Essay-Reflection on the topic: "Feat."

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“And when a person loves exploits, he always knows how to do them, and will find where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits.”
M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"
Further, Gorky’s heroine continues that those who do not find feats are “simply lazy and cowards.” What is a feat, what action is available to lazy people and cowards?
There are many interpretations of the concept - feat. This is “a valiant, heroic act, which has an important action”, and “a fearless act committed in difficult conditions”, and many others. Personally, I like this interpretation most of all: “Feat is a conscious desire to do something strange, to go beyond the boundaries of our existence.” (A. Pervushin “Thunderstorm at the Zenith”) IN this interpretation concept of "feat" keyword is the word "conscious". To understand this, you can imagine the situation described many times in fiction
: a small and heroic bird attacks a cat who has crept up to her nest, in which tiny, flightless chicks are sitting. The bird definitely commits a strange act, goes beyond the boundaries of its existence, dooming itself to certain death. But does she accomplish the feat? The answer is no. Because she does this unconsciously, her self-preservation instinct has triggered.
The instinct of self-preservation is an innate form of behavior of a living creature in a dangerous situation and actions to save itself and preserve its species. I.I. Mechnikov called the instinct of self-preservation the instinct of life. Humans also have an instinct for self-preservation, and in humans, unlike animals, this instinct develops with age, being reinforced life experience
, and the person is able to perceive the risk. associated with some action. Pain and fear trigger the mechanism of the self-preservation instinct: pain forces us to look for ways to eliminate it. and fear forces one to seek protection and refuge.
Therefore, a feat is a conscious overcoming of the instinct of self-preservation, the leading instinct for the survival of a living being.
The categorical statement of the old woman Izergil, given as an epigraph to the essay, gives reason to believe that the feat is not only heroic self-sacrifice for the benefit of future generations, but also the daily overcoming of one’s fear and pain. Another one feat is that a person performing a feat does not consider himself a hero, because a feat is a selfless action that does not pursue material or other benefits, because. that when a person goes beyond the limits of his own existence, completely different criteria for assessing behavior begin to operate. F. Nietzsche wrote that if a person has a “why” to live, then he will withstand any “how”.
As an example, we can cite a person whose whole life is a feat.
The feat of Alexei Maresyev began in early youth. he suffered from joint weakness, and doctors did not allow him to study at flight school. He lost his father early, learned to be a turner, but did not give up his dream of becoming a pilot, studying at a flying club. When he was drafted into the army, he achieved enrollment in a flight school and, in 1941, went to the front as an aviation lieutenant. On April 4, 1942, Maresyev's plane was shot down and fell into winter forest. For 18 days he crawled towards his people. In one of the private conversations, Maresyev said that he dreamed of seeing his mother, who would not survive without him. All these long 18 days, Maresyev overcame his instinct of self-preservation, which, if Maresyev had succumbed, would have put him to sleep, saving him from pain and suffering. Until now, with medical point vision. what Maresyev did is simply impossible. As a result of injuries and frostbite, gangrene of the legs began and when Maresyev was found, it was impossible to save his legs. Then he accomplished another feat - July 6, 1942, Hero Soviet Union A. Maresyev, having prosthetics instead of both legs, lifted the plane into the sky. After the war he repeated:
"I'm a man, not a legend! There is nothing extraordinary in what I did."
Feat is a movement of the spirit. which breaks out of a small, comfortable world, through fear, through pain, because... that it is not true that a person who accomplishes a feat is fearless and insensitive to pain, creating a new universe, giving birth to a person capable of conquering himself.

What is a feat? There are many interpretations of this word. Let's look in the dictionary: a feat is an act carried out in difficult, dangerous conditions, caused by deep feeling. For some people, this is doing a good deed to the detriment or risk of oneself, and for others, it is achieving what others cannot, not being afraid to express one’s opinion when many are silent. For me, a feat is when I go against my own fear on the way to my goal.

What makes a person accomplish a feat? I believe that none external factors cannot force a person to perform a feat. This is an inner impulse of the soul - to help another person, to save an animal in trouble. In a moment of serious danger, when there is no time to reason, a person is left alone with himself, with his conscience. He needs to decide here and now whether he is ready for the feat? Are you ready to sacrifice your life, your health to save your neighbor? Nowadays, not all people are capable of feats. Many will chicken out. We often see people lying on the street, but many pass by. Some may think that the person may have become ill, but they still do not approach. Other people just pass by without paying any attention. But I'm glad that the world is not without good people, after all, there are those who, without hesitation, will sacrifice anything for the sake of salvation if they are in trouble, be it a person or an animal.

Probably everyone thought about whether he could accomplish the feat? Does he have enough dedication and courage to sacrifice himself for someone? It depends on our upbringing. From childhood, parents, educators, and then school instill in us love for the Motherland, i.e. a sense of patriotism, a sense of conscience. The degree to which this feeling is instilled in a child determines what kind of citizen he will grow up to be.

People living in our time have changed a lot compared to those who lived during the Great Patriotic War. At that time, many Russian soldiers stood up to defend their Motherland and risked their lives. Thousands of people committed heroic deeds and died at the fronts in the occupied territories.

One of bright examples heroic people I think Irene Sendler. She worked as a nurse in one of the concentration camps in Poland. This woman saved more than 2,500 children from a concentration camp. Every day she carried out one child in a bag for medical instruments, risking her life. In addition, Irene wrote down all the information about the rescued children, which later helped return them to their families. German soldiers caught her and the torture continued. for a long time, her arms and legs were broken, but only by a miracle did she manage to avoid the death penalty. Irene died at the age of 97.

In 2009, Irene Sendler was nominated for Nobel Prize world, but unfortunately this award was given to Barack Obama for his efforts to create a world without nuclear weapons. I don't think Barack Obama's efforts are more important than the 2,500 lives Irene saved.

It is unfortunate that human values and the foundations changed so much and the feat was not rewarded according to its merits, even posthumously. At that time, both men, women, and children performed heroic deeds. Let us remember the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, when thousands of graduates took up arms and went to defend their Motherland. They were not afraid of death; the feeling of patriotism was much stronger than this fear. This is how the youth of that time were raised, we must remember this and try to instill in today’s children and teenagers the same wonderful feelings of patriotism.

We haven't seen the war, but we know about it. We must remember at what price happiness was won and we must not forget about all those people who died and suffered for the sake of this happiness, for the sake of the clear sky above our heads. They accomplished a feat, they died, but did not give up. The consciousness of his duty to the Motherland drowned out the feeling of fear, pain, and thoughts of death. This means that this action is not an unconscious action - a feat, but a conviction in the rightness and greatness of the cause for which a person consciously gives his life.

Memoirs of intelligence officer twice Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Leonov about the events of the defense of the Arctic. Reflections on the feat as such.

Excerpt from V. Leonov’s book “Lessons of Courage”

During the Great Patriotic War I served in the reconnaissance detachment of the Northern Fleet. He was an ordinary reconnaissance officer, a group sergeant, and then led a detachment. Our task was to conduct reconnaissance behind enemy lines in the interests of the fleet and the front with which it interacted. Secretly landing on the coast occupied by the enemy from ships, most often torpedo boats and sea hunters, we made our way to the desired object and boldly attacked the enemy, taking him by surprise. Having obtained a “tongue”, that is, a prisoner, and valuable staff documents, the detachment, in accordance with all the rules of reconnaissance, retreated to their ships. Prisoners and documents were used by front and naval headquarters to plan operations.

Each such trip was difficult and dangerous. To complete the assigned task, the intelligence officer required high moral and combat qualities, extraordinary combat skill, will, endurance, discipline, the ability to obey, a high sense of responsibility for the assigned work, friendship, camaraderie, and mutual assistance. Military skill, courage and fearlessness, combined with love for the Motherland, made the scout elusive to the enemy.
Often our detachment was the first to fire in order to ensure the landing of large marine forces on land. We suddenly attacked headquarters, batteries, and important rear facilities of the enemy and destroyed them in a daring battle.
Of course, using examples from the times of the last war, one can more clearly show the psychology of a person in a very difficult and dangerous situation. However, sometimes this leads to a misunderstanding of the essence of the feat, and young people begin to think that a feat necessarily requires a fight on the battlefield, where the hero, despising death, boldly rushes forward towards the enemy.
I am convinced that any feat, even the feat of peaceful days, is necessarily associated with courage, with courage, courage. But is it possible to count each a brave deed a feat if it was accomplished even in battle?

One day a group of scouts found themselves in a very difficult situation. We completed a combat mission behind enemy lines, but were cut off from the mainland at Cape Mogilny by significant enemy forces. The enemy threw infantry, artillery, and mortars against a handful of scouts. All this power was aimed at the small piece of land that we occupied. We had to fight a defensive battle for many hours, and if we managed to hold out then, it was only thanks to the courage and fighting spirit of the scouts.
At the very beginning of the battle, there was no danger from the tip of the cape. I left scout Zinovy ​​Ryzhechkin there with the task of observing the sea and, if our ships appeared, establishing contact with them and asking for help.
But at the height of the battle, it was not our ships that approached the cape, but German ones, and the landing force tried to attack us from the sea.
There was a battle on the isthmus. The scouts repelled the attacks of the rangers one after another and could not help Zinovy. With a machine gun, a captured rifle and a large supply of grenades, Ryzhechkin courageously repelled all the enemy’s attempts to stab us in the back. He lasted about an hour. Unable to break the resistance of one person, the enemies opened mortar fire, firing more than 50 mines. The scout was completely wounded, but continued to fight. The courageous warrior held out until he was replaced by another intelligence officer, Mikhail Kurnosenko. Only then, bleeding, did he begin to crawl into cover. It was scary to look at the wounds of a comrade. Overcoming pain, he told us:
“It’s great, you bastards, they got me off, and I didn’t remain in debt: I beat them enough, so it’s not scary to die.”
Zinovy ​​Ryzhechkin died in our arms. The brave scout kept his oath to the Motherland. By the end of the day our situation had become very difficult. The ammunition was running low. The Nazis, realizing that at night we would try to break out of the encirclement, launched another fierce attack. They installed two machine guns opposite our positions and began pouring flat fire into the small area that we occupied, making it impossible for us to raise our heads.

The critical moment of the battle had arrived. And then one of the scouts, Nikolai Zhdanov, could not stand it and blew himself up with a grenade. These were already signs of panic.
This means that it was necessary to act immediately to instill hope in others that it was possible to escape.
In short, a counterattack was needed. But how to raise people with bayonets when there is almost no ammunition, and the enemy’s machine guns are pouring continuous fire? We found the only the right decision. While one machine gunner was firing and the other was loading a new belt, I called scout Semyon Agafonov over to me and said:
- Both machine guns must be captured. Not to destroy, but to capture! Understood?
- There's a grab! - Agafonov blurted out somehow solemnly, trying to immediately rush towards the Nazis. But I stopped him:
- Wait. I'll try to make them shut up for at least a few seconds, then don't yawn!
There was about half a disk of cartridges left in my machine gun, and after waiting until the enemy line, having passed above us, deviated slightly to the side, I jumped up and fired all the bullets at the machine gunners. Semyon rushed forward, I, limping on my wounded leg, could barely keep up with him. When Agafonov was already at the stone, one machine gunner slashed at him, Agafonov roared and jumped onto the stone, and then fell on the machine gunners... “Semyon is dead,” I thought with bitterness, but when I ran up to the stone with machine guns, I saw that my friend was rolling on the ground in the arms of three hefty fascists, the fourth was killed. The two of us quickly “calmed” them down and captured the machine guns. Using them as a battering ram, they began to break through the isthmus.
The rest of the scouts followed us. But almost simultaneously with the beginning of our actions, two scouts, Sherstobitov and Karde, suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, opened fire on a group of enemies, which did not pose any particular danger to us, and having used up the rest of their ammunition, they stood up and chanted “Our proud “Varyag” does not surrender to the enemy "We went on the attack. In an unequal battle, they died, and we fought our way through.
It got dark, and we thought we were already safe, when in a small valley that still had to be overcome, the Nazis surrounded us again. Illuminating the area with rockets, they opened 10 aimed machine gun fire from the heights surrounding the valley. And we were again pinned to the ground.

And then intelligence officer Yuri Mikheev asked to prepare a bunch of grenades for him - it was necessary to destroy the dugout located on a hillside. We gave our comrade all the “pocket artillery” - the last three grenades, tied them up, and he crawled to the dugout. The enemies noticed the scout and concentrated heavy machine-gun fire on him. Yuri was wounded, but continued to crawl. There were no more than 20 meters left to the dugout when he could no longer move forward. Then, gathering his last strength, Yuri stood up under machine-gun fire and threw a bunch of grenades. The dugout was blown up. When we ran up there, the brave scout lay, struck down by a machine-gun burst that overtook him at the moment of his throw.
So, thanks to his heroic act, the rest managed to escape from the encirclement and hide in the rocks, and a day later they were taken off the coast by a hunter boat commanded by Boris Lyakh, later a Hero of the Soviet Union.

As you can see, there are many brave deeds in one battle, but not all of them can be considered feats. All intelligence officers recognized the actions of Mikheev and Ryzhechkin as real military feats; their images later always served as an example of courage and bravery for us, but no one called the courageous act of Sherstobitov and Carde a feat in their own way, because their actions did not contribute to the solution of the main task. If at the cost of their lives they had decided the outcome of the battle in our favor, perhaps their courage could have been viewed differently. But we had a very specific task - to deliver documents captured from the enemy to our headquarters at any cost, so that our command could then use them in further combat operations.
It was for the sake of this task that the unequal battle of the reconnaissance group at Cape Mogilny took place throughout the entire day, and Sherstobitov and Carde not only did not contribute to the solution of the main task, but two healthy, unwounded people, having given their lives in vain, complicated our task of breaking out from the encirclement. This example clearly shows the true essence of the feat, but all this happened in a fierce battle with enemies, where there was self-sacrifice.

This is just one of many episodes described by Viktor Leonov. His books will not leave anyone indifferent.

1. B historical development Russian dictionary literary language complex processes of interaction, coupling and interweaving of folk East Slavic words and expressions with Old Slavic (South Slavic) or Church Slavonic ones took place. Here... ... History of words

See merit... Synonym dictionary

Scout. Jarg. school Joking. 1. Tip on test work; hint in class in the presence of the director. VMN 2003, 106. 2. Cheating. Maksimov, 320. 3. Disruption of the lesson by someone. from the students. Maksimov, 320. Accomplish a feat. Jarg. they say Joking. Go to… Large dictionary of Russian sayings

feat- majestic (Polezhaev); loud (Nikitin); impudent (Yantarev); valiant (Pleshcheev); saint (Ldov); pure (Ldov) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Association A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky... ... Dictionary of epithets

FEAT, huh, husband. A heroic, selfless act. Complete the Voinsky p. Trudovoy p. P. for the glory of the Motherland. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? feat, why? feat, (I see) what? feat, what? feat, about what? about the feat; pl. What? feats, (no) what? feats, what? feats, (I see) what? feats of what? exploits, about what? about exploits 1.… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

feat- an unprecedented feat, a great feat, a great feat, a real feat, an unforgettable feat... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Feat: Feat is a valiant action, important in its significance; a heroic act performed under difficult conditions. "Feat" novel by Vladimir Nabokov. "Podvig" cinema in Kolpino "Podvig" Soviet literary... ... Wikipedia

feat- repeat a feat action, repeat a feat perform an action perform a feat action perform a feat action... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

feat- Borrowing. from Art. sl. language Same root as move, move. The feat is literally “movement”, then “feat”... Etymological dictionary Russian language


  • Feat, Boris Lapin. Boris Lapin - a well-known journalist and writer before the war, an expert on Asia and Far East. In the twenties and thirties, he traveled almost the entire Asian part of our country, walked along...
  • Feat, Yuri Korotkov, Valery Todorovsky. You will read `Feat` in one sitting. The events described will pass before your eyes, like a movie - bright, visible, three-dimensional, captivating and forcing you to empathize. This story contains peace and war...

A feat is a heroic act of a person that is not related to his professional activity. The feat is a manifestation of humanism, humanity, a way to overcome oneself and one’s fears.

This topic is developed in the text by Valentin Petrovich Kataev. The boy Vanya is a hero; at such a young age he understood the responsibility he had. The boy's task was to lead the scouts through the forest. Not everyone would be able to gain strength and courage. Despite the fear and horror that gripped him, Vanya succeeded. Not only was he on the alert all the way, but he was also able to meet the enemy face to face, heroically keeping the secrecy of the operation within himself. The young man accomplished a huge feat not only for himself, but also for the Fatherland.

In Russian literature there are many examples of works in which a heroic deed is performed. This is the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”. Main character- Andrei Sokolov - fought for the salvation of his homeland. He did not give up and tried to help the people around him. Sokolov met the boy Vanya and tried to replace him with his family and friends, whom the boy had lost. This suggests that Andrey has a rich, kind soul that serves society. Despite the cruelty of the war years, he did not forget about such concepts as nobility, generosity and understanding, and such a person is capable of Noble act, for a feat.

Thus, we can say that a feat is a noble act that not every person can do.

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