The secret of the Iranian princess. Iranian Princess Anis Al Dolyah: biography, historical facts, details from life, photos

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At all times, the earth has been filled with all kinds of myths, and with the advent of the Internet in our lives, true and not so true stories instantly become known to the general public. You've probably already heard about the "incomparable Anis al-Dolyah", because of whom 13 young people took their own lives, and you've even seen her photo. What can you say about Melania Trump’s grandmother: are they similar to her supposed granddaughter or not?

website did some research and found out what's really behind some popular internet stories.

Myth #16: The Iranian Qajar princess was a symbol of beauty in the early 20th century. 13 young men committed suicide because she did not agree to become their wife

You've probably seen a photo of "Princess Qajar" or "Anis al-Dolyah" with such a caption. This woman doesn't fit into modern beauty standards even in Iran itself, but some people believe that things were very different more than 100 years ago.

There is some truth in this, but it is worth asking another question: did such a princess really exist? Yes and no. The woman in the tutu-like outfit was named Taj al-Dola, and she was the wife of Nasser ad-Din Shah of the Qajar dynasty.

There is an opinion that the photo does not real wife Shah, and the man is an actor, but this is probably nothing more than speculation, because Taj was a real historical figure.

And here is another “Qajar princess” (on the left), a photo of which you could also see with the same text about the symbol of beauty and 13 unfortunate young people. This lady was the daughter of Taj al-Dola and her name was Ismat al-Dola.

Of course, both mother and daughter were not fatal beauties who broke the hearts of numerous fans. If only because they lived in a Muslim country and hardly had the opportunity to communicate with strangers, much less choose a husband.

As for the woman on the right, her name was also Taj and she was Ismat al-Dol’s sister on her father’s side - he, like many eastern rulers, had more than one wife. Taj al-Saltaneh, also known as Zahra Khanum, went down in history as an artist, writer and the first feminist in Iran who was not afraid to take off her hijab, wear European clothes and divorce her husband.

Myth #15: Nikola Tesla worked as a swimming instructor

— Prof Jeff Cunningham (@cunninghamjeff) August 29, 2017

And this is what a real giant hornet looks like. The true size of the "tiger bee" is also impressive, but fortunately it is not as huge as its model, which we are incredibly happy about.

Myth #12: The whale that died from eating garbage

A photo that many took for image of a dead person whale with a lot of garbage in its stomach, is actually an installation created by Greenpeace Philippines to raise awareness about ocean pollution. But, unfortunately, this happens in reality, and not only whales suffer, and not only in the Pacific region, so we have something to think about.

Myth No. 11: “Ancient Astronaut” on the wall of the New Cathedral in Salamanca (Spain)

Where did the astronaut come from on the wall of the cathedral, built in the 16th century? It's simple: during the restoration in 1992, the artist Jeronimo Garcia decided to depict something unusual and carved a figurine in a spacesuit, and besides it, a faun holding an ice cream cone in his paw.

Myth No. 10: Description of a photograph of a wolf pack

This photo also “went to the people” with a description taken from someone’s head and not corresponding to reality. Allegedly, the first three wolves in the pack are the oldest and weakest, the five following them are the strongest, in the middle is the rest of the pack, another five strong animals close the group, and behind them all is the leader who controls the situation.

However, the author of the photo, Chadden Hunter, explains that the pack hunts bison in this way, and in front is not the three weakest animals, but the alpha female.

Myth No. 9: A she-wolf protects the male's throat in a fight.

You have probably seen this photo more than once with a touching caption that the she-wolf is “hiding”, pretending to be scared, while she herself protects the male’s throat, knowing that she will not be touched in a fight. Alas, this too is nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale.

A fairly popular photograph “without Photoshop” turned out to be the result of merging two different photographs. The sky was borrowed from the Dutch photographer Marieke Mandemaker and superimposed on a photo of the Crimean Bridge in Moscow.

Myth No. 7: "Heaven's Gate" photographed by the Hubble telescope

The “unusual photo that amazed scientists” turned out to be the work of graphic designer Adam Ferriss, which, however, was based on a real photo of the Omega Nebula (aka the Cygnus Nebula).

This is what the original photo looks like. By the way, this nebula can be observed in an amateur telescope - its shape resembles a ghostly swan floating across the sky.

Myth No. 6: In China they fake... cabbage

It seems that we have already become accustomed to the idea that in our time absolutely everything can be faked. And in fact, cabbage made from some liquid substance is very similar to the real thing. Is it really being sold to unsuspecting buyers? Not at all.

This “fake” cabbage, as well as other “products”, serves only as a dummy in food service outlets in China, Korea, Japan and some other countries.

Myth #5: There was no hotel room for Arnold Schwarzenegger, so he had to sleep on the street next to his own statue.

Before “Iron Arnie” had time to make a joke on his Instagram, sharing this photo with the meaningful caption “How times have changed,” it was immediately posted on another resource, where they made up a whole story about how the actor and former governor California was not allowed into the hotel and he had to sleep on the ground.

Of course, Schwarzenegger didn't spend the night on the street. And the photo was taken not near the hotel, but near the city conference center, opposite the entrance to which there is a statue depicting young Arnold in his best form.

Still, whatever you say, over the course of a century, ideas about beauty, especially oriental beauty, have changed terribly. The same concubines of the shahs a hundred and a little more years ago and now are simply heaven and earth. However, no one claims that one is beautiful and the other is not. Everyone definitely has their own tastes. Perhaps, before, a lady’s mustache really was not a rudiment, but a highlight...
ARD invites its readers to just take a look and feel the difference... As I said about this famous poet, and one famous Russian LiveJournal blogger quoted him: “The night marshmallow flows through the ether...”

Here are unique photographs of the harem of Shah Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, who ruled Iran from 1848 to 1895.

One of Shah Qajar's many passions was photography. He liked photography as a child, and when he came to power, he decided to create the first official photo studio in his palace. In the 1870s, Russian photographer Anton Sevryugin opened his studio in Tehran, who became the court photographer of the Iranian ruler. Sevryugin created a photo chronicle of Iran and was awarded an honorary title for his services.

A Russian photographer could photograph the Shah himself, his male relatives, courtiers and servants. And Qajar, an ardent admirer of photography, reserved the right to photograph his harem, in which, according to historians, he had about 100 concubines.

Completeness is the main criterion of beauty. It is known that Nasser ed-Din Shah printed the photographs himself in the palace laboratory and kept them in satin albums in his Golestan palace, where the museum is currently located.

The incomparable Anis al-Doleh - the beloved wife of the Shah (right).

The extraordinary nature of the photographs of his concubines lies in the fact that according to Shiite laws at that time it was prohibited to photograph people’s faces, and especially the faces of women. And only the most powerful man in the country could afford to break the law.

Anis al-Doleh or the Heartfelt Friend of the Power.

Looking at the photos of the ladies from the harem, you understand that they look quite modern for their time. Women are confident in front of the camera, calm, not timid or flirtatious.

The incomparable Anis al-Doleh (sitting).

Photographs of women challenge the generally accepted idea of ​​life in a harem - the Shah's wives look quite modern for that time and self-confident, they calmly look into the camera lens, without flirting or shyness.

The thin inhabitants of the harem did not suffer.

From the photographs one can judge the tastes of the Iranian monarch - all women in the body, with fused thick eyebrows and a clearly visible mustache. It is clearly seen that the women did not suffer from hunger and were not burdened with physical work. Experts say that Golestan’s collection even contains nude photos, but they are safely hidden.

Harem ladies in tutus.

And these are some modern oriental princesses and style icons.

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned (SheikhaMozahBintNasserAl- Missed)

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned. Photo:

Second wife of the former Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and mother of the current ruler, Sheikh Moza bint Nasser al-Misned received an excellent education, continuing it even after marriage. After becoming the first lady of Qatar, Moza continues to do charity work and promote the ideas of democracy. In addition to her large-scale public work, she is also a special envoy of UNESCO, has a number of government and international positions and even the title of Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Moza is considered a style icon. Photo:

Moza with enviable regularity finds herself on the list of the most stylishly dressed women in the world. She is a true style icon! Her collection of outfits is truly magnificent, and that is why she is often criticized by supporters of conservative Islam, saying that it is not appropriate for a woman to dress up in provocative clothes and wear a turban on her head instead of a traditional headscarf. Having recently celebrated her 55th birthday as a mother of seven (!) children, Sheikha Moza can truly boast perfect figure, all the charms of which she emphasizes with well-chosen clothes. Strict fitted jackets, closed dresses, loose high-waisted trousers.

Sheikha prefers black color. Photo:

Moza pays increased attention fashion trends. Being a co-owner of the Fashion House Valentino, she attends numerous shows, but the sheikh’s style is original and unique: she even remakes clothes from the lines of leading European fashion houses in accordance with traditional Muslim ideas about women’s clothing.

Rania Al-Abdullah

Queen of Jordan Rania al-Abdullah. Photo:

Rania- one of the most popular women Arab world. Wife of the King of Jordan Abdullah ibn al-Hussein al-Hashimi and mother of the heir to the throne, she became queen in 1999. Besides the Prince Hussein, Rania and Abdullah have three more children - Prince Hashim and two princess daughters Iman And Salma.

One of Queen Rania's main activities is the fight for the rights of women and children, as well as the supervision of the Jordan Foundation, a non-governmental organization that helps women take part in the economic life of the country and create new companies.

Rania skillfully combines classic style with ethnic motives. Photo:

The Queen's Western values ​​can be judged by her outfits. Rania's favorite clothes are jeans, shirts and high-heeled shoes, and at social events the queen appears in nothing less than the most elegant outfits from the best European couturiers. Rania's favorite designers - Giorgio Armani And Elie Saab. And this love is mutual: Armani recently called her the main muse of his life.

Lalla Salma (LallaSalma)

Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco. Photo:

With her future husband - the current monarch of Morocco Mohammed VI bin al-Hassan- Salma met when he was still the crown prince. In 2002, after the royal wedding, Salma received the title Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Salma. "Lalla" means a woman of high status, similar to the British "lady". Unfortunately, according to Moroccan law, Lalla Salma will never be able to become queen. Even the fact that she is - only wife the current ruler and mother of the heir to the throne.

The first lady's wardrobe includes an incredible number of outfits. Photo:

As befits a first lady, Lalla Salma, in addition to visiting various social events, is engaged in charity work, overseeing funds to fight diseases such as cancer, AIDS and HIV, not only in Morocco, but throughout Africa.

Wedding photograph of Princess Lalla Salma and Sheikh Mohammed VI bin al-Hassan. Photo:

Lalla Salma is famous throughout the Muslim world for her outfits: according to rumors, the wardrobe of the wife of the Moroccan ruler includes several hundred dresses embroidered with gold and real precious stones, the cost of which can be comparable to the cost of a quality car. Lalla's style is characterized by a combination of European classics and African ethnics, but in compliance with numerous regulations. Her dresses are distinguished by a loose cut, long hem, loose sleeves that completely cover the arms, and the absence of a deep neckline. Thanks to her unusual clothing style, Princess Lalla Salma has repeatedly been included in various rankings of the most stylishly dressed women of the Islamic world.

4. Amira al-Tawil (Ameera al-Taweel)

Princess Amira al-Tawil. Photo:

Princess Amira al-Tawil- another Cinderella: a girl from a simple middle-class family who became the wife of a prince, like Ilinka in the series “My Eastern Nights”.

Both Amira and her husband are very different liberal views. She advocates for women's rights: for the right to drive a car, get an education and work without necessary permission to this of a male relative - the so-called “guardian”.

Amira also refuses to wear an abaya - a long traditional Arab women's dress with sleeves, preferring slightly more closed versions of classic European evening dresses.

Amira knows how to be elegant and is not afraid bright colors in clothes. Photo:

Unlike many Arab nobles, she goes out in dresses middle length. She has an unrivaled sense of style that combines European chic with Islamic tradition. That is why Amira is already called a style icon: her outfit at the prince’s wedding William And Kate Middleton got on the list best images Events.

Fatima Kulsum Zohar Godabari

Queen of Saudi Arabia Fatima Kulthum Zohar Godabari. Photo:

Unlike Amira al-Tawil, Fatima- wife of the current king of Saudi Arabia Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud, so her appearance strictly regulated by Muslim norms. There is very little information about Fatima, all that is known is that she is one of the four wives of the head of Saudi Arabia, whom he keeps in own home. To understand how high a privilege this is, one must keep in mind that Abdullah married more than thirty times, but most of the monarch’s wives live away from his personal chambers.

Arab media call Fatima the most beautiful woman Muslim world - her huge green eyes and milky skin earned her the fame of the first beauty. Fatima became popular quite recently; the first photographs of her face appeared on the Internet on her personal Facebook and Twitter pages in January 2012. It was then that, according to rumors, she became the wife of King Abdullah. After this, the journalists were unable to obtain any new photographs of Fatima.

Fatima's style can be guessed even from a few photographs: the Queen of Saudi Arabia, of course, wears traditional national clothes and walks with her head covered. But that doesn’t stop her outfits from being interesting! The collection of King Abdullah's wife includes more than a dozen multi-colored silk versions of the burqa, decorated with intricate embroidery with various stones.

Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah: Wikipedia, biography, photos and other equally fascinating information.

Some details about the passion of the Shah, who revealed Anis al Dolah to the world and exciting life Iranian princess.

More recently, the Internet was shocked by extravagant photographs and extraordinary information regarding the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah. Its current popularity is associated with the personality of the Shah of Iran, who ruled for 47 years. The famous Neser Karzhar stood out for his unimaginably eccentric and intricate tastes and preferences in choosing his companions.

His hobby, photography, was just as unusual. Nowadays, this profession is dear to the hearts of many inhabitants of the planet and is not something strange or forbidden, but as we know, times change. In the second half of the 19th century, the art of photography was not as accessible as it is today and suffered many restrictions, starting with technical capabilities that were developed at a level incomparable to today and moral restrictions, which in some cases were of a legislative nature.

In those days, no one could photograph women, especially with their faces exposed. This pattern stemmed from centuries-old traditions and religious orientation. As always, there is a “but”... Such prohibitions, according to some sources, did not apply to the great Shah who had a huge harem. The favorite flower of the harem, muse and inspiration was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah.

After the “release” of extraordinary photos and even more significant characteristics of the prettiness of oriental beauty of that time, at the present moment, Anis al Dolyah herself is acting as a lightning bolt in ideas about beauty.

For us, a generation that has unlimited access to any information on the Internet, it has long been no secret that beauty ideals change over time, and some of them change very significantly. But the probable requirements for the splendor of the women of the harem, including Iranian princess Anis al Dolah, absolutely discouraging. According to some reports, men in those days preferred women quite curvaceous. Sometimes, in order to get close to the desired figure, girls were specially forced to drink a large number of food, lead a sedentary lifestyle. Another specific feature of beauty was the fused eyebrows and the main highlight - the mustache. Whatever the significance of all this, it could have an irreversible impact on women’s health.

Having analyzed the appearance of Princess Anis al Dolyakh, you involuntarily notice specific tastes in clothing. The photographs show a skirt whose length was significantly short for the customs of the time. Also, its design resembles a pack.

Certain sources indicate some love of the Shah for ballet, which he first saw in St. Petersburg. Apparently, the dance impressed him so much that he decided to sew skirts for his wives in the shape of a tutu, creating a shocking twist.

Along with the shocking appearance of Princess Anis al Dolyah, no less extraordinary information about the Shah's theater troupe has leaked online. There are suggestions that the photographs depict not wives, but actors of the first theater created by Shah Nasreddin, who was a great and faithful admirer European culture. This troupe played in small (in-house) circles for the nobility and courtiers. The organizer and manager of this theater was Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, who today is regarded as the progenitor and founder of modern Iranian theater. This is explained by the fact that until 1917 women were prohibited from playing on stage and their roles went to men.

Recently, incredible “beauty” has amazed the Internet. Photos of an Iranian princess named Anis al Dolyah have appeared on the Internet. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with their faces open, and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has reached our days.

Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar ruled for 47 years - from September 17, 1848 and died at the hands of an assassin at the age of 64. He had a huge harem of women, and the best of them was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah.

The Shah himself loved photography and always photographed his wives in the harem.

It must be said that in that century Anis al Dolyah was the ideal of beauty. Back then, men loved fat women with fused eyebrows and mustaches. In order for them to gain weight, they were forced to constantly eat and barely move.

Anis al Dolah had almost 150 ardent fans who lusted after her. It is noteworthy that many of them went crazy and committed suicide from the irresistible beauty of the princess.

By the way, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar also visited Russia. In St. Petersburg he saw ballet for the first time. He really liked this type of art. The dance impressed the Shah so much that upon returning to his homeland, he ordered skirts similar to tutus to be sewn for his wives. After his visit to Russia, the wives of the shocking Shah began to wear only such skirts.

Beauty ideals change every year, and another proof of this is photographs of the harem of the Iranian Shah Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar.

Nasser Qajar was fond of photography and photographed his wives with open faces. And, as it turned out, in those days there were completely different ideas about beauty.

Shah Nasser Qajar ruled Iran at the end of the 19th century, or more precisely, from 1848 to 1896. In those days it was forbidden to photograph wives with their faces uncovered. Apparently, the Shah was not afraid to violate prohibitions. And thanks to his passion for photography, we can now see what the women from his harem looked like.

In our minds, the harem could include beauties with feminine figures and delicate facial features. But photographs from the harem of Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar refute these ideas. As it turned out, the ideals of beauty in Asia then differed significantly from modern ones. The photo of the Shah shows his beloved fourth wife, Princess Anis Al Dolyah.

And although Princess Anis Al Dolyah did not become famous for anything special, many Internet users know her name. And all because of her unusual modern society beauty. People started talking about this woman after her pictures were published on the Internet.

Judging by the photographs of the Shah’s beloved wife, Princess Anis Al Dolyah, then women with large, corpulent figures were considered beautiful. In addition, women with fused eyebrows and mustaches were considered beauties.

By the way, so that women would quickly become fat, they were forbidden to move unnecessarily in harems. Once in the harem, they had to sit in one place almost all the time, while eating a lot of sweets.