The secret of Elina Mazur, her biography and personal life, has been revealed. Elina Mazur changed her last name, why did she do it? What is your real last name? Personal life family children Elina Mazur

The whole country continues to follow the drama in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In the new episode of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast" gave the floor former representative Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Elina Mazur. Late last year, she suddenly spoke out against the pianist. Elina publicly accused Vitalina of lying and stated that she deliberately decided to leave Armen Borisovich with nothing.

In a recent episode of Andrei Malakhov’s program, Mazur explained the reasons for her action. After Elina “exposed” Vitalina, many were outraged by the brunette’s statements, suspecting her of meanness. It seemed that just recently Mazur was fighting for the honor of her friend, but suddenly everything changed.

“I realized that I was surrounded by complete lies that were hopeless. It was something incredible, I had to break free. This was hard for me. In general, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is a story invented from beginning to end,” the woman said on the air of the program.

According to Elina, she helped Vitalina develop a behavior strategy. The woman claims that she wants to understand the current situation. IN last time Mazur spoke with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya on the phone. After that, Vitalina sent her an SMS, to which she did not respond.

“A lot of things in Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s presentation were invented by me. For example, Vitalina suffered from mental illness. According to the mother, there was some kind of disorder. Lidia Ivanovna (the pianist’s parent – ​​Note) wanted to present this in such a way that it escalated. This was said in a private conversation. We were just drawing up a plan,” Mazur shared. “Then I did what I believed in at that time. I believed in holy love, in the fact that the person [Vitalina] truly dedicated himself to service.”

Experts doubted the veracity of Elina’s words. Andrei Malakhov noticed that she made a very serious statement about mental state Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Psychologist Elizaveta Zhestkova commented on Mazur’s words.

“I don’t believe a single word Elina says. She began her speech by saying that she was very worried. But she is a completely calm, cool, confident woman who has a high intelligence. Bright woman does his own PR. Let's bring everything into one pile, now also psychiatry. I, of course, was not Vitalina’s doctor and I don’t know whether she ever saw a psychiatrist or not. But purely outwardly, I don’t find any sign of a mental disorder in her,” says the specialist.

Guests of the program stated that Elina has no evidence of Vitalina’s illness. “You are using all the participants in the dark. For example, no one can refute or confirm this conversation,” one of those present at the filming addressed Mazur. “Naturally,” she did not argue.

As Elina Mazur stated, she is the author of the story about the long-term romance of Vitalina and Armen Borisovich. “I came up with the story about a 16-year relationship. Natasha Korneeva and I are the creators of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She has been with Armen Borisovich since 2008,” the woman said.

Journalist and former employee of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater Natalya Korneeva, who once introduced Elina to Vitalina, was also present in the TV show studio. According to the woman, Elina knew Tatyana Vlasova. However, Mazur denied such words.

“I regret that I turned to Elina, I am very ashamed of Vitalina. I have already asked her forgiveness for being so deceived in a person. Once upon a time, Elina and I worked seriously in the field of environmental protection. I didn't even think that she might be lying. I learned from Shepelev on the detector that she is not a lawyer,” Korneeva said.

Elina Mazur, the former defender of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, may become a defendant in a criminal case. So did her ex-girlfriend. But the woman can be charged with an even more serious crime - pimping and blackmail

Elina Mazur pimp

The fact that 41-year-old Elina Mazur is the owner of a network of brothels, which are officially called massage parlors, became known on the “Actually” program, reports. Girls who had previously worked there came to the First studio. They said that massage parlors The Evelyns are the most real brothels. And they are controlled by Mazur. She not only sold girls for money (not on her own; she visited salons only once a week), but also blackmailed her wealthy clients.

The employees said that surveillance cameras were installed in all offices. Mazur used the resulting video to blackmail the rich. Robert Vardanyan, a resident of the house in which one of the brothels is located, also came to the program. He confirmed that he had repeatedly seen Elina entering the premises. And the authors of the program tested the girls who revealed the truth with a polygraph. Lie detector showed what they said the honest truth and they didn’t invent anything. So Elina Mazur will soon become a defendant in a criminal case. Let us remind you that recently a woman asked for forgiveness from Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and stated that she started a series of scandals according to her friend’s plan, the final goal of which was to take away all the property from the actor.

In fact - Masks are dropped: the exposure of Elina Mazur. Issue dated December 20, 2017

Who is Elina Mazur: biography

Elina Mazur became known throughout the country after Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s high-profile divorce from Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In this case, the woman acted as a lawyer on behalf of her friend, Vitalina.

Now Mazur repents of what she did and even apologized to Dzhigarkhanyan on the air of one of the TV shows.

“I acted within the judicial system. Nevertheless, I cannot forgive myself for the lies and betrayal. Now I want to apologize to Armen Borisovich. “I really was wrong and I found the strength to admit it,” she said.

Elina Mazur openly said that her goal was to help Vitalina get rich, and ultimately they managed to do this. The divorce proceedings between Armen Borisovich and Romanovskaya followed Elina’s scenario, but after the divorce was finalized and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya achieved what she wanted, she refused Elina’s services. After this, a conflict arose between the women, and Mazur decided to confess everything to the whole country.

It is known that Elina Mazur was born in 1976. It is noteworthy that the woman does not have legal education. At one time she received a higher economic education and worked as a realtor.

"New Russian sensations": "Announcement of Dzhigarkhanyan's will"

Passions do not stop around the divorce of artist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan from his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Vitalina is summoned for interrogation about the spending of money by the theater, where until recently she was listed as the director. The police have questions for her both about three apartments in Moscow and about Money that have disappeared from accounts ex-spouse.

She herself either insisted that she was ready for peace, then abruptly changed her position and said that she would not forgive her ex-husband. Now I agree to restore the relationship again. But the actor himself is in no hurry to communicate with her. In addition to financial charges, Investigative Committee There are claims against her on charges of actively disseminating negative information about her ex-husband and stealing documents.

Lawyers of the ex-husband made public information that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya lightened her wallet ex-husband for 12 million rubles.

For a long time, the lady worked in tandem with the so-called assistant, the representative of her interests, Elina Mazur. But the other day she began to make sensational confessions. “Yes, Vitalina hired me to take everything from Dzhigarkhanyan. She really wanted to leave him with nothing. I was the director of all the scandals, I completely staged the divorce so that Vitalina would become even richer, and she did,” the former friend publicly declares in the presence of the press.

And she explained that she, out of “naivety,” fell for Vitalina’s bait, believed her, and felt sorry for the woman who pretended to be suffering from the very beginning of the conflict, when she asked Mazur to find her “missing” husband.

By the way, law enforcement officers are also interested in Mazur herself, and not only in this regard scandalous divorce. She is also suspected of running brothels in the capital.

Why did the companions suddenly go their separate ways? Mazur says that the employer suddenly refused her services and hired another representative of her interests. Allegedly, Elina does not know the reasons for their quarrel. Vitalina also makes a bewildered look, according to established tradition, portraying herself as an innocent victim, such a subtle nature, all-forgiving.

“I like to part with people gracefully,” Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya told reporters from the Rossiya television company. She “delicately” did not comment on the details of the breakup with her ex-partner, she only suggested that after the breakup she simply wanted to stir up interest in herself and simply make money from regular interviews.

As for Dzhigarkhanyan, Vitalina explains: “I didn’t kick Armen Borisovich out, I didn’t file for divorce, I didn’t write him out, he’s still registered in my apartment. I’m waiting for him at home and I hope that he wants to talk to me.”

The biography of Elina Mazur, as well as her personal life, children, is big mystery for the public. She became famous thanks to the divorce of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya from Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.


Mazur Elina Viktorovna was born in 1976 (date and month unknown). According to some sources, the real year of birth is considered to be 1965. An ardent participant in the scandal that erupted between Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who could not escape the attention of the media. But maybe that's exactly what she wanted.

Journalists found out that the former representative of the ex-wife famous actor, has an economic education, knows and also skillfully uses black magic.

Who is Elina Mazur
Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Money and valuables remained in place. After everything that happened, Elina plans to apologize to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, and wants to quickly forget this whole unpleasant story. But the media is unlikely to forget about her soon, given the latest news.

Last news

After the scandalous story of the divorce proceedings, journalists from Channel One and Russia 1 bombarded the woman with questions. She chose the second channel for her speech and responded extremely harshly. That he doesn't want to answer. This gesture caused “facts” about his biography, personal life and children to be exposed in an unfavorable light to the public. Elina Mazur complains that now not only she, but also members of her family are being accused.

In response to Elina’s statements, Vitalina refused to comment, but decided to tell something. According to her, she did not hire Mazur to work, there was no agreement, but an official power of attorney for representation did exist. Tsymbalyuk, like many, believes that her former representative is thus trying to draw attention to herself and get rich.

Elina Mazur on the “Let Them Talk” program

But will such fame do her any good? big question. In the “Actually” program it became known that Elina Viktorovna owns a whole network of brothels. Former employees came to the studio and told about everything that was happening there. If you believe what was said, the woman was engaged not only in pimping, but also in blackmailing wealthy clients.

There are surveillance cameras in all premises. The pimp used the obtained incriminating evidence to blackmail wealthy men.

The girls who told the horrifying truth underwent a polygraph. The lie detector showed that they are not lying. Perhaps very soon she will be prosecuted. But this may not happen, since a polygraph is not 100% proof of guilt.

Elina Mazur: photo

Recently Mazur participated in the “New Russian Sensations” program, which makes me return to loud scandal around the divorce of a pianist and an actor. The former representative decided to tell the whole truth about the conspiracy against Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, all the financial fraud and Vitalina’s fictitious pregnancy. Her statements, of course, were a real sensation, but it is very difficult to believe the words of a person whose reputation was tarnished by lies.