Live betting strategy in tennis on the server. Strategy for catching up games in tennis Betting on winning the host's game

In the bookmaker's line of tennis offers, a group of bets on games stands out. Before the match there is usually an opportunity to place a bet:

  • for total games in a match and in sets;
  • on the individual total of games won by each of the athletes;
  • to win with a handicap in games in the match and in sets.

In live, offers are added for the winner of the game, the score in the game, the winner of the current and next draw, the number of plays in the game.

Tennis has developed a number of strategies related to betting on games.

  • . There are two options here: for the server and for the receiving player (break).
  • Bets on different kinds totals: number of games in a match and set, rallies in a game.
  • . For example, will the score be 40:40?
  • Express strategy for game favorite.
  • Game system "Anti-Schukin". If Shchukin's strategy is based on a break for the receiving player, then this system The game is based on the fact that there will be no breaks in the first two games - each player takes his own serve. Coefficients – 1.1-1.3. The selection of matches is based on analysis of statistics and individual characteristics rival games. The author claims that, despite the low odds, you can make a profit due to the high passability of bets.
  • The Dominant Game Theory. These are rather tactical techniques, recommendations for the actions of a bettor in various scenarios of a tennis match. The essence of one of them is as follows: if a player concedes one break to his opponent in a set, at the end of the game he evens out the position by making a return break, then with a high degree of probability the set remains with him. When following this rule, it is also necessary to take into account the volitional qualities of athletes and their performance in the event of unsuccessful developments.

Let's take a closer look at some of the listed strategies.

Express strategy for game favorite

The game system is based on the important role of the serve in tennis. The odds for the favorite serving to win the game are small. By combining two outcomes into an express bet, we get an acceptable odds.


  • The bookmaker's quotes depend on the balance of forces (favorite - underdog), type of surface, strength of serve (in men's tennis, the value of your serve is higher).
  • Markets for the winner of a game do not last long, and placing two bets in parallel matches requires the ability to quickly assess the situation and make the right decision.
  • It is important to choose a bookmaker with a rich list of live tennis matches. The bookmaker must provide the opportunity to place bets during the game on the outcomes of interest to us.

Example. We made a bet for 1000 rubles on an express train of two events:

In the first game, Bublik won the eighth game 5:3 and lost the next one – 6:3. The second match in the screenshot is women's tennis, where there was a break point - 4:5, and in the 10th game the score was equal - 5:5. The bet with odds of 1.69 (1.33 x 1.27) passed. Net profit:

1000 x 1.69 – 1000 = 1690 – 1000 = 690 rubles.

  • The odds for the favorite are very low, often not exceeding 1.2. In this case, the overall odds will also be low – about 1.4.
  • When the opponents are comparable in strength (as in the screenshot), then the coefficient deserves attention, but the probability of passing the express train decreases.

Betting strategy for the server to win the game

Alternative names: game catching strategy, “game theory”.

Based on the advantage of your serve, like the previous game system. The problem of low odds for a tennis server is solved here by selecting games where there is a favorite. The option with a clear favorite, when one of the athletes must win “with a clear advantage,” is not considered.

The idea behind the strategy is to bet on the underdog pitcher. The underdog is expected to serve well and have good chances successfully resist your opponent in games on your serve. The authors of the strategy claim that it is extremely rare for tennis players to lose more than five of their serves in a row. We need to be critical of such statements.

The necessary conditions:

Financial strategy – catching up. In case of loss, we skip the favorite's game and bet on the next game on the underdog's serve. The size of the next bet is determined by the formula:

B = (D + P)/(K – 1)

D – predetermined income, P – loss at the time of bet, K – coefficient. The bet size allows you to win back your losses and make a profit.

The strategy is worthy of attention with a large bank and qualitative analysis when selecting games for the strategy.


Among tennis strategies There are some pretty interesting games. Most of them are live strategies where catching up is actively used. Not recommended for beginners and bettors who do not have knowledge and experience of betting in tennis.

Tennis is one of the most popular and spectacular views sports in the world. Particular attention is paid to it among bookmaker betters. Tennis betting is one of the ways to increase your capital. Of course, this type of income is not the easiest, but having received theoretical knowledge, after analyzing the experience of other experienced players, sorting this mess into pieces and putting in a dose of effort, even a novice bettor can count on good profit. In this article, you will learn how to bet on tennis, including theory, strategies and features. In the 15 minutes spent reading this article, each of you will increase your own chances of a successful outcome in a bet with a bookmaker.

Fast passage

Tennis betting theory

Before diving headlong into the abyss of tennis, let’s understand general theory betting on a game with a racket. There are three types of tennis bets: single bets(singles), express and systems. In order for the single to be winning, you need to guess the outcome of just one event. This is the most common type of bet. It is better for inexperienced betters to play singles until they get their hands on winning matches.

For successful express bets, you will have to put in more effort. After all, it is necessary to predict from two outcomes, unrelated events. Mistakes are not allowed here. A coupon line for beginners should initially contain only two positions to minimize risks. The increase in points in the coupon should be done gradually. The reward for a successful express bet is much more tangible than for an ordinary bet - the odds of all events in the express bet are multiplied. Beginners often neglect the ordinary in order to quickly hit the jackpot with a small budget, not realizing the importance of statistics, analytics and clear forecasting.

The system is similar to express, but is safer for the player. In this type of transaction between the player and the bookmaker, a certain number of errors are allowed, provided for by the choice of the system itself. For example, in the 2 out of 3 system, if one incorrectly specified outcome occurs, the odds of two winning events are multiplied, and the player receives a payout as for an express of two events. In case three faithful positions the winnings will be view of three double express trains, where all odds are multiplied in pairs.

A bet on a particular player winning the match is the most common bet choice on a tennis match. Betting on totals and handicaps are also popular. Total – a limit on the total number of games or sets that will be played in a competition. Here you need to indicate whether the indicator will be higher or lower than the bar set by the bookmaker.

Handicap (handicap) equalizes the chances of athletes whose class initially differs. The handicap also makes it possible to make a big profit on the victory of the favorite, the odds of which were initially underestimated by the bookmaker. There are also less common bets on the number of aces, double faults, and first serve winning percentage. At especially large tournaments, you can even bet on whether a player will break his racket during a match or not. And during Wimbledon, you can find a proposal on the line asking whether all matches of the match day will be canceled due to rain.

Tennis betting strategy

The experience of many betters has allowed modern betting players to create entire systems of strategies not only to win, but also to always have insurance in case of unforeseen and incredible results matches. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Betting strategy on the favorite with increased odds

Most often, on a clear favorite in a game, the bookmaker lowers the bets to the minimum (for example, 1.2 or 1.06). Few people want to take risks for 20% or 6%. But even fewer know that after the start of the game the odds can be increased while the likely leader is simply being played out. Having lost a couple of points, the bookmaker automatically increases the bet on him. Therefore, the strategy is designed for live bets. The odds can increase even more when the favorite loses the first set. The main thing is to catch the moment when the odds increase.

Lineout tennis betting strategy

The lineout strategy is used not only in tennis. This system originated from basketball. But cappers enthusiasts have extended the strategy to other sports, taking into account the specifics, of course. The meaning of the “corridor” is that we place bets on two outcomes, and the goal is to insure ourselves, the result is that we win in any outcome. Most likely, you will have to register with several bookmakers in order to be able to compare odds and place bets on one event with opposite outcomes of the game. Let's take totals, for example. We bet on the total over in one coupon, and on the total under in the other. The amount of one transaction should not exceed the probable winnings, otherwise the unplayed bet will simply “eat up” our profit. The minimum coefficient is 2.01.

Fork strategy

Another strategy with insurance is the “arb” system. Here, too, you need to bet on opposite outcomes, but the correct calculation of the coupon amount is simply mandatory. As a result, the profit of any coupon must cover both bets. This strategy is suitable for bets where both teams have odds of at least 1.75. For a smaller odds we bet a larger amount, for a larger odds we bet a smaller amount. For example, two odds for different teams in two bookmakers are 1.75 and 2.6. We bet on the smaller one - 500 rubles, and on the larger one - 300. Spending - 500 rubles. If the first trade plays out, our profit will be 25 rubles, if the second – 280. Win-win strategy in tennis betting.

Features of tennis betting: what to look for

In any sport, before placing a bet on a particular team, you should study in detail the latest statistics on the opponents. In tennis, you need to additionally find information on a future event that can affect the main outcome of the game. It is important to pay attention to:

Type of coverage. There are four main surfaces in tennis - hard, grass, clay, carpet. Some players are all-rounders, but there are also quite a few unsuited tennis players. Fans of clay courts and long rallies perform weakly on hard courts and grass, and athletes who prefer fast rallies are very vulnerable on slow courts.

Current Form. Quite often, mediocre players who are in good shape win victories over their more stellar colleagues. It is necessary to navigate what tone a particular participant in the competition is in. Injuries also affect your physical condition. Usually, in the first fights after rehabilitation, athletes show a level of play significantly below their capabilities.

Motivation. Tennis players are not always determined to achieve maximum results. A huge number of competitions during the season takes a lot of energy and somewhere the players take care of themselves, not giving their all. The exception is tournaments Grand Slam, where the struggle is always fierce and exhausting. To have an idea of ​​the motivation for a particular tournament, you need to study the history of performances at these competitions in past years. Reading interviews with tennis players and posts on social media pages will also help.

Personal meetings. In no other sport do head-to-head matches play such an important role as in tennis. Even top athletes may have opponents with significantly lower ratings, against whom it is inconvenient to play. When analyzing head-to-head matches, it is necessary to take into account the type of coverage and motivation for the tournament where the match took place.

Game style and personal details. The manner of play depends to a large extent on anthropometric parameters and is established at the beginning of a career. An important role is played by the athlete’s personal data – age, working hand.

The chances of success will increase significantly if you thoroughly study and take into account all of the above factors.

Live tennis betting

Live tennis betting is an opportunity to place bets while playing. In this case, the better gets some advantage, because it is much easier to assess the situation and make a choice based on what he sees. With the help of live bets, you can make a safety net against the initial bet on the fight if the current development of events does not coincide with the expected one. Concluding deals with a bookmaker in real mode The game gives the bettor the opportunity to bet on the favorite of the match at a significantly higher odds if he loses the game at the beginning of the set or the first set.

Tennis betting on games

Game betting is one of the types of live betting. There are many ways to bet on games, but the two most effective are the following:

Bets on the host to win the game. Often, a player who loses during a set saves his energy for the second or decisive game and does not give his best on his serve, allowing his opponent to make breaks. The break ratio is always high. It is only important to recognize the moment in the game when one of the players simply quits playing.

Bets on the score 40-40 in the game. The odds for such an outcome are usually about 3. Such a score in a game often happens when an outsider serves. But you need to approach the choice of a fight for playing according to such a system wisely. It is necessary to choose matches where there is an underdog, who does not serve very well, and a favorite, who is good at returning.

Set betting: secrets

When betting on sets, you can use two tactics. In both cases, the bet is on the favorite to win the second set. Only the conclusions that are taken as the basis for transactions differ. First, the favorite very rarely loses with a score of 0-2. In a situation where a stronger athlete lost the first set, the odds for his victory in the second game will be quite high and will bring profit in the long run. Secondly, most matches end with a score of 2-0. If the favorite won the first set, demonstrating a good level of play, then, most likely, the second will also remain with him. If the odds for winning a game are low, you can bet on a negative handicap.

How to bet on tennis in BC

In order to place a bet on tennis online on the bookmaker’s website, you need to decide on the bookmaker itself. We recommend placing bets on officially registered bookmaker sites, such as, and others (the entire list of licensed bookmakers is presented on our website). All bookmakers registered with TsUPIS provide a guarantee.

After registering with the bookmaker, we add money to your account balance. Select the “Tennis” section of the tournament within which the match of interest will take place. A simple click on the required outcome odds immediately fills the betting coupon with positions. The coupon is usually displayed in the right top corner site where you only need to enter the bet amount and confirm your decision.

Let's summarize. Tennis betting has its own characteristics, but, nevertheless, it does not complicate the process of making a bet with a bookmaker. In some ways, tennis statistics are easier to analyze, but in others they simply require attention. It’s possible to make money on a tennis bet; the main thing is to think with your head and not give in to the desire to win a lot at once.

Happy trading, gentlemen!

Live betting on tennis is popular for obvious reasons: a huge selection of events at almost any time of the day, instant results (no need to wait for the start of the match, as in pre-match betting - you found a match in the line, bet, and after a few minutes you know whether you won or not) . Therefore, many tennis fans have switched from pre-match analysis to live betting.

Below are the basic strategies for playing tennis live. However, before you get acquainted with them, it is worth understanding a few critical details.

1. Difference between men's and women's tennis

It would seem: identical surfaces, identical rackets, the same ball. However, the difference is colossal. Nature decreed that women are physically weaker. Because of this, women's serves are weaker than men's. This means that women play receptions more successfully than men. We continue the logical chain: it turns out that women do not take their serve so often. In a men's match, on average, there are only 2-3 breaks (this is when the host wins the game) per set. Girls sometimes manage to take each other's serves over and over again, producing entire series of 2-3 breaks in a row.

Women are also less resilient and stable. It happens that one of the opponents plays a great game, wins 3-4 games in a row, but literally after 5 minutes her game turns from brilliant to disgusting. It often happens that a tennis player first wins the first set devastatingly (6:1, for example), and loses the second with a similar score. Men are more stable in this regard, winning games more often on their serves.

The ATP ranking is good, but it does not show the objective strength of a player. It is based on the amount of points obtained in ranking tournaments. However, there is another system, invented by the Hungarian Arpad Elo. The Elo rating is based on who a tennis player beats or loses to. More points are awarded for defeating a top opponent than for defeating a mediocre one. Likewise, more points are deducted for losing to an underdog than for losing to a grandee. This rating allows you to more objectively assess the level of players.

Comparison of ratings (June 2017)

3. Mindfulness is everything

If you're watching a match live, stay focused. Any little thing - microtrauma, change in weather conditions, increased emotionality, calling a coach to the court - can become decisive. Pay attention to the playing style of tennis players - some often play under the opponent's backhand, some like to go to the net, and some prefer cutting shots. All these nuances will help you predict the further course of events in a tennis match and, accordingly, make a winning bet on live tennis.

4. Insurance

Overlap in live. How? Let’s say we are playing with equal opponents, who were given 1.95 versus 1.95 before the match. We bet on one of them. Let's say he wins the first set. Accordingly, the odds for his opponent’s victory jump sharply (say, to 3.5). It turns out that you can bet a certain amount in live on the second tennis player and, regardless of the outcome, end up with a profit!

5. Psychology

Whatever live tennis strategy you choose, everything will go down the drain without discipline, self-control and composure. It is important to clearly understand what you are doing. Don’t try to win all the money on the planet in one go: play for an hour, raise the bank by 20-30%, and that’s enough. Go to Fresh air, take a break. Strictly adhere to the strategy that was considered winning initially. After a series of failures, you cannot bet chaotically on everything, trying to quickly win back - this will lead to failure. Remember: by choosing a strategy, you will win over the long haul, but not every day and not right now. Don’t talk about competent bankroll management.

And now - best strategies for live tennis. Of course, they are not win-win (there are no such things), but very effective when used correctly. Perhaps they will help you realize some points that you had not noticed before, and will also inspire you to create your own live tennis betting strategies.

1. Strategy for live tiebreakers

When the score in the set becomes 6:6, a tiebreaker is played. Whoever wins 7 points first wins the set. There are some rules here. Some people do tiebreakers better, some worse. Trivial, difficult for someone to cope with high blood pressure, but for some, on the contrary, it brings them into tone. Therefore, before reviewing the match, it is important to carefully study how both tennis players perform in tiebreakers. Finding the necessary statistics is not a problem today. So, the strategy is extremely simple: whoever has a higher percentage of winning tiebreakers is the one we bet on. At the same time, do not forget about the specifics of surfaces: the same tennis player can win tiebreakers on clay, but lose on hard.

2. Strategy for the favorite in live tennis

Perhaps the most popular. We find the favorite of the match and bet on victories in the games where he is the server. This strategy is especially good in men's tennis because... men are more stable on their serves. It is recommended to bet not from the very beginning of the match, but after 3-4 games to make sure the favorite is in good shape. Yes, this strategy provides for low odds, however, the probability of passing will be very high, so you can bet on catch-up or ladder. The best surface for this strategy is grass.

3. Strategy for breaks in live

A modified version of the previous strategy. A break is winning the game on a return. Here it is better to use second-tier favorites, since the odds for breaks from giants like Djokovic or Nadal will still be low. So: we open the ELO rating, take a player from 7-20th place, find his match (he should be considered the favorite of the match), watch several games (you need to determine what form the player is in), and if everything is ok, we start betting. The odds for breaks will be from 2 to 3. Don't forget to take into account the surface: for this strategy, clay is best, because... The ball flies slower after the rebound, and therefore it is easier to make a break.

4. Strategy for the underdog on break point in live

A winning, but more complex strategy. It requires attentiveness, but allows you to catch a solid odds. So, we need an underdog who can hold his serve well. We wait for the moment when the underdog is at the reception with an equal score (4:4, 5:5, etc.), and in the event of a break, it will be the underdog who will serve for the set in the next game. Let's watch the current game very carefully. If the moment comes when the underdog has a break point (a chance to take the opponent’s serve), and he has not lost a single serve in the set, then we quickly bet on the underdog to win the set. Yes, the strategy is risky, but the probability of an underdog winning in such conditions usually remains underestimated. You need to bet on a break point so that the odds do not have time to fall.

Let's consider a strategy popular among tennis-versed bettors, called the “Tennis Game Betting Strategy.”

Why is it popular: you can bet in the pre-line before the match and during the game in Live. At correct rate, a bettor can increase his gaming wallet several times in one match.

What will we bet on using the Tennis Betting Strategy for games:

  1. Bet on winning the game. Here we bet either on the victory of the tennis player who is serving or on the break – winning on the opponent’s serve. In both cases, bets are made live, at odds of different levels. They will be an order of magnitude higher on a break, and lower on winning their serve. Here you need to watch and study the game in an online broadcast, without a video from the ongoing match; bets on these outcomes cannot be placed categorically!
  2. Bet on various game totals. This type of bet can offer the bettor more interesting and varied options in terms of game odds. What is important here is the factor of the 1st serve, % of the 2nd serve, % of breaks won by the tennis player receiving the opponent's serve. You can bet on the total in the line before the match, also during the match with rapidly changing odds. Bookmakers offer the total total of games for the match and the total of games by sets.
  3. Betting on handicaps in games. The bettor bets, as well as on the total before the match and during the match, and also offers bets on the handicap in the game by game and during the set. In the line before the match, mainly the total total and 1-2 sets are proposed. The size of the numbers depends on the level of tennis players and the tournament.

What do we recommend when betting? Tennis betting strategy for games

If a bettor makes bets on a line before the start of a match, then it is better to use the Martingale, Percentage of Bank, Fixed Profit or Flat strategies. With the help of these strategies, the player will minimize possible financial losses and will not drain his gaming bank.

In Live, it is better to use Dogon. This strategy will allow you to cover your financial losses in case of unsuccessful bets and allow you to win money. But it is important to remember that the bettor’s gaming bank must have a significant amount for Dogon bets on tennis.

The characteristics of tennis matches also depend on who the participants in the matches are, men or women. Often, bookmakers rarely make mistakes when placing bets on games when major tennis tournaments are played, there are few sensations there, but minor tournaments are the best for lovers of valley betting. Here you can easily catch breaks, especially in women’s tennis, and you can also catch the office in Live during “jumps” in odds.


Betting on games can lead to both quick enrichment and a quick “drain” of the bank, bet large amounts– we don’t recommend it, but checking with small means a break or a large odds by catching up is quite possible. Caution, attentiveness, personal experience and intuition is what will help you when betting on tennis matches.

Tennis is one of the most popular sports among bookmakers. It was developed for him by experienced bettors. whole line working theories, where bets on games are among the most promising strategies.

How to bet on games in tennis

Games are played mainly online. It is possible to place a number of bets on some options before the match begins, but the bettor increases the risk of losing.

To increase your likelihood of winning, before starting a tennis match, carefully study:

  • Categories of opponents meeting in a head-to-head game: favorite-underdog or two approximately equal tennis players.
  • The current form of each tennis player at the time of the match.
  • What court will the tournament be held on and on what surface does each participant in the match play better.
  • Player statistics: aces, forced errors, breaks, etc.
  • Face-to-face meetings and how they developed.
  • Whether one of the players is a citizen of the country hosting the tournament.

The overall success of the bettor depends on the quality of preparation for the selected match.

Total games

Total bets can be placed before the start of the match and during the confrontation.

If the difference in skill level is large, when there is a clear favorite of the match and a complete outsider, you can bet on “under total”, if the favorite is in good shape and in the mood for the fight. At the same time, make sure that the office analysts do not significantly underestimate the coefficient.

For a meeting that involves a stubborn fight between two approximately equal opponents, with a high probability that none of the participants in the confrontation will win in straight sets, you can bet on “total over”.

Often in low-rated tournaments, bookmaker analysts underestimate some tennis players who are not included in the top hundred in the world rankings, making them imaginary outsiders. Here the odds for “total under” are greatly underestimated, which makes it possible to promisingly play on the opposite option.

In online mode, it is better to wait until 4-6 games have been played - it will make it clear the approximate nature of the struggle. Experienced bettors advise waiting for the start of the second set, this will make it clear the exact balance of power and choose what to bet on.

Tennis betting strategy by game

There are dozens of theories on how to play tennis bets, but only a small number can be classified as “working”, allowing you to gain profit over the long term with the right approach.

Live betting

The vast majority of bettors bet exclusively online. Many users were forced to come to this opinion: after a thorough analysis of the match, they came to the conclusion that the favorite would definitely win against the opponent with ease, but as the match progressed, it turned out that the favorite in this game was very “hooked” and played incorrectly. full force. If the bettor had not bet before the start of the match, but had watched the beginning of the game, he would not have played on the side of the favorite, avoiding loss.

The live game-by-game tennis betting strategy is based on a correct analysis of the current confrontation, where the main thing is not to make hasty conclusions. In many matches, the course of the fight can change dramatically several times.

In each set, the nature of the fight changes sharply in the opposite direction. In such matches it is better to bet within the current set.

On the screen: Azarenka calmly dealt with her opponent. At the beginning of the second set, it was clear that we could safely bet on “under total” and generally play for the Belarusian tennis player.

At the score of 40:40 in the game

Playing with a 40:40 score is risky, but the odds are high this option opens up broad prospects - with a competent search for a suitable segment of the meeting.

The theory is based on “catch-up”. The bettor’s main task is to find a situation suitable for the strategy:

  • This kind of score is more common in women's tournaments.
  • It is better to choose high-rated competitions, where overwhelming motivation decides a lot.
  • Particular attention is paid to tournaments taking place on clay – the slowest type of court.
  • When the opponents are playing at approximately the same level - immediately after the break.
  • One of the participants in the match does not “go” the first serve.
  • In a “clear outsider-favorite” meeting: the first serves of a set by a clear outsider, when the favorite immediately tries to make a break and take the lead in the current set.

For the first point in the game

The theory is divided into two parts: the game on the side of the tennis player and the receiver. In each case, different tactics are used.

When betting on the server to win the first point, use the “ladder” strategy, each time depositing the amount you won the previous time. Here, matches “clear favorite - complete underdog” are selected, where the favorite of the match demonstrates a high percentage of first serve hits. Watch a few plays to make sure the favorite is in good shape, beating the underdog by a wide margin. Next, start placing bets.

When betting on the receiver, the “catch-up” strategy is used - a pair of approximately equal opponents is selected and bet against a poorly serving tennis player.

When the receiver wins the opponent's serve, it is a break.

In women's tennis, there are twice as many breaks.

When playing on a break, the “catch-up” theory is used. When choosing a segment that involves a break, it is recommended:

  • Choosing a pair of approximate equal opponents in a “favorite-underdog” match makes it difficult to predict a break.
  • Don't play against a top 50 tennis player with a high serve winning percentage.
  • Do not bet against a player with a high first serve percentage, a high average number of aces, when playing on a fast surface.
  • Bet against a less rated player with a low percentage of winning his serves, less than 70%.
  • Watch the beginning of the 1st set and only then start betting.
  • Bet with odds not lower than 2.0.

In a stubborn fight, there are often reverse breaks when a player loses his serve, but in the next rally takes the opponent's serve.

For the game of the server or receiver

The favorite method of playing for experienced bettors is to wait until the odds for the server to win rise significantly and differ from the original one. The user waits for the match favorite to lose to his ball with a score of 0:30 or 0:40.

In such a situation, the odds on the server’s victory take on a high value, allowing you to bet on winning at a high odds. A favorite with a powerful serve, losing with a score of 0:30 (0:40), often wins back and wins.

When a player with a weak first serve wins with a score of 30:0, but is up against an equal opponent, and the match is closely fought, bettors make a kind of fork:

  • if the score is 30:0 in favor of the server, they bet on the victory of the receiver;
  • As soon as the receiver has recouped, they close the fork and bet on the server to win.

To win games

Bets on winning games are one of simple types, but difficult while maintaining a plus at a distance. When betting on such bets, consider the motivation factor.

Complete failure in the 1st set. When one of the tennis players loses with a score of 0:5 or 1:5 and the winner serves in the last segment of the set, you can safely bet on his victory. The loser rarely clings to victory in the 1st set, losing heavily in it, preparing to give a powerful fight in the second set, losing the current one. Here the winning odds for the winner when he serves are not the highest - 1.15-1.20. In this case, a “ladder” is used.

After a failed 1st set, the loser starts the 2nd set. If in a meeting of equal opponents one tennis player failed badly in the 1st set and starts the 2nd set powerfully with a serve, it is better to bet on his victory in the 1st game.

Express strategy for game favorites

The odds are low for the clear favorite to win. Here, bettors place an express bet on the favorite to win several games in a row.

When using a strategy, choose a pair where the difference in the level of play is significant and the outsider loses almost all serves - the favorite at the beginning of the set tries to secure a strong lead by making several breaks.

On account

Betting on the game score carries high risks, but bookmaker analysts also set high odds, which compensate for the risks in the long run.

To increase your success, choose matches where the favorite takes his serves almost to zero - allows you to bet on the score, such as 40:15.

Even a clear favorite, when meeting with a complete outsider, does not win all his serves to zero; the score 40:15 is one of the most common.