Turn a photo into a drawing of colored dots. Photography: how to turn it into a painted portrait

You can easily achieve this in a short period. In this tutorial you will learn how to create drawings from photographs using brushes. If you use a graphics tablet in your work, you can achieve even more better effect. A similar lesson discussed another option for creating from a photograph pencil drawing. So, let's begin!

Here is the result you should get:

The lesson used an image from a paid resource, but you can easily find it on the Internet and free photos similar topic.

1. Image adjustment

Step 1

Open our source in Photoshop. Double-click on the Background layer to unlock it and give it the name Layer 1. Create New Layer and call it Layer 2. Set the Foreground color to white, and then use the tool Fill(G), fill it with white. Place Layer 2 below the source layer.

We convert the color image to black and white. Make the photo layer active and go to the menu Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation and in the settings window that appears, reduce the Saturation to -100.

2. Create a pattern effect

Step 1

Let's move on to creating the drawing effect itself. Add a layer mask to the tiger layer. To do this, click on the layer mask icon and immediately fill it with black using the tool Fill(G).

Next, switch the foreground color to white. The background color should be black. Activate the tool Brush(B).Choose from a set of brushes Flat, blunt with short, stiff bristles, set the size to 60 px. and begin to apply strokes to the black layer mask (you can experiment with brushes and sizes and choose another one you like).

Step 2

By continuing to apply white brush strokes on the layer mask, we restore the image, giving it the texture of a drawing. Try to keep your brush strokes similar to hatching or cross-hatching, which mimics the technique of pencil drawing.


Tool Moving(V) Place the tiger image in the center of the document and add strokes until you are completely satisfied. When finished, duplicate this layer using the keys Ctrl+J.

Step 4

Now we need to enhance the effect of the drawing. Go to the menu Image – Correction – Levels and set the settings for the RGB channel as in the screenshot, thereby enhancing the contrast and highlighting of strokes. After that we merge all the layers together Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E.

Step 5

You can stop at the result obtained, but it is better to spend a couple more minutes and make the drawing as close as possible to the real thing, made on paper. We will do this using a gradient, we will try to achieve the effect of a photograph of the drawing. Right-click on the layer with the drawing and in the drop-down menu go to the option Blending Options(you can simply double-click on the layer with the left mouse). Choosing a layer style Gradient overlay, set the values ​​as in the screenshot.

Let's look at how you can make a drawing from a photo using image editors or mobile converters.

Follow the instructions:

1 Open the desired photo in Photoshop and add a new layer color tone and saturation. To do this, find the style display panel in the program window and click on the tab "Adjustments";

2 Click on the “Hue” icon shown in the figure below(hue-saturation);

3 A new layer will appear in the layers tab "Hue-Saturation". This layer is a correction layer and allows you to change the color palette and structure of the photo;

4 Click on new layer. A window for setting its parameters will appear. In the Saturation field, set value "-100". This way you will reduce the saturation of the image;

5 Now the picture will become black and white. Next you need to select the background layer. Click on it in the window Layers;

6 The next step is to duplicate the existing background layer. In the program header, click on the Layer tab. In the drop-down list, click on “New Layer” - “Layer via Copy”;

7 As a result, in the layers display panel a copy of the background will appear;

As a result, the picture should be displayed as a negative.

9 Let's change the layer blend type. Select the copy of the background layer and activate the Color Dodge mode. This is necessary to lighten the base. The picture will turn white with a few dark areas showing;

10 Now we need to make a smart object from the resulting layer. Click on the duplicate background and then click on the button "Layer Menu";

11 In the dropdown list, convert the element to "Smart Object". After this, an icon will appear near the layer preview, indicating that a smart label has been assigned to the object.

12 To apply a filter, click on the “Filter” menu. Next, go to the tab "Blur" and select "Gaussian Blur"" In the window that opens, set the Radius to 12.0 pixels. Save the settings;

The outline of a silhouette will appear in the photo and the image will become exactly the same as the drawing we are familiar with.

If you want to add color to the picture, in the layer settings window, set the “Color” mode. As a result, the layer will automatically take color scheme original image.


GIMP- This is one of the most popular alternatives. In terms of functionality and processing capabilities, GIMP is not inferior to professional paid applications.

Photo processing can be done in any version of the program.

The image conversion process itself is simple and will take no more than 5 minutes.

To begin, open the original image in the program and desaturate it. Click on the "Color" menu tab and select "Desaturate".

Now copy the background layer and now work exclusively with the copy.

In case of incorrect settings or to return an action, you can always return to the original version of the layer.

Open the “Filter” menu tab and click on "Edge Select"- "Edge".

In the window that opens, configure the following settings:

  • The basis of shades of gray is “Lightness”;
  • Algorithm – “Laplace”;
  • Value – “2.0”;
  • Action – “Blur”.

Save your settings. As a result, the edges of the picture will take on the outline of the picture.

All that remains is to invert the image to obtain a realistic art design.

Click on the “Color” tab in the program header and select “Invert”. Result of the action:

StandardPaint. NET

PAINT.NET is a standard graphics editor for Windows.

The convenience of working with this desktop program is that you do not need to install or configure it.

Everything is ready to go, and thanks to the simple functionality, even an inexperienced user can process a photo and turn it into a drawing.

A hand-drawn image from any photo.

Photos “Before” and “After” processing:

Follow the instructions:

1 Open the source image in the editor;

2 Copy the base layer of the photo and select the built-in effect for it "Oil painting". This option is available in all versions of the program;

3 In the settings adjustment window that appears, set the appropriate blur values. Also. We recommend experimenting with brush sizes and strokes. You can always delete the copied layer and reuse the main one;

5 Bas-relief allows you to create clarity and boundaries of the picture. To remove grey colour from a duplicate layer, in the settings window "Layers" Click on “Blending Mode” and select "Overlap".

Today we have one of the classic topics in turn - creating the effect of a pencil drawing from a photograph. This is one of those quick and easy techniques that brings real satisfaction to pros, but also makes the lesson useful for beginners. Sure, Photoshop is cool and has a lot of built-in filters and artistic effects, but they don't compare to what we want to show you.

What we want to get:

Step 1

Let's start by choosing a photo to work on. It is desirable that the background is clean and the photo is of high quality. As a last resort, download such a photo from a stock.

Only with these conditions will we achieve the desired result.

Step 3

Drag the background layer over the new layer icon in the Layers panel, or use a combination CMD+J to create a duplicate layer. Let's move on Image > Adjustments > Invert / Image > Correction > Inversion(or CMD+I) and right-click to select Convert to Smart Object / Convert to a smart object.

Step 4

Choose Gaussian Blur / Gaussian Blur and change the radius to 40 px. Usage Smart Object will apply this filter as a Smart Filter (that is, smart!) so that we can simply adjust the parameters as needed, instead of constantly applying this effect.

Change the blending mode of the duplicate layer to Color Dodge / Lightening Basics, which will significantly increase the contrast and give the surface the grain we need.

Step 5

Click on the icon Adjustment Layer / Adjustment layer and select Levels / Levels. Move the shadow sliders and Midtones / Middle Tones slightly to the right to darken the image slightly.

Step 6

Add new Adjustment Layer / Adjustment Layer and now select the option Black and White / Black and white. The default settings will be enough to remove color and give the image more of a pencil look.

Step 7

Use CMD+A, to Select All / Select All, then use Edit > Copy Merged / Editing > Copy Merged Data(or keyboard shortcut CMD+Shift+C). This will clip all visible layers. Click CMD+V to insert this layer on top of the others.

Now we do this: Filter > Filter Gallery / Filter > Filter Gallery, then we go to Glowing Edges from the menu Stylize / Stylization. Change the parameters as shown below:

Now Image > Adjustments > Invert / Image > Correction > Inversion(or the CMD+I) to take a negative photo (instead of black on white, you get white on a black background).

Step 8

Change the blending mode of this layer to Multiply / Multiplication, then lower the layer's opacity to 50-60%.

Step 9

Click on the icon New Layer / New Layer at the bottom of the palette Layers / Layers, then click CMD+Backspace to fill the layer with white (this is the default background color). Return to again Filter Gallery / Filter Gallery, but now we choose Texturizer / Texturizer. Change settings to Sandstone.

Change the blending mode of this layer to Multiply / Multiplication so you can see the main lines, then lower the opacity to 50% to achieve a paper-thin texture effect. To enhance the crayon effect, turn off the black and white adjustment layer.

Bottom line

As a result, we got quite realistic effect pencil sketch with natural lines and shading.

Translation – Duty room

Many users want to somehow edit their photo, make it more beautiful or noticeable. There are many programs for editing photos and applying effects that have long been known to everyone, as well as the effects from them. In order not to repeat yourself every time by posting pictures that are similar in processing, you can convert the photo into a pencil drawing. This will undoubtedly draw immediate attention to the image.

You can perform this operation in several ways. To begin with, you can use serious graphic editors, which are installed on the user’s computer, and carry out all actions through them. If the user does not like this method, then you can use applications for mobile devices or go to online services and do everything with their help. This article will tell you exactly how and with what applications you can make a pencil photo from your picture.

How to make a pencil drawing from a photo online

First, let's take a look at the work online services, which allow you to convert a photo into a pencil drawing because they do not require the installation of additional software to the user's computer, which may be an important factor if the photo is only being converted or if it will not be done very often. This section will list several services on which you can perform the required operation.

Photo Phunia

The user can find the service itself at the link photofunia.com. A page with a pencil effect will immediately open. It is quite easy to use and does not require any special skills, there is also no need for lengthy and fine tuning various parameters. You just need to go to the specified site, after which you should upload a photo to it; this can be done either from a computer, a laptop or a mobile device. To select a photo, click on Browse.

After this, all that remains is to choose whether the user wants to get a color drawing or a black and white one. Now follows click on create, then wait for processing to complete, look at the result and, if it suits the user, save the pencil drawing back to your device.


This service is located at the link croper.ru. To take a photo with a pencil in this online Photoshop, the user will need to hover over the item Files menu, then select the desired source download option from the list and specify the path to the photo. Now all that remains is to find the section of the menu that will carry out the desired transformation; in our case, it’s worth going through the following items “Operations” - “Effects” - “ Pencil" Several new parameters will appear at the top, which will be responsible for the rendering methods; you can “play” with them and decide which image is best suited.

Now all you have to do is click on Apply, and then wait for the conversion to complete. In the final drawing, you can slightly change the contrast, after which you can download the photo converted into a pencil drawing to your device.

Programs for creating a drawing from a photo

Now that the simplest and quick ways described, you can move on to a description of the specialized software that needs to be installed on your computer.

How to make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop

It’s quite easy to make a pencil drawing from a photograph in Photoshop. Unfortunately, there is no single filter that turns a photo into a drawing, so you need to follow the following procedure.

After the user installs the Adobe Photoshop program on his computer, he will need to launch it and open there the image on which the work will be done. After this, you should find the tab “ Adjustments" (Correction), which will be located on the style display panel, then click on the " tool Hue"(Shade).

After these steps, another one will appear in the list that contains all layers, allowing you to change the shade palette. It's called Hue/Saturation.

You need to go into it and move the slider Saturation(Saturation) to the far left position.

This action will bring the image to black and white. Now you need to go to layers again and select the background there.

Now follows copy it. To do this, find the Layer item in the main menu, click on it, and then click on “New Layer” - “Layer via Copy” (New Layer - Copy).

Now you will have to use the main menu again, in it you need to find Image, then click on “Adjustments” - “ Invert"(Correction - Inversion). These steps will allow you to display the photo as a negative. Now you will need to select a copy of the background layer in the list and click on the item Color Dodge

Now you need to go to the layer menu.

In this menu you need to convert to " Smart Object"(Smart object). Now it's a smart object and it has a label.

Now you need to apply a few more menu items. To get started, click on Filter(Filters), then go to the “Blur” item and click on “ Gaussian Blur" (Gaussian blur). Set the radius to 12.

At this point everything will be finished, you can save the result.

If you need a color drawing, you should activate the color option in layers.


This is a free image editor that will help you turn a photo into a pencil portrait. You can find out more about it on the official website. After installing a program that makes a drawing from a photo, you will need to open the image that will be manipulated.

To make a sketch from a photo, you need to click on “Color”, then click on “ Discolor" Next, you should go to layers and copy the background layer, and then work with this copy.

Now you should click on “Filter”, and then click on “ Edge selection" - "Edge". A window with settings will open, you need to set the same as in the figure. That is, “Lightness”, Laplace Algorithm, Magnitude 2.0, “Blur”.

The last step left is to click on “Color”, and then select “ Invert».

You can also watch the whole process in the video:


The main advantage of Paint.NET is its ease of use. Pictures before and after processing are shown in the figure.

First you need open image, then select it, go to effects and click on “ Oil painting" A window with parameters will appear. Here it is worth experimenting and choosing those values ​​at which the drawing will be most liked by the user.

After that, you can go to effects, select styling and indicate Bas-relief.

Now you should go to the layers, select the one in which the work took place, and then select the option blending mode and click on the overlap. This will remove the gray color from the final outline drawing.

Programs for Android

For those who mainly use mobile devices, programs were also invented. This section will identify applications that can apply the desired effect, and will also provide instructions on how to use them.


Prisma learns with every use, so no two images or effects are the same. All the user needs to do is download it from the store and install it. After that, you can add photos and images to it.

After adding, the user will be able to select below necessary filters, you can choose the drawing method of one of the famous artists as your style.

Pencil drawing

In the case of Pencil Drawing, everything is also quite simple. You need to download and install the program, after which you can add saved files to the application, or take a new photo.

At the top you can set image type. For a color drawing, you should choose a colored pencil, and for a monochrome image, you should choose black and white.

Sketch Cameras

You need to install Sketch Cameras, upload a photo, and select color scheme. It can also be configured in the parameters, which are located just above. The painted photo effect is applied automatically.

After completing the work, you can click on share and send the photo to social networks.

In this tutorial we will make a pencil drawing from a photograph. For work, I took a photo of a girl, which you can also download in the “Materials” panel on the right.

1) So, open the photo of the girl with Photoshop and get started. First of all, we make a copy of the photo layer and apply the “Baselight” overlay to the top layer instead of “Normal”.

2) Next, apply “Inversion” to the same top layer. To do this, with the top layer selected in the layers panel, select “Image” - “Correction” - “Invert” from the top menu, or press the key combination “Ctrl” + “i”.

3) Now we will apply the “Gaussian Blur” filter to the same layer; to do this, with the layer selected, select “Filter” - “Blur” - “Gaussian Blur” in the top menu and in the filter window that appears, set the blur radius to “26.3” . This value was chosen specifically for the size of the photo we are editing; if the size is larger or smaller, then the blur value will also have to be selected differently. The main thing is that you get the same result.

4) Now you need to decolorize the treated layer. To do this, with the layer selected, in the layers panel below, select the “Hue/Saturation” adjustment layer.

5) The next step is to adjust the “Levels” of the layer. To do this, as in the previous case, with the layer selected, select the “Levels” adjustment layer in the lower menu of the layers panel and in the settings window that appears, adjust the levels so that the picture becomes more contrasting.

6) Now select the bottom layer with the photo, which is in its original form, and convert this layer into a “Smart Object”. To do this, right-click on it and select “Convert to Smart Object”.

Now apply the “Cross Strokes” filter to this layer, which will simulate the effect of pencil strokes. To do this, with the layer selected in the top menu, select “Filter” - “Filter Gallery” - “Cross Strokes” in the “Strokes” filter tab. Now we set up a filter by values ​​as in the screenshot.

After these manipulations, we will get what we wanted - the effect of a pencil drawing from an ordinary photo.