The world system of socialism and its collapse. The World History

World socialist system

a social, economic and political community of free sovereign states following the path of socialism and communism, united by common interests and goals, and bonds of international socialist solidarity. Countries M. s. With. have the same type of economic basis - public ownership of the means of production; a uniform state system - the power of the people led by the working class and its vanguard - the communist and workers' parties: a single ideology - Marxism-Leninism; common interests in protecting revolutionary gains, in ensuring security from the encroachments of imperialism, in the struggle for world peace and in providing assistance to peoples fighting for national independence; a single goal - communism, the construction of which is carried out on the basis of cooperation and mutual assistance. Socialist countries, while remaining sovereign states, are drawing closer and closer together within the framework of socialism. pp., which opposes the class-opposite world capitalist system (see articles Capitalism, Capitalist system of the world economy).

The material basis of M. s. With. is a world socialist economic system based on socialist production relations. It represents a set of interconnected and gradually converging economies of sovereign socialist states, connected by the international socialist division of labor (See International Socialist Division of Labor) and the world socialist market (See World Socialist Market).

Education M. s. With. - a natural result of the development of world economic and political forces during the period of the general crisis of capitalism (See General crisis of capitalism) , the collapse of the world capitalist system and the emergence of communism as a single all-encompassing socio-economic formation. The emergence and development of M. s. With. - the most important objective result of the international revolutionary workers and communist movement, the struggle of the working class for its social liberation. It is a direct continuation of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which marked the beginning of the era of humanity's transition from capitalism to communism.

The successes of the USSR in building socialism, its victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 over Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan, the liberation of the peoples of Europe and Asia by the Soviet Army from fascist occupiers and Japanese militarists accelerated the maturation of conditions for the transition to the path of socialism of new countries and peoples. As a result of the powerful upsurge in the liberation struggle of peoples in a number of countries in Central and of Eastern Europe(Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia), as well as the struggle of the Korean and Vietnamese peoples in 1944-49, the people's democratic and socialist revolutions won. From that time on, socialism went beyond the borders of one country and the world-historical process of its transformation into a global economic and political system. In 1949, the GDR entered the path of socialism, and the revolution in China was victorious. At the turn of the 50-60s. in M. s. With. The first socialist country in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba, entered.

Countries M. s. With. began the process of creating a new society from different levels of economic and political development. Moreover, each of them has its own history, traditions, and national specifics.

In M. s. With. There are countries that even before World War II (1939-45) had a large proletariat, seasoned in class battles, while in others the working class was small at the time of the revolution. All this gives rise to certain features in the forms of socialist construction and puts forward the task of creative use of the general laws of socialist construction, taking into account specific conditions. In the presence of M. s. With. Even those countries that have not gone through the capitalist stage of development, for example the Mongolia, can begin socialist construction and successfully implement it.

With the victory of socialist revolutions in a number of countries in Europe and Asia, a new, socialist type of international relations gradually began to take shape, which are based on the principle of socialist internationalism. This principle follows from the nature of the socialist mode of production and the international tasks of the working class and all working people.

The formation of a new type of international relations is a complex and multifaceted process associated with overcoming the difficult legacy left by the centuries-old dominance of the exploiting classes, national isolation, discord, and mistrust. Objective difficulties in establishing multifaceted cooperation between socialist states are generated by differences inherited from the past in the levels of economic and social development and in the class structure. Overcoming these consequences, getting rid of all the remnants of petty-bourgeois and nationalist ideology is a task that requires a relatively long time. Forward movement of M. s. With. takes place in a fierce struggle against imperialism, which different methods trying to divide socialist countries.

The core of all forms of cooperation between socialist states is inter-party cooperation. Without the active leadership of the Marxist-Leninist parties, the construction of socialism is generally impossible. Based on knowledge of objective laws and generalization of collective experience, communist and workers' parties jointly developed the principles and norms of inter-party and interstate relations within mass media. pp., which include complete equality, mutual respect for independence and sovereignty, mutual benefit of economic cooperation, and fraternal mutual assistance. Unity of action on international arena, coordination of efforts in building and defending socialism, broad exchange of experience in party, economic and government work, cultural exchange, expansion and deepening of fraternal mutual assistance correspond to the fundamental interests of every socialist country. Experience M. s. With. showed that the successful creation of a new society is possible only on the basis of using the general laws of building socialism discovered by Marxism-Leninism, that departure from the principles of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, from the general laws of building socialism leads to serious deformations in the functioning of the economic basis and political superstructure. The chauvinistic anti-Soviet course of the Maoists harmed the cause of the unity of the M. s. With. (see Maoism). Despite all the difficulties, the main and determining line of development of M. s. With. there was and is a strengthening of the unity and cohesion of socialist states.

Formation of M. s. With. occurred simultaneously along two interconnected lines. In countries that had fallen away from the capitalist system, the process of creating a new society was underway, and the position of socialism was strengthened. At the same time, strong economic and political ties were being established between the socialist states, closely uniting them into a socialist community.

Until the end of the 40s. in most European countries of people's democracy (See People's Democracy), predominantly general democratic, anti-imperialist, anti-feudal tasks were solved. At this stage, the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry took shape and strengthened. On the initiative of the communist and workers' parties in people's democracies, measures were taken that prepared the conditions for a gradual transition to the construction of socialism.

Profound transformations were carried out during this period in the economic sphere. The first years of people's power are the years of implementation of fundamental agrarian reforms (See Agrarian reforms) , which destroyed the remnants of feudal relations in the countryside and eliminated the class of large landowners. During this period, the nationalization of industry, transport, banks, and trading enterprises unfolded. Nationalized property became the basis of the public sector in the national economy. The big bourgeoisie and dependence on foreign monopolies were practically eliminated. In Bulgaria the revolution was socialist in character from the very beginning; state power was formed as the power of the working class, in close alliance with the working peasantry.

During the people's democratic revolutions, the military-political alliance of the USSR with the people's democratic states, which had formed during the liberation struggle, was strengthened, which gave them the opportunity to defend the gains of the working people, despite economic and political pressure, and the military threats of imperialism. The most important political act aimed at stabilizing the international position of the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and increasing the international prestige of these countries was the conclusion of treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between them and the Soviet Union.

At the turn of the 40-50s. V European countries People's democracy, the fullness of state power and the commanding heights in the economy passed into the hands of the working class in alliance with the peasantry and other strata of the working people. Socialist Industrialization began National Economy and Socialist Transformation of Agriculture. The economies of socialist states began to develop on the basis of long-term national economic plans. In difficult historical conditions, relying on the help of the Soviet Union, the fraternal countries created their own industry, ensured the victory of socialist production relations and a steady increase in the material and cultural standard of living of the working people. In most European socialist countries during the 50s - the first half of the 60s. The material and technical base of socialism was created.

In the field of mutual interstate relations, during this period the international socialist division of labor began to take shape and cooperation on the basis of long-term economic agreements began to develop. Since the mid-50s. Most countries moved to coordinate five-year national economic plans, which became the main method of their economic cooperation.

The process of development of the socialist community has developed in such a way that the countries that are members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1949), the organization of the Warsaw Pact of 1955 (See Warsaw Pact of 1955), are most closely united economically and politically, designed to unite and coordinate their political, economic and military efforts. Close ideological cooperation is also developing between the CMEA countries, mutual enrichment and rapprochement of national socialist cultures is taking place. In the process of exchanging experiences and mutual enrichment of cultures, common criteria for the socialist way of life are developed, socialist patriotism and socialist internationalism are strengthened. The CMEA countries form a powerful industrial complex that allows them to jointly solve complex problems further economic development and technological progress. They have achieved great results in raising the living standards of workers.

In the mid-60s. many countries M. s. The villages, having completed the creation of the foundations of socialism, moved on to the construction of a developed socialist society. The USSR entered the stage of developed socialism. Sov. the people create the material and technical base of communism. The CMEA countries are moving to deeper and more complex forms of economic cooperation and the development of socialist economic integration (see Socialist Economic Integration). An active factor in the close rapprochement and improvement of national economic complexes is the formation of rational interstate national economic proportions through mutual adaptation and improvement of their national economies to increase the efficiency of social production.

As M. develops, With. Socialist internationalism is strengthening, the strength of which is especially clearly manifested during the emergence of acute international situations. International socialist mutual assistance made it possible to repel imperialist aggression in Korea and Vietnam, to withstand socialist Cuba, and to reliably protect socialist gains in Hungary and Czechoslovakia from the imperialists. On the basis of socialist internationalism, the peoples of fraternal countries are steadily strengthening their moral, political and economic unity.

In M. s. With. The economic laws of socialism apply. Joint planned activities - main method implementation of socialist economic integration. Organic integral part The modern world socialist economy is a world socialist market with a system of commodity-money relations. During the development of M. s. With. Significant differences in the levels of economic, political and cultural development of socialist countries are gradually being overcome. The relatively less developed socialist countries are moving forward at a faster pace and are catching up with the more developed ones. For example, the formerly industrially backward agricultural country of Bulgaria by the beginning of the 70s. In terms of industrial production and national income per capita, the living standard of the population has come significantly closer to countries such as the USSR, the GDR, and Czechoslovakia.

M. s. With. is the main force consistently defending peace and international security, blocking the path to the imperialist policy of war and conquest. Ruling circles The imperialist powers are forced to reckon with the peace-loving and decisive policy of the socialist countries, with their defense power.

The most important feature modern stage development of M. s. With. is the consistent implementation by the countries of the socialist community of a coordinated foreign policy course aimed at strengthening universal peace and international security, at ensuring the most favorable conditions for the development of socialism international conditions. As a result of M.'s successes. With. in the economic competition with capitalism, a new balance of power in the international arena was determined, opening up real prospects for humanity for a long lasting peace.

During 1951-73, while industrial output in developed capitalist countries grew 3.3 times, industrial output in socialist countries increased 9.15 times. The share of socialist countries in world industrial output increased 13 times between 1917 and 1973. Occupying in the early 70s. 26% of the entire territory globe and numbering 1/3 of its population, M. s. With. produces approximately 39% of all industrial products produced in the world. The CMEA countries, occupying 18% of the territory and accounting for less than 10% of the world's population, create 33% of the world's industrial output and approximately 25% of the world's national income. M. s. With. isolation and autarky are alien. Based on the peaceful coexistence of two world systems on the initiative of M. s. With. are steadily developing different shapes international economic cooperation (See International economic cooperation).

M. s. With. is recapturing decisive frontiers from capitalism. By coming into contact with the non-socialist world, the socialist community contributes to the activation of all truly democratic and revolutionary forces in it. More and more states and peoples are taking the path of fighting imperialism, with its neo-colonialist and aggressive aspirations, and choosing the path of socialist orientation.

Thus, in the course of coexistence and confrontation between the two world systems, the preponderance of the forces of socialism over the forces of capitalism accumulates. This creates favorable conditions for the class struggle of the proletariat in capitalist countries, facilitates their transition to socialism, and creates opportunities for independent development for peoples liberated from colonial oppression.

Within the framework of the socialist community itself, on the basis of the objective process of internationalization of the productive forces, the rapprochement of socialist states is being carried out. Both of these processes - the transition to the construction of socialism in an increasing number of countries and socialist internationalization - create the preconditions for the complete victory of socialism and communism on a worldwide scale.

Lit.: Marx K., Engels F., Manifesto Communist Party, Marx K. and Engels F., Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 4; Marx K., Engels F., Lenin V.I., On proletarian internationalism, 2nd ed., M., 1968; Lenin V.I., On the patterns of the emergence and development of socialism and communism, [Collection], M., 1960; his own. On the international significance of the experience of the CPSU [Collection], M., 1963; Brezhnev L.I., On the foreign policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state. Speeches and articles, M., 1973; Program documents of the struggle for peace, democracy and socialism. Documents of the Meetings of representatives of communist and workers' parties held in Moscow in November 1957, in Bucharest in June 1960, in Moscow in November 1960, M., 1961; Documents of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties, Moscow, June 5-17, 1969, M., 1969; Statement of the communist and workers' parties of the socialist countries, Pravda, 1968, August 4; Program of the CPSU, M., 1973; Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, M., 1971; Basic principles of the international socialist division of labor, M., 1964; Comprehensive program for further deepening and improving cooperation and development of socialist economic integration of the CMEA member countries, M., 1971; Charter of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, in the book: Multilateral economic cooperation of socialist states, (Collection of documents), 2nd ed., M., 1972.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

  • Peace deal
  • World economy and international relations

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    WORLD SYSTEM OF SOCIALISM- socio-economic and political a community of free, equal countries following the path of socialism and communism. M. s. With. greatest history conquest between peoples working class, ch. revolutionary the strength of our era, a reliable support for peoples fighting for peace... Soviet historical encyclopedia

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Balance of forces and main directions social development

The results of the war brought fundamental changes to the international situation.

The war ended the half-century struggle of imperialist states for world leadership; the United States became the dominant “superpower” in the capitalist world. The Soviet Union, although it suffered heavy losses, emerged from the war as a powerful military force and acquired enormous authority in the world community. This balance of forces in the inter-formation contradiction largely determined social development in the post-war world.

As a result of the war, the world system of capitalism turned out to be significantly weakened as a whole. In the Western European center: Germany and Italy - defeated; France, subjected German occupation, reduced production to 30% of pre-war levels; England, whose debt increased 3 times, found itself directly dependent on the United States. Another center of the imperialist system (Japan) was also destroyed. The only country that sharply increased its financial, economic and military power as a result of the war was the United States of America. The Second World War, like the First, turned out to be a “golden” shower for the United States. The volume of their industrial output more than doubled, and national income grew from $97 billion in 1941 to $161 billion in 1944. Taking advantage of the weakness of competitors, the United States is seizing the bulk of the world market and laying claim to world domination.

In all capitalist countries, popular sympathy for socialist idea, the influence of the communist and socialist parties that led the anti-fascist struggle, whose representatives entered the government of many states, increased. In colonies and dependent countries, the struggle against the occupiers caused a rise in national self-awareness, a desire for state independence and social reconstruction.

The socialist and communist movements in countries of various continents, the anti-imperialist struggle in dependent states and the national liberation struggle of colonial peoples merged into a single world revolutionary stream. The growth of the power of the USSR, its example and the Soviet Union's support of peoples in the struggle against imperialism contributed to the development of democratic processes in the world.

In the current historical conditions, world social development included three main directions.

The first is the development of socialism. It took the following specific historical forms: 1) the development of the USSR as a stronghold of the world system of socialism; 2) transition to the socialist path of development of countries and peoples of various civilizations in Europe, Asia and Latin America, the formation of a world system of socialism; 3) the development of elements of socialism within capitalist countries - the continuation of the process of “socialization” of capitalism due to internal reasons and under the influence of the example of socialist countries. All this shows the general pattern of the world community's transition to a socialist system.

The second is the transition of the capitalist formation to the world-monopoly stage. National state-monopoly capitalism (GMC), formed in the first half of the 20th century, is developing into a new stage, into world-monopoly capitalism (WMC) - “global imperialism” with an economic, political and military center in the United States.

The third is the national liberation movement in colonial and dependent countries. As a result of the struggle for independence, these countries are moving towards an independent path of development in various forms of social structure of society.

All three components of the world historical process developed in mutual connection in the concrete historical situation, closely intertwined with each other. Imperialism, led by the United States, counteracted the development of the socialist system and the national liberation movement of a socialist orientation by force of arms, economic, financial, informational and ideological pressure.

The most important event of the first post-war years was the transition to the socialist path of development of the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe, where, during the liberation from fascism, people's power was established and people's democratic republics were formed. Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia fell away from the capitalist system in Europe. Socialist transformations were consistently carried out in them. The property of persons who collaborated with the fascists was confiscated everywhere, large industry, banks, and transport were nationalized; land reform was carried out. In a tense political struggle, the bourgeois elements were defeated, and they established themselves in power. political parties working class and peasantry. The Soviet Union paralyzed attempts by imperialism to intervene in the internal affairs of people's democratic states; the presence of Soviet troops did not allow them to unleash a civil war and organize intervention. At the same time, the Soviet administration provided support to the forces of socialist orientation.

The victory of the socialist revolution in China was of great historical significance. As a result of many years of armed struggle, the power of the Kuomintang government was overthrown, and on October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was formed. The Communist Party of China came to power and began socialist reforms. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) have taken the path of socialist development. In general, in the first years after World War II, eleven states switched to building socialism. The global process of development of the socialist system in countries of various civilizations has begun.

The transition of the United States to confrontation with the USSR, the creation of the NATO bloc The unfolding of the Cold War

While developing the contours of the post-war world order, the leaders of the great powers of the anti-Hitler coalition (who had treaties of friendship and cooperation among themselves after the war) agreed on the main approaches to the problems of the post-war world at conferences in Yalta and Potsdam (1945).

Their essence was that, along with the delimitation of spheres of influence between the victorious countries, it was envisaged to ensure broad international cooperation in eliminating the consequences of the war and to develop a reliable mechanism for international control over the security of all peoples, political and military stability in the world through the activities of the United Nations (UN) , created in 1945

However, already during the Potsdam Conference (July - August 1945), differences emerged in the approaches of the Western powers and the USSR to the post-war world order. The leading political circles of the USA and England saw in the emerging historical situation a threat to their position in the world and the existence of capitalism as a whole. The first step in the official confrontation with the USSR was Truman’s violation of Roosevelt’s promise, given to Stalin at the Yalta Conference, to withdraw American troops from Europe 6 months after the end of the war. Then delays began in the preparation and conclusion of peace treaties with Germany's former allies. Only on February 10, 1947, agreements were signed with Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland. The undoubted merit of the USSR in this peaceful settlement based on the cooperation of all the main powers of the anti-Hitler coalition was that the treaties did not contain provisions that infringed on the political and economic independence of the defeated states or the national dignity of their peoples. The treaties provided for territorial changes that took into account the national interests of states participating in the fight against fascism.

The preservation of a powerful group of troops by the United States, England and France in their zones of occupation of Germany and the turn of the policy of the former allies towards confrontation with the USSR determined the deployment of the Soviet Army in Germany and other European countries. The Soviet Union failed to get the allies to implement the agreement on the creation of a united democratic Germany. In the western zone of occupation, a separate German state is created - the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). In response to this, with the support of the USSR, an East German state was formed - the German Democratic Republic (GDR).

The economies of European countries and Japan, destroyed by the war, required great economic efforts and capital investments to restore them. American imperialism used this situation to establish its hegemony by creating a single economic space of the capitalist world based on the dollar financial system and the development of transnational corporations (TNCs), linking Europe and Japan to the US economy. These goals were consistent with the Marshall Plan (US Secretary of State), which provided for economic assistance to countries under certain political conditions.

A kind of announcement of the “Cold War” was W. Churchill’s speech in Fulton (USA) on March 5, 1946, in which he called for uniting forces against the “threat of communism” and creating a military-political alliance against the USSR. These ideas are outlined in President Truman's official message to Congress on March 12, 1947: the "fight against communism" is declared main goal US politics. A draft of the USSR ultimatum was discovered in Truman's archives. Beginning in September 1945, the headquarters of the US armed forces developed plans for a preventive war against the USSR using nuclear weapons. As the US nuclear capabilities increased, these plans, in accordance with the military doctrine of "massive retaliation", became increasingly dangerous. The threat of nuclear war against the USSR was real.

In 1949, the military-political bloc NATO (“North Atlantic Alliance”) was created, directed against the USSR. It is then joined by regional alliances created by the United States around the USSR and China. In 1954 and 1955 SEATO and CENTO were formed, in which the USA, Great Britain and France involved another 25 states of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

In the period 1945 - 1955. The economies of the leading capitalist countries, having gone through several crises, recovered and picked up growth rates in the general system of world economic relations around the economic center - the United States. In the 60s In the capitalist world, three centers have again emerged: the main center is the USA and Canada; the second is Western Europe, where Germany is gaining more and more strength; the third is Japan, which widely uses American and European technologies, combining them with national characteristics labor organization in enterprises. In contrast to the pre-war system of state-monopoly capitalism, Europe and Japan are now closely linked politically, financially and technologically to the United States, which led the formation of global ties of world-monopoly capitalism in its national interests.

The formation of the military military complex system was accompanied by a process of sharp confrontation with the developing world system of socialism and the waging of local wars against the national liberation movement in colonial and dependent countries. In the period 1945 - 1969. The USA, England, France and other NATO countries participated in more than 70 wars and local conflicts in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. During this period, the United States received the title of “gendarme of the world.” The United States of America is launching a nuclear arms race and moving on to waging a “cold war” against the USSR. After the secrecy period expired, plans for waging a nuclear war against the USSR and the countries of the socialist community, developed by the American command, were made public. All of them provided for the United States of America to attack the USSR first with massive nuclear strikes on cities: June 1946 - Pinger plan - 20 cities of the USSR; August 1947 - “Boiler” plan - 25 cities of the USSR and 18 of Eastern Europe; January 1948 - plan "Grabber", then "Chariotir", "Halfmoun", "Fleetwood"; June 1949 - “Drop-shot”. The latest plan called for using 300 atomic bombs and 250 thousand tons of conventional bombs to destroy 85% of Soviet industry, 154 NATO divisions for the occupation of the USSR and its dismemberment into 20 - 25 puppet states. The plan called for the widespread use of “dissidents” to wage “psychological warfare.” “Psychological warfare is an extremely important weapon for promoting dissidence and betrayal among Soviet people; it will undermine his morale, sow confusion and create disorganization in the country. To achieve a combination of psychological, economic and underground warfare with plans for military operations,” it stated. It is known that such plans were developed before 1982 with a number of goals of several thousand.

In the late 40s - early 50s. The US and NATO leadership are developing a comprehensive concept of the Cold War. Its ultimate goal is the overthrow of governments and the destruction of the socialist (“communist”) system. According to this concept, the “Cold War” includes all forms of struggle inherent in waging a full-scale total war: economic, diplomatic, ideological and psychological, subversive activities and the introduction of one’s proxies into the country’s leadership. The conduct of direct military action is replaced by the threat of using nuclear weapons with an exhausting arms race. “Psychological warfare” occupied a leading place in the complex of these measures. In the 50s The Cold War was accepted by NATO military theorists as a special form of modern war on a par with total nuclear, limited and local wars. The concept of the Cold War was reflected in a number of works by NATO military theorists, including the translation of E. Kingston-McClory’s work “Military Policy and Strategy” published in 1963 in the USSR.

In accordance with this concept, a long-term program of targeted destructive actions has been developed using the superior economic potential of capitalist countries and the achievements of science and technology. It was believed that the USSR lags behind the United States in development: industry by 15 years, technical development by 5-10 years, transport by 10 years, nuclear weapons by 5-10 years. And although these calculations, especially regarding nuclear weapons, were not confirmed, the initial superiority of the combined economic potential of the developed capitalist countries created difficult conditions for the USSR in the economic and military confrontation.

The arms race placed a heavy burden on Soviet society, significantly reducing its capabilities in socio-economic competition with the world system of capitalism. However, the real threat of war when the United States achieved decisive military superiority forced the leadership of the USSR to respond to it by increasing its military power as a real condition for maintaining peace. The struggle for peace has become the main direction diplomatic activities Soviet Union.

To wage the Cold War in the United States in the 50s and 60s. a powerful scientific base is being created for studying the state and developing methods for destroying the USSR and the world system of socialism - research centers for “Sovietology” and “study of socialist countries”. Centers for training personnel capable of conducting active subversive activities - psychologists, economists, journalists and historians - specialists in anti-communism closely cooperate with them. For this purpose, materials and specialists taken from Nazi Germany, anti-Soviet emigrant centers, and a conspiratorial network of agents who have been working against the USSR since the 1920s are used. The entire experience of psychological warfare accumulated during the Second World War by the United States and Hitler's Germany, as well as powerful financial force (26 - 28 billion dollars annually), are involved. The calculation was made for a long struggle with a change of generations in the leadership, for the natural departure of the “generation of winners”, for the decomposition and degeneration of the new generation of Soviet leaders.

Attaching great importance to information and psychological warfare, the US leadership creates a global information management center (USIA) and powerful propaganda centers - “Voice of America”, “Freedom”, “Free Europe”, “Deutsche Welle”, etc. In 1997, English television showed a program about how the CIA in the 50s. even created special art, in every sense alternative to the Soviet socialist realism, called “abstract expressionism”. With strong financial support through charitable societies, this trend in art began to rapidly spread in many countries.

While developing the Cold War against the USSR and socialist countries, the American leadership and its allies simultaneously directed efforts to strengthen their rear against the “threat of communism.” In the 40s - 50s. In the USA and Western Europe, an active struggle against the communist movement (“McCarthyism”) and subversive activities within it were launched, and bourgeois influence on the social democratic movement was increasing. In all countries, sophisticated anti-Soviet propaganda is being conducted in order to create an image of the enemy in the person of the USSR and the communists of all countries as “agents of the Kremlin.” In the minds of the peoples of Europe and America, the image of the USSR as a fighter against fascism and liberator of peoples, under the influence of psychological warfare, was gradually replaced by the image of a “red aggressor” and “occupier”.

Boosting the economy through American aid and exploitation of the colonies, the bourgeoisie Western Europe got the opportunity already in the mid-50s. raise the standard of living of the population and introduce a number of social guarantees. The process of “socialization” of capitalism received a new impetus. Western propaganda skillfully presented these measures, contrasting “ western image life” to the complexities of social development in the countries of the socialist community. This strengthened the rear of world capitalism for waging the Cold War, which played an important role in the general course of the confrontation between the two social systems.

Formation of the world system of socialism. The development of the anti-imperialist struggle, the collapse of colonialism

The formation of socialism in the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia took place in difficult conditions. Historically, socialism was established in countries that were economically underdeveloped, predominantly agricultural (with the exception of Czechoslovakia, partly the GDR and Hungary). The war caused heavy damage to their economies (especially the GDR, China, and Vietnam). The restoration of the economy destroyed by the war in the new socialist states was carried out simultaneously with the restructuring of the economy and social transformations on a socialist basis. This process took place with the active political and material support of the USSR. The Marshall Plan, which provided for economic assistance from the United States of America on political conditions, was rejected by the leadership of these countries. On the basis of a planned economy in all countries by 1948 - 1949. the pre-war level of production was achieved (in the GDR by 1950) and, in accordance with economic development plans, industrialization and agricultural cooperation began. The pace of economic development, the growth of living standards of the population and the development of the social sphere exceeded those of capitalist countries.

In 1949, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) was created - an economic and political union of socialist countries to promote the organization of systematic economic and cultural cooperation. The CMEA included Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Albania (since the end of 1961 it did not participate in the work of the CMEA). Subsequently, the organization included the GDR (1950), Mongolia (1962), Vietnam (1978), Cuba (1972). The creation of the CMEA formalized the formation of the world socialist system led by the USSR and contributed to the rapid economic and social development of the states included in the Council.

An “iron curtain” is falling between the capitalist world and the socialist countries (with efforts from both sides). It prevents not only the hostile influence and penetration of the capitalist world into socialist countries, but also economic, scientific, technical and cultural exchange. Imperialism is also trying to “throw back communism” by using military force against individual socialist countries: a war is launched in Korea, in Vietnam, and an invasion of Cuba is carried out. The USSR's firm foreign policy, active political struggle for peace, and its direct support for the struggle of socialist countries do not allow imperialism to stop their development along the socialist path by force of arms.

The Korean War (1950 - 1953) was the first large-scale military clash of imperialism with the countries of the socialist community formed after World War II, the first major local war of the post-war period. After the withdrawal of Soviet troops from North Korea, and later of American troops from South Korea, two Korean states were formed: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea. Both Korean states expressed their desire to unify Korea by force of arms.

The war began on June 25, 1950 with border clashes, after which the Korean People's Army (KPA) went on the offensive. The defeat of South Korean troops and the threat of losing their foothold on the Asian continent prompted US intervention in the Korean Civil War. The US government achieved a UN decision approving the participation of the armed forces of the US and 15 other capitalist states in the intervention. On July 1, the American command began the transfer of the 8th American Army from Japan and massive bombing of military facilities and North Korean troops. But the offensive under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Kim Il Sung continued, and the KPA liberated 90% of Korean territory.

On September 15, having accumulated superior forces, the enemy launched a counteroffensive with a powerful landing in the rear of the KPA. At the end of the month, the interventionists took Seoul, and in October they captured Pyongyang and reached the Korean-Chinese border. Help from China and the USSR made it possible to restore the combat effectiveness of the KPA; at the end of October, North Korean troops and parts of Chinese volunteers launched a counteroffensive. Over the next 8 months, during stubborn battles, the territory of the DPRK was liberated and the front stabilized at the 38th parallel, where military operations began. The confrontation continued for another 2 years while negotiations were ongoing. The DPRK held out, and on July 27, 1953, an armistice agreement was concluded. The United States was unable to solve the “Korean problem” militarily.

The 64th Fighter Air Corps of the Soviet Armed Forces, part of the United Air Force, took part in the war. During the war, Soviet pilots shot down 1,097 enemy aircraft, and 212 with anti-aircraft artillery fire. 3,504 military personnel were awarded orders and medals, 22 pilots received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Losses amounted to 125 pilots and 335 aircraft. (Russia (USSR) in local wars and military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century - M., 2000.)

In 1961, an attempt at US intervention in Cuba ended in failure. Operation Pluto involved air bombing and amphibious landings in the Playa Giron area on April 17. The fight against aggressors has assumed a nationwide character. Within 2 days, the Cuban army under the leadership of Fidel Castro defeated the landing force, and on April 20 completed the liquidation and capture of the surviving groups of mercenaries from the Cuban counter-revolutionaries. On April 18, the Soviet Union made a decisive statement about its readiness to provide the Cuban people with the necessary assistance and support. The subsequent blockade of Cuba by the American Navy and the threat of a new intervention in October 1962 prompted serious military measures by the USSR in support of the Cuban people. The crisis that broke out led to the threat of nuclear war. The United States was forced to retreat, abandon the invasion, and the USSR, for its part, compromised on the placement of its weapons in Cuba. Socialism survived on Liberty Island.

The largest US aggression against a socialist country in Asia was the Vietnam War (1964 - 1973). The springboard for the outbreak of the war was the puppet “Saigon” regime in South Vietnam, against which the armed struggle of the People's Liberation Front of South Vietnam rose for unification with North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam). Having increased its force in South Vietnam to 90 thousand people, the United States is moving to open intervention. On August 2, 1964, they provoked a collision of their ships with torpedo boats of the DRV, and on August 7, the US Congress officially approved the aggression. The unfolding US war against Vietnam had two periods: the deployment of aggression from August 5, 1964 to November 1, 1968 and the winding down of the scale of the war - from November 1968 to January 27, 1973.

The United States used air and naval forces against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in order to undermine the economy, the morale of the people and stop providing assistance to the patriots of South Vietnam. Bombings using napalm and spraying chemical agents were also carried out in Laos and Cambodia. Ground forces were actively used in military operations against the patriots of South Vietnam. As a result of long battles and partisan actions, the Popular Front troops managed to liberate a territory with a population of 1.5 million people. The Soviet Union supplied weapons and equipment to the DRV by sea despite the US Navy blockade of the coast. The US leadership was forced to negotiate, and on November 1, 1968, American bombing of North Vietnam stopped. Missile systems supplied by the USSR played an important role in the defense of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

In June 1969, the People's Congress proclaimed the formation of the Republic of South Vietnam (RSV). The army of the Republic of South Vietnam numbered over 1 million people and was increasing its attacks on the enemy. The United States, in accordance with the “Nixon Doctrine,” is moving to the “Vietnamization of the war” in Indochina, shifting the main burden of the fight to the Saigon army. The crushing blows of the RUV army, the political, economic and military support of the USSR and the progressive forces of the world, as well as the rise of the pacifist movement in the USA against many years of war with heavy losses forced the American political leadership to conclude an agreement to end the war. It was signed in Paris on January 27, 1973. The South Vietnamese regime was overthrown in 1975.

According to American data, the United States spent $140 billion on the war, 2.5 million American troops took part in it, 58 thousand died, about 2 thousand were missing and 472 pilots were captured. The American nation felt defeated and humiliated. The “Vietnam syndrome” affects the United States to this day. In July 1976, reunification was completed and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was formed. On the whole, world imperialism failed to stop the transition to socialism in the countries of Asia and Latin America by military force.

The strengthening of the NATO bloc prompted response measures from the countries of the socialist community. Six years after its creation in 1955, a military-political union of socialist countries was formed - the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO). With the help of the USSR, the armed forces of Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Albania (withdrew from the organization in 1968) are being strengthened.

In the 50s - 60s. The economy of the countries of the socialist community developed at a steady, high pace (on average about 10% per year). The existing world socialist system is rapidly increasing its economic potential and military power. The Soviet Union, which reached the forefront of scientific, technical and social progress, actively contributed to the rise of the countries of the socialist community. The countries of Eastern Europe have transformed from agrarian to industrial-agrarian ones. From 1956 - 1957 CMEA member countries moved to specialization and cooperation of production, and the practice of coordinating national economic plans was introduced. In 1964, the International Bank for Economic Cooperation was created to regulate international payments. The economies of China, Vietnam, and Korea developed more independently; cooperation with the USSR took place on a bilateral basis, taking into account the peculiarities of the countries’ economic development and the specific historical situation.

The development of the world socialist system was supported by communist parties in many countries of the world. The international communist movement was an important factor in the world historical process. After the liquidation of the Comintern, international contacts of the CPSU(b) were carried out on a bilateral basis. In 1947, a new body was created - the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties. After its dissolution in April 1956, periodic meetings of the communist and workers' parties were held at which political positions were agreed upon.

The formation of the world socialist system is a complex social process. Sharp differences in economic, political and social development, national cultures and traditions required a variety of approaches to the formation of a new social order, originality of paths and pace social change in every country. The absolutization of the Soviet model in the development of socialism under the influence of objective and subjective factors came into conflict in a number of cases with the peculiarities of the national development of countries, and the class struggle did not fade out in them. This led to crises with the use of military force: in the GDR - in 1951, in Poland - in 1953, in Hungary - in 1956, in Czechoslovakia - in 1968. The subversive activities of the West played a significant role in the aggravation of contradictions.

Simultaneously with the development of the world socialist system, a rapid process of national liberation movement is taking place in colonial and dependent countries. Centuries-old colonial empires are collapsing: British, French, Belgian, Portuguese. In the “third world” countries, Indonesia, India, a number of countries in the Middle East are seeking independence, North Africa, South-East Asia. The destruction of the colonial system has begun. The USSR, restraining the aggression of the USA, NATO, Israel, provides active assistance (including military assistance) liberation movements and strengthens its influence in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The liberated countries are looking for independent ways of development, some of them are drawn into the military military system, and some are adjacent to the world system of socialism. The struggle of the colonial peoples for their independence and independent path of development by the end of the 60s. led to the complete collapse of the colonial system. More than 100 new states joined the world community.

The decisive support of the Arab movement against the United States and Israel, as well as the Cuban Revolution, by the Soviet Union stopped the aggressive actions of imperialism. The aggravation of the international situation during these years (the Middle East crisis of 1956 and 1957; the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962) several times brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The growth of the military-economic power of the USSR, the consolidation of anti-imperialist forces and a sober approach to assessing the international situation in moments of crisis made it possible to avoid a nuclear disaster. Kennedy and Khrushchev laid the foundation for the coordination of the interests of the United States and the USSR on the principles of compromise. However, Kennedy was soon killed, the mystery of his murder has still not been solved.

The nuclear missile power of the USSR forced the United States in the early 60s. change the military doctrine of nuclear “retaliation” to a “strategy of flexible response”, and the achievement by the Soviet Union by the end of the 60s. military-strategic parity ensured the stability of the international situation for many years.

In general, capitalism by the end of the 60s. turned out to be significantly squeezed. But it retained its viability, its financial and economic power, and most importantly, the pace of scientific and technological progress. The United States managed to achieve the complete consolidation of all capitalist countries under its leadership in the general opposition to the socialist system, as well as to create new economic and political levers for the subordination of the liberated countries to the world capitalist system (“neo-colonialism”). The confrontation between two world systems, the interformational contradiction between capitalism and socialism begins at the end of the 60s. into a new phase.

An important event of the post-war period was the “people's democratic revolutions” in a number of European countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, as well as in Asia: in Vietnam, China, North Korea and earlier - the revolution in Mongolia. To a large extent they political orientation under the influence of the presence of Soviet troops on the territory of most of them. This also largely contributed to the fact that in most countries, radical transformations began in the political, socio-economic and other spheres in accordance with the Stalinist model. The emergence of the socialist model beyond the boundaries of one country laid the foundations for the emergence of a community called “world system of socialism” (MSS). At the end of the 80s. XX century The MCC included 15 states, occupying 26.2% of the world's territory and accounting for 32.3% of the world's population.

CMEA education. A notable milestone in the history of the formation of the MSU can be considered the creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) in January 1949. Economic, scientific and technical cooperation of the initially European socialist countries was carried out through the CMEA. Military-political cooperation was carried out within the framework of the Warsaw Pact created in May 1955. The socialist countries of Europe remained a relatively dynamically developing part of the MSU. At its other pole were Mongolia, China, North Korea, and Vietnam. These countries most consistently used the Stalinist model of building socialism, resolutely eradicating elements of market and private property relations within the framework of a rigid one-party system.

Stages of development of MSS. Most MSU countries have managed to achieve certain positive results in the development of the national economy, ensuring an increase in the living standards of the population. However, during this period negative trends also became clear. The socialist model, which had become entrenched in all MSU countries, fettered economic initiative and did not allow it to adequately respond to new phenomena and trends in the world. This became especially clear in connection with the outbreak that began in the 1950s. NTR. As it developed, the MSU countries increasingly lagged behind advanced countries in terms of the pace of implementation of scientific and technical achievements, mainly in the field of electronic computers, energy- and resource-saving industries and technologies. Attempts to partially reform this model, undertaken during these years, did not produce positive results. The reason for the failure of the reforms was the strong resistance of the party and state nomenclature to them, which mainly determined the extreme inconsistency, and as a result, the failure of the reform process.

In the mid-70s. The socio-economic and political situation in socialist countries began to become more complicated. At this time, in countries with market economies, under the influence of scientific and technological revolution, a structural restructuring of the economy began, associated with the transition from an extensive to an intensive type of development. The growing lag of the MSU countries in the scientific and technical sphere steadily led to the loss of the positions they had gained in the world market. By the 80s. the lag of industries producing goods and services from the extractive and heavy industries that were still afloat led to the emergence of total deficit for consumer goods. The demand for radical political and socio-economic changes is becoming almost universal.

Disintegration of the MSS. At the end of the 80s. A wave of democratic revolutions swept through the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe, eliminating the monopoly power of the ruling communist parties, replacing it with a democratic form of government. The revolutions unfolded almost simultaneously - in the second half of 1989, but occurred in different forms. Thus, in most countries the change of power occurred peacefully (Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria), but in Romania it was as a result of an armed uprising. Market relations began to be restored everywhere, the process of denationalization proceeded quickly, and private capital began to play an increasingly important role. As a result of the collapse of the MSU, a line was drawn, as it were, under the long period of totalitarianism in the history of most countries of Eastern Europe.

World socialist system

a social, economic and political community of free sovereign states following the path of socialism and communism, united by common interests and goals, and bonds of international socialist solidarity. Countries M. s. With. have the same type of economic basis - public ownership of the means of production; a uniform state system - the power of the people led by the working class and its vanguard - the communist and workers' parties: a single ideology - Marxism-Leninism; common interests in protecting revolutionary gains, in ensuring security from the encroachments of imperialism, in the struggle for world peace and in providing assistance to peoples fighting for national independence; a single goal - communism, the construction of which is carried out on the basis of cooperation and mutual assistance. Socialist countries, while remaining sovereign states, are drawing closer and closer together within the framework of socialism. pp., which opposes the class-opposite world capitalist system (see articles Capitalism, Capitalist system of the world economy).

The material basis of M. s. With. is a world socialist economic system based on socialist production relations. It represents a set of interconnected and gradually converging economies of sovereign socialist states, connected by the international socialist division of labor (See International Socialist Division of Labor) and the world socialist market (See World Socialist Market).

Education M. s. With. - a natural result of the development of world economic and political forces during the period of the general crisis of capitalism (See General crisis of capitalism) , the collapse of the world capitalist system and the emergence of communism as a single all-encompassing socio-economic formation. The emergence and development of M. s. With. - the most important objective result of the international revolutionary workers and communist movement, the struggle of the working class for its social liberation. It is a direct continuation of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which marked the beginning of the era of humanity's transition from capitalism to communism.

The successes of the USSR in building socialism, its victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 over fascist Germany and militaristic Japan, the liberation of the peoples of Europe and Asia by the Soviet Army from fascist occupiers and Japanese militarists accelerated the maturation of conditions for the transition to the path of socialism of new countries and peoples. As a result of the powerful upsurge in the liberation struggle of peoples in a number of countries in Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia), as well as the struggle of the Korean and Vietnamese peoples in 1944-49, the people's democratic and socialist revolutions were victorious. From that time on, socialism went beyond the borders of one country and the world-historical process of its transformation into a world economic and political system began. In 1949, the GDR entered the path of socialism, and the revolution in China was victorious. At the turn of the 50-60s. in M. s. With. The first socialist country in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba, entered.

Countries M. s. With. began the process of creating a new society from different levels of economic and political development. Moreover, each of them has its own history, traditions, and national specifics.

In M. s. With. There are countries that even before World War II (1939-45) had a large proletariat, seasoned in class battles, while in others the working class was small at the time of the revolution. All this gives rise to certain features in the forms of socialist construction and puts forward the task of creative use of the general laws of socialist construction, taking into account specific conditions. In the presence of M. s. With. Even those countries that have not gone through the capitalist stage of development, for example the Mongolia, can begin socialist construction and successfully implement it.

With the victory of socialist revolutions in a number of countries in Europe and Asia, a new, socialist type of international relations gradually began to take shape, which are based on the principle of socialist internationalism. This principle follows from the nature of the socialist mode of production and the international tasks of the working class and all working people.

The formation of a new type of international relations is a complex and multifaceted process associated with overcoming the difficult legacy left by the centuries-old dominance of the exploiting classes, national isolation, discord, and mistrust. Objective difficulties in establishing multifaceted cooperation between socialist states are generated by differences inherited from the past in the levels of economic and social development and in the class structure. Overcoming these consequences, getting rid of all the remnants of petty-bourgeois and nationalist ideology is a task that requires a relatively long time. Forward movement of M. s. With. takes place in a fierce struggle against imperialism, which is trying to separate the socialist countries using various methods.

The core of all forms of cooperation between socialist states is inter-party cooperation. Without the active leadership of the Marxist-Leninist parties, the construction of socialism is generally impossible. Based on knowledge of objective laws and generalization of collective experience, communist and workers' parties jointly developed the principles and norms of inter-party and interstate relations within mass media. pp., which include complete equality, mutual respect for independence and sovereignty, mutual benefit of economic cooperation, and fraternal mutual assistance. Unity of action in the international arena, coordination of efforts in building and defending socialism, broad exchange of experience in party, economic and government work, cultural exchange, expansion and deepening of fraternal mutual assistance correspond to the fundamental interests of every socialist country. Experience M. s. With. showed that the successful creation of a new society is possible only on the basis of using the general laws of building socialism discovered by Marxism-Leninism, that departure from the principles of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, from the general laws of building socialism leads to serious deformations in the functioning of the economic basis and political superstructure. The chauvinistic anti-Soviet course of the Maoists harmed the cause of the unity of the M. s. With. (see Maoism). Despite all the difficulties, the main and determining line of development of M. s. With. there was and is a strengthening of the unity and cohesion of socialist states.

Formation of M. s. With. occurred simultaneously along two interconnected lines. In countries that had fallen away from the capitalist system, the process of creating a new society was underway, and the position of socialism was strengthened. At the same time, strong economic and political ties were being established between the socialist states, closely uniting them into a socialist community.

Until the end of the 40s. in most European countries of people's democracy (See People's Democracy), predominantly general democratic, anti-imperialist, anti-feudal tasks were solved. At this stage, the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry took shape and strengthened. On the initiative of the communist and workers' parties in people's democracies, measures were taken that prepared the conditions for a gradual transition to the construction of socialism.

Profound transformations were carried out during this period in the economic sphere. The first years of people's power are the years of implementation of fundamental agrarian reforms (See Agrarian reforms) , which destroyed the remnants of feudal relations in the countryside and eliminated the class of large landowners. During this period, the nationalization of industry, transport, banks, and trading enterprises unfolded. Nationalized property became the basis of the public sector in the national economy. The big bourgeoisie and dependence on foreign monopolies were practically eliminated. In Bulgaria the revolution was socialist in character from the very beginning; state power was formed as the power of the working class, in close alliance with the working peasantry.

During the people's democratic revolutions, the military-political alliance of the USSR with the people's democratic states, which had formed during the liberation struggle, was strengthened, which gave them the opportunity to defend the gains of the working people, despite economic and political pressure, and the military threats of imperialism. The most important political act aimed at stabilizing the international position of the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and increasing the international prestige of these countries was the conclusion of treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between them and the Soviet Union.

At the turn of the 40-50s. In the European countries of people's democracy, the fullness of state power and the commanding heights in the economy passed into the hands of the working class in alliance with the peasantry and other sections of the working people. Socialist Industrialization began National Economy and Socialist Transformation of Agriculture. The economies of socialist states began to develop on the basis of long-term national economic plans. In difficult historical conditions, relying on the help of the Soviet Union, the fraternal countries created their own industry, ensured the victory of socialist production relations and a steady increase in the material and cultural standard of living of the working people. In most European socialist countries during the 50s - the first half of the 60s. The material and technical base of socialism was created.

In the field of mutual interstate relations, during this period the international socialist division of labor began to take shape and cooperation on the basis of long-term economic agreements began to develop. Since the mid-50s. Most countries moved to coordinate five-year national economic plans, which became the main method of their economic cooperation.

The process of development of the socialist community has developed in such a way that the countries that are members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1949), the organization of the Warsaw Pact of 1955 (See Warsaw Pact of 1955), are most closely united economically and politically, designed to unite and coordinate their political, economic and military efforts. Close ideological cooperation is also developing between the CMEA countries, mutual enrichment and rapprochement of national socialist cultures is taking place. In the process of exchanging experiences and mutual enrichment of cultures, common criteria for the socialist way of life are developed, socialist patriotism and socialist internationalism are strengthened. The CMEA countries form a powerful industrial complex that allows them to jointly solve complex problems of further economic development and technological progress. They have achieved great results in raising the living standards of workers.

In the mid-60s. many countries M. s. The villages, having completed the creation of the foundations of socialism, moved on to the construction of a developed socialist society. The USSR entered the stage of developed socialism. Sov. the people create the material and technical base of communism. The CMEA countries are moving to deeper and more complex forms of economic cooperation and the development of socialist economic integration (see Socialist Economic Integration). An active factor in the close rapprochement and improvement of national economic complexes is the formation of rational interstate national economic proportions through mutual adaptation and improvement of their national economies to increase the efficiency of social production.

As M. develops, With. Socialist internationalism is strengthening, the strength of which is especially clearly manifested during the emergence of acute international situations. International socialist mutual assistance made it possible to repel imperialist aggression in Korea and Vietnam, to withstand socialist Cuba, and to reliably protect socialist gains in Hungary and Czechoslovakia from the imperialists. On the basis of socialist internationalism, the peoples of fraternal countries are steadily strengthening their moral, political and economic unity.

In M. s. With. The economic laws of socialism apply. Joint planning activities are the main method for implementing socialist economic integration. An organic component of the modern world socialist economy is the world socialist market with a system of commodity-money relations. During the development of M. s. With. Significant differences in the levels of economic, political and cultural development of socialist countries are gradually being overcome. The relatively less developed socialist countries are moving forward at a faster pace and are catching up with the more developed ones. For example, the formerly industrially backward agricultural country of Bulgaria by the beginning of the 70s. In terms of industrial production and national income per capita, the living standard of the population has come significantly closer to countries such as the USSR, the GDR, and Czechoslovakia.

M. s. With. is the main force consistently defending peace and international security, blocking the path to the imperialist policy of war and conquest. The ruling circles of the imperialist powers are forced to reckon with the peace-loving and decisive policy of the socialist countries and their defense power.

The most important feature of the modern stage of development of M. s. With. is the consistent implementation by the countries of the socialist community of a coordinated foreign policy course aimed at strengthening universal peace and international security, at ensuring the most favorable international conditions for the development of socialism. As a result of M.'s successes. With. in the economic competition with capitalism, a new balance of power in the international arena was determined, opening up real prospects for humanity for a long lasting peace.

During 1951-73, while industrial output in developed capitalist countries grew 3.3 times, industrial output in socialist countries increased 9.15 times. The share of socialist countries in world industrial output increased 13 times between 1917 and 1973. Occupying in the early 70s. 26% of the entire territory of the globe and accounting for 1/3 of its population, M. s. With. produces approximately 39% of all industrial products produced in the world. The CMEA countries, occupying 18% of the territory and accounting for less than 10% of the world's population, create 33% of the world's industrial output and approximately 25% of the world's national income. M. s. With. isolation and autarky are alien. Based on the peaceful coexistence of two world systems on the initiative of M. s. With. Various forms of international economic cooperation are steadily developing (See International economic cooperation).

M. s. With. is recapturing decisive frontiers from capitalism. By coming into contact with the non-socialist world, the socialist community contributes to the activation of all truly democratic and revolutionary forces in it. More and more states and peoples are taking the path of fighting imperialism, with its neo-colonialist and aggressive aspirations, and choosing the path of socialist orientation.

Thus, in the course of coexistence and confrontation between the two world systems, the preponderance of the forces of socialism over the forces of capitalism accumulates. This creates favorable conditions for the class struggle of the proletariat in capitalist countries, facilitates their transition to socialism, and creates opportunities for independent development for peoples liberated from colonial oppression.

Within the framework of the socialist community itself, on the basis of the objective process of internationalization of the productive forces, the rapprochement of socialist states is being carried out. Both of these processes - the transition to the construction of socialism in an increasing number of countries and socialist internationalization - create the preconditions for the complete victory of socialism and communism on a worldwide scale.

Lit.: Marx K., Engels F., Manifesto of the Communist Party, Marx K. and Engels F., Works, 2nd ed., vol. 4; Marx K., Engels F., Lenin V.I., On proletarian internationalism, 2nd ed., M., 1968; Lenin V.I., On the patterns of the emergence and development of socialism and communism, [Collection], M., 1960; his own. On the international significance of the experience of the CPSU [Collection], M., 1963; Brezhnev L.I., On the foreign policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state. Speeches and articles, M., 1973; Program documents of the struggle for peace, democracy and socialism. Documents of the Meetings of representatives of communist and workers' parties held in Moscow in November 1957, in Bucharest in June 1960, in Moscow in November 1960, M., 1961; Documents of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties, Moscow, June 5-17, 1969, M., 1969; Statement of the communist and workers' parties of the socialist countries, Pravda, 1968, August 4; Program of the CPSU, M., 1973; Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, M., 1971; Basic principles of the international socialist division of labor, M., 1964; Comprehensive program for further deepening and improving cooperation and development of socialist economic integration of the CMEA member countries, M., 1971; Charter of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, in the book: Multilateral economic cooperation of socialist states, (Collection of documents), 2nd ed., M., 1972.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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