common female names in India include Ayana, Diya, Anika, Prisha and Riya.