Svetlana Bobkina (Gera) - biography, information, personal life. Star of the Strelka group Hera: My husband beat and broke me!  Strelka group initial lineup

Svetlana Bobkina, known under the pseudonym Gera, sang as part of the popular girl group “Strelki”. Together with other soloists, she starred naked in the video “Dislike”, because before them on Russian stage no one has done this before. Our reporter found out why she couldn’t get rid of severe depression for several years and how her life turned out after leaving the group.

Elite high-rise building in the center of Moscow, clean and spacious entrance, call. Svetlana Bobkina opens the door, no au pairs, she is used to doing everything herself. She cooks, washes, cleans, writes music, makes her way into cinema, comes up with projects and tries to implement them. It’s amazing that such a fragile woman has so much strength, courage and self-confidence. But she had such a hard time!

I worked in the Strelka group for seven years. And throughout this period I was haunted by failures. One day I was returning home after a night concert; I lived with my parents at the time. I parked, went to the entrance, it was already four o’clock, and then a man attacked me. He silently struck me, trying to hit me in the face. I screamed, but he continued to hit me until I fell. I lost consciousness from pain or from fear, I don’t know how long I lay there, the neighbors came out in response to my scream.

They lifted me up and brought me to my senses. I got up and went to the car. They called out to me:

I turned and quietly walked into the entrance. Mom opened the door. She thought I was drunk. I even looked out the window, the car was standing straight. Mom made a bed for me, I was in some kind of daze, and lay down. They turned off the lights, I feel worse. I called my mother. And when she saw my face, she was horrified. It was swollen and looked like a big balloon, who was turning blue and green before our eyes. In general, I spent a whole month in the hospital with a diagnosis of a concussion. Producers Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky jokingly thanked me:

Hera, it's good that you're unlucky. What kind of PR are you doing for the group! With your stories they write about us!

So there were a lot of such unpleasant stories?

Yes, and not only with me. On January 28, 1998, our Yulia Dolgasheva was hit by a car, and exactly a year later I broke my leg. We, all the girls from Strelok, went to Austria for a week. We spent three days in Vienna, and then headed to the ski resort. Director Makarenkov came with us; we wanted to shoot for the “Happy New Year” video. There I fell from a steep mountain and... like in that movie, I woke up - in a cast. But two months later she was already on stage.

We also had such a case: Ekaterina Kravtsova, Radio Operator Kat, left the group, or rather, she was left. And now she, having worked at Strelka for five years, finds herself in the most difficult situation. And on the personal front, something wasn’t working out for her, she decided to poison herself with pills, I don’t remember exactly. But her mother apparently sensed trouble and came. An ambulance, the doctors managed to save her.

Some kind of mysticism. Did anything similar happen after you left the group?

Certainly! Do you remember the story about police major Denis Evsyukov, who shot in the capital’s supermarket? So his wife was Karina. They even called me and asked what kind of person she was. But I don’t know the girls from the second cast. To be honest, I was generally ashamed that we were cut into trains. Once there was a concert in Moscow. And they ask me: “Who are you singing with today?”

I looked around and didn’t really recognize anyone, there was me, the new girl, whom no one had yet known by sight. And the rest of the girls from the ballet. Moreover, each one was dressed in whatever she had time to dress up in! I was ashamed to perform. The producers didn't take care of us. And they didn’t want to change anything, the money was flowing, but they didn’t need creativity and new programs.

Why hire people, invest emotions and energy? We were treated like puppets who did not have the right to vote. The girls and I even approached the leaders of the group, offering to change the direction, style of music, order new costumes, and prepare a new program. But they answered: “Why bother tuning the Zaporozhets?” It was very unpleasant, we were not appreciated, if they said this, it means they considered us a second-class group. I couldn't stand this kind of attitude anymore! And in 2003 it went nowhere, and in 2004 Maria Korneeva and I organized the Bridge group. But two years later Masha became pregnant, and the group broke up.

Maria chose family over the stage. Are you devoted only to the stage?

Like all women, I want to be loved and love! The first time I got married was still very young, when I studied at the acting department at VGIK, it was a student marriage. Oleg also studied acting, now, by the way, he is quite famous artist. (It's about about actor Oleg Vasilkov. He was last love actress Elena Mayorova, who burned alive. - Auth.) But I don’t want to talk about him, not because we parted somehow badly. It’s just that he’s had his own life and family for a long time. It was some kind of childhood love. Now we don’t communicate closely, but if we meet at an event or concert, we have a nice conversation. We don’t congratulate each other on holidays, but we don’t fight either, he’s just my classmate, and this is a spontaneous student story that should have ended like that. We just helped each other before. We met sweetly and parted sweetly.

For the second time she married the director. Things weren't easy with him. Sam is from America, but also studied at VGIK. He interesting person, smart, they even predicted a great future for him. Was considered one of best students Solovyova. His imagination is at the level of genius! But Sam's character...

I'm not easy, but he's very Difficult person, and thank God it's all over. We separated, we don’t communicate, and I have no desire to communicate with him! He is very talented and that is his bright side. But as far as his human qualities are concerned, it’s black and white. When we met, I didn’t see the other side of him.

He was making a film and invited me as an actress. On the set, I was amazed by his vision of the world. The wedding took place in America, and then we returned and family life began. We lived together for three years. Life was difficult! It’s so good that I got out of this! I married him at the age of 26–27, but I was still a child in my perception, naive and stupid. It wasn’t that he was mocking, he was despotic. Broke me! Both at home and on set. And when I was ready to break down, he left.

I thanked the Lord God that this happened. I was already broken, but if everything had continued, I would have become an absolutely broken person. He not only suppressed me psychologically, he could hit me, and it would be impossible to untie this knot. I couldn’t tell my parents that he was hurting me and beating me! He was terribly jealous of me. For example, I met a friend on the street: “Oh, hello! Hello!" And some kind of kiss on the cheek. I could get it for this! There is inadequacy and negativity in everything... But he never became a director. Even after he left, I felt his oppression; it took me several years to recover. And I was unhappy for a long time. I had fans, but my person was not there with whom you don’t need to talk, explain, you can be silent. Someone who would understand me, wouldn’t jerk me, wouldn’t interfere, and someone I could admire. I was looking for such a man, but then I realized: I had to wait. I let go of the situation and thought that, apparently, I would never find him.

And we met new love? How did you meet Roma? Are you in the acting environment, is he in the construction business?

I went on vacation alone, I like to travel alone. I write well, I think there is no need to speak, you can listen to the guide and learn a lot of new things. So I went to Thailand. One went to the beach, one swam. And then somehow I come out of the sea and see Roma. He has a beautiful sun tattoo on his stomach. True, Roma later explained that it was not the sun,” Svetlana laughs, “I, of course, did not look at it. And he asked me in English: “Where are you from?” He mistook me for an Italian. A conversation began, then there were dates. Roman showed me another island - Phuket, not a tourist one. And two days later he left. Then we talked online and could barely wait to meet. He, like a true man, insisted that I pack my things and move in with him. We've been together for three years.

Are you not going to get married?

We are getting ready, but this year is a leap year, the next one is somehow mystical, the number “13”... After all, the stamp in the passport is not the main thing, the relationship is more important!

When Roman appeared, everything fell into place for me. Now I feel the approach of success! Somehow everything works out like this. I have met people who hear me and understand what I want. I have a wonderful vocal teacher who doesn’t push me, and I opened up again! I heard my voice. Musicians are also on my wavelength. Feel that new program will give you new sensations. You know, it's like soup. You cook it, throw everything into it, throw it in, and it cooks, you cover it with a lid and wait. The main thing is to be able to wait. Then the broth is infused and it turns out tasty soup. You have to throw, throw at him and wait.

So now, all these years I have been preparing and waiting...

To their hits, teenagers and young people of the 1990s fell in love, broke up, were sad and had fun. Just think, 21 years have passed since then! the site offers to remember the first composition of the team and find out what the girls look like now.

Group "Strelki": history of origin and first composition

The Strelki first made themselves known in 1997. The producers of the group were inspired by the very popular “peppercorns” from the “Spice Girls” at that time. Igor Siliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky decided that a similar project would also be successful in Russia, and they turned out to be right.

Seven charming girls were selected for the first group. They were Yulia Glebova, Svetlana Bobkina, Maria Korneeva, Ekaterina Kravtsova, Maria Solovyova, Anastasia Rodina and Liya Bykova.

We thought about the name of the group for a long time. Among the options proposed by the producers were “Alyonushki”, “Snow White”, “Nuns”, “Seliverstov and the Seven Girls”, “Lu-lu-toys”. The girls’ choreographer came up with a great idea, proposing to name the group “Strelki”. The decision was made unanimously.

The girls’ first songs were not popular, and for a long time no one wanted to promote or finance the project. In search of repertoire, several songs were released, but none of them were particularly impressive. So a year passed.

And in 1998, the song “At the Party” was released, which immediately became a hit and soared to the top of the most popular charts. That's where it all started.

Then there were “The First Teacher”, “Handsome”, “You Left Me”, “No Love” and other compositions. The girls became recognizable, each of their songs was obviously doomed to success.

Already in the early 2000s, the group’s producer changed, and then the soloists gradually began to leave the group. Due to the turnover, many faces were not remembered and the group slowly but surely began to lose its popularity.

Let's find out what the members of the Strelka group look like now, 20 years after their high-profile debut, and what they do.

Julia Beretta - Yu-Yu

In Strelki, Yulia was known by her native surname- Glebova. Having said goodbye to her colleagues in 2002, she began solo career and began to call herself Julia Beretta.

Now the girl is 39 years old. She actively participates in various projects, continues to act in films and work solo on stage. Yulia is married and has a two-year-old son, Volodya.

Svetlana Bobkina - Hera

Sveta left the group in 2003 and became the lead singer of the “Bridge” duet. The group never became popular, and Bobkina tried herself in films. She has about 10 supporting roles in films. Hera did not become a movie star, but she looks very good in the episode. Now Svetlana Bobkina is 43 years old, she acts in films and periodically pleases fans with new songs.

Maria Korneeva - Margo

Margo left the group in 2002, got married and gave birth to a son. IN this moment the girl is not active social life and rarely appears in public.

Ekaterina Kravtsova - Radio Operator Kat

Katya broke up with her bandmates in the same 2002. She was fired. The producers felt that Radio Operator Kat's teenage girl image was no longer necessary.

Catherine's life was not easy. Troubles often happened to her, such as her husband going to prison, theft, and fraud. But she never changed her youth image.

Anastasia Rodina - Stasya

Rodina left show business and Strelok in 1999, having stayed on stage for only a year. Then she married a foreigner and moved to Holland. Now she practices yoga and teaches this art to other people.

"Strelki" are back!

In mid-2015, fans of the Strelki group learned that the new Strelki girls included Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova, Salome “Tori” Rossiver, Svetlana “Gera” Bobkina, Maria “Margot” Bibilova. In May 2016, the “golden line-up” of the group presented a video clip for the new composition “Man in Love.”

At the beginning of 2017, Salome "Tori" Rossiver left the group and the quartet became a trio. The girls are unlikely to be able to repeat their former popularity, but they have enough fans who will support their favorites, no matter what happens!

Svetlana Bobkina (Hera)

Svetlana Eduardovna Bobkina. Creative pseudonym - Hera. Born on February 27, 1975 in Moscow. Russian singer, theater and film actress, TV presenter, soloist of the Strelki group.

Father is a chess coach.

She graduated from the Galina Vishnevskaya music and theater school. She also studied at the Mainstream Dance School.

In 1996 she graduated from VGIK, acting department, workshop.

In 1997 she played at the Taganka Theater, among her works: “The House of Bernarda Alba” (dir. M. Mnatsakanyan) - Martirio; “The Last” (dir. R. Spirichev) - Love.

In 1997, a Russian female pop group was formed "Arrows", one of the participants of which was Svetlana Bobkina, who took the stage name Gera. The Soyuz studio created a group similar to the Spice Girls and entrusted the implementation of the project to Igor Seliverstov. With the help of Leonid Velichkovsky and Vadim Fishman, during the casting at the Vysotnik cultural center in Ramenki, seven were selected from 4,000 girls: (“Yu-Yu”), Svetlana Bobkina (“Gera”), (“Margo”), Ekaterina Kravtsova (“ Radio operator Kat"), Maria Solovyova ("Mouse"), Anastasia Rodina ("Stasya"), Liya Bykova.

After some time, a performance took place at the Metelitsa club, where Strelki performed three songs: “Mommy”, “New Russian Girls” and “ New passion", which was not included in any album. On November 29, 1997, the group’s first video, “Mommy,” was released.

Svetlana Bobkina (Gera) in her youth

In 2000, Gera, along with the other soloists of the group, starred naked in the provocative video “Dislike” - no one had done this before on the Russian stage.

The group lost popularity in 2003-2006 due to frequent line-up changes.

Arrows - Dislike

In 2004-2006, she was a member of a duet in which she performed together with Maria Korneeva (Margot). The duo recorded the single “Top Secret” and broke up due to Korneeva’s pregnancy.

In 2007, she was the host of the TOP 20 program on the Bridge TV channel.

In 2009, Svetlana Bobkina and teamed up to form the duet “NeStrelki”, which broke up in 2012. The most notable compositions of “Non-Strelok” are “Officer” and “Vova, come back.”

In 2012 she studied at the German Sidakov School of Drama. During her studies she played in the following plays: A. Ostrovsky “Handsome Man” - Zoya; A. Chekhov “Uncle Vanya” - Elena Andreevna; A. Chekhov “Ivanov” - Sarah.

In August 2015, Strelki announced the reunion of the team with a golden lineup: Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova, Salome “Tori” Rossiver, Svetlana “Gera” Bobkina, Maria “Margot” Bibilova. According to the soloists themselves, they decided to reunite after participating in one of the “Disco 90s” festivals. In May 2016, the “golden line-up” of the group presented a video clip for the new composition “Man in Love.” At the beginning of February 2017, Salome "Tori" Rossiver left the team and the group remained as a trio.

Svetlana Bobkina, Ekaterina Kravtsova and Maria Bibilova

In the fall of 2017, Strelki presented a video for new song"Adrenalin". The trio of Ekaterina Kravtsova, Svetlana Bobkina and Maria Bibilova (Kat, Gera and Margot) performed at the Moscow karaoke bar "Cinematograph".

Arrows - Adrenaline

Svetlana Bobkina, under the pseudonym Bobi, is simultaneously working on a solo project. He posts singles and videos on his personal YouTube channel.

Since 1996, he has acted in films, making his debut in the role of Valya in the series “Cafe “Strawberry””.

Later she starred in many other films and TV series, playing episodes and supporting roles - “Moscow. Central District" (Inga Tairova), "Other" (Liza), "Trace" (Inessa Andreevna), "Two Fathers and Two Sons" (Zhanna), "Criminal Case" (Larissa), "Third Duel" (Kristina), “Women’s consultation” (Irina Kolosova), etc.

Height of Svetlana Bobkina (Gera): 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Svetlana Bobkina (Gera):

The first husband is an actor. She married him at the age of 19. But the marriage lasted only a month. As Svetlana said, it was “a spontaneous student story that should have ended like that.”

The second husband is Sam, a director, originally from the USA, who studied at VGIK. According to Svetlana, family life was difficult, first of all, because of the jealousy of her husband. As a result, he left her: “I married him at the age of 26–27, but I was still a child in perception, naive and stupid. He didn’t just mock me, he was despotic. He broke me! Both at home and on the set. And when I was ready to break down, he left.”

She later began a relationship with a construction businessman named Roman. We met on vacation in Thailand.

Filmography of Svetlana Bobkina (Gera):

1996 - Cafe "Strawberry" - Valya
1999 - Let's get acquainted! - Gera, member of the Strelki group
2003 - Moscow. Central District - Inga Tairova, singer
2006 - Game of Shindai - singing girl (uncredited)
2007 - Other - Lisa, killer
2010 - Next - Inessa Andreevna, chief geologist of the expedition
2010 - Gardener - Lisa
2010 - Lawyers - Alina-Vera
2013-2016 - Two fathers and two sons - Zhanna
2013 - Pyatnitsky. Chapter three - Lukin's wife
2014 - Criminal case - Larisa
2014 - Search-3 - Rimma, Bandera
2015 - Third duel - Christina, Arkady’s wife
2015 - Women's consultation - Irina Kolosova

Discography of Svetlana Bobkina (Gera) in the group "Strelki":

1998 - Arrows go forward
1998 - Parties in Moscow (Single)
1998 - Happy New Year! (Single)
1999 - Everything is...
1999 - Gold
1999 - Thorns and Roses
2000 - Dislike (Single)
2000 - Arrows 2000
2001 - Shooters 2001
2001 - MegaMix
2002 - Love me more
2016 - Sorry, goodbye, don't remember
2016 - Legendary songs

Video clips of Svetlana Bobkina (Gera) in the group "Strelki":

1997 - Mommy
1998 - At the party
1998 - A holiday romance
1998 - First teacher
1998 - Moscow
1998 - Handsome
1998 - Happy New Year!
1999 - At the Party (Remix)
1999 - You left me
1999 - You left me (Remix)
1999 - Thorns and Roses
1999 - I'm good
1999 - No love
1999 - I'll be back
1999 - Happy New Year! (Remix, new version)
2000 - Boomerang
2000 - Dislike
2000 - The sun behind the mountain
2001 - Megamix
2001 - Forgive and goodbye
2002 - Twig Girl
2003 - Ugra Valley
2003 - Breeze
2003 - Happy New Year! (a new version)
2016 - A man in love
2017 - Adrenaline

According to other sources, the group existed until 2004, according to others - until 2009, and according to some rumors, it still exists to this day. The confusion is caused by the fact that after the end of the main period of the group’s existence, lineups that were previously considered “second” performed at concerts. The producers of the group are Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky.

The calling card of “Strelok” was the song “You Left Me,” for which a video was shot with the participation of Ivars Kalnins. Subsequently, he starred in the continuation of the melodrama (clip “Boomerang”).

“Strelki” were the first among Russian pop groups to star naked in a video (“Dislike”).

In June 1997, the first 4 songs were recorded, but the Soyuz studio decided that the general concept of the group did not correspond to the company's style and froze funding for the project. Later, the Moscow Bureau of the Television Broadcasting Company became interested in the new project. At the group’s first performance at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall at the alumni ball, the Strelka group was filmed, and a couple of days later there was a live broadcast to London. The program was seen by promoters from the world's largest British record company EMI (which, by the way, owns the rights to the Spice Girls group). They called their partners in Russia, to CEO S.B.A. Production, Ins. (GALA RECORDS) Boris Tsigman, and drew their attention to the fact that new “Spice Girls” were born in Russia. Boris Tsigman found the creators of the Strelki group and offered to sign a contract for the release of three albums by the group.

The group’s first performance took place at the Metelitsa club, where Strelki performed three songs: “Mommy”, “New Russian Girls” and “New Passion”, which was not included in any album. First broadcast on TV - Muz. Oboz. On November 29, 1997, the group’s first video, “Mommy,” was released.

On February 1, 1998, the group’s second video for the song “At the Party” was released, which for a long time occupied leading positions in all charts. This song received two awards: “100-pound hit” in 1998 and “Golden Gramophone” in November 1998. On February 15, the group’s first album appeared, titled “Strelki go forward.” Total circulation Album sales amounted to more than 700,000 MC copies and about 8,000 CDs. Soon the first changes take place in the group - Liya Bykova left the team

1998 - 1999

In May 1998, a video for the song “Resort Romance” appeared on television, filmed in Cyprus. At the same time, a photo shoot for PlayBoy magazine took place there. This clip was awarded at the Generation-98 festival in the category " Best Story" In June 1998, a video for the song “The First Teacher” was released, after the filming of which “Strelki” immediately went on tour. In September 1998, Larisa Batulina appeared in the group, receiving the pseudonym Lisa. At the beginning of September, the presentation of the single “Parties in Moscow” took place. The compact includes two songs: “At the Party” and “Moscow”, each of them in four versions. The authors of the remixes were Leonid Velichkovsky, Roman Ryabtsev, DJ Groove. At the end of September, the group supported the single with a video for the song “Moscow”, edited from Soviet chronicles. Immediately after this, filming took place for the song “Handsome” from the next album. The presentation of the video took place on October 8 at the Kino club. Clip abounds computer graphics, made at the KRAFT studio. The director of the video is Vlad Razgulin.

At the end of October 1998, the Gala company, with which the group signed a contract for the release of three albums, transferred the license to ORT Records to release one album and a single by the group. New disk - a joint project both record companies, and throughout the contract, Gala Studio continues to represent the interests of the group.

On November 12, 1998, the group went to Irkutsk region, to the village of Dukhovshchina, to film a new video for the song “Happy New Year!” - Russian-language version of George Michael's composition. The director of the video is Mikhail Makarenkov. On December 3, 1998, the presentation of the new single and video of the group “Happy New Year!” took place. IN new single included two compositions: “Happy New Year!”, as well as the song “Europe Plus”, dedicated to the radio station of the same name. December 14 "Strelki" e-mail received a letter from George Michael, in which he expressed his approval of the song “Happy New Year!” sung by Strelka. He congratulated the girls on the upcoming Christmas, wished them success and invited the group to visit.

1999 - 2000

2001 - 2002

"Strelki" decided to sum up some intermediate results of their creative path, releasing a Megamix, woven from scraps of many songs: “Thorns and Roses”, “You choose yourself”, “Boomerang”, “You left me”, “Mommy”, “Handsome”, “At the party”, “No love”, “The Sun Behind the Mountain” + new song “Cause Love for Me” (solo song by Svetlana Bobkina). The album was supported by the video "Megamix". Later, several more new songs were released: “Spring”, “Summer”, “I’ll shout”, and also at the end of August 2001, the premiere of the song “Pops”, a collaboration between “Strelok” and “Russian Gingerbread”, took place on Russian radio. At the same time, a video collection of the group’s clips was released.

In August, Maria Korneeva married businessman Alexei Potapov, who was one of the team’s sponsors. She dedicated the song “I Found My Happiness” to him, later renamed “You’re Only Mine”

2003 - 2006

In 2004, the group recorded new songs: “Valentine”, “Rain is dripping”, “Bonfire of Letters”, “Don’t Let Me Go”, “Summer Has Fled”, “Mambo”, “Heat”, “Don’t Go”, “Seven Seas” " and "You're far away." The album “Odyssey” was also being prepared for release. The film “Moth Games” is released, filmed in 2003 with the participation of a group consisting of Svetlana Bobkina, Maria Korneeva, Larisa Batulina, Lana Timakova, Oksana Ustinova and Natalya Deeva.

In 2005, Galina Trapezova left the group.

The frequent lineup changes that began in 2003 were perceived negatively by fans of the band, and in 2006, after finishing their tour in the United States, the band ceased to exist. Numerous “secondary casts” performed at concerts and in broadcasts, sometimes the “main” participant Lana Timakova performed with them. As a result, confusion has arisen regarding exact date the end of the group’s existence, as well as confusion about the exact number of members. IN further producers The team made statements about plans to revive the group and the preparation of new material, but things did not go further than talk.

Further fates of the participants

  • Yulia Dolgasheva(33 years old) after leaving the group begins solo career under the pseudonym Julia Beretta, she comes out solo album"So?". Along the way, Julia tries herself as an actress. In 2009, together with Svetlana Bobkina, he organized the NeStrelka group, which ceased to exist in 2012, after which Julia continued her solo career. In 2011, Yulia got married, and in 2012, the play “Down down Pilot” with her participation was released.
  • Svetlana Bobkina(37 years old) is making a solo career under the pseudonym Hera. In 2004, together with Maria Korneeva, he organized the group "Bridge", which after 2 years broke up with Maria's pregnancy. From 2009 to 2012 he sang in the group NeStrelka, after the breakup of which he also continued his solo career. Svetlana also starred in the series “Other” (series “Mirror”) and in the NTV channel projects “Before the Trial” and “Prosecutor’s Check”.
  • Maria Korneeva(36 years old) in 2004 she became a member of the Bridge group, but left show business due to pregnancy. She is currently married for the second time and has two children - Fyodor and Alisa.
  • Ekaterina Kravtsova(32 years old) after leaving the group in 2002, she tries to commit suicide, but she can be saved. Having recovered, he releases the video “He is Me” under the pseudonym Radio Cat. Married, raising sons Daniil and Fyodor.
  • Anastasia Rodina(35 years old) marries Dutchman Peter Even, the couple has three sons. Lives in the Netherlands, works as a yoga instructor, and often comes to Moscow.
  • Liya Bykova(35 years old) became a translator from English and Japanese languages. Lives and works in Japan.
  • Larisa Batulina(38 years old) becomes an interior and landscape designer.
  • Lana Timakova(29 years old) until 2009 she performed with the “second” lineups. He has been living in Spain for a year. Married to a foreign businessman.
  • Oksana Ustinova(28 years old) becomes the presenter of the MUZ TV channel and, together with colleagues Rita Chelmakova and Natasha Kukla, organizes the group “Einstein’s Girls”. She also sang for some time with Galina Trapezova in the group “Moloko”.
  • Natalia Deeva(30 years old) decides to devote himself to his family.
  • Galina Trapezova(32 years old) in 2005 as part of the group " Wild berries"takes part in the "5 Stars" competition in Sochi, a video was shot for the song "Physical Culture". However, due to lack of popularity, the group breaks up. Later she sang with Oksana Ustinova in the group "Moloko" from 2007. Now Galina is married.
  • Nika Knight (Swarovskaya-Gordey)(30 years old) in 2012 she became a member of the group STRELOCCHKA, but left the group even before the group was renamed and filming began debut video. Now she works as backing vocals for singer Alexander Lominsky.
  • Anastasia Osipova(27 years old) in 2007 becomes a member of the group "Brilliant".
  • Karine Tonakanyan(31 years old) marries police major Denis Evsyukov, who in 2010 was sentenced to life imprisonment for shooting people in a supermarket. After some time, Karine divorces her husband. In 2012, she became a member of the Perestrelki group and was getting married for the second time.
  • Oksana Yashankina(36 years old) becomes the organizer and participant of the sports project FITNESS TEAM MOSCOW.
  • Olesya Levites(25 years old) starred in the TV series “Interns” (episode 49) and “Trace” and in the films “Antisniper” and “Antisniper 2”, one of the main roles in which was played by a member of the main cast, Yulia Dolgasheva. Olesya also hosted programs on the REN TV, TRO and Trust channels.
  • Marina Kononova(38 years old) becomes a producer for the distribution of television content in the CIS and Baltic countries. Marina also has a solo song “I’ll Guess,” which she recorded under the pseudonym Marik-A.
  • Lyudmila Hart(32 years old) becomes a holiday organizer. Also known as a member of the “second” line-up of the ViRUS group! . From 2009 she made a solo career. Videos were shot for the songs “I Want to Forget You” and “It’s Raining Again.” Single, has a son, David.
  • Lina Tokareva(26 years old) in 2008, together with members of the main cast Maria Korneeva, Lana Timakova and Galina Trapeza, takes part in the game “One Hundred to One”. In 2009, she starred in the Velvet group’s video “Sorry.” In 2012 she became a member of the group Perestrelki.
  • Aida Evdokimova(30 years old) releases a solo video “You and Me” and tries herself as a member of the group “Chinchillas”. In 2012 she became a member of the group Perestrelki.

Further destinies Marina Marchenko, Marina Dmitricheva, Elena Mishina, Marina Belyakova, Olga Kurbatova, Natalia Rubtsova(29 years), Ekaterina Ovchinnikova(32 years old) and Deborah unknown.


Official lineups

The most popular formulations are highlighted in bold.

Period Compound
1. 04.1997 - 05.1998 Yulia Yu-Yu Dolgasheva (Beretta) Svetlana Gera Bobkina Maria Margo Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina Radio operator Kat Kravtsova Maria Myshka Solovyova Anastasia Stasya Rodina (Even) Liya Bykova
2. 05.1998-09.1998 Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Mouse" Solovyova
3. 09.1998-10.1999 Yulia "Yu-Yu" Dolgasheva (Beretta) Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova Maria "Mouse" Solovyova Anastasia "Stasya" Rodina (Even) Larisa "Fox" Batulina
4. 10.1999-01.2000 Yulia "Yu-Yu" Dolgasheva (Beretta) Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova Maria "Mouse" Solovyova Larisa "Fox" Batulina
5. 01.2000-04.2000 Yulia "Yu-Yu" Dolgasheva (Beretta) Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova Larisa "Fox" Batulina Marina "Mara" Marchenko
6. 04.2000-08.2000 Yulia "Yu-Yu" Dolgasheva (Beretta) Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova Larisa "Fox" Batulina Salome "Tori" Kitia (Rosiver)
7. 08.2000-09.2002 Yulia "Yu-Yu" Dolgasheva (Beretta) Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova Larisa "Fox" Batulina
8. 09.2002-10.2002 Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova Larisa "Fox" Batulina
9. 10.2002-12.2002 Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova Larisa "Fox" Batulina Lana "Lulu" Timakova
10. 12.2002-01.2003 Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Larisa "Fox" Batulina Lana "Lulu" Timakova Oksana "Gina" Ustinova Natalya Bochkareva (Deeva) Elena "Malaya" Mishina
11. 01.2002-02.2003 Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Larisa "Fox" Batulina Lana "Lulu" Timakova Oksana "Gina" Ustinova Natalya Bochkareva (Deeva)
12. 03.2003-09.2003 Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina Maria "Margo" Korneeva (Potapova) Larisa "Fox" Batulina Lana "Lulu" Timakova Oksana "Gina" Ustinova Natalya Bochkareva (Deeva) Galina "Gala" Trapezova
13. 09.2003-11.2003 Larisa "Fox" Batulina Lana "Lulu" Timakova Oksana "Gina" Ustinova Natalya Bochkareva (Deeva) Galina "Gala" Trapezova
14. 11.2003-12.2003 Larisa "Fox" Batulina Lana "Lulu" Timakova Oksana "Gina" Ustinova Natalya Bochkareva (Deeva) Galina "Gala" Trapezova Anastasia Bondareva (Kovalyova)
15. 12.2003-03.2005 Lana "Lulu" Timakova Oksana "Gina" Ustinova Natalya Bochkareva (Deeva) Galina "Gala" Trapezova Anastasia Bondareva-Kovalyova Nika Knight Anastasia Osipova
16. 03.2005-2006 Lana "Lulu" Timakova Oksana "Gina" Ustinova Natalya Bochkareva (Deeva) Anastasia Bondareva-Kovalyova Nika Knight Anastasia Osipova


Over the entire history of the team, 32 members have changed (18 members official compositions and 14 participants of the “second” lineups) and 16 official lineups. Group members in different years were:

Participant Period of stay in the group Total time spent in the group
(former members)
Yulia Dolgasheva (Beretta) 04.1997 - 09.2002 5 years 5 months Lana Timakova
Svetlana Bobkina 04.1997 - 09.2003 6 years 5 months Nika Knight
Maria Korneeva 04.1997 - 09/2003 6 years 5 months Anastasia Bondareva-Kovalyova
Ekaterina Kravtsova 04.1997 - 12.2002 5 years 8 months Elena Mishina
Maria Solovyova 04.1997 - 01.2000 2 years 9 months Sali Rossiver
Anastasia Rodina 04.1997 - 10.1999 2 years 7 months Marina Marchenko
Liya Bykova 04.1997 - 05.1998 1 year 1 month Larisa Batulina
Sali Rossiver 01.2000 - 08.2000 8 months Oksana Ustinova
Larisa Batulina 09.1998 - 12.2003 5 years 3 months Anastasia Osipova
Marina Marchenko 01.2000 - 04.2000 4 months Natalia Deeva
Lana Timakova 10.2002 - 2009 7 years
Elena Mishina 12.2002 - 01.2003 2 months Gala Trapezova
Natalia Deeva 12.2002 - 2006 4 years
Oksana Ustinova 12.2002 - 2006 4 years
Galina Trapezova 01.2003 - 2006 3 years

Margo (singer)

Margot. Maria Valerievna Korneeva (by her husband - Potapova), also known as Maria Bibilova. Born on October 6, 1976 in Moscow. Russian pop singer, member of the Strelki group.

Maria Korneeva, who became known under the creative pseudonym Margo, was born on October 6, 1976 in Moscow.

She graduated from the French Lyceum and is also fluent in English.

In childhood and adolescence, she was professionally involved in athletics.

She worked as a laboratory assistant at Moscow State University and taught students.

Graduated in 2002 State University Management majoring in management.

In 2005 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of MADI.

For a long time worked in the tourism sector.

WITH early years She was fond of music, her favorite performers were and.

Since 1997, she became a member of a popular Russian girl group "Arrows", in which she gained fame under the pseudonym Margot.

The decision to create a team was made in April 1997 by the Soyuz studio. Women's group created like the Spice Girls. The implementation of the project was entrusted to Igor Seliverstov, who recruited the team with the help of Leonid Velichkovsky and Vadim Fishman. During the casting at the Vysotnik cultural center in Ramenki, out of 4,000 girls, 7 were selected, the team members were: Maria Korneeva (“Margo”), (“Yu-Yu”), (“Gera”), Ekaterina Kravtsova (“Radio Operator Kat” ), Maria Solovyova (“Mouse”), Anastasia Rodina (“Stasya”) and Liya Bykova.

After some time, a performance took place at the Metelitsa club, where Strelki performed three songs: “Mommy”, “New Russian Girls” and “New Passion”. On November 29, 1997, the Muzoboz program released the group’s first video, “Mommy.”

As journalists noted, Margo looked the most serious of the “Strelok”.

In May 1998, a video for the song “Resort Romance” appeared on television, filmed in Cyprus. At the same time, a photo shoot of the group for PlayBoy magazine took place there. This clip was awarded at the Generation-98 festival in the category “Best Story”. In June 1998, a video for the song “First Teacher” was released.

In September 1998, the presentation of the single “Parties in Moscow” took place. The compact includes two songs: “At the Party” and “Moscow”. Immediately after this, filming took place for the song “Handsome” from the next album.

Margo (Maria Korneeva) in her youth

In November 1998, a video was recorded for the song “Happy New Year!” - Russian-language version of George Michael's composition.

At the beginning of January 1999, a video for a remix of the song “At the Party” was released. In the video, dancers also sang along with the group members. Next was the presentation of the video for the new song “You Left Me” and its premiere in the program “ Good morning». Main role Olga Maltseva (model from Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s agency) also played in the video. Soon the clip was banned from showing due to the propaganda of drugs, nudity, weapons in the frame and advertising of the Vinso Grand casino, where part of the clip was filmed, which is why the clip had to be re-edited. In the end it turned out new clip"You Left Me (Remix)." On May 28, 1999, this song received the title of “100-pound hit” from the radio station “Hit-FM”.

Arrows - You left me

On April 24, 1999, the first solo concert group “Strelki all roads”, and from fragments of the concert a video was edited for the song “Thorns and Roses”. At the Ovation Award, Strelki were recognized as the best pop group of 1998.

At the end of September 1999, a new video appeared on television - for the song “I’m Good.” The entire clip is animated, with the exception of the “Strelok” themselves. After some time, a video for the song “I’ll be back” is released - a joint work of “Strelok” and Igor Nikolaev.

Arrows - I'm good

On November 1, 1999, at the Metelitsa entertainment complex in Moscow, Strelki was presented new album"Thorns and Roses" The song “I'll be back” was sung in a duet with. The presentation of the new album also took place in the North Caucasus. The group became the only one to perform in a war zone.

On April 1, 2000, a video for the song “Boomerang” was released. This video was a continuation of last year’s hit “You Left Me.” It also starred actor Ivars Kalnins, the main female role Actress Ksenia Nazarova played in the video.

In the spring of 2000, Strelki received the second Ovation Award as the best pop group of the year.

In July 2000, a video for the song “Dislike” appeared. In the video, the girls appeared naked. The clip received the Golden Gramophone award.

In 2001, the group released a Megamix, created from the songs “Thorns and Roses”, “You Choose Yourself”, “Boomerang”, “You Left Me”, “Mommy”, “Handsome”, “At the Party”, “No Love” , “The Sun Behind the Mountain” and the songs “Make Me Love.” The album was supported by the video "Megamix".

On June 28, 2002, the fifth album “Love Me More” was released. It includes 14 compositions, among which there is a solo song by Maria Korneeva (“You are only mine”).

The Strelki group enjoyed wild popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The seven soloists were adored by the whole country. Not a single disco was complete without some song from a girl group. The artists worked together for about ten years. The group lost popularity in 2003-2006 due to frequent line-up changes.

Since 2004, Maria Korneeva has been a member of the duet "Bridge", in which she sang along with Svetlana Bobkina. But the duo broke up after the release of the first single “Top Secret”.

In August 2015, Strelki announced the reunion of the team with a golden lineup: Maria “Margo” Korneeva, Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova, Salome “Tori” Rossiver, Svetlana “Gera” Bobkina. According to the soloists themselves, they decided to reunite after participating in one of the “Disco 90s” festivals.

In May 2016, the “golden line-up” of the group presented a video clip for the new composition “Man in Love.” At the beginning of February 2017, Salome "Tori" Rossiver left the team and the group remained as a trio.

Maria Korneeva is developing her brand of costume jewelry.

Height of Margot (Maria Korneeva): 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Margo (Maria Korneeva):

Married. The husband, Alexey Potapov, a businessman, was one of the sponsors of the Strelki group. She dedicated the song “I Found My Happiness” to him, later renamed “You’re Only Mine.” They got married in August 2001.

In 2006 she gave birth to a son, Fedor.

In 2011, daughter Alice was born.

As the singer noted, the birth of children immersed her in everyday worries, which took a lot of energy. “A year after Alice was born, I realized that two children are not one at all. Moreover, such children of different ages with a difference of five years. A year later, I realized that I was living in hell: everyone needs something, they need different things, and no one gives anything in terms of emotions. The eldest is jealous, the youngest is constantly in her arms, her hands hurt, her back dries up. Then her husband comes, who also demands attention,” said Margot.

Fedor and Alisa - children of Margot (Maria Korneeva)

Loves books. Her favorite reading is mysticism.

Filmography of Margo (Maria Korneeva):

2006 - Game of Shindai episode (singing girl in the oligarch’s car)

Discography of Margo (Maria Korneeva) in the group “Strelki”:

1998 - Arrows go forward
1998 - Parties in Moscow (Single)
1998 - Happy New Year! (Single)
1999 - Everything is...
1999 - Gold
1999 - Thorns and Roses
2000 - Dislike (Single)
2000 - Arrows 2000
2001 - Strelki 2001 (Re-release)
2001 - MegaMix
2002 - Love me more
2016 - Sorry, goodbye, don't remember
2016 - Legendary songs

Video clips of Margot (Maria Korneeva) in the group “Strelki”:

1997 - “Mommy”
1998 - “At the Party”
1998 - “Resort Romance”
1998 - “The First Teacher”
1998 - “Moscow”
1998 - “Handsome”
1998 - “Happy New Year!”
1999 - “At the Party (Remix)”
1999 - “You left me”
1999 - “You Left Me (Remix)”
1999 - “Thorns and Roses”
1999 - “I’m good”
1999 - “No Love”
1999 - “I'll be back”
1999 - “Happy New Year! (Remix, new version)"
2000 - “Boomerang”
2000 - “Loveless”
2000 - “The Sun Behind the Mountain”
2001 - Megamix
2001 - “Forgive and Farewell”
2002 - “Twig Girl”
2003 - “Ugra Valley”
2016 - “A Man in Love”