Romanian names for girls. Romanian and Moldovan female names. Male Romanian surnames

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Romanian and Moldovan names– names used in Romania and Moldova can be divided into several groups:

Names of religious origin (biblical names).

Names borrowed from Slavic languages.

Names derived from Romanian words.

Names borrowed from related Romance languages ​​(mainly Italian and Spanish).

Ancient Roman names.

And others.

Romanian and Moldovan male names


Russian variant
































Andrey (Andries)


Anton (Antonash)



















Kosmin (Cosma)






Daniel (Danutz)










Emil (Milu)


Eugen (Jena)






Philip (Lipan)







Gheorghe (Iorgu)


Grigore (Gregory)


Ignat (Ignatiu)


Ilie (Ilyutse)


Jon (Yonel)






Julian (Yulike)


















Mihai (Mihu)






Nicholas (Nick)









Petru (Petrutz)


















Spiridon (Spiru)











Victor (to Vika)





Our A new book"Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Romanian and Moldovan male names


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Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be honest decent person. For us good name– this is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

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Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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The surname, as part of the full name, has a recent history in the world. Its consolidation in the documents of most countries began quite late, and its necessity, as Personal ID, gradually intensified due to internal migrations, the expansion of economic ties and the establishment of order in the institution of inheritance.

For the first time, surname as a mandatory identifier , appears in Italy after the corresponding decree of the Pope. This was due precisely to the growth of cities and the need to distinguish people with the same names. Later in France they took a similar step at the instigation of Catherine de Medici, and then the trend began to spread to other countries.

Despite the fact that this part of the full name is different countries has different roots and endings (the languages ​​are different), the same factors take part in their formation, the only question is the percentage of family names of different categories . Where might the surname come from?

  1. From the family name. These were usually worn by the elite;
  2. On behalf of an ancestor. The patronymic turned into a surname;
  3. From the profession of an ancestor;
  4. From a place name that indicates where a person’s ancestor was from;
  5. From the nickname;
  6. By converting a foreign language for various reasons (usually political) into the language of the country of residence.

Moldavian and Romanian surnames They were no exception here, and we will talk about them today.

Types of Romanian names and surnames

We will use the word “Romanian” in relation to the entire group, since the national language of both Moldovans and Romanians is the same. I would like to warn you right away: the article does not have a political connotation.

Eastern Romanesque ethnic groups- Moldovans and Romanians are interesting because they are at the intersection of Western European and Byzantine traditions. Their ancestors, who belonged to the Thracian tribes of the Dacians and Getae, were conquered by the Roman emperor Trajan and Romanized, that is, they switched to colloquial Latin. On this basis, the Wallachian ethnic groups began to form.

The exoethnonym “Vlach” was once used in the meaning of “Roman” (speaking one of the Romance languages) in Russian chronicles. During the Great Migration, they experienced a strong Slavic influence, and later entered the sphere of influence of the Byzantine Empire and adopted Christianity of the Eastern (Orthodox) rite.

In this regard, the names of today's Moldovans and Romanians are mostly Christian, adapted to the peculiarities of the language.

The most common names among Romanians

Male names

Recently, the names Andrei, Stefan, David, Mihai, Ionuts, Daniel and a number of others have become popular.

Female names

Andrea, Alexandra, Denise, Bianca and double names. In Moldova, a characteristic feature of female names is the existence of both Slavic and Romanesque names with the same meaning, for example:

Svetlana - Luminitsa

Nadezhda - Speranza

Classification of Romanian surnames by origin

The first similar surnames in the Wallachian and Moldavian principalities were acquired by representatives of the elite. The Wallachian principality was ruled by representatives of the Basarab family, and the Moldavian principality by the Mushatov.

Boyar aristocracy, which represented the top of the principalities, had a heterogeneous origin, both local and foreign - Greek, Russian (however, it was not completely foreign), Kipchak, Albanian. From here come the families of Ghika, Duka, Sturdza and others.

It would be a stretch to call them full surnames - their representatives could change them in different circumstances. Thus, during the rule of the Turks, the aristocracy often “Turkishized” its family name using the prefixes kara- and the suffix -oglo (I remember the hero of the second part “ Dead souls» Konstanjoglo), and after liberation from Ottoman Empire the surname acquired the patronymic suffix -esku or when acquiring citizenship of the Russian Empire -ov (Kheraskov, for example).

Also, the descendants of the Phanariots, the Constantinople Greeks who accepted Ottoman citizenship and were used by the imperial authorities in various local and clerical positions, joined the aristocracy. They got their name from the Greek district of Istanbul - Phanar. The Phanariot genera include Mavrocordato, Muruzi, Katakazi, and Ypsilanti.

The majority of the population of pre-industrial states were peasants, and surnames of peasant origin rarely have any suffixes. Most often they come from the name or nickname of an ancestor, as well as from the area from which the ancestor came. Urban professions are reflected in the names of city residents.

Often Romanian and Moldovan surname indistinguishable from the name, especially in villages. Sometimes it comes from a name in a diminutive or some other evaluative form.

Romanian family suffixes

Unsuffixed surnames

Distributed in rural areas and those who come from it. Occur most often from a name or nickname. Examples:

  • Iancu, Dimitru, Ion, Ilie (from names)
  • Ilinca, Ionel, Nitu (from modified names)
  • Rusă, Turcu, Tătaru, Sîrbu (ancestor was a foreigner)
  • Lupu, Neagu, Dabija (from nicknames)


In some ways this suffix similar to Russian -yanin. Examples:

  • Munteanu (either a man from the mountains, or - for Moldovans - a man from Wallachia)
  • Braileanu (from Braila)
  • Ungareanu (ancestor came from Hungary)
  • Brașoveanu (from Brasov)

Sometimes a similar suffix was added to the original foreign names for the purpose of adaptation in a foreign language environment. So, the name of director Emil Loteanu is one of those. His ancestors from the Chernivtsi region were Lototsky, and when Bukovina was part of Romania, they became Loteanu. Sometimes this suffix occurs in surnames of Armenian origin (due to phonetic similarity).

-ea and -oiu

This group comes from one of the forms of the noun (verbal, possessive), there are many of them in Moldova and in Romanian villages.

Oprea, Ciurea, Vladoui, Lupea, Miroiu, Filipoiu


Most often these are “professionalisms”.

Spătaru, Rotaru, Fieraru, Pantofaru, Olaru.


This suffix is ​​found in all Romance languages ​​and dates back to Latin language. There is more than one version about its origin (Greek, Ligurian, mixed), but the fact remains: this suffix formed adjectives, and in the Romanian language it became patronymic. He became popular among the elite and was initially found only among her; later city residents began to acquire surnames from this group. In rural areas it is less common.

It was also joined by people of non-Romanian origin in the 19th - early 20th centuries who lived on the national outskirts, for example, residents of the north of Bukovina and Bulgarians in the south. Listening examples:

Petrescu, Vasilescu, Ionescu, Ceaușescu, Popescu, Pârvulescu, Cristescu

Spread of surnames

Below we present two lists of the most popular Romanian surnames and Moldovan ones.



As can be seen from the list, in Romania most common surnames- Popescu and Popa (in Russian this is approximately like “popovich” and “pop”), and in Moldova - Rusu (apparently a native of Russia). You can also notice that Moldovans often acquired the Russian ending -рь instead of the traditional -ru.

Romanian surnames, male and female, have the property of immutability. Therefore, if you see a man with a feminine name, it is most likely a surname. This can be confusing if you are used to it being placed after your name - Romanians do the opposite. Sometimes initialization can help, because usually initials are put instead of a name.

experienced strong influence Russian language and culture, and therefore they can be distinguished from Romanian ones, although under the influence of unionism the situation may change.

On the Internet you can find more than forty thousand Romanian surnames, a list in alphabetical order, as well as features of their transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin.

Attention, TODAY only!

The modern Romanian anthroponymic model is binary: it consists of a first name (Romanian rgepite) and a surname (Romanian pite de famille or simply pite), for example: Ion Petrescu, Maria Petrescu. This word order, characteristic of the anthroponymy of most European languages, is found either in common speech or among intellectuals, that is. in the speech of writers, scientists, artists. This arrangement of words is also accepted in the language of newspapers, magazines, and on book covers (for example, Eugen Barbu, Maria Popescu). But in the mass urban conversation and writing However, the reverse order predominates (Petrescu Ion, Petrescu Maria), spreading under the influence alphabetical lists(payslips, class registers, various kinds of registers) and official documents where the surname precedes the given name.

Since in Romanian anthroponymy the surname is often structurally the same as the male given name, without being morphologically different from the latter, and both word orders are widespread, it is sometimes difficult to determine which anthroponym is a surname and which a given name: for example, Ignat Andrei, Isac Vasile. In such cases, initials (if they appear with surnames) serve as the only way to recognize names (since in official speech only names are indicated by initials), for example: L. Andrei or A. Ignat. Initials sometimes convey the father's name, which, however, is not an element of the name of the person, for example: Nicolae A. Constantinescu - N. A. Constantinescu.

There is not a single undoubtedly inherited name left from the Latin language in modern Romanian anthroponymy. Most of the current Romanian names are Greek, Latin and Hebrew in origin, penetrating mainly through Church Slavonic, which for a long time was the language of Romanian Orthodox Church and official business and legal proceedings. All such names, of course, are calendar (hagiographic) and are characterized by the highest frequency. Typical in this regard are, for example, Ion with book version loan (like the Russian Ivan, this is the most common male name), Nicolae, Vasile, Georghe, Hie, Petru (Petre), Grigore, Constantin, Pavel (and the neologism Paul), Alexandru, Simion, Toma, Andrei, Michai (with a book version Michait), Stefan, Lica, Maria (the most common female name), Ana, Elisaveta (Elisabeta), Ioana, Elena, Paraschiva, Vasilica, Ecaterina.

During the Middle Ages, names of South Slavic origin penetrated, which, in turn, took a strong place in Romanian anthroponymy: Bogdan, Dobre, Dragu, Dragomir, Nea-goe, Pirvu, Radu, Stan, Vlad, etc. Names of other origin: Turkic (such as Asian ), Hungarian (like Mogos), Modern Greek (Epe), make up a small proportion of all names, and from the point of view of frequency they can be neglected. The passion for ancient history, literature and mythology in the 19th-20th centuries left, especially in the Transylvanian part of the Romanian area, such “traces” in the anthroponymy of the Romanians as Cicerone, Liviu, Marias, Traian, Virgil (male names); Aurora, Cornelia, Flora, Laura, Livia, Silvia, Stela, Victoria (female names), and such anthroponyms are already common even among rural population. In the last two centuries, certain Western European names like Ernest, Jean, Richard, Robert have become somewhat widespread.

All the above borrowed names are opposed by a relatively large group of proper Romanian names of appellative origin, formed from the names of plants (Bujor, Busuioc, Rodica), animals (Lupu, Ursu.Mioara, Pucia), holidays (Craciun, Pascu, Florea, Eloarea) or from various other common names (Norocel, Soare, Doina, Luminita).
In recent decades, double female names have begun to spread, especially in cities: Ana-Maria, Mariana-Rodica, Maria-Paula. Word-formation feature of the series female forms is their occurrence by suffixation on the basis of the corresponding masculine forms: Adrian(a), Florin(a), Ceza-rin(a), Severin(a).

Both from men's and from. female names are formed by subjectively evaluative forms: hypocoristics (by abbreviation) such as Lache (Michalache), Veta (Elisaveta) and especially diminutives (by suffixation), that is, Jonel (Jon), Petrica (Petre), Victoras (Victor), Marioara (Maria) , Irinuca (Irina), and sometimes such forms act as official (passport) names, for example: Ionel Teodorescu.

Like other peoples, among Romanians the formulas of address depend directly on the nature of the speech situation. In family and everyday communication, they most often use names in the vocative form (Ioane, Petre, Apo, Mario) or subjective evaluative forms in the same form (Ionica, Retrica, Anisoaro, Maricaro). In a familiar and friendly atmosphere, sometimes they resort to the vocative form of surnames (Ionescule, Рopescule), which, as a rule, has a colloquially rude connotation. In an official speech, the interlocutor is addressed by his last name, to which the positive vocative form domnule “master”, doamna “mistress”, domnisoara (duduie) “girl” is necessarily added, for example, domnule Ignat, doamna Ignat, domnisoara Ignat (with meeting on the street, in institutions). While maintaining the specified structure, the surname can be replaced by the name of the corresponding profession: tovarase director, tovarasa director; Domnule doctor, doamna doctor.

The surname or job title is sometimes omitted (if they are unknown to the interlocutor, and also for the sake of brevity), as a result of which the address is expressed by only one common noun: tovarase - tovarasi, domnule - do mni lor, doamna - doamnelor (meaning “girl”, “girls” "respectively "young lady", "young ladies").

A correctly chosen name has a strong impact on a person’s character, aura and destiny. positive influence. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmastide calendars of holy people, without the consultation of a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Romanian names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features the name, the negative features of the name, the choice of profession based on the name, the influence of the name on business, the influence of the name on health, the psychology of the name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Guaril (winner) does not mean that the young man will be strong, and those with other names will be weak. The name can weaken his health, block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Romanian names for boys are also misleading. 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only rely on the child’s innate character, spiritual vision and wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below is a list of Romanian names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Romanian names in alphabetical order:

Ayorgu - peasant
Alexandru - defender of humanity
Alin - to calm down
Andrey - man, warrior
Andrzej - man, warrior
Anton - invaluable

Benjamin - son of the south
Besnik - devotee
Bogden - a gift from God
Boiko - resident of western Ukraine
Boldo - protect the king

Vasile is the king
Vali - strong
Viorel - bell
Virgiliu - presenter
Vasilica is the king
Valeriu - strong

Georg - peasant
Grigor - careful, vigilant
Gavril - strong man god
Ganadi - noble
Guaril - champion, winner
Gudada - superiority
Gunari - military, warrior

Decebal - strong as ten
Georgie is a peasant
Doreen - from the Doric tribe
Douro - desired
Dragomir - precious world
Dragosh - precious world
Dracul - devil or dragon
Dumitru - loves the earth
Danutz - judge

Eugen - well born

Zindelo - son, son

Ilie - God - My God
John - good god
Ion - good god
Ionel - good god
Joseph - he will increase
Iuliu - with a soft beard, a symbolic reference to youth
Julian - with a soft beard, a symbolic reference to youth
Ienku - good god
Ion - God is good
Ioska - he will increase

Jonuts - good god

Karol is a person
Cyprien - from Cyprus
Clodiu is lame
Konstantin - stable
Corneille - horn
Corneliu - horn
Kosmin - order, beauty
The church is sustainable
Kostika - stable
Kostin - stable
Christy - follower of Christ
Christian - follower of Christ
Katelyn - pure

Liviu - bluish
Loisa - famous warrior
Lucaa - from Lucania
Laurentiu - from Laurentum
Lucian - lungs

Marian - like Marius
Marku - militant
Mericano - warlike
Milos - the glory of benefit
Mircea - peace
Mitika - loves the earth
Mihai - who is like God
Miheitse - who is like God
Marco - militant

Nekuley - victory of people
Nelu - good god
Nikola - victory of the people
Nicolae - victory of the people
Niku - victory of the people
Nikuzor - victory of the people
Nandru - prepared for the trip

Ovidiu - sheep shepherd
Eagle - gold

Pali - small
Panka - rock, stone
Peter - rock, stone
Petrika - rock, stone
Petru - rock, stone
Petsha - free
Pesha - small
Pitivo - rock, stone
Pitti - rock, stone
Plaimn - fire, flame
Pompiliu - display, solemn procession

Redu - happy

Sergei - servant
Sergiu - servant
Cizer - hairy
Silviu - from the forest
Simions - listening, listening intently
Skender - defender of humanity
Sorin - sun
Stevo - crowned
Stelien - pillar
Stefan - crown
Sandu - protector of humanity

Toma - twin
Tamás is a twin
Tiberiu - from the Tiber (river)
Tobar - from the Tiber (river)

Wadim - knowledge
Walter - ruler of the army

Fein - crown
Ferka - free
Florin - flower
Flaviu - yellow hair
Fonso - noble and ready

Hanzi - God is good
Harman is a brave, resilient person
Henrik - housekeeper
Horatiu - has good eyesight
Haralampie - bright happiness

Sandor - proud
Stefan - crown

Emilian - competitor
Emilien - competitor

Yanko - God is good
Janoro - January

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. A name can greatly make a person’s life easier, but it can also cause harm.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

Let's analyze your name - find out right now the meaning of the name in the fate of the child! Write to WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Surnames are transmitted in Romania generally as in West Germany. Children receive their father's name, and the wife receives her husband's surname. Although the order of the name and then is used as the second in Everyday life, the sequence on official documents is twisted. When a Romanian introduces himself, he will say his last name so first.

Typical Romanian surnames

In Romania and many of the most common surnames are from where the name is from. The name of scientists is called Patronymen, If the name comes from the father. Matronym is, If it comes from the mother. Amariei is “Son or daughter of Mary.” Also a great example Konstantin, What “Constant” means and is already in ancient Rome were his name bearers. Then carriages, stations also like “Son” are widely used, oh Popescu And Ionescu which are described below. But the properties of the carrier were and are used. Surname Balan meaning “blonde” in Romanian, Albu is “White”. From the professional name, as they are used so much in Germany, there is less contrast here. Funar near the mentioned Schneider, Fierar Blacksmith, but no one does on our leaderboard. GEO names can be found in Marzie, Hungary born Romanian.

List of 50 Most Popular Surnames in Romania

Is the most verwendendete Romanian Nachmane Popescu and as the second most common Popa"Sohn des Priesters". Der drittplatzierte Ionescu is “Sohn des Ion”. Auf dem vierten rank findet Sich Gheorghe, Georg und dem Vornamen angelehnt Pop ALS fifth ist der “Priester”.

1. Popescu
20. Stefan
And he
50.Magnifying glass