A comic greeting from a team of adults. Scenario of the sports festival “Small Olympic Games” for children of senior preschool age

Greetings from the KVN team “Cool Koloboks”

at the regional game "KVN in Smolensk"

SCENE 1 “At recess”

On stage Petya, Roma, Oksana, Julia

Yulia looks in the mirror, sits on a chair, Roma sits on a chair,

behind them: Petya stands looking at the phone, Oksana with a book

Oksana: Roma, what were we assigned for homework in biology?

Roma: I don’t know. I gave the diary to Kushelev to scare my parents!

Julia: Why teach lessons? Who needs this education?

Petya: How? Why did I serve two years in 1st and 2nd grade?

Julia: Petya, do you like going to school?
Petya: Yes, I like walking, but those hours between walks are the worst.

Olya runs in

Olya: Guys! I came to you with the most unpleasant news.

Roma: Why were the holidays cancelled?

Olya: Worse! We need to go to KVN in Novodugino!
All: It can't be!

Olya sings a song to the tune of “It’s time for business” (Spanish by A. Pugacheva).

What is this, just creepy, creepy, creepy.
We can't sleep, we can't sleep anymore!
You need to compose for KVN, yes.
Measures must be taken immediately.

Hey, you're up there!
There is no peace for you again!
To go to Novodugino:
Show cardoballet.
How can we win?
Tell me the answer!
After all, we need victory!
Well, what makes us worse is worse than everyone else.

Roma: Maybe we can refuse?
Julia: Oh no! We've been waiting for this for a long time!
Oksana: So you need to prepare! It's spring here! We just want to take a walk.
Petya: Yes, for such an occasion we will make such a greeting that all their mouths will open (show)
Olya: Yes, okay, guys, the main thing is participation, maybe it will work out.
Roma: We disagree!

Julia: The main thing for us is victory!

Oksana: And as for our opponents, well, we’re not too bad either.

Petya: We’ll come, watch and definitely win!
Olya: In that case, let's go win!

SCENE 2 “We’re going to KVN in Smolensk style!”

(simulation of a bus ride)

Olya, Julia, Roma are sitting on chairs.

Behind them are Oksana and Petya.

Olya sings to the tune “To Tikhoretskaya” (Spanish: Pugacheva A.)

The composition will go to KVN.

The trailer will move - the people will remain,

I'm taking the team to KVN, friends,

The opponent is rushing, The opponent is rushing, The opponent is rushing,

And I like everything

The fans are already swearing.

And our carriage runs and sways,

The jury looks angrily in our direction

Go, darlings, go, darlings,

Go, darlings

On the other side!

The conductor (Alena) enters

Alena (to the audience): If you don’t joke, you won’t go!

Alena (to Olya): Your ticket?

Alena (to Yulia): Your ticket?

Alena (to Roma): Your ticket?

Roma: My ticket!

Alena: Your ticket?

Roma: My ticket!

Alena: Are you a hare?

Roma: Are you a wolf?

Alena gets ahead of Oksana

Petya: Girl, give it to the conductor for a ticket!
Oksana: Wait, she rides for free!!

Roma leaned towards Yulia

Julia: What is your hand doing in my pocket?
Roma: Looking for matches.
Julia: You could ask.
Roma: I was embarrassed.

Oksana: Can you tell me when I need to get off to get to Novodugino?
Petya: Follow me and get off one stop early.

Julia: What kind of village is this?

Olya: This is the village of Saint.
Julia: Why Saint?
Olya: The district administration has given up on her.

Petya: Eh, after all, we are so beautiful!

Oksana: Someone has a good life in the Smolensk region!

Roma: Those who live well in the Smolensk region work in Moscow!

Olya: You’re laughing too early! In a year we will live much better!

Yulia: Are you going somewhere?

Olya: What the hell is this? Yes, it’s like a stone, and there’s an inscription on it. Well, Roma, read it, otherwise it looks bad.
Roma (runs up to the stone): To the right is wealth, that’s right, to the left is honor and glory, and straight ahead is victory.
Olya: Well, bro! Where we go!

ALL: Right!!!

SCENE 3 “Here we are!”

Everyone runs to the edge of the stage.

From left to right: Olya, Alena, Yulia, Roma, Petya, Oksana

Olya: Stop. Arrived!

Together: Hello! (bows head) We've arrived! (hands in an oblique fathom)

Alena: Today we’ll play KaVeeNu,
After all, our team took the stage.

Julia: Hello, you guys,

We are visiting you,

And we will reveal the name of the team now.

We are unable to hide our name,

After all, you have heard it a thousand times!

Together: Cool Koloboks!

Roma: There are many of us, and you are alone.
We are kind, cheerful, dexterous.
Everything is baked in the oven.

Petya: Don’t lie sideways,

You will be built like a bun!

Oksana: We love to eat very much,
We will all be stronger today!

Olya: Friends, rivals,


We are glad to meet you,

We wish you victories.

Alena: But not today

And not in this room!

Julia: There is such an intrigue here:
12 schools, but only three come out
Why not the major league!

Everyone sings to the tune of the song “I wish” (Spanish: E. Vaenga)

The sun shines brightly,

And the children laugh.

And we're hand in hand

We are standing next to each other on stage.

And there is no need for a jury

Everything is clear

And we are pleased to tell you all


We wish that we have victory

And so that above us

The audience laughed with us - the koloboks!

To give 100 points,

So that they don’t know grief,

To make our school happy with victory .

Petya: That’s it, that’s the end of greetings,
Let the jury now evaluate
That's how great I am!

Roma: It’s time for us to wrap up.
And to a loud “Hurray!”
And to thunderous applause

We leave the carpet.

Competitions, competitions, games are great entertainment for children and adults. Team games bring people together, give them the opportunity to show their best qualities, show leadership! Sports competitions are passion and the will to win! Evaluates the performance results of the jury participants. Usually these are respected people who understand the topic of the competition. It’s such a custom to greet the jury and competitors. It can be comic or serious, in poetry or prose. There are no restrictions here, a complete flight of imagination.

We are the best!

How exciting it is to participate in competitions, KVN, and sports tournaments. But if you tried it once, you will no longer be able to stay away and not take part. Constant training and rehearsals are tiring, but the taste of victory overcomes all these little things and fatigue! Prepare an enchanting greeting to the jury to immediately make yourself known in a bright and unusual way! Let your opponents tremble with fear from the very first minute of the event!


Athletes are serious and reserved people. But if it is necessary to present a greeting to the jury, they liberate themselves and show all their artistry.

Jury, we salute you!

You are all here - top class!

Judge strictly, fairly,

And we will play beautifully!

After all, our team is the wind,

We are fast, lightning fast,

Not children at all!

You enjoy our game,

Our commander is a hero!

Rivals, don’t be too afraid,

Drink some tea and calm down!

We'll have to accept fate

Go home without the cup!

Let's start warming up

To at its best show yourself!

The jury's sports greeting can also be sung by the support group. This is a group of pretty girls who dance to rhythmic music, perform simple routines and shout out chants and team mottos. They may sing the jury will like this turn of events.

Our team is strength

How cute is that?

What exactly are you - members of the jury,

We greet you with all our hearts!

Our guys are very strong

They will definitely win!

We wish them the highest score,

And a flurry of applause for you!

Let's be honest with the public -

Our guys are the best!

Everyone will like this greeting to the jury in verse. It sounds fun and easy, no complex revolutions and words!

A minute of humor

KVN - this game has won the hearts of the people of our country. People of all ages watch this hilarious show and get the best out of it. Tradition of having fun Mind games in schools and universities originated many years ago. The children take part in the games with pleasure and are proud of it. For many, school KVN opened the way to adult life, humor has become a profession, not a hobby.

The jury sits in the front row, the guys are worried backstage, and the audience is exhausted with anticipation. good humor. This atmosphere fills the entire building, the heart of everyone present, and leaves pleasant memories. The first competition is greeting. Teams must get to know the jury, opponents and fans in all their glory. The jury's greeting at KVN is the teams. During this speech, opinions and first impressions will be formed.


KVN takes place according to a standard scheme, be it a school, college or kindergarten. The presenter introduces the jury members and the team. Then, one by one, the teams are called to the stage and greet the jury.

Hello, wonderful jury,

Today we are speaking to you!

We can be judged

But just be careful

We are worried in our souls,

It's all so complicated!

Wait for results, suffer,

Let's laugh better!

Dear ones, we will make you laugh,

We'll deprive the whole hall!

Listen, look,

After all, we are like a rare big diamond!

Can you turn our ratings up a little?

Then we’ll chip off a little bit of the diamond!

The last phrase is said in a whisper and with a sly accent by one team member, as if trying to bribe the judges! It will turn out very funny, such a greeting from the jury will go off with a bang!

School years

Schools often hold all kinds of competitions, contests, and games. Be sure to participate in such events. After all, it’s fun, and there’s no shame in showing your talent! Take prizes, win cups and certificates, in old age you will have something to brag about to your grandchildren. developed from the very early childhood. Let the children be sociable and sociable. Help your children to relax and express themselves leadership skills. In any competition required condition- greetings to the jury and competitors. Express yourself with humor and dignity!


The team name should speak for itself. Therefore, think through all your options in advance. Let it instill fear in your opponents and confidence in the team itself. A capacious, sonorous word that is remembered the first time is the key good name teams! Prepare several mottos that rhyme with the name. Let the fans make posters and learn slogans. After all, support is very important and needed! Players will strive to win at any cost, so as not to let their support group down. Instill in the guys that they are the best! And thoughts, as has long been proven, materialize!

We wish you rivals,

The main prize should go to us!

Don't be offended, don't be shy

You are located in the hall.

You can sit quietly as spectators,

Look at our talents with a smile!

Jury, we respect you,

And we just love the highest scores!

Don't judge strictly

Give us a wink!

We are cheerful, not evil,

Be like that today!

Only forward!

After watching the teams' greetings, the jury immediately identifies their favorites. To win this title, you need to give your best in the greeting. Invite the kids to sing it to a rap rhythm. Let them put on appropriate outfits and learn simple moves! Waving their arms, clear diction and artistry will lead them to victory.

Welcome to the jury,

And hi to the participants!

Today the rivals came in vain,

No matter how you leave with nothing!

We wish you good luck,

But in the end we will prevent you from winning!

After all, we are smart and strong,

Cute and stylish.

You will be blown away by our talents!

It's like taking a swim in a mountain waterfall!

Our team is strong

Our friendship is strong

Faith in victory is very important to us!

We really need your support!

This is a universal greeting; it is suitable for any competition, game or competition.

We are a fun team

We don't know how to be bored

Aren't you afraid to perform?

After all, you can lose!

Hello dear jury.

We are very glad to see you!

You will definitely like us

Give us a high five immediately!

Smile, relax,

You won't get bored with us,

Forget about everything.

Let's smash our opponents to smithereens!

If your children are planning a competition at school, be sure to help the team prepare. After all, the hand of an organizer is simply necessary. Rehearse with your children regularly, be tough if they don’t want to practice as much as necessary. After all, the road to victory is never easy. Let them understand this with early years, and it will be easier for them to go through life!

KVN based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin “What a delight these fairy tales are...”


generalize and expand students’ knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin;

identify how familiar children are with the fairy tales of the great Russian poet;

to cultivate a sense of friendship, collectivism and love for Russian poetry.

Game participants : a team of 4th grade students and a team of parents.

Progress of the event:


Summer has flown by and ended,

Autumn the school bell rang.

Here were the holidays - and they are gone,

And it's time to get down to business.

KVN is a special holiday,

He will help you check today,

You completely forgot about books over the summer,

Do you still remember?

We want you to be in this room now

Sadness and longing have not found a place for themselves,

So that the smiles on faces shine,

It was fun and interesting.

How will our battle end?

No one here knows yet.

|Who is the strongest, only time will tell

May the fight be glorious and fair


We are starting KVN. Today two teams will fight for victory. Let's meet them: a team of 4th grade students (the audience welcomes the team) and a team of 4th grade parents (applause).


I came to the club - don’t frown,

Be cheerful until the end.

You are not a spectator or a guest,

And our program is the highlight!

Don't be shy, don't break down,

Obey all laws

To my left is a team of 4th grade students. Team captain... On the right is the parent team. Team captain…

Before you are the participants of today's meeting, ready to immediately enter into battle. Both teams are in great, fabulous shape and are ready for any eventuality. And the fans, of course, are ready to award victory to their team in advance. But in order for justice to prevail, we invited a competent jury.

We present it to you...

The teams will now exchange greetings. Who starts will be decided by lot. I'll ask the captains to come to me.

The captains approach the leader. Before their eyes, he rolls up two pieces of paper with the numbers 1 and 2, clenches them into his fists and hides them behind his back. The team whose captain draws out a piece of paper with a number starts first.


our team : 4th grade students - “Book lovers.”

Our motto : "One for all and all for one".

They call us book lovers

And they respect friendship

We are all friends as one,

|Today we will defeat you.

Our greeting to the jury:

If you are one with us,

This means we are invincible.

Greetings to the fans:

Fans! There is only hope for you!

We count on you.

|In this difficult, difficult hour!

our team : (parents) SOC - mothers (“The most charming princesses”)

Our motto: "Intelligence is good, but much is better."

Our greetings to the opposing team:

As one poet said,

There is no sweeter person in the world,

To find out who is smarter,

Look at us quickly!

Our greeting to the jury:

We ask the jury

Judge us objectively.

And who will be the winner?

Fairly decide!

Greetings to the fans:

Whatever happens,

Clap more friendly

Don't shout, don't make noise,

Support if necessary!


We are familiar with the teams.

The jury will sum up the results

It is still unclear who will win

Everyone performed great here.

It's time to start warming up

So, let's get started!

I competition “Warm-up”

1 team

Questions are asked to teams in turn; if a team cannot answer a question, another team tries to answer. For the correct answer, the team receives extra points.

1. I once heard the following words: “Who reads a lot...”, but I don’t remember anything else. Continue

(Answer: he knows a lot)

2. “Reading is the best...” And then I forgot.

(Answer: teaching)

3. There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

Question for the 1st team:

Tell me, where is this magical country?

(This country in the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Question for the second team:

What does the word “Lukomorye” mean?

(Lukomorye - bend of the seashore, bay)

4. Please name the birthday of the princess from “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" (January 6 - Christmas Eve).

5. What did the old woman demand in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (The old woman wanted to get a new trough, a new hut, then become a pillar noblewoman, the mistress of the sea).

6. What do the heroes from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” do while living in the forest?

(Answer: heroes protect the state, hunt)

7. Name the main characters of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

(Answer: the main characters of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” are the Tsar, Tsarina, cook, weaver, Babarikha, Tsarevich, White Swan, Prince Guidon)

8. Who did Balda call his little brother? (Hare)

9. How many people did Balda eat and work for?

(Eat for four, worked for seven)


Our competition is over, and again

We give the floor to the jury

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of the two competitions, we will play with the fans.

There are many different wonders in the magical forest of Lukomorye. Remember, as Pushkin said:

There the forest and the valley are full of visions...

What kind of visions is the forest full of?


The hut is there, on chicken legs

It stands without windows or doors...

And thirty beautiful knights

From time to time clear waters emerge,

And with them is their sea uncle...

There is a stupa with Baba Yaga

She walks and wanders by herself;

There, Tsar Koschey is wasting away over his gold.

Word from the jury:

The jury please don't torment me

II competition "Artists"


Who loves drawing since childhood?

It's your turn to shine.

There is a task for artists.

Well, let's draw something

This competition is homework for teams. Teams present their drawings, and the opposing sides guess which fairy tale heroes or object from which fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin are depicted.

1st team: nut, tent, bumblebee

2nd team : chain, crown, helmet


Your drawings are simply classy!

The jury will now give their assessment.

Questions for fans:

I have a magic basket in my hands. And in it there are objects that belong to some fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin.

Which fairy tale are these items from? apple, squirrel, mirror, cockerel

(Viewers respond)

Word from the jury:

III competition “Do you know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin"

Blitz tournament

(Questions are asked one by one; if a team cannot guess, then the answer from the other team is accepted and an extra point is added)

1. What words did the queen use to address the magic mirror?

(“My light, mirror! Tell me

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?)

2. What did the cockerel cry while sitting on the knitting needle?

(“Kiri-ku-ku! Reign while lying on your side!”)

3. While paying Balda, the priest offered his forehead. What did Balda say reproachfully?

(“Don’t you, priest, chase after cheap things”)

4. How did the old man address the goldfish?

(Have mercy, lady fish!)

5. What words do the fairy tales end with: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

(I was there, I drank honey beer -

And he just wet his mustache)

6. How does Pushkin begin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”?

(Three girls by the window

We spun late in the evening)

7. What are the words with which Pushkin ends “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

A lesson to good fellows.)

8. What words does “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin with?

(An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea...)

9. What was the name of the dog in The Tale of the Dead Princess? (Sokolko)

10. What happened to the pop after the first click? (Pop jumped to the ceiling)

Well done! You are real experts in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

And as always, we give the jury the floor to sum up

Student: reads an excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

IV competition “Fairytale Ads”


I have an envelope in my hands, it contains the first issue of the newspaper “Magic News”, which is entirely devoted to the publication of fairy-tale advertisements.

Who could give such an announcement?

1) I offer my services:

harness a horse;

use the stove;

buy products at the market;

cook porridge;

babysit children.

My address...(Balda. “a fairy tale about a priest...)

2) Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to buy a magic mirror that can speak?

Our address... Address to... (The Queen-Stepmother from “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

3) For those who cannot wake up when the alarm rings, we suggest purchasing a rooster made of pure gold, which will help you out always and everywhere. Address...("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

4) Who wants to replace the old trough with a new one? Or an apartment for a house?

Speak to…. (To the goldfish from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

5) For those interested in living space! I rent out my room for the summer for a reasonable rent. The upper room contains:

all around there are benches covered with carpets;

stove with tiled stove bench;

under the saints there is an oak table.

My address... (“The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

6) The school of healers and psychics conducts monthly paid courses. Diseases such as:

bites on the right and left eyes;

blisters on the nose.

Start of the next classes... (The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

The jury's word

V competition “Fairytale Apples”

On the board there are sheets cut out in the shape of apples. WITH reverse side questions are written down. Players from teams come up one by one, take one apple at a time, read the question out loud and answer it.

What words does “The Tale of the Priest…” begin with?

(Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead)

The last wish of the grumpy old woman? (Become the mistress of the sea)

What words did the wayward queen use to address the magic mirror?

(My little mirror! Tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the sweetest, the most ruddy and whitest in the world?)

Faithful guard of King Dadon? (Cockerel)

Who did Prince Guidon turn into when he flew to the kingdom of Saltan?

(Into a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee)

What did the boyars and nobles treat the old woman to in the royal chambers?

(Overseas wines, printed gingerbread)

What is the Cockerel made of? (Made of gold)

Where did the devils live from “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda?” (In the sea)


Reads an excerpt from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

VI. Crossword

Write the answers to the questions in the vertical cells:

1. Who called Balda daddy? (Popenok)

2. What was the name of the island past which the ships sailed to Saltan's kingdom? (Brawler)

3. Who did the evil Sorcerer turn into to destroy the Swan Princess? (Kite)

4. The clothes in which the old woman stood on the porch of the tower, waiting for the old man? (Soul warmer)

5. What did the old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” eat? (Gingerbread)

6. Dilapidated housing of an old man and an old woman. (Dugout)

VI I competition “Homework”

Each team shows a scene from Pushkin's fairy tale.

“Book lovers” - an excerpt from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

“SOC - Moms” - an excerpt from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”


I shouldn't have been worried at the beginning

The teams didn't let us down

They tried, and now

The jury will give its assessment.

Jury sum up

Yes, be nice and gentle

The jury sums up the results of the competition and names the total number of points for each team. The chairman of the jury announces the winning team. Presenting diplomas and souvenirs

When using materials from this site - and placing a banner is MANDATORY!!!

"Ecological KVN"

Presenter: Hello, Dear friends! We are starting our meeting of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Today we will witness battles between the Vobla and SOS teams. A respected jury (representation) will help us resolve disputes and evaluate competitions. So, the first round of our meeting! The gong sounds!

Competition "Cheers"

Presenter: I ask the team captains to come to the jury table for the draw. Captains choose tickets from No. 1 and No. 2.

Greetings from the SOS team

We are happy to compete with you

We use humor, laughter, and deeds.

We welcome you, friends!

You cannot live without humor and laughter!

The purpose of our meeting is a joke and communication,

Exchange of fun, glances, opinions.

We are happy to win and to lose.

Let's cross our eyes like swords in the game!

Greetings from the Vobla team

There are so many erudite people here,

There is no room for an apple to fall.

It will be difficult for us to win

Let's not lose face in the dirt.

Chorus: Now a lesson, now a change,

Tired of such peace

KVN - dear, beloved,

We are with you forever now!

We want to get into a fight

So they came to you in a crowd,

We speak a little out of place,

There's just no turning back.

Chorus. Now a lesson, now a change,

Tired of such peace

KVN - dear, beloved,

We are with you forever now!

Greetings from the jury of the "SOS" team

Black eyes, burning eyes,

O jury, O jury, O mighty one!

Have pity on us in this difficult hour,

We are performing only for the first time!

We are waiting for fair decisions,

Unity of views, thoughts, opinions,

Take a closer look at our faces,

We are cuter, smarter and more beautiful than everyone else!

Greetings from the jury of the Vobla team

We know that KVN is a game,

And it's time for us to play.

We will give her all our strength,

And get A's in your grades!

You judge - row, jury, jury,

But only in our favor,

You know, we believe in you,

As a chemist in ash two o.

You know, we should be on the team,

It's not easy to be on a team

We just want to be a little lucky...

Appeal to the fans of the Vobla team

For the fact that you came here and did not go somewhere.

We are glad to welcome you, comrades and friends,

Because there is no way for us to win without you!

Our team - 2 rub.

He asks you very much

You are all rooting for us, really rooting for us.

"SOS" team's message to fans

There are so many good girls

Gathered around here now,

But one thought worries me:

Will they support "SOS", my friend?

There will be no peace for us in the game,

And it is necessary strong spirit be.

The love of restless cheerleaders

It will help you survive and win!

(The jury sums up the results of the first round of the "Greetings" competition)

Presenter: We are starting the second competition “Decipher the team name.”

Team "Vobla"

We took Vobla literally,

And not in any dissent,

And we dedicate an Ode to this fish,

And for us, and for you, and for everyone’s sake.

Ode to Voble

Presenter: The floor is given to the "SOS" team

"SOS" command

"SOS" - short - save souls,

Nature has been screaming at everyone for a long time.

Close your eyes, plug your ears,

And it’s not destined to survive like that...

Let's sound the alarm together

Because everything is in the answer

How can we live in the new century?

(The jury evaluates the second competition).

Presenter: We are starting the third round of our “Warm-up” competition.

Conditions of the competition: each team has prepared three questions with their own answers and asks them in turn to each other. Thinking time 30 s.

The jury evaluates the speed, correctness and originality of the answers.

The "SOS" team asks their questions.

(The jury evaluates the "Warm-up" competition)

Presenter: The next round of our competition is called “Experimenter”. 2 people are invited from each team. Your task is to identify several substances by color and eyes closed by smell.

1 substance option 2 substance option

Acetic acid Ammonia

Gasoline Ethyl alcohol

Formalin Kerosene

Barium sulfate Silver chloride

Iron (III) hydroxide Copper (II) hydroxide

Presenter: Let’s move on to the most interesting and exciting round of our competition - “Homework”.

1st competition "What would this mean?"

Presenter: Each team was given the task in advance to draw a picture on environmental theme. Now you will exchange your drawings and try to explain in 30 seconds what is drawn on them.

Explanation of the "SOS" command

Whales generally eat plankton

But this whale eats everything.

Oh, he is indiscriminate - a glutton,

And he threw out a lot of rubbish.

He exchanged all his dishes

To what's floating around.

Explanation of the Vobla command

If the air is polluted,

We will have nothing to breathe.

A man will put on a spacesuit,

This is a suit for the new century.

Presenter: And now the teams will act out environmental scenes.

Sketch by the "SOS" team: "Two Grandmothers"

Two grandmothers appear on stage: Avdotya Nikitichna - from the village, Marya Ivanovna - from the city.

Marya Ivanovna: Avdotya, hello, how are you? How is your health?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Oh! Oh! What kind of health can there be now? Sugar, they say, cannot be eaten, salt too, and meat is harmful. So I decided to become a vegetarian.

Marya Ivanovna: Who did you decide to become?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Whom, whom - a vegetarian!

Marya Ivanovna: Lord, I came up with some kind of cosmic name. I guess you mean vegetarian?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Well, yes. The one who eats all the vegetables. So I decided to live longer.

Marya Ivanovna: So what happens?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Instead of living longer, I almost died earlier.

Marya Ivanovna: How so?

Avdotya Nikitichna: Yes, vegetables are now processed with some kind of nitrators.

Marya Ivanovna: Ha, ha, ha! You've got it all mixed up again! They are called nitrates, and plants are fed with them.

Avdotya Nikitichna: Yes, now they even eat ozone. They had already eaten so much of it that even some holes began to appear in the sky.

Marya Ivanovna: Oh, don’t tell me, my granddaughter said that her fiance recently flew into some kind of chimney! Maybe into this hole, huh? So he sings a pitiful song about this, like romances used to be sung. Let's listen to her.

And in the end I will tell:

My darling flew away in vain,

I want to fly, I'm going crazy

Into the ozone hole, into space.

Maybe I'll find him there,

Or maybe I'll meet an astronaut,

I will walk along the Milky Way,

I'll marry an Argonaut.

And in the end I will tell:

I'm running into the ozone hole

I am in dreams every day.

Perhaps, having flown into a hole,

I will achieve happiness for a moment!

And in the end I will tell …

Presenter: The Vobla team will perform an environmental skit.

Sketch by the "Vobla" team: The tale of "Turnip".

Materials used from Khoteevskaya secondary school

Coordinator: Zakhartsova M.A.

"Ecological KVN"

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