Sentences with wish in English. Constructions with the verb wish (want, desire)

Verb wish often causes difficulties for English learners due to its ambiguity. In this article we will look at the rules of its use and example sentences.

1. to wish - to wish (for someone something)

One of the common uses of the verb wish is congratulations, or more precisely, wishes. You probably remember the line from the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

I wish you luck.- Good luck.

The Union wishes the elected President every success. — The Union wishes elected president every success.

I’ve come to wish you a happy birthday. — I came to congratulate you on your birthday. (=to wish you have a good day birth).

2. turn “wish + past simple/past perfect” - regret about something

Design wish + (that) + past simple used when we regret something or wish things had been different.

I wish (that) I had a big house.- It's a pity that I don't have big house (I would like to have a big house, but I don't have one).

I wish you didn't have to go so soon.“I wish you didn’t have to leave so soon.” (It's a shame you're leaving so quickly).

I wish that we didn't need to work today.“I wish we didn’t have to work today.” (It's a pity that I have to work today).

Do you wish you lived near the sea?— Would you like to live near the sea? (Do you regret not living near the sea?)

I wish (that) I could drive.— I would like to be able to drive a car. (It's a pity that I can't).

Don't confuse wish with a verb hope! We don't use wish when we talk about events that are possible in the future:

I hope that you pass your exam. — I hope you pass the exam.

If we regret something in past, then instead of the past simple is used past perfect:

I wish I had studied harder at school.“I should have done better at school.” (I didn’t do this and now I regret it).

It was a stupid thing to say. I wish I hadn't said it. - It was very stupid. I wish I hadn't said that. (I regret saying that).

I heard the party was great. I wish I could have gone. — They say the party was cool. It's a pity that I couldn't come.

3. design wish… (that) would

This phrase is used to express dissatisfaction. In simple words when we want to complain. When we don't like something and want it to change.

I wish that the neighbors would be quiet!- I wish the neighbors would be quiet! (But they are noisy.)

The phone has been ringing for five minutes. I wish somebody would answer it.— The phone has been ringing for five minutes. At least someone would answer the phone already.

I wish that it would stop raining!- If only the rain would stop pouring!

In previous sentences I wish can be translated as “I would like.” Like here:

I wish somebody would buy me a car.— I would like someone to buy me a car. (I wish someone would buy me a car.)

Or you can use wish+wouldn’t:

I wish you wouldn't keep interrupting me.“I wouldn’t want you to keep interrupting me.”

At all wish can be used to mean “want” or “would like”, but in more formal situations:

I wish to speak to the headmaster.— I would like to talk to the director.

I wish these people to leave.“I want these people to leave.”

I do not wish you to publish this article.— I would not like you to publish this article.

In English, sentences with the I wish construction cause difficulties. The rules will help you understand the peculiarities of using this phrase.

When starting to study this construction, you need to know the types. Repeat them before getting acquainted with this expression.

Literary translation of I wish from English into Russian - “I’m sorry.” However, when we say I wish, it is literally translated as “I wish.” For example, I wish my Mom were here - I wish my mother was here (It’s a pity that my mother is not here).

Regret about events in the present

Let's say we want to say that we regret something we did in the present tense, and we want the result to be different.

For this there is the following rule: I wish + verb in Past Simple.

Remember that the verb to be will be used in the form were(even with a third person subject)! Learn this rule: I wish I were/she were/he were/it were.

Imagine the situation: today a student is performing at a school concert. Any child will expect his parents to come and look at him. But suddenly it turns out that mom and dad couldn’t take time off from work and come watch the concert. When you come home, you can express your regret:

  • I wish you, Mom and Dad, were at the school concert today. - What a pity that you, mom and dad, weren’t at the school concert today. (I wish you were at the school concert today).

Please note that the event has already occurred, but the moment in time - today - has not yet expired. And if the event happened yesterday, then the moment has passed, so another time will be used with the I wish construction. You will learn the rule in English for the past tense further.

Notice that the English sentence is affirmative, and the Russian one is negative. It is because of this difference that confusion arises: you begin to remember how to say in your native language, making a mistake in speech.

Regret about past events

What if we regret some past events? To do this, the second part uses a verb in tense Past Perfect, it is also called the antecedent.

For clarity, we will use the same example, just change it a little. Imagine that the school concert was on Friday, and on the weekend you have to go to your grandmother. Returning home and seeing your parents, express your regret that two days ago they could not get to the concert:

  • I wish you, Mom and Dad, had been at the school concert two days ago - What a pity that you, Mom and Dad, were not at the school concert two days ago.

You wish it were different, but this cannot be changed: the event was in the past.

Expressing dissatisfaction with I wish

But when expressing dissatisfaction, they use the expression “I wish smb would...”. What’s interesting is that you can blame everyone but yourself with this phrase. That is, the expression “I wish I would” does not exist!

By saying this phrase, you show your irritation with what is happening. Imagine that you are preparing for important exams, and your younger brother, for example, is running around the house and making noise. Tell him:

  • I wish you would be quiet! I have an important exam tomorrow! - Could you be quieter?! I have an important exam tomorrow! (I wish you would be quieter).

Expressing helplessness using the phrase I wish

Just imagine: you’ve been sick for a week, but you need to find out your homework. We called our desk neighbor, but it turns out he forgot to write it down and couldn’t help. In this case, it is appropriate to express your regret like this:

  • I wish you could know our homework assignment. - It’s a pity that you don’t know what we were assigned (I want you to know our homework).

Usage rule: I wish + could + infinitive. Please note that the particle to is omitted.

If only: regret about events in the present

To express regret, we can replace the phrase I wish - If only with another expression. The rules will be slightly different. Let's try to understand the difference in usage.

If only is used to emphasize the unreality of desire. When you want to change something, but it is impossible:

  • If only I weren't so frustrated. - If I weren't so depressed now. (I regret that I'm depressed right now, in the present).
  • If only it weren't snowing. - If it weren't snowing now. (It's coming now, but I don't want it).
  • If only she weren't so rude with him. - If only she weren't so rude with him. (She's being rude to him now, but I don't want it to be that way).
  • If only I had this phone. - If only I had this phone. (I need him at this moment).

This phrase expresses a stronger emotion than the phrase I wish. It shows hopelessness, the inability to change anything.

The grammar in the sentence will be the same as in the sentence I wish: If only + Past Simple (verb in the second form).

However, note that an affirmative sentence in Russian will be affirmative in English, unlike a sentence starting with I wish. Negative will be negative.

If only: regret about the past

When we want to show our regret for events that happened in the past, we use Time Past Perfect (had + verb in third form):

  • If only I hadn't chattered like a magpie (stable expression; what matters is to chatter like a magpie)! - Oh, if only I hadn’t chatted like a magpie then! (I regret that I chatted then, but that can’t change now )
  • If only I had had a bicycle. - Oh, if only I had a bicycle then! (I needed it a long time ago, not now)
  • If only my grandmother had won that musical contest! - Oh, if only my grandmother hadn’t won this one back then. musical competition! (I regret that she won then)
  • If only she had read this article! - Oh, if only she had read this article then! (Then it would have been good for her, but now everything would be different)


To express regret about something at a given time, we use the simple past tense: If only + Past Simple (verb in the second form according to the table of irregular verbs).

To express regret about something that happened in the past, you need to use the past completed tense: If only + Past Perfect (had + verb in the third form in the same tablet).

Replacing If only with I wish

It is allowed to replace the phrase If only with I wish. This will not change the semantic load of the sentence. See for yourself:

  • I wish I weren't so frustrated. - If only I weren't so depressed right now.
  • I wish it weren't snowing. - If it weren't snowing now.
  • I wish she weren't so rude with him. - If only she hadn't been so rude to him.
  • I wish I had this phone. - If only I had this phone.

And in the past tense:

  • I wish I hadn’t chattered like a magpie (stable expression; it means to chatter like a magpie)! - Oh, if only I hadn’t chatted like a magpie then!
  • I wish I had a bicycle. - Oh, if only I had a bicycle!
  • I wish my grandmother had won that musical contest! - Oh, if only my grandmother had not won this music competition then!
  • I wish she had read this article! - Oh, if only she had read this article then!

We see that the structure of the sentence remains almost unchanged. The phrase If only is replaced by the phrase I wish, and the rest of the sentence remains unchanged.

Examples of If only/I wish with translation: present tense

Let's try to trace the use of I wish/If only in the present tense using examples:

  • I wish I visited the exhibition, you had told me about today. - What a pity that today I did not visit the exhibition you told me about.
  • I wish she didn't forget about today's meeting. - What a pity that she forgot about today's meeting.
  • I wish our teacher didn't fall ill and came. - How sorry I am that our teacher got sick today and didn’t come.
  • I wish my sister's cat didn't disappear. She"s so worried. - What a pity that my sister’s cat disappeared today. She is very worried.
  • If only it didn't rain cats and dogs. - Oh, if only there wasn't such a downpour today (rain cats and dogs - it matters - heavy downpour, pouring like buckets)
  • If only my mother didn't forbid me from going to the cinema. - Oh, if only my mother didn't forbid me to go to the cinema today.
  • If only I knew the answer to the question. - Oh, if only I knew the answer to this question!
  • If only I could repair cars! - Oh, if only I could fix cars!

Examples of I wish/If only with translation: past tense

Now look at examples of using these phrases in the past tense:

  • I wish we had met in the cafe then. - I’m sorry that we didn’t meet in the cafe then.
  • I wish she had understood what I had meant. “I’m sorry that she didn’t understand what I meant then.”
  • I wish her brother had won those contest. - I'm sorry that her brother didn't win that competition.
  • I wish she had rallied her thoughts and got a good mark at the exam. - I’m sorry that she couldn’t concentrate on the exam and get a good grade.
  • If only I had learned this rule. - If only I had learned this rule then.
  • If only we had kept an eye for him. “If only we had kept an eye on him then.”
  • If only we had ticked him off the list. “If only we could cross him off the list.”
  • If only I hadn't cheated so obviously at the exam. - If only I hadn't cheated so openly on the exam then.
  • If only I hadn't got "2" in Maths. - If only I hadn't gotten a D in math.
  • If only he hadn't taken my favorite shirt to the dry cleaners. - If only he hadn't given my favorite shirt to this dry cleaner.

Do you have difficulty remembering the I wish structure? The rules for using this expression are easy to remember if you write a few sentences every day. Even if the sentences are simple, don't be discouraged! The main thing is to consolidate the grammatical structure in your head.

Say out loud the sentences you wrote down. Soon you will be able to come up with them yourself without writing them first. And do the exercises: the more you write, the faster and better you remember.

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Nothing expresses regret better than . So today we will learn how to regret properly. In fact, sentences that begin with wish are classified as conditional (the rules are very reminiscent I And II Conditions). But still this different types conditional offers. Below we will figure out what's what.

Sentences with wish in English. Rules

As well as the option with if, sentences with wish in English have two parts. The first one, as you may have guessed, is the one in which wish. And the second part is another full sentence. Only now, it just can’t appear in it present simple. The timing will depend on what we regret. Let's look at two examples.

I wish my parents were here. “It’s a pity that my parents aren’t here.”

I wish my parents had come to the party. - It's a pity that my parents didn't come to the party.

As in the first sentence, if we regret something that relates to the present or future, then we need to apply past simple or past continuous(to emphasize duration). When we are talking about something that has already happened, the rule changes: in subordinate clause should appear past perfect.

Surely you noticed that the meaning English sentences different from Russian. This happens due to different perceptions of the world. In the native language it sounds “sorry”, but in English it literally means “I want” or “I would like”. Due to the different beginning, the second part of the phrase also undergoes changes. You wouldn't say, "I wish my parents didn't come to the party," would you? That is, it turns out that in English version Russian negative sentence with wish will turn into positive and vice versa. Let's try to clear up the confusion with the help of examples.

Conditional sentences with wish. Examples

Please note the following conditional sentences with wish.



I wish I could speak Italian.

It's a pity that I can't speak Italian.

I wish he had never phoned her.

It's a shame he called her.

I wish Bob brought me some flowers.

It's a pity that Bob didn't bring me any flowers.

I wish his sister visited us this summer.

It's a pity that his sister won't come this summer.

I wish they hadn't done this.

It's a shame they did this.

In order to understand and start using the I wish construction in English, I recommend that you first learn the construction and nature of conditional sentences - and also understand the nuances - The phrase "I wish" in itself means that the speaker expresses wish. For example, I wish John were here. - a statement that John is not here, and the speaker wishes that he was here. (Translation: "It's a shame John isn't here.")

I wish in English
wish + past simple

- a desire for something to be different in the present
(the speaker wants the action performed in the present to be different, different)

I wish you called me today.

It's a pity that you didn't call me today.

wish + past perfect

- regret about the past
(regret about a past action)

I wish you had called me yesterday.

It's a pity that you didn't call me yesterday.

wish + would

- criticism, complaint, dissatisfaction, or annoyance
(used to express criticism, complaint, dissatisfaction or irritation, annoyance)

I wish you would stop shouting. I find it hard to focus.

You better stop screaming. I find it very difficult to concentrate.

BUT! “I wish I would” cannot be said!

wish + would - used to express a request, which often contains a hint of irritation

I wish you would help me. You could help me. = You could offer me help yourself, but I have to ask you myself.

wish + could + infinitive without “to”

- about something we are unable to do
(If we're talking about about what we can't do)

It's a pity that you don't remember his name.

I wish you could remember his name.

In order to understand I wish, let's go from simple to complex, namely:

I wish - translation of affirmative sentences from English into Russian

Example 1 (wish + Past Simple):I wish I had a dog. How would you translate this sentence? At first, I suggest making 2 translations:

1. literal (word-for-word / literal translation):

"I wish (that) I had a dog." Do this translation silently and for yourself, in order to understand the meaning of the sentence.

2. literary (correct). A person wants to have a dog that he doesn’t have. He regretfully says: I wish I had a dog. "I wish (that) I had a dog." = " It's a pity, that I don’t have a dog.” The most important thing is that the meaning of the literal and literary versions coincide.

Question: Does the speaker have a dog? Answer: no. That is, he talks about his desire, about something that does not exist in reality - this is the connection with the subordinate part of conditional sentences (Second Conditional). Let me remind you, for example: If I had a dog, I would be happy.


I wish I had a dog.

If I had a dog...

Both thoughts describe unreal action in the present tense, so the verbs are in past tense(since all unreal actions are expressed in past tenses).

Example 2. (wish + Past Simple) I wish he came on time today.

Literally: I wish he would come on time today. But he didn’t come on time, so:

Literary: It’s a pity that he didn’t come on time today.

Gradually try to reduce the literal translation to nothing and immediately translate it literally.

Example 3 (wish + Past Simple). I wish I had a car. (I don’t have a car, but I want it.) It’s a pity that I don’t have a car.

Example 4. (wish + Past Perfect) I wish you had enjoyed the film. I'm sorry you didn't like the movie. - regret about a past action, about watching a movie that happened before.

Example 5. (wish + would) I wish you wouldn’t treat me like a child. I don't want (it annoys me that..) for you to treat me like a child.

I wish - translation negative sentences from English to Russian

Example 6. I wish he weren’t so rude.

I propose to make 2 translations again:

verbatim: I wish he wasn't so rude.

literary: It's a pity he's so rude.

Pay attention to the particle “not”.

English: verb in negative form.

English: There is no denial, there is only regret - “sorry.”

Example 7. We wish you hadn’t arrived so late.

verbatim: We wish you not to arrive so late.

literary: We are sorry that you arrived so late.

I wish - translation of sentences from Russian into English

This is the most important thing in sentences with I wish in English. Let's start right away with examples:

Example 8. It's a pity that he can't come to the meeting.

meaning: I wish he could come to the meeting.

reality: He can’t be at the meeting, that’s what I regret.

translation: I wish he could attend the meeting.

Example 9. It's a shame she's already gone.

meaning: I wish she hadn't left yet.

reality: She's already gone, she's not here.

translation: I wish she hadn’t gone.

Example 10. It's a pity that I can't fly.

reality: I don’t know how to fly (which I regret).

meaning: I wish I could fly.

translation: I wish I could fly.

Write your own I wish sentences in Russian/Ukrainian and translate them into English, following the structure. This is great practice because... everything that concerns us personally is usually remembered well and for a long time.

Assignment: Translate into English using “I wish”:

  1. I wish you had told me about this last week.
  2. It's a pity that you are not interested in history.
  3. We are sorry that you did not mention this news. (We would like you to mention this news.)
  4. I wish I had started this course (I wish I had never started it.)
  5. It's a pity that I'm not going with you tomorrow.
  6. It's a shame you're sick.
  7. It's a pity that it's not summer now.
  8. It's a pity that my sister didn't accept my offer.
  9. It would be better if you didn't give me a ride.
  10. When will this song finally end? (I wish this song would end soon!)
  1. I wish you had told me about it last week.
  2. I wish you were interested in history.
  3. We wish you mentioned this news.
  4. I wish I had never started this course.
  5. I wish I were coming with you tomorrow.
  6. I wish you were not ill.
  7. I wish it were summer now.
  8. I wish my sister had accepted my offer.
  9. I wish you hadn’t given me a lift.
  10. I wish the song would finish!

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You can say ' I wish you luck / every success / a happy birthday’ (I wish you/you/you good luck/every success/happy birthday), etc.:

  • I wish you every success in the future.
  • I saw Tim before the exam and he wished me luck.

We say ‘wish somebody something’ ‘I wish someone anything’ (luck / a happy birthday etc.). But you can’t ‘wish that something’ happens’ ‘to wish for something It happened’. In this situation, hope is used. For example:

  • I hope you get this letter before you go away. ( not I wish you get)

Compare I wish And I hope:

  • I wish you a pleasant stay here.
    I wish you a pleasant stay here.
  • I hope you have a pleasant stay here. ( not I wish you have)
    I hope that your stay here will be remembered for a long time.

We also use wish when we regret something that is not the way we would like it to be. In this meaning we use wish with verb past tense (knew/lived etc.), but the meaning is in present tense:

  • I wish I knew what to do about the problem. (I don't know and I'm sorry about that)
  • I wish you didn't have to go so soon. (you have to go)
  • Do you wish you lived near the sea? (you don't live near the sea)
  • Jack’s going on a trip to Mexico soon. I wish I was going too. (I'm not going to go)

When we regret something in the past, we use wish + had ... (had known / had said) etc.:

  • I wish I 'd known about the party. I would have gone if I’d known. (I did not know)
  • It was a stupid thing to say. I wish I hadn't said it. (I said it)

This is discussed in more detail in Lessons 39 (Conditional Sentences Type 2) and 40 (Conditional Sentences Type 3).

I wish I could (do something) = I'm sorry I can't (do something):

  • I’m sorry I have to go. I wish I could stay longer. (but I can not)
  • I've met that man before. I wish I could remember his name. (but I can not)

I wish I could have (done something) = I'm sorry I couldn't (do something):

  • I heard the party was great. I wish I could have gone. (but I couldn't come)

You can say ' I wish(somebody) would(do something)’ ‘It’s a pity that (someone) won’t (do something)’. For example:

It's been raining all day. Jill doesn't like it. She says:

I wish it would stop raining
It's a pity that the rain doesn't stop. / I I'd like to so that the rain stops.

Jill wishes the rain would stop, but it probably won't.

We use I wish...would when you would like something to happen or change. Usually the speaker does not expect this to happen.

We often use I wish...would to complain about the situation:

  • The phone has been ringing for five minutes. I wish somebody would answer it. (I wish someone would answer.)
  • I wish you would do something instead of just sitting and doing nothing. I want you to do something instead of sitting around doing nothing.

you can use I wish...wouldn' complain about something people do all the time:

  • I wish you wouldn't keep interrupting me.
    I want so that you stopped interrupt me.

We use I wish...would... for action and change, and Not situations. Compare:

I wish somebody would buy me a car.

I wish I had a car. ( not I wish I would have)


1. Select wish(ed) or hope(d).

  1. I you have a pleasant stay here.
  2. Enjoy your holiday. I wish wished hope you have a great time.
  3. Goodbye. I wish wished hope you all the best.
  4. We said goodbye to each other and wish wished hope hoped each other luck.
  5. We’re going to have a picnic tomorrow, so I wish wished hope hoped the weather is nice.
  6. I wish wished hope you luck in your new job. I wish wished hope it works out well for you.

2. What would you say in these situations? Write sentences with I wish ... would ... .

3. Are these sentences correct? If not, then correct them.

I wish you would listen to me.

I wish I would have more free time.