Step by step drawing of a swan. How to draw a swan step by step with a pencil. Standing on my feet

Zoya Reasonable

Dear friends, good time days.

Situations happen to us when children ask you for something, but you don’t know how to do it, so you have to search, find, learn.

So my children asked me to teach them how to draw a swan. This one is the most beautiful and graceful bird always arouses interest, and many want to understand how to draw it.

I also tried to draw a swan and bring to your attention a master class.

Maybe my master class will be useful to some of you.

Necessary materials:


Simple pencil

Multi-colored pencils, paints and markers

We make light strokes with a pencil, thus outlining the outline of the bird’s head.

The swan is a graceful bird, so the width of the neck should match the head.

In no case should it be made too wide or too narrow.

Draw a wing to the swan's neck.

Draw the tail.

We denote water with thin lines.

Let's draw a beak to the head. Draw the eye and the mask that connects the beak and the eye.

We draw feathers on the tail and wing of the swan.

To finish the drawing and for our bird to shine in all its glory, you need to color it with colored pencils or felt-tip pens. In my case, I used felt-tip pens and a simple pencil.

We outline the swan around the office with a black felt-tip pen, making notches.

We will also color the swan's eye and mask with a black felt-tip pen so that the eye stands out, leaving a small space without coloring.

To color the swan's beak we will use an orange marker.

In some places we apply strokes to the swan's feathers with a simple pencil.

Color the water with a blue felt-tip pen.

When coloring a swan you can use watercolor paints or gouache.

Dear friends, thank you for your attention and support!

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The swan is a sign of fidelity and purity. Drawing gentle and devoted swans is a pleasure! We offer step by step drawing for beginning artists! To get started, let's stock up on the following tools:

  • A simple sharpened pencil.
  • An eraser.
  • White sheet of paper.

How to draw a swan floating on the waves

  • We draw the body of a swan - draw an oval, sharpen the tip towards the end of the figure, this is the origin of the bird's tail.
  • Draw a neat little swan head at the top of the picture, leaving space for a graceful neck.
  • The swan's neck is thinner towards the head and widens with a beautiful bend towards the body.
  • We draw a beak, with the help of it the bird feeds, it should be sharp.
  • Using the diagram, we obtained the outlines of the swan figure, now to get a beautiful silhouette, erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser.
  • The wings of a swan consist of layers of feathers, we denote them with triangles.
  • The swan's tail is its pride! Raise the feathers up and remove unnecessary lines.
  • Using smooth lines we separate the part of the head for the small eyes.
  • Use wavy lines to complete the beautiful wings of the swan, giving them splendor. Draw the spreading waves in which the swan splashes.

How to draw a swan from number 2

  • Number 2 is similar in its curve to the long neck of a swan; try to make a smooth bend, lengthening it towards the bottom.
  • From the beginning of the curl, draw a parallel, identical line, repeating the bend of the first one with precision. Our neck is ready! Draw a small eye, draw a straight line from the center at an angle downwards, which will become the beginning of the swan's beak.
  • We begin to form the silhouette of the wings; the more beautiful the wave, the more voluminous the swan’s wing will be.
  • The most interesting part of the work has arrived - draw beautiful feathers on the swan’s wings, depicting as many of them as you wish. Behind the wing, mark a small tail raised up.
  • Let’s finish drawing the head – draw a circle on the eye, decorating it with emphasized eyeliner on top. Draw the beak with a voluminous triangle with wavy edges, shade the connection lines with short, small strokes.
  • The final part - finish drawing the swan’s foot, draw the remaining feathers and draw the waves, using small strokes to depict a slight chill on them.

How to draw a swan with a dove

In the center of the sheet, draw a horizontal and vertical axis that will serve as mirror image. When drawing shapes on one axis, display the entire copy on the other.

  • Schematically depict the torso and head in the form of an oval and a circle.
  • Use arcuate lines to connect the head and torso, duplicating all the shapes on both sides.
  • Draw the wings of the swans, raising them up, depicting a “winged heart” with your appearance. Round the contour of the body, and draw sharp tails under the wings.
  • Erase the lines that interfere with the connection of the wings and body.
  • Draw the feathers of the swans and outline the beak, make it downward in the form of a smile.
  • The axis can be erased. We complete the bottom row of wings with smooth triangles, draw the eyes and finish forming the beak.
  • Place the swans' beaks on the upper edges of the heart. Draw light outlines of the water.

If you wish, you can color the resulting drawings with paints, colored pens or felt-tip pens. The beauty of these amazing birds will be emphasized by outlining the outline with sparkles!

So, today you will learn how to draw a swan step by step with a pencil for beginners, you will see the most important points in this drawing, and also learn a lot. Of the flying creatures, before this master class, we only depicted. This lesson is about the same complexity and has a similar workload for students.

The important points are the neck and its correct bend; you need to do everything correctly, as well as correct proportions. It is also very important to create beautiful head with a beak, since it should not be large and naturally small. We will draw the swan from the side, its wings folded, as if it is swimming on water. I chose not the most difficult lesson with a swan, so for beginners there will be no difficulties.

The swan is a noble animal, very beautiful and gentle, so almost all the lines will be rounded, we do not draw sharp corners, only one at the back. Also try to create the feathers on the wings in the same way, so that all the rounded arches are the same.

We will start with the initial bend of the neck. You need to immediately set a smooth line. This line is very similar to the deuce. It's rounded at the top and looks like a checkmark at the bottom.

Now we don’t touch the head, but we need to draw part of the torso. We depict part of the wings, this is at the top. There is one small arc from the neck, and then the wing itself comes. We also extend the lower part of the body, but just a little.

Draw the wings to the end. We make feathers at the back, and a wavy line of three parts at the bottom. The very back part is slightly pointed.

In the fifth step we will finish drawing the head. There the eye needs to be enlarged and a small eyebrow made above it. But the most important thing is the beak, don’t make it too big, it won’t be beautiful. The beak should be elongated; a line drawn from the very beginning divides it in half. We sketch out the edges and the beginning of the beak a little.

Drawing swans with gouache. Master class with step by step photos

Drawing with gouache "Swan fidelity". Master class with step-by-step photos

Yakovleva Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher visual arts MAOU secondary school 73 "Lira" Tyumen
Description: this master class will be useful for fine arts teachers, educators additional education artistic and aesthetic orientation, as well as creative people.
Purpose: Use in drawing classes, interior decoration or as a gift.
Target: creating a composition of a pair of swans on a pond in gouache.
Tasks: improve your skills in working with gouache
learn to draw swans
promote the development of creative abilities
develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing
bring up careful attitude to nature
maintain an interest in fine arts
Materials: gouache, sheet of A-3 size watercolor paper, synthetic brushes, palette, water jar

Before starting work, you can listen to Evgeny Martynov’s song “Swan Fidelity”.
Here is the text:
Swans were flying above the ground
On a sunny day,
They were light and happy
Together in the sky.
And the earth seemed gentle
And in this moment,
Suddenly someone shot at the birds
And a scream broke out.
What's wrong with you, my love?
Call back quickly
Without your love
The sky is getting sadder.
Where are you, my beloved,
Come back soon
With its tender beauty
Warm my heart.
He was looking for a girlfriend in the sky,
Called from the nest
But she answered with silence
The bird is in trouble.
Fly to distant lands
Swan couldn't
Having lost a faithful friend,
He became lonely.
Forgive me, my love,
For someone else's evil
What is my wing
Happiness did not save.
Forgive me, my love,
What a spring day
In the sky blue, as before,
We can't be together.
And it was irreparable
This trouble
That you won't meet your friend
He never.
The swan rose again to the cloud,
I interrupted the song.
And, fearlessly folding his wings,
He fell to the ground.
I want swans to live
And from the white flocks,
And from white flocks
The world has become kinder.
Let swans fly across the sky
Above my land
Fly above my destiny
To the bright world of people.

Sequence of work:

We place the sheet horizontally. We outline the horizon line.

Tinting the sky: a lot of white and quite a bit of blue and burgundy

We tint the background of the water: white with the addition of blue, green and purple. And we do a stretch from light to dark. Let it dry.

Slightly below the middle of the sheet, outline the silhouettes of swans in white

Make the shadows blue.

Add burgundy to white and apply on top with strokes of a thin brush

We also add shadows: white with blue and purple. Under the swans there is a shadow of blue, purple with the addition of brown

Particular attention to beaks. First we draw in red

Then black

On the right in the background, using an almost dry brush, we paint the grass and its reflection: green with the addition of blue and ocher

On the left there is longer grass and separate blades of grass

Also on the left we draw thin stalks of tall blades of grass and leaves on them

Now the simplest thing is to draw the leaves of the water lilies at your discretion in the shape of ovals. Just pay attention: in front (below) the leaves are large and darker, the farther away, the smaller and lighter and different shades green: add light and dark yellow, ocher, brown, blue

We use blue and brown (resulting in grey) thin lines to “draw” the lower part of the water lilies. They turn out more voluminous. And here on the right we additionally draw another grass in green and dark blue. Use the same color to add shadows on the left

Using white strokes we draw water lilies. There is more ahead, the further, the less

Centers yellow

Add more blades of grass at the bottom of the leaf.

On the water lilies we outline the shadows with light blue. Dark green blades of grass in the background can also be “muted” with the same color.
Our work is ready!

I hope that the work will be beneficial professionally or creative activity, and the result will not disappoint!
I wish everyone good luck!


The beauty of nature is perfect. And although much passes by our eyes unnoticed, something is sure to fascinate for a long time. But there are also wonderful phenomena that remain in our memory and heart forever. Today we will learn how to draw a swan, a bird that is a symbol of fidelity, tenderness and purity.

Swans are very beautiful and graceful birds, their body consists of graceful curves and smooth shapes. Clean, white plumage gives their image a special noble charm. The word “swan” itself has meanings: white, shiny, sparkling. The image of a swan is well recognized in different corners peace.

Compound Forms

In order to draw a swan with a pencil correctly, it is important, observing the proportions, to emphasize simple shapes his body.

Basic distinctive feature What makes this bird different from others is its long neck, it is much longer than that of ducks.

Let's look at the bird and try to determine the main shapes that make up its body. Everything is simple here: head, neck, torso, wings. The legs are very short in relation to the fairly large body, and in most cases they are very difficult to see, so we will miss them.

Ovals and beautiful curves will help us schematically depict this bird.

  • head - oval,
  • neck - two elongated curves,
  • the body is a large oval,
  • wings - triangles or trapezoids with smooth lines and rounded edges

How to draw beautiful eyes

In a calm position on the water, these creatures resemble bright white clouds.


The main details in the appearance of this bird are in the head area. More precisely, it is a bright beak and eyes. Since there are several varieties of these birds in nature, the shape and color of their beaks differ.

The head of all species is simple oval in shape, only in some the hump above the beak is more prominent, and in others less so.


Most often the head of swans is drawn in profile, so we will start from this angle.

The illustration below shows how to draw a swan's head in different positions(on an elongated and curved neck).

How to draw bright lips

Nose eye and ear

In all birds, the nostrils, eyes and ear (a small strip concave inward near the eye) are on the same line. This is very important for creating a believable drawing. In the illustration below you can see what we're talking about. A straight line is drawn from the nostril to the center of the eye and further, to the bird’s ear, and only then all the details are drawn.

Let's pay a little attention to the swan's eye, since it is well-designed here. Eye black, framed thin eyelids, which are a little lighter in tone.

This picture shows what types of beaks swans have.


Drawing the frontal view is a little more difficult, since it is unusual to look at these birds from this angle.

Drawing an apple and other fruits


There are seven species of swans in the world, therefore, there are some small differences between them, the most noticeable being the color: white - black. They also differ in size. Some species have a longer and thinner neck, others, on the contrary, have a thicker neck and a decent weight of up to 15 kg. Despite its habitat, color and size, a swan is always easy to recognize; its long neck gives it away.

The length of the neck is approximately four heads (we do not take into account the beak). In some positions, it appears shorter. For example, when curved like a question mark, part of it is hidden in the body and among the lush plumage. On the contrary, when a bird takes off rapidly and is simply in flight, the neck appears longer than usual. Take these features into account.

How to draw a rose with a pencil

Bird in motion

Drawing a swan with folded wings is simple, since its body has a simple oval shape; for believability, it will be enough to outline the feathers with a few strokes and draw out a small tail.

It is a little more difficult to draw a bird with spread wings, since they are very large and powerful and reach 2 meters in span.

In flight

Drawing a person's nose

Standing on my feet

One of the characteristic positions in which these birds are sometimes depicted is in profile with their wings spread and tilted back.

  • In order to draw a bird in this position, you need to show the curve of its body from head to tail with a curve. We build shapes around the curve: head, neck, torso, we also need to designate the shape of the wings.
  • At the second stage, we clarify all the shapes, draw the beak, eye, tail and legs.

Particular attention will have to be paid to the fluffy wings. At the tips of the wing there are long and strong flight feathers, above them the coverts are whiter, short and rounded. The closer the feather is to the wing body, the smaller it is.

Wings spread

In order to draw a bird floating towards us with its wings spread, you need:

Drawing an elephant

Video tutorial

Watch the video tutorial on how to draw a swan step by step with a pencil:

Works for inspiration

I am sure that you will find a huge number of stories for inspiration on the Internet. Here are the ones I especially liked:

Coles Phillips, early XIX century

A. A. Rylov, 1918 "In the blue expanse"