Review for joining the Union of Artists. Entry procedure. IV. Final provisions

Union artists Russia is one of the oldest creative associations in the country. His story began in mid-19th centuries since the Partnership's activities traveling exhibitions and the first congresses of Russian artists. In 1957 Union acquired the status of a public organization and a branch structure that is still in effect today. Its main goals are to preserve cultural heritage Russia, promoting the professional fulfillment of participants and development creative connections between regions. To join Union artists, desire alone is not enough. The decision to issue a membership card is made by a special commission based on the results of consideration of the documents submitted by the applicant.


To join Union artists Russia needs to meet certain formal criteria. Member Union and maybe become a citizen Russian Federation over the age of 18, professionally engaged in any kind of visual arts. Applications from artists, restorers, art historians and students studying in these specialties. Besides, in Union may be accepted folk craftsmen who have created significant works of authorship.

Before joining, you must read the Charter Union A artists Russia. This document fully gives an idea of ​​the goals, objectives Union and, the directions of its activities, the rights and responsibilities of members. Agreement with the provisions of the Charter – required condition for applicants. Finding the text of the Charter is not difficult. It is posted on the Internet and is also available in each regional office Union and also in the libraries of art universities.

After studying the Charter, visit the regional office Union A artists. There you can clarify any questions you have about the policy. Union and receive the documents necessary to fill out. In addition, you will get to know current members Union ah, feel the atmosphere creative association. If there are no representatives in your city Union Well, try to find out the address and telephone number of a branch in a neighboring region. This can be done using telephone and address directories, via the Internet, in cultural and art institutions: museums, art galleries, exhibition centers.

Then start collecting documents. You must submit for consideration by the commission:
- autobiography;
- album of reproductions of creative works;
- list of main works in chronological order from the beginning of creative activity;
- list art exhibitions, in which you took part, in chronological order;
- list of professional creative awards with copies of diplomas, certificates of honor, letters of gratitude attached;
- a list of publications about your work and photocopies of these publications in chronological order;
- a creative description drawn up and signed by an art critic-member Union A artists Russia;
- recommendation of the chairman of the profile section of the regional branch Union A artists Russia;
- recommendations of three members Union A artists Russia with at least 5 years of experience;
- certificate from place of residence;
- photocopy of passport;
- photocopy of education diploma;
- a photocopy of the tax registration certificate (TIN);
- a photocopy of the pension insurance certificate;
- 4 photographs measuring 3x4 cm. The list of documents can be shortened or supplemented in accordance with the rules of the regional office.

The most important part of your portfolio is your art book. It must contain at least 20 works. Select the brightest and significant works that characterize you as an artist. Make them professional photos 15x20 cm in size. Then glue each photo onto a separate sheet of thick white cardboard. Please provide full catalog details of the artwork below.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Question 1. Can I become a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia?

Answer.It depends on your professional status. According to the Charter of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia (PSHR), members of the Union of Artists of Russia can be painters, graphic artists, sculptors, masters of decorative and applied arts, photographers, designers, architects, art historians, gallery and museum workers, journalists, and other persons with professional interests in the field of culture and art. The PSHR has an Admissions Committee.

Question 2. What is the entrance fee and annual membership fees to the Professional Union of Artists of Russia?

Answer.Null. We work exclusively on a voluntary basis.

Question 3. How can I join the Professional Union of Artists of Russia?

Answer.The procedure for joining the Trade Union is described in detail.

Question 4. I am a young artist, so far I exhibit only on the Internet. Can I count on being accepted as a member of the PSHR?

Answer.In principle, in our information age, Internet sites and social network accounts can be regarded as exhibitions. But there are no uniform rules here and cannot be, since site is different from site, and social network is different from social network. In any case, the admissions committee considers such issues on an individual basis, and we can only give general recommendation: sites and accounts should be dedicated specifically to your artistic creativity, and not to any other professional or personal achievements.

Question 5. What will membership in the Professional Union of Artists of Russia give me?

Answer.Excuse me, let’s answer the question with a question: what will your membership in it give to the PSHR? We remind you once again: we work exclusively on a voluntary basis. So, at a minimum, you will have a document confirming that you are a professional creative figure. For many artists, this in itself is a serious support. And the rest depends only on you.

Question 6. Does the state provide any benefits to members of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia?

Answer. In modern legal and legislative practice, instead of the word “benefits”, the term “guarantees of creative activity” is usually used. The main guarantee today is that creative activity is not entrepreneurial, because according to Art. 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity is an activity aimed at systematically generating profit. In the case of creative activity, the motivation is completely different. This means that creative figures, including members of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, who carry out their activities independently, do not employment contracts, have the right to sell their works without registering as individual entrepreneurs (IP).

If any tax authority is still trying to require the artist to register as an individual entrepreneur, refer to the resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District dated August 21, 2006 No. KG-A40/7525-06, which clearly states: “Creative activity is special kind activities and does not relate to entrepreneurial and other economic activities.”

Question 7. A PSHR exhibitions organizes , provides workshops?

Answer.No, there are specialized organizations for this. The task of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia is to protect the rights of artists and other creative workers. To this end, the Russian Academy of Artists takes legislative initiatives, represents the interests of the artistic world in relations with the state, conducts, publishes, in which, in particular, they are given.

Question 8. I am an artist, a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, and I sell my works myself. What taxes do I have to pay?

Answer.If you have not registered as an individual entrepreneur, you must pay only 13 percent personal income tax by submitting an annual declaration of your income. When filing a declaration, you can receive a professional tax deduction as a taxpayer receiving royalties or remuneration for the creation, performance or other use of works of science, literature and art (Article 221 Tax Code RF).

You can receive this deduction either in the amount of actually incurred and documented expenses for the creation of works, or according to the standard, if these expenses cannot be documented. This standard for artistic and graphic works, photographic works for printing, works of architecture and design is up to 30% of the cost of the works; for works of sculpture, monumental and decorative painting, decorative and decorative art, easel painting, theatrical and film set art and graphics, made in various techniques, – up to 40%.

Question 9. If I sell my own work, am I required to give the buyer a cash receipt?

Answer.According to Art. 2 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards” cash register equipment may not be used by organizations or individual entrepreneurs when trading in retail markets, fairs, exhibition complexes, as well as in other areas designated for trade; during peddling trade; when the manufacturer sells folk arts and crafts products. Most of the ways artists sell their works directly or indirectly relate to these types of activities and, accordingly, do not require the use of cash register equipment.

If you sell your works without registering as an individual entrepreneur, then this law does not apply to you at all, and in any case you are not required to use cash register equipment. If the buyer asks for any document for reporting, then a cash receipt order or simply a receipt for receiving money will do.

Question 10. I heard that in Soviet times, membership in the Union of Artists of the USSR was entered in the work book, included in creative and work experience, and was taken into account when assigning a pension. What about now?

Answer.Now everything is different. According to Federal law dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation”, artists and other creative figures (“authors of works receiving payments and other rewards under agreements on the alienation of the exclusive right to works of science, literature, art... other persons, engaged in private practice and not individual entrepreneurs") are subject to compulsory pension insurance, and their work experience includes only those periods when insurance contributions were paid to the Russian Pension Fund (PFR). The concept of creative work experience in the current pension legislation is not yet available, and the fact of membership in a particular creative or professional union (or creative work without joining a union) does not affect the length of service.

Question 11. What are the features of retirement now? free artist»?

Answer.If an employer does not pay insurance premiums for a “free artist” (regardless of his membership in a particular union), then the artist has the right to pay them for himself by registering with the Pension Fund office at his place of residence as a self-employed person individual who voluntarily entered into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance. You do not need to register an individual entrepreneur for this.

But remember that, firstly, for self-employed individuals there is a considerable mandatory minimum annual insurance contribution, and secondly, only half of the total insurance period required for calculating a retirement pension can be formed in this way. To form the other half of the length of service, you will still have to register an individual entrepreneur or look for an official employer. Otherwise, the artist risks being left with a minimum social pension.

And don’t forget about “pension points” (this is the same as “individual pension coefficient”), these “points” depend on many factors, and they also may not be enough to receive a retirement pension.

In a word, there are a lot of subtleties in pension matters, the legislation in this area is constantly changing, so for specific clarifications and information about your experience and accumulated “points” it is better to contact the Pension Fund branch.

Question 12. Do members of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia have the right to free visits to museums and exhibition halls?

Answer.Some museums and exhibition halls provide this right to professional artists and other creative workers, others do not. The Russian Ministry of Culture has not yet published a single normative document in this regard, and for private galleries and the Ministry of Culture is not a decree. Therefore, everything here still depends on the goodwill of the specific management of a specific museum (and often even a specific ticket cashier). The same situation applies to visiting museums abroad.

Question 13. I have been accepted as a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia. Do I need to provide any other information in order to be included in?

Answer.No additional data is needed; you will be entered into the Register automatically. And, of course, it’s also free.

Question 14. I have long been assigned a rating category in, but I was not a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, and now I want to join. Do I need to provide information about my work again?

Answer.According to "", an artist who has a rating level of at least 5 is considered a professional creative figure and has the right to become a member of the Professional Union of Artists without consideration of his works by the Admissions Committee. This means that in this case you just need to fill out the form, which can be downloaded on our website in Excel orWord, and you will be accepted into the PSHR.

Question 15.I sent you an email (request, application, information...), when will I receive a response?

Answer.We are not a state organization, but a public one, and everyone works for us exclusively on a voluntary basis. Therefore, we do not have any set deadlines for responding to letters or considering questions. We try to do all this as quickly as possible, but we apologize in advance if the resolution of any issue takes several weeks, or even months.

If you have questions that you did not find answers to on this page, write or call us.


© Professional Union of Artists of Russia

When using site materials, a valid link to the relevant page is required.


Members of the TSPH are accepted professional artists any
professions and specializations.

IN admissions committee must be submitted to view

— provide recommendations from two TSPH members with at least three years of membership experience.
(Explanation. In the absence of direct acquaintances with members of the TSPH, recommendations for joining the Union can be obtained by contacting members of the Union through social networks (Facebook, in contact, etc.), or by taking part in the “Open” events of the Union, contacting curators of these events).

No more than 10 original works;

Diploma of completion of higher or secondary art
educational institution (if there is one);

5-6 photographs of works in A5 format for a card index;

2 photos of the applicant 3x4 cm for paperwork;

Entry fee (check with the chairman of the TSPH);

In the section of artists and jewelers, the entrance fee is plus
target contribution;

In the gallery owners section there is an entrance fee plus a target fee.

For artists joining the “Overcoming” section (artists
with disabilities) admission is preferential - 10% of
entrance fee

For members of other creative unions, view original
works are not required, a portfolio or booklet is enough.

Annual fee is 1,500 rubles (the amount of the fee can be changed).
When you pay the fee for the year, you will be extended for a year
membership card.

When joining TSPH you MUST pay
entrance fee plus annual fees for 1 year.

Reception on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 14 to 19 hours, as well as on the third Saturday of every month from 13 to 17 hours at the address: Moscow, St. Kastanaevskaya 5 - 142

Phone 8-495-105-56-96
Ivan Vladimirovich Ignatkov

To receive admission you must fill out an registration card Registration card
member of TSPH can

Attention! Information for artists from other cities,
who cannot come to Moscow themselves!

You can pay the entry fee by transferring money to
TSPH account with Sberbank of Russia no earlier than the decision to enroll in the Union is made. A copy of the payment receipt
please send by e-mail to the address

[email protected]

Ignatkov Ivan Vladimirovich.

Dear artists from the regions! Fee for the first year of membership in TSPH
need to transfer to our account at the same time you pay
entrance fee in one lump sum. Fees for next years it is advisable to pay
in person - tickets must be renewed and stamped. This can also be done
representative of the regional office, as well as your authorized representative.

In the column “PURPOSE OF PAYMENT” you must enter the word CONTRIBUTION (due to the fact that entrance, annual and targeted contributions of our Union are not subject to taxation)


IMPORTANT!!! Rules for participation in exhibition and exhibition events

Rules for participation in exhibition and exhibition events of TSPH

1. Works for exhibitions are accepted in the presence of a certificate and membership book of the TSPH with notes on timely
payment of fees (except for open projects).

3. Work will not be accepted without two types of fasteners - nails must be driven into the subframe (at a distance of at least 5
cm from the outer edge of the work, there should be a lace and ears.

4. Works with poorly secured frames or frames that are not the right size will not be accepted for exhibition.

5.For graphics and art photos, a frame with glass or plastic and a mat design are required. Allowed
exposure of graphics and art photos on a polymer base and clip design with fasteners for hanging.

6.The frame must match the size of the work. No frame (except for realistic and figurative paintings)
classical directions) is possible if this does not disturb the visual sequence.

7.The Union is not responsible for broken glass and frames, also the Union is not responsible for the safety of work upon delivery when
lack of packaging (cardboard, corners, gaskets, wrappers, etc.). Union packaging is not stored until completion

8. For sculpture and ceramics, you must bring podiums if they are not provided by the hall or rented from
hall (paid by the Participant).

9. Removal of works is the responsibility of the Author, except in special cases (illness of the author, non-resident Author, etc.); V
In other cases, the Union is not responsible for absolute safety. The Union is not responsible for the absolute safety of work after
day of export (does not apply to members of the exchange fund and members of the “Overcoming” section).

10. Installations are not allowed for exhibition, except in cases of their aesthetic perfection and when used
professional materials. Any actions such as happenings or performances are allowed only under special conditions.
in agreement with the management of TSPH and with their positive and aesthetically sound content. Etiquette
carried out by the Union.

11.Unfinished works, works with negative and offensive content are not allowed to be exhibited.

12. Compliance with the exhibition theme is mandatory at all events. Explanations “I see it this way” are not accepted due to
unprofessional statement.

13. The Union itself carries out the formation of the exposition; it is allowed to distribute author’s works in order to create
harmonious visual range. The wishes of the Authors regarding exhibiting are taken into account, but are not mandatory for

14. Works that were not previously declared when making the initial contribution and brought by the Author after the main hanging, without
approvals for participation are not allowed. Replacement of work before hanging is possible if agreed upon in advance.

16.The target fee for exhibiting is general and the same for everyone, with the exception of leading artists
active work for the benefit of the Union.

17.The target fee is not refundable, except in case of cancellation of the event. Distribution of target contribution between members
TSPH is prohibited by the TSPH Charter.

18. Installation and dismantling of the exposition is carried out by the Union, unless in certain cases otherwise specified in an agreement with
the lessor or the organization providing the site. In some cases, installation is carried out by the Union with
participation of the Authors.

19. It is allowed to reduce the Author’s exposure only for reasons of differences in the actual exposure area from previously
declared due to the fault of the developer or third parties, as well as in case of insufficient level of copyright work,
and if the size of the work does not comply with the hanging rules. The works of one Author should not interfere with the neighboring
area, protrude from the stand. The distance from neighboring works and works of other Authors should be
a total of at least 40 cm on each side. The size of the work is determined by the frame. Works of one Author should not
edges touch, except where otherwise noted. Works should not be crowded, except when created by the Author
a single compositional field (diptych, triptych, etc.). Union when creating an exposure can reduce the distance
between the works of one Author up to 20 cm. On one linear meter no more than four works are placed at a height of
floor at least 1 meter and no closer than 20 cm from the top border of the stand. The width and height of the work is determined strictly from
taking into account the width of the frame on the outer sides.

20. Since the exhibition is a single whole, removal of works from the walls at the request of the Author until the end of the event is not allowed.
40% of the previously stated price is allowed and fined; in the absence of a stated price, sanctions are taken
according to clause 24 b.

21. Upon sale, a target fee of 20% of the declared value is charged.

22.The chairman of the TSPH or the curator of the exhibition, after agreement with the chairman of the TSPH, can remove works from
exposure in case of violation by a participant of any clause of these Rules, as well as in case of creating a scandalous
atmosphere at the event, insults to TSPH members, its management, exhibition organizers and event guests;
in this case, the question of expulsion from the Union is raised, or the Author is fined.

23. Claims are accepted in writing after the completion of the event and are considered within no more than 30
working days from the date of submission.

24. Violators of exhibition rules

a) are not allowed to participate in events for a period of 3 months to six months, without losing other rights
member of the Union; upon completion of the above-mentioned periods, the sanction is lifted;

b) repeated violation of the rules entails penalties up to and including expulsion from the Union.
25. The safety of the works and their insurance are the responsibility of the Author, unless specified in the agreement with the lessor or
third-party organizer of other conditions.

26. The cost of work and a possible discount are negotiated in advance. The Union does not review prices for work,
implementation is not guaranteed.

27. The cost of damage caused to the equipment of the hall or the walls of the exhibition caused by the Participant’s fault,
are collected from him with a 20% markup in full in a single payment.

28. The Union is not responsible for the Participant’s obligations towards third parties.

29. It is allowed to exhibit works without their implementation, if the Author does not require the implementation of these works.

30. It is allowed to sell works from the exhibition by the Author himself at the time of his presence at the exhibition with a payment of 20%
targeted collection in favor of TSPH, if permitted by the lessor, in other cases the Union in negotiations with the lessor
or the organization providing the venue does not intervene in the event process.

31.The presence of Participants at the opening of the event and during its course is negotiated taking into account the conditions provided
the organization providing the exhibition space, or the lessor.

List of documents for joining members of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia"

  1. Personal HR record sheet (to be completed when submitting documents).
  2. Application for admission (to be completed when submitting documents).
  3. Three recommendations from members of the Union of Artists of Russia with at least 5 years of membership experience.
  4. Autobiography.
  5. List of major works with catalog data (year of creation, technique, materials, sizes). For art historians - a list of publications and monographs.
  6. List of exhibitions indicating their name, date and location (information is confirmed by certificates and printed publications).
  7. Certificates of participation in exhibitions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia on Begovaya.
  8. Document on education (diploma) + photocopy.
  9. Russian passport + photocopy of the first page with a spread and registration.
  10. Photographs of works, pasted on separate sheets (A-4) indicating catalog data (author, title of work, year of creation, material and technique, dimensions) - 7-10 pieces.
  11. Personal photographs 4 x 3 cm - 2 pcs.

In 2019, the viewing of applicants’ works in the exhibition hall of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia will take place on December 9. Documents are accepted until November 20.

Russia needs to meet certain formal criteria. A citizen of the Russian Federation over the age of 18 who is professionally engaged in any type of fine art can become a member of the Union. Applications from artists, restorers, art historians and students studying in these specialties are considered. In addition, the Union may include masters who have created significant copyrights.

Before joining, you must familiarize yourself with the Charter of the Union of Artists of Russia. This document gives an idea of ​​the goals, objectives of the Union, directions of its activities, rights and responsibilities of members. Agreement with the provisions of the Charter is a mandatory condition for applicants. Finding the text of the Charter is not difficult. It is posted on the Internet, and is also available in each regional branch of the Union and in the libraries of art universities.

After studying the Charter, visit the regional branch of the Union of Artists. There you will be able to clarify any questions you may have regarding the Union’s policies and receive the necessary documents to fill out. In addition, you will get to know the current members of the Union and feel the atmosphere of the creative association. If there are no Union representatives in your city, try to find out the address and telephone number of a branch in a neighboring region. This can be done using telephone and address directories, via the Internet, in cultural and art institutions: museums, art galleries, exhibition centers.

Then start collecting documents. You must submit for consideration by the commission:
- autobiography;
- album of reproductions of creative works;
- a list of main works in chronological order from the beginning of creative activity;
- a list of art exhibitions in which you took part, in chronological order;
- a list of professional creative artists with copies of diplomas, certificates of honor attached;
- a list of publications about your work and photocopies of these publications in chronological order;
- a creative description drawn up and signed by an art critic who is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia;
- recommendation of the chairman of the profile section of the regional branch of the Union of Artists of Russia;
- recommendations of three members of the Union of Artists of Russia with at least 5 years of experience;
- certificate from place of residence;
- photocopy of passport;
- photocopy of education diploma;
- a photocopy of the tax registration certificate (TIN);
- a photocopy of the pension insurance certificate;
- 4 photographs measuring 3x4 cm. The list of documents can be shortened or supplemented in accordance with the rules of the regional office.

The most important part of your portfolio is your art book. It must contain at least 20. Select the most striking and significant works that characterize you as an artist. Take professional photographs of them, measuring 15x20 cm. Then glue each photo onto a separate sheet of thick white cardboard. Please provide full catalog information below.

When submitting documents, you will be offered an application to join the Union of Artists and a personal personnel registration card, which you will fill out in your own hand.

Then the management of the regional office will set a date for consideration of your application. You must be present at this meeting to present your work. The decision is made based on the assessment creative activity and potential capabilities of the applicant. An extract from the minutes of the meeting is sent to the Secretariat of the Union of Artists of Russia for final approval.

For artists who have successfully passed entrance tests, a Union membership card is issued and a deadline for paying membership fees is set.


Every year more than 500 artists become members of the Union.

Helpful advice

Full name of the organization - All-Russian Creative public organization"Union of Artists of Russia".


  • Official website of the Union of Artists of Russia

Many professionally established designers for recognition of their merits and confirmation professional competence strive to join the designers' union. How to do it? First of all, you need to understand that this is a certain procedure that requires the collection of necessary documentation and compliance with fairly strict regulations.


The Union of Designers has developed - which the candidate must fill out. The application must be accompanied by a photo and receipt of payment of the entry fee. A necessary condition Participation in membership in the Union of Designers is a copy of the document confirming the availability of artistic education.

If you work in the field of graphic design, then you will additionally need to provide production prints.

If the decision is positive, you will also need to pay an annual fee for membership in the Union, which provides professional designers with a number of advantages. This includes communication with colleagues in creative sections, on advanced training courses, and the possibility of renting a workshop, support of legal commissions in matters of copyright protection.