The adventures of the yellow suitcase watch online. The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase

Summary " The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase» :
In one town there lived a sweet and special boy named Petya and a girl named Tamara. Each of them had their own characteristics in character. Tamara was sad, never laughed and cried all the time, and Petya was afraid of everything in the world and was very cowardly. These qualities darkened their lives and made them unhappy. The children's parents found a way out; they decided to turn to an unusual doctor who had magical remedies in his arsenal.

He treated fear with candies, and other insidious ailments: anger, despondency, stupidity, lies - with other candies. Delicious medicines were in a yellow suitcase. It so happened that he disappeared and fell into the wrong hands. The lives of people were at risk: Tamara’s father and grandmother, a tiger trainer. Horrible! What to do! There is only one way out - to urgently find and return the suitcase to its owner. Petya doesn’t have the courage, but despite this, he will help find and return the item to the doctor. We ourselves are capable of actions, we just don’t always know about it.

Fairy tale The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase watch online for free

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It often helps to correctly understand the meaning of a work summary. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” is a story that, at first glance, resembles a fairy tale, but upon closer examination it becomes obvious that this work very different from the writer’s other works. Sofia Prokofieva became famous as the author of children's fairy tales and stories, while the work in question is more like a humorous story, the action of which develops in real time with minimal elements of magic and fantasy.


The main idea of ​​the tale is conveyed by the summary. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” is a story that is typical for works of this kind. In the introduction, the author introduces the reader to a very sweet and funny children's doctor who prepares unusual medicines - they treat not physical, but moral ailments: cowardice, sadness, indecision and other ailments of a psychological nature. All these amazing drugs are stored in his suitcase, which he carries with him everywhere. One day, having talked with a brave steeplejack, the doctor mistakenly exchanged suitcases with him, which turned out to be very similar. Thus began the chain amazing incidents, which formed the basis of the plot of the story.

The beginning

The dynamism of the plot of the essay is reflected in its summary. "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase" is funny story, which is interesting to both children and adults. The mistake with the suitcases was not the last: it was followed by a whole series of events, during which the characters were forced to make an unusual journey through the city in search of magical cures. In the work there are two storylines: one is connected with the image of a children's doctor, and the second with the main characters of the work - the cowardly boy Petya and the silent and sad girl Toma. Due to another mistake, the courage candies ended up in the hands of Toma’s grandmother, who, having feasted on them, suddenly became an unusually brave old woman, ready to do the impossible. The second line is dedicated to the adventures of children who overcome fear and sadness during trials.

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The main idea of ​​the story should be conveyed by its summary. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” develops the idea that each person himself is capable of overcoming his psychological complexes. Tom and Petya suppress their shortcomings on their own, without magic candies. The key moments are the scenes in which the boy, overcoming his fear, protects the girl from bullies, and also decides to continue the search for her sake, despite the fact that he himself is terribly afraid not only to go somewhere, but also to simply go outside. Second important point the stories are extremely funny moments awaiting the doctor and his companion, who suddenly began to show miracles of courage, which led to many funny things.

Characteristics of heroes

One of the famous Soviet writers is Sofia Prokofieva. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase,” a brief summary of which is the subject of this review, is popular among readers, as evidenced by the fact that this work was filmed in 1970. The writer created several interesting and colorful characters who were remembered by the reading public for their expressive characters. The doctor, for example, amuses with his irrepressible activity, optimism, humor and the fact that he never loses heart, despite temporary setbacks. The summary of the story “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” demonstrates the author’s ability to create colorful images familiar to everyone.

Tom's grandmother is perhaps one of the most funny characters in the story. Her courage and courage contrast with her social position and natural character. As for the children, it is interesting to watch them because they are the ones who evolve during the course of the story. If at first Petya appears to the readers as a coward, then by the end he becomes a brave boy. Toma at the end of the story became a cheerful and cheerful girl.

Story and film

The work was popular among readers, so it was filmed. The roles of the main characters were performed by the presenters soviet actors. First of all, we should mention T. Peltzer, who perfectly embodied the image of Toma’s grandmother on the screen.
The film follows the composition of the story, showing all its main elements.

So, in Soviet literature one of the most famous works is the story “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”. The summary of the book shows that the plot of the story can be very interesting for both adults and children.

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Filippov Arseniy

Presentation of books read under the motto “Read it, you won’t regret it!” appeared in our lessons extracurricular reading thanks to the competition "The light of books does not go out in our house." Now the guys themselves make presentations and suggest to their classmates: “Read it, you won’t regret it!” A very effective technique for attracting children to read books. The children were very keenly inspired by the desire to read and, no less, to talk about what they had read.



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Arseniy Filippov 3 “B” class Gymnasium No. 3 Head Shkrobor Margarita Yurievna

The story of my acquaintance with this extraordinary book is the most ordinary. One day I went with my parents to book Shop. Among the many books lying on the shelves, one of them most attracted my attention. It not only had a beautiful cover and bright design, but also interesting name"The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase." I immediately wanted to read it to find out about these adventures. When I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down; with each page it pulled me more and more into the continuation of its story.

I would also like to say a few words about the author of this book. It was written by famous writer Sofya Leonidovna Prokofieva, who was born in Moscow in 1928. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” was one of the first fairy tales by Sofia Leonidovna Prokofieva. The writer was inspired to get the idea for this book real case from her life. On the way to the Baltics, a neighbor was traveling with her with the same yellow leather suitcase that she had. At some point, he opened the suitcase, and there were her things there - the suitcases were mixed up. They laughed and thought how funny it could be if he took away her books and manuscripts, and she took away the instruments that were in the neighbor’s suitcase. So she got the idea to write the story of the yellow suitcase.

One boy, whose name was Petya, was so cowardly that he didn’t even drink soda because it sizzled. So his mother decided to go to the doctor, who had candy for courage.

However, on the way to Petka, he accidentally confused his suitcase with medicines with the same suitcase of steeplejack, electric welder Valentin Vederkin. I had to go look for my suitcase if I ate even one piece of candy. a common person, he will become too brave, and then he may do something dangerous. And the doctor and Petka went in search.

Who got these sweets of real courage? First, they were found in the “grandson’s suitcase” by Vederkina’s grandmother Anna Petrovna. Look at this grandma climbing up the drainpipe - what do you think happened? That's right, she ate real courage candy. But not all, she only ate two or three candies, and she gave the rest to her neighbor, the pilot. The candies “ran away” from their pursuers.

Meanwhile, the doctor and Petka found the house where the Vederkins lived, but Anna Petrovna no longer had any candy. Petka was sent into the yard to look for the sad girl Tom - the daughter of a pilot, to whom Anna Petrovna gave candy.

When Petka found Toma and returned with her to Anna Petrovna’s apartment, there was no one there. They took the doctor’s suitcase and decided to find Tom’s father themselves, to whom Anna Petrovna gave the candies. And they went to the airfield where he worked.

On the way to the airfield, Petka had to learn how to climb fences and fight back to hooligans. He stopped being a coward. Together with Toma, they found her father, but he didn’t eat the candy, but gave it to his friend, the animal tamer, but he didn’t eat the remaining candy. And who finally got these candies and how these adventures ended, you will find out by reading this book!

I really liked this book, because it is not only very cheerful and funny, full of incredible events and adventures, but also instructive, it talks about how you can become brave without any drugs. I recommend everyone read it.

This article suggests summary based on the chapters of Sofia Prokofieva's fairy tale "".

Chapter 1. Children's Doctor

Jew in the world Children's Doctor. During the day he worked in a clinic and treated children, and in the evenings and on weekends he wrote the book “The Role of a Fair Fight in the Normal Development of a Boy.” The Children's Doctor treated a wide variety of diseases in children, including sadness, talkativeness, and fear. On that sunny day off, the Children's Doctor wanted to finish the 7th chapter of his book, but did not, because... His mother knocked on his door with very sad eyes. She complained about the cowardice of her nine-year-old son Petya. The boy was afraid of cats and dogs on the street, he was afraid to drink soda, because... she hisses, he was afraid to even eat soup from a deep plate. Mom told the doctor that it was impossible to come to his appointment with Petya, because... Petya is afraid of doctors and pills. Then the Children's Doctor agreed to go to Petya's house, planning to also visit the girl Tom, who was sick with sadness. He wrapped a cure for fear in a pink candy wrapper. So it became like delicious candy. The children's Doctor took a yellow suitcase with him, having previously put candy for cowardice in it, and together with Petya's mother went out into the street. There was a huge tower on the street. A young man worked on it. When he went downstairs, the Children's Doctor praised him for his courage, because... in his opinion, it took a lot of courage to work at such a height. The doctor decided to shake hands with the brave young man and therefore put his yellow suitcase with medicines and instruments on the ground. The young man also held a yellow suitcase in his hands and, in order to extend his hand to the Doctor, was forced to put it on the ground. The men shook hands. At that moment, the bus the Children’s Doctor needed arrived and Petya’s mother informed him about it. Baby Doctor grabbed the yellow suitcase from the ground and headed towards the bus stop.

Chapter 2. Cowardly boy.

When the Children's Doctor entered the house with Petya's mother, the Doctor noticed that in the very well-lit room, a chandelier, a table lamp, a lamp and even a flashlight were burning. At the same time, Petya himself was under the bed. Mom asked Petya to get out from under the bed. The children's doctor examined Petya and prescribed 100 grams. “True Courage” sweets, and sent his mother off to work, assuring him that as soon as Petya took the medicine, he would immediately become healthy and gain courage. Mom was happy and ran off to work. The Children's Doctor opened the yellow suitcase and discovered that it was not his suitcase. The doctor immediately imagined what would happen to the brave young man if he ate even a little “True Courage” sweets. To prevent trouble from happening, the Doctor decided to immediately find this brave Valentin Vederkin. Name young man The Children's Doctor learned from the inscription on the book that it was in the electric welder's suitcase. Petya was very afraid that he would be left alone. Therefore, the Doctor was forced to take Petya with him.

Chapter 3. Valentin Vederkin and his grandmother.

Valentin Vederkin did not open his suitcase. That's why he didn't know it was the Doctor's suitcase. He was going to the cinema. His grandmother, a very kind and sweet old lady named Anna Petrovna, was very puzzled by the leaking roof and managed to complain to her grandson about the stain on the ceiling. Valentin offered his services in negotiations with the house manager. But Anna Petrovna did not like noise and believed that her grandson was too hot. She sent her grandson out to the cinema, saying that she would talk herself. But she didn't have the courage. She temporarily put the problem aside and decided to clean up her grandson’s yellow suitcase. In it she found a bag of sweets unfamiliar to her. She immediately ate one, and then another... Anna Petrovna felt a surge of courage. She immediately invited her neighbor, the pilot, to drink tea and talk about his daughter Tom, who became ill with sadness when her mother fell ill. And although Toma’s mother had already recovered, the girl was still sad. Anna Petrovna decided to treat her neighbor and poured a whole handful of sweets for the pilot. The pilot said that today he was leaving for a flight and could no longer linger over tea and left. Anna Petrovna immediately resolutely went to the property manager with the problem of a leaking roof. But the house manager waved the old woman aside and recommended that she climb onto the roof herself. Then Anna Petrovna climbed onto the drainpipe and followed it to the roof. Already standing on the roof, she saw how the house manager turned pale.

Chapter 4. On the fire escape.

The Children's Doctor and Petya ran up to Valentin Vederkin's house. They immediately noticed a large crowd in front of the house. everyone looked at the roof. An old woman stood at the very edge of the roof. A man with a pale face stood on the fire escape, and a janitor stood on the stairs just below him. Below the janitor stood a lineman with a large coil of wire. A man with a pale face begged the old woman to come down and promised to keep his word. From conversations in the crowd, the Children's Doctor learned that Anna Petrovna Vederkina was on the roof. Then the Doctor immediately realized what had happened. He tried several times to explain to the old lady from below what was what. But she couldn't hear him well. Doctou had to raise the yellow suitcase above her head and shout that it was her grandson’s suitcase. This was enough for Anna Petrovna to immediately go downstairs. She climbed down the drainpipe from the roof into her apartment. The doctor immediately rushed to the old woman. Petya could barely keep up with him. While visiting Anna Petrovna, the Children's Doctor learned that she had given all the candy to her neighbor, who works as a pilot. The doctor was horrified. And Anna Petrovna immediately turned Petya out the door, demanding that he immediately find the girl Tom in the yard who does not laugh or smile. The doctor didn’t even have time to object before Petya found himself outside the door.

Chapter 5. Sad girl.

Petya ran out into an unfamiliar yard. He was scared. There were children standing near the shed: boys and girls. Petya examined the girls carefully. There was no sad girl among them. Petya decided to run behind the barn. And then one of the boys tripped Petya. Petya fell, but didn’t bother to look into it. He crawled behind the barn. There he saw a sad girl. He asked Toma where her dad was. When Toma realized that dad was in danger, she immediately jumped to her feet. Petya rushed after her and, as he walked, suggested that they first go to the Children’s Doctor. The children quickly found themselves in Anna Petrovna’s apartment. But neither she nor the Doctor were in the apartment. There were only two yellow suitcases on the table. Toma said that we urgently need to find dad and therefore we should run to the airfield. And Petya said that there was another bottle in the Doctor’s suitcase. She can be dangerous. Therefore, the children grabbed the Children's Doctor's suitcase and ran out of the apartment.

Chapter 6. Petka decides never to cry again.

Petya had difficulty keeping up with Toma. Unaccustomed to being on a crowded street, he kept bumping into people. Meanwhile, Toma found herself near the roaring baby. He shouted that he was afraid. Petya saw how terrible the crying baby looked. At that moment, the mother of the child came out of the bakery, who immediately calmed down and even turned out to be beautiful. Then the required trolleybus arrived and Tom and Petya squeezed into it. Petya was terribly scared. He had never traveled on a trolleybus without his mother. Therefore, his whole body trembled. I noticed this trembling standing nearby strict aunt. He began to demand that the trolleybus stop, because in her opinion, Petya is sick and needs to be called urgently ambulance. Then Toma intervened in the conversation. She stated that Petya was simply very afraid of being late, that’s why he looked like that. Petya moved to the window away from his strict aunt. Through the window he saw his house and yard. He wanted to get off at his stop. Then Toma was surprised and said that she thought that Petya would go with her. Petya almost burst into tears. But he remembered the baby near the bakery, clenched his fists and decided that he would never cry again.

Chapter 7. A very high and very long fence.

Tom and Petya ran along the fence of the airfield. It was very long. Then Petya suggested not running to the end of the fence, but simply climbing over it. Toma agreed. Petya climbed the fence with difficulty, offered Toma his hand, but could not resist and fell. At that moment he heard Toma screaming behind the fence. Petya immediately climbed back onto the fence and saw that some boy was trying to take away Toma’s suitcase. Petya jumped down and tried to protect Tom. Petya was very scared. But the boy pushed Tom with force and took away the suitcase. Tom fell into the burdocks and cried. The boy called Tom a roar and laughed loudly. Immediately his laughter was echoed by other boys, whom Petya did not notice. The boy gave the yellow suitcase to the guys. At that moment Petya hit the mischievous boy. A fight ensued. While Petya and the mischievous tall boy were fighting, the other boys opened the yellow suitcase. In it they found a box and a bottle. A boy with a dog in his arms took a huge sip from the bottle. This boy had been talking incessantly until this moment. After taking a sip, he fell silent abruptly. The other boys opened the box. Powder poured out of it and enveloped the boys. And at the same moment they were attacked by a fit of laughter. At that moment, the mischievous boy fell into the burdocks from Petya’s blow, and his nose became ridiculously swollen. Tom and Petya didn’t wait to see how the boys’ laughter would end. They grabbed an empty yellow suitcase, climbed over the fence and ran on.

Chapter 8. Again a very high and long fence.

Anna Petrovna and the Children's Doctor were running along the fence. Along the way they came across laughing boys and a once talkative boy. To the question “Where is the gate in the fence?” some boys had a reaction of uncontrollable laughter, while the once talkative boy had a reaction of staunch silence. The Children's Doctor had no time to deal with new problem. And they ran on.

Chapter 9. At the airfield.

The children ran. There were planes all around. One small plane took off into the sky and Tom realized that it was her dad. Tears started running from her eyes. Petya also looked at the small plane in the sky. And at that moment a huge cargo plane was approaching them. The children fell to the ground. They were lucky. The plane managed to take to the sky before crushing them. One of the pilots immediately ran up to them and began to curse. The children were able to persuade them to be sent to the biggest boss at the airfield. The big boss contacted Toma's dad on the radio. He asked if daddy gave her candy. Dad replied no. The boss said he forbade him to eat them. Then Toma’s dad replied that he didn’t have these sweets, because... he gave them to his friend, a lion trainer. Then Petya and Tom immediately rushed to the circus to save Uncle Fedya. True, this time they were given a car. When the car turned, one could see the Children's Doctor and Anna Petrovna.

Chapter 10. At the circus.

The second part has already begun at the circus. This is just the performance of Uncle Fedya and the lions. Petya and Toma quickly rushed past the usher. She chased after Petya. She caught him already in the hall when the performance was going on. Uncle Fedya stuck his head into the mouth of the largest lion. But the lion did not bite off this brave head and the act ended successfully. But the next number was extremely surprising. A woman came out with the dogs, and Uncle Fedya began to drive the lions into cages. But the big lion refused to obey him. Then suddenly the dogs attacked the lion. They began to bite him and bark loudly and menacingly. The lion was afraid of these little fierce dogs. The audience laughed. And Tom suddenly laughed along with the audience.

Chapter 11. Everything explained.

Everyone gathered in the trainer’s room: Tom, Petya, Children’s Doctor, Anna Petrovna, Tom’s dad, Petya’s mom and the dog trainer. She didn't know that sweets in pink candy wrappers were medicine and gave them to the dogs as a reward. Petya handed the Doctor an empty yellow suitcase and then Anna Petrovna and the Children's Doctor understood why they met overly cheerful boys and a silent man who had once been a terrible talker. Toma's dad praised Petya's courage, who, according to the Doctor, was cured of fear forever, and Petya's mom praised Toma's cheerfulness. The doctor told everyone a little about the benefits of fighting among boys and everything ended well. The only thing is that Anna Petrovna warned the Doctor about the dangers from his medications. The Children's Doctor, of course, agreed with this and promised to be much more careful in the future.

That's how it is summary fairy tales-stories by Sofia Prokofieva ““