Procurement plan for years form. How to place a procurement plan and schedule in the EIS

Increasing the efficiency of organizations requires careful planning, because this fact allows you to optimize financial resources and reduce corruption in the production sector to the possible minimum. This raises the question of when to post the procurement plan for 2018 and whether any changes are planned in this issue. And there is something to discuss here, because two years ago Russians were required to draw up a procurement plan that would reflect all the enterprises’ needs for certain goods, but today an example of filling out a procurement plan for 2018 suggests that a phased planning, according to which customers must create a list according to established requirements and criteria.

Main innovations

Today you will have to draw up a document according to the rules of 44-FZ, which obliges Russians from the new year to write down all plans in the Unified information system(EIS), which is currently still being finalized. This innovation, according to specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development, will help minimize monopolization, in which the bulk of goods are purchased from one supplier, and also ensure a normal level of competition in the state, which should have a positive impact on the state of the economic system.

What's worth knowing?

It must be said that you can download the procurement plan form for 2018 under 44 Federal Laws on the state procurement portal, and do not forget that it is usually formed for a period of three years, and all tenders necessary for functioning of the organization. The document must also reflect any forms of goods, otherwise this change will be considered a violation.

The report on the preparation of the plan is submitted according to the plan and this documentation must be approved within 10 working days after the start of the adoption of the general concept of the population.

Today, any experienced accountant may have problems with the correct execution of this document, since this item requires painstaking and carefully thought-out actions. An official example of justification for the procurement plan for 2018 will allow you to fill out the document as competently as possible, but it is worth knowing that special attention should be paid to information about the order identification code about the purchase plan, the purpose and title of the document and data on specialized units.

It is also worth focusing on the fact that there are two ways to fill out documentation of such documentation:

You can fill out the form downloaded on the Internet yourself;
Or you can use an application for this purpose, which can independently enter all the necessary data into the form (the application is freely available for downloading).

A separate advantage in in this case It may be that after filling out the form, you can check it for errors using another installed program- "Economy Expert".

What errors should you be aware of?

Drawing up a purchasing plan is a rather labor-intensive task, and even a sample of a completed purchasing plan for 2018 does not always help, so it is worth paying some attention to the errors that sometimes arise when filling it out. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that sometimes customers indicate an incorrect NMCC, which can cause failed auction and negatively impact schedule items.

Some customers incorrectly indicate tender dates, which leads to confusion in the documentation without a clear justification for the reasons. Moreover, it must be said that customers sometimes include in the schedule goods worth less than 100,000 rubles, and this is a mistake, because the plan must record all tenders conducted during the reporting period.

The document containing the conditions and characteristics of each order in a budgetary institution is the schedule (clauses 2 and 4, part 3, article 21 44-FZ). It is drawn up on the basis of a procurement plan previously approved by the head of the institution. The period allotted for the development of the PG, as well as the PP, is 10 working days after the adoption and communication of budget obligations for the next financial year and planning periods to the organization. We will tell you further about how to place the schedule for 2019, as well as the procurement plan.

How to place a procurement plan in the UIS

Starting this year, an innovation has been introduced that has radically changed the procedure for publishing PGs. The schedule in the institution is formed on the basis of the data reflected in the PP. Therefore, first of all, you should find out how to place a procurement plan for 2019.

Let's consider the algorithm for generating and publishing PP in the Unified Information System.

To generate an approved PP in the UIS, you must select the “Create procurement plan” action.

To place the generated PO, you need to select the “Place” item in the menu. The following tab will appear:

The last action will be to check the box confirming that the customer is familiar with the responsibility. After this, the “Sign and Place” button will become active. After clicking it, the current PP will be in the “Posted” status.

The procedure for publishing the schedule, in turn, varies depending on the type of affiliation of the customer organization based on the control of the published information. The period for posting planning documentation in the open part of the site is 3 business days from the date of approval of the procurement plan and schedule, respectively.

Publication of a schedule with direction for control

In the event that the institution acts as a customer subject to control by authorized bodies in accordance with the provisions of Part 5 of Art. 99 44-FZ, and is not a unitary enterprise, the published PG must be sent for verification by selecting the “Post and send for control” item in the drop-down list in the UIS, agreeing with the pop-up warning.

If there are errors that require correction, violations or shortcomings, a window with the following content will appear:

After all errors have been corrected, a printed form of the schedule will be displayed. The following is the procedure for signing the document with an electronic digital signature key and sending it to regulatory authorities for verification.

Publication without direction for control

In the event that the customer is a unitary enterprise or organization that is not included in the list of those who are subject to mandatory control, the publication proceeds as follows:

  • authorization in your personal account in the UIS;
  • go to the tab “Plans and schedules for the purchase of goods, works, services”;
  • filling each field with the required information;
  • selection of the appropriate position.

Errors occur when publishing

If errors occur when placing planning documentation, then request letters are sent to the technical support service indicating a clearly formulated problem, for example: “it is impossible to place the schedule for 2019.”

If difficult situations arise, when the responsible person of the customer organization (contract manager or other authorized person) creates a technical request about an error, in particular, “I can’t place a procurement plan on the site”, he needs to prepare a package with supporting documentation containing as many materials as possible confirming his correctness: screenshots of error pages reflecting real dates, recorded correspondence with technical service, well-written statements, complaints and claims.

How long does it take to prepare a procurement plan (schedule), what are the deadlines for its placement? for 2019 according to Federal Law No. 223

The Law “On Procurement...” of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 223) extends its effect to special entities (customers), which, according to Part 2 of Article 1 of this Federal Law, are government organizations (enterprises, companies, corporations ). The main characteristic of such customers is the share of participation in their authorized capital of the state, region or municipality exceeding 50 percent.

The procedure for developing and adopting a procurement plan for these organizations must, in addition to the norms of the specified Federal Law, be regulated by a special provision, which is adopted in accordance with the requirements of Part 2 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 223. Clause 10 of the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval...” of September 17, 2012 No. 932, directly indicates that the timing of the development and subsequent approval of the procurement plan must be determined by the organization independently, taking into account the requirements provided for by Federal Law No. 223 and these rules.

In addition to the deadlines for development and adoption, the legislation also defines special requirements for the timing of placement of the procurement plan. This issue is raised in paragraph 14 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2012 No. 908. It determines that the procurement plan must be posted on a special website of the unified information system (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) within 10 days from the date of approval. In addition, such a document must be placed in the Unified Information System before December 31 of the year preceding the year for which the schedule was drawn up.

When is the procurement plan for 2019 published under Federal Law No. 223? Taking into account the above, the 2018 procurement schedule had to be submitted to the Unified Information System within a 10-day period from the date of approval (the specific approval period is determined by each customer independently), but no later than December 31, 2018. As for the plan for 2020, it can be developed during 2019 and must be posted in the Unified Information System before December 31, 2019.

Features of publication and timing of placement of procurement plans (schedules) in 2019 under Federal Law No. 44

In contrast to the aforementioned Federal Law No. 223, the Law “On the Contract System...” dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ concerns procurements that are carried out by public legal entities, state or municipal enterprises and institutions at the expense of the relevant budgets. Since funds for procurement in this case are allocated from the budget, the procedure for the development, adoption and placement of such schedules is regulated exclusively by law.

The regulatory act that governs the described procedures are the Rules put into effect by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated 06/05/2015 No. 552. The procedure for developing and approving public procurement schedules is described in detail in paragraphs 2-7 of these rules, indicating the features for each type organizations subject to Law No. 44-FZ. At the same time, according to paragraph 2 of the above rules, plans agreed upon with all interested parties must be approved in final form within 10 days from the moment when the specific customer became aware of the amount of budget allocations approved for these purposes. For state budgetary and unitary enterprises, in some cases, the period begins to be calculated after the approval of the financial and economic activity plan.

When a procurement plan is placed under 44-FZ, it is determined by paragraph 4 of the Rules put into effect by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168. According to this norm, the organization must place the procurement schedule in the Unified Information System within a 3-day period from the date of its statements. In this case, the obligation to publish the document rests, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the specified rules, on the customer himself.

Deadlines for posting the procurement plan for 2019 - 2020 under Federal Law No. 44

Exact date(deadline) for posting procurement schedules of organizations subject to Law No. 44-FZ is not expressly provided for due to the peculiarities of their preparation. However, this does not mean that customers have independence in this matter. Part 4 of Article 17 of the mentioned Federal Law states that the validity period of the procurement plan must coincide with the period of regulation of the Federal Law on the budget for the next financial year.

This norm obliges, albeit indirectly, each customer subject to the law to resolve the issue of publishing its procurement plan before January 1 of the year specified in it (the moment the Federal Law on the budget for the next financial year comes into force, according to Article 5 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation) .

Thus, the procurement plan for 2020 should have been:

  1. Approved within 10 days after the specific amount of budget allocations allocated to a specific customer for fiscal year 2020 is clarified or after the adoption of the FHD plan.
  2. Published in the EIS within 3 days from the date of approval.

Moreover, all of the above procedures had to be completed before January 1, 2020. The algorithm for calculating the deadlines for the procurement schedule under 44-FZ for 2021 will be similar.

To summarize, we note that Federal Law No. 223, Federal Law No. 44 and the by-laws adopted for the purpose of their implementation establish strict deadlines for posting procurement schedules for the next year. We hope that the information prepared and systematized in the article will allow us to understand in sufficient detail all the intricacies of this issue.

You will also be interested in reading the materials that we wrote specifically for our

Filling out the procurement plan for 2018 is regulated by the following regulations:

  1. Art. 17 Federal Law about the contract system;
  2. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation:
    • dated 06/05/2015 No. 552, establishing for the preparation of procurement plans for the year and planning period for the purchase of goods, works, services for federal needs;
    • dated November 21, 2013 No. 1043, containing general maintenance of the procurement plan by regional and local customers
  3. Regional and local regulations establishing the procedure for the formation and maintenance of procurement plans by constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. For example, a government resolution Perm region dated February 17, 2015 No. 80-p or resolution of the Tyumen City Administration dated November 2, 2015 No. 243-pk.

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Thus, filling out the procurement plan for 2018 and 2019 must be done in accordance with the rules of the law on the contract system and by-laws governing the procurement of a specific customer.

Approval of the procurement plan

Procurement planning for 2018 ends with the approval of the procurement plan and schedule with their subsequent publication in the unified information system. Such publication must be carried out according to the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168 within 3 days from the date of their approval.

So, the preparation of a procurement plan for 2018 ends with the approval of such a plan, which must be carried out within 10 working days from the moment:

  • bringing budget funds to government customers acting on behalf of Russia, its constituent entities or to municipal customers;
  • approval of the plan of financial and economic activity of a unitary enterprise or budgetary institution;
  • drawing up an agreement with an autonomous institution on the provision of subsidies for capital investments;
  • transfers Money budgetary and autonomous institutions to exercise the powers of the state customer delegated to them.

Completing the procurement plan for 2018

The form of the procurement plan for 2018 is established:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 552 - plan form for federal government customers;
  • normative act subject of the Russian Federation or municipality for regional and local customers.

Create a procurement plan for 2018–2020 based on the 2017–2019 plan. The parameters of 2018, the first year of the planning period, will become the parameters of the current financial year, and 2019, the second year of the planning period, will become the first year of the planning period. In addition, add parameters for the second year of the planning period - 2020.

Include information on the procedures in the procurement plan, the notice of which will be posted in the 2018 financial year and the planning period - 2019-2020. Take into account purchases from a single supplier with whom you plan to conclude contracts during the specified period. Expenses for salaries, contributions to the Pension and other funds, for the payment of fines, penalties, as well as expenses for payment of obligations under contracts concluded before 2018, do not include in the 2018–2020 procurement plan.

Procurements for which procedures took place in 2017 should not be included in the 2018 plans. Purchases that were listed in the 2017 plan as procedures that will be placed in the planning period - 2018 and 2019, are transferred to the 2018 plans unchanged with the same IKZ. Change payments if necessary.

In the procurement plan for the current year and planning period, indicate the year when the customer places the notice and the volume financial security in the context: current year, first year of the planning period, second and subsequent years. The current year is the year for which you are creating a purchase, for example 2018. The first year is the next year after the current one, for example 2019. The second year is the one following the first, for example 2020.

Each procurement in the procurement plan is assigned a procurement identification code. In the IKZ, digits 23–26 are the procurement number in the procurement plan. The numbering takes values ​​from 0001 to 9999. Numbering is assigned in ascending order within the year in which they plan to place a notice or conclude a contract. It follows from this that multi-year procurement is reflected once in the procurement plan of the year in which the notice is planned to be placed. The conclusion follows paragraph 5 of the Procedure, which was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in order No. 422 dated June 29, 2015, subparagraph “h” of paragraph 1 of the requirements that were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in resolution No. 1043.

When reflecting multi-year contracts in your procurement plan, follow three rules:

Rule 1. One purchase – one contract. If the contract requires multi-year payment, then within the purchase in the financing lines, indicate the amounts for three years at once; do not create separate purchases for 2019 and 2020.


Do not include accounts payable in your purchasing plan.

Rule 2. When you plan to conclude a contract every year, there should be as many purchases as there are contracts. Make purchases for each year separately. When you make a purchase for 2018, indicate the amount in the “Current Year” column, reflect the procedures for 2019 in the “First Year” field, and for 2020 in the “Second Year” field.

Rule 3. For small purchases, fill in the lines about purchases for each year to form an IPC for each year.

The procurement plan form for 2018 consists of 2 main parts: title page, which contains information about the government customer and places where you can approve the plan and tables with procurement objects.

Brief instructions for filling out the procurement plan for 2018:

1 Create and enter a procurement identification code into the plan;

2 Fill in the purpose of conducting a competitive procedure or issuing a government contract with a single supplier;

3 Enter the name of the public procurement object;

4 Write down the expected year of the procedure;

5 Enter the amount of financial support broken down for the current financial year and planning period;

6 Specify the frequency and timing of planned purchases;

7 When classifying the purchased work (goods, services) as innovative or technologically complex, put “yes” in the appropriate cell or “no” otherwise;

8 Put “yes” if there is a need for public discussion of government procurement or “no” when there is no such need;

9 When drawing up the plan, do not fill out the justification column for changes. It will need to be filled out when changes need to be made to the plan.

The procurement plan specifies the amount of funding for each year. As of January 1, 2018, changes come into force according to which the procurement plan must indicate a detailed volume of financial support for each budget classification code.

When to post the 2018 procurement plan

The procurement plan for 2018 is posted in the Unified Information System within three working days from the day the customer approved or changed it. Customers place procurement plans in the Unified Information System directly or through the Electronic Budget.

In what way and in what time frame to submit the GRBS procurement plan to the federal customer - on paper or through the “Electronic Budget”, check with the main manager. Since 2017, federal customers are required to formulate procurement plans and schedules first in the Electronic Budget system.

After the documents are verified by the Federal Treasury, they are automatically duplicated in the Unified Information System. However, Law No. 44-FZ and Resolution No. 552 do not contain instructions on how to submit draft procurement plans for approval (subparagraph “a”, paragraph 6 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2015 No. 1168).

Let’s say the manager clarified that the federal customer must submit a draft procurement plan through the “Electronic Budget” system. Create a procurement plan in the procurement management section of the Electronic Budget. To do this, log into your personal account on and fill out the plan form. From personal account submit the plan for approval by GRBS and place it in the EIS.

A lot of practical information on procurement plans for 2018-2020. you will find in the magazine ""

Purchases with financing in 2018 are planned to be placed in the Unified Information System in December 2017. Purchase data must be

Sometimes situations arise when additional conditions may be imposed: for example, the availability of resources, equipment to fulfill the contract, experience in the specified field, or the number of specialists with the required qualifications to perform the work. Also, the auction participant must provide a declaration of conformity (Clause 3-9, Part 1, Article 31 No. 44-FZ, you can view a sample form and download it here). Responsibility of participants The main reasons why a participant may be included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers:

  • avoidance of signing the contract by the winner of the procurement;
  • the customer's decision (during the procurement) to terminate the contract unilaterally.

In cases of violation of terms of payment for goods (services, works), the customer's official may be brought to administrative liability. Violation Penalty Primary violation of the deadline and procedure for payment from 30 thousand.

Procurement plan for 2018

Separately, it should be noted that for ease of compilation, there are specialized software packages. The use of such programs allows you to accurately generate a planning document, monitor budget compliance, and create various reports. Filling out the procurement plan for 2018: instructions Step 1.

The first four columns indicate serial number, identification number (it is formed according to the rules of Article 23 44-FZ, as well as Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 422 of June 29, 2015), as well as the purpose of the order (the name of the event and the expected result are filled in in accordance with Article 13 44-FZ) . Step 2. Columns 5 and 6 indicate the name of the object of the order, as well as the expected time of publishing a notice of the procedure, participating in the selection of a supplier, or concluding a contract with a single supplier.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2018

According to this norm, the organization must place the procurement schedule in the Unified Information System within a 3-day period from the date of its approval. In this case, the obligation to publish the document rests, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the specified rules, on the customer himself. Deadlines for posting the procurement plan for 2018–2019 under Federal Law No. 44 The exact date (deadline) for posting procurement schedules of organizations subject to Law No. 44-FZ is not expressly provided due to the peculiarities of their preparation.

However, this does not mean that customers have independence in this matter. Part 4 of Article 17 of the mentioned Federal Law states that the validity period of the procurement plan must coincide with the period of regulation of the Federal Law on the budget for the next financial year.

We approve the procurement plan under 44-FZ

How to process and account for purchases for 2018 in 2017

If, according to notices of procurement by competitive methods posted in the Unified Information System, contract execution is scheduled for the next 2018, use the following entries: In a government institution In a budgetary or autonomous institution Debit 1,501 23 XXX Credit 1,502 27 XXX Debit 0 506 20 XXX Credit 0 502 27 XXX Reflect the credit balance on account 502 27 in column 6 “Accepted liabilities” of Section 3 of the Report (0503128) for 2017 Reflect the credit balance on account 502 27 in column 5 “Accepted liabilities” of Section 3 of the Report (0503738) for 2017 4. B On the 1st working day of 2018, transfer the accepted obligations from account 502 27 to account 502 17. 5. Reflect the conclusion of the contract in accounting and reporting as follows: What we reflect In a government institution In a budgetary or autonomous institution Accounting Reporting Accounting Reporting Contract amount Debit 1,502 17 XXX Credit 1 502 11 XXX gr.
Section 8 1f. 0503128, gr.

When to post the procurement plan for 2018?

It will be possible to make changes to the drawn up and approved plan only if the price of the object changes, regulations or legislation are adjusted, as well as the procurement format changes (type of procedure, implementation deadlines, volume of purchased goods or work). Thus, in 2017, all customers will need to draw up a procurement plan for 2018 - 2020 and, based on it, develop a schedule for 2018 according to the updated rules. The legislator is confident that thanks to this it will be possible to eliminate the monopoly of individual enterprises, ensure an appropriate level of competition, and also make all transactions as transparent and understandable as possible.

Step-by-step completion of the procurement plan

The Federal Law, the procurement plan (PP) is drawn up taking into account the planned indicators for a three-year period and is posted in the open part of the UIS. Next, we will figure out who approves the procurement plan under 44-FZ and what is the procedure for its approval. Approval of a procurement plan under 44-FZ - basic rules The formation procedure is regulated by the provisions of Article 17 of 44-FZ.
The approval rules, in turn, are established by regulatory decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as by-laws of authorized bodies - representatives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 552 dated 06/05/2015 regulates the provision of needs and satisfaction of requirements for federal level financing;
  • RF PP No. 1043 dated November 21, 2013 - at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and territorial municipalities.

The PZ must be drawn up and executed in accordance with the norms of Article 17 44-FZ.
Regulated deadlines When planning its financial and economic activities for future financial periods, the Customer is obliged to comply with the following deadlines:

  1. The formation of a procurement plan and its submission for approval to the founder of the organization must be carried out no later than July 1.
  2. The organization must approve the procurement plan within ten days from the date of signing the financial and economic activity plan.
  3. Within three days from the date of approval of the procurement plan, it is necessary to place it in the Unified Information System.

Violation of the regulated deadlines is unacceptable. For this, penalties are imposed on the customer in accordance with the procedure established by law. Rules for drawing up a procurement plan The form for drawing up a procurement plan has also changed. Now filling it will require more effort and time than before.

Needs – what should be included in this concept? Services, works or goods necessary to carry out activities, to carry out government orders (government or president), etc. For example, participants contract system There may be specialized companies - Roscosmos, Rosatom. Important! Companies registered in offshore zones - countries with preferential tax regimes - are not allowed to purchase.

If previously customers formed a plan for the financial year, then from the beginning of 2016 they are required to do two-stage planning: a schedule and a procurement plan. The latter is formed for three years and is publicly available in the Unified Information System. It reflects all tenders that are planned to be held during the specified period.

When to post a 44 ap procurement plan for 2018

It is also worth focusing on the fact that there are two ways to fill out such documentation: you can independently fill out a form downloaded on the Internet; or you can use an application for this purpose, which can independently enter all the necessary data into the form (the application is freely available for download). A separate advantage in this case may be that after filling out the form, you can check it for errors using another established program - “Economy Expert”. What mistakes should you be aware of? Drawing up a purchasing plan is a rather labor-intensive task, and even a sample of a completed purchasing plan for 2018 does not always help, so it is worth paying some attention to the errors that sometimes arise when filling it out.