Pavel Vitalievich Dmitrichenko got married in prison. Ballet after prison: why Pavel Dmitrichenko returned to the Bolshoi Theater. Was there a motive?

Be my wife!

Soon after her departure I received a letter: “Now I am really happy that I am writing to you! Thank you for all the tender words you give. There is no greater gift for me than everything that I feel, read, see with my soul from your soul. Eat wonderful movie"City of Angels" with Meg Ryan and Nicolas Cage. Perhaps you have seen him. If not, be sure to watch it when everything is fine. So, she was a doctor and lived in her own hectic microcosm. And he was an angel in a long black cloak to the floor. This is a very subtle, beautiful, sensual film that shows his invisible presence in her life. But at first she couldn’t see him... I won’t tell you any further. So far, life has planned this way that I, like Meg, am in this anthill of days and affairs. And you, wonderful and caring, are in my life every day. That’s why you are also an angel... And I thank you every day as soon as I wake up...”

How can this be?! After all, I was going to write these same words to her! One piece of paper was pinned to Yanina’s letter for a response. There was no more instructions, and I always didn’t have enough paper to write the answer. There was so much I wanted to say! I tried to write very small so that more words could fit. As soon as I sent the letter, I immediately began counting the days, impatiently awaiting news from Yana. The letter arrived quickly.

“Pashenka, hello! The twentieth of February, a gentle day. I receive your bright letter. From the first lines, feeling yours good mood, breathe easier and calmer. Mood is a fickle thing. Whatever it is, it is important that it does not linger at some constant value. Probably, except perhaps for the state of happiness. But when we are in a state of constant happiness, we stop looking for anything in ourselves and do not make any special transformations, since it completely blinds our eyes.”

Yana came to see me for the first time in May, and on July 3, 2014, we got married. My friends were allowed to be present at the marriage registration. In that same visiting room, the registry office employee signed us up. That's how we became husband and wife. But they weren’t allowed to drink champagne. Friends under the walls of the colony arranged real wedding: they honked the horns, shouted “Bitter!” and drank champagne. I got screwed for this later. After we got married, we had three more days of dating. Now every year we will celebrate not the wedding day, but these three days of the honeymoon...

We are very happy. I believe that the case against me is completely fabricated, but I am still grateful to fate that it turned out this way. After all, only after this story did Yana and I fall in love with each other. Every cloud has a silver lining. Nothing ever happens just like that in life...

June 26, 2016, 10:28 pm

Pavel Dmitrichenko was born into a family of artists from the State academic ensemble folk dance under the leadership of Igor Moiseev. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of teacher Igor Uksusnikov, after which he was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. In 2004 he received a diploma from the International Ballet Competition in Rome (Italy). In 2005, he graduated from the Institute of Russian Theater with a degree in teacher-choreographer, class of Mikhail Lavrovsky.

At the Bolshoi Theater, Pavel Dmitrichenko rehearsed under the direction of Alexander Vetrov and Vasily Vorokhobko. He played the main roles, including:

Yashka ("Golden Age")

Evil Genius (" Swan Lake»)

Abderakhman ("Raymonda")

Spartak ("Spartak")

Jose (Carmen Suite)

Tybalt (Romeo and Juliet)

Hans (Giselle)

Ivan the Terrible (“Ivan the Terrible” was the first performer of the role when the ballet was revived in 2012)

Abderakhman ballet "Raymonda":

Pavel Dmitrichenko as Tsar Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

Part of the Evil Genius in the ballet “Swan Lake”:

Part of Tybalt in the ballet "Romeo and Juliet":

Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" as Tybalt. Choir of Yu.N. Grigorovich
Photo by Irina Lepneva:

Pavel Dmitrichenko in the ballet "The Golden Age" - Tango:

Part of Spartacus in the ballet “Spartacus”:

Pas de Deux from the ballet "Corsair":

"Global Lagoon" Naomi Campbell watches Dmitrichenko dance:

Nikolai Tsiskaridze: “I can tell Dmitrichenko - Pasha, hold on!”

Pavel Dmitrichenko and Nikolai Tsiskaridze at the graduation party
Academy of Russian Ballet named after. A.Ya. Vaganova in the Kremlin. 06/22/2016.

“We must not forget that the victim and Pasha Dmitrichenko were in good relations»

“- I can’t help but ask about the fate of Pavel Dmitrichenko, who was accused of the assassination attempt on Sergei Filin in 2013 and was released a month ago.

I respect Pasha very much and treat him very well. And he said more than once, including at trial, that he did not believe and to this day I do not believe in his guilt. Yes, he came out, we saw each other, and my attitude towards him did not change one iota.

Did he come to see you in St. Petersburg?

No, I was in Moscow, we met. He expressed a desire to continue his dancing career. I supported him in this and advised him to go study, and he said that he was already studying.

But how realistic is it for him to return to his profession? After all, in three years the form has been lost. Why, for three years or a week the artist will not stand at the machine... you yourself know how the matter will end.

He says he was studying. And then, maybe he won’t be a classical dancer; he had wonderful character roles in his repertoire.

Since Pavel Dmitrichenko was convicted, does he have a chance to enter a serious theater or will the stigma of being a “jailster” not allow him?

By law, he does not have the right to hold positions in government agencies related to working with children. But in the rest he can do everything. Why not? The most unpleasant thing for me in this situation is that no one is interested in the wishes of the audience. A spectator asked me not to leave the Bolshoi - did anyone pay attention to this? It’s the same with Pasha... He has a huge number of fans, and these people want to see him in Bolshoi performances. Whether he will participate in them or not depends on the leadership. If he gets down to business wisely, he has both opportunity and potential.

Are you ready to help him?

How can I help him? I work in another city and I can only say “Pasha, hold on.” If you need any of my tutoring help, please do so.

Of course, I went to Pavel’s trial with my visor open and did not hide anything from anyone.

Still, the guy has a difficult fate. Even the girl left him, because of whom everything supposedly happened?

I repeat once again: this situation had nothing to do with the girl. We must not forget that the victim and Pasha were on good terms. The rest is journalistic fiction.

But she didn’t wait for him.

Why did she have to wait for him if he got married a year before she got married? They separated before all this mess. Don't confuse forks and bottles. It is Beaumarchais’s Figaro who says: “I am much better than my reputation.” How the whole situation was covered three years ago at the Bolshoi Theater - not everything was as it really was."

Probably the most unpleasant story in modern history Russian ballet is continuing - information has appeared that Pavel Dmitrichenko, who in 2013 was sentenced to imprisonment for organizing an attack on Sergei Filin, returned to Grand Theatre.

True, we are talking, of course, not about joining the Bolshoi troupe, and certainly not about participating in productions, but about morning training with teacher Vladimir Nikonov. Among the Russian media, only the Internet version of paid attention to this fact - the publication quotes the words of one of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, who wished to remain anonymous:

“Many, of course, when they saw him for the first time after a long absence, could not hide their surprise. I know that for some time he himself was afraid to come to the theater... Even in the summer before the end of last season, he came to the service entrance several times, met with friends, but I didn’t go into the theater itself because I was worried about how the staff would greet him. And I was pleasantly surprised by the friendly attitude towards him. Maybe a few people didn’t take it too well... But I don’t even know anyone like that...” .

Here are just a few of them (spelling and punctuation preserved) :

“Dear Pavel, your life, your personality and what you do are extremely inspiring. You begin to believe in your strength and that all bad things will pass, and difficult things will be overcome. And your willpower and character seem to be limitless . With admiration and good luck."

"You went through Hell... and won! Enjoy life, you are Talent!! people are jealous, but there is a Dance next to you wonderful person, true friends --- there can never be too many --- Come to Boston! Let's do -Master classes---performances!"

By the way, this news was much more readily picked up by foreign publications, including such authoritative ones as British The Guardian, American The New York Times and NBC, as well as French Europa Press.

Thus, Reuters quotes the words of the Bolshoi Theater press secretary: “Dmitrichenko was indeed issued, at his request, a pass for a morning visit to the Bolshoi Theater... This in no way means that he will work at the Bolshoi Theater in the future.”

General Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin also spoke on this matter: “There are rumors that Pavel Dmitrichenko is returning to the Bolshoi, and this will be a difficult situation. However, after 3 years in prison, he is no longer the same dancer, physically and emotionally. Therefore, the main question is: can he regain the form that is necessary for a Bolshoi dancer? Big is work, and it should be built on professional principles.”

Pavel Dmitrichenko, 2013

Let us recall that in 2013 Sergei Filin, who then held the position artistic director ballet troupe Bolshoi Theater was attacked - the artist had acid thrown in his face. Filin spent some time in the hospital, after which he underwent several operations and underwent long-term rehabilitation; according to various sources, after this incident he was never able to fully restore his vision. In December of the same 2013, the court found Bolshoi Theater artist Pavel Dmitrichenko guilty of assault and sentenced him to six years in prison. However, Dmitrichenko was released on parole in May 2016.

Sergey Filin - among the judges of the GallaDance Showcase Grand Prix in February 2016

Now he is 32 years old, judging by the comments of his colleagues and photographs, Dmitrichenko began to look more massive, the artist himself previously stated that he performed daily physical exercise while in prison. Sergei Filin back in mid-2015 at the Bolshoi Theater. Then Vladimir Urin denied the existence of any dissatisfaction with Sergei Filin, and called “internal factors” as the reasons for the separation.In the same year, Sergei Filin appeared on television as permanent member the jury of the show "Dancing with the Stars", and now he is the head of the workshop of young choreographers of the Bolshoi Theater.

photo on the main page: Dmitrichenko’s Facebook page

Angelina Vorontsova, whose name was associated with the attack on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Sergei Filin two years ago, got married. But not with dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko, who is currently serving time. Angelina became the wife of another man.

No one has forgotten this terrible emergency in the art world. Sergei Filin had acid thrown in his face, and one of the leading dancers was named as the mastermind behind this monstrous crime. Bolshoy Pavel Dmitrichenko. According to investigators, Angelina was his girlfriend, Filin did not allow her to grow up, he oppressed her in every possible way, so Dmitrichenko took revenge.

According to Vorontsova’s teacher and first partner at the Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Tsiskaridze, “what they said and wrote was three percent true.” Tsiskaridze said that at the time of the crime, Pavel and Angelina had almost broken up.

A year ago, while in prison, Pavel got married,” said Nikolai Tsiskaridze. And most recently, on September 21, 2015, Angelina married Mikhail Tatarnikov, chief conductor and music director Mikhailovsky Theater. There she is now on staff as a leading ballerina.

Behind-the-scenes intriguers, of whom there are many, tried to break the ballerina. ballet world. Tssikaridze did not name who exactly. But, as we see, everything is going well for her - both in her career and in her personal life. Already at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg she danced 17 roles. But the intriguers ruined Pavel Dmitrichenko’s career and life. Although there are serious doubts about his guilt even after the trial.

According to Tsiskaridze, Dmitrichenko will not return to the profession. Unlike Vorontsova, his career is over. “You shouldn’t even delude yourself. Pasha, I think, like no one else understands this. Ballet is a daily workout. Even six months or a year break is too much for ballet. And there’s too much of a break,” Nikolai Maksimovich clarified.

Angelina Vorontsova born in Voronezh on December 17, 1991. She studied at gymnasium No. 4 and studied rhythmic gymnastics, performing at all-Russian competitions. She started studying ballet at the age of 12. In 2003-2008 studied at the Voronezh Choreographic School, where her teachers were famous ballerinas in the past, folk artists RSFSR: first Marina Leonkina, then Nabilya Valitova and Tatyana Frolova.

In 2008 she was admitted to the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of teacher N. Arkhipova. In 2009, she graduated from the Academy and was invited to join the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. She rehearsed under the direction of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who was also Vorontsova’s first partner in Bolshoi Theater performances.

Since July 2013 - ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theater. The ballerina's current repertoire includes leading and solo roles in the ballets “Giselle, or the Vilis”, “Swan Lake”, “La Bayadère”, “Don Quixote”, “Cavalry Halt”, “Laurencia”, “Flames of Paris”, “Class Concert” ", " A futile precaution", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker", "Romeo and Juliet", "Prelude", "White Darkness". She took part in tours of the Mikhailovsky Theater in the USA.

The name of Pavel Dmitrichenko is written in bold in the ballet. The 33-year-old artist gained fame for his bright roles in brilliant performances. However, there are also difficult years in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko, which are associated with an attempt on the life of the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater. It is known that this story ended in a criminal case with a sentence being served.


Pavel Vitalievich Dmitrichenko was born into a family of artists on January 3, 1984. His parents Vitaly Pavlovich and Nadezhda Alekseevna worked in the Folk Dance Ensemble of Igor Moiseev. Pavel was the third, late child in the family and the first boy, so his father devoted a lot of time to his only son and developed in him an exceptionally athletic personality.

Pavel Dmitrichenko was involved in football, hockey, and martial arts; there were no thoughts about ballet. Family friend and famous USSR hockey player Vladimir Lutchenko was ready to take on the boy and train him to become a professional athlete. However, the mother predicted a future for her son as a dancer, and her opinion determined future fate future ballet dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko.

Carier start

In 1993, Pavel entered the State Academy of Choreography, where his mentors were former outstanding Bolshoi Theater artists Yuri Vasyuchenko and Igor Uksusnikov.

The dancer’s perseverance and hard work ethic helped him graduate from the university with honors in 2002. Ballet for Pavel Dmitrichenko becomes his life’s work; he is invited to work by the most best theaters, but he gives preference to the State Academic Bolshoi Theater (SABT). The rehearsals were led by Vasily Vorokhobko and Alexander Vetrov. At first, Dmitrichenko performed small roles and was a corps de ballet dancer, but even this required a lot of dedication, including health.

Work at the Bolshoi and main roles

After working at the Bolshoi for only a year, in 2003 Pavel Dmitrichenko faced serious health problems. It should be noted that in his youth the artist underwent operations related to sports injuries. Another surgical intervention was associated with a medical error. An abscess that had started in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon was urgently re-operated. Long rehabilitation, the strictest prohibition from doctors to continue dancing, every step was taken... hellish pain- all this could put an end to Pavel Dmitrichenko’s biography as a ballet dancer. Strong pain relief and the dancer’s determination not only helped to cope with the disease, but also led to his first notable roles in the Bolshoi Theater.

In the same 2003, Dmitrichenko was approved for the role of Father Montague in the production of Romeo and Juliet, and in 2004 Pavel was a soloist in the play Ward No. 6. During this period, he undergoes a decisive operation on his foot, doctors restore almost full mobility.

The year 2005 is marked by two events: receiving a diploma in the specialty “choreographer” and meeting the luminary of Russian ballet Yuri Grigorovich. The master notices a young man while learning Yashka's part - central figure in the play "The Golden Age". It can be said that in creative biography For Pavel Dmitrichenko, this performance was fateful. The artist is one of Grigorovich’s favorites. The ballets “Giselle”, “Esmeralda”, “Don Quixote” appear on the list. In 2007, Dmitrichenko performed the role Evil genius in the production of "Swan Lake". 2008 brings two important and complex roles at once. The main roles in the performances "Raymonda" and "Spartak" were given to a talented artist. After a lengthy reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, they decided to return “Ivan the Terrible” to its stage; in 2012, the premiere of the play with Dmitrichenko in the role of the tsar took place.

Drinking at the Bolshoi

Ballet, like any creative community, has its own intrigues, tensions, rivalries within the troupe and misunderstandingsbetween artists and leadership. Scandals arose in the Bolshoi from the beginning of the 2000s; they were associated with Anastasia Volochkova and Tsiskaridze. There were also checks related to the distribution of funds aimed at reconstructing the theater. The loudest and most turbulent time for the troupe was the tenure of Sergei Filin as artistic director. There were many reasons for dissatisfaction with the new artistic director.

He was accused of demanding money for certain roles, of harassing creatively some ballet dancers. The troupe split into two camps: those who were satisfied with everything, and those who had questions for the management. The confrontation eventually resulted in a tragedy and a criminal case, which was covered throughout the world's media.

Attempt on the artistic director

On the evening of January 17, 2013, when he was approaching the house, an unknown person called out to him. Having splashed a scalding reagent in the artistic director's face with lightning speed, the attacker disappeared. Filin was diagnosed with severe burns and was hospitalized in Germany. A criminal case was opened in connection with the attempted murder of a person, investigative committee determined the circle of persons involved, which the victim himself stated while undergoing treatment. Filin accused Nikolai Tsiskaridze of involvement as an influential and ardent opponent of Sergei Filin's theater policy. The situation around the famous dancer, which was being whipped up by the media, eventually became clearer. Tsiskaridze was summoned for questioning, where investigators did not find Nikolai involved in the attack. Other artists were also questioned.

Trial and versions of the motive for the crime

After some time, investigators came to Pavel Dmitrichenko’s home with a search. Having analyzed the cell phone calls that took place that ill-fated evening, we soon managed to get on the trail of the direct perpetrator of the assassination attempt. He turned out to be previously convicted unemployed Yuri Zarutsky. Andrei Lipatov, who delivered the criminal to the scene of the assassination attempt, was also detained.

All three defendants in the case were arrested. Since March 2013, a new, difficult turn began in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko.

The verdict is "guilty"

As the investigation found out, Zarutsky was Dmitrichenko’s neighbor at the dacha. In a conversation about the situation in the theater, Pavel advised turning to Filin. As a result, according to Zarutsky, Dmitrichenko asked to beat up the artistic director, having previously bought phones for the performers and financed the criminal operation.

During interrogation, Dmitrichenko denied that he was preparing a serious massacre with acid. Zarutsky himself fully admitted his guilt and clarified that neither the dancer nor the driver Lipatov knew about the method of assassination of Filin. However, government prosecutors and Filin’s lawyers insisted on a thorough investigation and search for irrefutable evidence of Pavel Dmitrichenko’s guilt.

They considered the main motives, among which were Dmitrichenko’s desire to take the post of artistic director, revenge for the oppressed ballerina and common-law wife Dmitrichenko - Angelina Vorontsova. The name of Tsiskaridze, with whom Dmitrichenko was allegedly in cahoots, came up again. Also, the characterization of Pavel as a hot-tempered “truth teller” indicated that he was quite capable of such a crime. All motives were refuted; the theater troupe, led by Tsiskaridze, repeatedly wrote letters in defense of Dmitrichenko.

Twenty-eight court hearings, and the verdict was rendered under Article 111 of the Criminal Code (“Infliction of grievous bodily harm by prior conspiracy”). Zarutsky and Lipatov received 10 years and 4 years in prison, respectively. Dmitrichenko Pavel Vitalievich was sentenced to six years in prison in a maximum security colony. All three were also obliged to pay Filin compensation in the amount of 3 million rubles.

Prison wedding and early release

Dmitrichenko served his sentence in Ryazan region. Throughout this time, he continued to keep himself in shape as much as possible. Colleagues did not forget about the artist, they constantly wrote letters and encouraged him. Pavel had a particularly dear addressee to whom he sent letters and eagerly awaited an answer. This was an old friend of Yana Fadeeva. The girl began to go with Pavel’s parents on visits to prison. After another meeting, the artist proposed to Yana. On July 3, 2014, the girl became the wife of Pavel Dmitrichenko. The couple got married right in prison.

Dmitrichenko's defense sent several petitions for the artist's early release. On May 31, 2016, the dancer was released from custody for good behavior. Pavel served three years in prison.

Return to ballet

Upon returning to freedom, the artist immediately thanked everyone who supported him for three long years. The difficulties in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko are over. It was time to think again about my favorite job.

It should be noted that Pavel Dmitrichenko returned to the Bolshoi Theater, though only for the purpose of training and restoring the necessary form for ballet. The dancer also has a diploma as a choreographer, which he plans to use in the future, since the artist’s “retirement” age is not far off. The director of the Bolshoi Theater, Vladimir Urin, said that he allows Pavel Dmitrichenko to return to the Bolshoi Theater. But the artist will have to apply on a competitive basis and subject to availability.

After Pavel’s release, the story of the assassination attempt again began to be actively raised by the media. Why Pavel Dmitrichenko was imprisoned raises a lot of questions among trial observers. The artist himself is confident that revealing the truth and true reasons- it's a matter of time. While Pavel Dmitrichenko’s wife, parents, faithful friends and the fortitude he gained from this ordeal.