According to modern estimates, the age of the earth is. Unique living conditions. Excerpt characterizing the Age of the Earth

Earth is the third planet from the sun. One of the largest planets in the solar system. The only planet, according to scientists, on which intelligent life exists.

It is inhabited by more than 6 billion people. And more than a million other biological species.

But few scientists can answer one very simple, but incredibly complex and controversial question. How old is planet Earth?

Attempts to determine the age of our planet for many centuries have not given and continue to haunt scientists.

Some say that the Earth was formed about 4.54 billion years ago through evolution. Others call more modest figures - about 6-10 thousand years ago and tend to believe in the element of Creation! That someone (God, for example) or something created the earth.

The first, let's call them scientists-A, claim that in the distant past the planet Earth was a small star. The star roamed the expanses of the galaxy, gradually fading away. The more it faded, the more it lost its mass and energy, falling under the influence of other cosmic bodies. So she came under the influence of the Sun. And at some point it completely disintegrated, forming a gas and dust cloud.

After some time, a planet appeared in place of the cloud, which is now commonly called Earth. According to scientists, this happened 4.5-5 billion years ago. To substantiate their theory, they cite data from two main methods of radioisotope and geological dating.

The method of radioisotope (or radiometric) dating comes down to taking an object that contains some radioactive isotope (carbon-14, uranium-238, thulium-232, potassium-40) and examining the proportion of its decay. Knowing exactly the half-life of a given isotope, it is quite possible to calculate the age of the sample.

As for geological dating, everything is much simpler here. Soil, fossils and other fossils and specimens are examined.

The second researchers - scientists-B, cite arguments from the Bible in their favor.

After all, according to the Holy Scriptures, Adam (the first man) was created on the sixth day of the existence of our planet. Based on the calculation that there are 24 hours in a day, taking into account the genealogy of Adam and all his descendants recorded in the fifth and eleventh chapters of Genesis, as well as the chronology of his movement, we can with a high degree of probability say that the approximate age of our Earth is about 6-10 thousand years.

In addition, there are currently more than eighty various methods, used in geochronology (the science that deals with determining the age of the Earth), confirming the young, and not the billion-year-old age of the planet.

What is noteworthy is that geochronology is based on a very simple principle of the theory of evolution, which consists in the fact that the present is nothing more than the key to understanding the past. That is, if, for example, natural phenomena such as volcanic activity, the rise and fall of land occur in the present at a certain speed - there is high degree the likelihood that the same phenomena occurred at the same rate in the past.

Age of the Solar System

In this section we will examine the arguments of evolutionists and their creationist opponents regarding the age of the Earth. As you know, materialists estimate the age of our planet, as well as the entire solar system, in billions of years. A common figure is 4.5 billion years. But creationists are not sure about the venerable age of the Earth, because God did not need a huge period of time for creation. A number of creationists are convinced that the Bible is correct, and according to its chronology, the Earth and the Sun are approximately 6 thousand years old. There is a huge difference between 6,000 years and 4,500,000,000 years. Let's now look at the arguments from both of these sides.

The Big Bang Theory

There is a theory that the Universe is expanding. According to materialistic views, the Universe was formed billions of years ago as a result of a big bang. However, the explosion theory has obvious shortcomings. According to the law of conservation of angular inertia (conservation of angular momentum), after the explosion all its parts must rotate in one direction. However, Pluto, Uranus and Venus rotate in different directions; this proves that there was no explosion. In addition, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter have several moons that orbit their planets in different sides.

Meteor dust

Tens of thousands of tons of meteor dust fall to Earth every year. These tiny particles from outer space contain more than 2% nickel. If we calculate the amount of nickel in the ocean, where it comes directly from the atmosphere and where rivers bring it, washing it off the soil surface, we will see that there is little nickel there. A huge “shortage” of this element was also discovered in the earth’s crust, which over billions of years should have accumulated much more than what is available today. Creation scientists argue that, based on the amount of nickel in the soil and ocean, our planet is several thousand years old, not billions.

Comets. Oort cloud

Comets are fairly small astronomical bodies, up to several kilometers in diameter. Based on the big bang theory, their age should coincide with the age of the solar system, which, according to materialists, we recall, is 4.5 billion years.

Comets are made of ice, gases and grains of various metals; revolve around the Sun in elongated orbits. Passing near the Sun, these cosmic bodies, heating up, lose part of their mass, which, breaking away from the core, forms a trail called a tail. Naturally, due to such losses, the comet disappears over time - evaporates. According to scientists, a comet with a short rotation period only needs several thousand years to disappear. But for some reason solar system There are many comets, and the vast majority of them have not disappeared anywhere, which confirms the young age of our solar system.

To somehow explain this fact, material scientists suggested that there is a certain region that is “hidden” somewhere on the outskirts of the Solar system and periodically exposes new comets to our view. This imaginary part of the Universe was even given a name - the Oort cloud. And now materialists peer with faith into the sky, hoping to find there the “parent” of all comets.

Radiocarbon dating is wrong

Currently, to determine age archaeological finds Several methods are used, the most reliable of which is considered to be radiocarbon dating. However, even this most reliable method has huge errors. Thanks to the analysis of the data obtained, scientists realized that the rate of radioactive decay is not constant, as previously thought, since it is influenced by many external factors. This means that the “atomic clock” gets lost depending on external conditions.

Here are just some examples of dating with the “most accurate” method. Carbon-14 (14C) dating showed that the newly killed seal died 1,300 years ago; the shells of living snails were 27,000 years old; the age of a shell of a living mollusk is 2,300 years old, etc. In the Belt cave (Iran), the underlying layer is dated to be approximately 6,000 years old, and the overlying one is 8,500 years old. That is, the reverse sequence of layers is obtained, which, of course, is impossible. And there are many similar examples.

How can we explain this magnitude of error in the most accurate method?

Radioisotope dating

Regarding radioisotope dating there is no less problems. The essence of this method is that the number of atoms of a radioactive decaying element in a rock is compared with the number of atoms of a stable element resulting from its decay. Methods based on reactions are mainly used: uranium? lead; potassium? argon; rubidium? strontium.

Radioactive decay can be compared to an hourglass. However, this method has serious drawbacks: we cannot be sure of the constancy of the decay rate, since observations were carried out for less than 100 years, and scientists operate with an age of billions of years; the initial amount of the test substances in the sample is unknown; are not taken into account external factors, which could change the ratio of the chemical elements being studied and affect the reaction rate. All these reasons, both individually and in combination, can radically change the results of calculations.

It was found that the radioisotope dating method can lead to erroneous results hundreds of thousands of times! Creation geologists submitted samples for research whose age was known for certain. As a result of a study, rocks from a volcanic eruption that occurred in 1800 (that is, a little over two hundred years ago) in the Hawaiian Islands were erroneously dated to be between 22 million and 2 billion years old...

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening

According to observations, over the past one and a half hundred years, tension magnetic field The earth is declining. Since the German scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss began making these observations in 1845, it has decreased by 10%. It is reasonable to believe that tensions have eased before, although perhaps at a slower rate. That is, several tens of thousands of years ago, the planet’s magnetic field should have been much stronger, which would have made impossible life on the ground. This means that our planet is relatively young.

There is a theory among materialists that the weakening is due to the slow reversal of the poles: South Pole moves to the place of Northern, and vice versa. A number of researchers believe that magnetic reversal of polarity is not new for our planet and occurs without a certain periodicity...

Moon close to Earth

The Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth - at least 4 cm per year. This means she was closer before. As you know, the Moon is the cause of the ebb and flow of the tides. Millions of years ago, all the inhabitants of our planet would have died from frequent ebbs and flows, because water would have covered the entire Earth at least once a day. How were land animals able to survive?

It is known that during the decay of uranium, lead and helium are formed, which are released into the atmosphere. As the lightest gas, helium accumulates in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Over billions of years, it must have accumulated in huge quantities - hundreds of thousands of times more than today. This confirms that the age of our planet is calculated in thousands, not millions of years.

Ice rings do not show years

Today you can hear about dating the age of the Earth using ice rings. It is believed that in the Greenland ice sheet every year a dark ring is supposedly formed in the summer (snow melting), and a light ring (ice growth) in the winter. However, an incident that occurred during World War II refuted this hypothesis. The planes made an emergency landing in Greenland. When, 48 years later, an expedition was sent there to seize documents, the planes were buried under a large layer of ice - 75 m, that is, the build-up was about 1.67 m in 1 year. To get to the cars, a well was drilled, and then they discovered that the ice rings are not annual, like those of trees. It turned out that dark rings of glaciers are formed not in the summer, but during the thaw period, which can occur dozens of times a year.

Age of the coral reef

The largest coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef, is located in the Coral Sea on the northeast coast of Australia. It attracted attention after being partially destroyed during World War II. As is known, coral reefs are formed by living marine colonial invertebrate polyps with a calcareous skeleton. Therefore, after the destruction, the reef continued to grow. His “wounds” began to heal, and the growth rate began to be regularly monitored. Knowing the size of the reef and its growth rate, creationists were able to determine its full age - 4.5-5 thousand years. Material scientists estimate the age of the reef at 8 thousand years. Both dates are not far from the biblical chronology, but do not fit well into the theory of a billion-year-old planet.

Polonium radio halo

Radiohalos are visible traces (in the form of rings) that are left in a mineral by emitted alpha particles when a radioactive element decays. Geologists were very surprised when they examined the structure of granite through a microscope. In this solid material they discovered a radiohalo of polonium-218.

Polonium-218 (218Po), a product formed during the decay of uranium, has a very short half-life of only 3 minutes. Researchers have found it in huge quantities in granite on all continents...

Soil erosion

Many researchers believe that if our planet were several billion years old, its surface would have long ago become equal to sea level, because the earth is washed away by rain into the ocean. The process of soil destruction by winds, water and other natural factors is called erosion. But we still see mountains, hills and fells. This means that erosion occurs over a fairly short period of time.

Well-preserved coastlines also indicate the relatively recent division of one large continental mass into continents. Look at the form South America and Africa, they can still be “connected” (especially taking into account the shelf), like putting together a puzzle. But if we accept the theory of materialists, then in the hundreds of millions of years since the split (presumably 200–750 million years ago), erosion would have long ago eroded the coastlines.

Today, the rate of coastal erosion of the oceans (sliding, collapsing, washing away) varies in different places - from several tens of centimeters to several tens of meters per year. But even its lowest indicators do not fit into the multimillion-dollar age of the continents. For example, 10 cm x 1,000,000 years = 100 km. That is, in 200 million years, 20,000 km of land on each side should have disappeared. If we apply this calculation, then the modern map of the world should clearly look different: islands and peninsulas would have disappeared under the ocean water in hundreds of millions of years and the continents would have lost most of their land. Note that many countries invest a lot of money to strengthen their coastlines.

One more fact. Rain washes salts from the soil into the ocean. Today, the salinity of ocean water is only 3.2-3.5% (32-35 ppm). According to the calculated rate of salt accumulation, modern seas and oceans cannot possibly be billions of years old. Lakes, like seas and oceans, accumulate salts, but their salinity is low, which indicates their young age and indirectly confirms the young age of the Earth. Also, a number of scientists point to an insufficient amount of barium, cobalt, nickel, antimony and other chemical elements in the seas and oceans that enter there in more than are removed.

Geological column

The geological column as a sequence of layers of the Earth was proposed in early XIX century. Today, with its help, evolutionists are trying to explain the multi-billion-year age of our planet, during which these layers (layers) of the earth’s crust were supposedly formed.

However, this same geological column is evidence against evolution. The fact is that geological layers in the form in which they are presented on the geochronological scale generally accepted by materialists are extremely rare. In the vast majority of cases they are significantly mixed up and many are missing. According to geologist John Woodmorappe, 80 to 85% of the Earth's surface does not even have 3 geological periods, presented in the “correct” sequential order. Of course, material scientists are trying to explain this by the movement of layers as a result of the movement of layers of the earth. Such an argument could be accepted if this “confusion” of layers were rare. But, as noted, the situation looks exactly the opposite.

Often, as evidence of the great age of our planet, materialists demonstrate canyons - deep ravines, on the slopes of which layers of earth are clearly visible. In their opinion, such canyons were formed by rivers that long time flowed through one place and washed these ravines to a depth of several tens of meters to one and a half kilometers.

However, creationist geologists, on the contrary, see the canyons as confirmation of a grandiose catastrophe. For example, in the Grand Canyon in the USA at an altitude of more than 1.5 km you can find sea ​​shells, although this area is far from the ocean. By the way, the remains of marine life are found even on Everest - the most high mountain peace. This can only be explained by the fact that previously these earth layers were covered by sea water. It is also significant that the sandstone and limestone layers of the Grand Canyon contain breccias - pebbles from crumbled hard rock. They could appear inside the layers only as a result of a catastrophe and the subsequent “mixing” of the consequences of destruction. At the same time, the pebbles have sharp corners, and the oblong breccias are oriented in one direction. These facts prove that the breccias were in liquid medium, but not for a long time, since the water did not have time to “sharpen” their edges. It's obvious that this picture could well have formed after the retreat of the flood waters. In addition, the canyons contain sharp bends of parallel strata. It is very clear from them that the deformation occurred when the rocks were still unhardened and soft, since there are no large cracks, breaks or breaks in the places of bends.

Is it possible to think about the arguments presented here to the question: “How old is the earth?” declare with 100% conviction: “The age of the earth is 4.5 billion years”!?

We are unlikely to ever be able to answer this question accurately. For a long time, people have been interested in the question: “How old is the Earth?” The answers to this question have come to us in the form of myths, legends, and traditions. From a scientific point of view, scientists began to look for an answer a little more than four hundred years ago, when the heliocentric theory of the existence of the Solar system appeared and began to strengthen. To find out how old planet Earth is, you first had to answer the question: “How was the solar system formed, of which our planet Earth is considered one of the elements?” It is the third planet from the Sun. Currently, the most famous are two hypotheses for the appearance of the Sun and planets, which can tell us how old the Earth is .

The first, called the nebular hypothesis, states that before the formation of the solar system, there was a gigantic hot gas cloud in space, which decreased in size, throwing out huge clumps of gas. The gas cloud, decreasing in size, turned into the Sun, and huge clumps of gas, concentrating, turned into planets, one of which became our Earth.

Another theory, which also tried to clarify the question of how old the Earth is, is called planetesimal. According to this theory, before the appearance of the Sun and Earth in space, there were huge clusters of relatively small sizes relative to solids, which scientists call planetesimals, and the Sun was in the middle of this mass. When a large star flew near this cluster of bodies, parts of this mass were torn off under the influence of the massive star. These parts, in turn, began to attract small planetesimals. It's like how snow sticks to a big snowball in winter. So, according to this theory, planets appeared, and our Earth was among them.

We do not know which of these two theories is more correct, but regardless of this, astronomers, answering the question of how old the Earth is, calculated that it is approximately five and a half billion years old. But in science it is so accepted that in order to consider information true, confirmation from other sources is necessary. More accurate information was obtained using the radiometry method. According to these data, the age of the Earth was established as 4.54 billion years ±1%. As a result and the development of radiometric methods, it turned out that some mineral samples on Earth are more than one billion years old. Zircon crystals were found in Australia, the age of which was determined using this method and it turned out to be approximately 4 billion 404 million years! Based on these facts, as well as taking into account the mass and luminosity of the Sun and other stars, scientists have come to the conclusion that the age of the Solar System and, accordingly, the Earth cannot be much greater than the age of these crystals.

Meteorites contain nodules with a high content of calcium and aluminum. These are the oldest samples known to science formed in the solar system. Scientists estimate their age as 4.567 billion years. This will be the upper limit, which will help us answer the question of how old the Earth is.

Scientists suggest that approximately ten million years after the appearance of planet Earth, it acquired its own satellite - the Moon, which began to revolve around the Earth and at the same time influence the seas and oceans, the speed of rotation of our planet. At the same time, the tilt of the Earth's axis became constant.

Over the billions of years of existence, it has changed significantly, including due to the fall of meteorites, the largest of which could influence climate change on the planet, leading to the formation of lakes, islands and seas.

Almost every person, being an inhabitant of our planet, has wondered how old the Earth really is. For three centuries, great minds have put forward various theories about the beginning of the planet, supporting them with many experiments.

Methods for determining the age of the planet

There are completely opposite methods for determining the age of the Earth: creation (the planet was created by the Creator) and evolutionary, according to which it was formed as a result of long-term natural processes stretching over millions, or even billions of years. This version originated in the 18th century, with light hand French naturalist Georges - Louis Leclerc de Buffon.

He believed that the planet arose as a result of a stream of hot material formed from a comet flying out of the Sun. To confirm his theory, the scientist conducted experiments with iron and stone balls of different radii, noting their cooling time. In 1775, he announced the results: the approximate age of planet Earth was 75,000 years, from its origin to its present cooled state.

This is a “fruitful” 19th century

The 19th century became fruitful for a whole series of studies and experiments on an issue that worried many scientists: determining the age of the Earth. To do this, geological processes in the earth's crust, their duration, as well as the rate of rock accumulation were studied.

In 1862, in one of his speeches at a meeting of the Edinburgh Council, the British physicist Kelvin announced that the age of the Earth ranged from 20 to 400 million years. The scientist considered his work to be the most important contribution to science and was in agreement with Buffon on the issue of its initial molten state. Based on this assumption, using known value The melting temperatures of rocks and the rate of their cooling, according to Kelvin, can be used to calculate the time of formation of the earth's crust. Later Pierre Curie, awarded in 1903 with his wife Nobel Prize, discovered that during radioactive decay, electrons are released from atoms and energy is released in the form of heat, which slows down the cooling process of the Earth and, therefore, pushes back the beginning of its origin into the depths of centuries. Thus, Kelvin’s theory about the formation of the Earth, or rather its transition from a molten to a cooled state, has undergone changes.

The years 1895-1896 were marked by the discovery of X-rays and radiation from uranium.

The study of this phenomenon, begun by Antoine Becquerel, a French physicist, and continued by the Curies, was called the phenomenon of radioactivity.

The theory of radioactive decay is the basis for calculating the age of the planet

1897 is famous for Joseph John Thomson's discovery of the electron; In 1902, British physicists Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy put forward the theory of radioactive decay, which became the basis for the study of the atom and its energy and made a real revolution in science. Scientists have stated that during the process of radioactive decay, elements are capable of transforming into one another: uranium transforms into radium, from which radon gas is ultimately formed. Frederick Soddy, continuing his research, added that in addition to unstable radon, helium is also released. The rate of formation of this substance and measurements of it and uranium in rocks made it possible to calculate the duration of helium accumulation, and therefore the age of the rock, expressed in a numerical value of 40 million years. True, Robert Strutt, a physics teacher at the Royal College of Science in London, found an error in this theory: helium gas can seep through the rock. This means that only part of the helium was measured and the previously calculated age of planet Earth was underestimated. Continue research in in this direction Strutt suggested it to his student, Arthur Holmes.

The latter took as a basis the work of Bertram Boltwood, an American chemist who noticed the presence of large quantity lead, which may be the final link in the decay chain of uranium. Holmes, when studying 17 different minerals, only confirmed this assumption, which allowed him to develop a reliable method by which one can almost accurately determine the age of the Earth. This method is successfully used in various variations to this day.

The oldest rock in the studied samples existed for 1.64 billion years, so the Earth must be older. Due to the rejection of such a crazy figure by the majority of scientists who trusted Kelvin and his theory, it was determined that the age of the Earth is 370 million years. Moreover, Holmes himself understood that some amount of lead could have been present on the planet initially.

Holmes' work was successfully continued in 1938 by Alfred Nir, a promising young physicist. Having discovered 3 known isotopes: 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb, which are of radiogenic origin, he identified the fourth - 204Pb, which was missing in the lead-uranium puzzle. This allowed the scientist to begin developing a geochronological time scale, which was previously facilitated by a series of precise experiments to determine the age various breeds geological formations. One of the minerals studied was 2.48 billion years old.

Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer, indicated the age of the Universe at 1.8 billion years, which contradicted Nir's version, since the Earth cannot be older. Holmes, who accepted Alfred Neer's theory, even acquired one of the first calculating machines, with the help of which he calculated a more accurate age of the planet Earth - 3.015 billion years.

How old is the planet: determining age by salt accumulation

At the same time, scientists tried to study the question that worried everyone by measuring the rate of accumulation in sea water of salt carried by rivers from eroded rocks. If we assume that the oceans were originally filled with fresh water, we can calculate the time it took for them to be filled with salt to their present state. This method, tested in 1715 by Halley, an English astronomer, presented many difficulties and was characterized by a large range of acceptable values: from 90 to 350 million years, making it impossible to accurately determine the age of the Earth.

The most common versions of determining the age of the Earth

There are other versions of determining the age of the Earth, according to which it is young and arose no more than 6000 years ago. Numerous factors form the basis for this bold judgment.

A magnetic field whose strength drops by half every 1400 years. Based on simple calculations, it can be determined that the age of the Earth is about 10,000 years, since the strength of its magnetic field will be unacceptably large.

Soil erosion is the process of destruction by various natural factors: wind, water, etc.

At a millionth age, the Earth's surface would be equal to sea level due to the fact that soil is washed into the ocean by rain. Since mountains, hills and hills exist to this day, therefore, land erosion occurs in a relatively short time. Coastlines, well preserved, also indicate the recent division of a continuous continental mass into continents. The rate of coastal erosion of the oceans varies (from a few centimeters to several meters per year), but even the most minimal indicator does not indicate that the age of the Earth is millions of years. For example: 10 cm * 1,000,000 years = 100 km. That is, over 200 million years, the land should have become poorer by 20,000 km of coastline on each side. A modern map of the world, when applying this calculation, would have to look different, without islands and peninsulas that, in theory, disappeared under the thickness of the ocean waters.

Canyons as evidence of the age of the Earth

Canyons are deep ravines with clearly visible layers of the earth. Often used in science as convincing evidence of the significant age of the planet.

According to scientists, these reliefs were formed by rivers that flowed through a certain place for a long time and washed these ravines to a considerable depth: from several meters to one and a half kilometers. Creationists completely disagree with the materialists, who believe that this picture was formed as a result of the retreat of waters after global flood. Proof of this is the sea shells found in this area (which are found even on Everest) and breccias - pebbles from crushed hard rocks that could have appeared as a result of a catastrophe and mixing of destroyed layers.

Cosmic dust confirms Earth's youth

Tens of tons of cosmic dust penetrate from space into the Earth's atmosphere. What is surprising is that it is quite difficult to detect in interplanetary space due to its insignificant size; dust particles are even subject to pressure from solar rays.

According to rough estimates, every thousand years the surface of the planet increases in radius by 3 millimeters due to interplanetary phenomena. Of course, there are factors such as wind and human activity. But this in no way contributes to the disappearance of dust, it simply moves from place to place. If we assume that the age of planet Earth is several million years, then its surface would be covered with a huge layer of it (up to tens of meters in height). In addition, there would be significant deposits of nickel in the earth's crust, the content of which in meteoric dust is approximately 2.8%. Based on these assumptions, the age of the Earth is about 6000 - 7000 years.

Comet. The core of this celestial body is like a large lump of frozen mud-like mass, which, as it approaches the Sun, is scattered by the solar wind, expropriated into the tail. This leads to its gradual destruction until it disappears. Time full turn of this cosmic body around the Sun is called the period of revolution. A short period is considered to be up to 150 years, which according to the time frame is a lifespan of no more than 10,000 years. According to scientists, all comets revolve around the Sun and are part of an integral system, which indicates that they are the same age. Therefore, the solar system, including planet Earth, is no more than 10,000 years old.

Determining the age of the Earth from its satellite

The age of the moon, upon departure to which the American spaceship there was concern that it might be absorbed in meteor dust, which also raises questions. The reason for this: the theory of evolution, which suggests that the Moon, like the Earth, formed billions of years ago. Upon reaching the lunar surface by the crew, it turned out that the layer of dust was very thin, therefore, the age of the Earth’s satellite was relatively young - no more than 6000 years. The beginning of the formation of our planet can also be judged by the annual distance of the Moon from it, which is approximately 4 cm. If the Moon were billions of years old and located very close to the Earth, then the ebb and flow of the tides would occur on the Earth twice a day, covering it completely . Accordingly, existence in these conditions would be unacceptable for living organisms. In addition, significant reserves of short-lived isotopes have been identified on the Moon: uranium - 236 and thorium - 230.

Biblical Approach

A biblical approach that confirms the relatively young age of life on Earth. If you focus on chronological tables The First Book of Kings, Exodus and the Book of Genesis, that Adam was created approximately 6 thousand years ago, on the 6th day after the appearance of the Earth. In other words, the Earth and Adam were created almost simultaneously, which completely rejects the question of its evolution and indicates the age of man on earth. Those who believe in the evolutionary development of the planet hold on to their prejudices; otherwise one would have to admit the existence of a Creator. From the very first verse, the Bible strives to provide historically accurate information; after all, if biblical story will not be true, then theology will be subject to doubt. One of the ways that the Bible can prove that history is correct is by accurately indicating the lifespans of individuals, as well as historical periods. According to the constructed chronology of events of long past years, it can be established that in this moment we live around 6165.

James Ussher - Archbishop of the Church of England, Irish scholar of the 17th century, placing the appearance of all the characters in the Old Testament in chronological order, in 1654, concluded that the earth and heaven were created on October 23, 4004 BC. These studies would have remained little known if not for the enterprise of a certain Thomas Guy, a merchant who began printing a version of the Bible due to the increased demand for a cheap edition. It was precisely this that included Ashsher’s chronology, displayed in the margins.

According to Chinese myths, our planet is destroyed and reborn every 23 million years; Hindu mythology suggests that the Earth is 2 billion years old. Moreover, she also believes that the Earth will exist for another 2.32 billion years. The total period of -4.32 billion years is called the “day of Brahma”. At the moment of its end, the planet will simply disappear, disintegrate into small particles, as they say: go into a state of rest, after which it will be reborn again.

A deceptive version of “ice rings”

Previously, there was a right to exist version that made it possible to determine the exact age of the Earth from ice rings; Every year in the summer, the melting of snow gives a dark ring, and the build-up of snow cover in the winter gives a light ring. An episode that occurred during the Second World War, in which planes were forced to land in Greenland, refuted this hypothesis. In 1990, 48 years later, an expedition sent to seize important documents contained in them found the cars buried under a 75-meter layer of ice. The drilled well showed that the ice rings do not correspond to annual patterns, because the dark layers were formed during warm weather, which can change several times throughout the year.

The Great Barrier Reef, impressive in size, is located on our planet in the Coral Sea on the Australian coast.

It suffered partial destruction during the Second World War, which attracted public attention. It is known that coral reefs are formed by invertebrate polyps with a calcareous skeleton. Then the reef began to gradually overgrow, and the rate of its growth began to be regularly monitored by scientists, which was the basis for determining its full age, and, accordingly, the age of the Earth, about 5,000 - 8,000 years.

The minds of many scientists and ordinary people The question has long been haunted by the question: “What is the age of the Earth”? At the moment, the most popular method of finding fossils is radiocarbon dating. But even this most reliable method has significant errors. Behind Lately scientists realized that speed is influenced by many factors, so it is impossible to take it as a constant. There are also many other theories that are accepted, but they need to be evaluated only in conjunction with other facts related to the theory of creation and evolution.

Magnetic field strength

Observations have shown that over the past 1400 years, the level of our planet has fallen by half. Based on such data, a simple calculation can be made, which shows that the age of the Earth is no more than 10 thousand years.

“Punctured” layers of the earth. Coal, peat and oil

Often in earthen sections you can come across vertically located tree trunks, as well as other fossils that “penetrate” several layers of the earth at once. This fact suggests that there was a flood, and the trees sank with their rhizomes down.

It is worth noting that most of existing minerals became the product of the flood. So coal, oil and peat indicate major disaster. Both are organic matter that ended up in one place and were compressed under the influence of temperature and pressure. It's hard to imagine how all this was created over the course of many years. Rather, it could have been a large flood, as a result of which trees, grass and other living organisms accumulated at some point, where they were covered with heavy rocks and pressed down by a large thickness of water.

Soil erosion

Scientists believe that if the age of the Earth is in the millions, then the earth's surface should have already become equal to sea level, since the Earth, under the influence of rain, is gradually washed into the ocean, forming a phenomenon such as a landslide. Then why is there only 3.6% of all salt in the oceans, because over millions of years everything should have been washed into water bodies by rain?

The astronauts of the first American spacecraft seriously feared that they might get lost in meteor dust, since, according to the generally accepted theory of evolution, the Moon was formed two to three billion years ago, simultaneously with the Earth. This assumption led to the completely logical assumption that a huge amount of cosmic dust had accumulated. But the arriving astronauts found a very small layer of dust. Calculations have shown that the age of the Moon cannot exceed 10 thousand years.

Low helium content

It has been proven that the decay of uranium produces helium nuclei and lead. The amount of helium released into the atmosphere is 300 thousand tons per year. To date, it has been proven that the atmosphere is saturated with a little more than 3 billion tons of helium, which indicates that the age of the Earth is unlikely to exceed 10 thousand years.

Dinosaurs are good witnesses

The bones of many fossil dinosaurs have not yet fossilized. Due to their special thickness, they most likely lacked several thousand years for complete mineralization. Sometimes there were bones with remains of soft tissue and even red blood cells. There are also a huge number of images various types dinosaurs carved on cobblestones and rocks, which indicates the existence of people at that moment. Why do scientists not deviate from their theory that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, and continue to claim that the age of the Earth is more than one billion years old?

As evidence, one can also recall the many tales and legends in which dragons participate. Most likely, these dragons were gradually dying out

Of course, there is still a lot of different evidence that the age of planet Earth cannot be calculated in billions of years. Moreover, most of the scientifically proven facts are roughly comparable to the scriptures presented in the Bible. But at the moment, researchers of this question are not yet able to give a more or less specific answer to this question, since neither modern technology, nor various theories provide such a possibility.