Open a recruitment agency where to start. Financial component of business. Selection of permanent employees

The success of any enterprise depends primarily on qualified personnel. A competent leader understands how great the value of a high-profile specialist is. Therefore, a recruitment and search agency as a business idea is not only relevant and profitable, but also does not require large investments.

Market analysis, relevance and competition

In the job market recruitment agency acts as an intermediary and performs the function of recruiting and searching for personnel. Despite a large number of unemployed in the country, there is a shortage of qualified personnel, so it is not so easy for business directors to find a truly professional and responsible employee.

Company managers are willing to pay a lot of money to good specialists, but finding them is quite problematic. Management often faces the following problems:

  1. By posting an advertisement for a vacancy in the media, a huge number of people respond to it.
  2. It is very difficult to choose a worthy candidate among a large stream of applicants, and even more so an employee with a rare specialty or with special skills.
  3. Not every employer is ready to spend their time recruiting personnel or keeping HR managers on staff.

As a result of the above, it is easier for companies to resort to the services of specialized organizations. Therefore, the importance of recruitment agencies is growing every year.

The main objectives of the recruitment agency are:

  • searching for a customer and concluding a contract;
  • searching for employees and writing resumes.

Opening a recruitment agency does not require significant expenses, so competition in this area is very high.

Before you decide to open a recruitment agency, you need to conduct marketing research. They will help analyze the market situation and assess the level of competition. This issue can be entrusted to consulting companies, or done independently if you have experience.

Registration and organization of business

Before starting a recruitment agency, you should register it with government agencies. tax authorities. To do this, you need to open an individual enterprise or company with limited liability. The most advantageous form of taxation in in this case is a simplified system: payment of tax on net profit.

Required Documentation

In addition to registering as a taxpayer prerequisite is registration in social funds. It is also necessary to open a bank account for the purpose of mutual settlements with clients.

The contract with the customer is one of the most important documents in the process of work of a recruitment agency. An experienced lawyer should draft it, since the entire process of doing business will depend on the terms of the agreement. A well-drafted document will warn the agency against possible risks and force majeure situations. It is necessary to describe in detail:

  • duties of the parties;
  • working conditions;
  • penalties for failure to comply with the rules of cooperation.

Premises and equipment

It is best to choose an office for a recruitment agency in a busy area, ideally in the central part of the city. If this is not possible, then you can rent premises in the business center. Typically, the owners of such buildings offer offices with furniture and all necessary communications, which will reduce initial costs when opening a recruitment agency.

Room area 15-25 sq.m. will be quite enough.

Necessary equipment:

  1. Computers or laptops for staff.
  2. Printer or MFP.
  3. Furniture for employees and visitors.
  4. Shelves or cabinets for documentation.
  5. Phone fax.

Range of services

Due to high degree competition in the personnel business has created a need to create highly specialized agencies. There are the following types of recruitment agencies:

  • recruiting;
  • narrow-profile;
  • headhunting;
  • international.

Each of the above forms of doing business provides a certain range of services depending on its specialization. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

  1. Recruiters are looking for workers for factories, enterprises, firms, various directions. In this case, the agency’s services are paid for by the customer. Such an enterprise acts as an intermediary between the employer and the person looking for work.
  2. International recruitment agencies provide employment services for people wishing to work abroad. It is necessary to understand that to open such an agency, you must obtain a business license.
  3. Narrow-profile employment companies provide personnel search services for specialized areas of activity. Such recruitment agencies not only look for the right workers, but also prepare and train them. Field of activity of these agencies:
  • selection of personnel for housekeeping;
  • employees to work in hotels and private cottages;
  • preparing candidates for raising and caring for children;
  • search for workers for construction companies.
  1. Headhunters are looking for employees for customers who have experience in a certain field and are great professionals in their field. As a rule, headhunting agencies are engaged in luring specialists from one enterprise to another. The cost of services of such agencies is very highly valued by the employer.


In the first few months, the owner of a staffing company can independently perform the main work by hiring one or two assistants. But over time, in order to develop the enterprise and expand the range of services provided, it is impossible to do without qualified personnel. In the future, you will need to hire:

  • an accountant with experience working in service sector enterprises (he can work remotely);
  • HR managers;
  • psychologist;
  • secretary;
  • analytics;
  • programmer

Personnel selection is a very important and responsible issue. After all, the entire future success of the agency will depend on the right personnel.


An important basis for attracting potential clients and holding constant is correct organized system marketing. List of effective marketing activities in the field of personnel business:

  1. Organizing a presentation on the occasion of the opening.
  2. Advertising on the Internet and in specialized magazines, newspapers on employment and personnel search.
  3. Creation of a logo and corporate identity.
  4. Signboard on the facade of the agency office.
  5. Development of the official website.
  6. Activity on social networks.

Another effective marketing tool is to expand the range of services provided. Additional activities will not only increase profits, but also increase the prestige of the recruitment agency. In addition to recruiting personnel for the customer and searching for work for the unemployed or people who want to find more favorable terms of cooperation, the agency can:

  • provide consulting services;
  • engage in personnel training;
  • create a business school or advanced training courses.

Financial component of business

Opening a recruitment agency does not require large financial investments. The success of this business largely depends on the established client base, the qualifications and communication skills of managers and, of course, the authority of the agency.

Cost of opening and maintaining

It is impossible to calculate the exact amount required to start, since everything depends on the region, the city where the agency is planned to be opened, the amount of capital and the level of services provided. Approximately, you will need to invest from 50,000-200,000 rubles in the business.

List of initial expenses and costs of maintaining the business:

Amount of future income

The profit of a staffing business depends on the number of contracts concluded, as well as the specialization of the agency.

The future entrepreneur needs to be prepared for the fact that this type activities do not generate stable income.

In one month, you can conclude deals that will allow you to live comfortably for several months, but there are periods when income is barely enough to cover current expenses.

Most often, the work of a recruitment agency is paid as follows:

  • for each employee found, the employer transfers 20-50 percent per annum of the salary of the found candidate to the current account of the recruitment agency, not taking into account bonus payments;
  • in the case of an applicant, the recruitment agency receives a remuneration in the amount of one salary from the employee’s salary.

We can conclude that the approximate profit of an employment agency ranges from 15,000-150,000 rubles. This amount also depends on the region where the business was opened.

Payback period

This area of ​​activity has a fairly high return on investment with proper planning and organization of the work process. On average, the payback period ranges from three months to one year.

Opening a recruitment agency is not difficult and does not require significant financial investments. However, in order for a business to remain successful, highly profitable and prestigious, a businessman must have tremendous organizational abilities, have analytical skills and, most importantly, have a great desire to succeed in this area.

A professional team is the key to the success of any business. Large companies take a responsible approach to personnel selection. Therefore, the demand for the services of recruitment agencies is great.

Let's figure out how to open a recruitment agency from scratch, what documents are needed for this, where to find employers and whether such a business is profitable.

A recruitment agency is connecting link between employee and employer. Agencies are:

  • We provide full-cycle services to both employers and job seekers
  • Not full cycle work only for those who are looking for or offering work
  • Highly specialized ones help you find an employee or get a job in a certain field - for example, in IT

What services does the recruitment agency provide to clients:

  • Processes a large number of applications. For some vacancies, employers receive a lot of responses. Not all companies have the resources to review them
  • Finds rare specialists. You won’t find such an employee based on an advertisement, but in a large recruitment agency database, you probably will.
  • Conducts trainings and advanced training courses. The demand for such services is growing every year. Employers want to make their employees not only smarter, but also happier.
  • Helps job seekers find employment. Competent personnel officers can make a “candy” out of the resume of any applicant for a vacancy and prepare him for an interview

Experienced recruitment agencies can organize all of the above quickly and efficiently.

Is it profitable to open a recruitment agency?

The costs of starting a staffing agency from scratch depend on which market segment you are targeting.

So, for an online recruitment agency it is enough:

  • Computer
  • Phone
  • Internet
  • Own website
  • Access to specialized sites

If you intend to conduct full interviews and meet with employers, you will also have to rent an office.

In addition, the new business will need funds to pay employees and promote it.

Let's say you decide to open a full-service recruitment agency in St. Petersburg. You will need:

  • Rent a room - 80’000 ₽ per month, payment for the first and last month of rent is paid immediately
  • Computers and furniture - 200’000 ₽
  • Telephone and Internet - 1’000 ₽
  • Access to specialized sites - from 60’000 ₽ per month
  • Creating your own website - from 50’000 ₽

Set aside another 100,000 rubles for repairs.

Total: to open a recruitment agency you need about 491,000 rubles.

It will be possible to “recoup” costs at the expense of clients. Thus, the commission of reputable recruitment agencies can reach up to 25% of the annual salary fund of the hired specialist. With well-organized business processes, a recruitment agency pays for itself within the first year of operation.

Opening a recruitment agency from scratch step by step

When opening a recruitment agency, an entrepreneur must go through several stages:

  • Register in tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC
  • Rent a room - better area at least 20-30 m², in a place with high traffic and parking
  • Buy equipment and furniture
  • Pay for access to specialized Internet sites
  • Create your own website
  • Hire staff - people with specialized education, experience, self-confidence

In addition, to operate, a recruitment agency will need a package of internal documents - several types of reporting and contracts.

Basic documents of a recruitment agency:

  • Agreement for the provision of personnel selection services. It must specify all the terms of interaction between the agency and the customer, including confidentiality issues
  • Application for selection. In it, the customer specifies the requirements for the candidate and working conditions
  • Applicant questionnaire. Required if the applicant does not have a resume
  • Recruiter reporting forms. Needed to regulate the work of HR managers working in your agency
  • Management reporting - on vacancies, finances (losses and profits), advertising costs, etc.
  • Employment contract and job description recruiting manager
  • Conclusion based on the interview results - to report to the customer on each candidate: did you like/dislike the applicant and why?
  • Resume standard - so that all resumes that you send to the customer are formatted in corporate style your agency

When all formalities have been completed, begin searching for your first customers.

Where can a recruitment agency look for employers?

In order for people to know about you, you need to conduct advertising campaign . Announce yourself on all popular Internet resources in the city, order several banners, make business cards to leave them with potential clients.

pay attention to recently opened organizations. New companies may need the services of a recruitment agency.

Meet me. Visit everything specialized events and make contacts among company recruiters. Some of them may bring you more than one client.

Study the market. Compose list of organizations with whom you want to collaborate. Make an individual commercial offer for each. Then arrange a meeting with the heads of organizations and try to establish yourself with the best side. Leave a good impression of yourself, and sooner or later a client will come to you.

Opening a recruitment agency is a great idea for a small business. Be active and competently build business processes - then success will not keep you waiting.

In this material we will tell you how to open a recruitment agency from scratch step by step and how much it is promising business. Recruitment agencies are specialized organizations that provide services for finding employees or jobs. That is, they help organizations select personnel, and citizens - suitable vacancies. The development of the labor market has reached a point where it is difficult for employers to staff their own staff - there are too many offers. That's why they turn to professionals.

Types of recruitment agencies

A good idea for a service business is to open your own recruitment agency. These organizations specialize in recruiting employees for employers and finding current vacancies for applicants. The demand for such services is gradually growing, although it cannot yet be called high. The fact is that most companies have a personnel manager who is tasked with selecting personnel. Proving the need to attract specialists from a recruitment agency is often difficult.

To successfully promote such a business, you will have to actively advertise yourself and present your services. Strength recruitment companies is that they solve the problem of staffing, think through everything organizational issues and they do it more professionally than the business itself could.

Recruitment agencies are divided into 4 types:

  • recruiting - generalist specialists who help select any employees for any organizations;
  • for the selection of employees - similar to recruiting, but most often they specialize in a particular industry or provide turnkey services, that is, they staff the staff from start to finish;
  • to search for vacancies - help applicants find work, select vacant positions, sign up for interviews, and also conduct trainings;
  • headhunters - find and “lure” new job specific specialists.

Recruitment agencies help organizations recruit professionals

Recruiting agencies

The most common type of recruitment agency is recruiting firms. They provide a wide range of services: from searching for a specialist for a specific position to assistance in drawing up staffing table and staffing on a turnkey basis. From the point of view of profit and competitiveness, this is the most profitable option: than more services, the more clients.

To increase income, such companies, in most cases, work on two sides at once: they help employers and look for vacancies for individuals. The income of recruiting firms is the reward that clients pay them after a successful search. The amounts are usually negotiable with employers and depend on the rarity of the specialist. For private clients, a fixed amount is usually determined.

Recruitment agencies

Another option is to open a recruitment agency with a specialization. For example, look for employees for trade, medicine, education or any other industry. This approach greatly narrows the number of potential clients, but allows you to focus on the quality of the search. Specialized recruitment companies can not only search for them, but conduct interviews, tests and other checks.

The responsibility of such agencies will be significantly higher, along with, fortunately, the average check from the client. They are responsible for each hired employee and guarantee his professionalism, because they interviewed and tested him.

It is advisable to find a “recruiter” responsible for specialization for the staff of such an agency. The requirements for it are specialized education and work experience in the profession. This specialist will be responsible for checking candidates for the position and their selection criteria.

Job search agencies The help of recruitment agencies is needed not only by employers, but also by people looking for work. Despite the abundance of online resources with vacancies, very often people cannot find Good work

on their own and prefer to take the help of professionals. The applicant fills out a form and tells the agency about his wishes for work and salary. Specialists study available vacancies, draw up a list, sign up the candidate for interviews and accompany them until the conclusion of an employment contract. In addition to directly searching for vacancies, such agencies provide training: trainings, master classes and even courses for job seekers. They teach you how to successfully pass interviews, write a resume, and conclude employment contracts

. This direction can also bring good income, as people are increasingly interested in self-development.

Some agencies even conduct interviews and testing for potential candidates themselves.

Headhunters are specialists in searching for specific employees for a specific position. As a rule, they work with highly qualified employees: they “lure” them from one company to another. Such services require special skills; this is delicate and difficult work.

Headhunting is a task that only experienced and advanced personnel officers can do; creating such an agency from scratch will not work.

And the demand will be uneven, since it is impossible to directly write in advertising that the agency helps to move workers from one organization to another.

International agencies Another popular area of ​​work is employment abroad. It is also possible in two directions: helping Russians find work abroad and helping foreigners obtain permission and settle in Russia. International agencies

They do not only search, but also take on a significant part of the document flow. Due to the specifics, the services of such companies are more expensive: the search is more difficult, there are more risks, more documents. However, without experience, from scratch, as in the case of headhunting, it is better not to start in this area. This is a niche for those who have already worked for international market

labor and studied its specifics. In addition, fines for violating immigration laws are so high that they can jeopardize the existence of a business. And dissatisfied clients can sue for compensation for moral damages.

Pros and cons of recruitment agencies

We looked at what a recruitment agency is and what types of such businesses there are. But how promising is this? Let’s try to evaluate what prevails among recruitment agencies: pros or cons. The advantages include the opportunity to receive high income without spending on raw materials, equipment and other expenses associated with most industries. These are intangible services, the quality of which depends on professionalism, and not on investments. The initial investment will be modest, which also attracts budding entrepreneurs. Another advantage is growing demand.

As for the disadvantages, this includes the lack of obviousness of demand. This especially applies to staffing companies specializing in job searches. It’s not a matter of high competition, it’s just that most applicants are used to looking through vacancies on their own and are not ready/cannot spend extra money. The work of a beginning recruitment agency will be connected not only with the main profile, but also with its own advertising and promotion on social networks.

Recruitment agencies can help not only employers, but also job seekers

How to open your own recruitment agency

Opening your own recruitment agency is quite a feasible task even for a start-up business. In short, this is explained by simple registration, the ability to quickly open an agency and make a profit.

As with any startup, you first need to draw up a business plan, where you calculate all the expenses, potential profits, and determine the type of future agency. Practice shows that recruiting firms are the most successful commercially. A wide range of services, work in several profiles increases the number of clients, and therefore profits.

List of documents

The work of recruitment agencies is not licensed and is generally poorly controlled by law. All that is required is official registration and timely payment of taxes. Such a business can be run in the format of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is faster to register an individual entrepreneur, but an LLC does not provide for personal financial liability.

Thus, to start a company you will need:

  • registration certificate;
  • bank account.

Selection of premises

You can open a recruitment agency at home or online, but there will be less trust in such a company than in an organization with its own premises. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a small office with workspaces. It is advisable to locate it in the central part of the city or in a large office center. The point is to be in front of potential clients. Another option is to open near the tax office, bank branch or some other government agency, where employers often visit.

Personnel business - modern direction in the service sector. Therefore, the office must be modern. Pay attention to design and decoration, select fashionable furniture sets, create an atmosphere of trust and mutual benefit. Of course, an agency will ultimately be judged by its actions, but the office is the first impression.

The income of a recruitment agency directly depends on its efficiency and professionalism

Necessary equipment

Equipment for a recruitment agency is computers and the Internet. Nothing else is required. Managers work exclusively there: they look through vacancy databases, correspond with employers, and study applicants’ resumes. Each manager should have his own computer and telephone.

In addition to this you will need:

  • telephones;
  • office equipment (printers and scanners);
  • furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets, shelves);
  • stationery.

All additional equipment can be purchased gradually; to start, tables with computers and good internet. During the first year of work you need to prepare your website: this will business card a company that will greatly help in attracting clients.

Business plan with calculations

Let's summarize the costs of starting a recruitment agency in the form of a list of costs:

  • state registration - 800–4,000 rubles;
  • premises rental - from 30,000 rubles monthly;
  • purchase of computers and furniture - 100,000 rubles;
  • website - from 10,000 rubles;
  • advertising - from 15,000 rubles.

That is, the opening can be done in 200 thousand rubles. This is a relatively small amount. But the risk is that it is almost impossible to calculate how quickly the investment will pay off. The company's success, that is, the number of customers and revenue, directly depends on the company's efforts. Advertising, social media, direct contacts with companies through letters and cold calls help to speed up the achievement of net profit.


Recruitment as a business is a promising direction in the service sector. The clients of such agencies are employers and individuals looking for work. The range of services provided by staffing companies is wide: from finding a job for a specific person to drawing up a staffing table and staffing on a turnkey basis. As an additional source of income, they use assistance in writing a resume, training, and courses. The volume of starting investments is 200 thousand rubles.

The paradox of today’s labor market is that, on the one hand, in many regions there is unemployment, a surplus of specialists in some areas, and, on the other hand, a shortage of qualified work force. This happens because the employee simply does not correspond to the place of his work. It is the recruitment agency that is called upon to effectively select personnel, ultimately satisfying the needs of the employer and the interests of the employee.

What attracts newcomers to a recruitment agency as a business: firstly, it is a low-budget start, secondly, relatively weak legal control, and, thirdly, apparent simplicity earnings. In fact, while the first two statements are quite legitimate, the third is completely wrong. Income from this type of business is inconsistent and comes with a delay. The search for personnel can take weeks, but they will pay for a quality selection a little later, after employment, or even a probationary period.

In addition, a recruitment agency is multifaceted and can perform a number of functions. Often this is a field for the work of scammers who resell vacancies several times, or distribute non-existent or outdated vacancies, or, at worst, engage in completely illegal activities. But you won’t get far with such a reputation, so let’s look at how to organize the right recruitment agency.

Before we begin

A recruitment agency may specialize in certain types of activities.

Employment agency. The main task is to select an extensive database of vacancies. Income consists of payments from applicants for the information provided: either for several specific vacancies, or full access to the database for some time. Payment is withdrawn either before services are provided or after employment. In the second case, the agency takes a certain risk.

Recruiting agency. Carries out targeted selection of personnel to meet the specific needs of the employer. It works for results, since the fee is paid only after the employee is registered. In addition, in this case, employers most often pay 10-20% of the annual salary. A narrow area of ​​activity of a recruiting agency may be specialization in certain industries. In this case, the manager has certain specific knowledge and can better select narrow-profile personnel. These may also include recruitment agencies for work abroad.

Headhunting agency is the pinnacle of recruiting. His circle of interests includes only high-class specialists, the number of which is very limited. For this purpose the agency uses various methods, including luring away already employed specialists.

You can expand the scope of your activities by combining several areas in one recruitment agency, or open a deeply specialized agency and become the best in your field.

Main risks: it is very difficult to “promote” a business. A lot of time is spent creating a database of vacancies and applicants. Non-compliance with the terms of the contract is possible on the part of both employers and job seekers. Both sides do not always provide true information, as a result, all complaints are sent to the recruitment agency. In addition, they often try to evade paying for the agency’s services.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a recruitment agency”


The location of the office is very important in this business. The more respectable an impression you want to make, the more better place choose. The courtyard is not the best location.

So, focus on good transport links, the best location in the city center, for example, in a business center. The area of ​​the room itself can be small - 15-20 m2. But a pleasant environment should inspire confidence. It would be a good idea to divide it into 2 zones: a waiting hall and an interview room.


The list of equipment is quite narrow: furniture, computers and office equipment. If you have chosen a certain corporate style for yourself, then you need to make the appropriate repairs and purchase furniture in a suitable color scheme. Make sure the client is comfortable. Be sure to purchase a cooler and coffee maker so that you can always offer a cup of tea or coffee.

We can say that the main tool of work for a recruiter is data. Therefore, you will initially have to invest in the right to access closed employment databases and create your own secure database. In addition, develop questionnaires for candidates; they should be unique to your agency. Additionally, you can order a test from a psychologist to identify certain abilities of the candidate, his hidden motives and characteristics.

You must have up-to-date information about the city’s business environment, salary levels, labor market conditions, and the latest requirements for key specialists for your agency. yours intellectual property This could include developed trainings and advanced training courses, but, as a rule, such activities are carried out by already developed recruitment agencies.


You yourself can become the main employee in your agency. In the very minimum set, you will need a secretary who will receive and make calls, search for information on the Internet, and replenish your database. You can conduct a direct interview.

At the second stage, most likely, you will want to expand your business and hire a good recruiter. This must be a specialist who will understand the legal framework in the field of labor, have HR management skills and, of course, be able to balance between the requirements of employers and job seekers. In the future, you can invite a psychologist to the staff, who will draw up individual questionnaires for each employer’s request and conduct testing of some personnel (whose work, for example, is associated with a high level of nervous tension).

The earnings of hiring managers, as a rule, depend on the number of transactions completed and range from 10 to 30% of the fee. At first, an accountant and system administrator can be invited.

Documents and licenses

This type of activity does not require a license; registration takes place in general procedure as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But on initial stage It is not recommended to register a legal entity; to do this, you will have to spend money on state fees when opening it, register an appropriate account with the bank, make a contribution in the amount of 50% of authorized capital and payment of a number of additional taxes. IP in this sense is much simpler.

However, take care to ensure that the cooperation agreement is formalized in a legally sound manner. It is necessary to spell out all the nuances, responsibilities and rights of the parties, which will prevent you from problems during your work.


The employer must be approached through specialized magazines, outdoor advertising and direct appeal. This means directly calling companies and enterprises in the city offering their services. This can take a lot of time and effort, but in small towns it gives good results.

Contextual advertising and teasers on employment sites, as well as universities, training and retraining centers, are suitable. After developing a certain portfolio, you need to open your own website, where both employers and job seekers can submit applications online, fill out an application form, or make an appointment with a recruiter.


At the initial stage, a recruitment agency requires the following investments in rubles:

Furniture and equipment – ​​80-100 thousand.
-Repair - 200 thousand.
-Internet, telephone and software – 20-45 thousand.
-Rent of premises and utility bills – 15-25 thousand.
-Advertising - 4-6 thousand.
-Additional expenses - 5 thousand.
-Registration – 40 thousand.

The agency's income depends on the salary of the specialists you are recruiting. You can count on profit only after 2-3 months of work. Closing several applications at the initial stage will bring no more than 60 thousand rubles. A small agency, after “getting on its feet,” brings in 100-200 thousand rubles monthly. Thus, the payback is predicted by experts in about 3-4 years, since the profitability of the activity is low - 10-20%.