The most funny moments with stars on stage. Curiosities with the stars: the most shameful incidents that happened to celebrities

C Russian stars In show business, unexpected embarrassments and oddities often occur right on stage, which sometimes lead to scandals and shame of the stars. A phonogram that failed at the wrong time, a stunt microphone, a drunken performance or a sudden onset of allergies, profanity, flying sausage, breasts jumping out of a dress and fainting in front of the audience, is this a shame for celebrities or just a funny incident?

While performing one of her old compositions in July 2015, singer Zemfira took the Ukrainian flag from one of the audience and began waving it on stage. After finishing the song, she tied the flag to the microphone.
In March 2016, fans of the singer in Lithuania again brought the Ukrainian flag to the concert. However, Zemfira demanded that fans remove the flag from the hall, while the singer used profanity.

At one of Nyusha’s concerts, the soundtrack suddenly turned off. The performer continued to sing and dance for some time, and then began to communicate with the audience. In the end, Nyusha decided to perform a number without music with her dancers, to which her fans reacted positively and began to applaud the star.

By the way, a scandal with the phonogram also arose at the New Wave 2016 competition - Philip Kirkorov’s “minus-1” was cut off during the performance of the song “Sirtaki”. Kirkorov decided to smooth out the funny situation and addressed the audience with a smile.
The King of the Pop Stage began his performance again, but the soundtrack cut out for the second time. As a result, Kirkorov left the stage in upset feelings.

At a concert in St. Petersburg popular artist Sergei Lazarev suddenly fainted. The singer became dizzy and lost consciousness. According to the singer, the reason for what happened lies in his exhausting schedule at that time.

But Star Factory graduate Irina Dubtsova behaved extremely inappropriately at her performance in Gomel, which is why many decided that the singer was drunk. The performer uttered incoherent phrases and sang an incomplete track list along with the soundtrack.

Performance by a popular Russian singer Elena Vaenga in Jurmala was overshadowed by the shocking act of a Latvian when, in the middle of his performance, a piece of sausage was thrown onto the stage. Vaenga picked up this piece and turned to the “thrower”: -
Elena tried to calm down the spectators who were upset by the ridiculous prank, joked and even remembered that her son called her “Business Sausage”. After that, she decided to perform a song “in theme” - “Absinthe”. But from excitement I forgot her words. Can I have another video?
At the end of the concert, Elena posted on her page in Instagram photo one and a half dozen broken eggs and wrote an emotional post, under which fans were still heatedly discussing this provocation.

Back to the phonogram lovers: during the concert famous singer Valery Meladze got too carried away with juggling a microphone. Due to an awkward movement, it eventually slipped out of the singer’s hands. Of course, the phonogram continued to play. The expression on Meladze’s face during this unfortunate incident was recorded by one of his fans on video.

But the celebrity Grigory Leps’s microphone fell into what is called a hot hand: during the singer’s performance, he was categorically not satisfied with the sound quality. The artist decided to take it out on the microphone and threw it on the stage with feeling. “The microphone began to shamelessly “tear.” And Grigory’s nerves could not stand it. But after a couple of minutes the microphone was replaced, he apologized, and the song was performed again.

The famous singer Ani Lorak once managed to sing in front of the “experts” of the club “What? Where? When?". Unfortunately, during the performance there was an embarrassment - Ani Lorak’s magnificent breasts jumped out of her tight dress to the delight of the audience and club connoisseurs.
And during a performance at the Children's New Wave, Anya's dress rode up, revealing all her charms, and now she was flashing her black panties to the delight of the teenagers standing near the stage.

About the funniest and sometimes ridiculous, funny and not so, stunning curiosities born involuntarily on stages theatrical productions.

– A young actor is participating in a production for the first time, and a venerable actor is playing here, the role of a young actor is small, go on stage to the venerable one and say something like “food is served!”, and that’s it!

The young man is very nervous, after all, with the meter in the same scene, terribly nervous, half-consciously goes on stage and sees the slightly rounded eyes of his elderly partner, realizes that something is wrong, is completely lost, mutters his phrase and flies off the stage.

After the performance famous actor calls him to his dressing room, the barely alive young man appears before the eyes of the master and hears: “My friend, why are you doing this? It was nothing when you walked in through the window, but when you CAME OUT INTO THE FIREPLACE!”

- A certain heroic piece was played in the theater. musical drama- with love, deaths and other pathos. And then, a few hours before the performance, it turns out that the local prima has eaten too much ice cream and cannot sing the title role. The voice sat down. As they say, seriously and for a long time. The director is in a panic: as luck would have it, a lot of tickets were sold out. And here... in general, just like in the Hollywood story on the theme “This is how they become stars.” One young chorus girl comes to the director and declares that she has dreamed of this role all her life, that she knows all the arias, that she is ready to sing and act out everything without a single rehearsal, etc. , and so on.

Well, the director, in general, has nowhere to go. He waves his hand and lets go young talent to the stage. But as soon as the curtain rose and the talent opened his charming mouth, it immediately became clear that the Hollywood scenario in the steppes of Ukraine was not working at all. Sings young creature very bad, plays even worse. The director is suffering behind the scenes. But don’t stop the performance once it’s started!

It comes to the second act. Climax: the heroine meets her ex-lover and at the most pathetic moment he calls on him: “Kill me!” (i.e. “kill me!” - the performance is performed in Ukrainian). And the hero must do his dirty deed. Well, the young talent on stage, as expected, throws out his arms and exclaims: “beat me!” The hero rushes at her with a fake knife and then... One must assume that the artist’s face really was brutal - he suffered with his partner for the performance! But one way or another, the young chorus girl was seriously scared. And in last moment jumped to the side. And therefore, she did not allow herself to be stabbed - as required by her role.

Both are standing. Nobody knows what to do. In the end, the chorus girl decides to continue from the same point. Again he spreads his arms and shouts: “beat me!” The hero is on her. And she, out of fright, turned to the side again! In general, history repeated itself a third time. But then the hero contrived to catch the girl and, as befits the role, “killed her.”

At this moment, a pathetic chorus was supposed to burst out behind the stage. But the chorus did not burst out. It didn’t burst out because all the choristers and chorus girls stood bent double or rolled around the stage (behind the backdrop) in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. And they laughed because the director of the play, standing next to them and seeing what was happening on stage, began banging his head on the nearest pipe and saying: “Catch her, you bitch, and kill her!” Catch her, bitch, and kill her!
This is what art brings people to.

- Such a case. "Dowry" by Ostrovsky. Premiere, first performance. According to the play, Karandyshev dissuades the text: “So don’t let anyone get you” and shoots Larisa with a pistol, Larisa falls. And the shot was ensured at that time like this: the prop master behind the scenes, on cue, hits a special cartridge case with a hammer, the cartridge case thumps - Larisa falls. Premiere, la, la poplars... “So don’t let anyone get you,” points the gun, it misfires behind the scenes, there is no shot. Actor: “So die!” reloads, aims the pistol a second time, behind the scenes there is a second misfire. Karandyshev reloads for the third time: “I’ll kill you!”, the third misfire. Larisa is standing. Suddenly a cry from the hall: “Grenade her in the wilderness!” The curtain came up, the performance fell apart, and the audience got their money back. The director ran around the theater for an hour after the props man, shouting: “I’ll kill you, you bastard!!!”

The next day, in the evening, again “Dowry”, in the morning analysis of yesterday’s flight: mate-re-talk, everyone is blaming the prop manager, he makes an excuse: “But it wasn’t me who made the cartridges, well, they were caught raw in the batch, but there are a lot of people nearby, you see Well, what’s going on, we can help, the prompter has a play at hand: he slammed it on the table, it was all some kind of shot, the assembler hit the board against something, the lighting man could have broken a light bulb, well, any sharp sound, she would have understood that it was a shot, and would have fallen.”

In the evening the performance, everything is fine, it comes to Larisa’s death, Karandyshev: “So don’t let anyone get you!”, points the gun, the prop master misfires again. Suddenly, with a pause of a second, an incredible roar is heard from different parts of the stage: the prompter hits the play on the table, the montages hit the iron with hammers, the lighting technician hits the light bulb. Larisa clearly does not understand that this is a shot, because this misfortune does not at all resemble a shot, and continues to stand. A cry from the audience: “They told you yesterday, with a grenade, she was killed!”

F. Ranevskaya recalled: once in England a competition was announced for the most short story but there are four mandatory conditions:

— The queen must be mentioned.
- God is mentioned.
- A little sex.
- There must be a secret.

First place went to a story with one sentence: “Oh, God,” exclaimed the queen, “I’m pregnant and I don’t know from whom!”

So - there is a famous (and deservedly) actor and there is his envious person, who is trying to trick him in every possible way, spoiling him, etc., and is surprisingly mediocre. Well, this envious man, by hook or by crook, “knocked out” the role of Don Guan for himself, pushing his hated rival into the role of the Statue of the Commander. He plays disgustingly, and the Statue throws in a gag: “How low can a man fall!” The audience is delighted and boos Don Juan. Naturally, he decided to take revenge.

The next day there is another play, where a celebrity plays Napoleon, and an envious person plays cameo role a general who hands Napoleon a letter, which he then reads aloud. The play is new, the roles have barely been learned, so Napoleon simply rewrote the letter and put the text in an envelope. The envious man, aware that Napoleon did not remember the letter well, pulled the text out of the envelope and inserted a blank sheet of paper - they say, if you can’t remember the text, then you will shit yourself in front of the public. So - the corresponding moment of the performance, Napoleon opens the envelope, sees what is in front of him Blank sheet, understands perfectly well who gave him such a toad - and... casually hands this sheet to the general with the words: “Read it, general, out loud to me!”

In one Moscow theater there was a performance - serious, almost tragic play. It began with the actor coming to the front of the stage, a spotlight shining on him, and in complete silence the artist said:
- He was eight years old...
After which the first action began.
On that day, as they say in the novels, nothing foreshadowed trouble.
The audience came to the performance, left their raincoats and coats in the cloakroom, humming and whispering, took their seats in the hall, rustled the programs, fell silent and prepared to thoughtfully watch the action. They didn't come for a comedy.
The lights went out smoothly, the first low chords of music began to sound... dark stage the actor appeared in a bright circle of light. And he said slowly:
- Eight years of f*cking soap...
They say that there was no performance at all that day.

Father told me. Performance about the Great Patriotic War. Theater of the Red Army. I'm sorry, I don't remember the names of the performances.

The finale of the play, the command of the Red Army is on stage. The commander-in-chief must pick up the phone and say into the receiver: “Headquarters of the Supreme Commander!” Then he reports: “Comrade Stalin, Kyiv has been recaptured and returned under the red banner….blablabla.”
Next, the sound guys play a phonogram. Stalin’s voice says: “Thank you for Kyiv.” Express gratitude to all military personnel... etc.”

Sound at that time was still recorded on reel-to-reel film. In general, 20 minutes before the performance, the sound engineer accidentally drops the film on the floor - it falls apart into small pieces (the film was glued in literally this word). The sound guy is in a panic, the director is hysterical, the actors are in a stupor. But the sound engineer is old and experienced. In 10 minutes he glues the entire film from start to finish. The performance runs perfectly smooth and clean. The final. The commander-in-chief picks up the phone, demands the supreme headquarters, and reports. Stalin’s voice sounds: “Thank you for Kyiv.” Tionradogalb tiivyabo ksyov uvatsos ummonchil umesv..."

The actors are shocked. one of them says: “The old man is worried - he started talking in Georgian.” Everyone scatters backstage.

Kyiv, Theater on Podol. There's a performance going on"Macbeth". A line is heard from the stage: “I hear the roar of the chariot of death!” The problem with our theater is that when the metro passes, everything shakes and the windows rattle. And now, after the significant phrase, a subway car is just passing by. Pause. A remark from the audience: “By... I hear it too...” Everyone crawls into the wings.

Once during the official play “Bolsheviks”, in which Evgeny Evstigneev played the role of Lunacharsky, a funny incident happened. According to the script, Lunacharsky had to leave the room where the wounded Lenin lay and utter the following phrase: “Lenin’s forehead is yellow...”

Evstigneev goes on stage and says to the whole theater:
- Lenin has a yellow ass!
Deathly silence, after which the artists crawl across the stage, shaking with laughter. The spectators clutch their stomachs and writhe in their chairs.
No administrative measures were taken. Political leaders chose to “ignore” the reservations.

Sometimes funny incidents with actors happen out of nowhere. The artist forgot the words or stumbled, there was some kind of minor hitch. You can continue to play further, but you can also develop the theme. Something similar happened once between Oleg Efremov and Evgeny Evstigneev. Efremov played Tsar Nicholas I and in one of the serious scenes he had to utter the following phrase: “I am responsible for everything and everyone!” But Efremov got lost in thought, got confused and came up with this:
- I am responsible for everything and for the light!
Evgeny Evstigneev, who participated in this scene and had to respond with some appropriate phrase for the occasion, thought for a moment, and then continued, developing the topic:
- Both for gas and for water, Your Majesty?..

According to friends, the actor’s only professional flaw was that he always had difficulty memorizing text. One day Evstigneev was supposed to appear on stage at a key, turning point in the performance, and his line was so important that without it further action could not develop.

Evgeny Alexandrovich came out, froze on stage and suddenly fell silent, remembering the words. The words were not remembered. Not at all embarrassed, Evstigneev turned to the actors standing in the background and said with his unique intonation: “Why are you silent?” Despite the nervous tension, laughter was heard among the actors, and half of them quietly disappeared backstage.

Evstigneev slowly walked across the stage, as if thinking about something, turned to those who remained, and asked again: “Are you going to remain silent?” The partners in the play, barely restraining themselves from laughing, having not come up with anything better, left Evstigneev alone. He once again walked thoughtfully across the stage. Then he said: “Well, since everyone has left, then I will leave too!” And he went backstage.

Evgeny Leonov came to Finland to participate in the film “For Matches” by novel of the same name Finnish writer. Before filming, he was offered to meet with students and teachers of the University of Helsinki as a cultural exchange. The artist agreed with pleasure, especially since he knew about his popularity among the Finnish public.

But an unpleasant surprise awaited him at the university - before he could go on stage, he was furiously booed. Leonov became embarrassed and retreated backstage. But they explained to him that the louder the whistle, the higher the love of the viewer. These are Finnish customs. Then Leonov returned to the stage with a light heart, put two fingers in his mouth and whistled deafeningly.

Faina Ranevskaya and Varvara Soshalskaya were involved in the play “Truth is good, but happiness is better.” Ranevskaya was already over eighty, and Soshalskaya was approaching eighty.

Once during a rehearsal, Soshalskaya felt unwell: she didn’t sleep the night before the rehearsal, her blood pressure jumped... In general, everything was terrible. Ranevskaya went to the buffet to buy her a chocolate bar or something sweet to cheer her friend up. The buffet sold huge greenhouse cucumbers, which at that time were the first to appear in Moscow in the middle of winter.

Faina Georgievna immediately bought a cucumber of unimaginable size, put it in her apron pocket - she played a maid - and went on stage. At that moment, when it was necessary to serve something to Lady Soshalskaya, Ranevskaya pulled a cucumber from her pocket:

Vavochka, look at the cucumber I brought you...

Thank you, Fufochka! - Soshalskaya was delighted.

Ranevskaya winked very slyly and clarified:

Vavochka, I give you this cucumber. If you want, eat it, if you want, live with it...

The director had to announce a break, because after this phrase those present simply died of laughter and no one could rehearse...

The incident that occurred at the concert of singer Beyoncé this week did not leave the editors of the portal indifferent. The singer for coming too close to the fan. However, she emerged from this situation with dignity, not allowing the ill-fated mechanism to interrupt the performance. We decided to warn domestic stars against such incidents, recalling the five most unpleasant incidents that happened on stage with their foreign colleagues.

Barbadian singer Rihanna's concert in Dallas in 2011 almost ended in a big fire. During the artist's performance, the abundance of pyrotechnics lit up the lighting installations above the stage. The concert had to be completed, and the singer and her team had to be urgently evacuated. Immediately after the unpleasant incident, Rihanna apologized to the residents of Dallas on her Twitter microblog and promised to come to them again and, finally, perform a concert there. This is how an excessive passion for spectacle can derail the spectacle itself.

Rihanna Photo: @badgalriri(Instagram)

Lady Gaga

Singer Lady Gaga is famous not only for her extravagant outfits, but also for her extreme performances. Concerts around Gaga are a chaos of multi-story moving structures, dancers and fireworks. In such an environment, it is not difficult to lose your balance and fall, especially if you are wearing sky-high heels. It’s no wonder that Lady Gaga tops the list of the most “falling” stars. So at a concert in Montreal in 2009, the singer during another dance number to the song “Poker Face” she could not stand on her feet and fell from her height. Despite the “hard landing,” Gaga did not stop singing, retained that same poker face on her face, and within a second she was on her feet again and continued her performance.

Lady Gaga Photo: @ladygaga(Instagram)

Incidents with clothes are the most common among stars. Among the celebrities who experienced such an unpleasant incident was Selena Gomez. On charity concert Concert For Hope On March 20, 2011, the young star appeared on stage in a dress with a short flowing skirt. During the performance of the next composition, the singer became so dizzy in the dance that she showed off her underwear to the public. Contrary to the expectations of fans, the singer was wearing “grandmother’s” pantaloons. Photos of Selena in shapewear graced the covers of tabloids the very next day.

Selena Gomez Photo: Getty Images/Fotobank

Jennifer Lopez is also famous for her concert incidents. At a performance in Bologna (Italy) in 2012 revealing outfit The singer could not stand the hot dancing - the upper part of the overalls slipped down, exposing the singer's breasts. And at the Wango Tango KIIS FM show in March 2011 in Los Angeles, during the performance of the song “On the floor,” the audience stopped hearing their idol due to sound problems. Lopez was not taken aback and did not stop the number. The singer decided to compensate for the lack of sound by dancing and “lit it up” with her troupe to the applause of fans.

Jennifer Lopez

Actress Jennifer Lawrence was the victim of an overly long outfit at the 2013 Oscars. Rising for the statuette received for the best female role in the film My Boyfriend Is Crazy, the actress became entangled in the hem of her chic Christian Dior dress and sprawled on the steps in front of the stage. Men from the audience rushed to help Lawrence, but the embarrassed actress herself was able to get up and receive the coveted award.

Jennifer Lawrence Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

They are stars, celebrities, faces from TV screens, but this photo selection only proves that they are ordinary people, who, just like us, mere mortals, are not immune from minor (and not so much) troubles that clothes present to us. Too tight pants or too loose dresses, torn suits and unbuttoned blouses - you will find all this in this issue. Anyone who has ever forgotten to fasten their fly, or knows what an unfastened bra is. Italian swimmer Flavia Zoccari had to withdraw from competition at the Mediterranean Games in Pescara, Italy, after her suit cracked. At the Beowulf premiere in London, Angelina Jolie not only stepped on chewing gum, but also wore too-tight leather pants, which ended up cracking. Good, male hand Brad Pitt came in handy (above right). Warning! The content of this material is intended for mature viewers only. By viewing this material or clicking on the “Watch more” or “Write a comment” links, you confirm that you are over 18 years of age. Gerry Halliwell showed it all at the BAFTA Children's Awards in London. It wasn't just the path that turned red! Actress Hofit Golaye at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival.
The expression “dress disorder” came into use after Janet Jackson’s breasts fell out at a concert (it’s not clear whether it was by accident or whether it was planned). Justin didn't seem to mind. It seems Keira Knightley regretted not wearing a strapless dress to the Pride and Prejudice premiere. Although the straps did not save Katie Price from slight embarrassment at the premiere of her book in London. When TV presenter Mary Nightingale wore this dress, she didn't know that Michael Barrymore would suddenly decide to lift her up... and in a rather strange position. The author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling, revealed herself completely during a book signing at school.
The disgrace of This Morning presenter Judy Finnigan was broadcast to millions. Angelina Jolie caused outrage among critics when she attended the Screen Actors Guild Awards in blue dress from Max Azria, wearing it backwards. According to the designer, the neckline was planned in the front. Radio 1 presenter Fearney Cotton arrived at work with a torn dress. It's good that he works on radio and not on television.
Eh, in vain a participant famous show"American Idol" Cornelius Edwards decided to do the splits in these jeans. Jennifer Lopez had to fasten her torn dress with a pin during a photo shoot in New York. The BBC received complaints from angry viewers when Point of View presenter Terry Wogan appeared on screen in trousers that were too tight.
Matadors are familiar with “punctures” in clothing firsthand. At the festival in Pamplona, ​​the Spanish matador "El Cid" was hit in the... well, you get the idea...
And matador Miguel Angel Perera from Spain had to wear regular denim shorts when a bull tore his pants.
British bobsledder Gillian Cook tore her suit at the World Championships in Switzerland.
Ricky Behrens of the United States tore his suit while diving into the pool at the start of the 4x100m race.
The joy of victory was too much for Freddie Flintoff's pants.

Everyone finds themselves in ridiculous situations. But celebrities and stars just can’t get away with it.

1. Who: singer Philip Kirkov.
A shame: A curious situation occurred with the singer on the television program “Minute of Fame”. While trying to do a small ballet sketch, Philip could not restrain himself and ended up on stage sitting on his butt.

2. Who: Anna Semenovich.
A shame: She is known to everyone most thanks to this particular part of her body - size 5. So here's Anna at one of the musical events appeared in a dress that was clearly very, very small for her. Note that it is because of the bust that Semenovich most often finds himself in various ambiguous, funny situations.

3. Who: singer Katy Perry.

A shame: The paparazzi caught a “lucky” shot of Katie while she was swimming in a Californian water park. The singer was so enthusiastically riding the slides that she didn’t notice how she almost lost the bottom part of her swimsuit.

4. Who: actress Emma Watson.

A shame: A curious situation happened to a young actress not just anywhere, but on the red carpet. The style of the dress did not suit Emma at all, the color was simply disgusting, and to top it all off, her breasts just wanted to appear in all their glory to the photographers.

5. Who: host of the reality show "House 2" Olga Buzova.

A shame: She released such a “successful” collection of clothes that famous designers and simply guests of the Estet Fashion Week could not restrain their statements. The mildest of them were: “collective farm”, “cheap” and “tasteless”. The dresses were made from inexpensive fabric; moreover, they fit terribly and looked more like the homemade work of an inept high school student.

6. Who: singer former member group "Via GRA" Vera Brezhneva.

A shame: All the shame is associated with poorly chosen costumes for public appearances, in which all the charms of the star are easily visible.

7. Who: singer Madonna.

A shame: To say that Madonna has disgraced herself is an understatement. It all happened while touring the world. Namely, during a performance in Istanbul, the singer exposed her breasts. It's worth saying that she did it on purpose. She pulled down the strap of the revealing bra, but not achieving the desired result, she repeated the procedure, pulling down the lace cup. Note that Madonna is already 53 years old.

8. Who: singer Beyonce.

A shame: During a performance in China, the singer's dress rose up, and underneath everyone saw huge flesh-colored corsage panties in the style of Bridget Jones.

9. Who: Anastasia Volochkova.

A shame: Every day the former prima ballerina pleases the network with a new shame. Either this is a rich non-existent admirer, or he arranges nude photo shoots, or even resorts to the help of Baskov. The latest of her antics is a demonstration ride in the subway. On the TV show, she claims that the line for autographs was endless.

and in fact..

10. Who: singer Ani Lorak.

A shame: The singer got freaked out Musical competition"Children's new wave" Teenagers standing near the stage happily took pictures of Anya’s dress, which was lifted up to the limit. Being very active and mobile on stage, Lorak completely forgot that the thin dress easily slides over thin tights, and having returned the slipping skirt several times, she stopped paying attention to it. As a result, everyone could examine in detail not only the singer’s legs that had become plump during pregnancy, but also the color of her underwear.

What ridiculous situations have you found yourself in?

Continuing the conversation about the most awkward moments, when our stars were caught, let's move on to incidents that can be described as “a moment of shame.”

Let's start with "chest" themes.

Christina Aguilera She can no longer deny that she has had her breasts enlarged. Deep necklines reveal not only the breasts, but also the scars.

U Amy Winehouse I didn’t have time to buy clothes for my new breast size.

Kate Beckinsale and her see-through nipple. Although with such a breast shape, why not?

And here Maggie Gyllenhall A bra would definitely be nice.

Theme "extra skin"

So how many chins do you have? Meg Ryan?

If Mischa Barton If he doesn’t want to see a doctor, then he should at least go in for sports.

Same advice Phoebe Price.

And these three beauties urgently need to turn to surgeons (or good “Photoshoppers”).

Paris Hilton

Jennifer Hudson

Star Jones

Leather Iggy Popa you can sew clothes for Iggy himself.

Dirty topic

Kate Moss leaving the club with a white stain on her trousers: powder? Some other white powder?

Hugh grant obviously dressed in the dark.

"Sensitive subject"

Something similar to a bite (of an insect, of course) is emblazoned on the chin Paris.

Whitney Port picks pimples right in the car.

U Perez Hilton problems with his eyes or did someone punch him in the eye for his inappropriate hairstyle?

Drug addiction is also a disease, so next on the list is Amy Winehouse with white powder in the nose. No make-up will help here.

During the greeting Jennifer Garner showed her abrasion on her elbow. Played with children?

And here Jane Krakowski I might be embarrassed to wear Short dress with such bruises on her knees... We are not interested in knowing how she spent the day the day before...

So we smoothly moved on to "love theme".

U Lady Gaga There are special days when it is better to wear something else over your bra.

Maybe, Jay Z you should ask Beyoncé to kiss his neck before she puts on lipstick, not after.

Continuing intimate topics, "coward theme".

Even 18 year old girls like Miley Cyrus, are already in need of Spandex shaper shorts.

A Rihanna As usual, he chooses a minimum of clothes.

And finally, the “tanning topic”.

Michelle Heaton I forgot to apply self-tanner to my hands.

A Paris I missed the armpits.

Tamara Beckwith obviously sunburnt. But this is forgivable - what is natural is not ugly.