Add purple ones. What will you need for this? How to Mix Colors to Create Vibrant Shades of Purple

As children, we loved to experiment, creating original images in the process of drawing, painting them in unusual colors that we did not have in our palette. At the same time, many did not think about the combination of which colors produced this or that shade. In fact, there are a lot of options, the main thing is to know which tones need to be mixed to achieve the desired result. Let's find out how to get purple.

Even if we assume that to obtain purple we need red and blue tones, then by mixing them we will not achieve the desired result. The end result is a bit dirty grey colour, which in some cases resembles purple and in others red.

All this is due to the fact that red color predominates over blue, which is why it appears to a greater extent when mixed. If in blue paint add red or green, then blue will dominate. As a result, you will not get the desired purple tint.

What to do in such a situation, with which mix to achieve the desired color?

Tip: before the mixing process, make sure that the paint does not have additional color additives - it must be clean, without foreign impurities. If it works purple tone With gray tint, as previously indicated, the reason lies in low-quality paints, even if they look clean.

To determine whether you are using high-quality paint or not, we recommend using white. On a sheet of white paper, apply drops of red and blue paint separately. Add a drop of white on top. If red turns red and blue turns turquoise, then the paint is of poor quality, since pink and blue should be derivatives of red and blue.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Don’t be afraid to experiment, because sometimes even from a combination of standard and primitive colors you can achieve an incredible shade. For example, you can get a beautiful purple tone thanks to yellow, brown, red and blue colors. You can replace brown with black. The main thing is to maintain the correct proportion.

Combining various options shades of the original tones, we can obtain purple color of varying saturation. It should be noted that red should have a cooler shade, since a warm color is more reminiscent of orange, so the result may be brown.

A large amount of blue paint will result in a darker color. purple tint, close to purple.

This is far from the only option with which you can get a really beautiful purple color. Alternatively, to achieve the result, you can mix blue, raspberry and turquoise colors, etc.

First, it’s worth figuring out what color purple is. If you ask people whose field of activity is far from working with color, you can get different answers. For example, some believe it is a shade of red. Many people believe that lilac is violet. Perhaps we can agree with this. Lilac really belongs to However, unlike this color in its pure form, it is somewhat lighter and a little warmer, and has hints of pink. Lilac color is considered more natural than violet - it is used to color violet and lilac flowers.

Origin of the word

Where does the word "lilac" come from? This color designation is relatively new in the Russian language and has a rich and controversial history. The word comes from French, where lilas means lilac and its color. But it came to French from the Arabs, where it meant a completely different plant - indigo. Its flowers are indeed purple, with a pinkish tint, but they are much darker and bluer.

Interestingly, the dye obtained from it has The beginning of this chain of borrowings can be found in India, where nilas means “dark blue”. As you can see, both the very sound of the word and the color it denotes are completely different from what is now in Russian and French. But this often happens with words.

All this, of course, is informative, but it is unlikely to help you understand how to get lilac color. The method for obtaining this color will depend on what material you need to use. WITH different types paints need to be worked differently, and when selecting colors on a computer, completely different manipulations will be carried out.

Gouache and oil

How to get purple color when mixing paints? It is formed on the basis of violet. To get purple paint, you can mix red and blue. Since lilac is lighter, you will need to add white. You need to take about the same amount of them as the resulting purple paint. If the desired shade is even lighter, closer to lilac, more white will be needed.

Using gouache, you can immediately take purple paint. It should be taken into account that purple can be different - in sets and separately on sale there are paints “Violet K”, which has a more reddish tint, and “Violet C”, which has a slight blue tint. Therefore, you should carefully select the purple paint and, if necessary, adjust the shade by adding red or blue, and only then add white.

There is another algorithm for obtaining purple. In a bowl for mixing paints, you must first mix pink and blue colors, mixing blue and red paint in half with white paint. After that, you need to mix them with each other, and you get purple. Work with oil paints almost completely coincides with the method described above.

For large surfaces

But not only artists use oil paints. If lilac is the color of the interior, then you can get it in a completely different way. The range of shades in hardware stores is not so wide, so you can contact a specialized store. There you can pick up desired color using a color catalog. The paint is mixed in special machines, so there is enough of it to paint surfaces.


In general, the method for obtaining purple color is similar to the previous ones, but there is an important nuance. When painting with watercolors, white is used extremely rarely. Their role is played by water, which makes the paint more transparent. Therefore, to obtain a purple color, as already mentioned, you do not need whitewash. It is enough to take blue and red colors, mix them and dilute them with water to the desired shade.

True, many watercolor sets already contain purple paint, and you can use it. If you want to make the purple color closer to red or blue, you can add a little red or blue paint to the purple. After this, you must remember to add enough water.

On the computer

Of course, selecting the desired shade on a computer will differ from the process of mixing paints. How to do this depends on what shade is needed - approximate or exact. If you need purple, then you can rely on your taste. Then the algorithm is very simple. Just place the pipette on color circle and choose the color you want. Then the square on the taskbar that shows the selected color will turn purple.

If it is important to strictly convey a specific shade, then accuracy cannot be done without numbers. When choosing a font or background color on the site, its designation is entered using letters and numbers. And when selecting colors in Photoshop and other similar graphic editors, you need to specify several data. In RGB mode, color is set by adding the red, blue and green light from the screen. You need to set the required numbers for each color. Red and blue will be used, and since purple is a fairly light color, their intensity will be high.

CMYK mode is designed for printing, so it simulates the addition of colors in this process. Although it can be called not addition, but subtraction. The more colors overlap each other, the darker the color. And the colors used are slightly different - crimson, blue and yellow. In lilac, raspberry and partly blue will predominate, and in order for the color to be light, a little intensity is needed. You can also use a color catalog on your computer.

Have you ever thought about how professional artists work with various colors while creating paintings? Do they really stock up on every possible shade of color for their work? Of course not. As a rule, they have several basic colors and with the help of an entertaining science - coloristics - they get hundreds of desired shades.

Purple in the color palette

This article is dedicated to the color purple, the very last color in the rainbow.

It is not basic in the palette. The main colors are blue, yellow and red. What does it mean? By mixing them you can get a huge variety of colors and shades. It is worth mentioning two more colors. It's black and white. They cannot be obtained by mixing. So in essence, artists use five colors when creating their magnificent masterpieces - that's three basic colors plus black and white.

A little history

The color violet (also known as purple) is considered a cool and deep tone.

Its history is interesting and shrouded in mystery. Purple has always been considered a mystical and “royal” color.

In Byzantium, purple was called blattion and was considered imperial. Purple was very often used in stained glass windows in cathedrals in medieval times. Purple smalts can be found in Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna.

In Rus', the color purple was called yubagr. And in England in the second half of the 16th century, only members of the royal family or reigning persons had the right to wear clothes made of purple fabrics.

The color purple also has a special meaning in Christianity. It represents the seventh day of the creation of light and is considered a day of rest. This is the spiritual meaning of this color.

Among Catholic Christians, the traditional clothing of clergy is the cassock - this is a split dress to the floor. This purple robe can only be worn by bishops; it is prohibited for ordinary clergy.

How to get purple? The easiest way

Coloristics is a very entertaining and interesting science. All children love to watch how, with the wave of a magic wand, two or three colors form a completely different, fourth one. It really looks like mysticism.

For example, in order to get Brown color, on the palette you need to mix blue, red and yellow.

To obtain orange - red and yellow, green - yellow and blue.

But how do you get purple? You only need to mix two colors - red and blue.

The depth and brightness of the resulting purple will depend on a number of indicators:

  • tones of original colors;
  • quantities of one or another paint, their proportion.

How to get different shades of purple?

But artists are not content with just one shade of purple when painting their paintings. It would then not be art, not magic. Yes, they can create dozens of different tones of this mysterious color.

How to get dark purple color?

There are two ways.

  1. Add a few drops of black to the red color.
  2. Mix red and blue, adding more of the latter, and also adjust the intensity by adding black. The result will be a very dark, muted, but violet color.

How to get a purple tint?

When mixing red and blue paints, you need to add more red. If the proportion is greater of blue color, then the purple will be brighter and more pronounced.

How to get a light purple shade?

You need to mix pink and blue paints on the palette.

How can I make the resulting color lighter?

In this case, you just need to add white to the mixture.

Features of working with gouache and watercolor

The above methods are ideal if you are wondering: “How to get purple color with gouache?” This type of paint is thick and well pigmented; the artist will have no problems adjusting the color intensity. But there is one pitfall that you should not forget about: when drying, gouache becomes lighter by several tones. This is always worth remembering when getting the desired purple shade.

In some ways it’s easier, but in some ways it’s more difficult to work with watercolors. It does not have such a rich texture as the same gouache. How to get purple paint color and desired shades using watercolor?

The working methods are absolutely the same. But if there is no white, then the pallor or saturation of the desired shade must be adjusted using water (by diluting the paint with it). And, of course, it is completely clear that you cannot achieve the same color saturation from watercolors as from gouache.

Methods for dyeing mastic purple

Confectioners preparing their own delicious masterpieces mastic is very often colored. And just like artists, they do not necessarily have all the shades and colors of dyes in their arsenal. To answer the question: “How to get the purple color of mastic?”, you need to determine how this delicious “plasticine” fell into the hands of the master?

If the mastic is homemade, then there is nothing easier than adding two dyes - blue and red - to the still liquid mass during its preparation. They can be either dry or gel.

If the mastic is purchased and white, then the easiest way would be to first paint two balls in different colors- Red and blue. And only after that mix them in different proportions, ultimately obtaining the desired shade.

The effect of purple color on humans

There is such a science - chromotherapy. She studies the effects of different colors on the human condition. So, purple has a very beneficial effect on almost all organs and senses.

  1. Promotes more rapid production of invaluable hormones of joy - endorphins.
  2. Rejuvenates.
  3. Has a calming effect on insomnia and migraines.
  4. It has a tonic effect on the pituitary gland and eyes.
  5. Increases immunity.

But you need to use this color wisely, without overloading your space with it. In excess, the color violet can lead to melancholy.

Now you know how to get purple. You know how it affects the human body and you can successfully apply the knowledge gained in practice, be it color treatment or creating a confectionery or artistic masterpiece. So multifaceted, from soft purple to almost black, this color personifies everything sensual, mysterious and enigmatic.

An interesting purple color attracts the eye and simply beckons with its spontaneity and magical radiance. Deep purple has always been considered a mystical symbol and an attribute of various rituals. Today we would like to talk about how to get purple color, if you need, for example, to repaint the walls or your own hair. A portion of violet is also present in the blue shade of the eyes. You can find an article on the topic: “” on our website.

How to get purple paint color

We also know from school drawing courses that getting purple is a simple matter of mixing tones. The depth and brightness of the purple color depends on the amount of a particular pigment in it. For example, if you need a softer purple color that fades into soft lilac, then there should not be much blue in this color. And vice versa, if you are achieving a deep purple, a real mystical color, then you need to add more blue. In any case, it is worth mixing the paints in small portions, so that, if possible, add one or another tone until you get the purple you need.

Getting purple hair color

Many girls who want to stand out from the crowd and express themselves wonder: how to get purple color hair and how to preserve it for a long time. The answer is very simple - choose a hair dye good quality the tone you need and go ahead. However, there is a small nuance here - before dyeing it in an extreme color, you need to lighten your hair, then after dyeing it purple you will get exactly the tone that is shown on the package. To maintain color after painting, you need to use gentle shampoos. Another tip for those who decide to choose a bright, extreme hair color - after dyeing, it is recommended to laminate the hair, so the color will last longer and not fade for a couple of months. It is very important that the tone you choose is in harmony with your eye color. Most often, this shade suits brown-eyed people. Answer the question " ?" The corresponding article on our website will help you.

Decorating walls in a house or apartment is impossible without a creative approach. Ready-made paint shades do not always satisfy personal or customer requirements, so it is important to know which colors and in what proportions to mix to get purple. Purple can be adjusted by introducing light shades. The article discusses ways to obtain purple by mixing paints

Making purple from magenta, blue or cyan

The color spectrum perceived by the human eye and brain is made up of three colors. Shades are formed by mixing red, blue and yellow. The effect of color saturation depends on the amount of one of the three shades. This information provides an understanding that one color is produced by different variations of primary colors. You can get a rich purple from magenta. Magenta is a rich light pink color and absorbs green tones well. After absorption, the visible spectrum remains red and blue. When a portion of blue is added to magenta, green and red are absorbed, leaving violet in the visible spectrum. The effect is explained by the color receptors receiving a strong signal from blue and a weak signal from red. The brain, combining signals, perceives them as purple.

Advice! The brain perceives violet when cyanogen is added to magenta. Cyan covers the spectrum of red, leaving a bright violet to be perceived.

A five-color printer will help in mixing shades. One of the subtractive colors in it is magenta. A drawing or figure created in graphic editor, it will not be difficult to print. A sample is required to purchase magenta paint. The store makes a small dab of paint next to the sample for comparison. It is impossible to obtain magenta by mixing shades, since the color belongs to the main spectrum. The result of adding yellow to magenta in varying proportions is a red and orange tint. When cyanide is added, not only violet is formed, but also bright blue. The saturation of violet is varied by adding blue and cyan without a greenish tint to the mix.

Making purple from pure red and blue

You can achieve a violet shade without using magenta. The result will be in the presence of pure blue and red colors. Determining their purity is important because manufacturers add yellow and orange pigments to tubes of red paint to create a rich tone. The blue paint container contains yellow and red pigments. Mixing containers with flowers that are not pure will result in a dirty brown color. You can check the purity of color using white. To do this, blue or red is diluted in a glass of water. IN water solution white is added. Shades are visible upon diffusion various colors. If peach is visible in the case of red and color sea ​​wave in the case of blue, the colors are impure.

Note! Pure red when mixed with white forms pink, pure blue - cyan.

It is convenient to mix pure colors on the palette. An equal amount of red and blue is poured into the cells, which are mixed with a brush. If the target is purple, then the blue portion should be smaller. An extra dose of red will create a purple with a pink tint.

How to correct the resulting purple color

The color result is adjusted until the desired shade is obtained. You can use black white, dark blue, light blue and pink for this. You can lighten the mixture with white. In this case, the method of obtaining the result is unimportant. A small amount of white added to purple makes it brighter. By increasing the white content, pastel colors are formed. Black adds depth to purple. The substance is added gradually, in small doses, so as not to turn the main shade black. It will not be possible to correct the result with white, because adding white will result in gray.

With the right combination of white and black along with purple, a lavender color with a gray sheen is formed. For the predominance of pink, red or magenta is added. You can adjust the color to purple using blue and cyan. A purple shimmer is formed when paired with blue or cyan.

To ensure the purity of the resulting shade, when working with substances, clean containers and tools are required to collect the composition. The instruments are washed several times, since residues of components are not always visible against a dark background. If white remains, the color will not be saturated, black will blur the result. Understanding consistency and ratio comes with experience, so at first the composition of substances is done gradually so that you don’t have to start again. On the palette, a substance may have one reflection, and on the canvas another, so after mixing, part of the composition is applied to the edge of the canvas to compare the result. Mixing the components until the required shade is formed is required not only by artists, but also, for example, by confectioners.

The absorption effect may interfere with the results, so add components with caution. Lilac belongs to the cold spectrum, so it is obtained by correcting violet with blue and red. Accompanying the correction with white, the composition is saturated. Lilac can set off one of the components used for correction; this can be compensated for by rich black, added splashes from the brush.

Shades of purple: palette, color names

By experimenting with substances you can obtain all 196 elements of the Panton palette. As a result, one substance becomes bright, dull, saturated, purple, with a hint of gray, purple, bluish, with a pink tint and others. Pastel shades fade into rich dark. The names of each of them are shown in the diagram above.

Color Mixing Chart

Above is a table for making each of the pigments shown on the left. Fashion encourages the use of non-standard pigments in the production of clothing, accessories and furniture. Understanding the principle of the formation of shades will make it possible to convey the full depth of mood in a painting or photograph. The artist achieves the result by expressing the mood by mixing components. Chromatic substances are located nearby in the palette, on long distance there are achromatic components. Mixing achromatic pigments adds a grayish sheen to the result. There is a video below about how to obtain the required shade.

The use of pigments will not give the desired result if they differ chemical composition. Pigment components can react, which can lead to fading of the composition during the mixing process. An example of this is the interaction of red cinnabar and white lead. The short-term result will be a bright pink substance. When left to stand, the substance darkens and loses its properties. Oil formulations mixed with oils. Sensitivity to solvents is taken into account when treating surfaces. Mixing experiments can be conveniently carried out with acrylic paints. This is explained by their versatility. Acrylic compositions are applied and fixed to glass, concrete, canvas and paper, so it is easy to paint any surface with them. At the same time, to implement the idea you will need several colors, among which there will definitely be white and black for adjustment.

Note! It is more difficult to obtain the required result when working with large volumes of substances, so the ratio is calculated mathematically and verified practically, starting with drops.


As you can see, in most cases it is not necessary to purchase the entire range of coloring compositions to create unique paintings or interiors. Imagination and understanding of how some tones absorb others will make it possible to create exclusive solutions that will be difficult to repeat. After creating a masterpiece, even the author himself often finds it difficult to repeat the result obtained when mixing the components. A sense of proportion is important. The task of mixing components will be simplified by tools with printed scales. Thanks to the scales, you can make records of which component was mixed and in what proportions.