Ways to solve complex problems at work (and not only). Five tips for learning to solve problems

In this article you will learn about one of the most powerful techniques for fulfilling desires, “Glass of Water.” You can also use it to find the answer to any question. Water is a powerful information carrier and a transmission link from your subconscious to your consciousness.

Today I will introduce you to another technique, it is called “Glass of Water”. This technique hides enormous possibilities. Now that we already understand something about the power of the subconscious and have already learned something about the amazing properties of water, we are able to understand and appreciate the full power and effectiveness of this practice by testing it on ourselves.

When to use the “Glass of Water” technique

  • For example, when you are struggling to solve a problem and just can’t find the answer.
  • Or when you experience acute pain (physical or mental).
  • Or when you are faced with a difficult dilemma.
  • Or when someone (or something) has thrown you off balance.
  • Or to find lost things.
  • When you want to finally get what you have been dreaming about for a long time.

Yes, there are many more different cases and situations in which the “Glass of Water” technique can help perfectly. Like all the other techniques already presented, it also affects the hormonal system. This effect is produced through the generation of special energy - mental.

Important condition: the technique is performed immediately before bedtime. But there is an exception - this is a loss of emotional balance. In these cases, you do not need to wait until you go to bed, but should perform the technique at this moment.

How to perform the Glass of Water technique

  • First, formulate your problem. Don’t run wild with your thoughts – be brief. Moreover, do not go into details, do not overload the wording. For example, if your problem is feeling unwell, then say so: they say, I don’t feel well. Or if you are in a financial crisis, then don’t flaunt it either, just formulate it like this: “Right now I don’t have enough money,” and you can add what exactly.
  • When you have mastered the formulation of your problem, you need to formulate a task. There is no need to invent it - just remember, it is the same for all cases: “you need to find a solution.”
  • Then take a blank sheet of paper(small, for example from a notepad). And write down both: the formulation of the problem and the text of the task– let it turn out to be a single text, which you will begin to pronounce out loud when performing the technique.
  • Then pour drinking water into a glass(give preference to a glass made of transparent and colorless glass).
  • Add a few drops of pure lemon juice to the water and mix thoroughly.
  • Take the glass in your hands, holding it with four fingers: index fingers and thumbs.
  • Then close your eyes and say the text out loud from memory, which you have prepared (problem statement + task).
  • Then mentally add the delegation phrase: “This is enough for me to solve my problem.”
  • And slowly, with gusto(possible with stops), in Drink exactly half of all the water in the glass. However, it’s okay if you drink a little more than half – no accounting precision is required here.
  • Important! While you drink water, there should be nothing in your thoughts except the delegation phrase: Recite it in your mind as you take sips.
  • Cover the glass with the other half of water with the piece of paper on which you wrote the text of the problem and task, and Place it next to your bed, at the head of the bed.
  • In the morning, drink the remaining half of the water - and also with one single thought. This one: “Thank you!”
  • Mentally say this word until you drink all the water.
  • You can throw away the note with the note.- with the understanding that he did his job.

Because Be careful over the next 3 days so as not to miss the decision(three days is, of course, a suspended sentence). A solution may dawn on you already on the first night, but 3 days is usually the deadline: that is, during this period of time the decision arrives.

Please keep in mind: there will be no miracles. Solutions are usually so simple that they are sometimes brushed aside and not taken seriously. Don’t succumb to this risk - don’t expect anything “special” or fancy. Remember: for every problem you have, there is a simple solution. And it's always the best.

How it works

You know that water is a sensitive, finely tuned store of information? And it is already known that, hearing this or that information, it changes its structure. And this is also no secret to anyone: the lemon juice you add to water is an acid and it turns the water into an electrolyte(more precisely, it noticeably enhances the electrical conductivity of water). The operation of electrolyte batteries is based on this principle.

When you speak your text(problem statement + task), water accepts this information and adjusts its structure to it- that is becomes the physical equivalent of spoken words. When you mentally send a delegation phrase, you transmit a very specific electrical impulse (energy) to the water.

When you close your fingers on a glass, you close this energy - you do not allow it to dissipate.

And when you drink water, you direct energy saturated with specific information into the body. This is a matrix - a request program (also called an intent).

And since you think not only with your brain (as is commonly believed), but with every cell, this is what happens: you are completely, with every cell of yours, saturated with the energy of intention - to find a solution to your problem. The energy of intention is a very powerful energy that will not calm down until it connects the energy of the problem with the energy of its solution.

Why divide the water into 2 servings?

This is a ritual action that you address to your subconscious– after all, it is to him that the energy of intention turns, namely a request is transmitted to the subconscious: the first is to find a solution, and the second is to provide a solution to the problem.

Therefore, the night portion is a request to find a solution, and the morning portion is a request to provide a solution. And - most importantly - an announcement of your readiness to accept it.

This is exactly why you say “thank you” in your thoughts - to let your subconscious understand that you are confident that the decision is ready. This opens you up to receiving a ready-made solution.

Why is the technique performed at night?

And so that you don’t make noise, you don’t create any noise with the incessant flow of your thoughts (of all kinds). In sleep, consciousness rests and does not create any noise. And the subconscious mind works without interference - and only on the task at hand.

How to solve the problems that arise in our lives? Ancient scriptures, no matter how incredible it may sound, tell us that any problem can be solved, you just need to approach this problem correctly and not fall into the victim state. Problems in our lives are tests that are given by fate so that we pass them with dignity and learn our lessons. Only then will our lives change for the better and sparkle with bright colors.

The problems can be compared to the tasks that teachers asked us at school. In order to solve the problem, we had to make a lot of effort, waste our time, look for solutions, but if we succeeded, then the reward was praise from the teachers and a good mark in our diary. But if we came to class with an unsolved problem, we received a bad grade, blushed in front of the class, teachers, parents, and in the end we were still forced to solve this problem.

The same system works in adult life. But the tasks are set before us by other teachers - fate and higher powers, and our future life depends on their solution. Here we won’t be able to copy homework, like we did at school, lie or cheat, until the problem is solved by us, it will be repeated in our lives again and again, so many times until we finally sit down to solve this life problem . But don’t be afraid, any problem, like a school problem, has its own algorithm for solving and in order to understand, how to solve any problem, you just need to learn this algorithm. So,

Problem solving algorithm:

  1. Accept the problem in your life. The most important secret to solving a problem is acceptance. As long as we deny the problem, pretend that it does not exist, or admit its existence, but struggle with it with all our might, it will remain unresolved in our lives. Accepting does not mean reconciling, accepting means accepting the idea that this problem may remain with us in the future, but at the same time we will not become less happy. It is this state that is the key to solving the problem. If we cannot even admit the thought that everything will remain this way and this thought causes suffering in us, it means that in our subconscious lies a hidden , which will not let the problem go away from our lives. Only after we have achieved internal acceptance can we move on to the next point of the algorithm “ how to solve any problem».
  2. Thank the problem. The first thing we should feel on the way to solving our problem is this problem for appearing in our lives. Yes, not sadness, not hopelessness, not resentment, not fear, but gratitude. After all, it is thanks to problems that we improve, develop, and become spiritually enriched. This is an opportunity to understand what we did wrong earlier in our lives, what caused this trouble, and in other words, to work on the mistakes of our past.
  3. Consider options for solving the problem. That is, do what we are used to doing first. This needs to be done, but not in the first place, but based on this algorithm – in the third place. Analyze what options there are for solving this problem, and what consequences each of them will lead to. Then, using the process of elimination, you need to choose the most suitable option and act.
  4. Change your attitude towards the problem. If there are no solution options at all and the situation seems hopeless to us, then we need to change our attitude towards this problem. After all, we know that everything is in our heads. What is a big problem for us, causing suffering, for another person may seem like a mere trifle. Therefore, if the problem cannot be solved, then there is always a backup method, an answer to the question of how solve any problem- change your attitude towards her. We need to understand that we created this problem in our lives ourselves, and since we created it ourselves and are not able to solve it, it means that this problem is simply necessary for us during this period of time. And if so, then this is not a problem at all :)

With love, Yulia Kravchenko

If you have any questions while reading the article, you can ask me

There are several categories of people who deal with their problems differently:
Some turn a blind eye to problems and simply ignore them.
Others begin to whine and complain, convincing themselves in advance that the problem cannot be solved.
And finally, still others gather all their will into a fist and try to solve the problem that has arisen.
The fact that people belonging to the latter category find it easier to overcome difficulties is clear and obvious. It is gratifying that belonging to any of the groups is a fixable matter. So, if you are more likely to belong to the first or second category of people and you are not happy with this, you can change it. What is needed for this? – A little patience and practice. Below you will find useful guidelines and absolutely specific steps for constructively solving problems of any degree of complexity.

Tip 1: Don’t ask “Can I…”, ask “How?” So what?"
Many people, when faced with difficulties, ask themselves:

can I do this?
is it even possible to do this?
won't it get worse if I try to change something?
These thoughts are understandable. The greater the task and the more threatening the problem, the stronger the doubt. We are not confident in ourselves whether we have enough strength and ability to solve this problem.
In principle, thinking about the limits of your own capabilities is not a bad thing. Only when it comes to the moment when it is necessary to begin to act, the activity of such people for some reason slows down or they simply give up until the problem becomes complex, which in fact it was not.

Try to approach the problem from a different angle. Not the kind that makes you feel like you're up against an insurmountable wall, but the kind that opens the door to different possibilities for solving a particular problem. Better ask yourself:

What should I do better?
what should I do to solve the problem?
What exactly do I need to solve the problem?
who or what can help me?
what could be the first step in solving the problem?
Although questions of this nature do not solve the problem itself, you are still moving in the right direction. And if you think more about possible solutions than about the limits of your capabilities, this will give you strength and awaken the feeling that you yourself can build and organize your own life.
If you constantly replace the thought “Can I…” with “How?” and “What?”, you will have a good starting point for proactive problem solving.

Tip 2: Learn to find the positive aspects of your problems.
If we have some problem, then we would probably like best to postpone it for another day or completely forget about it. We view problems as annoying and just want to get rid of them like garbage. At the same time, we forget one thing: every problem constantly gives us opportunities to grow as a person and learn from it.

Accordingly, a useful step in solving problems is to regard them as learning tasks and strive to learn to love and solve these problems. This is probably even less theoretical than it sounds - since virtually every person does this in certain areas of activity.

Anyone, for example, who begins to study any sport or musical instrument immediately faces great difficulties. People who look at a goal that has not yet been achieved come into conflict with themselves and their abilities. They are unhappy that they are not so good, they spend a lot of energy on self-criticism. At the same time, their passion quickly wears off and they give up.

It’s different for those who love what they do and are trying to expand this love. Despite some failures and mistakes, they still enjoy their studies and thus find strength for further struggle.

For further solutions to problems that seem very difficult to you, the following questions may help you:

What is positive about this problem (for me or others)?
What will I learn from this problem (task)?
What experience will I gain that I would not have had without solving this problem?
How will my horizons and abilities expand when solving this problem?

Tip 3: If you understand the essence of the problem, you will already solve half of it
Many people, without understanding the problem, often choose the wrong ways to solve it. As a result, these paths lead to a dead end, since they were completely inappropriate to the problem at hand.
Let's say you have a conflict with a work colleague. You ask yourself what the problem is and come to the conclusion that your colleague is jealous of you because you get more money for the same work. And no matter what measures you took, they would not lead to a solution to the conflict, since hatred in this case is not a problem, but a consequence.

Indeed, in reality it is not easy to understand the essence of the problem. We readily forget that problems almost always have several causes and factors. Of course, it would be much simpler if we were dealing with unambiguous cause and effect. Typically, a problem is a system that includes various factors and actions.

So try to remember that most things are much more difficult than you think they are. This is a useful thought that protects against hasty and rash decisions.

So, try to resist thinking that you already know exactly what the problem is. Once again, start from the beginning, feel the problem, look at it from different points of view, analyzing it this way:

This is how I would describe the problem:
What else can we talk about besides this:
and if you think about it, you can come to the conclusion...
who and what is involved in the problem...
what else could have an impact...
what has already been done to solve the problem, and what it led to...

Tip 4: Be open to different opportunities
This tip has a lot to do with tip #3. If you accept that problems are more complex than they seem at first glance, it becomes easier to understand that, as a rule, there is more than one solution that leads to a solution to a problem - and it is definitely not the first one that comes to mind.
The desire to quickly find a suitable solution to the problem is understandable. But it just as quickly leads to fixation on one possible solution. In some cases, this can lead to nowhere and make the problem worse. It often happened that people were so focused on the chosen solution path that they did not even notice that the problem had already been solved at an intermediate stage.

you think about the problem much more intensely;
you don't go too far in one direction, but stay mentally flexible;
In fact, you have various options available to you, and you will not doubt if the chosen path will lead to success.
So, don't close yourself to other solutions. Use creative methods to come up with different ideas. Write down all your ideas, and even those that seem crazy to you - who knows, maybe the solution to the problem lies in them.

Tip 5: Courage to think creatively
This advice has already been partially used in tip #4, but it is so important that it should be specifically addressed in a separate question.
So, “thinking creatively” means coming up with extraordinary ideas, ideas that are often not understood or accepted by others, and having the courage to have crazy ideas and pursue seemingly false paths.

You cannot learn this in one day, but there are still a number of auxiliary tools through which you can begin to develop this quality in yourself, for example:

Ask people who have no idea about your problem at all for their ideas. Often even naive and simple-minded people come to brilliant ideas that we ourselves could not come to due to some existing ideas.
Just turn your problem around. And ask instead of “What can I do to make the relationship better?” - “What can I do to make the relationship worse?” This allows you to see problems in a new light. Although it sounds crazy, this is how people often come up with ideas that they couldn't find in the first question.
Give free rein to your fantasies and associations. Frame the problem differently. Open a dictionary or lexicon on any page and randomly select a term. It doesn't matter whether the term is relevant to your problem. Write down all the associations between this term and your problem.
Please note: it takes practice to come to a completely new thought. Don't expect too much from yourself right away, but just be open and curious about exploring this type of thinking. And everything will work out!

Today I will share with you the technology for solving any life problems. It works even in cases where, at first glance, there are no solutions. Read this article to the end, I have prepared a gift for you.

When it comes to problems, one wonderful anecdote comes to mind. During the interview they ask the question: “What talents do you have?” The candidate thinks and answers: “I have one talent: I can turn any basic task into a hopeless situation with a bunch of problems.”

Most of humanity has this talent. In simple words, this is called “making a molehill out of a molehill.” Why is this happening? The main reason is an attempt to solve a problem while being in an excited emotional state. Remember the fragment from the movie “The Diamond Arm”: Chief, everything is gone.”

In 2008, when my wife was eight months pregnant, the head of the company where I worked announced the closure of the business. How? Why? Why now? Thoughts popped into my head: “What now?” “How to repay a loan taken out at 36% per annum?” “I’m giving birth in a month, but there’s no money and debts are through the roof...” How did this internal dialogue on emotions end? Three days of high blood pressure. Did I solve this problem by working myself into a white heat? Of course not, I only strengthened it. What happened three days later? I calmed down and started solving this problem. First, I called all the suppliers and asked for help in finding a suitable job option. Most automatically answered what they would mean (it’s not clear: me, my situation, or...)

This incident gave me the opportunity to determine who is who in my environment. One person responded. His name is Dmitry, to whom I will be grateful until the end of my days. He introduced me to a wonderful and decent person, my current business mentor, Pavel Viktorovich, and a new round of my career and personal development began in my career.

Analyzing this situation now, I understand that when any problem arises, you need to ask yourself the questions not “Why?”, but “For what?” Behind the solution to any problem, there is always an equal or greater opportunity.

I want to say a few words about the questions. Asking yourself an endless series of questions “Why?” You are heating up emotions that overshadow all common sense. And you drive yourself into a dead end. Of course, you need to understand the reason for this obstacle, but the question should be formulated as follows: “What does this problem signal and what will its solution lead to?” Problems and obstacles are training.

How to give yourself first aid when another test comes into your life. Usually everyone says: “Calm down, everything will be fine, etc.” How to calm down? And what does it mean to calm down?

So, as soon as life throws another challenge at you, you need to remember the “golden rule”: “Never solve problems based on emotions.” Remember what happens to you when you encounter problems? The pulse quickens, the breathing becomes erratic, the head is a mess... Simply put, panic. A simple breathing exercise will help you calm down.

Take a deep breath, raising your arms up as if trying to absorb as much as possible, and lower your arms as you exhale. Let's do this exercise together. While doing this, concentrate on your breathing. Try to make the inhalation and exhalation as long as possible and each of them takes from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Repeat several times if necessary. The result of this exercise will be the normalization of pulse and breathing and the readiness to move from the problem to its solution.

If this action does not help, move on to plan B. Put off solving the problem and go for a walk in the fresh air. I'm quite serious... The only exception: someone feels bad and requires an immediate response. In all other cases, half an hour in the fresh air will bring benefits many times more than you will continue to sit and be dumb, not knowing what to do. Believe me, nothing fatal will happen in 30 minutes.

After your walk, start looking for a solution. The most wonderful exercise “Brainstorming” will help us with this. To complete this we need a pen and a sheet of paper. It can be done alone or with other people.

What is it for? When a problem arises, it stands in front of us like a concrete wall and prevents us from seeing what opportunities lie behind it. Our task is to “push” this wall so that it becomes a bridge between the place where we are now and where we want to go. Simply put, turn the problem into a subgoal.

The technology is very simple. Write your problem at the top of a piece of paper. Then start writing down all the solutions that come to mind. Forget about all sorts of possibles and impossibles, nonsense is not nonsense, real or not, don’t edit, don’t think, don’t suppress your imagination, otherwise you might miss the most interesting thing. Just get all your ideas out on paper. All ideas are good. Brainstorming helps you get rid of the “garbage” in your head and helps you believe that there is more than one way out of the situation. Nothing excites us to action more than clarity of direction.

Once you've run out of ideas, choose a few options that excite you the most, even though they may be intimidating in their scope. Do not delete the remaining options. Try to find at least something in them that can help you.

Once the solution options have been identified, write down a plan for achievement and immediately begin targeted actions.

When any problem arises, you need to understand the main thing: “Never in our life do problems arise that are beyond our ability and that behind every problem lies the same or even greater opportunity.” This understanding will add confidence that you can cope with any problem.

And now the promised gift. If you have a problem that you cannot solve on your own, voice it in the comments to this video and I will choose the three most interesting options and help you find solutions absolutely free. If this problem really bothers you, hurry up.

That's all for today. See you again, friends.

Problems in sobriety were, are and remain, and they are not going away. Don't think that if you stop drinking, your life will automatically blossom. No. In this article we will talk about how to solve sobriety problems. You will become familiar with the universal tank method, which will allow you to smash any problem to smithereens.

You will feel much better, which will create a platform for further changes. But the old problems will not go away. And you need to roll up your sleeves, pick up a shovel and clear out the accumulated problems in your life. Because now you won’t be able to turn away from them, hide in alcohol, cigarettes and other addictions.

You must face problems head on, plan to solve them, and take action every day.

Once you've gotten stronger and your sobriety is stable, you need to figure out how to get yourself out of the mess you're in. Wrapping it in a wrapper and saying it’s candy won’t work anymore.

You drank for many years, and during this time new problems and tasks appeared that required solutions, and you more often than not simply ignored them. And old problems have intensified and become global. In short, there is something to rake.

How to solve problems in sobriety

A sober approach to problem solving includes the following points:

  1. Realize what specifically doesn’t suit you in life. Write it down and be aware of it " Yes, damn it, I don't like it and never have. But I'm going to do something about it!" Identify the problem.
  2. Answer the question what you can do to solve this problem.

And it doesn't matter how long it takes to solve it. Maybe a week will be enough, or maybe a whole year will not be enough.

  1. Then make a specific and real plan, How to solve this problem. Write everything down point by point.
  2. Then take action day by day. Your actions must be consistent. They may be very small, but constant.
The tank method is about doing small things towards your goal every day. There are obstacles along the way, but you continue to move forward no matter what.

You could have successfully taken the first three steps when you were in. You could even then understand what you don’t like in your life. Perhaps it was this understanding that aggravated your alcohol addiction. But what you couldn't do was act systematically. You could do something there for a day or two, and then you forgot (or forgot) about your goal, changed the goal, abandoned plans, stopped considering it necessary, and so on. What difference does it make which one you found? an excuse to kill your next target?

Now is your chance. Systematic ordinary actions are the key to achieving the goal. This is the tank method.

Over the years, I have read about a hundred books on the topic of goals, plans and motivation. But for myself, I have made only two rules that work flawlessly.

  1. If you do nothing, nothing will happen
  2. To achieve a goal, you don't have to give up on it.

What is the difference between a sober person and an addict in how to solve problems?

The attitude of a sober person is that he understands that even a small goal in life requires some effort: over a long time. And only then is the result possible.

Chaotic movement, when you rush from solving one problem to another, will not lead to the desired result.

A person who is dependent wants to receive all at once. In his opinion, something miraculous is going to happen and his life will magically change. It seems to him that he deserves more and that life itself owes him. It is called magical thinking.

A sober person rejects this type of thinking.

The position of a sober person is to act systematically and constantly in the direction of his goals (tank method).

And even if these are ordinary steps, they are real. Through consistency and due to the fact that a sober person takes action every day, it is possible to solve all problems. And then a result is possible that can exceed all expectations.

Give up the idea of ​​solving all problems in one fell swoop . Give yourself time.

Same with sobriety. You don’t intend to wake up tomorrow as if you’ve never had a drink. You understand that in order to regain a comfortable state, a certain time must pass - 6-18 months. And even then the work will continue. This - sober position, correct and adult, which should extend to other areas of your life.

The main virtue on your path will be tolerance. Tolerance in everything plus the ability to solve problems gradually and consistently is a fail-safe method for improving life.

Slowly and surely, you must sweep your side of the street.

You must clear out the rubble that is your life - pebble by pebble. And even if the growth is unnoticeable, know it is there. It continues constantly, unless, of course, you are marking time.

Flexible planning in problem solving

Flexible planning involves changing the plan in accordance with new circumstances (but not changing the goal itself)

Action planning should be flexible. If you have made a plan, but in reality new circumstances appear, you may feel that life ruins your plan. No. Your plan is imperfect! This plan did not take into account the real circumstances that emerged in the process. And that's okay. Your plan must be flexible - this is the secret of any achievement.

Planning flexibility involves adjusting the plan as problems are solved to suit changing life circumstances.

Understand that you cannot plan for everything at once. And sometimes the changes will be so strong that your entire plan may be thrown into disarray. Then you need to adjust the plan according to the new experience and knowledge gained.

If you are sure that your goal is chosen correctly, you don’t have to give it up at the slightest difficulty.

Don't be upset if you can't solve all the problems right away, give yourself a break, give yourself a temporary rest, and then try again.

Instead of a conclusion

Life in sobriety is not a fairy tale. But it is a sober life that allows you to really learn how to solve problems so that the final goal is achieved. The process of solving problems itself can be enjoyable when your energy is not stolen by all kinds of addictions, and you act in reality.

You work calmly every day, gradually creating a life that a person in addiction can only dream of, but for you it will become a reality.

And finally, a video in which I will tell you how to solve problems and achieve goals in sobriety.