Scenario for the holiday “Children of Different Nations” for primary grades. Scenario of entertainment for the Day of Indigenous and Minority Peoples Scenario for the Day of Indigenous Minorities of the World

Equipment: hats (deer horns, mosquito mask headbands, African animal masks, feather headbands), baskets for picking berries,

fake horses, envelopes with letters.

Hall decoration: the coat of arms of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a rainbow of balloons, posters with images of deer, a surprise balloon.


Ved. Dear Guys,

We have gathered today with you,

to celebrate a wonderful holiday,

Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples.

And what kind of holiday is this, we will now find out,

We invite the owner of the tundra and taiga to visit us.


Household an-torova,

Hello guys,

How many guests do I have?

And I’m very happy with everyone.

Everyone calls me Heiro, which means...... sunshine

I send congratulations to all the indigenous peoples of the world,

And our Yamal, beloved region, will not be an exception.

Indians, Nenets, Eskimos, the whole world is dancing and singing.

The Khanty, Mansi and Selkups will all stand in a friendly round dance.

And may our holiday be bright, cheerful and beautiful,

Yamal gathered in a circle of friends - joyful, happy.



Charles. Let's land, oh let's land,

Otherwise I'll break

Oh, hurry up and save me.

Hello everyone, here I am,

Hello my friends.

Oh…. Where did I end up?

I've never been here before,

Household An-torova, hello, kind person.

you got to the North,

To our beloved land……Yamal

Charles. Oh, how wonderful and very interesting, I don’t know anything about Yamal.

I’d really like to know how you are doing…….you can tell me.

Household Of course we can,

we live well in the harsh tundra,

Everything that grows on it is our wealth,

Chum is not a palace, but we feel warm in it,

And that’s why this place is sacred to us.

Our tundra is vast,

Lakes, rivers…

Mighty cedars, lots of berries,

Fishing, hunting and permafrost,

The wealth of Yamal cannot be measured,

Yamal…..our priceless land.

We love him, we take care of him,

We call you our homeland.

Charles. What an interesting region you have,'s pure heaven.

Of course I've seen a lot of countries,

But I haven’t been to Yamal.

And what do you play?

Do they eat sweets?

Because I'm kind of hungry,

Oh….yes, I haven’t refueled for a long time,

I wouldn't mind jam.

Household Well, well, we have one game.

To make jam, you need to pick the berries,

but first it is necessary... to tie the sledge to the reindeer team

then we'll have fun pushing the team forward,

then find a clearing in the taiga,

You might also meet an eredelion in the forest,

a snow bunting can sing its song on a branch

Well, while you are picking berries, you can chew the nannies.

Well, in general, that seems to be all,

What kind of berries do you want to pick?

We have a lot of it, but let’s list our northern berries:

Lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries, rowanberries, stoneberries, blackberries.

Charles. Oh no, something’s a little hard for me,

Tell me in order

What to tie up, who to drive and finally who I can meet.

Household Well, guys, let's show Carlson what and how to do,

To pick berries. And what berries did you decide to pick?

Charles. I'll pick cranberries

She is said to be the most useful

Household Well, listen carefully again.

A sled is a sleigh, a trochee is a stick, to drive reindeer,

The eurasian is a tundra mouse, the snow bunting is a sparrow

And nyan is bread, and cranberries are collected in the swamp.

Charles. Well, now everything is clear to me, I’ll jump from bump to bump,

Pick cranberries quickly.

Household you must first collect the reindeer in a harness

GAME “DEER BATTLE” (throw the ball at the children, whoever hits is a deer)

Household The teams are ready, boldly forward.

The cranberry has been waiting for us for a long time.


Household and here is the swamp, the beads, lying on the hummocks

Ripe, red……….whoever is going to collect it, let him hurry to me.

And of course Carlson.


Charles. And I liked picking berries,

Household the main thing is that you didn’t have to get bored,

To live in the North, you need to be strong and patient,

In winter there is frost, and in summer there are mosquitoes and midges. Life is not easy at all.

Charles. Mosquitoes are not scary at all.

Household you are not afraid of mosquitoes,

Charles. Nonsense. Well, it will bite a little, so what.

Household ok, we'll look at you now,

Then don’t scream… me.

GAME “MOSQUITOES” (6 children are selected, catch up with Carlson, count)

Charles. oh, save me, help me, oh-oh-oh, drive away the mosquitoes.

Household You see, Carlson, the taiga doesn’t like jokes,

You need to be careful and very attentive.

Charles. I now understand that the Northern Region is very harsh, don’t yawn here.

Household oh guys, look how many letters we have received,

Charles. This is probably congratulations on the holiday,

Household Here is a letter from Australia, from my Aboriginal friend Dougie,

Well, let’s read: “Dear Heiro....congratulations on our day,

May there be a lot of happiness in him,

let whatever you want.

And let your dreams come true. Now we are playing with the kangaroo, which is what we wish for you,

And since you don’t have a kangaroo, I send it to you in contact, hug you tightly,

Your Aboriginal friend Dougie"

Household oh, how interesting, well, let’s see what kind of contact kangaroo this is,

Charles. Yes, this is a dance, let's dance,

It's fun to be naughty.


Charles. Heyro, look, here's another letter,

It's kind of hot

Probably there is a warm congratulations there,

Cake, pie or cookies.

Household Come on, Carlson, they don’t send that kind of stuff in letters,

All the guys know about this.

Charles. Well, let's read it quickly

Household Hello dear Heiro, accept congratulations......from my tribe.

May the ray of African sunshine always shine on you,

Both in the northern summer and in the winter cold,

Let the plague warm you,

Protects from all troubles.

Please accept my warm regards

There is no warm greeting.

I’m sending you masks as a gift,

I really love playing Safari

I hope you like it too

In your opinion, this is called hunting.

your friend......the pygmy Mabuka.

Charles. What an interesting name......

I've been to Africa, it's a famous country,

can I be an elephant?

with such a huge trunk.

Household thank you for the gift,

Well, let's play

We will open hunting for Safari.


Household oh, and this letter is from my friend Joni,

Indian from America

Charles. He probably congratulates you too,

Household maybe let's read it,

"My ancient family,

sends congratulations,

may the spirits of the forest help you,

and protect from evil.

I send you the feather of the sacred Condor bird,

It will always help you,

But you can also play with it.

Your friend Joni, from the Navajo tribe"

Charles. How wonderful it is when you can play,

And also to be mischievous,

I know the Indians are dashing riders,

So we'll play with you now,

Who will gallop the fastest, for example to Kansas.


Household What wonderful friends I have

I also need to congratulate everyone,

And I can’t live without a gift.

What should I give them?

Charles. And look at the sky, the rainbow is shining,

There is no such rainbow as in Yamal.

And may it shine on all people on the planet,

And let both adults and children smile at her.

Household And you can also give a song,

A rainbow of wishes will make everyone happy.


Household it's come to an end

Our happy holiday

Charles. Today we all played enough,

Obedient and prankster,

Household Congratulations once again to all indigenous peoples.

Together. We wish you good luck, happiness and goodness,

And good mood.


The International Day of the World's Indigenous People was established on December 23, 1994 by a resolution of the UN General Assembly and is celebrated annually on August 9.

This date is the first day of the meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations, established in 1982.
Each year, the International Day of the World's Indigenous People is dedicated to a specific theme. The main focus of the International Day in 2016 is the theme “The right of indigenous peoples to education”.

There is still no clear and generally accepted concept of “indigenous peoples” in international law. At the same time, some characteristics characteristic of indigenous peoples emerged. First of all, the most main sign, This historical connection(continuity) of indigenous peoples with the territory of their present residence. Secondly, it is self-awareness of oneself as such. That is, indigenous peoples consciously indicate their identity as indigenous peoples and consider themselves different from the rest of the population. Thirdly, this is the presence of its own language, culture, customs, traditions and other social, economic and political institutions, fully or partially regulating their lives. Fourthly, this is the desire to preserve their land and ethnic identity as the basis for their continued existence as a people.

For a long time, indigenous peoples were viewed as inferior, backward and in need of development. Often these arguments were used to justify certain legal concepts, laws, and international decisions that oppressed their rights.

A turning point in the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples at the international level came in the 1970s, when the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities recommended a comprehensive study on the issue of discrimination against indigenous peoples. The results of these studies have had strong influence on public opinion, and in 1982 the UN Economic and Social Council created a Working Group on Indigenous Peoples under the UN Commission on Human Rights.

In 1990, the General Assembly proclaimed 1993 International Year indigenous peoples of the world. Subsequently, the General Assembly established two international decades of the world's indigenous peoples: from 1995 to 2004 and from 2005 to 2014. The goal of both decades was to strengthen international cooperation to address issues facing indigenous peoples in areas such as human rights, environment, education, health, economic and social development.

On September 13, 2007, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The Declaration does not include a definition of “indigenous peoples”. According to the Declaration, the fundamental criterion is own awareness themselves as an indigenous people. The Declaration states that indigenous peoples have the right to define themselves or their ethnicity in accordance with their customs and traditions.

© AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills

© AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills

The Declaration recognizes the fundamental human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples - the right to liberty and equality; to freely define one's own political status and the implementation of its economic, social and cultural development; the right to respect and revive one's cultural traditions and customs; the right to create and control their own education systems; the right to participate in decision-making processes at all levels on issues that may affect their rights, lives and destiny; the right to lands, territories and resources and the right to guaranteed use of their means to ensure their existence and development.

According to the UN, there are about 370 million indigenous peoples in the world, living in 90 countries. While they make up less than 5% of the world's population, they account for 15% of the world's poorest people. Indigenous peoples are carriers of 5 thousand different cultures and the vast majority of world languages, the total number of which is approximately 7 thousand.

© AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle

© AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle

In accordance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law and international agreements.

In development of these provisions, three special Federal laws: "On guarantees of indigenous rights small peoples Russian Federation" dated April 30, 1999, "About general principles organization of communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" dated July 20, 2000 and "On the territories of traditional environmental management of indigenous peoples of the North of Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" dated May 7, 2001. In addition, the rights and interests of indigenous peoples in the field of traditional environmental management and the use of living biological resources have partially found their footing in Zemlny, Lesnoy, Vodny and Tax codes, in a number of legislative acts and decrees of the government of the Russian Federation.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

It has long been believed that indigenous peoples are the most backward in development and in need of help. Russia is no exception. Such peoples are noted in Siberia, the North and Far East. Their way of life is comparable to ours, and they still pass on their traditions from father to son, from mother to daughter.

Indigenous people account for 5% of the world's total people, and of these, 15% are the poorest on the planet. They were oppressed and their rights were violated. But this was the case until 1970, when the UN began to conduct research in this area. Public opinion has been changed. This is exactly what unique peoples and dedicated to an international holiday.

When is it celebrated?

International Day of Indigenous Peoples is celebrated on August 9th. On December 23, 1994, UN General Assembly Resolution No. 49/214 approved its annual celebration.

Who's celebrating

The date is celebrated all over the world. 70 countries are home to 370 million people, each with its own language and culture. In Russia there are about 50 ethnic groups, in which 40 indigenous peoples live. Most of them, just over 65%, live in rural areas.

History and traditions of the holiday

In 1991, the UN General Assembly declared 1992 the International Year of Columbus, which led to protests and outrage among the American people, especially the indigenous population. Trying to calm the unrest, in 1992 she announced the dedication of 1993 International Day indigenous peoples of the world. Meeting working group took place on August 9th.

The First International Decade revealed the problem of these peoples and interested the heads of different countries. Resolution No. 59/174 of December 20, 2004 gave rise to the second International Decade. On September 13, 2007, the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was ratified, establishing their legal existence and rights.

The purpose of the holiday is to attract attention to the issues of indigenous peoples not only of the ordinary population, but also of officials of all ranks.

In Russia in 2019, this event is celebrated at an unofficial level and is accompanied by the opening of museums, exhibitions, excursions, or holding festivals and congresses. An event is being held at the United Nations headquarters with representatives of the UN and the General Assembly, which is being broadcast live.

The North Caucasus is the homeland of the smallest people. The 2010 population census showed that only 24 people identified themselves as Chamalals (Chamalins). They live in Dagestan and Chechnya.

3 indigenous peoples are registered in Leningrad region: Izhorians, Vepsians and Vodians. Moreover, there are 1,380 Vepsians, 169 Izhorians, and 33 Vodians.

Scenario national holiday"Day of Indigenous Minorities of the North"

Target: Propaganda and preservation of Nenets culture, organization of leisure for the indigenous population.

LEADING: Good afternoon In our big country, which is called Russia, there is a small corner where we all live, and this corner is called the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Many nationalities live in the district. But the district got its name thanks to the indigenous peoples... Which ones? … Right! The Nenets live in the forest, raise children, fish, reindeer herd, pick berries, and hunt. They never take too much: they catch as many fish as they can eat, and collect as many berries as they can carry. And today we celebrate the day of the indigenous peoples of the north. May this holiday give you joy, laughter, smiles and good mood!
Song "Sengakotsya"
LEADING: Small peoples of the North. If you bring everyone together - Millions upon millions, Thousands upon thousands, they will occupy half the earth.

A distant land - with forests and hills,
With the birds' late complaint, it's you
Woke up with high voices
Sons of golden dreams.
Residents big cities Russia knows little about the peoples living in the North of the country and carefully preserving their extraordinary culture and way of life. Some individual knowledge comes to us from books and the media, but nothing more. Let's get to know these little ones northern peoples closer. And we will get to know each other through songs. After all, it is through songs that feelings, mood and character are conveyed. I am announcing a song contest “Different songs and all beautiful.” I invite those who wish to take part on stage.
A song competition is being held
LEADING: Let us thank our performers with applause. In addition to songs, there are a number of customs and traditions that have survived to this day. From birth, the parents prepared the child for the harsh conditions of the north, nomadic image life, to the difficulties that awaited him in adult life. As soon as the child began to walk, be it a boy, the father would make a small sledge or a child’s lasso for him; For the girl, the mother collected pieces of fur and cloth, instilling the skills of a future housewife. All this was accompanied play activities. Nenets games attract special attention. They are playing huge role in education, contribute to the preservation, observance and honoring of the traditions of the Nenets people. And so we will now play these games.
Games of the peoples of the north.
LEADING: Dear friends, in honor of today's holiday, we held photo collage competitions “Me and my family are different nations”, an exhibition-recipe competition “Secrets national cuisine", the arts and crafts competition "Miracles from Birch Bark" and, of course, the song competition "Different Songs and All Beautiful". The results of the competitions are known and ________________ is invited to award the winners.
HOST: Our holiday is coming to an end and I wish you not to forget your traditions. The children of the club formation of the House of Culture “Folklore” give their dance for you.
HOST: See you again!

To all the indigenous peoples of the world
We are sending congratulations today.
From tents to apartments,
They wanted “wildness” and “darkness”
Deprive them all, but where it is
We were already able to implement
In an effort to give them a “ray of light”
People were made to forget
Traditional way of life.
Their number is considerably less
In all parts of our native land -
Not all of the people here were lucky...

But the right is returned to the people
To live according to tribal laws,
And today we wish them
Preserve the custom of our ancestors!

Let their traditions, legends
About life in the camp, in the village,
Forever part of the universe,
They will be with us on Earth! ©


We are approaching the end of the second decade since the world's indigenous peoples had their International Day, proclaimed in 1994. It is celebrated annually on August 9th.

Who are “indigenous peoples”? Who does international law include in this category?

  1. These are those who are commonly called aborigines, that is, the original inhabitants - peoples who lived in a certain territory earlier than those living there now.
  2. We are talking about originality, manifested in a preserved language and culture, but gradually disappearing under the influence of modern civilization.
  3. Of course, in order to preserve their identity, the population needs a traditional way of life.

How many indigenous peoples are there on earth? It turns out that there are about 370 million of them living in more than 70 countries - 5% of the world population. However, many indigenous peoples live in poverty and make up 15% of the poorest people on our planet.

The culture and life of indigenous peoples, which travelers have been telling about for a long time, have always aroused great interest, and books about the life of aborigines from different countries are very popular.

If you like to read adventure literature, novels where the action takes place in the mysterious thickets of unexplored lands or on the prairies, and the heroes are proud indigenous peoples who did not submit to their conquerors, then many interesting books in the Adventure genre will be provided to you by the Free Electronic Library. Here you will find "Westerns" and "Historical Adventures", as well as fantastic works, which are based on stay characters among wild tribes or their sudden arrival in other eras (“Alternate History”).