New jury master chef children. Dmitry Gorovenko: “First money, and then food - we need to change this.” Interesting facts about the participants of the MasterChef show. Children

In the second season of children's cooking show Dmitry Gorovenko joined at STB. Before this we had not seen him on television, although culinary plan The judge of "MasterChef Kids-2" has a long track record.

“Sometimes you have to restrain yourself so as not to cry”

- Dmitry, before “MasterChef Kids” you did not participate in television projects. How has television changed you?

Life has changed. The popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. Working in the kitchen and on television are two different paths. Television is a completely different job that I really enjoy.

- Do you like popularity?

She doesn't bother me. I don't close myself off from people who want to take a photo, just talk or ask a question. I try to be open.

- Do you like yourself in the frame?

I don't like everything. I look through all the issues and work on myself. I don’t always like the way I speak, the way I hold my hands, the way I behave. I'm working out special exercises for facial muscles to speak beautifully and clearly.

- Children are not adults, their tears are more difficult to cope with. How do you do it?

I have to console. I am a rather sentimental person, sometimes I have to restrain myself so as not to cry.

- Watching the participants, do you think many can become chefs?

Not everyone can become a chef, because organizational skills are required. And working in the kitchen is hell. This is a very difficult path, and you need to understand that you will have to step over your ambitions more than once.

"The way to my heart is through understanding"

“They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Where is the path to the heart of a chef?

This is a social metaphor that has taken root well among us. I don't agree with her. And the way to my heart is through understanding.

- When did you prepare the first dish?

I set the first table for my family on New Year. This was already at the age of 16-17 years. Mostly the dishes were simple - Olivier, for example. But there were also “Khreshchatyk” pictures - few people know about them, but I always liked them.

At home I wasn’t really allowed to cook food. It wasn’t like I watched how my grandmother or mother cooked. As a child, I loved to eat delicious food.

- Why didn’t they allow it - didn’t they trust it?

No, that's not the point. It’s just that there were principles in the family that only the grandmother cooks, only she is responsible for it. Naturally, I helped. Dumplings, for example, were made by the whole family. And when my grandmother baked pies, I was allowed to knead the dough.

Cooked for Pierre Richard and De-Phazz

- There is an opinion that chefs do not cook at home. How are you?

I love what I do. Therefore, it doesn’t matter where I am - on a project, in a restaurant, at home, in nature. Of course, cooking for yourself is less interesting than cooking for someone else. But I cook at home quite often. And it’s at home that I like to experiment with flavors.

- And are you preparing borscht?

Happens. But I bake borscht. The original Ukrainian technique for preparing borscht is in the oven, in a ceramic bowl. However, I don’t have a wood-burning stove at home. Therefore, I bake in a ceramic pot in a conventional oven.

- I wonder if you eat at fast foods?

We are all human (laughs). But there is a difference between what and where to eat. Street food has gotten a lot better though. Look at the same shawarma stalls. If before there was a greasy guy standing there, now shawarma sellers wear gloves and don’t take food with their hands. It is clear that the products there are of low quality, but they are not poorly prepared.

- Which celebrities have you cooked for?

For pianist Keiko Matsui, Pierre Richard, the group De-Phazz ("De Faz")... I was completely responsible for their meals during the tour and stay in Kyiv. Cesaria Evora is a completely separate issue. I admired her creativity. And I had to feed her twice. Once in Kyiv, the second - in Odessa.

"I have a lady"

- You are very well-groomed and stylish man. Do you consider yourself a metrosexual?

Rather yes than no. Based on this issue, a metrosexual is a person who takes more care of himself than he should. But a normal man is one whose nails are not cut, his hands are cracked, his fingers are rough... And if a man does not have all this, then he is already a metrosexual.

I go to salons, get my hair cut, shave, I have a cosmetologist. All this is needed to recover after filming. You need to look after yourself. It's just self-love.

- Do you have a sweetheart?

Yes, I have a lady with whom I spend time together.

- Isn’t she jealous of your fans?

No. She understands the specifics of my work.


- Your daughter Eleanor is 8. Does she cook?

Elya is cooking. I don't think she wants to cook professionally. Sometimes it works with dough, sometimes it bakes something with me, sometimes it helps. This is for her more game into food.

- What is your daughter interested in?

Learns several languages. Dancing, singing, drawing. She probably likes drawing most of all.

-Are you a strict dad?

No. I'll tell you, I'll explain, I'll try to interest you. So yourself kind teacher which gives the child the opportunity to make his own decisions.


Dmitry Gorovenko is a culinary specialist with 19 years of experience, working with French, Italian, Mediterranean and Pan-Asian cuisines. He is the developer of many famous Ukrainian and foreign restaurant projects.


Photo: Flickr via Papatia USA

Easter cupcake

This cupcake is the main dish for every big holiday in Dmitry Gorovenko’s family. Dmitry’s grandmother prepared it not only for Easter, but for all traditional feasts and called it “early ripening cupcake.”

Ingredients: 1 glass of milk, 2 eggs, 1.5 glasses of sugar, 1 glass of thick jam (cherry jam tastes best, according to Dima), a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. without a slide of cinnamon, 1 tsp. soda, a couple of glasses of flour.

Cooking: mix all ingredients. Depending on the quality of flour, it may be needed different quantities. As a result, the dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the dough into the mold and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer.

A little less than a year ago, MasterChef judge on the STB channel Dmitry Gorovenko introduced everyone to his girlfriend. Christina accompanied the chef on the set, the couple went on trips together and visited everything social events in Kyiv. And this spring, Dmitry even took Christina to Georgia to introduce his girlfriend to his daughter Elya and ex-wife- they have been living there for many years.

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But recently information appeared that Dima and Christina broke up. This was confirmed by Gorovenko himself.

“Yes, we broke up with Christina. It was a difficult decision for me. I can’t even say that today I’ve completely cooled down to the current conversation; my feelings haven’t faded yet. We separated because Christina's desires are different from her actions. It's one thing to want a family, and another thing to do something for it. She is still very young (she is 24 years old), she wants to go for walks, she is really interested in a lot of things. It's also about the age difference. But I know for sure that I am moving on. And this new page in my life. I am open to new acquaintances. And I know that I want a family. I’ll even say that I want more children. Everything has its time..

Earlier, in an interview with the STB website, Dmitry said that the reason for their separation from his beloved was money:

“Unfortunately, the girl now, at 24 years of age, cannot understand that relationships are not built on her beauty or money. Firstly, a person in a relationship is guided by the following things: I am beautiful, love me because I simply exist. And secondly, the girl is interested in money and everything connected with it. That is, she is dependent on them, and if they are not enough, then she draws her own conclusions. A person wants to relax, do nothing, not work. I want partnerships, not ones in which one person works to meet the needs of another.”

The answer to the ex-lover did not take long to wait. On her blog, Christina wrote the following:

"There you are short description financial situation in our house: Dima did not support me, did not give me “pocket money”, I provided all my needs for myself personally, because, oh news (!) I earn money. Dima paid for the rented apartment in which we lived, yes, and for everyday things, such as groceries or the bill in a cafe when we went out somewhere... And that, my dears, was all. These are all the golden mountains that I used so immorally, so you will forgive me, of course, but if this, and only this, is called commercialism, then let me be like that. And at the same time, write to me and explain to me, stupidly, if it’s not difficult, what does it look like correctly? financial side men, because apparently my parents raised me somehow wrong. What else... am I beautiful? Sorry, question about genetics. Oh yes, I don’t do anything in my mortal existence, I sit on the sofa and haven’t lifted a finger in my entire life... Ummm, well guys, I’m a bachelor philological sciences, graduated from the culinary academy, have musical education, speaks 4 languages ​​fluently, worked as a vocalist, teacher, model, cook, lived in Germany and traveled to 24 countries, and now (which Dima, of course, doesn’t know about) I’m applying to a European university, I’m going to move and start what scares me a little, because at least it’s not going to buy bread... I can be accused of difficult nature or that I demand a lot of attention, but I certainly cannot be called an inactive stool hunter. So what was wrong? I didn't go to the office every day? Or did I look too good? Did you travel a lot, relax and enjoy life at 24? Am I living the way I want? I think the problem was that I fell in love with a man too much, who unfortunately decided to hurt me even after breaking up.”

For a sparkling sense of humor, powerful energy and, above all, for sincerity. And now the charismatic judge quite openly spoke not only about new products and behind the scenes of season 8, but also about personal things. How does Dmitry manage to be successful in all areas of life? How does he spend his leisure time with his daughter? And why did he decide to break off his relationship with his girlfriend? Read in an exclusive interview with

We are already in the midst of filming Season 8 of MasterChef, and the premiere episode is coming soon. Did you manage to relax between seasons? How did you restore your strength and get inspired?

As always, immediately after the end of the season, I went to Georgia. It’s my daughter’s birthday at this time, so I’m always there in May. And then, in June, when we had a weekend between filming season 8, I traveled around Italy, was in five cities and, in fact, was inspired there.

Tell us about the new season of MasterChef? How do you plan to amaze the audience?

There will be even more cooking in the new season! We also decided that this year we will put even more workload on the participants. After all, this is already the 8th season of MasterChef, and after so much time Ukraine has become more aware of both the project and what we are preparing. That's why we strive to give people a lot of cooking.

Which season do you like best: children's, teenagers or adults?

It was interesting to work with children, but it was emotionally difficult. It was also my debut as a cooking show judge. And I am now associated in society as a judge of the children's MasterChef. Even the majority of my followers on Instagram are children aged 10 to 15 years.

Were you able to establish friendly relations with any of the participants? Perhaps you continue to communicate after filming?

I'm talking with , the winner of season 7 of MasterChef. In season 8, I also communicate with another participant; he visited my establishment several times. I am impressed by his lifestyle, he is very interesting person, interesting for its independence, freedom from some everyday moments.

Remember some funny moments from the filming of Season 8 of MasterChef. What interesting things happened on the set?

There was one funny situation at a traveling competition when we had to ride out to the participants on bicycles. And when everyone was already standing, my chain fell off, because the bike was too big. So what, I had to slide my feet on the asphalt to get to the participants.

And that same day I got off the bike and stood with my back to the cameras. She didn’t immediately understand where to turn. And it was very funny: we turned in one direction, and Tanya turned in the opposite direction. I was a little confused about the area.

How do you balance being a restaurateur and a MasterChef judge? How to remain successful in several directions?

Well, it seems to me that success is fairly predicted by partnerships with other people. Of course, if I didn’t have partners, everything would be different. By the way, I will participate with them in one of the competitions on the project. We invite either partners or close people to the competition, where the participants will impress us with their skills.

How does a chef manage to stay in such good shape?

In fact, I don't go to the gym, it doesn't appeal to me. But I work out at home in the morning, try to move a lot and watch what and how much I eat.

Do you cook for yourself? And what cuisine do you prefer?

I don’t cook for myself due to lack of time and, in fact, desire. Why cook for yourself? You need to cook for people who can enjoy your work. As for cuisine, I like Asian cuisine, otherwise I would have a different establishment.

Dmitry Gorovenko with his daughter Elya, ex-wife and her husband (Photo from the personal archive of Dmitry Gorovenko)

Tell us about your daughter Ela, whom you call nothing less than a little princess. Is she interested in cooking like you did?

Yes, she is a little interested in cooking, but for now it’s like an opportunity for her to switch from one, say, game to another. She willingly participates in this, she can sculpt some little things out of dough. She likes to make pizza and pasta with her mom. Once, she and I made tiramisu together. She plays this game with pleasure!

How often do you manage to see and communicate with Elya, because she lives far away, in Georgia?

We communicate quite often. Nowadays it's not so difficult because there are many ways to communicate, social media and so on. Eli has a phone number, she writes to me, sends me a photo. Personally, I visit them in the spring, but stay for long time, for about a month. Last year, for example, I was there for two and a half months. Whenever I have the opportunity, I try to spend time with my daughter.

Project "Chefs Speak" confidently expands the horizons and boundaries of professional communication. Meet a young ambitious chef from Ukraine, a member of the Association of Chefs of Russia and Ukraine. A person passionate about his work, he talks with passion about his path to the profession, his hobbies and the philosophy of food. I met Dmitry on HoReCa & RetailTech forum for professionals in the beverage, retail, restaurant and hotel business, where he gave a master class on molecular gastronomy.

Tasha: Good afternoon, Dmitry. It’s very nice to meet a chef who represents such an interesting direction as molecular cuisine.

Dmitriy: Good afternoon, Tasha. I want to emphasize right away that I do not represent molecular cuisine, I use elements from this kitchen for decoration ready-made dish. If we talk about my area of ​​activity, then it can most likely be called “cooking food at low temperatures”

Tasha: unexpected confession. Let’s leave it up to the forum’s logisticians and talk about your professional path.

Dmitriy: I started my journey as a cook as a waiter. Then I prepared my first dish: “Khreshchatyk” zrazy. However, real learning for me began in the kitchens of the Kyiv restaurants “Egoist”, “Concord” and “Morrokana”.

Tasha: where did it continue?

Dmitriy: To improve my skills, I went to Moscow, to the iconic establishments Vogue-cafe and GQ Bar (GQ Bar and Vogue-cafe are restaurant projects of Arkady Novikov, author’s note). Then there was work at the Moscow Cantinetta Antinori. In my opinion, one of the best Moscow chefs, Mauro Panebianco, works at Cantinetta. A man who masterfully handles Tuscan home cooking, be it ham with bread, burrata with tomatoes or beef steak.

Tasha: I know that your heart given....?

Dmitriy: Italian cuisine is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and a huge springboard for creativity. My love affair with Italian cuisine continues to this day. I think that Italian, as well as other Mediterranean cuisines, are an excellent base for introducing the ideas of final food decoration with elements of molecular gastronomy.

Tasha: and what is the dream of Gorovenko, the eater, from the culinary world?

Dmitriy: sushi and sashimi on a naked woman (laughs)

Tasha: tell us a little about your mentors?

Ditrius: I had a lot good teachers, thanks to which I received the base that I have now. This is Volodya Yadlovsky, whom I met at the Egoist restaurant, and Denis Kuznetsov, the chef of the Concord restaurant. But most of all I learned from Seryozha Belik (restaurant “Morokana”) and Yura Rozhkov (restaurant “Vogue Café”, Moscow).

Tasha: you are quite a public person. Tell me about the dumbest question you've ever been asked?

Dmitriy: What will I eat on my very last day on this earth?

Tasha: Which cuisine is the most exotic for you?

Dmitriy: cuisine of Ecuador. Once I had the opportunity to cook cold tomato soup with seafood. It's a cross between gazpacho and ceviche, served with rice.
Tasha: a question that is interesting to the vast majority of readers: have you ever fed the stars?

Dmitriy: I don't really care who I feed. Stardom is a completely temporary state, but it is much harder to meet a person who loves and understands food. But I can talk about those people in whom these two categories coincide: the Defas group, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, Oleg Skripka. My guests are my friends and I spend up to 45% of my time on the floor talking with people and listening to their wishes and criticism.

Tasha: tell us about your free time.

Dmitriy: to swim, Electonic music, fishing, cooking to lift your spirits. Professional hobbies include collecting technological techniques and “tricks” for cooking.

Tasha: award you are most proud of?

Dmitriy: I was among the 25 the best chefs Ukraine.

Tasha: tell us about your professional philosophy

Dmitriy: We often don’t think about what we do, what we eat. We don't think about food. This is bad because with food we absorb positive or negative energy. A wise and experienced chef will never serve poorly charged food. While in the kitchen, he will try to bring a positive mood to the team. Sometimes it happens that if someone is in a bad mood, the chef sends him home. All this is done to ensure that a person enjoys food.

Tasha: and finally, traditional wishes for readers

Dima: This is my first time in your city and I want to say that Minsk is a very beautiful city: where people live good people and very beautiful girls. Stay like that.