Mass production. Types of production in the economy

Few people ask the question “what is production”, considering this concept to be elementary. However, in fact, this is a rather complex process, without which the functioning of the economy would be impossible.

What is production

Production can be characterized as a process or purposeful activity during which material and raw materials resources through labor are transformed into finished products. This is the basis of any state.

Without production, the existence of an economy is impossible. By investing in the production of certain goods, investors receive a profit after their sale. From this amount, tax and other deductions are made, at the expense of which state institutions operate.

Market and non-market production

Answering the question “what is production”, it is worth noting important feature, which is expressed in its division into market and non-market. The first involves the production of goods for their further sale at objectively established market prices. IN in this case the entire production process will be aimed at obtaining the maximum possible profit.

In some cases, items may be distributed free of charge or at reduced prices. Then production will already be considered non-market. Most often they have a relationship with him government funds or various kinds non-profit organizations. Also, in some cases, profitable businesses may resort to deep discounts or sales to sell products that are not in demand in the market.

What types of activities are related to production?

When answering the question of what production is, it is important to determine the main types of activities that fall under this concept, namely:

  • manufacturing activities permitted by law;
  • illegal types of production activities;
  • shadow production (hidden from tax authorities);
  • movement of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products between structural divisions of the enterprise or its branches;
  • work in progress (meaning materials that have already been processed, but have not yet been converted into a finished product);
  • goods and services produced by households for subsequent sale;
  • paid work of service personnel;
  • construction and repair work;
  • use of buildings for the purpose of creating wealth or providing services.

What does not apply to production

There are some activities that cannot serve as an answer to the question: “What is production?” These include:

  • household chores and services that are carried out independently to meet one's own needs;
  • by-products (waste, etc.) that arise during the main production process and are not its final goal.

Thus, if, for example, you cook food or clean a room solely for the benefit of yourself and your family, then such activity cannot be called production. But if you provide such services in accordance with a rental agreement and for the purpose of making a profit, then this falls well into the above category.

Types of production

The essence of production can be reflected in its main types. So, the first of them is material. It implies the direct production of products that have a real material form. This could be food or Appliances, and buildings, and clothes.

Speaking about intangible production, it is worth noting that here we are talking about the provision of services in various fields: healthcare, education and so on. Despite the lack of a material form, they still have a specific value and bring a certain result.

Production activities

The organization of production can be carried out in accordance with the following types of relevant activities:

  • Custom production is the production of a particular product in accordance with a specific request. It is worth noting that such activity is the most effective, since a plant producing a particular product protects itself from the risk of lack of demand.
  • Mass production (flexible) - involves producing products on a large scale. Moreover, it may have several modifications or be subject to changes due to the characteristics of demand.
  • Mass production (inflexible) - differs from the previous category in that the products are produced exclusively standardized (most often we can talk about the production of equipment, tools and other goods that require precision). It is worth noting that this option will be appropriate only if the scale is large.
  • Flow production is carried out in the form of a continuous cycle. Materials are constantly used and products are produced. Often, in order to achieve maximum efficiency, such a production process is carried out continuously (by organizing shift work).

Factors of production

The production process will not be possible without the following factors:

  • Natural resources are an objective necessity for any enterprise, no matter whether it is industrial or any other. These include not only water, solar energy, soil, etc. - we are also talking about climatic conditions, which largely determine the suitability of a particular area for a particular type of production.
  • Investment resources are one of the main factors without which activities would be impossible. Here we're talking about O financial security production, thanks to which it is possible to acquire the resources necessary for the production process. After a certain time, the investment pays off, and investors receive a certain percentage of the net profit.
  • Labor resources are people with a specific level of education and qualifications that make work in production possible. These include management personnel, shop floor workers, as well as persons who service the process of manufacturing goods or providing services.
  • Entrepreneurial abilities are the individual qualities of a person who heads a plant for the production of certain material or non-material materials. material goods. This is one of the main factors of successful activity, because it depends only on the manager how well the time is chosen to start work, how modern the technology will be and how correctly the sales will be organized.

Types of production efficiency

The organization of production is aimed at ultimately obtaining a specific result reflected in planning documents. Most often they mention economic efficiency. It represents the ratio of profit and costs that had to be incurred to obtain it. Thus, we can say that each company strives to get the maximum return from a unit of funds invested in production.

But efficiency is not just about receiving monetary rewards. What else? In addition to economic efficiency, there is also technological efficiency. This refers to how many units of a product were produced using a particular method, equipment, and other factors. We can talk about technological efficiency when the actual production volume is close to the maximum possible based on the invested resources and the methodology used. It is also important that there should not be a more profitable option that will allow more goods to be produced at the same cost.

How to decide on production technology

Work in production begins with the need to choose the technology in accordance with which goods will be produced or services will be provided. This decision is taken based on a number of factors:

  • First, it’s worth deciding what production resources and equipment the company can afford financially;
  • Of all the technology options available to an organization, it is worth choosing the most modern and effective ones;
  • By carrying out economic calculations, the final option is selected.

Production is a complex process aimed at creating tangible and intangible goods. This is the basis for the functioning of the economy both in a single state and on a global scale.

IN economic sense, production is the process of creating a product. He wears public character, that is, created by people and for people.

Production can be divided into:

  • material (the final product is goods);
  • not material (services are provided to clients).

Towards immaterial production applies:

  • Scientific discoveries;
  • Inventions of a technical nature;
  • Culture;
  • Education;
  • Healthcare;
  • Sport;
  • And so on.

Intangible production in economics depends on the material. For example, in order to do scientific discovery, you must have decent technical equipment.

Types of production in the economy

Simple production

  • Linear;
  • Convergent;
  • Divergent;
  • Mixed.

Complex production economically it is divided into the following types:

  • Mixed;
  • Cyclical.

As practice shows, in reality production is most often mixed.

Types of production in the economy

Types of production in economic terms:

  • Mass;
  • Large-scale;
  • Medium series;
  • Small-scale;
  • Single.

Single production often called design. This includes the construction of houses, bridges, ships, and so on, according to new, unique projects.

(large, medium, small) is characterized by the production of products in batches.

TO mass production This includes, for example, the production of screws and nails, juices and baby food, clothing and other goods.

Consider type of production in economics it is necessary in order to:

  • To plan ();
  • Control actual costs;
  • Optimize production (get rid of unreasonable costs).

Everyone should understand the types of production. So that his own company/company/workshop brings profit and not losses.

Categories of production in economic terms

  • Agricultural;
  • Defense;
  • Industrial.

Production agricultural involves breeding both plants and animals. Industrial – processing of various raw materials. Defense – manufacturing of products for the defense of the state from possible enemies.

Logisticians believe that the categories of production in economic terms also include the creation of intangible benefits. These are the service sector (for example, insurance and financial), the clergy (new discoveries, art, sports, and so on).

According to theories of K. Marx, production in the economy is necessary not only for the stable development of society, but also for its existence as a whole. Society cannot stop consuming services or goods. This means that it cannot stop producing them. It follows from this that as long as society exists, production cannot be stopped. However, the goal of any production is Receiving a profit.

Base in production

TO means of production relate:

  • Administrative buildings;
  • Domestic buildings;
  • Various buildings;
  • Earth;
  • Squares;
  • Premises;
  • Natural resources;
  • Communications;
  • Working team.

Taken together, all these means form production base. If we remove the last item from the list (the work team), the base will be of a purely material nature.

Workshops Unit production plants usually consist of sections organized according to technological principles. Significant labor-intensive products, high qualifications involved in performing operations workers, increased costs of materials associated with large tolerances determine the high cost of manufactured products. In the cost of production there is a significant specific gravity has a salary, often amounting to 20 - 25% of the total cost.

Serial type production

Mass production- this is a form of production organization, which is characterized by the production of products in large quantities (series) with an established regularity of release.

Batch production is the most common type of production.

Characterized by consistency of release quite a large range of products. At the same time, the annual range of manufactured products is wider than the range of each month.

This allows you to organize production more or less rhythmically. Production of products in large or relatively large quantities allows for significant unification of manufactured products and technological processes, production of standard or normalized parts included in design series in large quantities, which reduces their cost.

The serial type of production is typical for machine tool building, production of rolled ferrous metals, etc.

The organization of work in mass production is different high specialization. Each workplace is assigned to perform several specific detail operations. This allows the worker to become familiar with the tools, devices and the entire processing process, acquire skills and improve processing techniques. The features of mass production determine the economic feasibility of producing products according to a cyclically repeating schedule.

Subtypes of serial production:

  • small-scale;
  • serial;
  • large-scale.

Small-scale tends toward the individual, and large-scale production toward the mass. This division is conditional. For example, in accordance with the classification proposed by Woodward, single and small-scale production (Unit Production), mass production (Mass Production) and continuous production (Process Production) are distinguished.

Small-scale production is a transition from single to serial production. Products can be produced in small batches.

Currently, in mechanical engineering one of the competitive factors became the company's ability to produce unique, often highly complex equipment in small batches according to special orders from customers.

The introduction of computerization makes it possible to increase production flexibility and introduce features of flow production into small-scale production. For example, it became possible to produce several types of products on one production line with a minimum amount of time spent on equipment changeover.

Large-scale production is a transitional form to mass production.

In large-scale production, products are produced in large batches over a long period. Typically, enterprises of this type specialize in the production of individual products or sets of subject type.

Mass production type

Mass production- is a form of organization characterized by the constant production of a strictly limited range of products, homogeneous in purpose, design, technological type, manufactured simultaneously and in parallel.

The feature of mass production is production of similar products in large volumes over a long period of time.

The most important feature of mass production is the limitation of the range of products produced. A factory or workshop produces one or two types of products. This creates economic feasibility for the widespread use of standardized and interchangeable elements in product designs.

Individual units of manufactured products do not differ from each other (there may only be minor differences in characteristics and configuration).

The time it takes for a unit of product to pass through the system is relatively short: it is measured in minutes or hours. The number of product items in the monthly and annual programs are the same.

Products are characterized by high standardization and unification their components and parts. Mass production is characterized by a high degree of comprehensive mechanization and automation of technological processes. Mass production is typical for automobile factories, agricultural machinery factories, shoe industry enterprises, etc.

Significant production volumes allow the use of high-performance equipment (automatic machines, modular machines, automatic lines). Instead of universal equipment, special equipment is used. A differentiated technological process allows for highly specialized jobs by assigning a limited number of detail operations to each of them.

Careful development of the technological process, the use of special machines and equipment make it possible to use the labor of highly specialized operator workers. At the same time, the labor of highly qualified adjusters is widely used.

Characteristics of production types

The type of production has a decisive influence on the features of its organization, management and economic indicators. Organizational and technical features of the type of production affect the economic performance of the enterprise and the efficiency of its activities.

With an increase in the technical equipment of labor and an increase in the volume of output during the transition from single to serial and mass types of production, the share of living labor decreases and the costs associated with the maintenance and operation of equipment increase. This leads to a reduction in product costs and a change in its structure. Thus, in the mass production of products, the issues of using progressive technological processes, tools and equipment, complex mechanization and automation are resolved more easily than in individual and mass production.

Let's consider all the characteristics of production types in comparison:






Limited series

One or more products

Repeatability of release

Doesn't repeat

Repeats periodically

Constantly repeats itself

Equipment used


Universal, partly special.

Mostly special

Equipment location


Group and chain

Process development

Enlarged method (per product, per unit)



Tool used

Versatile, highly specialized

Universal and special

Mostly special

Assigning parts and operations to machines

Not specifically secured

Certain parts and operations are assigned to machines

Each machine performs the same operation on one part

Worker qualifications

Mostly low, but there are highly qualified workers. (setters, toolmakers)




Product units

The movement of parts (products) through workplaces (operations) can be: in time - continuous and discontinuous; in space - direct-flow and indirect-flow. If workplaces are located in the order of the sequence of operations performed, i.e. along the technological process of processing parts (or products), then this corresponds to direct-flow movement.

Production in which the movement of products around workplaces is carried out with a high degree of continuity and straightness, called in-line. In this regard, and depending on the form of movement of products through workplaces, mass and serial types of production can be in-line and non-in-line, i.e. there can be mass, mass-in-line, serial and serial-in-line type of production.

As the degree of specialization of workplaces increases, the continuity and direct flow of products through workplaces, i.e., during the transition from single to serial and from serial to mass types of production, the possibility of using special equipment and technological equipment, more productive technological processes, advanced methods of labor organization, mechanization and automation production processes. All this leads to increased labor productivity and reduced production costs.

Production layouts

Depending on the type of production, there are Various types production plans.

At operational functional diagram production resources are grouped based on the work performed. Certain areas are allocated for various types maintenance (engine section, body work section, etc.). Can be used in small-scale production. With this type of layout, problems arise related to minimizing transport operations.

At fixed position layout the manufactured product is stationary, and production resources are supplied as needed. This layout is used in the implementation of various projects (construction, for example). This layout is temporary and remains until the end of the project.

Characteristic for mass production linear or flow layout, where each product produced actually goes through the same processing operations. Thus, flow production is characterized by the division of the production process into separate relatively short operations performed at specially equipped, sequentially located workstations - production lines.

The goal of any enterprise is to create a final consumer product, sell it and make a profit. Organizational types productions are:




Types of production are classified according to the scale of the production process, the nature of the products produced, as well as the conditions for carrying out the work. The ultimate goal and objectives of such a distinction are the search and application of the most optimal and economically feasible methods for obtaining the final product, depending on its purpose, demand and consumption. Let's take a closer look at what types of production are, each separately.

Mass. Conditions of the organization. Advantages and disadvantages

It involves the production of the same type of product, according to a template. The most profitable type of production in economic terms. It does not require highly qualified labor resources or specialized equipment that requires readjustment for the production of another type of product. It is based on constantly repeating main and auxiliary operations of the technological process. Main conditions: organization of tact and rhythm of production, reduction of the distance between step by step movement flow, creating the required length of the conveyor and determining the speed of its movement. It is important that each section of the final product production line is not overloaded and does not stand idle during the production process. Main advantages: continuity, narrow specialization, clear delineation and refinement of production stages. Main disadvantages: lack of mobility in relation to consumer demand, monotony of work leads to high staff turnover.

Serial. Volumes of the organization. Peculiarities. Advantages and disadvantages

The most mobile and quickly adaptable method of organization among existing types of production to market conditions. It produces final products in batches, simultaneously a number of product names, uses both specialized and universal mechanisms in the technological process, labor resources are involved in several areas of work, which requires qualifications and broad specialization. Batch production is further divided into types of production:


Medium series;


The disadvantages include the following: instability of market relations can lead to a stop in the technological process or cause interruptions in work if carried out incorrectly marketing research it is possible to overstock warehouses with leftovers and stocks of work in progress. Lot sizes may not correspond to available production capacity. Nevertheless, if we determine the preferred types of production in each specific case, then serial production will be more profitable for private businesses.

Unit. Application area

This type of production involves individual production of the final product. Requires availability complex technology, capable of ensuring completeness and technical specifications process, highly qualified labor resources who know how to service such mechanisms, calculate standards for materials inventories and deadlines for order fulfillment. This type includes enterprises in the rocket science, shipbuilding, etc. industries; as a rule, these are enterprises working under government orders. In addition, the types of production of piece work and provision of services engaged in by small entrepreneurs, for example, ateliers for individual tailoring of clothes, shoes, custom-made furniture, provision of all kinds of services to a specific consumer, also refer to a single type of production. In practice, throughout the country, forms of organization and types of production exist and are used in a combined form.

Single production

Mass production

Mass production

Characteristics of production types


Determination of the type of production and main indicators

The type of production is understood as a set of characteristics that determine the organizational and technical characteristics of the production process carried out at one or many workplaces, on the scale of a site, workshop, or enterprise. The type of production largely determines the forms of specialization and methods of organizing production processes.

The classification of types of production is based on the following factors: breadth of product range, volume of output, degree of constancy of product range, nature of workload and their specialization.

The product range represents the number of product items assigned to the production system and characterizes its specialization. The wider the nomenclature, the less specialized the system, and, conversely, the narrower it is, the higher the degree of specialization.

Product output is the number of products of a certain type produced by a production system during a certain period. The output volume and labor intensity of each type of product have a decisive influence on the nature of the specialization of this system.

The degree of constancy of the nomenclature is the repeatability of the manufacture of a product of a given type in successive periods. If a product of a given type is produced in one planning period, but not produced in other periods, then there is no constancy factor. Regular repetition of the production of products of this type is one of the prerequisites for ensuring the rhythm of production. In turn, regularity depends on the volume of product output, since large: the volume of output can be evenly distributed over successive planning periods.

The nature of the loading of workplaces means that certain technological process operations are assigned to workplaces. If a minimum number of operations are assigned to a workplace, then this is a narrow specialization, and if many operations are assigned to a workplace (if the machine is universal), then this means broad specialization.

The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations K z. The coefficient of consolidation of operations for a group of workplaces is defined as the ratio of the number of all different technological operations performed or to be performed during the month to the number of workplaces:

where K op is the number of operations performed on i-th worker place;

n is the number of jobs on the site or in the workshop.

There are three types of production: single, serial, mass.

Figure 2 – Classification of production types

Other main indicators for determining the type of production are the coefficients of job specialization (K sp), serialization (K ser) and mass production (K m).

Job specialization coefficient

K sp =m d.o. /S ave, (3)

where m d.o. – the number of detail operations in the technological process performed in a given department (at the site, in the workshop);

C pr – the number of jobs (equipment) in this department.

The serialization coefficient is calculated using the formula:

K gray =r/t pcs, (4)

where r is the production cycle of products, min/piece;

t piece – average piece time for technological process operations, min.

The indicators included in formula (4) are determined by the formulas:

r= F eff / N s; (5)

t pcs =St pcs i /m (6)

where Feff is the effective time fund of the workplace;

N з – volume of parts launched per unit of time;

t piece i - piece time at the i-th operation of the technological process, min;

m – number of operations.

The mass coefficient is determined by the formula

K m =St pcs i /mr(7)

Single production

It is characterized by the production of piece, usually unique, products of various types and purposes, a wide range and a small volume of production of identical products. Patterns either do not repeat or are repeated irregularly. Jobs do not have deep specialization. It is impossible to permanently assign operations to individual workplaces, and the specialization coefficient is more than 40 detail operations per workplace. The specialization of such workplaces is determined only by their technological characteristics and the size of the processed products. In this production, universal equipment is used, and basically a sequential type of movement of a batch of parts through technological process operations. Factories have a complex production structure, and workshops are specialized according to technological principles. Unit production is characterized by the presence of significant work in progress, the lack of assignment of operations to workstations, the use of unique equipment, frequent changeover of equipment, highly qualified workers, a significant proportion of manual operations, the overall high labor intensity of products and a long production cycle, and the high cost of manufactured products. A diverse range of products makes unit production more mobile and adaptable to fluctuations in demand for finished products. This type of organization is typical for pilot production facilities that produce prototypes of products. Such production is economically justified only in the manufacture of unique, technically complex products, units of large unit power, which require limited quantities (for example, turbogenerators).

Thus, we can highlight the following features of unit production:

The variable nature of the production process;

Wide and variable range of products;

Dispersal of production across specialized divisions of the enterprise;

Manufacturing of products based on individual (for each product) orders;

Use of highly qualified workers in the production process; increased production cycle time;

Quality control of each finished product.

Unit production includes the production of the largest machines, unique instruments, equipment, powerful hydraulic turbines and generators, rolling mills, walking excavators, nuclear reactors and other products, as well as non-standard products for individual orders.

Mass production

Characterized by the release of batches of homogeneous products over a set period of time. Serial production is characterized by the production of a limited range of products. Batches (series) of products are repeated at certain intervals. Depending on the size of the series, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production are distinguished.

In serial production, it is possible to specialize individual workplaces to perform similar technological operations. The level of production costs is reduced due to the specialization of jobs, the widespread use of semi-skilled workers, effective use equipment and production space, reducing, compared to single production, costs for wages.

Batch production products are standard products, for example, machines of an established type, usually produced in larger quantities (metal-cutting machines, pumps, compressors, equipment for the chemical and food industries).

Distinctive features of mass production are:

Production in batches of a relatively limited range of repeating products;

Relatively short production cycle time;

Typification of the technological process;

Availability of specialized equipment and workplaces;

Use of semi-skilled workers in the production process;

Mechanization of product quality control.

Small-scale production tends to be one-of-a-kind: products are produced in small series of a wide range, their repetition in the enterprise program is either absent or irregular, and the size of the series fluctuates; The company is constantly developing new products and stopping the production of previously developed ones. A wide range of operations is assigned to workplaces. The equipment, types of movements, forms of specialization and production structure are practically the same as in unit production.

Medium-scale production is characterized by the fact that products are produced in fairly large series of a limited range; the series are repeated with a certain regularity. Workplaces are assigned a narrower range of operations. The equipment is universal and special, the type of movement of objects of labor is parallel-sequential. Factories have a developed production structure, procurement shops specialize according to technological principles, and machine-assembly shops create subject-closed sections.

Large-scale production is characterized by the production of products in large series of a very narrow range. Wherein most important species products can be produced continuously. Workplaces are specialized, equipment is usually special, types of movements of objects of labor are parallel-sequential and parallel. Factories have a simple production structure, processing and assembly shops are specialized according to subject matter, and procurement shops are specialized according to technological principles.

Advantages of mass production:

High efficiency of using advanced equipment and technology;

Detailed development of technology, which is carried out with high efficiency, since its costs are distributed over relatively big number products;

Rare production reconfigurability from one product to another, which saves a lot of time and costs compared to single production.

Mass production

Characterized by the production in large volumes of a limited range of products over a long period of time. Mass production is characterized by making individual species products in large quantities at highly specialized workplaces over an extended period. Mechanization and automation of mass production can significantly reduce the share of manual labor. Mass production is characterized by a constant range of manufactured products, specialization of jobs to perform one permanently assigned operation, the use of special equipment, low labor intensity and duration of the production process, high automation and mechanization.

The cost of mass-produced products is minimal compared to single and mass-produced products. This type of production is economically feasible with a sufficiently large volume of output. A necessary condition mass production is the presence of stable and significant demand for products. In conditions economic crisis mass production becomes the most vulnerable.

Examples of such production include the manufacturing processes of cars, computers, consumer electronics, and ball bearings; mass service in the service sector - processes of functioning of the metro, department stores, airports.

Main distinctive features mass production are:

High degree production specialization;

Continuity of the production process;

Automation of the technological process;

Standardization and unification of parts, components and assemblies;

Production dispatching;

Automation of product quality control.

In enterprises with a mass production nature, workplaces are assigned a narrow range of operations, all products are manufactured simultaneously and in parallel, the equipment is special, the type of movement of objects of labor is parallel. Workshops and areas are specialized primarily on a subject-by-subject basis. The factories have a simple and clearly defined production structure.

Compared to serial and individual production, this type of production has a number of advantages:

It becomes possible to introduce a pre-developed technological process, use specialized equipment and place it during technological operations;

Conditions are created for increasing the productivity of workers servicing specialized equipment and increasing their qualifications;

The development of plans and standards in production, the organization of accounting and management are simplified.

Characteristics of types of production

Table 8 - Characteristics of types of production organization.

Factor Single Serial Mass
Nomenclature Unlimited Limited series One or more products
Repeatability of release Doesn't repeat Repeats periodically Constantly repeats itself
Equipment used Universal Universal, partly special Mostly special
Equipment location Group Group and chain Chain
Process development Enlarged method (for products, unit) Detailed Detailed, operational
Form of organization of the production process Technological Subject, group, flexible subject Straightforward
Transfer of the subject of labor from operation to operation Sequential Parallel-serial Parallel
Securing parts and machine operations Not specifically secured Certain parts and operations are assigned to machines One operation is performed on each machine
Worker qualifications High Average Low
Interchangeability Incomplete Full Full
Unit cost High Average Low
The degree of implementation of the basic principles of production organization Low degree of process continuity Average degree of production flow High degree of continuity and flow of production
Consolidation factor More than 45 2-44 1-2


IN market conditions the enterprise must be adapted to the constant change in the range of products. To do this, the nature of production must be universal in order to implement a complete closed cycle: from procurement operations to product packaging. Expanding the range of products leads to a decrease in serial production, and this causes an increase in production costs compared to the costs of narrowly specialized enterprises.

Mass production has a certain conservatism towards updating products. This slows down the development of new products and ultimately affects consumer satisfaction.

Changing the range of products when changing the type of production organization from single to serial is focused on the needs of mass consumers, requires internal restructuring of the enterprise structure, technological process, operating mode, etc. Increasing production efficiency by changing the type of production organization lies in the conformity of all elements of the enterprise's production structure and type of production.

The type of production organization is formed depending on the predominance of specialization of workshops and production processes. For example, in enterprises of single and small-scale production, the most progressive forms production organizations are substantive and mixed types specializations that ensure a closed cycle for the production of similar parts.

Characteristic feature The serial and large-scale type of production organization is technological specialization based on the allocation of closed large production units. In mass production, there are all types of specialization with their own specifics. Characteristic specialization of mass production - identification of enterprises according to the type of final assembly of manufactured products.

Technological specialization is not limited to the allocation of assembly production; in some cases, divisions are used for the production of components, assemblies, etc.

There is a direct relationship: the smaller the range of manufactured products at an enterprise, the more difficult it is to master new technologies and expand the range of products, which means that the costs of preparing production for the production of new products will be higher. Therefore, in the context of enterprises adapting to new economic conditions changing and improving the product range should be carried out within the existing production capacities, due to the flexibility of the production structure and the use of internal reserves for its improvement.

List of sources used

1 Antonov, N.L., Morozova, L.S. Basics modern organization production. Textbook. – M.: Publishing house “Delo and Service”, 2004. – 432 p.

2 Ivanov, I.N. Organization of production at industrial enterprises: Textbook. – M.: INFRA – M, 2008. – 352 p.

3 Organization, planning and production management: Textbook. – method. Manual / Ed. N.I. Novitsky. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006. – 576 p.

4 Organization of production and enterprise management: Textbook / Turovtsev, O.G., Bukhalkov, M.I.; Ed. O.G. Turovets. – 2nd ed. – M.: INFRA-M, 2008. – 544 p.

5 Technology and organization of production of products and services: Textbook. allowance / V.S. Lapshin, V.V. Lapshin; Ed. V.S. Lapshina. - Saransk, 2004. 128 p.

6 Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production: Textbook. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA – M, 2007. – 544 p.

7 Economics of an organization (enterprise): textbook / ed. ON THE. Safronova. – 2nd ed. reworked and additional – M.: Economist, 2006.- 618 p.

Along the path of intensification and concentration, as it led to “overgrazing” - an increase in the load on pastures, leading to a decrease in grass yield. It is also fundamental that the nomadic type of economic production could not be infinitely extensive - in general, it was very limited in movements and various types of migrations and was based primarily on reasonable use...

Determined by the predominant group of jobs. Mass production is characterized by the continuous production of a limited range of products at highly specialized workplaces. The serial type of production is determined by the production of a limited range of products in batches (series), repeated at certain intervals at workplaces with a wide...

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