Drawing in the 2nd junior group. Outline of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Multi-colored balls”

Open lesson in the 2nd younger group on drawing on the theme "Sun".


    To form an interest and positive attitude towards the game, a desire to participate in the overall action, to help fairy-tale characters;

    Encourage children to actively communicate and develop speech;

    Consolidate knowledge about the sun (what is it for? what is it like?);

    Learn to draw the sun, learn to paint inside the outline.

    To encourage in children the desire to finish what they start.


    scenery of the sun, clouds, mountains;

    forest animals: Bunny;

    thick cardboard, size A4;

    yellow gouache;


    hand wipe;

    contours with the image of the sun.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs, the teacher is in front of them.

Educator: Children, look, today we have a lot of guests, let’s greet them: “Hello!” (children greet guests).

Educator: Guys, can you hear someone is knocking on our door! Who came to us?

Children: Bunny!

Bunny: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

Bunny: I came to you for help. For several days now there has been no sun in our fairy tale, and without the sun we are cold, lonely and sad. Guys, help us find the sun.

Educator: Well, guys, let's help our fairy tale bunny find the sun?

Children: Let's help.

Educator: Then we need to go with you to a fairy tale. Behind the forest there is big mountain, on a big mountain among the clouds the sun lives . Then let's go!

Physical education minute

Behind the sun, behind the sun (Walk in place, raising your knees high).
Meadow path
Let's go we're all merry
Sometimes in the spring.
The ringing birds are chirping, (Walking, hands up.)
Moths flutter (Walking with arms swinging up and down).
Dandelions are turning yellow (Walking with body rotation right, right hand to the side, left behind your back, and repeat vice versa.)
The cornflowers are turning blue.

Children with a bunny approach a large mountain with many clouds at the top.

Children and bunny(together):

Bucket sunshine!
Look out the window!
Your children are crying
They're jumping over the pebbles! The springs are in place.
Sunny, dress up!
Red, show yourself! Jumping in place.

The children and the bunny call for the sun, but it does not appear.

Educator: Guys, the sun doesn’t appear, apparently he’s not feeling well. Let's draw him while the sun is sick. Maybe then it will disperse the clouds and begin to give everyone its warmth.

The children go to the tables, the hare remains near the mountain.

Educator: And we will paint the sun with paints. To make the sun look like a real one, let's remember what it is like. What does it look like?

Children: On a ball, on a button, on a ball.

Educator: What color is the sun?

Children: Yellow, red.

Educator: That's right, guys.

2. Practical part.

Educator: Look, guys, how I draw the sun (takes gouache, draws the sun on a sheet of paper in a circular motion). First I paint the circle, and then I’ll draw the rays. Now draw a sun.

The children finish their work, at this time the sun appears from behind the clouds. The bunny jumps for joy.

Educator: Guys, the sun, having dispersed the clouds, floated into the sky. We managed to help the bunny.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the sun that has appeared. The children are happy. The bunny thanks the children for their help.

Bunny: Well, thank you guys for the sunshine!

3. Final part.

Educator: Today you and I had a very interesting activity. Let's remember what we did in class?

Children: We went with the Bunny to the sun, called the sun, drew the sun. (Several answers from children).

Educator: Our lesson is over, you can rest.

Directly educational activities in the second junior group. Abstract.

Author: Malenkina Galina Viktorovna, teacher
Place of work: MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 4" Korenevo village, Kursk region

Summary of GCD in the second junior drawing group. We invite bullfinches to eat rowan quickly!

Description of work: GCD summary for visual arts(drawing) using unconventional technology drawing - finger painting, will be of interest to educators, students of a pedagogical college, parents of children 3 - 4 years old. Finger painting is very popular with kids and has a beneficial effect on the development of the child.
Program content: continue to teach children to draw dots (berries) with their fingers; consolidate knowledge of colors: red, yellow, green, brown; develop fine motor skills hands, attention, thinking; cultivate accuracy when doing work, interest in play activities.
Integration educational areas: "cognitive development" speech development», « physical development", "artistically aesthetic development", "social and communicative development".
Materials and equipment: red finger paints for each child, whatman paper with a painted rowan tree and bullfinches on it, circles for each child made of white paper with a diameter of 9 centimeters, wet wipes, a tape recorder, a recording of the song “Little Bird”, music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by N. Naydenova.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, birds flew to us today, look how beautiful they are, these are bullfinches. Here different birds: big and small (the teacher asks 2-3 children to show big and small birds). What color are their breasts? (children's answers).
Children, bullfinches fly close to people when they have nothing to eat in the forest; in winter they like to peck rowan trees (the teacher shows a rowan brush). What color is it? What berries? (children’s answers).
Look at our rowan tree. It has some leaves on it. What color are they? (children’s answers). But there are no berries on the tree. What will our bullfinches be pecking at?

Guys, I know how to help the birds. Let's draw rowan berries and treat them to bullfinches? Today we will draw berries with our fingers.
But, before we start drawing, let's stretch our fingers and prepare them for work.
Finger gymnastics “The bird folded its wings”
The bird folded its wings, put your hands on the table
The bird washed its wings, stroke the other with one hand
The bird moved its beak, put your fingers together in a lock,
and the index “beak” should be straightened

The bird found the grains Move your hands in the lock left - right,
The bird ate the grains knock on the table with your beak.
The bird sang a song. Children say "chik-chirk"
The bird spread its wings spread your arms to the sides,
She flew, she flew. Smooth swings of the arms.
Now we have stretched our fingers, now we can draw. I'll show you now how to draw. I dip my finger in the paint, but not the whole thing, just the tip, and apply it to the twig. My finger seems to be swinging on a swing: a little back and forth (the teacher showed me how to draw berries with my finger).
On your tables there are circles on which rowan branches (brushes) are drawn, and our berries will be on them.

Now, try it. Dip your finger into the paint carefully and apply it to the twig; if there is no paint left on the finger, dip it in the paint again (the teacher approaches each child individually, shows, prompts).

When the children have drawn the berries, the teacher shows how to wipe their finger with a damp napkin.
While our berries are drying, you and I will relax and play.
Game imitation movements under musical accompaniment(Song “Little Bird”. Music by T. Popatenko. Lyrics by N. Naydenova.)
Guys, let's place your berries on a rowan tree and treat them to bullfinches? (circles with drawn berries are glued using double-sided tape, previously glued to the base).

Now, look how many berries there are on the rowan tree. What beautiful berries you got. Let's invite the bullfinches and say together: “We invite the bullfinches to eat the rowan as soon as possible.”

Open lesson

in drawing in the second junior group

Subject: "Ladybug"

Program content:

1. Teach children to draw expressive image insect.

2. Continue learning how to create a composition based on a green leaf.

3. Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to combine two drawing tools - a brush and a cotton swab.

4. Develop a sense of shape and color, interest in insects.

5. Evoke an emotional response in children to the content of the poem about the ladybug.
6. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.


A toy “Ladybug” or a picture (photo) depicting a ladybug. Sheets of paper cut in the shape of a leaf and tinted in green color. Gouache red and black. Brushes and cotton swabs.

Backing sheets, pour-on containers with water, napkins for blotting brushes.

Preliminary work:

1. Watching a ladybug.

2. Learning nursery rhymes:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look who's visiting us today! , (Show a picture or toy). Do you recognize?
This is a ladybug We often met ladybugs during our walks.
Tell me, what kind of ladybugs are they? Do you like them? Why? How should you behave when encountering this insect?

Ladybugs need to be protected correctly. Listen to the story written by Andrey Usachev. It tells the story of one ladybug.


Once upon a time there lived a ladybug. One day she came out of her house and saw the bright sun. And it saw a ladybug. He smiled and tickled her with warm rays. And when the sun illuminated the back of the ladybug, everyone saw that she had no spots. All the insects in the area began to laugh at her.

What kind of ladybug are you if you don’t have black spots, they said.

“You’re just a red beetle,” others echoed. Even the sun disappeared behind the clouds. And the ladybug began to cry, but then the sun came out again. Ladybug stopped crying, turned her face to the sun, and they began to smile at each other.

Let's help the ladybugs find the black spots. Now we will draw a ladybug with black spots. Do you agree? But first we will do some physical education.

Physical education lesson “Ladybugs”.

We are ladybugs (jumping) -

Fast and agile (running in place)!

We crawl along the lush grass (wave-like movements with our hands),

And then we’ll go for a walk in the forest (we go in a circle).

In the forest there are blueberries (we stretch up) and mushrooms (we crouch)…

My legs are tired from walking (bending)!

And we’ve been wanting to eat for a long time (we’re stroking our tummy)…

Let’s fly home soon (“fly” us to our seats)!

Guys, we are now going to draw a ladybug on this green leaf (show the leaf). Like this one. (Showing the completed sample drawing).

backrest Ladybug what shape? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush.

When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction.

Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water, rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. We paint with gouache paint, but she doesn’t like excess water. Now dip the bristles of the brush into black paint and draw the head of the Ladybug in a semicircle. Paint it over.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the 2nd junior group on familiarization with the environment and drawing on the topic: "Let's help the kitten."

Description: This material is intended for teachers of younger groups.
target: consolidate children's knowledge about cats as pets
Continue learning to draw using the method of poking with a hard brush along the contour and inside it.
Practice using in speech and. noun in the form of units and many more numbers representing domestic animals and their young.
Strengthen the understanding of general words: pets.
Clarify children's ideas about appearance cat, his habits.
Strengthen children's ideas about color and size.
Develop attention, memory, hand movement.
Instill a sense of kindness and a desire to help.
Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.
Integration of educational areas:
Cognitive development. Speech development. artistic and aesthetic development.
Vocabulary work: pets, cat, kitten, laps, claws.
Preliminary work: didactic game “Whose children?” word game“Name the cub”, looking at illustrations on the theme “Cat with Kittens” and the game “Vaska the Cat”, reading Suteeva’s story “Three Kittens”, nursery rhymes “Like our cat...”, watching the cat while walking.
Materials: toys: cat with kitten; glomeruli different colors and different sizes; 1/2 album sheet, hard stand, sippy cups, gouache: gray, brown, orange.

Organization and methodology of conducting GCD:

teacher: Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello
(children say hello)
teacher: we have one more guest, and you will guess who it is when you guess the riddle.
He is furry, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs. Who is this?
children:(pussy, cat)
teacher:(Shows the toy) guys, this is a cat. Repeat.
(children repeat)
teacher: Look what cat? What kind of wool? What colour? What does a cat have? What tail? Long or short?
(children's answers)
teacher: The cat is fluffy, shaggy, the fur is gray, long, thick, soft (touch it), the tail is fluffy, long; there are ears and mustaches. (petting the cat)
What does a cat like? The cat laps milk. Repeat. How does it lap? (Repeat and answer as he laps)
How does a cat sing a song?
children: meow
teacher: And when the cat drinks the milk and is satisfied, will it squint its eyes and purr?
children: purr purr
teacher: When a cat walks, you can’t hear it, it hides its claws and walks very carefully. Show how a cat walks (perform)
Where do you think the cat lives (children's answers)
She lives at home, so what kind of animal is this?
children: Homemade
teacher: What is the baby cat's name? What if there are a lot of them? Repeat (Children answer)
Guys, it seems to me that our cat is sad, doesn’t purr, doesn’t play. What happened? (cat whispers in ear)
teacher: This cat is mom. She lost her kitten and would like to help her find him. Shall we help? (children agree)
(children together with the teacher are looking for a kitten)
teacher: Let's look and see if he's hiding under the table, under the doll's bed. Nowhere. (not found)
And look at the mess here, someone scattered the balls. Wasn't it a kitten playing here? Kittens love to play in balls.
Look how different the balls are and what color they are? Magnitudes?
(children's answers)
Let's collect the balls and tell about them.
(Collect. Take one ball at a time)
teacher: I took a red ball, it’s small. Sasha, what is yours? (I interview all the children)
Okay, the balls have been collected, but the kitten has not yet been found.
(the kitten meows - the children find the kitten)
teacher: Who is this? (kitty)
Ay-ay-ay, why did you run away from the cat's mother? (the kitten “whispers” in the teacher’s ear)
Guys, the kitten says that he is very sad. I ran to look for friends and got lost.
Want to help a kitten? (Yes)
How can we help him? (answers)
teacher: Let's now draw him friends - kittens. Come to the tables, we have everything ready for drawing.
We will paint the kitten's fur with a hard brush.
Look at the paint. What colour? (answers)
Our kittens will be different, some will be gray, some will be red. What kind of paint should I use to paint a ginger kitten? (orange)
Let's trace the outline of the kitten with our fingers (circle the outline. We specify where the eyes, nose, whiskers are)
I suggest taking a brush (I remind you how) and without paint make pokes along the contour (they do it)
Now we take paint and draw along the contour, then inside. (perform)
Put down the tassels. Let's rest a little and stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics
It took a long time to draw
Our fingers are tired
Let them rest a little
And they will start drawing again.
(repeat 2 times. Hands clasp, rotate and shake hands, stroke each finger)
teacher: Look at your kittens, what’s missing? Where should we draw eyes, whiskers, and nose?
Take a soft brush and paint. (I remind you how to take a brush)
(laying out the drawings)
teacher: Look at the pictures. Who did we draw? Karina, who did you draw? What colour is he? What a fluffy kitten it turned out to be. (asks several children)
How many kittens we drew. Repeat, many people? (kittens)
What is the name of the kittens' mother? (Cat)
Where do they live? (Houses)
What animals are these? (domestic)
Guys, the kitten says that he really liked your kittens, he is very glad that now he has friends. THEY will have fun playing with each other.
Remember who we helped? How did you help? What else did you do?
Guys, the cat and kitten thank you for your help. They want to stay in your group to stay and play with you.

Practical part for the summary:

outline image of a kitten.

Children first poke with a hard brush along the entire contour.

Then inside the outline throughout the drawing.

These are the kittens that still have no eyes. While the paint is drying, do finger gymnastics.

Draw with the end of a soft brush: eyes, nose, mustache.

notes on drawing in the second junior group "My Puppy"


(Teacher of the preschool educational institution No. 8 “Teremok”, Podolsk, Moscow region Pavlova G.L.)

Program content:

Continue teaching children to draw using the poking method.

Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly.

Develop small arm muscles.

Expand children's knowledge about pets and enrich their vocabulary.

Strengthen the ability to select colors.

Cultivate accuracy when painting with paints.

Material: 1/2 of a landscape sheet with a drawn outline of a puppy, gouache in black and red, two brushes (one hard, the other squirrel) and all other painting supplies (stand for brushes, napkins, rags, etc.). Two demo samples: one has an outline of a puppy drawn with a simple pencil, on the other is a puppy painted using the poking method. Toy - puppy.


The teacher asks the children a riddle.

As tall as a cat, tail in a ring.

Boldly jumps from the porch.

He licks everyone, the restless one,

And frolics until lunch. (Puppy) - G. Utrobin

The teacher shows a toy - a puppy, invites the children to repeat the riddle 2-3 times to remember it, and in the evening tell it to mom and dad.

Listen to E. Charushin's story about the puppy “How Tomka learned to swim.” Reading a story.

Educator: “That’s how brave and smart puppy. Let's draw friends for him - little puppies." Children trace the outline of their puppy with their finger from left to right, saying out loud: I run my finger along the muzzle, head, ear, back, etc. They clarify where the eyes, mouth, tongue, etc. are. Take a brush and perform a warm-up exercise with it. The teacher reminds the children that the hand should be on the elbow, the brush should be held with three fingers above its metal part.


Hold the brush like this:

It's difficult? No, it's nothing!

Right – left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then

The brush runs around.

Spun like a top.

After a poke comes a poke! (Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Children first poke along the puppy's contour line without paint. This is the most important condition when drawing using the poking method. Coloring along the lines will help children better understand the shapes of objects. The drawings are more believable and brighter. Repeated movements of the brush along the contour will help better development small muscles of the hand.

Educator: - Now put gouache on a brush and start drawing with pokes along the contour line of the puppy, and then inside. During work, the teacher reminds children who are having difficulty about drawing techniques.

Put your brushes aside and let's play while the paint dries.

Physical education lesson “Friendly puppies”:

Woof-woof, woof-woof-woof!

And then the front ones showed their paws,

Well, the hind legs put everything on the heels.

Who couldn't do it on his heel?

Places his paw on his toe.

And then everyone in pairs ran away together,

Hold hands tightly - you need to spin. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

After physical education, children paint the tongue with the tip of a thin brush with red paint, and the nose and eyes with black paint.


Educator: - Let's admire the puppies, how small, beautiful, fluffy, and cheerful they are! Children and their teacher look at all the drawings.

Lupacheva Larisa Borisovna