What do Celtic patterns tell us? Meanings of symbolism from Celtic ornaments

Celtic ornament: history and symbolism.

Five hundred years BC as if in contrast to the Greek ecumene, the world of the Celts existed in the south of the European continent in its central and northern parts. Originating in the region of the northern Alps, in quite a short time The Celts spread over a vast territory that today includes England, Ireland, France, Spain, Belgium and parts of northern Italy. Their influence on the world of that time is difficult to overestimate. Suffice it to mention that the famous Gauls who besieged Ancient Rome were precisely a Celtic tribe.

A huge role in the life of the Celts was played by clans, belonging to one or another clan or surname. The life of one person in those days did not mean so much; it was important to feel the involvement and inextricable connection of one’s destiny with the life of the family, which was much more durable than the lives of the people who made it up. We still hear echoes of belonging to a glorious family in the initial letters “Mak” of some Western surnames. MacDonald, MacArthur mean nothing more than “son of Donald” and “son of Arthur.”

Another curious distinctive feature The Celts were almost literally insanely belligerent. Often in battles, Celtic warriors were overcome by blinding rage, which made them forget about the danger that threatened a person in battle.

The Celts gave birth to their original culture, but knowledge of the characteristics of this ethnic group and its influence on modern European civilization today is incomparable, for example, with our knowledge Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. The Celtic culture was absorbed and, so to speak, digested by the expanding Roman Empire. Only a few places today preserve original “islands” of the Celtic world, such as the famous hills of Wales in England, the province of Brittany in France and the green island of Erin. The legacy of the Celts is the Irish language, which after a long period of oblivion was restored and is now the official language of Ireland.

Our knowledge of Celtic art is not as extensive as we would like. This ethnic group did not leave behind wonders of architecture or painting comparable to those of Egypt or ancient Greece. It is all the more interesting to get acquainted with some examples of Celtic ornaments that bear the imprint of unconditional originality.

Celtic knots and ornaments imitate the weaving of baskets, braids, and fabrics. It is worth remembering that witchcraft work often also resembles weaving - many witches see energy flows as threads and manipulate them. Many Celtic ornaments include images of gods, plants, animals, birds, people, and objects. In order for readers to be able to use these ornaments in practice, I provide below a simple “decoding” of some symbols. It should, however, be taken into account that the Celts believed that the human spirit is a particle of the world Spirit. That through multiple lives, deaths and rebirths, a person goes through the path to divine perfection.

Celtic designs are made up of individual knots. Each knot is created from one single thread - the thread of life. Thus, the knots and ornaments symbolize the Path and are at the same time symbolic maps of the Path. The Celts forbade improving the key details of the ornaments, considering them given by the gods.

Ornaments are widely used in different cultures. In early Celtic culture they are used in stone carving and metalworking. As an art form, Celtic designs reached their apex in early Christian manuscripts created by monks.

The monks used ornaments to help the reader in the internal search for spirituality. The most common form of ornamentation in manuscripts is labyrinths. The labyrinth is a symbolic representation of the path of life. Celtic labyrinths lead to the center - the spiritual concentration of living energies. They are a symbol of continuity and express the connectedness of all things in the universe. As a means of meditation, labyrinths indicate the route to sources of Power.

Widely known Celtic crosses often have many similarities in their design with labyrinths. The earliest crosses were simple cross-shaped stones and are found mainly in Ireland and Northern Umbria. The cross itself is a universal ancient symbol of the union of heavenly and earthly forces, male and feminine A. The ends of the Celtic cross symbolize the endless spiritual expansion of consciousness. The inner circle symbolizes the unification and consolidation of earthly and heavenly forces at the central point, the source of spiritual energy.

Celtic culture apparently owes the creation of more complex ornamental forms of the cross to the Picts, who had a long and complex tradition of stone carving. It is believed that it was the Picts who began to carve large rectangular stones with carefully executed complex crosses on the front surface and richly decorated sides and back sides. By at least It was this type of cross that quickly spread throughout Celtic culture, appearing for the first time in Northern Scotland.

Spirals symbolize spiritual growth. Celtic spirals are usually triple. This demonstrates the threefold nature of the spirit, concentrated in a central point, a focus. The trinity of spiritual nature is expressed by Christians in their divine Trinity.

Classic Celtic braids, perceived as ordinary decoration and edging of complex ornaments, symbolize the Path, earthly and spiritual. The master, creating a pattern to commemorate some act, could put a “record” in the wickerwork not only about how many heroes took part in the accomplishment, what their path was, but also who, what forces helped or hindered the heroes.
Birds are heavenly messengers, symbols of freedom and transcendence, symbols of the spirit freed from earthly connections and communicating with heavenly powers. Returning to earth, they bring the message of the gods - prophecies and instructions. Birds help mortals in their spiritual and earthly journeys. It is worth remembering that in the Russian tradition, a bird hitting a window is a harbinger of the imminent death of someone living in the house.
In the Celtic tradition, the raven is a bird of specific omens. Doves are birds of spiritual life, love and spiritual well-being. Pheasants are birds of divination in general; they help diviners. The partridge is a bird of cunning. The duck is a bridge connecting the life-giving forces of earthly waters with the ocean of heavenly forces. The heron is a bird of vigilance.

The hare was a sacred animal of the Celts, a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and a good life. Spiritually, the hare represents the dawn, rebirth, and immortality of the Spirit. This animal is dedicated to the lunar goddesses, rulers and spinners of fate. The hare is a heavenly messenger, a mediator between mortals and gods. But he is also a great deceiver, with the power to transform, change events and things. Loops of hare tracks in the snow were read by the Celts as omens of future events, drawing patterns of fate. Most of all, the hare is associated with Ostera or Esther (Astarte, Ishtar??), the Goddess of Spring, whose celebration of the rebirth of life on April 11 served as the basis for the creation of the Christian holiday of Easter.

The ancient Celts attributed healing powers to snakes. Living in the depths of Mother Earth, they must have knowledge of her magical powers. The serpents bring this knowledge to the surface so that Brigantia, Sironi and other healing goddesses can use it.
The water of sacred springs, rivers and lakes is saturated with the life-giving power of the Earth. The undulating movements of snakes and the preference of many of them for wet places obviously connected them with the water element.

Snakes, however, are not only protectors of health, but also symbols of the depths of wisdom. In this capacity they were often depicted on the jewelry of kings and priests. Changing its skin every year, the snake also becomes a symbol of regeneration, rebirth, renewal vital energy and spiritual fortitude.
Lonely, wild, untamed, the deer was the main solar animal of the Celts. The horns, falling and growing again every year, symbolized the sacred Tree of Life, the seat of cosmic forces, the center from which life spreads and renews itself, the source of spiritual rebirth and rebirth. As a symbol of abundance, prosperity and courage, the antlered deer represented the masculine side of the balance of nature and was the sacred animal of the Horned Hunter. The Great Horned One himself often took the form of a white stag. White deer, god himself, or his messenger, often in Celtic legends serves as a guide to the hero in search of the magical.
The horse is a symbol of Epona and Macha, the Celtic goddesses of fertility. These two goddesses patronized stables and all those who worked with horses. As protectors of nature, they allowed mortals to use the earth for their needs, but did not allow them to take too much large areas to the detriment of wildlife. To do this, they protected the plowed and cultivated lands, promoting abundance and protecting the harvest. Both goddesses were associated with healing springs, and in such places archaeologists find many carved images of horses. As goddesses of fertility and motherhood, Epona and Macha accompanied and protected mortals from birth to death throughout their lives.

Along the coasts, habitats of the ancient Celts, there are stones with stylized images of dolphins, dedicated to the goddess Nehalennia, “Shower of the Way”. As the Patron Goddess, she gives protection to the traveler both on earthly roads and after death. In addition, she represents the abundance of Mother Earth, ensuring prosperity for people, and is often depicted with the Tree of Life and Horn of Plenty.

Her powers are embodied in dolphins, crows and dogs. Dolphins are the guides of the soul through the waters of the Ocean to the Sacred Island and represent spiritual purification. Crows predict danger and require you to be on your guard.
Dogs are a symbol of loyalty, protection and caution. Dogs protect the road ground. A traveler who finds himself in a forest or an unfamiliar wild place can feel safe, settling down for the night on the edge of the road - no hostile magical powers they will not dare to touch someone who is under the protection of the dogs of the Goddess.
Nehalennia is often associated with the mysterious forces of life and the healing properties of oceans, rivers, and sacred springs.

Pisces is a symbol of Higher Wisdom and divination. Sea fish, traveling freely in the ocean depths, were once the sacred companions of the Lord of the World Ocean - Liir. Almost no mention of this god has survived. This is the most ancient of the gods, the eldest. The ocean of which he was the ruler is not the water that covers most planets, but the vastness of Space. The Earth's ocean only symbolized the vastness of the Universe.
In addition to the fish, Liir was accompanied by an albatross - his sacred bird. Albatross symbolizes perpetual motion towards perfection and the search for divine wisdom.

Various forms of dragons exist in many cultures. The Greek word dragon, according to some sources, means “to see without doubt, clearly.” That is, perhaps dragons are seers of the truth. Dragons are indeed credited with the gift of divination. The winged serpent of the Celts is a Protector Spirit that unites heavenly and earthly forces to create a protective blanket for the Planet. In this role, dragons are guardians of the gates to other worlds, protecting the earth and its inhabitants from the invasion of hostile forces.

They also protect the sources of knowledge and prophetic wisdom from the invasion of the uninitiated. They are often depicted as stylized spirals and labyrinths. Dragon Lairs are sacred places, sources of earth energies and places of gaining spiritual power. Often the sacred stone circles of the British Isles marked such places. In heraldry, dragons symbolize independence, wisdom and leadership.
The sacred tree symbolizes spiritual energy, life and wisdom. Alone standing trees had a special meaning for the Celts, being the earthly embodiment of the sacred Tree of Life. The sacred tree and rituals performed in the shade of its crown gave new vitality, longevity, and contributed to spiritual development. This is a symbol of the Earth's generosity. The Tree of Life drinks from its roots sacred waters life from the heart of Mother Earth. Opening the branches of its crown in the heavens, it provides a connection between all things, connecting Heaven and Earth. This union creates a sacred place of spiritual power and wisdom, a focal point of the people's strength, a source of magic. Standing stones and stone crosses were often erected near such trees. Subsequently, Christian churches were often built on these places of power.

Leaves, often included in Celtic designs, symbolize the strength of specific tree species and the help of the gods to whom these trees are dedicated. Since the cult of trees was developed and very complex among the Celts, the symbolism of leaves and fruits requires separate consideration.

The cauldron in Celtic mythology is a symbol of inspiration and knowledge, as well as a source of transformative, transformative and regenerative forces. The magic of the Sacred Cauldron blurs the boundaries between man, animal and deity. Any form can transform into any other through this magic.

The Guardian of the Cauldron is Serridwen, the goddess of transformation and metamorphosis. The Celts knew about the immortality of the Spirit and the possibility of its rebirth, both in the physical plane of existence and in the spiritual. Cerridwen's sacred animal was the boar - a symbol of wealth, hospitality and celebration.

Daughter of Dagda, father of the gods, Brigantia is very important deity among the Celts. Brigantia is the solar goddess and her elements are light and fire. Since she is also a Healing Goddess, she is associated with water and snakes. Snakes have secret knowledge, and water is the source of life. Therefore, the sanctuaries of Brigantia are often located near sacred springs. Pregnant women came there to receive the Goddess's help in childbirth.

Many rivers in the Celtic world carry various shapes her name, indicating her connection with water. Being the mistress of all forms of fire, Brigantia patronizes blacksmiths, protects the hearth and punishes with fire. Spiritual light is also her element. Therefore, she is a muse for musicians, poets and everyone creative people. Her name means brightness, radiance of light.

Twins or a pair are one of the most important symbols of Celtic mythology. This is the union of the male and female principles, giving new lives and maintaining a dynamic balance in nature on the path of evolution. This is a sacred union of heavenly and earthly forces, which gives peace and harmony, blessing to the earth and people. The divine couple represents the duality of nature, a partnership, a unity in which each partner maintains his independence in the overall balance.

Symbols associated with the divine couple are a cornucopia, a ladle, fruits, flowers, vessels of wine and animals. All these are emblems of abundance and prosperity. The god Dagda was “responsible” for the cauldron of abundance.

Celtic ornament - for embroidery and decorations.

The ancient world consisted of civilizations known to everyone: Egypt, Rome, Greece and China, about which much has been written. A separate branch of archeology deals with the study of antiquity. But little is known about the tribes that inhabited the vast expanses of Europe, for example about the Celts. They are considered barbarians, but once you look at these knots and curls, an involuntary question arises: how could the barbarians create something like that?

Who are the Celts?

The Celts are the people who inhabited the territory Northern Europe in 500-250 BC, namely the territories of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and part of Northern France. Unfortunately, today there are very few monuments of Celtic culture, and those that exist are scattered across their former habitats. These include the famous crosses original form and various Jewelry made of gold and silver, each of the finds is decorated with a unique ornament, variations of which are known to us as Celtic patterns. These intricate intricacies of lines, forming a single picture, were a reflection of a person’s life path, all the trials and events that fate would present to him. The Celts did not believe in the finitude of life; they believed that a person endlessly goes through a series of deaths and births. These beliefs are also reflected in ornamental culture, because any Celtic patterns have neither beginning nor end.

Pattern Meanings

The huge variety of types of ornament is amazing, and each of them is unique and has its own semantic meaning, imbued with its own peculiarity. magical power. One of the favorite symbols - all the threads of which are directed towards the center. This means a person’s spiritual desire for a higher principle. The above has a circle at its center, which denotes the unity and interconnection of Heaven and Earth, and the expanding ends symbolize the desire of man and his consciousness for perfection. Three spirals forming a triangle in the center are a triskele, a sign of the unity of the three main elements: Air, Water and Fire. It also symbolizes joy and prosperity. Very often, in the intricacies of threads that form Celtic patterns, you can find images of birds and animals, each of which has its own meaning. For example, a heron represents vigilance, a partridge represents cunning, but a dove represents love and spiritual development. Snakes occupy special place in Celtic culture, they had the meaning of wisdom and healing powers, and were also the keepers of secret knowledge given to them by the gods. The Celts considered the hare sacred, which was at the same time a symbol of a good life, immortality and deception; the Celts used the tracks of this animal to predict their fate. Almost every animal has its own reflection in the patterns of this glorious people, even fish were not left unattended: they became a symbol of divination.

Choosing a Celtic Pattern Tattoo

Despite their relative antiquity, Celtic patterns look modern due to their abstraction and graphic nature. This feature makes them popular all over the world, but, naturally, people from these tribes are especially sensitive to their heritage. Now these symbols are used to decorate jewelry and to border pages. However, most people prefer to get tattoos based on Celtic patterns. Sketches of such tattoos can be found in any salon and you can choose the appropriate one, but it is worth noting that each of the ornaments carries a powerful meaning.

The ornaments and knots of the ancient Celts in some way imitate the weaving of fabrics, baskets, and braids. This process still has some similarities with witchcraft work, because many witches manipulate energy flows, seeing them as an interweaving of threads. Celtic patterns can often include symbolic images of animals, plants, gods, birds, and people. So that they can be used in magical practice.

Celtic patterns impress with beautiful and endless lines imbued with deep meaning ancient tribes

Secret symbols in Celtic style

The history of world civilization keeps many secrets and mysteries. One of these secrets behind seven seals is the history of the Celtic people. Having disappeared from the face of the earth, the Celts left a valuable heritage - their culture, which became one of the foundations of modern European culture. Celtic patterns are considered a unique art, still revered by many.

IN old times military activity and redistribution of territories, the Celts occupied most of Europe. The Celtic civilization, which no longer exists in modern times, has great value, because the heritage of the people has been revived more than once.

Stonehenge is a megalith that the Celts considered to be the home of local deities

The people were once called Celts by the ancient Greeks. The ancient Romans called them Gauls, which translated meant “roosters.” What the Celts called themselves is still unknown today.

The Celts seemed to many historians to be perfect berserkers with rather peculiar ideas about military uniform and weapons

The Celts were glorious warriors and during their existence they captured a lot of land, causing their no less powerful neighbors many problems.

The Celts had a reputation as headhunters. They were known for hanging the heads of their enemies on carts in front of their houses. Many Celts fought naked and were famous for their long iron sword

Time was merciless to the Celts: constant centuries-old feuds with Rome, victories and defeats led to the fact that the nation gradually disappeared. The Celts were not only fearless warriors, among them there were many skilled craftsmen and artists.

Celtic troops rushed into battle naked, but with weapons in their hands. This ancient Celtic tradition was based on the idea that in this way divine powers could be called upon for protection.

In memory of the once glorious and powerful people, we received mysterious intricacies - Celtic patterns.

The famous Book of Kells is a richly illustrated handwritten book created by Celtic monks around 800. This is one of the most lavishly decorated medieval manuscripts with graceful miniatures and ornaments.

The ancient Celts believed that their designs had powerful mystical power. By enclosing it in patterned weaves and ornaments, the warriors reflected their worldview, beliefs, and traditions.

The mystery of patterns

Each Celtic pattern has its own special meaning. IN modern world Celtic ornaments, as well as symbolism, are used in the manufacture of amulets, amulets and pendants.

According to the beliefs of the Celtic people, it was believed that every individual was part of the World Tree. A person had to reunite with him at the end of his journey through all death and rebirth.

Celtic amulets are amulets of exclusively goodness

Each Celt chose a special print for his amulet. It was believed that this was his destiny. Each pattern carried individual concepts health, prosperity, power, money, love. All lines of Celtic patterns are fantastically intertwined with each other, forming one or another ornament.

The Celtic pattern visually resembles a complex and cunning labyrinth. This is the main idea: a person wanders through life in search of truth and self-knowledge.

Celtic patterns in jewelry - great way self-expression

All Celtic patterns are distinguished by their artistry and filigree. It is their unimaginable aesthetics, mystery and symbolism that are extremely popular in the modern world.

Symbol meanings

The mysterious Celtic ornament invariably fascinates, be it a tattoo, an amulet or a pattern on clothing. All Celtic symbols are not ordinary drawings or a banal abstraction, each has its own meaning.

The ornaments and knots of the ancient Celts in some way imitate the weaving of fabrics, baskets, braids

The basic Celtic symbols are as follows:

  • Celtic cross. The cross with a circle has a deep meaning. It symbolizes the harmony of the four elements or cardinal directions. The lower part of the cross always expands, this indicates growing human needs. Also, the Celtic cross connects the sign of Christianity and the symbol of paganism (the sun). It is believed that such a symbol will save you from influence dark forces and bestows wisdom.

The Celtic cross is a characteristic symbol of Celtic Christianity
  • Butterfly. The Celtic butterfly has long been considered the personification of the soul, rebirth and change.

Celtic butterfly - a symbol of the rebirth of life and change
  • The tree of Life. The Celts depicted a tree in the form of hands reaching to the sky, and below they looked like roots. The people have always believed in worldly life and parallel world. This symbol meant the unity of three worlds: the underworld, life on earth and in heaven.

The Celtic tree of life is a very popular motif in various myths and legends
  • Heart. Despite their belligerence, the Celts are unusually romantic. The “heart” symbol is drawn in one continuous line and represents the union of two loving souls.

The Celtic heart unites soul and body, and love is born in the heart
  • Trefoil (trixel). One of the most popular symbols today. Its main meaning is the unity of Earth, Water and Fire. It is believed that the trixel has powerful protective properties and brings money and good luck. According to the beliefs of the Celts, all ornaments consist of the Thread of Life and the pattern cannot be modified, since it was bestowed by the gods.

The Celtic shamrock brings good luck in endeavors, protects from the evil eye, protects from unkind words and evil people

Spirals. The Celts always have a triple spiral. Its meaning was in eternity, constant spiritual growth, harmony between body, spirit and mind. The Celts carved their symbols on stone, engraved them on metal, and decorated their handwritten books with them. Each symbol had the meaning of a life path that turns into eternity.

Celtic spirals represent spiritual growth

Today, Celtic patterns are used in the manufacture of amulets and amulets, as well as in the art of tattooing. Before choosing one or another ornament in the Celtic style, you should understand what certain symbols mean. According to the Celts, a correctly chosen ornament or symbol can change one’s destiny.

The simplest Celtic braided ornament

In the mythology and views of the Celts, the snake was associated with fertility and healing, as well as with the Other World. Thus, Sirona, the Celtic goddess of Gaul, associated with healing, was depicted with a snake entwined around her hand. Thanks to its writhing movements, the snake was often associated with flowing water. One of the legends about the hero Finn Mac Cumull says that he learned to kill water snakes. In Celtic mythology, there were various legends associated with snakes. The most famous of them tells the story of Meiha, the son of Morrigan. There was a prophecy that he would bring trouble and misfortune to Ireland. He was born with three hearts in his chest, one for each aspect of his mother's character, and in each of these hearts nested a snake. This was discovered when he was killed and Dian Cecht, the god of healing, opened his body. Two snakes were immediately burned, and the third, according to one legend, managed to escape and eventually became a huge snake, which was later killed by the same Dian Cecht. Thus, it was possible to prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy about troubles and misfortunes for all of Ireland.

In Celtic magic there is no single, main symbol, since there were quite a lot of Celtic peoples and tribes, and they lived in different lands. However, there are symbols that appeared most often.

For the Celts, nature was animate, and any natural phenomenon or any object belonged to one of the four elements (Wind, Water, Fire, Earth). One of the four elements gave a soul to a phenomenon or object. Therefore, Celtic symbols, as well as talismans, are divided into four types and belong to one of the named elements. The main thing that distinguishes each of these symbols and talismans is that they belong to good forces, an indispensable indication that they should be owned by a person with pure thoughts and used only for good purposes. Moreover: to an evil person with harmful intentions, symbols and Celtic talismans brought misfortune, and did not provide help in bad deeds.

Since the Celts were protected by nature, all their talismans were made (and are still made) exclusively from natural materials.

The most common group of talismans were Earth talismans. The earth in the ideas of the Celts is similar to the way all other peoples saw it, be it the ancient Greeks with their mother earth or the Slavs with their mother earth. For the Celts, the earth was also the ancestor, ancestor, mother, protector, and guardian. Talismans of the Earth elements bring protection, peace, prosperity and prosperity to a person.

Air talismans (which also include light, wind, sun, moon and stars) were especially revered by the Celts, because they brought love to a person and protected this feeling. It is these talismans that primarily refer to the instruction that you need to wear the talisman with a bright soul and pure thoughts. Otherwise, you can bring trouble to yourself. The Celts' Air talismans were most often worn by peaceful husbands and wives, as well as children who had never been to war and, therefore, had not killed anyone.

Fire talismans glorified the element, which gives warmth, but in addition to creation is also capable of causing destruction. Fire talismans protect what they ancient celt, and a modern person from any country values ​​and protects first of all: children and home. Anything related to this element could become the Fire talisman. For example, the Celts defended their home with coal brought from a fire from Mount Tara during the celebration of Samhain. Even those who could not visit the ritual fire received the coveted coal: as soon as the fire was extinguished, envoys were sent to all corners of the country, delivering coals to every village and every house.

Talismans of Water - special sign Celtic magicians and warriors, women did not wear them at all (since these talismans enhanced purely male character traits). Most often, Water talismans were made in the shape of a wave or a dragon, from any transparent materials of blue or dark blue colors. Asians and modern Europeans associate the dragon with fire or with air, and of course, they will ask - what does water have to do with it? The fact is that among the Celts it was the dragon that gave life to the entire planet. And it is water that is his symbol, thanks to its speed, strength and perseverance. Water talismans give their owner the power to control circumstances, speed of reactions and thoughts, perseverance and determination.

Finally, the Celts had another type of talismans: talismans of the elements. They were called so because they combined three elements (sometimes four, but such talismans were very rare). These talismans were considered the most powerful; they are capable of attracting great luck to a person, protecting them from any evil, and protecting them from the most powerful witchcraft and curses. Such talismans were worn only by people strong-willed so that the power of the talisman does not consume the person himself. Most often, the talismans of the three elements were knots, with the help of which one could look into one’s own soul. With their help, a person had the opportunity to find solutions to the most important problems and answers to vital questions.

The tree of Life

The tree is the main symbol of Druidism. Each tree had its own specific meaning. Trees were perceived as bridges between the kingdoms of Earth and Sky, which convey Water between Earth and Sky. Thus, they united all three kingdoms (or three elements). The kingdoms of Earth, Sea and Sky are united in a tree, so the most energetically powerful places were considered to be the shores, where all three of these elements were united.

The image of a tree was also considered a talisman of the elements, when the branches of a tree reach the moon, and the roots go underground (departure to another world). In this case, the tree represents one world and serves as a bridge between two more worlds.

Celtic cross

The Celtic cross is a cross with a circle in the center (Fig.). The combination of a circle and a cross, two mystical symbols, is an image of the fusion of matter and spirit, a symbol of rebirth, foresight, and wisdom. In the Celtic cross, its four edges symbolize the four elements - Water, Air, Earth and Fire, and the circle is a symbol of the sky, which unites these elements.

Brighid's Cross

The second name for the talismans of the element of Fire is “talismans of Brighid,” that is, the goddess who guards the home and marital happiness. The most common of the Fire talismans is the Cross of Brighid (Fig.), woven from straw and hung in front of the entrance to the house. Usually such a talisman was made of wood and metal and was worn around the neck when going on a long journey.

The Dove is the most common talisman of Air. It is a symbol of peace, friendship and tranquility. A talisman with two doves was usually worn by spouses: it preserved and strengthened love, protected feelings and relationships from the evil eye. There are talismans with three doves, they bring peace to people and even gods.


The most famous Celtic talisman of the Earth. It represents a clover leaf, an ancient symbol of the unity of Earth, Fire and Air. The shamrock talisman brings good luck in your endeavors, protects you from the evil eye, and protects you from unkind words and evil people. This talisman was usually made of metal, as it was believed that this prolongs the protective effect.

We've all heard about lucky clover - it's a clover leaf with four petals. It’s difficult to find it, and it’s unlikely that it can happen just by your desire, because it’s so strong talisman, you can’t even imagine anything more powerful. Four-leaf clover is a gift to man from the spirits of nature. Among the Celts, the one to whom the spirits sent such a gift was recognized as a priest, a magician.

The Triskele (aka Celtic Knot) is three rays emanating from a central point and rotated clockwise (Fig. A) or against it (Fig. 6). This is the most common talisman of the elements, the most mystical and powerful. Three rays mean the elements of Water, Air and Fire, extending into infinity. Triskele is a symbol of the balance of earth, sea and sky, balance, which was the basis of the Celtic perception of the universe. This is a talisman that allows a person to feel his unity with nature, making him completely independent of the conditions and circumstances of the outside world. It must be said that the Celts treated this sign with sacred horror: books on the history of the Celtic religion never mention anyone who would wear this talisman. But it is known for certain that even the most powerful magician in the entire history of the Celts (named Merlin) did not dare to carry this talisman with him. Perhaps because of the belief that if you lose this talisman, its owner will die and chaos will reign in the world.

Triskel: a - with rays rotated clockwise; 6 - with rays turned counterclockwise

Red Dragon

The most famous Water talisman in Celtic history. This is a familiar image of a dragon, but depicted in red and in a circle. This talisman belonged to the already mentioned powerful wizard Merlin. Nowadays, the Red Dragon has become a symbol of Wales. This talisman brings wealth and honor to the owner, but if a person loses his head from his high status, the talisman will take away his soul as punishment.

Serpent of Gotland

The second of the famous Water talismans, belonging to King Arthur himself (fig.). He gave the owner wisdom, cunning and honor. After his death, the talisman was lost, and the heroic Siegfried found it among the treasures of the Nibelungs. Siegfried made a ring out of the amulet, received fame and invincibility, became proud, and the spirit of the talisman did not spare him, depriving him of both glory and life.

The spiral is a symbol of the sun, growth, cosmic energy and expansion of consciousness. The spiral meant the change of seasons, day and night, life and death. IN magical rituals a double helix is ​​also used (that is, two helices, one twisted clockwise and the other counterclockwise). The triple helix is ​​the threefold nature of the spirit concentrated at a central point.


Symbol of life's path. The Celtic labyrinth always leads to the center, to the concentration of energy. The labyrinth is a symbol of the continuity and unity of the universe.

It is also used in meditation, to find the path to sources of Power.

The word is translated as “inspiration.” It is depicted as three vertical lines, the tops of the two lateral lines are directed towards the top of the central one (Fig.). Sometimes three stars are depicted together with Aven, then Aven and the stars are enclosed inside three circles.

Symbol of the sun, as well as the horizon, nest and eye. The Celts built many of their monuments and massive structures in the shape of a circle.

Sigil of the Druids

A circle intersected by two vertical lines.


The principle of abundance, a symbol of femininity and the feminine principle.

The horseshoe served as a talisman against evil spirits, as well as against unexpected guests. The Celts believed that a horseshoe protected the house from lightning. As now, it was hung above the door, as well as above the windows and the stove (so that spirits could not enter the house). Celtic sailors nailed a horseshoe to the mast, believing that it would protect the ship from storms.


The snake is a symbol of deep wisdom, rebirth, restoration, replenishment of energy, healing, protectors of health.

The cat is a spiritual symbol, a symbol of change in form and content, an image of our own spiritual changes.

The hare is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, life in abundance. The hare also symbolizes the rebirth and immortality of the spirit. This is an animal dedicated to the lunar goddesses who weave the threads of human life.

The horse is a symbol of fertility, motherhood, health, and prosperity. These animals, under the protection of the goddesses, protect a person throughout his life. Symbol of some Celtic goddesses (for example, Rhiannon, as well as the lesser known Macha and Epona). The horse is a symbol of supreme power. Talisman on the road.

The dog is a symbol of fidelity, protection and caution.

Deer is a symbol of honor. It was believed that the appearance of a deer could indicate the location of the entrance to another world.

The boar is a symbol of war, battle, courage and heroism.

The bull is a symbol of power, influence, wealth, generosity, abundance. In ancient times, the Celtic Mothers used animal remains in their rituals. For example, during one of the rituals it is necessary for the druid to fall asleep covered with the skin of a bull: the spirit of the animal will send him a prophetic dream.

Some Druids tied bird feathers to their robes to indicate the degree of initiation. Birds are symbols of freedom and liberated spirit, heavenly messengers. Bird mascots help a person to life path and also when traveling. We have already talked about the dove, the bird of love, but besides it, among the Celts, the pheasant (symbol of divination), raven (symbol of omens), partridge (symbol of cunning), heron (symbol of vigilance), duck (symbolizes the bridge connecting the forces of earthly waters with ocean of heavenly powers), albatross (symbol of the search for divine wisdom and eternal movement towards perfection).

Fish for the Celts is a symbol of wisdom and divination. Sea fish are the companions of the Ocean god, Lear, the most ancient and eldest of the gods, who is the master of not only the earth’s waters, but also the ocean as a symbol of the boundless universe. Dolphins are symbols of spiritual purification. Salmon is one of the most revered images among the Celts. This is a symbol of higher wisdom. Very often salmon is mentioned in myths in this aspect. For example, the hero of Celtic myths Finn McCumall received great wisdom, when he accidentally burned his finger on some magical salmon cooking on a spit.