Proverbs about horses in the Bashkir language. Bashkir proverbs and sayings

Wisdom, reaching us through centuries in the form of oral legends, is a grandiose repository of the memory of our ancestors. Folklore called to teach children and instruct adults. Bashkir proverbs occupy a special place in Russian culture. They, like fairy tales, are humorous, but at the same time filled with deepest meaning. Many of them were translated into Russian and took root in it.

The place of the proverb in the Bashkir language

Unlike other speech patterns, proverbs are used by a person in speech constantly, in various situations. They decorate speech and help convey ideas more clearly to the interlocutor. It’s not for nothing that the Bashkir language has the following saying: “ The beard adorns the chin, and the tongue adorns proverbs.". Sayings of this Turkic people famous for their double allegorical meaning. For example: " If you're running from smoke, don't fall into fire". The saying has hidden meaning and it can be interpreted this way: by running away from problems, don’t get into big trouble. Proverbs and sayings tell through language about the main aspects of human life: friendship, culture, love, hospitality, work. Folding like a mosaic into big picture worldview.

Bashkir proverbs about friendship

Friendship takes special place in the life of Bashkirs. A lot has been written about her:

Bashkir proverbs about hospitality

It has long been known that the Bashkir people treat hospitality as a duty. The owner of the house must envelop the guest with care. Due to the fact that special attention is paid to sharing food, many proverbs in the Bashkir language focus on treating guests:

Proverbs about work

Work occupies a special place in life. For hardworking people, as well as for lazy people, there are special concepts in the Turkic language:

  • Tyryshҡan tabyr, tashҡa ҡaҙaҡ ҡagyr. Where a diligent person advances, fire burns. Proverbs, Bashkir ones in particular, cannot be taken literally. This statement has a metaphorical meaning and means that a person accustomed to work can do anything.
  • Yalҡau yatyr erҙen yaylyһyn gailar. The lazy person is looking for a better place to settle down. It means that lazy people avoid work. They are looking for profit everywhere.
  • Yalҡauҙyң aty la aҙymһyҙ bu¬lyr. U lazy person even the horse is lazy. This means that everyone is lazy around a quitter.
  • Ungan keshe ҡyldy ҡyҙgҡka yaryr. A diligent person can cut a hair into forty pieces. A craftsman is always a master of his craft.

Bashkir proverbs about language

The meaning of the word in the Bashkir language has a special meaning:

  • Tele barҙyn ile bar. He who has a tongue has a homeland. This means that those who know their language will not lose their roots.
  • Әitkәn hyҙ - atkan uk. The word is spoken - the arrow is released. The implication is that a spoken word can hurt another person as much as an arrow.
  • Uҙ agarta, uҙ karalai. What is said will whiten, what is said will denigrate. This means that the word can be used both to help and to harm.

Proverbs about man and his place in the world

Proverbs and sayings often express a person’s attitude to life, the world around him and his position in this world:

  • Men kon kүlәgә bulyp yөrөgәnse, ber kөn keshe bulyuyn, yҡshy. It is better to become a man for one day than to be a shadow for a thousand. Here we're talking about O positive qualities of people.
  • Keshe - keshegә ish, haiuan - haiuanga ish. A person must be a person, an animal must be an animal. For the Bashkirs, a person is a living being, an animal is not. Therefore, animals can be hunted, but man must be a hunter. The superiority of humans over animals is expressed.

An important addition to a person’s speech are proverbs; Bashkir ones often have practical meaning. They are used in basic areas of life, such as love, freedom, work, friendship, knowledge. They allow you to understand not just the language, but also the soul Bashkir people.

2. Abyngan һөrөngәndәn kөlә.
The pot laughs at the cauldron, and both are black.

3. Abynmaҫ ayak bulmaҫ, yarylmaҫ tayaҡ bulmaҫ.
And the stumble lives on a good horse.
4. Aғas alamaһy – botaҡly, әҙәм alamaһy – ҡorһаҡly.
5. Aғas bashyn ate butai, әҙәm bashyn tel butai.One word means a quarrel forever.
6. Aғas kүrke – yapraҡ, әҙәm kүrke – seprәk.
Dress up a stump on a spring day, and the stump will be handsome.
7. Aғas tamyrina ҡarap үҫә.
As is the root, so is the offspring.
8. Agasyna karata baltagy.
Woodworking and an axe.
9. Aғyu menәn daryu ber zattan.
Medicine is the same as poison.
10. Аҙаҡ – tutly ҡаҙаҡ.
Then - soup with a cat.
11. Aҙnaһyna bish yoma.
Seven Fridays a week.
12. Aҙyҡly at arymaҫ.
It's not the horse that's carrying the food.
13. Aҙyҡ mulda bismilla artyn ҡyҫa.
He who does not know need forgets God.
14. Ay bulmakha, yondoҙ bar.
There is no sun, but the moon still shines.
15. Ay kүrҙe, ҡoyash aldy.
Was, but floated away.
16. Ai үtә, yyl үtә, ai әylәnә, kөn үtә.
God doesn't have long, but we have it right away.
17. Ayһyҙ atty, yylһyҙ ҡatyndy maҡtama.
Praise your horse in a month, and your wife in a year.
18. Ayyntyn uyynda – ѫerekten telendi.
What is on a sober person's mind, is on the tongue of a drunk person.
19. Aiyrylgan aiyuga, bulengan buregyulygyr.
A separated sheep is a gain for the wolf.
20. Ayyuҙan ҡasҡan buregә. (Һыуҙан сҡҡAN, utҡa tөshkәn.)
He ran from the wolf and attacked the bear.
21. Aiyugan ҡurҡҡan urmanga barmagan. (Sinertkәnәn ҡurҡҡan igen ikmәgәn.)
To be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
22. Ayyuҙy la beyerә өyrәtәlәr.
And they teach the bear to dance.
23. Ayyu sәmlәnһә, ҡoralayҙy baҫtyryr.
Enthusiasm does not require strength.

24. Ay yaҡtyһy ҡauyshtyrmaҫ, ҡoyash nury ҡyuandyrmaҫ.
If the moon doesn't make friends, then the sun won't bring you together either.
25. Aҡ kүrgәndә yotop ҡal.
Cut and eat while they put it on.
26. Aҡ ҡityndynң ese boҙ, ҡaraҡaiҙynң ese kүҙ.
The poppy is black and sweet, the radish is white and bitter.
27. Aҡty ҡaraityуы ңел.
White is easy to tarnish.
28. Aҡһаҡ ULTырмаҫ, һаҡ how tik tormҫ.
The dumb will not be silent, the lame will not sit down.
29. Aҡyl – Altyn.
Mind-mind is more valuable than gold.
30. Aҡyllyғa ym da etә. (Agyllyga – ishara.)
A hint to the wise, a push to the stupid.
31. Aҡylly uylap ultyrgansy, iҫәr eshen botөrgan.
With the mind we will think, but without the mind we will do it.
32. Aҡylһyҙ aҡyryp aldyryr.
Fools take it by the throat.
33. Aҡylyndy өskә bүl: beren һөylә, ikeһe estә torһon.
Not everything is out loud.
34. Aҡ et bәlәһe ҡara etkә.
They beat Foma for Eremin's guilt.
35. Ala karkha alasagyn bulgyn.
God doesn't owe a debt to God.
36. Alagy la, golagy la – zamana balahy.
As are the eyelids, so are the children.

37. Alganga alty la aҙ, birgәngә bish tә kүp.
Six is ​​not enough for the taker, five is too much for the giver.
38. Alganda – bismillah, birganda – әstәғәfirulla.
So the saintly matchmaker will borrow, but even the devil’s brother will borrow.
39. Aldyңdan artyң yaҡshy.
Here's God, here's your threshold.
40. Aldyryr kon yaҙҙyryr.
I didn’t think, I didn’t wonder how I got into trouble.
41. Alyot yuldash bulmaҫ, ishәk mondash bulmaҫ.
A fool is not a companion, a donkey is not an adviser.
42. Alma agasynan alyҫ tөshmәy.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
43. Alma besh, ayҙyma tosh.
Apple, hurry up, get into your mouth.
44. Altyla bash bulmagan, altmyshta la yash bulyr.
What you didn’t learn when you were young, you won’t know when you’re old.
45. Altylagy – altmyshta.
Both born and frozen.
46. ​​Altyn-komөsh yaugan erҙәn, tyugan-үҫkәn il yaҡshy.
The native side is a cradle, the foreign side is a leaky trough.

47. Alyҫtagy doshmandan andyp yөrөgәn duҫ yaman.
The enemy is not formidable behind the mountains, but more formidable behind us.
48. Alysh-biresh – artga tibesh.
Bargaining is a pit: if you fall, you will be lost.
49. Aptyragan ҡatyn abyshҡakhyn atay tigan.
If you live, you will call Kuzma your father.
50. Aptyragan өyrәk arty menәn kүlgә sumgan.
I stood on my thoughts like I was on a pitchfork.

51. Aralar tynys bula, gailә ҡoros bula.
What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?
52. Arba menan ҡuyan ҡyugan.
I chased a hare on a cart.
53. Argy yakta alabay, birge yakta yalagay.
He would love from the front, but he would kill from behind.
54. Arҡandyn оҙоно, һүҙҙең ҡыҫҡаһы ыҡшы.
A long rope is good, but a short speech.
55. Artҡy aҡylғa whom dә bye.
Everyone is rich in hindsight.
56. Artyҡ aҡyl bash tishәr.
They go crazy because of their big mind.
57. Artyҡ attyn arty kin.
The poorer, the more generous.
58. Aryҡ yoҡo tәmle bula.
Sleep is sweet for the carefree and weary.
59. Arysh sәsһәң – kolgә sәs, boyҙai sәsһәң – boҙga sәs.
This rye is in ash, and the wheat is in season.
60. As keshenen has keshe yaman.
A well-fed wolf is more humble than an envious person.
61. As tamagym, tynys ҡolagym.
Better bread and water than pie with misfortune.
62. Astyn kүҙe ikmәktә, tuҡtyn kүҙe hikmәtә.
The well-fed have fun, but the hungry have bread on their minds.
63. As khalen tuҡ belmәy.
The well-fed cannot understand the hungry.
64. Asyҡ ishekte shaҡyp kermәyҙәr.
IN open door don't break.
65. Asyҡ ta tishek, tәҙrә lә ishek.
Covered by the sky, fenced in by the wind.

66. Asyu bashy – yүlәrlek, аҙағы – үkenep үlәrlek.
An angry person will die - no one will stop him.
67. Asyu – bysaҡ, aҡyl – tayaҡ.
Anger is no help.
68. Aҫtyndagyn alty ay eҙlәgan.
He sits on a horse and looks for a horse.
69. Aҫtyrtyn et өrmәy teshlәy.
The silent dog stealthily grabs.
70. Aҫyl һөyәk ҙur bulmaҫ, ҡaiҙa barһa – hur bulmaҫ.
Small spool but precious.

71. Ata balahy hata bulmay.
A good father has good children.
72. At aҙgyny taiga eyәrә.
In all years, but not in all minds.

73. Atay bulmay, atayyn ҡәҙeren belmәҫһen.
You will not experience need, and you will not honor your father.

74. At aҡtyғy ilgә bүre kilterә.
The crow crowed trouble.

75. At alһan, arba karak: ҡatyn alһan, baryһy la karak.
Get married, don't be lazy.

76. Ata menәn әsә - altyn ҡanat.
Parents are virtues.

77. At asyuyn arbanan algan.
Unable to cope with the mare, but on the shafts.

78. Ata ulyn, ana ҡyҙyn belmәy.
And you won’t suddenly know what’s going on around you.

79. At aunagan erҙә tok ҡala.
Where the horse rides, there the wool will remain.

80. Attacks bolan almagandyn balaky ҡolan almag.
Like the tree, like the wedge: like the father, like the son. (Who is from whom, is in that.)

81. Ataky ғәraytle bulһa, uly ғғайрәтлълһа.
As are the guys, so are the children.

82. Atanan kurgan – uҡ yungan, Asәnan kurgan – tun beskәn.
They learn to sew fur coats from their mother, and to sharpen onions from their father.

83. At ayagyna at baҫmay.
A dog won't step on a dog's tail.

84. At birһәң – үler, tun birһәң – tҙyr, ә yakshylyҡ baryһyn da uҙyr.
If you give a horse, it will die, if you give a fur coat, it will wear out, but the good will survive everything.

85. At dagalaganda baqa boton qyҫtyrgan.
The horse is forged, and the toad puts its paws on it.

86. At keүek eshlay, at keүek yryldai.
Aches like a horse, growls like a dog.

87.At keshnәshep, keshe һөylәshep tanysha.
He always smells his own.

88. Atҡa mengas, atakyn tanymagan.
I climbed into wealth and forgot my brotherhood.

89. Atmagan ҡuyan, aҫmagan ҡaҙan.
The bear is in the forest, and the skin is sold.

90. Atta la bar, tәrtәlә lә bar.
The bear was wrong for killing the goat, and the goat was wrong for going into the forest.

91. Attan ala la, kola la tyua.
The family has its black sheep. (With just one feather a bird will not be born.)

92. Attan toshөp, ishәakkә atlanmaiҙar.
From mares to nags.

93. At tartmaha, arba barmay.
The horse doesn't move, and the cart stays still.

94. At – teshenәn, eget eshenәn bildele.
A horse is recognized by its teeth, a man by his deeds.

95. Attyn dilbegһe kemdә - baryr yuly shunda.
Whose horse is whose cart.

96. Atym yug aranda, kaigym yug buranda.
No firewood, no splinter, I live without grief.

97. Atyna kүrә sanaһy, maҡsatyna kүrә saraһy.
As are the sleighs, so are the shafts.

98. Atyna karama, zatyna karama.
Don't look at the name, look at the bird.

99. Atyn urlatҡas, һarayyn biklәgan.
The sleigh is intact, but the horses are missing.

100. Atyңdan alda yүgәneңde еҙлә.
First get a barn, and then some animals.

101. At әylәnep tөyәgen tabyr.
And the horse rushes to its side.

102. At yafakhyn khaban belie.
The horse knows the severity of the collar.

103. Auan auga barkha, au ga gauga syga.
Everything is not to please the freak.

104. Auyҙ – ҡolaҡta, ҡolaҡ – yyrҡta.
Mouth to ears, even sew a frog.

105. Auyҙy beshkan өrөp eser.
If you burn yourself on the milk, you will start blowing on the water.

106. Auyҙyn asһa, үpkәһe үrenә.
Goal like a falcon.

107. Auyrtan erҙәn ҡul kitmәy.
Where it hurts, there is a hand, where it is sweet, there are eyes. (Whoever is in pain talks about it.)

108. Auyrtan bashka – thaw timer.
There was no sadness, but the devils were pumped up.

109. Auyrymaҫ tәn bulmaҫ.
There can be no health without illness.

110. Auyryu kitһә lә, ғәҙәт kitmәay.
The disease goes away, but the habit never does.

111. Auyryu khalen һau belmәҫ. (As khalen tuҡ belmәy.)
The healthy person does not understand the patient.

112. Ahmaҡ duҫtan aҡylly doshman artyҡ.
Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, but be afraid of a stupid friend.

113. Ashagan belmai, turagan belә. (Ҡapҡan belmәy, tapҡan belә.)
They don’t talk about what they ate, but about where they put the crust.

114. Ashagan tabagyna tokormә.
Don't spit in the well, you'll need to drink the water.

115. Ash aldynda bash eyeli.
And the dog humbles himself before the bread.

116. Ashap tuymaganda yalap tuymaҫһyn.
If you can't eat enough with a spoon, you can't get enough with your tongue.

117. Asharyn ashagan, yashәren yashәgan.
His song is finished.

118. Ash atҡanga tash atma.
Good is not answered with evil.

119. Ash – ashkha, uryn bashkha.
A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.

120. Ashҡa la bar ber sama.
Honey is sweet in moderation. Know in moderation in everything.

121. Ashtyn mayy, һүҙҙең yayy bula.
Not every word is a line.

122. Ashtyn tame khuzhanan.
The food tastes good with the host.

123. Ashy bulmagas, ҡalaғy nimәgә.
What's the use of a spoon if there's nothing to slurp?

124. Ashyҡҡan – ashҡa beshkan.
If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

125. Ashyҡҡan menәn bulmay. boyorgan menen bula.
Take your time, pray to God first.

126. Ashyҡһaң yes, ҡabalanma.
Hurry up without rushing. (Don’t rush, just hurry up.)

127. Ashyn bulma la, ҡashyn bulyn.
Don’t feed it with kalach, but meet it with an open soul.

128. Ashyңdy birgas, ҡashyndy yyyyrma.
Rather than reproach, it is better not to give.

129. Ash yanynda at һymaҡ, ash yanynda at һymaҡ.
Eager for lunch, lazy for work.

130. Ayak-kulyn өҙөlһә lә, өmөtөң өҙөlmәһen.
Pound, fight, and still hope.

. Baylyҡ bashi – ber ҡҙыҡ.
Wealth begins with a needle.

2. Baylyҡ – ber ailyҡ, aҡyl – mangelek.
Wealth lasts for an hour, but intelligence lasts forever.

3. Bayram ashy – kar karshy.
Bread and salt payment is red.

4. Baҡa, yylan ber kүldә, ikeһe lә ber telә.
Radish horseradish is no sweeter, devil's devil is no better.

5. Bala bagyuy – yylan agyuy.
Raising children is not enough to count chickens.

6. Bala baldan tatly.
A child is sweeter than honey.

7. Bala bar yorta ser yatmay.
Where there are children, there is no gossip.

8.Bala bәlәkәyҙә - belәkkә kөs, ҙurayғas – yөrәkә kөs.
Small children are heavy on the knees, big at heart.

9. Bala zamanina ҡarap tyua.
As are the eyelids, so are the children.

10. Bala kүңele – аҡ ҡағыз.
A child's soul is like a fresh furrow: what goes around comes around.

11. Balaly keshe – in bye keshe.
He who has children has berries.

12. Balaly өy – baҙar, balaһyҙ өy – maҙar.
A house without children is a grave, a house with children is a bazaar.

13. Bala sak – points sak.
The golden time is young years.

14. Bala tykhan, bashtan ty.
Punish children when they are young.

15. Balaһyҙ ber ilay, balaly un ilay.
Without children, grief is twice as much.

16. Balaүҙ ғүmer – һүngәn үmer.
Living without children is nothing but smoke.

17. Points һүҙ bash әylәnderә.
A flatterer under words is a snake under flowers.

18. Balta-bysaҡ teimәgәn, tumyrgan da һөyәganәn.
A blunder and a ship.

19. Baltana karap agas khayla.
By ax and toproishe.

20. Bal tәmle tip barmaҡty teshlәp bulmay.
The eye sees, but the tooth numbs.

21. Balyҡ birһәң, bәylәp bir, bashyn-kүҙen saynәp bir.
Give me an egg, and a flaky one at that.

22. Balyk layly er eҙlәy, әҙәm yayly er eҙlәy.
The fish looks where it is deeper, the person where it is better.

23. Balyҡsy ҡulyna – ҡarmaҡ.
For the fisherman - and a fishing rod.

24. Balyҡ totң, bashynan tot.
Take the bull by the horns.

25. Bar ine shәp saҡtar, keҫә tuly borsaҡtar.
It was time, and we ate the seed.

26. Bar yylga la ber yaka amay.
Not all rivers flow in one direction.

27. Barmaҡ araһyna it үrmәy.
Meat does not grow between the fingers.

28. Barmaҡtyң ҡaiһyһyn tešlәһәң dә auyrta.
No matter what finger you bite, everything hurts.

29. Bars – bergә, yuғy – urtaҡ.
What is there - together, what is not - in half.

30. Bars menen bayram, gyny menen sairan.
The richer you are, the happier you are.

31. Bar yanyna bar hyya.
The stock in the bag is not damaged.

32. Bar yarashtyra, yug talashtyra.
Need grieves, need fights.

33. Batyrga la yal karak.
And the governor needs peace.

34. Batyr uleme bisanan.
He swam across the sea and drowned in a puddle.

35. Bashҡa bәlә tөshmәy aҡyl kermay.
When trouble comes, you will buy your mind.

36. Bashlangan esh – botkan esh.
Down and Out trouble started.

37. Bashlausyһy bulһa, ҡеүәтләүсеүе тула.
There would be a singer, but there would be echoes.

38. Bashlyҡ bulң, bashly bul, yiyyrylmaҫ ҡashly bul.
If you can't handle yourself, you won't be able to handle others.

39. Bashty tashҡa orop bulmay.
Don't hit your head on the corner.

40. Bash һau bulһa, burek tabylyr.
If there was a head, there would be a hat.

41. Bashyna toshһә, baganaga la selam bireren.
If you live forever, you will bow to the boar. You will also bow at the cat’s feet.

42. Beҙ ҡapsyҡta yatmay.
Murder will out.

43. Belmaganden belige tynys.
And deaf and dumb, we know no sin. What I don’t know, I don’t miss.

44. Belmәayem – ber һүҙ, belim – menң һүҙ.
The dunno sits at home, and the know-it-all is taken to court.

45. Belmәү ғәyep үgel, belerә telәmәү ғәayep.
Ignorance is not a vice, but unwillingness to know is a vice.

46. ​​Belage bar berҙe yygyr, beleme bar meңde yygyr.
You can defeat one with your hand, but you can defeat thousands with your head.

47. Ber aҡyl – yarty aҡyl, ike aҡyl – ber aҡyl.
One mind is half a mind, two minds are a mind. A mind is good, two is better.

48. Ber atyuҙa ike ҡuyan.
Beat seven in one fell swoop.

49. Ber ayagyn atlagansy, ikensehen et ashay.
The snail is moving, someday it will be.

50. Ber boҙoҡ alma botә toҡto seretә.
One black sheep spoils the whole flock.

51. Ber bulgyn, beregayle bulgyn.
Rarely and accurately. Less is more.

52. Berense ir – allanan, ikenseһe – bәndәnәn, өсөнөһө – shaitandan.
The first husband is from God, the second is from man, the third is from Satan.

53. Take care of the tarta mәғripkә, take care of the tarta mәshriҡҡa.
One pulls the mane, the other pulls the tail.

54. Ber yyl bүҙәnә һimerһә, ber yyl tartay һimerә.
Time up the hill, time down the hole.

55. Ber yashlektә, ber ҡartlyҡta.
Youth is not without stupidity, old age is not without stupidity. Gray hair in the beard, and a demon in the rib.

56. Ber ҡaҙangа ike tәkә bashi һyymay.
Two sheep's heads don't fit into one pot.

57. Ber karyn mayҙy ber ҡomalaҡ seretә.
A fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.

58. Ber ҡatlylyҡ burlyҡtan yaman.
Simplicity is worse than theft.

59. Ber katyn aldynda ikensehen maktama.
Do not remember a bald person in front of a bald guest.

60. Ber ҡyshҡa (yylga) ҡuyan sarygy la syҙagan.
The skin of a hare will last one winter.

61. Ber olono, ber kesene tynla.
Be big and listen to the smaller ones.

62. Ber rәkhmat menң bәlәnәn ҡotҡaryr.
One thank you is worth a thousand troubles.

63. Ber tirenen tun bulmay.
You can’t make a fur coat from just one sheepskin.

64. Ber hata ikensehen tarta.
One linden tree begets another.

65. Ber eshsegә un bashsy.
One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.

66. Berәүgә berәү kәrәk, ҡyyyshҡa terәү kәrәk.
Support on a support.

67. Berek kaigyky.
Flood for ships, sand for cranes.

68. Take ҡaray tamasha, take ҡaray alasha.
Who cares, but the chicken is millet.

69. Ber yaҡshyga ber shaҡshy.
Not all crucian carp, there are also ruffs.

August 15, 2017

Wisdom, reaching us through centuries in the form of oral legends, is a grandiose repository of the memory of our ancestors. Folklore is intended to teach children and instruct adults. Bashkir proverbs occupy a special place in Russian culture. They, like fairy tales, are humorous, but at the same time filled with the deepest meaning. Many of them were translated into Russian and took root in it.

The place of the proverb in the Bashkir language

Unlike other speech patterns, proverbs are used by a person in speech constantly, in various situations. They decorate speech and help convey ideas more clearly to the interlocutor. It’s not for nothing that the Bashkir language has the following saying: “ The beard adorns the chin, and the tongue adorns proverbs.". The sayings of this Turkic people are famous for their double allegorical meaning. For example: " If you're running from smoke, don't fall into fire". The saying has a hidden meaning and can be interpreted as follows: by running away from problems, do not get into big trouble. Proverbs and sayings through language tell about the main aspects of human life: friendship, culture, love, hospitality, work. Folding together like a mosaic, general picture of the worldview.

Bashkir proverbs about friendship

Friendship occupies a special place in the life of Bashkirs. There are many interesting proverbs about her:

Video on the topic

Bashkir proverbs about hospitality

It has long been known that the Bashkir people treat hospitality as a duty. The owner of the house must envelop the guest with care. Due to the fact that special attention is paid to sharing food, many proverbs in the Bashkir language focus on treating guests:

Proverbs about work

Labor occupies a special place in the life of the Bashkir people. For hardworking people, as well as for lazy people, there are special concepts in the Turkic language:

  • Tyryshҡan tabyr, tashҡa ҡaҙaҡ ҡagyr. Where a diligent person advances, fire burns. Proverbs, Bashkir ones in particular, cannot be taken literally. This statement has a metaphorical meaning and means that a person accustomed to work can do anything.
  • Yalҡau yatyr erҙen yaylyһyn gailar. The lazy person is looking for a better place to settle down. It means that lazy people avoid work. They are looking for profit everywhere.
  • Yalҡauҙyң aty la aҙymһyҙ bu¬lyr. Even a lazy man's horse is lazy. This means that everyone is lazy around a quitter.
  • Ungan keshe ҡyldy ҡyҙgҡka yaryr. A diligent person can cut a hair into forty pieces. A craftsman is always a master of his craft.

Bashkir proverbs about language

The meaning of the word in the Bashkir language has a special meaning:

  • Tele barҙyn ile bar. He who has a tongue has a homeland. This means that those who know their language will not lose their roots.
  • Әitkәn hyҙ - atkan uk. The word is spoken - the arrow is released. The implication is that a spoken word can hurt another person as much as an arrow.
  • Uҙ agarta, uҙ karalai. What is said will whiten, what is said will denigrate. This means that the word can be used both to help and to harm.

Proverbs about man and his place in the world

Proverbs and sayings often express a person’s attitude to life, the world around him and his position in this world:

  • Men kon kүlәgә bulyp yөrөgәnse, ber kөn keshe bulyuyn, yҡshy. It is better to become a man for one day than to be a shadow for a thousand. Here we are talking about the positive qualities of people.
  • Keshe - keshegә ish, haiuan - haiuanga ish. A person must be a person, an animal must be an animal. For the Bashkirs, a person is a living being, an animal is not. Therefore, animals can be hunted, but man must be a hunter. The superiority of humans over animals is expressed.

An important addition to a person’s speech are proverbs; Bashkir ones often have practical meaning. They are used in basic areas of life, such as love, freedom, work, friendship, knowledge. They allow you to understand not just the language, but also the soul of the Bashkir people.