How old is Alena Ashmarina from house 2. Alena Ashmarina latest news, rumors, gossip. Biography of Alena Ashmarina

Alena Ashmarina(nee Ivanenko) was born on July 23, 1986 in Hungary, but considers Moscow to be her hometown. Alyona– top stylist, has her own business in hair and eyelash extensions.

In 2010 Alyona married German Ashmarin, whom I dated for more than 2 years. Married Alyona gave birth to a daughter, whom the couple named Patricia. When Patricia turned 3 months old, their marriage broke up. Alyona went to seek her happiness on the second season of the reality show "Holidays in Mexico". Before this Ashmarina already had experience participating in television programs: she starred in one of the episodes of the program "Dinner Party".

While filming the show “Holidays in Mexico” Alena was still officially married and planning to promote her business. But circumstances turned out differently: in an attempt to establish their financial life and highlight your business Alyona went to a popular TV project "House 2".

Alena Ashmarina in the reality show House 2

On reality TV "House-2" Ashmarin arrived on September 19, 2014. Being very attractive and interesting girl, she immediately realized that she could achieve any man on a television project. On "House-2" at that moment they were completely different men, but choice Alena fell on Alexandra Gobozova. Despite the fact that he did not match the girl’s preferences and was married to Aliana Gobozoy who bore him a son Roberta, the girl decided not to give up. On a TV project Alexander lived not only with his wife and son, but also with his mother. The relationships of this family have always been distinguished by originality and frequent scandals, so flirting Alexandra I wasn't taken seriously with other girls.

WITH Alena everything turned out differently. Their relationship, which began with harmless flirting, soon grew into a serious hobby. Some time later Alexander separated from his wife and moved to city apartments with Alena. The relationship between the lovers was going very well: “I know that he feels the same for me as I feel for him. Sasha gives me warmth and affection, which I didn’t feel from my husband when the same things happened...”, she said Alyona.

Even mother Alexandra Olga Gobozova did not interfere with her son’s new relationship and quickly found a language with Alena. But when Alexander went with Aliana V hometown to officially get a divorce, Alyona turned her attention to Egor Kholyavin. After several days of flirting, she realized that he was not suitable for her, and found herself a new passion - Ilya Grigorenkoex-boyfriend Tatiana Kirilyuk and an unsuccessful young man Aliana Ustinenko. The relationship between the lovers developed very quickly, although it was quite difficult. Ilya often drank, which is why between him and Alena scandals occurred constantly. Despite this, December 10, 2014 Ilya Grigorenko And Alena Ashmarina Let's go build love outside the perimeter "House-2".

Ashmarina And Grigorenko as they wrote on social networks, they “flew out of the gate on the wings of love.” Unofficial version announced on the blog Tatiana Kirilyuk, says that Ilya refused to be coded, and the presenters were tired of watching the guy become an alcoholic and deteriorate in front of the TV viewers. In addition, there were rumors that the couple was using illegal drugs and went to a clinic for treatment.

March 21, 2015 Alena Ashmarina reappeared on the project "House 2". Shortly before her arrival on the show, Ilya Grigorenko. The young people said that after leaving the project in December, they allegedly broke up.

Within a few days of being on the project Alyona managed to fight six times, including with Kamila Korobeynikova, Liberzh Kpadonu And Aliana Gobozova.

The bright young lady Alena Ashmarina, whose biography is replete with white spots, came to the show House 2. Alena was born in Hungary and considers Moscow her hometown. It is unknown what kind of education Ashmarina received; according to Alena herself, she is a professional hairdresser and stylist, with quite a decent 9 years of experience in this field.

Communication skills, the ability to make the right contacts and an assertive character in a certain area life stage helped Alena create her own business. Alena Ashmarina’s business, a hair extension salon, at first functioned very successfully, but then there was a glitch in the established process; her favorite brainchild began to bring the young lady not income and pleasure, but losses and headaches.
In order to keep the business afloat, Ashmarina needed finance and PR, after which the liberated girl went on a popular reality show. In 2012, Alena Ashmarina took part in the Vacations in Mexico project. It’s interesting that Alena lit up the candid show while being legally married. Ashmarina, nee Ivanenko, lived with her chosen one German for two years without a stamp in her passport, and in April 2010 the couple got married.

Vacation in Mexico is not the first show in Alena’s TV career. Back in 2011, Alena Ashmarina participated in the program “ Dinner party", so the young lady came to House 2 already knowing the matter. If you take Alena’s word for it, eight months ago she divorced her husband and this moment her heart is completely free. This statement by Alena raises some doubts: according to rumors, quite recently Ashmarina was absolutely happy with this supposedly ex-husband Herman.

Alena Ashmarina's arrival at House 2 took place on September 19. Until recently, the tuned blonde liked men who were rich, smart, stylish, with a good sense of humor, so it is very strange that the sophisticated Alena chose the down-to-earth Gobozov on the TV set. The relationship between Alexander Gobozov and Alena began to develop quite rapidly. After a couple of days of communication, Gobozov and Ashmarina moved from Polyana to city apartments so that no one would interfere with them getting to know each other. She approves of her son’s interest in Alena and is even ready to babysit her eleven-month-old daughter Ashmarina. Alena plans to bring baby Patricia to the project soon.

Alena divorced her husband after 6 years of marriage, when her daughter was only 3 months old. Now, already 8 months old, the girl’s heart is free. Alena lives in Moscow, is engaged in business and vocals. The girl never took the man away from the relationship, but she had her eye on the still married Sasha Gobozov. It turned out that the guys had so much in common... After her relationship with Sasha, Alena began dating the “young and hot” Ilya Grigorenko. The girl was not at all embarrassed by the 8-year age difference. After leaving the project, the guys broke up.

Alena Ashmarina VKontakte page:

Alena Ashmarina's Instagram page:

PHOTO by Alena Ashmarina

The girl was born in 1986 in Hungary, but as a little girl she moved from there to the Russian capital. Ashmarina with early years I understood what exactly I wasn’t happy with in my appearance and how it could be corrected. According to Alena, at the age of 15 she asked her mother for money for mammoplasty, but was refused.

Even before plastic surgery, Alena Ashmarina decided to connect her life either with the beauty industry or with television. Soon the girl trained as a specialist in eyelash and hair extensions, and after a while she opened her own beauty salon, which is how she made a living and performed plastic surgery.

Before appearing on the reality show, Alena managed to marry businessman German Ashmarin and give birth to a daughter. According to rumors, they started dating even before Alena Ashmarina’s plastic surgery, and it was her husband who paid for all the changes and expensive operations. Unfortunately, the marriage broke up three months after the birth of their daughter Patricia. Official reason neither Alena nor German voiced the divorce.

Further, the biography of Alena Ashmarina was closely connected with participation in reality shows, the first of which was “Dinner Party”. Participation in “Vacations in Mexico” turned out to be fleeting: Alena was kicked out of the project a few days later for “scandalous and inappropriate behavior.” Ashmarina did not despair and decided to look for love on the television project “Dom-2”, and in 2014 she came to Alexander Gobozov. Determined Alena was not stopped by either Gobozov’s wife, son, or mother: she achieved her goal and began to live with Alexander in city apartments.

The happiness did not last long, and Alena turned her attention to Yegor Kholyavin. This intrigue was also fleeting, and Ilya Grigorenko became the next partner.

The relationship between Alena Ashmarina and Ilya Grigorenko was complicated by Ilya’s addiction to alcohol. At the end of 2014, they went to build love outside the perimeter of the project, but after a while they returned, announcing their separation.

At the beginning of 2018, a photo taken during an ultrasound appeared on Alena Ashmarina’s Instagram. The girl shared good news- She is pregnant and extremely happy.

Ilya Grigorenko is now next to her lover and supports her during difficult moments of pregnancy.

Alena Ashmarina - ex-participant of various media projects Russian show business. She starred in such TV shows as “Holidays in Mexico”, “Dom-2. Build Your Love", "Dinner Party". The girl gained the greatest fame and popularity on the project “Dom-2. Build your love,” where she met her future lover Ilya Grigorenko.

Alena Ashmarina: biography, date of birth, business and participation in MCU

Born on July 23, 1986 in Hungary, despite this, she still considers Moscow her favorite and hometown. Alena has her own business - the girl does hair and eyelash extensions and has her own salon. In 2010, Alena married German Ashmarin; before the wedding, they dated for more than two years.

The newlyweds gave birth to a daughter, Patricia. Unfortunately, the marriage was not doomed to happiness. Three months after the birth of their daughter, the couple separated. Then Alena Ashmarina decides to submit her resume for the casting for the “Vacations in Mexico” project in order to somehow advertise herself and her business. The essence of this TV show is written according to standard canons, where participants must supposedly find new relationships - an equal number of girls and guys are located in a large villa in Mexico, and everyone must begin an affair with the opposite sex. The one who doesn't have a pair is eliminated. This is what happened with Alena Ashmarina - at a certain point she was simply rejected, but there were other reasons for her departure.

All project participants complained that Alena was too impulsive emotionally, she was considered a mentally ill person, thereby provoking her to new emotions in order to once again be convinced that she was right. In addition, the TV show participants somehow learned that Alena Ashmarina (the girl’s biography is little known, so some facts are taken from discussions on the TV show) sometimes dabble in drugs. Against the backdrop of these discussions and scandals, the residents of the villa disliked her. Due to these problems, in the absence of compromises, the girl had to leave the project.

Alena Ashmarina: biography, height, weight, photo shoots and participation in the TV show “Dom-2. Build your love"

In September 2014, Alena decides to go to the casting of the Dom-2 project. Fortunately, her appearance and attractive forms played a role when the project organizers considered her candidacy. Alena has a model appearance. Her height is 170 centimeters, and her weight is only 50 kilograms, so the girl was not tormented by doubts about whether she could seduce anyone on the “TV set”. Her arrival at Dom-2 was motivated by the goal of improving her life from a financial point of view. The girl wanted to become popular and also advertise her hair and nail extensions business.

The goal is to seduce Alexander Gobozov, the realities of the Dom-2 project

With the arrival of the Dom-2 project, Alena Ashmarina began to take a closer look at men, looking for a candidate for a new relationship. To the great surprise of viewers and participants of the TV show, her choice settled on Alexander Gobozov. The paradox was that Gobozov did not at all meet the requirements and views of Alena, which she voiced from the first days of her stay on the project. But that's not all, Alexander Gobozov was married to Aliana Gobozova, who bore him a son, Robert. In addition, Alexander Gobozov’s mother lived on the project during this period of time. All these factors did not make Alena Ashmarina doubt her choice for a second - the girl seriously decided to seduce the man she liked.

Strange and at the same time funny things were constantly happening in the Gobozov family - the couple constantly quarreled over trifles and more. Alexander Gobozov could flirt with other girls on the project, but no one took it seriously. When the flirtation began with Ashmarina, everything happened quite the opposite. Alexander responded responsively to Alena’s signs of attention, and soon they began an affair. All this led to the fact that Alexander was forced to divorce his wife. In general, the relationship was ideal, but short-lived.

Relations with Ilya Grigorenko

At the moment when Alexander and Aliana Gobozov go to their hometown to file for divorce, Ashmarina’s interests and preferences change, and she switches to Yegor Kholyavin. But only a few days have passed, and Alena’s interests change again: the girl realized that Yegor is not at all the man she is waiting for.

Soon Alena Ashmarina falls in love with twenty-year-old Ilya Grigorenko, who still could not start a relationship on the project. As a result, the two began to build a relationship. It was clear that something was born between them real love, despite the fact that sometimes quarrels and scandals arose. After six months of relationship, the couple announced their departure from the project. Ilya and Alena promised to build their love outside the perimeter of the Dom-2 project.

Do you know who Alena Ashmarina is? Do you know the biography of this girl? If not, we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Biography of Alena Ashmarina

Our heroine was born on July 23, 1986 in Hungary. Alena’s father was forced to go to this country for work. His pregnant wife followed him.

Alena Ashmarina (nee Ivanenko) was a sociable and inquisitive child. At the age of 5, her parents sent her to a vocal studio. The girl also attended a dance club.


The girl was not trying to get higher education. Therefore, after finishing high school went to college, where she studied to be a hairdresser-stylist.


Character qualities such as assertiveness, determination and sociability allowed Alena to build successful business. Ashmarina has 9 years of experience in the beauty industry. During this time, she managed to gather an impressive client base.

Today Alena Ashmarina is the owner own salon. She not only supervises the work of the staff, but also personally deals with hair extensions. The girl rides on expensive car, wears branded items and dines at high-end restaurants.

Personal life

Slender and petite Alena has always attracted the attention of men. She had many fans. However, only one managed to win the girl’s favor. young man- businessman German Ashmarin. It was with him that our heroine tied the knot in 2010.

The celebration took place in one of the best Moscow restaurants. The tables were literally bursting with delicacies and expensive drinks. That day, Alena thought that she and German would live together until old age. But after 2 years, discord began in the family. Even their little daughter, born in 2013, could not save the marriage. Alena and German officially divorced.

Conquest of television

The bright and ambitious blonde always dreamed of fame and popularity. In 2011, Alena Ashmarina first appeared on wide screens. She participated in the filming of the program “Dinner Party”.

In 2012, the girl appeared in the reality show “Vacations in Mexico.” Many viewers remembered Ashmarina as a strange and inadequate participant.

If you think that Alena has finally given up on her dream of fame, then you are very mistaken. In September 2014, the blonde went to the notorious television project “Dom-2”. She managed to seduce one of the rating participants - Alexander Gobozov. Everything would be fine, but he was officially married to Aliana Ustinenko. The relationship with Sasha stopped at some point. Then Alena took a closer look at a young guy with an athletic build - Ilya Grigorenko. She has been “building love” with him for more than a year.