Russian sensations on NTV episode about Shurygina. Diana Shurygina: biography, personal life

Diana Alekseevna Shurygina is a girl who became famous after the rape scandal in Ulyanovsk. After her case received public outcry, Diana became frequent guest talk shows like “Let Them Talk” and “Actually.”

  • Name: Diana Shurigina
  • Patronymic: Alekseevna
  • Birthday: June 12, 1999 (18 years old)
  • Place of birth: Ulyanovsk
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Gemini
  • Eastern horoscope: Rabbit
  • Occupation: public figure

Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in Ulyanovsk. Diana’s father, Alexey Viktorovich Shurygin (born 1979), was a truck driver (after the scandal, according to him, he left his job due to constant threats).

Mother - Natalya Shurygina (born 1983), before the story of her daughter’s rape, worked in a hypermarket of creative supplies.
Natalya gave birth to her first daughter very early - she was not yet sixteen when Diana was born. In 2008, Diana gave birth to a younger sister, Karina. The family, who first huddled in a dorm room and then moved to a rented apartment, was always in dire need of money.

According to Diana's acquaintances, she was never distinguished by modesty and exemplary behavior. Proof of this is numerous photographs from social networks. After the rape story, Diana deactivated most of her old accounts, but some of the content managed to spread across the Internet

Journalists captured Diana on a joint smoke break with her father. The fact that he did not react in any way to his daughter’s nicotine puff also speaks volumes. In May 2015, 15-year-old Diana left home.

The parents sounded the alarm and contacted the authorities for the control of neglected children, who found the girl at the home of the adult Vladislav Troshin. Shurygina explained that she loves him and has been in an intimate relationship with him for about 4 months.

At the insistence of the authorities, Diana’s mother wrote a statement against Troshin. Shurygina's lover received a year of restriction of freedom. After graduating from 9th grade, Diana entered a vocational pedagogical college to become a supervisor of machine tools and plumbing work.

Photo of Diana Shurygina in childhood

What is Diana Shurygina known for, details

Fame came to an ordinary girl after scandalous issue“Let them talk,” at which the family of convicted Sergei Semenov tried to call on society and the judicial system to reconsider the rape case.

According to Diana Shurygina, the rape occurred on the night of April 1, 2016, at a party where she was invited by her friend Dasha. In a rented cottage with a sauna, the guys celebrated a friend's 20th birthday. Diana admitted that she drank “several plastic cups” of vodka, specifying that the containers were incomplete, “at the bottom.”

The girl claims that she has stomach problems and did not want to drink, but “out of respect for the birthday boy” she agreed to take a sip. As a result, she had too much alcohol and went to look for her friends, but 21-year-old Sergei Semenov followed her.

The girl was left alone in the room with him. Diana Shurygina says that she didn’t want to have sex with the unfamiliar Semyonov, but the guy hit her and threw her on the bed, raping her. According to the victim, she called for help, but because of the loud music, no one heard the scream.

There is another version of what happened at the birthday party. Party participants claim that the person who reported the rape was drunk and wanted intimate relations. The girl allegedly followed on Sergei’s heels. And after the alleged rape, Diana Shurygina did not rush to leave the house, but continued to drink alcohol.

The parents who came to pick up their daughter saw Diana drunk, bloodied and with a broken lip. In the car, she spoke about the rape, and her parents went to the police department. There, Diana Shurygina was thoroughly questioned about what had happened, then an ambulance arrived and took the girl for examination. According to Diana's father, her daughter underwent three medical examinations, which confirmed injuries characteristic of rape.

During an 8-month investigation, judges sentenced Semenov to 8 years in prison. In December 2016, Sergei Semenov was sent to a maximum security colony, but in January 2017, the guy’s sentence was commuted, changing it to 3 years and 3 months in a maximum security colony.

Sergei Semenov’s defense insisted at the court hearing that the rape was invented by the girl for selfish reasons. Sergei did not beat Diana; the injuries appeared after Shurygina’s conflict with her father, which was confirmed by the girl’s friends. But the Shurygins’ lawyer denied the allegations, drawing attention to the injuries received by the victim, which were not typical for consensual sexual intercourse.

Diana Shurygina today - latest news

The new host of the “Live Broadcast” program instantly reacts to significant events in society. Before Sergei Semenov had time to leave prison, he received a call from the editors of the “Live Broadcast” program and was invited to star in the new episode. After this information, Diana Shurygina got in touch.

The girl was offended by Andrei Malakhov for inviting the rapist. It's not even about the invitation, but about presenting Sergei as a hero. Diana wrote that the guests in the studio and the presenter himself greeted Semenov as a person who had accomplished a feat. Everyone supported him and did not consider him a criminal, although there is a court decision and it says the opposite, writes Diana.

It is worth noting that Shurygina is losing popularity in in social networks and society. Many subscribers on Instagram, VK and Youtube simply unsubscribe from Shurygina. The girl can only shoot videos of an erotic nature (naked Shurygina in the bathroom, on a pole, in a car) in order to attract the attention of society.

Diana Shurygina and Sergei Semenov: Malakhov’s new scandal on TV

The scandalous story of the rape of Diana Shurygina is again gaining momentum. After the release of Sergei Semenov, who was accused of rape, the story was remembered again on TV, and the participants in the scandal shared their opinions. Shurygina is shocked by Semenov’s quick release.

Andrei Malakhov talked with Sergei, while Diana shared her opinion with Dmitry Borisov. After such conversations, the scandalous story again found itself in the epicenter of attention throughout the country.

Sergei Semenov said that that evening, in addition to him, with Diana in intimacy there was also his friend, but as for the bribe that the friend allegedly gave to Diana, Sergei knows nothing. The guy also said that Diana was already, so to speak, “ girl lung behavior." But at that moment in the studio they stood up for Diana and said that “no matter what she is, a guy does not have the right to rape a girl.”

Afterwards, Semenov said that he did not admit his guilt, and also warned young guys that girls could take advantage of them. The guy also advised us to learn from his history. Semyonov did not want to communicate with the culprit of the scandal.

Video: Diana Shurygina - the story of an all-Russian scandal

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Diana Alekseevna Shurygina is an ordinary Russian girl from the city of Ulyanovsk. She became famous after the scandalous case of her rape. The girl began to live a media life after participating in the talk show program “Let Them Talk.” Diana Shurygina spoke in the studio about her tragedy that happened at the end of March 2016.

This story caused widely divided opinions. The rapist of Diana Shurygina was a certain Sergei Semenov - in appearance very good guy, does not look like a person who is capable of rape. Nevertheless young man sentenced to eight years in prison in December 2016. This news became the cause of hostility between supporters of their “truth” Diana Shurygina and Sergei Semenov. Let's dive into the details of this story, and also take a closer look at the biography of Diana Shurygina.

The relevance of the question of whether there was rape or not still exists, although the majority is inclined to the second opinion. Ultimately, the guy was sentenced to three years.

Biographical facts

Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in the city of Ulyanovsk. She grew up and was brought up in a low-income family. Dad worked a simple driver, and my mother is a salesperson in a supermarket. In the biography of Diana Shurygina and her family, it is known that her mother Natalya gave birth to her at the age of fifteen. At that time, the girl's father was only nineteen years old.

When Diana was ten years old, her Native sister Karina. The addition of another child forced the family to move from the hostel to a rented apartment. In his hometown Diana went to a choreography club and also participated in athletics. After ninth grade, the girl entered the Ulyanovsk Vocational Pedagogical College.

Diana's teenage life

Any rumors are always discussed on the Internet, moreover, they are confirmed there by some facts. Details of Diana Shurygina’s biography were published on all social networks. Users relied on the girl’s immorality, demonstrating leaked photo and video materials. They say that during the period of sharp popularity, Shurygina deleted all the incriminating photographs, but the most savvy managed to save some of these files. For example, photographs of naked Diana Shurygina or a well-known video in a car were circulating on the Internet, where the girl zealously demonstrates her dissolute behavior. In addition, Diana’s personal correspondence with her ex-boyfriends, in which the girl, not embarrassed by her young age, acts as an initiator sexual relations with young people.

What else is known about the Shurygin family?

During the investigation, law enforcement agencies learned the history of the “illness” of the Shurygin family. It is known that at the age of fifteen, Diana ran away from home (May 2015). The mother contacted the police, writing a statement about her missing daughter. Shurygina was found quickly - in the apartment of her eighteen-year-old boyfriend Vlad Troshin. By the way, this poor fellow was given a year of suspended imprisonment under Article 134 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation- “sexual intercourse and other acts of a sexual nature with minors.” Doubts about the chastity of the young girl arise after her own frank words on federal television: “I tried my first cigarette at the age of fifteen, and I also lost my virginity at fifteen. I tried a lot of things. I ran away from home several times.”

Popularity: what happened on the show “Let Them Talk”?

Diana Shurygina appeared in talk show air January 31, 2017. Scandalous fame knocked on Diana Shurygina’s door just after participating in the program in which she was the main character- a victim of violence by Sergei Semenov. Relatives of the convicted person tried to call on the public and the judiciary to reconsider the case of the rape of Diana Shurygina.

Versions of Shurygina and other witnesses

The story begins with the fact that on April 1, 2016, Diana and her friends arrive at a party in a rented apartment. Vacation home, which celebrated one guy’s 20th birthday. There was present a large number of people, many of whom did not know each other. Everyone drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and some even dabbled in marijuana.

According to the girl, as a sign of respect for the birthday boy, she drank several plastic cups of vodka. Here Diana asks you to pay attention to the fact that the containers were far from full, but “at the bottom” (which later became an Internet meme). In general, the girl said that she did not want to drink, because she had some problems with digestion. Having gone through with alcoholic drinks, sixteen-year-old Diana goes in search of her friends, but twenty-one-year-old Sergei Semyonov began to pursue her. It turned out that Shurygina and Semenov were left alone in the room.

Diana admits that she did not want an intimate continuation after an assertive kiss from Sergei, but he hit her in the face and threw her onto the bed, after which he mercilessly raped her. The victim says she tried to call for help for several minutes, but was unable to reach her friends because of loud music in the house.

There is a completely different story about that memorable day. Those present at the party say that Diana deliberately drank a large amount of alcohol (vodka), and while drinking, she shouted obscene phrases about how she came here for casual sexual relationships. Witnesses also emphasize the fact that during the holiday, Shurygina actively flirted with Semyonov, provoking him in every possible way to seduce him. After the imaginary rape happened, Diana was in no hurry to go home, but returned to the company and continued to drink vodka.

Parents arrived

Towards the end of the party, Diana’s parents arrived at the country cottage, to whom the girl complained that she had been raped. After their daughter’s words, the Shurygins went to the police department to write a statement. At the department, Diana was questioned about what had happened. After that, she was sent for examination to the hospital to determine the fact of violence.

Some eyewitnesses say that during the meeting, Diana's father hit her in the face, after which blood appeared on her lips. This fact casts doubt on whether Sergei Semyonov hit Diana before raping her.

The federal channel “Channel One” dedicated 5 broadcasts to the release of the show “Let Them Talk” to the victim of a sex scandal - Diana Shurygina.

Did the raped girl prove she was right?

In September 2017, the notorious Diana Shurygina took part in Dmitry Shepelev’s “Actually” program. The peculiarity of the TV show is that all the main guests who come answer Control questions on a polygraph. On a lie detector, Diana Shurygina passed a specially prepared test with questions of interest to the public about her rape. As in the show “Let Them Talk,” several episodes of the program were dedicated to the heroine. Last broadcast was the most emotional and exciting - here Diana met face to face with Sergei Semenov's mother, Olga. The woman claimed that her son was not a rapist, and their incident of a sexual nature happened by mutual consent with Diana Shurygina.

On the lie detector test, Diana answered that she was still a victim of sexual violence by Sergei Semyonov. All the girl’s answers were confirmed by the inscription “true.” On the last and main question“Did Semyonov rape you?” a tearful Diana replied “Yes,” which was also identified as true.

Do federal TV channels continue to “hype” Shurygina?

According to many, Lie Detector with Diana Shurygina is a staged program for the sake of ratings and earnings. She continues to be positioned as an injured poor girl, but Dina Shurygina is already a media project that even has its own producer. You have to be a naive person to believe in the words of this girl. Naturally, there is no solid evidence that Diana is lying, but her manners, words, behavior and similar characterizing things outline the true sketch of the picture and its plot.

In the final frames of television programs (“Let Them Talk” and “Actually”), Diana Shurygina, whose biography has become of interest to a huge number of Internet users, cannot even hide her smile, in which lies and slander can be read with the naked eye. After the broadcast, evidence of the staged program began to be posted on YouTube. Professional profilers also got involved in the case and analyzed every gesture and facial expression of Diana Shurygina in detail, accusing her of lying.

Diana Shurygina is getting married!

For a long time, rumors spread on the Internet that Diana Shurygina was dating a Channel One cameraman who was 11 years older than her. There was talk that the couple was preparing for the wedding. So is this true? Diana Shurygina getting married?

On October 5, 2017, all the rumors were confirmed, because on this day the “victim of severe rape” was getting married. Diana Shurygina and Andrey Shelyagin held wedding ceremony, as befits real Hollywood stars - a long, chic dress, a multi-tiered cake from a skilled pastry chef, a concert by musicians from the Na-Na group and an abundance of various journalists.

It is reported that the wedding of Diana Shurygina and Andrei Shelyagin ended in a fight. The famous scandalous video blogger Dmitry Torin, who had previously often pursued Diana in order to take a selfie with her, entered the restaurant. After waiting for the moment when the groom went to the restroom, Thorin ran up to Shurygina and spun her around in a dance, after which he handed her a huge bouquet of carnations as a gift. At the request of the bride, the uninvited video blogger was pushed out of the hall by the guards, and at the door he was met by the groom Andrei Shelyagin (Diana Shurygina shouted after him “Don’t, Andrei!”), who began to beat the insolent man.