How old is Ekaterina Andreeva presenter 1. Ekaterina Andreeva: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Andreeva's beloved man


On March 31, she became a participant in the new episode of the show “Wife. “Love Story” will be the already legendary presenter of Channel One Ekaterina Andreeva. IN frank interview She will tell Kira Proshutinskaya how she met her second husband, a businessman. Dusan Perovic. Andreeva shared that her chosen one is a descendant of Prince Njegos, who led the fight of Montenegro against the Turks. However, Dušan cannot be called a purebred Montenegrin - he is also a quarter Serbian and a quarter Russian.

Ekaterina recalls that Perovich first saw her on TV and even then realized that he had fallen in love. “Dushka saw me on TV, but could not immediately make out my first and last name - the words were long, the language was unfamiliar. He only managed to write down one letter before the title disappeared. Yes, I didn’t work in the “Morning” program every day - only on Wednesday, in my opinion. And so every Wednesday morning he sat down in front of the TV with a notepad and wrote down letters. Then I began to look for options on how to meet. See how cunning he is! Somehow this looped back to our correspondent Volodya Solovyov, who told Dusan: “Don’t even come near her. She has a reputation at work for being hard to get.” Apparently, this only spurred my handsome man on, and he began to act with renewed vigor,” Andreeva said frankly.

Still from the show “Wife. Love Story" with Ekaterina Andreeva

At the time of her acquaintance with Perovich, the Channel One presenter was married to her first husband, so she ignored him in every possible way increased attention from Dusan's side. But after a divorce from her husband, whose name she hides to this day, Ekaterina began to “sometimes go out somewhere” with a Montenegrin businessman. The star admits that it was very important for her that her daughter Natalya accepted her choice. According to Andreeva, if the girl had been against her marriage to Perovich, she would never have married him.

Ekaterina still very much remembers the moment when she and her future husband decided for themselves: they should be together. “He said that he was leaving, that he had everything there, but nothing here. And he gave me a hereditary medal with a horse. His parents had stud farms on the border with Hungary. One horse always won the race, and they made a champion medal for it. The medal, as a family talisman, passed from father to son. Dusan gave me this medal, saying that he could not give me anything else, since I would not take anything. And it is true. I didn’t take expensive gifts from him, I didn’t need his money. Love “to the last drop of a cent” is not my case. He gave me this medal and left. But in the morning next day we called each other, and at the same time! He called to say that he decided to stay, and I called to say “Don’t leave!” From that moment on, we can say that our family was formed, although we were not married yet!” - the TV presenter shared.

Now Ekaterina Andreevna is absolutely happily married to her husband. She gets along well with his family, and he gets along well with her daughter. In addition, the star admits, her husband is not at all jealous of her success. “In his field he is very a famous person. He lacks male jealousy, when he wants to suppress a woman just to assert himself. This is typical weak men! - Andreeva is confident.

Ekaterina Andreeva and Dusan Perovic

Personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva ( Russian journalist, TV presenter, actress; height - 1.7 m) was born on November 27, 1961 in Moscow. Her father held a senior position in the State Supply Committee, and her mother devoted herself to the family. As a child, the future TV presenter studied diligently and was actively involved in sports.

After graduating from school, Ekaterina was a student at the Pedagogical Institute, in addition, she received legal education, but didn’t want to work in my profession. Deciding to become a TV presenter, Andreeva completed special courses for announcers, after which she came to Central Television. Since 1991, she has been a broadcaster, presenter and editor. various programs, and since 1998 she began hosting “Vremya” on Channel One (formerly ORT).

During her television career, Ekaterina acquired numerous fans who appreciated not only her ability to broadcast competently and professionally, but also her excellent appearance. The charming brunette also managed to star in several films, where she appeared in episodic roles.

The personal life of the 54-year-old TV presenter has been as successful as her career. The marriage with her first husband seemed harmonious, although it did not bring real female happiness. In addition, the family had a daughter, Natalya, who was born in 1982. But one day in the program " Good morning“She was seen by Serbian businessman Dusan Perovic, who fell in love with the beautiful TV presenter. And, although he didn’t speak Russian at all, he managed to find her phone number and offered to meet him. Dusan courted Andreeva for three years, but she was adamant, since she was not going to change anything in her personal life. And only when the businessman told the TV presenter that he was leaving Russia forever, she realized that she loved him and could no longer part with him. Andreeva decided to change her personal life: divorce her husband and become Perovich’s wife.

The photo shows Ekaterina Andreeva and her husband Dusan Perovic

More than twenty years have passed since then, but according to Catherine herself, she is still in love with her husband, and the secret of their family happiness is that the spouses have learned to trust each other and find a compromise in any situation. When you can find time in your work schedule free time, they go with the whole family to travel around Africa. Once Ekaterina and Dushan celebrated in Namibia New Year, where they visited an observatory and spent the entire night looking through a telescope, watching the stars. Ekaterina’s daughter from her first marriage, Natalya, is already an adult girl: she graduated from college, choosing to become a lawyer. Natalya doesn’t yet know how her life will turn out, but she doesn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

  1. Born future star TV in Moscow in 1961, November 27. Her father held an important position in the USSR - deputy chairman of the State Supply Committee. Ekaterina’s mother was a housewife; besides her, the family also has a younger sister, Svetlana.
  2. In her youth, Andreeva was fond of basketball, and even ended up in the Olympic reserve. But I didn’t have high hopes for sports, but yes, I did with the legal field.
  3. A terrible incident happened to a girl when she was doing an internship at the institute at the Prosecutor General's Office. Andreeva got to do business in the most criminal circles at that time.
  4. One day, while working late to investigate the brutal murder of a girl, the trainee was attacked on the street by an armed stranger. He had a partner and a knife; a man passing by distracted their attention, and Catherine was able to escape.

Briefly about career:

  • 1990 – graduation from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute;
  • 1990 – enrollment in broadcasting courses;
  • 1991 – start of work in Ostankino, “Good Morning” program;
  • 1995 – editor of news programs;
  • 1998 – host of the “Time” program.


  1. It is now impossible to imagine Catherine in another image and profession. In her youth, she did not think about a career in television. The girl was interested in legal topics, but already in her second year at the institute she decided to transfer to her second favorite field - history.
  2. Catherine liked historical facts and events, she studied enthusiastically. An accident brought her to Ostankino. The girl decided to try herself as an announcer. She was not confident in her chances, and there was no support among the teachers. The professors believed that Andreeva was too cold on screen and lacked emotion. Her image was often compared to the Snow Queen.
  3. Surprisingly, Catherine became the last of the famous Igor Kirillov’s students. After passing the announcer school, Katya became a presenter morning program, successfully lifted the mood of the audience.
  4. The news program with Andreeva’s participation was postponed for a long time, but after the first release, it became clear that Katya was simply created for this role. The girl could talk not only about an everyday incident, but also a serious tragedy, and do it with an equanimity. Such coldness in the frame allowed her to become the best of the presenters of this genre.

Secret of success

  1. Ekaterina admits that it can be difficult for her to cope with excitement and emotions when covering tragedies, but in just a split second, Andreeva is back in the frame, gathering all her will into a fist and not letting out a tear.
  2. The presenter is one of the few who independently prepares for the broadcast. She picks out clothes, does her hair and applies makeup.
  3. Andreeva has learned to cope with stress and fatigue; according to her, it’s enough to take a nap on the nearest sofa for 20 minutes and you can do great things again.

Since 1998, Ekaterina Andreeva has been broadcasting on the Vesti program. During this time, her appearance did not change at all. Periodically, every few years, there is a rumor that the presenter is leaving Channel One. Ekaterina herself is accustomed to such gossip; she is sure that as soon as she goes on vacation, fans begin to panic.

The secret to being slim

  • Andreeva keeps up with the times and maintains her own Instagram, where she shares photos from vacations or weekdays. Fans note that Catherine’s figure is always impeccable. Katya herself says that there was a period when she struggled with excess weight;
  • Even at the institute, when the girl was preparing for her diploma, she led a sedentary lifestyle, which led to excess weight. With a height of 176 cm, she weighed 80 kg. This is a lot, so Catherine took a long time to shed the extra 20;
  • this weight never returned. Andreeva is used to counting the amount of food she eats and goes in for sports with pleasure, rather than overpowering herself.

In addition to her career as a presenter, Ekaterina also auditioned for films. She had several roles in films:

  1. "Fiend of Hell."
  2. "Unknown pages from the life of an intelligence officer."
  3. "In the Mirror of Venus"
  4. "Personal number".

Personal life

  1. In Andreeva’s personal life, everything has been stable for a very long time. She has a second marriage, but the presenter does not talk about her first husband. Despite the fact that she has a daughter from her first marriage, no one knows the name of the father or the date of their wedding.
  2. Back in 1989, Ekaterina met her second husband, Dusan Perovic. The man was from Montenegro. Through friends, he found the phone number of Andreeva, who was already shining on television. It was on the screen that Dusan first saw her and fell in love. The man knew only a few words in Russian, but this did not stop him from approaching and meeting Katya.
  3. After three years of courtship, the couple got married. They have no children together; they are both raising Ekaterina’s daughter Natalya. The youngest Andreeva is going to enter MGIMO, but does not intend to connect her life with television.

Bad habits

For a very long time, Catherine was perceived as secretive and cold woman. She spoke openly about herself in one of the TV shows, where she appeared in an unusual image for herself. The presenter was not wearing a formal suit, but a bright jacket with rhinestones. Andreeva shared all the secrets and bad habits. It turns out that Ekaterina loves sweets, but knows how to limit herself in time.

What she stopped struggling with was smoking. Constantly torturing myself while trying to quit smoking did not lead to a positive result. The presenter admits that cigarettes are her weakness. She smokes light, a certain brand, which she orders from Israel.

Selective memory

The presenter has a phenomenal memory. She only needs to read the text once and she will remember it by heart. She can dial the phone number of any friend, but what the presenter has trouble with is memorable dates. She just doesn't keep that information in her head. Relatives, friends and colleagues know about this peculiarity of Catherine and are not offended by it, because she does not remember her memorable dates.

The ability not to change

  1. Andreeva has been on screen for more than 20 years. During this time, her image does not change, which may not please her fans. She gives advice to her subscribers in social network How to stay cheerful and not look back at age.
  2. The actress and presenter travels a lot, loves to learn something new and visit exotic places.
  3. But Andreeva was not noticed in her gastronomic preferences. As she herself admits, she is not a gourmet and does not like gourmet food. Many women envy Ekaterina’s appearance, but she is sure that everyone can be attractive, just take care of yourself.
  4. But heredity also plays a significant role; she was lucky in this regard.


Apart from traveling, Ekaterina says her main hobby is antiques. A woman loves antique and unique things. She is ready to pay a lot of money for the thing she likes, but she never overpays, she understands prices and can bargain.

What do you think about Catherine? Write your answers below!

Famous Russian TV presenter, journalist. Since 1998, he has been hosting the information program “Time” on the ORT channel (now Channel One).

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva born November 27, 1965 in Moscow. The father of the future TV presenter was deputy chairman of the USSR State Supply Committee, and her mother was a housewife.

In 1990, Ekaterina Andreeva graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, studied at the evening department of the VYUZI (All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute). Then she worked in the General Prosecutor's Office, in the Investigation Department, and oversaw complex crime zones - Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory.

Ekaterina Andreeva believes that everything in her life is the fruit of her own efforts. By his own admission, he goes on air with the feeling of “Moscow is behind us!” He knows for sure that he will not be able to do anything related to mathematics.

The famous presenter is interested in history, loves to wander through museums, and visits the conservatory. Andreeva is conservative in clothes, loves strict style. She calls the gym the third most important part of her life, after work and family.

Ekaterina Andreeva is married, her husband is a businessman Dusko Perovic- Serbian by origin. The presenter also has a daughter, Natalya, a graduate of the MGIMO Faculty of Economics.

Television career of Ekaterina Andreeva

To the announcers Central television Ekaterina Andreeva passed the competition and entered the School of Television. She graduated from the Institute for Advanced Studies, then worked in the announcer's department, in the Morning program. At the “school of announcers” I studied with Igor Kirillov.

According to Ekaterina Andreeva, one of her favorite life mottos“God give me peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, give me strength to change what I can, and give me wisdom not to confuse one with the other.”

In 1991, Ekaterina Andreeva began working on television in the program “ Good morning"on the Ostankino channel. Since 1995, she began to host “ News"on ORT, and from 1998 to the present day she has been one of the permanent presenters information program « Time».

In 1999, according to the results of an Internet survey, Ekaterina Andreeva was named the most beautiful presenter of Russian television.

In 2006, she was awarded the Order of Friendship for her contribution to the development of Russian television and radio broadcasting.

Ekaterina Andreeva about herself: “I am an optimist by nature, I treat people favorably; I am not envious, not vindictive, not vindictive. I love children, I love the people who surround me. This peace of mind gives balance. And, of course, proper nutrition, playing sports. Naturally, I go to a cosmetologist for procedures, use high-quality cosmetics and try not to skimp on them. I don’t eat fatty foods, fried foods, sweets, and I don’t drink alcohol. But above all, the secret of my beauty is a kind attitude towards the world. Because only this gives health.”

Ekaterina Andreeva is a laureate of the TEFI-2007 award in the category “Host of an information program.” In 2010, she entered the top ten most popular TV presenters in Russia (according to TNS Russia).

Ekaterina Andreeva about her work: “The most difficult thing is to restrain emotions during difficult events, such as Beslan, Nord-Ost. It happens that I cry - it’s just not visible. During the story, I raise my face up so that tears don’t flow and ruin my makeup. I let everything pass through my heart... Sometimes it really is very difficult. But I go to church - it helps me a lot. In addition, yoga and Taijitsuan gymnastics help relieve tension, and negative emotions too.”

The program celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2017. In honor of this event, Channel One released a comic video in which Ekaterina Andreeva tried on the images of presenters from different decades, from the 60s to the present.

Ekaterina runs a popular block on Instagram, where she posts photos from travels and events, family photos, reports from culinary master classes, and also communicates with fans. The blog has more than 260 thousand subscribers.

Looking back at all the events, I understand that everything led me to meet the person who is the most important in my life now. With real happiness, I tried in every possible way to avoid it.

Catherine's future husband, Yugoslav Dusan, was her longtime admirer. And in order to get any closer to his dream, he had to invent the most incredible ways of meeting people. He often called Katya with crazy proposals, but she remained unapproachable. And then the fan took a decisive step - he invented a non-existent job offer to cover fashion shows. Catherine, who was then just starting her career on television, could not refuse him.

I didn't like him right away. Everything seemed ridiculous and tasteless. At the restaurant, he ordered the most expensive dish, which I didn’t know how to eat. This did not make me more optimistic.

It would seem that Dusan found himself in a hopeless situation, but he never lost hope that Catherine would still yield to his advances. The lover was not even embarrassed by the fact that the presenter was married.

My husband was not so wealthy. I thought she would condemn me for exchanging it for a rich man. And then the relationship with her husband deteriorated, and Dushan continued to court her. The strategy was such that not a single woman could stand it.

Catherine resisted to the last. She was in no hurry to go to the registry office again, and Dushan was simply tired of waiting, he was tired of the unknown and unsuccessful attempts to win Catherine. Therefore, having once again invited his beloved on a date, he announced that he was leaving to work in the USA. Without demanding anything in return, he simply asked Katya to accept from his hands a family heirloom, a small medal that had been passed down in their family from generation to generation.

I knew that she was very dear to him. I knitted it, came home and started crying, I realized that I couldn’t live without him. I called him and asked to meet. The romance began to unfold progressively.

Ekaterina and Dusan have been happily married for many years. They manage to do what they love and combine their family. In their union there is no struggle for leadership and everyday disagreements. They found a compromise - the only one acceptable for two completely accomplished, independent individuals.

I don't know how long this will last. But my child and husband are the main achievements. Everything else is secondary. They outweigh everything.

Reliable family rear gives her the opportunity to do as she sees fit. My beloved husband and daughter will always support and help. Ekaterina Andreeva is now in demand both in journalism and in politics. Over the years of her career she has earned herself good name And impeccable reputation. And where we, the audience, will see Katya again, time will tell.