The beginning of human history additional material. Message on the topic: “Pages of world history. The beginning of human history. The primitive world." What is history and what does it study?


1. Historical eras.
2. Introduction to history and archaeology.

4. Primeval world.
5. Conclusion.

1. Historical eras.

The history of mankind can be divided into several large eras:

2. Introduction to history and archeology

The most ancient era of human history is called primitive.

How did people learn about primitive people? Scientists carry out excavations, extracting from the ground things of ancient people, their bones. Scientists who carry out excavations are called archaeologists.

Archeology - the science of antiquity. It studies the history of society through the remains of people's lives and activities. Scientists believe that the most ancient people, “traces” of which were found in Africa and Asia, lived more than a million years ago. Based on the remains of the skeletons of ancient people, it was possible to establish what they looked like.

The first known ancestors of humans and apes lived more than two million years ago and were called Dryopithecus.

3. The difference between primitive man and modern man.

Ancient man very different from you and me - modern people- and looked like a large monkey. However, people did not walk on four legs, as almost all animals walk, but on two legs, but at the same time they leaned forward greatly. The man's arms, hanging down to his knees, were free, and he could perform simple work: grab, hit, dig the ground. People's foreheads were low and sloping. Their brains were larger than those of apes, but significantly smaller than those of modern humans. He could not speak, made only a few abrupt sounds, with which people expressed fear and anger, called for help and warned each other about danger, and ate only what he found.

These were arboreal animals, resembling in their structure great apes. Some of them led only an arboreal lifestyle. They could have given rise to a line of animals that later became the ancestors of humans.

4. The primitive world.

The most ancient era human history is called primitive. Primitive (tribal) community. Characterized by collective labor and consumption.

Primitive people They lived in groups because it was impossible to cope with the difficulties of life alone. They did not need to worry about warm clothes. They lived where it was always warm. Primitive people built dwellings to protect themselves from the scorching rays of the sun, bad weather, and predators.

The first tools of human labor were hands, nails and teeth, as well as stones, debris and branches from trees. The first people had to hunt, collect various plants, and also learn to make the first simple tools from sticks, bones and animal horns, and then from stone.

Main occupation of ancient people there was hunting and fishing(occupations for men) that required great strength and dexterity. Ancient man He hardly knew how to count to more than five, but he could sit motionless for hours in ambush during a hunt or build a cunning trap for a huge mammoth. Gathering (occupation for women) - the ability to understand different plants and collect edible mushrooms, as well as exchanging booty with other tribes.

Ancient man together with other animals, he fled from the fire in fear. But then a daredevil was found who began to use the fire left natural phenomena as a result of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires. Man did not yet know how to make fire himself. And therefore the big problem was maintaining the fire. The loss of fire was tantamount to the death of the entire family. Later, man learned to make fire, and fire saved him during a period of cooling on Earth. He began to use fire to cook food. He could fry a piece of meat on it, bake root vegetables on coals and remove them in time so that they do not burn. Fire gave man something that does not exist in nature.

Within each tribe, certain customs and rules of behavior developed. Living in caves, they painted on the walls. People and animals were sculpted from clay or carved out of stone, and dishes were decorated. They probably wanted to depict the world in which they lived.

5. Conclusion.

Primitive history lasted hundreds, thousands of years. During this time, people populated all continents except Antarctica. They appeared on the territory of our country about half a million years ago.

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The beginning of the story

We do not know when, where and how man appeared on our planet, and we doubt that anyone living today knows this for sure. Most likely, people, having appeared one day, began to settle around the Earth, leading a primitive communal lifestyle, hunting and gathering edible plants. This period of history is described quite well in textbooks, and we will not repeat it.

To form a unified human community and the progress of people required certain conditions, and they, according to our version, developed by the 3rd century AD. e. in the Mediterranean region.

There were three conditions:

1. The transition from animal types of “work” for obtaining food (hunting, collecting fruits) to human labor - agricultural, industrial, intellectual.

2. Creation of a system of connections by people for the exchange of labor products and ideas, including (and above all) writing.

3. Acceptance of monotheism as an ideology of spiritual community, unity of people of different races and tribes.

There is an idea that humanity developed slowly and unhurriedly, this continued for thousands of years, and only in the 20th century a sharp leap forward was made. It seems to us that real picture nevertheless, it is somewhat different: separated tribes developed independently for hundreds of thousands of years, accumulating knowledge and superstitions, but the breakthrough began in the first centuries of our era in a single center - the Mediterranean.

It is like a spear with a long shaft, the tip of which is civilization, and the 20th century is just the tip of this tip. Our civilization is more than young; in relation to the entire history of man, its duration is a fraction of a percent - so is the gap in levels of development surprising? different nationalities, observed by us in the 20th century?

We believe that humanity, having modern science, computers and satellites, is still at the very beginning of its grand journey.

The first step towards civilization was the emergence of agriculture in Egypt. It was not even a step, but a giant leap! Farming cannot be done “by the way.” After all, planting seeds, processing, harvesting and storing crops makes a person tied to one place.

If there is a lot of other food in this place, agriculture will not arise; if there is little, the person becomes too dependent on the harvest and the experience may end sadly for this person. The harvest must be sufficient for the result to immediately exceed a certain threshold. The very first experiment was supposed to bring success, and in the Nile Valley this became possible, since due to the annual flood, silt was deposited, and the harvest could be obtained without special technical means and techniques.

Although it is impossible to name the exact date the first harvest, without a doubt, Egypt is the cradle of civilization. Over time, other peoples in other places began to engage in agriculture; this happened simultaneously with the advent of new tools and the use of horse traction.

(It should be emphasized: when we say that all this happened “before the 3rd century,” we mean exactly that - before. And for how many years before?.. Over two hundred? For a thousand? Completely unknown).

In the oft-mentioned region between the Tigris and Euphrates, Mesopotamia is traditionally thought to have had irrigated agriculture. However, in our opinion, it could only arise when already Not only the technology of agriculture was well known, but also the technology of manufacturing agricultural implements and, of course, metallurgy. This means that agriculture in Mesopotamia is of “imported” origin; it was brought here by representatives of other, settled peoples.

They first learned to smelt iron in the Balkans or Bohemia. (The grandson of the biblical Cain, inventor and forger of metal tools, bore the name Balkan, or Vulcan.) The use of iron made possible the emergence of fundamentally new weapons and means of labor, which made it possible to cultivate lands that at first glance were not suitable for this.

The initial development of cattle breeding with the domestication of animals took place on the Asia Minor Peninsula, and its culmination was the domestication of the horse. And cavalry, as a type of armed forces, first appeared in the Balkans: the mythical creator of cavalry is the Macedonian king Philip, whose name just means “horse breeder” (Phil - to love, here in the sense of “to collect”; ipp - horse, is an integral element, for example, in the word “hippodrome”).

The domestication of the horse, of course, sharply accelerated the development of civilization, since it made land communication between peoples faster and more reliable, but no less important was the beginning of shipbuilding, the creation of ships capable of not only coastal voyages, but also long-distance voyages. The development of shipbuilding is unthinkable without new methods of wood processing, the invention of saws and drills.

Settlement and a sufficient level of production allowed some of the wealthy people to engage in intellectual activity, science and literature, and the beginning of the production of papyrus paper in Byblos and Egypt contributed to the widespread spread of literacy.

Literature originated as short records of fairy tales and anecdotes, primary recitative poetry and various kinds of practical information and recipes, then the first chronicles appeared.

The beginning of sciences is geocentric astronomy and astrology.

Also until the 3rd century AD. e. a method for smelting copper on an industrial scale from Cypriot mines was discovered, the development of tin ores began in Spain, and the resulting appearance of bronze made it possible to produce bronze household items and weapons.

Naturally, economic and cultural development the peoples of the Mediterranean would have been impossible without their interaction. There was extensive trade - merchants brought grain from Egypt, wine from Gaul, livestock, leather, wool from the Asia Minor Peninsula, metal products from Romania, Pest, Ruhr, Spain, wax from Slavic lands.

Trade is the engine of progress. This is an engine that, being turned on once, worked without interruption, drawing more and more into production and intellectual activity. large quantity peoples - and is still working today.

People were the same as us - no worse and no better, only they were surrounded by another life, and their ideas about the world were completely different.

The implementation of the third - and most important - condition for the creation of a single human community (civilization) was the adoption of monotheism by the majority of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, and this led to the emergence of the first Roman (Byzantine) empire in history.

Center religious life At first there was Egypt (Copt, Gypt), but by the 3rd century, the area at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, the most noticeable and amazing “divine sign” of the Mediterranean, emerged as a second religious center. Representatives came here different nations, set up their altars (and simply “celebrated” before their God). Here the first priestly community formed, teaching everyone who came their understanding of God.

Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes from time to time destroyed the altars erected to the gods of different tribes, confirming the teaching of the local priests that God is one and that He, and only Him, must be worshiped.

Recognition by all of one God led over time to the recognition of power from God, which a single ruler received through dedication, anointing to the kingdom. The prefix Anointed of God or Initiated was added to the name of the king - Nazarene in biblical language, Christ in Greek, Augustus in Latin, and about Gospel Jesus Until the 7th century, people had absolutely no idea about Christ, as he is known to us.

Monotheism does not mean complete identity of people's views. (God is still the same for all religions - but look at the variety of interpretations and rituals!) Less than a hundred years had passed since the creation of the empire in the 3rd century, and its religion had already split into factions of Nicolaitans and Arians, then a “biblical confusion of languages” occurred - nothing more than an introduction different languages services, hundreds of religious sects and communities appeared, and each preacher saw his own God's truth in the heavenly signs.

We must keep in mind the completely boundless superstitiousness of people, their animation of objects and, most importantly, stars. Stars! They have names that can be written in letters. They are united into constellations, and these constellations are not accumulations of flaming balls in airless space (as we know), but figures, also having names and purposes. Astrology was by no means an abstract science.

Vesuvius in Italy became the religious center (more on this in the following chapters). Political center the first in the history of the empire was located in Romania (Romania) and adjacent Rumelia, this common name Balkan countries and Asia Minor. Before the start of widespread iron production in Germany (in the Ruhr), this area was industrially and technically the most advanced in the world; merchants from Europe, Asia and northern Africa were drawn here. Here was the center of trade routes, information from all over the world flocked here, and information gives power.

The First World Roman (Byzantine) Empire included England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Egypt and all North Africa, Bulgaria and Balkan Peninsula with the archipelago, Asia Minor and Syria. (The names are given here in the modern geographical tradition).

This is what the Roman Empire was originally. In this book we call it Roman or Byzantine, and its western part, which became independent much later, we call Roman.

To the two parts of this territory, Romagnia and Rumelia, we owe the legend about the formation of the city of Rome (Roma) by two brothers Romulus and Remus.

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According to various evidence and studies, approximately three million years ago (although the alternative history of mankind also gives other figures), man emerged from the animal world. About 35 thousand years ago, the formation of modern people began. Thirty thousand years later, civilizations began to emerge in different parts peace.

If the history of mankind were equated to a day, then from the formation of classes and states to our time, according to scientists, only 4 minutes would have passed.

The primitive communal system was the longest stage. It lasted about a million years. It should be noted that exact time It is very difficult to name when the history of mankind began. The upper limit (the final stage) of the primitive communal system varies within different limits depending on the continent. For example, classes in Africa and Asia began to form at the turn of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e., in America - 1st century. BC e.

How human history began, why, where and when it happened remains a mystery. Unfortunately, there are no monuments from those eras.

Humanity is carried out differently by different scientists.

Even ancient Roman and ancient Chinese philosophers knew about the existence of three (copper), stone and iron. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, this archaeological periodization received scientific development. As a result, scientists typologized the stages and eras of these periods.

Lasted several times longer than the entire subsequent history of mankind. The division into stages within this era is based on the complication and change in the shapes of stone tools.

The Stone Age began with the Paleolithic (Old Stone), in which, in turn, scientists distinguish the stage of the Lower (Early), Middle and Upper (Late) Paleolithic.

Ends stone Age Neolithic (New Stone Age). At the end of this period the first copper tools appeared. This indicates the formation of a special stage - the Eneolithic (Chalcolithic).

The structure of the internal periodization of subsequent centuries (New Stone, Iron and Bronze) is presented differently by different researchers. The defined cultures within the stages themselves also differ quite strongly.

Archaeological periodization is based entirely on technological aspects and does not provide an idea of ​​the formation of production as a whole. Currently, the system of division into stages is not so much global as regional.

A certain limitation of goals is present in the paleoanthropological periodization of the primitive system. It is based on the principle of biological evolution of people. According to this system of division into stages of development, researchers talk about the existence of ancient (archanthropus), ancient (paleoanthropus), and also fossil modern (neoanthropus) humans. Despite some controversial points, the paleoanthropological system of dividing human development into stages closely echoes the archaeological system.

At the same time, these special periodizations human history do not compare in importance with common system sharing people's pasts. The development of a direction for a historical and material understanding of human development was first seriously begun by Morgan (an American ethnographer). In accordance with the division of the entire process into eras of civilization, barbarism and savagery established in the 18th century, taking into account the indicators of the level of development of the production of “means of life”, the American ethnographer identified a higher, middle and lower stage in each indicated era. Subsequently, Engels, highly appreciating this periodization, generalized it.

And the changes are so dramatic that it’s time to talk about the beginning of history.

The heavenly fog began to fade. The divorces became cloudy, extinguishing each other...
then the sky burst and through the torn holes a different sky appeared,
light gray, matching the calm light pouring from there.
All heads were raised to the zenith, so the running messenger was noticed,
when he was very close.
- Lord! - he shouted, gasping for breath. - The Tenger Wall has fallen!

Svyatoslav Loginov. The many-armed god Dalaina.

End of story. Hedgehogs crossed with snakes.

The 90s and early 00s were marked by the “end of history” by Francis Fukuyama. And although even Fukuyama himself subsequently distanced himself from the particularly radical provisions of his book, his theory is still very popular. In fact, the very fact of the appearance of this book against the backdrop of tremendous changes in all spheres of human life is quite curious. Didn't Fukuyama notice them?
On the other hand, there are crowds of neo-Malthusians and other idiot catastrophists who sense changes “with their spinal cord”(c), but since, in the absence of other types of brains, they cannot understand the essence of these changes, they simply run around screaming about “everything is lost, whoever can do it. ..”, waving a report to the Club of Rome instead of the Apocalypse, frightening housewives and other ordinary people, ...
Well, and ordinary people who do not notice the changes taking place at all, and even moreover, who perceive them as a given. Once a few years ago, our group of adults at a party was amused by a child who interpreted the payphone plot in an old film, saying, “My uncle forgot his cell phone at home.” In fact, children see what adults do not notice - and adults, in their current affairs, somehow do not notice that they live in a world that just 20-30 years ago would have seemed complete fantasy. This, by the way, is a curious fact, why the majority of people do not notice changes, having simply gotten used to these increasingly accelerating changes, as to some static factor, like an old sofa, for example.
By the way, Fukuyama also fell into this trap, presenting the changes going in the same direction from the end of the World War to the 90s as a kind of linear static reinforced concrete road from point A to point B, and not as part of a bifurcation tangle.

On the other hand, the so-called singularity theory is gaining popularity, according to which the rate of development of human civilization is constantly accelerating, at a certain moment sharply reaching infinity. And this moment is close enough. In principle, the postulates of this theory are easily verified and fully correspond to reality, the only thing that confuses us is a very simple question for the followers of this theory: what next? Beyond the singularity point? There is no clear answer. In general, such a “collapse” is a sign of the end.
So, is Fukuyama right with his “end of history”?

The beginning of the story.

In fact, it is impossible to assure that nothing is happening, or that everything that is happening is just an “innocent children’s game of rat” (c).
There are certain signs of the end of history, and there are even more than enough of them; the mentioned report “Limits to Growth” alone is worth it.
However, it should be clarified - the end of CURRENT HISTORY.

In fact, we are witnessing the passage of human civilization to a GREAT bifurcation point that affects all sides human life, and the drivers of which are such independent processes that it is generally impossible to predict the final result.
One thing is clear - it will be so new world, that in 30 years, to our children/grandchildren, the current state of affairs will seem like the existence of troglodytes and..., (okay, if not perverts...) This will be a completely fantastic reality.

Well, briefly, about some of the main drivers of these bifurcation processes.

Post-industrial is like a permanent fire in a brothel.

The first and most powerful driver of change is the phase transition from industrial to post-industrial. Fortunately, we are witnessing a rare process, occurring only for the third time in human history. The first phase transition was from a hunter-gatherer society to agricultural society, also called the Neolithic Revolution, was triggered by the shortage of a basic resource - wildlife for the breeding human population.
Second phase transition, from agricultural to post-industrial society... or the Industrial Revolution, was driven by a shortage of the main agricultural resource - arable land, again against the background of a multiplying human population. A wild, poor place called England, which was the first to make this transition and took all the goodies from it, unexpectedly became the most powerful empire in the history of mankind.
The third phase transition - from industrial somewhere to post-industrial, there is no name for it yet, is carried out in currently. And he is being dragged by the ears by the same lack of resources as in previous times. Hello to the Club of Rome, this is superbly described in “The Limits to Growth”, this time there is a lack of resources of industrial civilization, that is natural resources, which need to be dug out of the ground for industry, in order to do something with them later.
In addition to what was not predicted in “Limits to Growth”, a deficit is now being added work force and ecological deficit, which makes the transformational transition even more abrupt.

By the way, the characters who present the post-industrial economy as a service economy are touching; this doesn’t fit into any corner at all, it’s the same as presenting 16th century Spain, gorged on American gold, as post-agrarian, i.e. industrial economy. No, it was just a sick economy, like today’s service economies. In a real post-industrial there will be a very powerful agricultural sector (if it can still be called that), a powerful, much more productive industry than now, albeit a fantastic one by today’s standards. Well, there will be services too, where would we be without them....
For now, besides the fact that it will look like complete fantasy, we can briefly say about post-industrial that the main difference from industrial will be a much more pronounced distribution of processes. Endless fields and huge factories will be displaced and largely replaced by distributed options. Distributed agriculture, energy, industry, services, etc.
Consequently, from our current ideas about the management of economic processes, an attempt to manage, or at least understand the principles of management in post-industrial, will look like an attempt to control a fire in a brothel...

The Age of Great Geographical Closures

The modern geopolitical reality surrounding us basically lies on the foundation of the most powerful passionary explosion of the “Western” Christian civilization, which occurred about 1000 years ago and resulted in the global expansion of this civilization.
That is why the current world system trade, division of labor (including the system of neocolonialism), international production relations, etc., are rooted in the era of the XV-XVII centuries. That very era, called the “Age of Great Geographical Discoveries,” and which marked the beginning of the reformatting of the world in a modern way.
But just 5 centuries ago, the territory stretching from Asia Minor to the Pacific Ocean generated the lion’s share of the world’s GDP, while possessing a level of science and culture unattainable for its neighbors, but was pushed to the margins of civilization precisely in the last 500 years.

Naturally, our world is dynamic and this state of affairs could not remain forever. And at the moment we can observe the beginning of the opposite process - a gradual shift in economic and cultural center civilizations FROM the North Atlantic region.
Where? So far, the Asia-Pacific region is definitely noticeable, which some experts predict to be the future financial and economic center of the planet. But this is unlikely; most likely there will be several centers, and even more than two. Or maybe there will be no centers at all, and everything will be spread out in an even layer across the entire planet, corresponding to the post-industrial factor of the distribution of everything possible.

But in any case, it is clear that the current system of international division of labor and relations, built on the basis of the expansion of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, is hopelessly outdated and is closing. It's a thing of the past. That is, we can jokingly say that we are now living in the era of Great Geographical Closures. And many of the changes occurring within this transformational process will look absolutely incredible.

Restoring distorted reality...

The inferno breakthrough that occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, causing the First World War and the subsequent series of catastrophes gave rise to a distorted different ideologies reality of the twentieth century. Traditional values, both pragmatic and religious-ideological, were replaced in the 20th century by purely ideological concepts and values, often perpendicular to reality, giving rise to a certain type of “through the looking glass”, a simulacrum that has no rights to natural existence, except for those taken into service ideological dogmas.
Moreover, as a result of the struggle of competing ideologies, simulacra multiply, leading to the emergence of simulacra more high degrees..., quite worthy of Kafka's pen.
In short, over the 20th century humanity has produced so many of them that we can really talk about a serious distortion of reality.
But fortunately, when the simulacra are disconnected from external power, they simply die. And since the environment feeding these reflections existed in old story, which is now coming to an end, we can confidently speak about the impending mass death of the simulacra that humanity brought into the 21st century.
And, quite naturally, the removal of distortions from reality, for an observer from within this process will look as if the world is being turned upside down.

UPDATE: What was initially poetically called an “inferno breakthrough” nevertheless received its logical, rather than mystical, explanation. Look at the picture.

The coincidence of the frequency of generational change and the frequency of technology change coincided precisely in the first half of the 20th century, giving rise not only to the storm of world wars, revolutions and other cataclysms, but also to the generation of simulacra described above.

On the edge

There are simply countless other, smaller signals that the world is indeed at a turning point.
It is impossible not to mention the breaking of the long-term trend towards growth in the human population. Somewhere within this or the next decade, population growth globe begins to go not due to the constantly growing birth rate, but due to an increase in life expectancy. [To be continued]

Welcome to the matrix

Global village.

Sunset of megacities.