Safe white magic spells. Spells - prayers, conspiracies, spells

White magic spells are rites and rituals that are aimed at achieving a goal set by a person, with the help and support of the higher forces and energy of the universe. Spells, as a rule, mean conspiracies, prayers, and other actions aimed at stabilizing one of the areas of life or life as a whole. White magic spells can be performed independently even by people who have not previously resorted to magical help.

It's no secret that white magic spells are weaker than black magic rituals. This is true, however, using such an influence, you don’t have to worry about side effects, consequences and something like that. Light forces come to help a person.

Naturally, with the help of such influence one cannot harm anyone, force anyone to be nearby, change a person’s will and achieve quick results. This type of magic will help if you sincerely wish happiness for yourself and the person to whom the magic in love rituals can be directed.

Its effect will be gradual and will appear only if it is destined for you by fate. If the person is not right for you or is genuinely in love with someone else, then this type of spell will not help.

Regarding the rituals financial well-being, health, luck, then here too the action will be gradual, but the effect will not imply any negative consequences, and everything that you get will come to you in a “bright” way.

Rules for performing rituals

Rites of white magic must be performed in accordance with the rules provided for of this type impacts:

  • Perform the ritual in good mood, when all your thoughts and intentions are pure and aimed at creating something, and not at destruction. So, love rituals should not be carried out at the moment when you feel resentment towards your lover, money rituals Don't do it in a moment of desperation. Wait until you feel free and good, and only then start doing magic.
  • If you believe in God, then before starting a magic session, read the “Our Father” prayer. If you profess another religion, then turn to the Higher Powers for help. After this, you can begin to perform the ritual.
  • Conduct the ceremony alone, in a well-lit room where you feel comfortable.
  • Read the spell out loud, in a half whisper.
  • Make your request come from the heart.

Ritual to attract love

This ritual is great for men and women who want to attract love into their lives. You can do it when there is no loved one in your life yet and you want to meet him, as well as in a situation where there are some problems between you and your soulmate, reciprocity has been lost or there are not enough feelings.

The ritual can be used to restore relationships between spouses who are together but do not feel love for each other.

This ritual is performed strictly during the growing month for seven days. The last day can fall on a full moon, but not on a waning month.

“Everyone is destined to be in a couple by the Higher Powers,
Share joys and sorrows, experience happiness and bad weather!
So let everything in my life go according to the Highest laws!
Let love saturate every moment of existence,
Let him make me happy, let him make him happy too
Who should be next to me!
Let everything take its course.”

Magic words are repeated three times. It is best to perform the ritual late in the evening, after ten o’clock. The ritual is carried out in the light of church candles, which can be extinguished immediately after reading, leaving until next time.

Rite for good luck

If you have prolonged financial difficulties, then this ritual of white magic, aimed at improving the financial sphere, will help. The ritual should be performed on Wednesday for the growing month.

“I conjure Wednesday-Middle for good luck and luck,
I call on her for help, I call on her to come to my rescue!
So that everything gets better in my life,
Money came after money, in a hurry!
I need a lot, enough for a human life,
Human happiness and worldly joys!”

The spell is repeated seven times. When the words are read, the candles can be extinguished and, wrapped in a white napkin, put away in an inaccessible place. The ritual can be repeated in a month.

Spell on water for health

White magic rituals aimed at improving health are considered very popular. This ritual is performed for the growing month, since it is aimed at improving well-being in general, and not at getting rid of a specific problem.

To carry it out you will need a glass of holy water and one church candle. People who have undergone baptism should give preference to this magical event.

Early in the morning you need to put a glass of water in front of you and light a candle.

Looking at the fire, the words of the spell are read:

“Fire and water, two enormous forces,
I turn my words to you, I appeal to you for help!
Save me from illnesses, save me from illnesses,
Direct your strength to defense.
Thank you for your help, I hope for your support!”

The words are read three times, after which the candle must be allowed to burn out, and the water must stand on the windowsill all night. In the morning, you should drink the charmed water in small sips. At this point the ritual is considered complete.

Please note that this magical event is carried out for preventive purposes, when nothing hurts and you want to protect yourself. If you already have some health problems, then rituals aimed at getting rid of the disease are suitable. And this ritual can be used as consolidation.

White magic rituals and spells are considered magical activities aimed at various areas a person's life to get what he dreams of. The impact of this plan is characterized by a mild effect, gradualness and the absence of any side effects.

White magic represents a concentration around itself positive energy and controlling it using your willpower. White magic conspiracies are strikingly different from black magic ones. Blacks, at their core, are always violence against the consciousness of others, through the use of the help of lost souls, evil spirits. White magic works with natural elements, flora, fauna, various objects and is mostly based on the energetic unity of the human ear and body with nature.

Specifics of witchcraft

The specificity of this type of witchcraft lies in the prospect of growth and development of a person as an individual, improvement and strengthening of his body as a whole. First of all, if you decide to practice white magic, you must give up evil thoughts and try to see only the good in everything, otherwise dark forces can lure you to their side despite the conspiracies of pure white magic.

It is very important to refuse bad habits. It doesn’t have to be from everyone at once; you can do it gradually. Various attributes associated with Christianity are used in rituals, but it is important to remember that the church does not accept either black or white magic. White magic conspiracies have a purely creative orientation. A real magician will never think that he knows everything; such people always strive for something, they get to know the world in all its colors and manifestations, they know and discover themselves.

Money Witchcraft

There are many ways to attract money to your home and improve the well-being of your family, such as white magic and its spells and prayers. The ancient rite is carried out on the day of the spring solstice from March 20 to 21, with the first rays of the sun. The weather must be clear. You need to turn your face to the east. Also for the ritual you will need:

  • homemade chicken egg;
  • church lantern;
  • flower pot;
  • land for planting flowers;
  • water;
  • flour;
  • wood chip.

You need to make holes in the egg on both sides and remove the contents, placing the yolk and white in separate plates. At this moment you need to read the words of the spell supporting them with prayers:

“As God blessed, so it will be.”

With a lighted torch in the air, make a cross over the egg and over yourself. They dip a small piece of wood into the yolk and write their initials on the shell. Each letter is circled three times. Then extinguish the light with your fingers.

After this, you should fully calculate all the money that is available at home. If you have bank accounts or money on plastic cards, you should take them into account too. The result obtained is written on small denomination. Now you should make a dough of water and flour to coat the shell, accompanying everything with prayers.

While the dough is wet, they glue a bill with the result on it and begin to read the plot:

“The egg will turn into a clear sun, touching everyone in my house with its rays. On a sunny day, on a starry night, my house and everyone who lives in it will be blessed. WITH today my wealth will only increase, just as all living things reach up towards the sun, so the money will flow in a stream across my threshold. The slave (name) will forget the sorrows and adversities forever. Amen".

The shell should be planted in a flower pot. It should be watered regularly, best on the days of the waxing moon. While the water is pouring into the pot, concentrate on the picture of increasing wealth as stated in the terms of the spell.

How to find a good job using witchcraft?

Many people suffer from the fact that work is not a joy, but when a person does not want to do anything, and the money does not flow into their hands and everything turns into a routine. To find your dream job and change your life for the better, there are spells for finding a job. To perform this ritual you will need:

  • the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God;
  • holy water;
  • six large church wax lanterns;
  • clay vessel.

Such rituals are performed from sunrise to noon. Icons are placed on a table covered with a tablecloth. A lit torch is placed in front of each one. Holy water is taken into a clay vessel and placed in front of the faces of the saints. The ritual begins with prayers to the Savior, then to the Mother of God.

“Mother of God and the Almighty Father, bless the path where my feet go, may everyday work be a delight for me, not only bring me money, but also peace of mind. Amen".

Take three sips from the vessel, and wash your face with the rest of the water in the evening. The lights should not be extinguished. This action is repeated three days in a row. After three days, you can start looking for work in any way. in an accessible way and you will certainly be lucky and find a job that you will want to go to in the morning.

How to improve trading using white magic actions?

Private entrepreneurs often use white magic rituals in their work to attract buyers. There are many conspiracies that merchants used in ancient times in order to successfully go for goods, sell them all and make a good profit.

In the morning, before you set off to pick up the goods, turn your face to the east and pray to the Savior, cross yourself, and then say the words:

“Clear sun, illuminate my path with your rays, and point me to a profitable product. I’ll take it cheaper and sell it more expensive.”

Love rituals

White love magic is very popular. Even in ancient times, all the girls used to tell fortunes during Christmas time, hoping to lift the veil of the future and look at their future husband. Many people use white magic rituals to return a spouse to the family, attract the attention of a man they like, or ward off a rival.

To strengthen your marital relationship at home you will need:

  • homemade dough;
  • rose oil;
  • powdered sugar.

After the dough is kneaded, add all the sweet ingredients and add a few drops of rose ether with the words:

“Lada, Ladushka and Svarog are God above all Gods. You blessed our union, so don’t let it fall apart.”

The dough should be used to make sweet pastries; you can leave it unchanged or add more ingredients to it. Only you and your spouse can eat baked goods. To return former sympathy, passion is performed in the waxing moon phase. Draw a full cup of spring water early in the morning. The vessel with water must be hidden at home until the evening, so that no one can see it.

After sunset, holding the cup in your hands, read the following words:

“Not a single bird can survive without a clear sky, not a single tree can survive without a red sun, a wild animal cannot cope without dense forests. So let the slave (husband’s name) without a slave (his own name) become bored and burn, feel his former passion and the former love awaken in his heart.”

No one should see you during these manipulations. You need to sprinkle the family bed and your spouse’s clothes with water from the bowl, and pour the rest out the window.

How to get a woman back?

Love white magic is used not only by women, but also by men. It happens that a man really wants to get his wife back, to push her away from another man, to reawaken her sympathy. This ritual is performed on a full moon. Holy water is poured into any cup in the morning and hidden in the apartment until the evening so that no one will find it.

When it gets dark, before midnight, you should take the cup to left hand and stood up at open window read the words:

“Just as flowers cannot live without water, but after rain they bloom and smell, so let my wife bloom from my love. Let her be faithful to me alone, only be drawn to me at night, and only from my caresses may her gift awaken in her bosom.”

Water should be added to your wife's drink and sprinkled on her clothes and bed.

How to bring back passion?

It also happens that in marriage a woman grows cold towards her man, but still loves him. To do this, you can read a conspiracy to yourself to return passion. For this ritual you will need a liter spring water. You should prepare a large basin and a new nightgown ahead of time. The ritual is performed during the waxing phase of the moon.

By midnight, being completely alone, they put on a new shirt. A basin is placed near the table, and water is placed on the table. A spell is spoken about this water 12 times:

“I was born a red maiden, and I will remain so. I (name) will not forget a man’s touch. Lips to lips, legs to legs, hand to hand.”

Now you should pour all the charmed water over yourself. After that. Once the nightgown is dry, put it on when you go to bed with your husband.

Protective rites

White magic rituals are often used to protect oneself, one’s family and friends from the evil eye, damage, theft, fires and other misfortunes. The means of protection include nauz - ancient Slavic knot magic. The basis of this action is not the raw materials from which the knots are made, but what a person thinks about at the moment of tying a knot.

It is not necessary to read spells while weaving nauz. It is important, when tying each knot, to clearly imagine the person to whom you want to give protection, and what you want to protect him from. In addition to the protective properties of the sciences, they can heal from various ailments and work to attract good luck.

Love spell

Love spells have always been popular among the fair half of humanity. Only there are black love spells that are aimed at suppressing the consciousness of the victim and lead to inevitable changes in the lives of all participants in the ritual, and there are white, harmless love spells, the effect of which is not aimed at awakening sympathy, but at inciting action.

If you don’t have the courage to meet the person you like, and you need to push him to get acquainted, you can cast white love spells at a distance. For beginners in magic, a ritual with a photo is suitable. Today, you can get a photograph of the object of your desires on social networks and print it on paper.

The most powerful love spells are based on complete concentration. They take the photo in their hands and concentrate all their attention on the facial features, imagine the smile, the eyes of the subject. It is important to concentrate on the thought of how happy you will feel when you are together. Try to imagine a red thread that stretches from your heart to the heart of your lover.

Plus this method in its complete safety and absence of violence against consciousness. For this action, it is not even necessary to give a verbal instruction on a certain line of behavior in order to arouse sympathy. If the victim has no intentions towards you, then the ritual will not work, and if he, like you, cannot find a reason to come up and get acquainted, then literally one of these days you will have the opportunity.

ATTENTION!!! We perform a ritual for the growing moon.

Final part

If you cast magic only for your own benefit, will such magic go unpunished? Will there be consequences for the person? There are a million different answers to these questions. Every esotericist thinks differently. Naturally, if a person thinks only about himself, never shows generosity and uses strong love spells and spells to achieve a selfish goal, we are no longer talking about any white magic.

Every person is like a book. His inner world rich and varied. In white magic it plays a role not only inner strength, but also the attitude towards surrounding things and people. There should be no place for anger and hatred in the soul of a wizard. All events should be accepted as a sign from above, and then, by combining your spiritual power with the energy of the Universe, you can achieve true happiness.

With the support of: ZAO "AURA" publishing house Russia List of literature useful for reading for a novice magician
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  • Genre: Esoterics Abstract: ZOGAR

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